FAQ - Zoom Developer Forum
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Help us work to make it a great place for discussion by providing helpful and meaningful contributions, however small.</p> <p>Be respectful, even when you disagree.<br> We expect (in fact, we hope!) that developers will come to this forum with different opinions and perspectives. Even if you disagree with someone, please refrain from name-calling or responding in a derogatory manner. Always think before you post, and avoid knee-jerk contradiction, or responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content.</p> <p><a name="flag"></a></p> <h2><a name="if-you-see-a-problem-flag-itflag-3" class="anchor" href="#if-you-see-a-problem-flag-itflag-3"></a><a href="#flag">If you see a problem, flag it.</a></h2> <p>This community has moderators who will be working diligently to help ensure a safe, friendly environment. While moderators don’t preview new posts (and take no responsibility, together with the site operators, for content posted by the community), they reserve the right to remove any content and any user account at any time and for any reason.</p> <p>We also ask for your help to maintain our community by flagging posts that violate these Community Guidelines or Zoom’s other terms or policies.</p> <p><a name="profesesional"></a></p> <h2><a name="maintain-professionalismprofesesional-4" class="anchor" href="#maintain-professionalismprofesesional-4"></a><a href="#profesesional">Maintain professionalism.</a></h2> <p>This is a public forum, and search engines index these discussions. Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, obscene / sexually explicit, abusive, or hate speech. All posts must comply with Zoom’s <a href="">Community Standards</a>.</p> <p><a name="tidy"></a></p> <h2><a name="keep-it-tidytidy-5" class="anchor" href="#keep-it-tidytidy-5"></a><a href="#tidy">Keep it tidy.</a></h2> <p>Make the effort to post in the right place to ensure discussions are useful to as many people as possible. To that end:</p> <ul> <li>Before starting a discussion, search to ensure that your same discussion has not already been started.</li> <li>Start a topic in the category that most closely relates to your topic (and don’t cross-post the same thing in multiple topics).</li> </ul> <p>We also encourage contributors to observe a few conventions that make conversations easier to follow. Specifically:</p> <ul> <li>Use the Like button to indicate your agreement (rather than posting “+1” or “Agreed”).</li> <li>Use the ‘Reply as a Linked Topic’ function for posts that take an existing topic in a radically different direction.</li> <li>Since every post you make has your profile information attached to it, avoid cluttering your posts by signing your name.</li> </ul> <p><a name="privacy-IP"></a></p> <h2><a name="respect-others-privacy-and-intellectual-propertyprivacy-ip-6" class="anchor" href="#respect-others-privacy-and-intellectual-propertyprivacy-ip-6"></a><a href="#privacy-IP">Respect others’ Privacy and Intellectual Property.</a></h2> <p>For the protection and safety of other users, you may not share personally identifiable information (including email addresses, phone numbers, and mailing addresses, for example) on this public forum.</p> <p>You may not post any software, video, audio, images, or other content that belongs to someone else without their permission (this includes links to or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property).</p> <p><a name="tos"></a></p> <h2><a name="dont-break-the-law-or-violate-our-terms-of-servicetos-7" class="anchor" href="#dont-break-the-law-or-violate-our-terms-of-servicetos-7"></a><a href="#tos">Don’t break the law or violate our Terms of Service.</a></h2> <p>The Zoom <a href="">Terms of Service</a> more fully describes your rights and obligations related to content, privacy, and applicable laws. 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