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Playwright Leslye Headland Has Her Eye on You</a> </h2> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" tabindex="-1" data-rref=""> <img src="" role="presentation" alt=""/> </a> </div> <p class="summary">The writer Leslye Headland’s new work is “The Layover,” which asks if we can ever really know each other, or ourselves.</p> <p class="byline"> <span class="freshness"><time data-utc-timestamp="1471521617" datetime="1471521617"></time></span> <span class="divider"></span> <span class="author" itemprop="author">By ALEXIS SOLOSKI</span> </p> </div> </article> </li> <li> <article class="story theme-summary"> <figure class="media photo" aria-label="media" role="group"> <span class="visually-hidden">Photo</span> <a href="" data-rref=""> <img src="" srcset=" 768w, 440w" alt=""/> </a> <figcaption class="caption" itemprop="caption description"> <span class="credit" itemprop="copyrightHolder"><span class="visually-hidden">Credit</span>Rebecca Smeyne for The New York Times</span> </figcaption> </figure> <div class="story-body"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="" data-rref="">Broadway’s Dirty Secret: How an Artisan Turns Costumes From Riches to Rags</a> </h2> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" tabindex="-1" data-rref=""> <img src="" role="presentation" alt=""/> </a> </div> <p class="summary">Hochi Asiatico, one of Broadway’s distressors, explains how to work over a piece of fabric. Step No. 1? Shred it.</p> <p class="byline"> <span class="freshness"><time data-utc-timestamp="1471468964" datetime="1471468964"></time></span> <span class="divider"></span> <span class="author" itemprop="author">By ERIK PIEPENBURG</span> </p> </div> </article> </li> <li class="story-group"> <ol class="story-menu"> <li> <article class="story theme-summary"> <figure class="media photo" aria-label="media" role="group"> <span class="visually-hidden">Photo</span> <a href="" data-rref=""> <img src="" srcset=" 768w, 440w" alt=""/> </a> <figcaption class="caption" itemprop="caption description"> <span class="credit" itemprop="copyrightHolder"><span class="visually-hidden">Credit</span>Robert Ormerod for The New York Times</span> </figcaption> </figure> <div class="story-body"> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="" data-rref="">Leading the Edinburgh Fringe: ‘I’m Not Intimidated’</a> </h2> <div class="thumb"> <a href="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" tabindex="-1" data-rref=""> <img src="" role="presentation" alt=""/> </a> </div> <p class="summary">Shona McCarthy discusses her new job, how to best accommodate artists, and her plans for this festival’s 70th anniversary next summer.</p> <p class="byline"> <span class="freshness"><time data-utc-timestamp="1471468061" datetime="1471468061"></time></span> <span class="divider"></span> <span class="author" itemprop="author">By STEVEN McELROY</span> </p> </div> </article> </li> <li> <article class="story theme-summary"> <figure class="media photo" aria-label="media" role="group"> <span class="visually-hidden">Photo</span> <a href="" data-rref=""> <img src="" srcset=" 768w, 440w" alt=""/> </a> <figcaption class="caption" itemprop="caption description"> <span class="credit" itemprop="copyrightHolder"><span class="visually-hidden">Credit</span>Manuel Harlan</span> </figcaption> </figure> <div class="story-body"> <h3 class="kicker">Brantley in Britain</h3> <h2 class="headline"> <a href="" data-rref="">Review: ‘Groundhog Day,’ All 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CHOW</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Laura Benanti to Make Café Carlyle Debut" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-17" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-17">Aug. 17, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004504341"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Up Next</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Jeremy O. Harris, a Young Actor and Playwright, Asks Big Questions </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">After starring in a short film directed by James Franco, the 27-year-old thespian is heading to Yale’s graduate drama program this fall.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ALEX HAWGOOD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Jeremy O. Harris, a Young Actor and Playwright, Asks Big Questions" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-17" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-17">Aug. 17, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004591946"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Critic’s Notebook</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Finding Some Treasures at FringeNYC </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A dozen-show dive into the New York International Fringe Festival, which has nearly 200 shows on offer.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LAURA COLLINS-HUGHES</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Finding Some Treasures at FringeNYC" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-16" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-16">Aug. 16, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004594205"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Jason Sudeikis to Star in Stage Version of ‘Dead Poets Society’ </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Mr. Sudeikis will play John Keating, the inspiring teacher famously portrayed by Robin Williams in the 1989 film.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By DAVE ITZKOFF</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Jason Sudeikis to Star in Stage Version of ‘Dead Poets Society’" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-16" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-16">Aug. 16, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004585814"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Brantley in Britain</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Summertime, and the Revivals in London are Breezy </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Productions of “Jesus Christ Superstar,” “The Threepenny Opera,” “Show Boat” and “Guys and Dolls” are fun and fresh diversions.