Funding and Awards | Department of Asian Studies
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19.48L69.5656 17.492ZM86.1493 15.392C86.1493 11.276 83.0693 8.448 79.1213 8.448C75.1453 8.448 72.0653 11.276 72.0653 15.392C72.0653 19.536 75.1453 22.308 79.1213 22.308C83.0693 22.308 86.1493 19.536 86.1493 15.392ZM83.4333 15.308C83.4333 17.94 81.7813 20.012 79.1213 20.012C76.4333 20.012 74.7813 17.94 74.7813 15.308C74.7813 12.704 76.4333 10.632 79.1213 10.632C81.7813 10.632 83.4333 12.704 83.4333 15.308ZM91.7574 2.68H89.0974V22H91.7574V2.68ZM98.4019 2.68H95.7419V22H98.4019V2.68ZM114.398 14.804C114.398 11.08 111.794 8.448 108.098 8.448C104.402 8.448 101.35 11.136 101.35 15.336C101.35 19.564 104.066 22.308 108.014 22.308C111.99 22.308 113.698 20.348 113.866 20.208L112.746 18.668C112.438 18.864 110.842 20.208 108.35 20.208C105.886 20.208 104.206 18.612 104.066 15.98H114.314C114.314 15.98 114.398 15.308 114.398 14.804ZM104.094 14.188C104.178 12.592 105.354 10.38 108.014 10.38C110.702 10.38 111.822 12.704 111.85 14.188H104.094ZM129.947 8.7H127.287L127.315 10.8H127.231C126.447 9.568 124.907 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14.188C135.596 12.592 136.772 10.38 139.432 10.38C142.12 10.38 143.24 12.704 143.268 14.188H135.512ZM167.251 15.392C167.251 11.276 164.171 8.448 160.223 8.448C156.247 8.448 153.167 11.276 153.167 15.392C153.167 19.536 156.247 22.308 160.223 22.308C164.171 22.308 167.251 19.536 167.251 15.392ZM164.535 15.308C164.535 17.94 162.883 20.012 160.223 20.012C157.535 20.012 155.883 17.94 155.883 15.308C155.883 12.704 157.535 10.632 160.223 10.632C162.883 10.632 164.535 12.704 164.535 15.308ZM176.947 2.68C176.947 2.68 176.191 2.372 174.651 2.372C173.111 2.372 172.047 3.1 171.459 3.828C170.899 4.528 170.563 5.648 170.563 7.384V8.728H168.659V10.884H170.563V22H173.223V10.884H176.387V8.728H173.223V7.244C173.223 5.732 173.503 4.416 175.267 4.416C176.023 4.416 176.779 4.668 176.779 4.668L176.947 2.68Z" fill="#DFDFDF"/> <path d="M97.32 57.5837L91.5406 51.5835C92.9027 50.2215 95.6904 47.5459 96.2799 45.9146H90.8479C90.3034 47.097 89.8545 47.5459 88.3749 48.2337L85.0251 44.4421C87.4914 43.1169 89.8105 40.8714 89.8105 37.9265C89.8105 33.9877 86.3503 31.9999 82.301 31.9999C78.215 31.9999 74.4971 33.9877 74.4971 38.0738C74.4971 40.5401 75.8959 42.1966 77.1107 43.5587C73.8345 44.9575 71 47.203 71 50.8473C71 55.8904 75.1965 58.3199 79.9083 58.3199C83.2213 58.3199 85.4668 57.2524 88.0436 55.1542L90.5467 57.8782H97.32V57.5837ZM84.8042 38.1106C84.8042 39.7303 83.1109 40.7978 82.0065 41.4972L81.1599 40.577C80.755 40.0984 79.9451 39.2886 79.9451 38.1842C79.9451 36.7854 80.939 35.9387 82.4115 35.9387C83.8471 35.9387 84.8042 36.7118 84.8042 38.1106ZM84.8778 51.8044C83.9207 52.8719 82.1906 53.9394 80.3132 53.9394C78.399 53.9394 76.7425 52.651 76.7425 50.6632C76.7425 48.7122 78.2518 47.6815 79.4298 47.0189L80.166 46.614L84.8778 51.8044Z" fill="white"/> </symbol> <clipPath width="33" height="33" viewBox="0 0 33 33" fill="none" xmlns="" id="checklist"> <path d="M27.2601 3.09375H22.6875V2.0625C22.6875 1.789 22.5789 1.52669 22.3855 1.3333C22.1921 1.1399 21.9298 1.03125 21.6562 1.03125H11.3438C11.0702 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id="the-tina-han-su-cooper-class-of-039-66-award"> <h2 class="pageSection__heading sectionTitle"> The Tina Han Su Cooper Class of '66 Award </h2> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--formatted-text-block paragraph--view-mode--default"> <p><strong>Deadline: March 28th</strong></p><h3><strong>What is it?</strong></h3><p>The Tina Han Su Cooper '66 Award honors an outstanding undergraduate engaged in the study of Chinese cultural areas. It recognizes student achievement and supports the awardee's longer-term intellectual development including possible preparation for graduate school. The award may be used for the following purposes:</p><ul><li>summer intensive Chinese language study at the advanced-intermediate or advanced level (in the U.S. or overseas);</li><li>summer or winter research leading to a senior thesis;</li><li>summer coursework related to Chinese cultural areas at another university.