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class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831664_default"> <p><b>The Interoperable Europe Act has entered into force!</b> (22/05/2024)</p> <p></p> </td> <a id="item_831664_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831672_default"> <p><b>The first Joinup User Group Meeting of 2024 was hosted in April</b> (22/05/2024)</p> <p>On 19 April 2024, the Joinup Team hosted the first User Group Meeting of the year. View the meeting’s outcomes and presentation slides, which showcase Joinup's latest developments and the platform’s future direction.</p> </td> <a id="item_831672_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831673_default"> <p><b>Driving Digital Transformation: Alexandra Balahur Talks about SEMIC & Semantic Interoperability</b> (22/05/2024)</p> <p>An insightful interview with Alexandra Balahur, Team Leader of the Semantic Interoperability Community (SEMIC).</p> </td> <a id="item_831673_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831677_default"> <p><b>Participate to the 2024 Public Sector Tech Watch “Best Cases Award”!</b> (22/05/2024)</p> <p>The Public Sector Tech Watch observatory has launched the “2024 Best Cases Award”, aiming to generate a virtuous mechanism for sharing the best experiences on the use of emerging technologies and to reward the most innovative public administrations.</p> </td> <a id="item_831677_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831679_default"> <p><b>Get the new version of the PM² Project Management Methodology Guide</b> (22/05/2024)</p> <p>The Centre of Excellence in Project Management (CoEPM²) of the European Commission has announced the latest release of the PM² Guide, version 3.1, which introduces a new appendix on Sustainability, Data Protection, IT Security, and UX in project management.</p> </td> <a id="item_831679_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="832128_default"> <p><b>Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation</b> (24/05/2024)</p> <p>The Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation space provides access to the annual versions of the relevant Rolling Plan documents, co-developed by the European Commission and the expert group European Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardisation (MSP).</p> </td> <a id="item_832128_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831906_default"> <p><b>EU Digital Identity Wallet</b> (23/05/2024)</p> <p>The European Digital Identity Framework harmonises authentication to digital services and enables sharing relevant identity data for citizens and businesses.</p> </td> <a id="item_831906_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831907_default"> <p><b>Once-Only Technical System (OOTS)</b> (23/05/2024)</p> <p>The Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) streamlines data retrieval for cross-border procedures, enhancing trust, efficiency, and data exchange among EU public administrations and citizens.</p> </td> <a id="item_831907_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831917_default"> <p><b>Workshop on Digital Transformation of Public Sector Services</b> (05/06/2024)</p> <p>Interreg Europe is organising a dynamic workshop focused on the digital transformation of public sector services. Focusing on Interoperability and GovTech, it will bring together thematic experts to explore Interoperability and GovTech's impact on Public Service delivery.</p> </td> <a id="item_831917_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831919_default"> <p><b>GovTech Connect Pitch Day at the Creative Bureaucracy Festival</b> (13/06/2024)</p> <p>Join the GovTech Connect Pitch Day during the Creative Bureaucracy Festival in Berlin to discover groundbreaking startups from across Europe as they look to tackle the most pressing Smart City challenges.</p> </td> <a id="item_831919_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831921_default"> <p><b>SEMIC conference - Interoperable Europe: From Vision to Reality</b> (27/06/2024)</p> <p>“Interoperable Europe: From Vision to Reality”, the latest edition of the annual SEMIC conference, returns to Brussels on 27 June. Less than one month away from the event, some parallel sessions are already fully booked, and registrations will close soon. Register now and secure your spot!</p> </td> <a id="item_831921_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831923_default"> <p><b>How to create solutions on Joinup</b> (23/05/2024)</p> <p>Joinup Solutions are key enablers to any interoperability initiative you might be involved with. Learn how to create them in a few clicks.</p> </td> <a id="item_831923_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="831926_default"> <p><b>Introducing the Bookmark feature</b> (23/05/2024)</p> <p>Joinup’s new Bookmark feature is a convenient way to save your favourite content for quick and easy access whenever you need it, with just a click.</p> </td> <a id="item_831926_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td data-ecl-table-header="AccordionControl" class="ecl-table__cell"> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="49279_plus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="49279" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="49279_minus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="49279" style="display:none;" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Date" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">28/11/2023</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Subject" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">[Joinup] Autumn Newsletter</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Language" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr id="issue_49279" class="ecl-table__row" style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell" style="background-color:White !important;"> <table class="ecl-table"> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806473_default"> <p><b>A season of change</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p></p> </td> <a id="item_806473_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="807112_default"> <p><b>Professor Yannis Charalabidis on the Interoperable Europe Academy’s courses</b> (10/11/2023)</p> <p>Yannis Charalabidis, professor on Digital Governance at the University of the Aegean shares his insights on the Interoperable Europe Academy. Discover his first reactions to the initiative, how it impacts his day-to-day work, and the courses that he recommends to students and public servants.</p> </td> <a id="item_807112_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="807089_default"> <p><b>Joinup User Group Meeting outcomes - November 2023</b> (10/11/2023)</p> <p>In the second Joinup User Group Meeting of 2023, the Joinup Team presented the latest highlights of the platform and the upcoming features of Joinup. They also welcomed two guest speakers who provided insightful information on some of Joinup’s most interesting content.