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By BEN BRANTLEY</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Summertime, and the Revivals in London are Breezy" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-16" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-16">Aug. 16, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004585867"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Review: In ‘Quiet, Comfort,’ a Mattress Becomes the Audience’s Magic Carpet </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">In Toshiki Okada’s latest play, commissioned by Hoi Polloi and staged at Jack, theatergoers sit on a mattress as a mystery traveler roams through the space.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ELISABETH VINCENTELLI</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Review: In ‘Quiet, Comfort,’ a Mattress Becomes the Audience’s Magic Carpet" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-15" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-15">Aug. 15, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004584199"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Critic's Notebook</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Devotion to the Stage, and to a Newborn </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A theater critic with an infant son is going to shows less this summer, but she is managing to stay engaged in her field — sometimes outdoors.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ALEXIS SOLOSKI</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Devotion to the Stage, and to a Newborn" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-15" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-15">Aug. 15, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="paid-post-1" class="ad hidden"></li> </ol> <ol id="story-menu-additional-set-latest" class="story-menu theme-stream additional-set hidden"> <li id="latest-page-marker" class="page-marker invisible-minimized"></li> <li id="story-id-100000003863634"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Fyvush Finkel, Pillar of Yiddish Theater Who Crossed Into TV, Dies at 93 </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Mr. Finkel won an Emmy for his portrayal of a cantankerous lawyer on the 1990s show “Picket Fences.”</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By JOSEPH BERGER</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Fyvush Finkel, Pillar of Yiddish Theater Who Crossed Into TV, Dies at 93" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-14" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-14">Aug. 14, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004578676"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Brantley in Britain</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> How Mark Rylance Became Olivia Onstage </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Mr. Rylance’s portrayal in “Twelfth Night” is, hands down, our chief theater critic’s favorite Shakespeare performance. The actor tells us how he developed the role.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By BEN BRANTLEY</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="How Mark Rylance Became Olivia Onstage" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-14" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-14">Aug. 14, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004588393"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Cirque du Soleil Bends Broadway Norms to Revamp ‘Paramour’ </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Cirque du Soleil has canceled four performances beginning Aug. 22 to rework the musical’s plot and acrobatics.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By JOSHUA BARONE</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Cirque du Soleil Bends Broadway Norms to Revamp ‘Paramour’" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-12">Aug. 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004577132"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Theater | Long Island</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Review: A London Linguist Makes a Bet on ‘My Fair Lady’ at Sag Harbor </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The director Michael Arden tries new takes on the musical by imagining the characters as participants in a scientific experiment.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By AILEEN JACOBSON</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Review: A London Linguist Makes a Bet on ‘My Fair Lady’ at Sag Harbor" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-12">Aug. 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004575625"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Theater | Connecticut</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Review: A Farewell Kiss, in Changing Times </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">“Bye Bye Birdie” at Goodspeed Opera House takes audiences back to a “pretty nice place.”</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By SYLVIANE GOLD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Review: A Farewell Kiss, in Changing Times" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-12">Aug. 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004574959"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">What I Love</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Leslie Odom Jr., of ‘Hamilton,’ at Home in Hell’s Kitchen </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The Tony Award winner rents a one-bedroom with his wife, Nicolette Robinson, an actor and singer.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By JOANNE KAUFMAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Leslie Odom Jr., of ‘Hamilton,’ at Home in Hell’s Kitchen" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-12">Aug. 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004579582"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> John Vaccaro, Whose Playhouse of the Ridiculous Gave Anarchy a Stage, Dies at 86 </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Mr. Vaccaro created so-called ridiculous works that sought to reveal the uncensored chaos that exists in people’s minds.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By BRUCE WEBER</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="John Vaccaro, Whose Playhouse of the Ridiculous Gave Anarchy a Stage, Dies at 86" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-11" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-11">Aug. 11, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004567464"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Review: Karen Finley Has Presidential Politics on Her Mind </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">This performance artist’s new show, “Unicorn Gratitude Mystery,” explores the habit of taking refuge in fantasy and contrived distractions.