Energy research - Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research

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Source: A. K&uuml;nzelmann / UFZ" alt="Power Transmission on cornfield. Source: A. K&uuml;nzelmann / UFZ" class="img-responsive" style="" > </figure> <div style="" class="cms-cit-richtext"><h2 align="left">Energy research at the UFZ<br/></h2><p align="left"><br/></p>The focus of our work at the UFZ is on researching the transformation processes of our entire economic system. These transformation processes are triggered by the ecological necessity to largely avoid using fossil fuels in the future. This is to be made possible through the use of renewable resources and efficient production and consumption systems. Since this change should occur while also safeguarding the ecological foundations of life, preservation of efficient ecosystems through reduction of land use and consumption pressures and design of multifunctional landscapes is essential. With this in mind, we are researching the complex changes in going towards a circular economy and sustainable energy supply.<br/><br/>However, complex interactions between the natural and social environments also give rise to obstacles, conflicts of objectives and new types of environmental risks. The implementation of transformation in such a framework is a challenge that can only be overcome through the interaction of innovative technologies, comprehensive understanding of their effects, and further development of policy options and regulatory instruments. Accordingly, three types of research contributions are required:<p align="left"></p><ul><li>Technical innovations that enable a more environmentally sound energy supply and more energy-efficient production processes,</li><li>Analysis of options for integrated provision of renewable energy within concrete environmental and living conditions,</li><li>Development of regulatory and management approaches for reduction of energy use and sustainable energy provision based on renewable energy.</li></ul><p></p></div></article><aside style="" class="col-md-4 cms-cit-container cms-cit-container-pwnc-infocolumn "><h3 class="fa fa-user fa-lg">Contact</h3> <div style="" class="cms-cit-richtext"><p><strong>Prof. Dr. Daniela Thrän</strong><br/>Department Bioenergy<br/> <span style="display:inline-block;" class="cms-cit-link " > <a class=" " href="" ></a> </span></p><p><strong>Prof. Dr. Bruno Bühler</strong><br/>Department Microbial Biotechnology (MIBITECH)<br/> <span style="display:inline-block;" class="cms-cit-link " > <a class=" " href="" ></a> </span></p><p><strong>Dr. Christoph Schröter-Schlaack</strong><br/>Research Unit Environment and Society<br/> <span style="display:inline-block;" class="cms-cit-link " > <a class=" " href="" ></a> </span></p><p><br/></p></div></aside> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div style="" class="cms-cit-line" > <div class="padding-top-05x " > <hr></hr> </div> </div> <div class="row cms-cit-columnlayout margin-left-0x margin-right-0x margin-top-0x margin-bottom-0x " > <div class=" col-sm-4 padding-left-0x padding-right-05x padding-top-0x padding-bottom-0x " style="" > <div style="" class="cms-cit-container bluebox " id="ccms-cit-readmore-element-8913488"><div class=""><div style="" class="cms-cit-richtext"><h5>Renewable energies<br/></h5><p><span style="display:block;" class="cms-cit-image " > <img src="/export/data/2/290268_solarpark_bei_Leipzig600px.jpg" title="Solarpark n&ouml;rdlich von Leipzig. Foto: Andr&eacute; K&uuml;nzelmann / UFZ" alt="Solarpark n&ouml;rdlich von Leipzig. Foto: Andr&eacute; K&uuml;nzelmann / UFZ" class="img-responsive" style="width:100%;" > <span class="caption small"> <sup>Quelle: André Künzelmann / UFZ</sup> </span> </span> </p><p>Subproject 1: Integrating Renewable Energies and Resources in Energy Landscapes</p><p><a href="">Project webpage</a> <br/><br/><br/></p></div></div></div> </div> <div class=" col-sm-4 padding-left-0x padding-right-05x padding-top-0x padding-bottom-0x " style="" > <div style="" class="cms-cit-container bluebox " id="ccms-cit-readmore-element-8913485"><div class=""><div style="" class="cms-cit-richtext"><h5>Carbon Dioxid Removal</h5><p><span style="display:inline-block;" class="cms-cit-image " > <img src="/export/data/2/290269_Fotolia_kraftwerk_und_windkraft_600px.jpg" title="Windr&auml;der