</li></ul><p>At the end of the award period recipients must submit a 3-5 page report summarizing the activities supported by the award and how these have contributed to their academic and professional goals. </p><p>This award is founded in memory of Tina Han Su Cooper, who graduated from the College of Arts and Sciences in June 1966 with distinction in all subjects, having majored in Far Eastern Studies. Tina was born in China during the Second World War; she pursued Far Eastern Studies at Cornell to understand her Chinese heritage more comprehensively. She spent her junior semester abroad at the London School of Economics. After her baccalaureate degree, she pursued her interest in Chinese culture at Harvard University, where she received a master's degree with honors in Far Eastern Studies. Tina Han Su Cooper's intellectual journey offers inspiration to a new generation of students at Cornell.</p><h3><strong>Who can apply?</strong></h3><p>Eligible student applicants :</p><ul><li>Second- or third-year students at Cornell;</li><li>who have already demonstrated a significant interest in the study of Chinese cultural areas through at least one course taken in Cornell's Department of Asian Studies.</li></ul><p>Applicants for the award need not be Asian Studies majors or minors.</p><h3><strong>When is the deadline?</strong></h3><p>March 28th</p><h3><strong>How do I apply?</strong></h3><p>Submit to <a href=""></a> as a single PDF, including:</p><ul><li><a href="">Application Form</a>;</li><li>permission for Asian Studies to access your transcript;</li><li>a 2-4 page proposal addressing the eligibility criteria and containing a detailed project timeline and budget;</li><li>minimum of one, maximum of two, recommendation letters from Asian Studies faculty working in areas related to China studies.</li></ul><p>For inquiries, contact the <a href="">Asian Studies' Director of Undergraduate Studies</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="paragraph pageSection bob paragraph--type--page-section paragraph--view-mode--default" id="study-research-and-service-travel-grants"> <h2 class="pageSection__heading sectionTitle"> Study, Research, and Service Travel Grants </h2> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--formatted-text-block paragraph--view-mode--default"> <p class="notice"><em>This travel grant award program is subject to Cornell's current travel policies.</em></p><p><strong>Deadline: </strong>March 28th.</p><h3><strong>What is it?</strong></h3><p>The Asian Studies Study, Research, and Service Travel Grant provides funding for travel and living expenses for the study, service, or research, in an Asian country.</p><ul><li>Students receiving grants are responsible for managing all aspects of their trip including:<ul><li>making their own travel itinerary</li><li>arranging travel and accommodations</li><li>managing their own budgets</li></ul></li><li>At the end of the travel recipients must provide documentation of travel and submit a 3-5-page report summarizing the language and cultural experiences. </li></ul><h3><strong>Who can apply?</strong></h3><ul><li>Applicants may be from any college or major; their proposed project must relate to their area of study.</li><li>Applicants should have a strong cumulative GPA, a well-articulated project, and submit an appropriate budget. </li><li>Priority will be given to students who<ul><li>have completed 2 years of language work in the relevant language prior to the intended travel;</li><li>have no prior travel experience in the area of travel;</li><li>and are Asian Studies majors or minors.</li></ul></li></ul><p>Awardees must be enrolled at Cornell in the semester following travel.</p><h3><strong>When is the deadline?</strong></h3><p><strong>Deadline: </strong>March 28th.</p><h3><strong>How do I apply?