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ELISABETH VINCENTELLI</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Review: Karen Finley Has Presidential Politics on Her Mind" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-11" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-11">Aug. 11, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004584537"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Cynthia Erivo and Joshua Henry to Star in ‘Last Five Years’ Benefit </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The pair will perform in a concert staging, directed by the show’s composer, Jason Robert Brown, as a benefit for gun-control advocacy.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ERIK PIEPENBURG</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Cynthia Erivo and Joshua Henry to Star in ‘Last Five Years’ Benefit" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-11" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-11">Aug. 11, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004585022"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Theater Listings for Aug. 12-18 </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A critical guide to productions in New York City, including shows in previews.</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Theater Listings for Aug. 12-18" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-11" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-11">Aug. 11, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="paid-post-2" class="ad hidden"></li> </ol> <div class="story-menu-options"> <div class="buttons"> <button class="button load-more-button" aria-controls="story-menu-additional-set-latest">Show More</button> <a class="button skip-button visually-hidden focusable" href="#site-index-navigation">Skip to Navigation</a> </div> </div><!-- close story-menu-options --> </div><!-- close stream --> <div class="supplemental"> <div id="lede-ad" class="ad lede-ad nocontent robots-nocontent"></div> <aside class="service-module module" data-name="critics-picks-promo-for-theater-front"> <div class="module-body"> <header class="module-header"> <img src="" style="max-height: 15px; margin-bottom: 6px;"> </header> <div class="collection-package-module"> <ul class="story-menu"> <li> <article class="story theme-summary"> <div class="wide-thumb"> <a href=""> <img class="wrap" src="" alt=""> </a> </div> <div class="story-body"> <h3 class="dateline">ELISABETH VINCENTELLI recommends:</h3> <h2 class="headline"><a href="">Quiet, Comfort</a></h2> <ul class="refer"> <li class="dateline"><a href="">NYT Review</a></li> </ul> </div> </article> </li> <li> <article class="story theme-summary"> <div class="wide-thumb"> <a href=""> <img class="wrap" src="" alt=""> </a> </div> <div class="story-body"> <h3 class="dateline">ELISABETH VINCENTELLI recommends:</h3> <h2 class="headline"><a href="">Unicorn Gratitude Mystery</a></h2> <ul class="refer"> <li class="dateline"><a href="">NYT Review</a></li> </ul> </div> </article> </li> <li> <article class="story theme-summary"> <div class="wide-thumb"> <a href=""> <img class="wrap" src="" alt=""> </a> </div> <div class="story-body"> <h3 class="dateline"><a href="">BEN BRANTLEY</a> recommends:</h3> <h2 class="headline"><a href="">Men on Boats</a></h2> <ul class="refer"> <li class="dateline"><a href="">NYT Review</a></li> </ul> </div> </article> </li> <li> <article class="story theme-summary"> <div class="wide-thumb"> <a href=""> <img class="wrap" src="" alt=""> </a> </div> <div class="story-body"> <h3 class="dateline"><a href="">LAURA COLLINS-HUGHES</a> recommends:</h3> <h2 class="headline"><a href="">Quietly</a></h2> <ul class="refer"> <li class="dateline"><a href="">NYT Review</a></li> </ul> </div> </article> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </aside> <div id="supplemental-ad-2" class="ad supplemental-ad-2 nocontent robots-nocontent"></div> <aside class="service-module social-media-service-module module" data-name="socialmedia"> <header class="module-header"> <h2 class="module-heading">Follow Us</h2> </header> <div class="module-body"> <ul class="social-media-menu"> <li> <a href=""> <i class="icon sprite-icon twitter-icon"></i> <span>@hellerNYT</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <i class="icon sprite-icon twitter-icon"></i> <span>@MichaelPaulson</span> </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> <i class="icon sprite-icon twitter-icon"></i> 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<li id="story-id-100000004590033"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Review: In ‘Little Red’s Hood,’ Tweets, Sweets and a Wolf on the Way to Grandma’s </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">This City Parks Foundation production at the Swedish Cottage Marionette Theater in Central Park features a clever update of the fairy tale.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LAUREL GRAEBER</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Review: In ‘Little Red’s Hood,’ Tweets, Sweets and a Wolf on the Way to Grandma’s" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-18" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-18">Aug. 18, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004580990"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">The Week Ahead</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> An Angel Introduces Bats to Trojans </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Ellen McLaughlin, who played the celestial messenger in “Angels in America” on Broadway, brings her “Trojan Women” to the Flea Theater’s resident actors.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By BEN BRANTLEY</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="An Angel Introduces Bats to Trojans" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-18" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-18">Aug. 18, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004597633"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> ‘Groundhog Day’ Musical to Come to Broadway </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The show, based on the movie with Bill Murray, will transfer from London, where it opened on Tuesday.