Free ICMP Ping and Traceroute Tool - ManageEngine Free Tools
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class="banner-list"><li>Real-time server monitoring</li><li>Alert-based workflow automation</li><li>Email & SMS based alerts</li><li>Multi-level threshold</li><li>Customizable dashboards</li></ul></div></div></div><div class="col-5"><div class="icon-img flex-direction"><img class="opm-logo-width" alt="opm logo" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/opm-logo.png" title="opm-logo"><img class="mobile-img" alt="Free Process SNMP" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/free-ping-tool-banner3.svg" title="Free Process SNMP"></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="swiper-slide slider-5-bg"><div class="banner"><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="OpManager Software Review Champions" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/free-windows-service-monitor/infographic-index.png"></a></div></div></div><div class="swiper-pagination"> </div></div></div></div></section><section><div class="heading-menu"><div class="container"><div class="menuhead"><a href="/free-ping-tool/free-ping-tool-index.html" title="Free Ping Tool - ManageEngine Free Tool">Free Ping Tool</a></div><div class="breadcrumb"><a href="" title="ManageEngine Free Tools">Free Tools</a> » <a href="/free-ping-tool/free-ping-tool-index.html" title="Free Ping Tool">Free Ping Tool</a> »</div></div></div></section><section><div class="sec-pTB" id="scroll"><div class="container"> </div></div></section><section><div class="sec-pTB grid-section grid-center-section pb0" id="section1"><div class="white-bg"><div class="container"><div class="row"><h1 class="main_heading">Free Ping and Traceroute Tool</h1><p class="content">Want to know if your servers are up and running? Try ManageEngine Free Ping Tool! Monitor the availability of servers, routers, switches, websites, mail servers and trace route server/host. Using this tool fetch Round trip time, packet loss percentage and the number of hops. You can monitor up to 10 servers/websites simultaneously.</p><p>Furthermore, you can detect connection problems in real time from multiple geographical locations with Applications Manager's <a href="" target="_blank">Ping Monitor</a>.</p></div></div></div><div class="sec-pTB"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-6"><div class="content-box"><h2>ICMP Ping</h2><p>Ping servers, devices and websites and find out about their availability, round trip time and time taken to live. Using this tool you can perform the following:</p><ul class="banner-list"><li>View the success and failed ping counts - Whenever a server /device does not respond, the failed ping count increases by 1</li><li>Watch for alerts on the dashboard in case of non-availability of servers</li><li>Monitor the status of the host using color coded alerts</li><li>Save snapshots of Ping details, data graph and trace route details <a href="/free-ping-tool/features.html">Read more</a></li></ul></div></div><div class="col-6"><div class="img-wrapper"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/ping-icmp-new.png" title="Ping Tool"><img alt="Ping Tool - ManageEngine Free Tools" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/ping-icmp-img.png" title="Ping Tool - ManageEngine Free Tools"></a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="sec-pTB"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-6"><div class="img-wrapper"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/ping-traceroute-new.png" title="Ping Traceroute"><img alt="Ping Traceroute - ManageEngine Free Tools" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/ping-traceroute-img.png" title="Ping Traceroute - ManageEngine Free Tools"></a></div></div><div class="col-6"><div class="content-box"><h2>Traceroute</h2><ul class="banner-list"><li>With <a href="" target="_blank">Traceroute tool</a>, view the full trace path of the server/host along with round trip time</li><li>View the number of hops it takes to reach the destination device <a href="/free-ping-tool/free-traceroute.html">Read more</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="sec-pTB"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-6"><div class="content-box"><h2>DNS Lookup</h2><ul class="banner-list"><li>Fetch the DNS records of websites</li><li>Get the different types of DNS records of websites,viz., SOA, A, MX, NS and Text</li></ul></div></div><div class="col-6"><div class="img-wrapper"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/ping-dnslookup-new.png" title="DNS Lookup"><img alt="DNS Lookup - ManageEngine Free Tools" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/ping-dnslookup-img.png" title="DNS Lookup - ManageEngine Free Tools"></a></div></div></div></div></div><div class="sec-pTB"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-6"><div class="img-wrapper"><a class="img-zoom zoomicon" href="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/ping-http-performance-monitor-new.png" title="HTTP Performance Monitoring"><img alt="HTTP Performance Monitoring - ManageEngine Free Tools" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/ping-http-performance-monitor-img.png" title="HTTP Performance Monitoring - ManageEngine Free Tools"></a></div></div><div class="col-6"><div class="content-box"><h2>HTTP Performance Monitoring</h2><ul class="banner-list"><li>Keep a tab on the performance of your websites</li><li>Get a graphical view of TCP connection time, redirection time and response time of websites</li><li>Set the optimum refresh interval (10 seconds by default)</li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="sec-pTB"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-6"><div class="content-box"><h2>Website & Server Performance Reporting</h2><ul class="banner-list"><li>Get a snap shot of real-time performance report fetched by the tool in PDF format and Email your stake-holders from the tool</li></ul></div></div><div class="col-6"><div class="img-wrapper"><a href="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/documents/ping-report.pdf" target="_blank"><img alt="Ping Reports - ManageEngine Free Tools" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" height="164" src="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/ping-website-img.png" title="Ping Reports - ManageEngine Free Tools" width="288"></a></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="grid-section grid-center-section sec-pTB custom-swiper network-bg1 network-bg2" id="section3"><div class="container"><h2 class="main_heading tac">Network Traceroute Tool</h2><p class="common-para tac">Your troubleshooting tasks can now be easier and efficient thanks to OpManager's traceroute monitor</p></div><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col-6 tac"><div class="img-wrapper"><img class="inline-photo show-on-scroll" alt="Free ping tool" data-entity-type="" data-entity-uuid="" src="/sites/meweb/images/free-tools/images/free-ping-tool-sldier-2.gif" title="Free ping tool"></div></div><div class="col-6"><ul class="disc"><li>Integrated into the product by default</li><li>Run thorough traceroute action from the server to the end device, and display critical metrics.</li><li>Stay informed of response times between devices and number of hops along the network path.</li><li>Understand underlying network issues and identify performance bottlenecks and underperforming devices.</li></ul></div></div><div class="row"><div class="btn-div"><a class="common-btn" href="" target="_blank">Learn more about OpManager</a></div></div></div></div></section><section><div class="sec-pTB bg-l-grey mT20"><div class="container morefTool"> </div></div></section><footer id="meCommonFooterNew"></footer></div><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/sites/meweb/js/common/mweb-header.js"></script><script src="/sites/meweb/js/common/fr/mweb-header.js"></script><script src="/sites/meweb/js/common/mweb-custom.js"></script><script src="/sites/meweb/js/common/free-tools__free-windows-tools-slider.js"></script><script src="/sites/meweb/js/product/free-tools.js"></script><script>$('#over').addClass('menu-active');</script><script src="/sites/meweb/js/common/swiper.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script><script>$('#over').addClass('menu-active');</script><script> var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 0, loop: true, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', type: 'bullets', clickable:true, }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, }); </script></body></html>