</p> </td> <a id="item_807089_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806472_default"> <p><b>e-CODEX enables cross-border justice</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>A new solution has been introduced to the sector of justice! Secure online cross-border communication is now offered through the e-CODEX technical solution, which connects different legal systems and ensures fast access to justice inside the Member States.</p> </td> <a id="item_806472_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806737_default"> <p><b>The Joint Research Centre and the EU emerging technologies landscape</b> (08/11/2023)</p> <p>Discover how the Joint Research Centre contributes to the emerging technologies landscape in the European Public Sector, and what their role is on the newly launched ‘Public Sector Tech Watch’ observatory.</p> </td> <a id="item_806737_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806467_default"> <p><b>Discover the new online Data Visualisation Guide</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>Data visualisation is a powerful tool to translate complex data into understandable, convincing and memorable information. It can be used in almost any context, such as policymaking, analysis and research. Unlock the potential of data by using the guide's recommendations!</p> </td> <a id="item_806467_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806471_default"> <p><b>New Test Bed learning courses available</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>Two new learning courses are available in the Interoperable Europe Academy, introducing managers to the Test Bed and explaining how to start using it as their project’s conformance testing solution.</p> </td> <a id="item_806471_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806470_default"> <p><b>Semantic Interoperability Conference 2023 outcomes</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>Check out this year’s SEMIC Conference outcomes and explore some interesting insights from the event’s leading figures. You can also read some words from the people behind the scenes and view a selection of photos from this successful event.</p> </td> <a id="item_806470_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806469_default"> <p><b>midPoint 4.8 - Long-term support release with improvements</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>midPoint 4.8, which is the third Long-term support (LTS) release, provides substantial value to users for many years to come. The new release provides streamline upgrades, simplified access management and plenty of security improvements.</p> </td> <a id="item_806469_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="808628_default"> <p><b>OSOR turned 15 and the OSOR Awards</b> (23/11/2023)</p> <p>On the 21st November OSOR celebrated 15 years of open-source advancement in public services with the OSOR Anniversary Conference and OSOR Awards 2023. Discover the highlights of the event and the three winners on the categories of 'OSOR Community Vote', 'Best open-source initiative', and 'Best open-source solution'.</p> </td> <a id="item_808628_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806463_default"> <p><b>eProcurement</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>The eProcurement Collection is a place for all the practitioners in public electronic procurement in Europe to meet and share their experiences and knowledge, and provide interoperable solutions for the management of the eProcurement process.</p> </td> <a id="item_806463_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806465_default"> <p><b>Public Sector Tech Watch</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>This new Collection promotes knowledge around the use of emerging technologies in the European Public Sector. Pooling information from various sources, it aims to become the one-stop for stakeholders who want to learn how technologies improve public sector operations and service delivery.</p> </td> <a id="item_806465_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806464_default"> <p><b>European Union Public Licence (EUPL)</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>This EUPL Collection focuses on open licensing in general. It includes the European Union Public Licence and more: the Joinup Licensing Assistant (JLA) and guidance to IT developers, practitioners, and users helping them define the conditions under which a certain solution may be freely shared and reused.</p> </td> <a id="item_806464_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806462_default"> <p><b>Legislation Editing Open Software (LEOS)</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>LEOS is an open source software designed to help those involved in draſting legislation, which in itself is a complex knowledge-intensive process, by supporting efficient online collaboration</p> </td> <a id="item_806462_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806461_default"> <p><b>Interoperability Test Bed</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>A new release has been published for the Interoperability Test Bed software (v1.21.0). This release brings numerous new features such as conformance snapshots and badges, optional test cases, test case tags, and improved navigation controls to make its use more intuitive.</p> </td> <a id="item_806461_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806460_default"> <p><b>gvSIG desktop</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>gvSIG is a Geographic Information System (GIS). It is a desktop application designed for capturing, storing, handling, analysing and deploying any kind of referenced geographic information in order to solve complex management and planning problems.</p> </td> <a id="item_806460_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="808621_default"> <p><b>Using BDTI to address mobility challenges</b> (29/11/2023)</p> <p>Are you wondering how cities and regions are addressing challenges in the field of mobility? Join us at the Annual POLIS Conference, Europe’s leading sustainable urban mobility event, providing an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners, and decision-makers.</p> </td> <a id="item_808621_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="808624_default"> <p><b>November 2023 BLSI Virtual Breakfast | “The Digital-ready Checks across the EU”</b> (30/11/2023)</p> <p>From 9:30 am to 11:00 am, join the BLSI Virtual Breakfast, a series of morning online sessions focusing on different aspects of digital-ready policymaking. Find out what it is and how it can support policymakers in the policy drafting process. Click on the link to discover the agenda and register!