</strong></h3><p>Applicants must complete an <a href="">application form</a>, and provide the following:</p><ul><li>a 1500-word proposal about the plan of study or service or research (consisting of the title of the project, project summary, project detail, a detailed project timeline, and a detailed budget);</li><li>a list of the current Academic Year Fall and Spring courses;</li><li>two letters of academic recommendation, one from a language teacher (preferably of a language relevant to proposal) emailed to <a href=""></a>*,</li><li>letter of recommendation from host institution if you are doing a service project emailed to <a href=""></a>*.</li></ul><p>Application and other documents should be submitted to <a href=""></a>.</p><p><a href="/travel-grant-faqs">Frequently Asked Questions</a> about the Travel Grants.</p><h3> </h3> </div> </div> <div class="paragraph pageSection bob paragraph--type--page-section paragraph--view-mode--default" id="diversity-research-grants-"> <h2 class="pageSection__heading sectionTitle"> Diversity Research Grants </h2> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--formatted-text-block paragraph--view-mode--default"> <p><strong>Deadline: </strong>March 28th.</p><h3><strong>What is it?</strong></h3><p>The Department of Asian Studies awards multiple <strong>Diversity Research Grants</strong> of $7500 for undergraduate students from under-represented and marginalized communities (see definition below), to conduct research on any topic relevant to Asian Studies (note: this is not a travel grant). </p><p>This grant is part of our Department's commitment to redressing the ways implicit bias and structural violence unevenly affect students' access, academic performance, disciplinary training, professionalization, and security. It is also an expression of our aim to create an environment that welcomes and fosters a diverse student body.</p><h3><strong>What will I do?</strong></h3><p>Successful applicants will spend the Summer working on their Asia-focused research project, supported one-on-one by a faculty advisor of choice (applicants need to secure the faculty member's principle availability to supervise your work before applying). A condition for the grant is to dedicate at least 350 hours to the research project.</p><p>The project might be on a topic of your choice (approved by the advisor) or related to a pre-existing project initiated by the advisor. Students will make use of resources available digitally and/or through the Cornell Library and its affiliates, to work on their research. When your project is completed, you will share your through a paper, presentation, or other format determined with your advisor. After completion of the grant, if you wish, your research grant faculty advisor could provide a letter of recommendation suitable for a job, internship, and graduate school applications.</p><h3><strong>Who can apply?</strong></h3><p>The Diversity Research Grant is aimed at fostering a diverse student body and creating research opportunities for students from under-represented and marginalized communities. For the purpose of this grant, students are asked to indicate how they self-identify as belonging to an under-represented or marginalized community. See below for a list of possible identities and/or experiences that would apply (the list is not exhaustive, and only indicative of the range of what might constitute "diversity").</p><ul><li>First-generation college student (neither parent/guardian having completed a baccalaureate degree);</li><li>Member of an ethnic or racial group historically excluded from and underrepresented in academia - Black, Indigenous (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or other Native Pacific Islander), Latinx, members of ethnic or religious minority groups in Asia (e.g. Chinese Muslims, Hindu Singaporeans...);</li><li>Other identities and/or experiences historically underrepresented and/or marginalized in academia including but not limited to the following:<ul><li>Those who manage a disability</li><li>Being of a gender and/or sexual orientation identity historically underrepresented in your field of study</li><li>Those who identify as a military veteran</li><li>Holding DACA, TPS, refugee, or asylee status</li><li>Those who have experienced housing and/or food insecurity</li><li>Single parents</li></ul></li></ul><p>Students from all majors are invited to apply, but preference will be given to students majoring or minoring in Asian Studies.