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By MICHAEL PAULSON</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="‘Groundhog Day’ Musical to Come to Broadway" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-17" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-17">Aug. 17, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004597126"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Laura Benanti to Make Café Carlyle Debut </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Laura Benanti will perform songs from across her career; the season also includes Judy Collins and Christine Ebersole.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ANDREW R. CHOW</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Laura Benanti to Make Café Carlyle Debut" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-17" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-17">Aug. 17, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004504341"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Up Next</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Jeremy O. Harris, a Young Actor and Playwright, Asks Big Questions </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">After starring in a short film directed by James Franco, the 27-year-old thespian is heading to Yale’s graduate drama program this fall.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ALEX HAWGOOD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Jeremy O. Harris, a Young Actor and Playwright, Asks Big Questions" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-17" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-17">Aug. 17, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004591946"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Critic’s Notebook</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Finding Some Treasures at FringeNYC </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A dozen-show dive into the New York International Fringe Festival, which has nearly 200 shows on offer.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By LAURA COLLINS-HUGHES</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Finding Some Treasures at FringeNYC" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-16" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-16">Aug. 16, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004594205"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Jason Sudeikis to Star in Stage Version of ‘Dead Poets Society’ </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Mr. Sudeikis will play John Keating, the inspiring teacher famously portrayed by Robin Williams in the 1989 film.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By DAVE ITZKOFF</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Jason Sudeikis to Star in Stage Version of ‘Dead Poets Society’" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-16" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-16">Aug. 16, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004585814"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Brantley in Britain</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Summertime, and the Revivals in London are Breezy </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Productions of “Jesus Christ Superstar,” “The Threepenny Opera,” “Show Boat” and “Guys and Dolls” are fun and fresh diversions.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By BEN BRANTLEY</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Summertime, and the Revivals in London are Breezy" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-16" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-16">Aug. 16, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004585867"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Review: In ‘Quiet, Comfort,’ a Mattress Becomes the Audience’s Magic Carpet </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">In Toshiki Okada’s latest play, commissioned by Hoi Polloi and staged at Jack, theatergoers sit on a mattress as a mystery traveler roams through the space.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ELISABETH VINCENTELLI</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Review: In ‘Quiet, Comfort,’ a Mattress Becomes the Audience’s Magic Carpet" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-15" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-15">Aug. 15, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004584199"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Critic's Notebook</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Devotion to the Stage, and to a Newborn </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A theater critic with an infant son is going to shows less this summer, but she is managing to stay engaged in her field — sometimes outdoors.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ALEXIS SOLOSKI</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Devotion to the Stage, and to a Newborn" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-15" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-15">Aug. 15, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> </ol> <ol id="story-menu-additional-set-search" class="story-menu theme-stream additional-set hidden"> <li id="search-page-marker" class="page-marker invisible-minimized"></li> <li id="story-id-100000003863634"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Fyvush Finkel, Pillar of Yiddish Theater Who Crossed Into TV, Dies at 93 </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Mr. Finkel won an Emmy for his portrayal of a cantankerous lawyer on the 1990s show “Picket Fences.”</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By JOSEPH BERGER</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Fyvush Finkel, Pillar of Yiddish Theater Who Crossed Into TV, Dies at 93" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-14" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-14">Aug. 14, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004578676"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Brantley in Britain</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> How Mark Rylance Became Olivia Onstage </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Mr. Rylance’s portrayal in “Twelfth Night” is, hands down, our chief theater critic’s favorite Shakespeare performance. The actor tells us how he developed the role.