und konventionelles Kraftwerk im Hintergrund. Quelle: Stefan Ouwenbroek - Fotolia" alt="Windr&auml;der und konventionelles Kraftwerk im Hintergrund. Quelle: Stefan Ouwenbroek - Fotolia" class="img-responsive" style="" > <span class="caption small"> <sup>Quelle: Stefan Ouwenbroek - Fotolia</sup> </span> </span> </p><p>Subproject 2: Exploring Carbon Dioxid Removal (CDR) &amp; Negative Emission Technologies in Transforming Energy Landscapes</p><p><a href="">Project webpage<br/><br/></a></p></div></div></div> </div> <div class=" col-sm-4 padding-left-0x padding-right-05x padding-top-0x padding-bottom-0x " style="" > <div style="" class="cms-cit-container bluebox " id="ccms-cit-readmore-element-8913491"><div class=""><div style="" class="cms-cit-richtext"><h5>Biotechnological processes<br/></h5><p><span style="display:inline-block;" class="cms-cit-image " > <img src="/export/data/2/290270_bioelektrik_20240215-17-Web-1000px.jpg" title="Versuchsaufbau der Arbeitsgruppe Elektrobiotechnologie II im Labor" alt="Versuchsaufbau der Arbeitsgruppe Elektrobiotechnologie II im Labor" class="img-responsive" style="" > <span class="caption small"> <sup>Quelle: André Künzelmann / UFZ</sup> </span> </span> </p><p>Development of biotechnological processes of&nbsp;sustainable production of chemicals and energy sources</p><p><a href="">ElectroBiorefineries &amp; Biosyntheses</a> <br/></p></div></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="row cms-cit-columnlayout margin-left-0x margin-right-0x margin-top-0x margin-bottom-0x " > <div class=" col-sm-4 padding-left-0x padding-right-05x padding-top-0x padding-bottom-0x " style="" > <div style="" class="cms-cit-container bluebox " id="ccms-cit-readmore-element-8913495"><div class=""><div style="" class="cms-cit-richtext"><h5>Photobiotechnology<br/></h5><p><span style="display:block;" class="cms-cit-image " > <img src="/export/data/2/290271_photosynthese_algen600px.jpg" title="Kultur und Zucht von Cyanobakterien in Petri-Schalen. Foto: Andr&eacute; K&uuml;nzelmann /UFZ" alt="Kultur und Zucht von Cyanobakterien in Petri-Schalen. Foto: Andr&eacute; K&uuml;nzelmann /UFZ" class="img-responsive" style="width:100%;" > <span class="caption small"> <sup>Quelle: André Künzelmann / UFZ</sup> </span> </span> </p><p>Bioartificial photosynthesis for the production of hydrogen</p><p><a href="">Solar Materials Biotechnology</a>&nbsp; <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p></div></div></div> </div> <div class=" col-sm-4 padding-left-0x padding-right-05x padding-top-0x padding-bottom-0x " style="" > <div style="" class="cms-cit-container bluebox " id="ccms-cit-readmore-element-8913498"><div class=""><div style="" class="cms-cit-richtext"><h5>Geotechnics<br/></h5><p><span style="display:inline-block;" class="cms-cit-image " > <img src="/export/data/2/202947_Geosystem.jpg" title="Modellvisualisierung" alt="Modellvisualisierung" class="img-responsive" style="" > <span class="caption small"> <sup>Quelle: A. Künzelmann / UFZ</sup> </span> </span> </p><p>Environmental geotechnologies contribute to the topic "Georesources – energy and raw materials for future societies " (Helmholtz Programme "Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future"). </p><p><a href="">Environmental Geotechnics</a><br/></p></div></div></div> </div> <div class=" col-sm-4 padding-left-0x padding-right-05x padding-top-0x padding-bottom-0x " style="" > </div> </div> </article> <footer class="col-md-12 hidden-xs"> <ul class="page-info"> <li>Hits: 33102</li> <li>modified: 15.07.2024</li> <li>Resp.: Lukas Jany</li> <li><a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#107;&#97;&#105;&#46;&#109;&#111;&#114;&#108;&#111;&#99;&#107;&#64;&#117;&#102;&#122;&#46;&#100;&#101;">webmaster</a></li> </ul> </footer> </main> </div> </div> </section> <footer class="container"> <nav id="sitemap" class="sitemap row hidden-xs hidden-sm"> <div class="col-xs-2"> <h4><a href="index.php?en=34257">UFZ</a></h4> <hr> <ul class="nav nav-stacked"> <li> <a href="index.php?en=34258"> Mission </a> </li> <li> <a href="index.php?en=34262"> Executive Management </a> </li> <li> <a href="index.php?en=49511"> Sustainability at UFZ </a> </li> <li> <a href="index.php?en=39549"> Organisation structure </a> </li> <li> <a href="index.php?en=34261"> Management &amp; 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