</p><p>Students currently enrolled in their First, Sophomore, or Junior year are eligible to apply.</p><h3><strong>When is the deadline?</strong></h3><p>March 28th.</p><h3><strong>How do I apply?</strong></h3><ul><li>Identify a faculty advisor available to supervise your research project and secure their support;</li><li>Write a research proposal (between 500-700 words)</li><li>Write a Diversity Statement illustrating how you self-identify as belonging to an under-represented or marginalized community;</li><li>Submit to <a href=""></a> as a single PDF file, including:<ul><li><a href="">Application Form</a></li><li>Research Proposal</li><li>Diversity Statement</li><li>Unofficial Transcript</li><li>Short statement of support from the faculty member (an email stating willingness to supervise the project is sufficient)</li></ul></li></ul><p>For inquiries, contact the <a href="">Asian Studies' Director of Undergraduate Studies</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="paragraph pageSection bob paragraph--type--page-section paragraph--view-mode--default" id="undergraduate-prizes"> <h2 class="pageSection__heading sectionTitle"> Undergraduate Prizes </h2> <div class="paragraph paragraph--type--formatted-text-block paragraph--view-mode--default"> <h3>The following prizes are offered by the department for undergraduate students.</h3> <h3><strong>Robert J. Smith Award/Russell Mann Gift</strong></h3> <p>As a result of a gift from Russell Mann (BA-Asian Studies '90) in honor of Professor Robert J. Smith, an award is given to outstanding Japanese language students, from our beginning and intermediate streams of Japanese language instruction, as the most promising in their cohorts. </p> <h3><strong>Korean Language Program Award</strong></h3> <p>As a result of funding from the Joh Foundation, three awards are given to Korean language students who have three years of hard work, dedication, and love of learning the Korean language. </p> <h3><strong>Irene M. Anderson Summer Travel Scholarships</strong></h3> <p>As a result of a gift in honor of Irene M. Anderson, summer funding in awarded for travel to Northern China or Korea for special projects in Asian Studies.</p> <h3><strong>Nakanishi Award for Japanese Language Studies</strong></h3> <p>As a result of a gift in honor of Yasuko Nakanishi Whitman, Senior Lecturer in Japanese, an award is given to a student for summer travel for Japanese language study.</p> <h3><strong>Robert Sukle Japanese Award</strong></h3> <p>As a result of a gift by the ALLEX Foundation in honor of Robert J. Sukle, Senior Lecturer/Director, Japanese Language Program, an award is given to a Japanese language student after three years of hard work, dedication, and love of learning the Japanese language.</p> <p><em>For additional questions, contact: <a href=""></a>.</em></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="nav--site-wrapper" aria-label="Section links" id="section-menu"> <ul class="nav-0 "> <li class="nav-0__item "> <span class=" has-sub "> <a href="/academics" class="nav-0__link "> Academics </a> <button class="plus-minus subnav-toggle--sidebar " id="nav--main-opener"> <span class="sr-only"> Open subnav </span> <span class="bar "></span> </button> </span> <ul class="nav-1 subNav"> <li class="nav-1__item "> <span class=" has-sub "> <a href="/undergraduate" class="nav-1__link "> Undergraduate Study </a> <button class="plus-minus subnav-toggle--sidebar " id="nav--main-opener"> <span class="sr-only"> Open subnav </span> <span class="bar "></span> </button> </span> <ul class="nav-2 subNav"> <li 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