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By BEN BRANTLEY</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="How Mark Rylance Became Olivia Onstage" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-14" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-14">Aug. 14, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004588393"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Cirque du Soleil Bends Broadway Norms to Revamp ‘Paramour’ </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Cirque du Soleil has canceled four performances beginning Aug. 22 to rework the musical’s plot and acrobatics.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By JOSHUA BARONE</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Cirque du Soleil Bends Broadway Norms to Revamp ‘Paramour’" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-12">Aug. 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004577132"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Theater | Long Island</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Review: A London Linguist Makes a Bet on ‘My Fair Lady’ at Sag Harbor </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The director Michael Arden tries new takes on the musical by imagining the characters as participants in a scientific experiment.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By AILEEN JACOBSON</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Review: A London Linguist Makes a Bet on ‘My Fair Lady’ at Sag Harbor" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-12">Aug. 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004575625"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">Theater | Connecticut</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Review: A Farewell Kiss, in Changing Times </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">“Bye Bye Birdie” at Goodspeed Opera House takes audiences back to a “pretty nice place.”</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By SYLVIANE GOLD</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Review: A Farewell Kiss, in Changing Times" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-12">Aug. 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004574959"><article class="story theme-summary has-kicker" itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h3 class="kicker ">What I Love</h3> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Leslie Odom Jr., of ‘Hamilton,’ at Home in Hell’s Kitchen </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The Tony Award winner rents a one-bedroom with his wife, Nicolette Robinson, an actor and singer.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By JOANNE KAUFMAN</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Leslie Odom Jr., of ‘Hamilton,’ at Home in Hell’s Kitchen" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-12" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-12">Aug. 12, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004579582"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> John Vaccaro, Whose Playhouse of the Ridiculous Gave Anarchy a Stage, Dies at 86 </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">Mr. Vaccaro created so-called ridiculous works that sought to reveal the uncensored chaos that exists in people’s minds.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By BRUCE WEBER</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="John Vaccaro, Whose Playhouse of the Ridiculous Gave Anarchy a Stage, Dies at 86" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-11" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-11">Aug. 11, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004567464"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Review: Karen Finley Has Presidential Politics on Her Mind </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">This performance artist’s new show, “Unicorn Gratitude Mystery,” explores the habit of taking refuge in fantasy and contrived distractions.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ELISABETH VINCENTELLI</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Review: Karen Finley Has Presidential Politics on Her Mind" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-11" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-11">Aug. 11, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004584537"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Cynthia Erivo and Joshua Henry to Star in ‘Last Five Years’ Benefit </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">The pair will perform in a concert staging, directed by the show’s composer, Jason Robert Brown, as a benefit for gun-control advocacy.</p> <p class="byline" itemprop="author">By ERIK PIEPENBURG</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Cynthia Erivo and Joshua Henry to Star in ‘Last Five Years’ Benefit" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-11" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-11">Aug. 11, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> <li id="story-id-100000004585022"><article class="story theme-summary " itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="story-body"> <a class="story-link" data-rref="" href=""> <div class="story-meta"> <h2 class="headline" itemprop="headline"> Theater Listings for Aug. 12-18 </h2> <p class="summary" itemprop="description">A critical guide to productions in New York City, including shows in previews.</p> </div><!-- close story-meta --> <div class="wide-thumb"> <img role="presentation" src="" alt="Theater Listings for Aug. 12-18" itemprop="thumbnailUrl"/> </div><!-- close wide-thumb --> </a> </div><!-- close story-body --> <footer class="story-footer"> <time class="dateline" datetime="2016-08-11" itemprop="dateModified" content="2016-08-11">Aug. 11, 2016</time> </footer> </article> </li> </ol> <div class="story-menu-options"> <div class="buttons"> <button class="button load-more-button" aria-controls="story-menu-additional-set-search">Show More</button> <a class="button skip-button visually-hidden focusable" href="#site-index-navigation">Skip to Navigation</a> </div> </div><!-- close story-menu-options --> </div><!-- close stream --> <div class="supplemental"> <div id="lede-ad-search" class="ad lede-ad nocontent robots-nocontent"></div> </div><!-- close supplemental --> </div><!-- close stream-search --> </section><!-- close tab-panel --> </div><!-- close story-tabs --> </div> </section><!-- close collection --> <div class="search-overlay"></div> </main><!-- close main --> <section id="site-index" class="site-index"> <header class="section-header"> <p class="user-action"><a href="">Go to Home Page »</a></p> <h2 class="section-heading"> <span class="visually-hidden">Site 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