</p> </td> <a id="item_808624_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806408_default"> <p><b>How to archive content</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>The archive feature is a step forward to present a clean version of your Collection/Solution. Check this How-To document to learn how to archive items on Joinup and draw users’ attention to the latest updates in your Collection/Solution.</p> </td> <a id="item_806408_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="806406_default"> <p><b>How to create Custom Pages with the new Layout Editor</b> (07/11/2023)</p> <p>Collection/Solution managers can now take advantage of the new Layout Editor for Custom Pages, allowing them to create user-engaging, mobile-friendly pages to host their content.</p> </td> <a id="item_806406_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td data-ecl-table-header="AccordionControl" class="ecl-table__cell"> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="47106_plus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="47106" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="47106_minus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="47106" style="display:none;" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Date" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">02/08/2023</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Subject" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">[Joinup] Summer Newsletter</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Language" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr id="issue_47106" class="ecl-table__row" style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell" style="background-color:White !important;"> <table class="ecl-table"> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796351_default"> <p><b>Unleashing the power of interoperability</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p></p> </td> <a id="item_796351_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796358_default"> <p><b>Joinup’s highlights & role in the future Interoperable Europe Act</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>In this interview with Bernard Claes, Joinup’s Business Manager, we learn about the recent progress achieved for the platform, as well as how Joinup is positioning itself to support the upcoming Interoperable Europe Act.</p> </td> <a id="item_796358_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796349_default"> <p><b>Joinup & IOPEU Academy at the National Technical University of Athens event</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>The event “Role of Semantic Technologies in Common European Data Spaces” took place at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in Athens, Greece. Joinup and the Interoperable Europe Academy were presented and explained in a dedicated presentation.</p> </td> <a id="item_796349_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796483_default"> <p><b>Joinup becomes the first European Commission site to use Drupal 10</b> (24/07/2023)</p> <p>The upgrade, completed in July 2023, transforms Joinup into a more secure and efficient platform, making it easier for the team to maintain and update the site in the future.</p> </td> <a id="item_796483_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796353_default"> <p><b>IOPEU Academy Lecture & Workshop at Samos Summit 2023</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>The Interoperable Europe Academy participated at the Samos Summit 2023 with a workshop and a dedicated lecture concerning the Interoperable Academy Curriculum, its Roadmap, and the upcoming Interoperable Europe Act.</p> </td> <a id="item_796353_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796359_default"> <p><b>OSOR turns 15 and gets a makeover</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>The Open Source Observatory is celebrating its 15-year anniversary with a new layout and structure that reflects OSOR as a fundamental pillar of the Interoperable Europe initiative.</p> </td> <a id="item_796359_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796360_default"> <p><b>New features & milestone release (v1.4.0) available for the Test Bed’s validators</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>A set of new features is now available for the Test Bed’s RDF, XML, JSON and CSV validators, for which a new milestone release (1.4.0) is now published. Such milestone releases complement the validators’ continuous delivery model to support users with stable versions for on-premises installations</p> </td> <a id="item_796360_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796363_default"> <p><b>PM² shortlisted in the European Ombudsman Award for Good Administration 2023</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>The European Commission’s official Project Management Methodology was shortlisted among the top four projects in the 'Excellence in open administration' category.</p> </td> <a id="item_796363_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796365_default"> <p><b>MidPoint’s Simulations: A peek into the future with IGA</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>MidPoint 4.7 introduces simulation solutions to the stressful and risky process of implementing identity governance and administration systems. It enables organisations to preview and control changes, ensuring compliance and mitigating risks, allowing them to make informed decisions.</p> </td> <a id="item_796365_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796366_default"> <p><b>Discover a new guide to user-friendly data in publications</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>Do you write about data, create data visualisations, or prepare and publish data? This online guide is for you. Formatted as an extendable checklist, it compiles practical tips, examples and resources from across the EU.</p> </td> <a id="item_796366_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796367_default"> <p><b>The newest IOPEU Academy course has just arrived!</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>Are you looking for a thorough and detailed course that will give you guidance on the European Union Public Licence? Then enrol in our latest course about EUPL to get everything you are looking for to boost your knowledge on the subject!</p> </td> <a id="item_796367_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796921_default"> <p><b>The OSOR Awards 2023 for the best public sector OSS initiatives and solutions - call for submissions now open!</b> (28/07/2023)</p> <p>The contest shines a spotlight on the exceptional open-source initiatives and solutions developed for public services throughout Europe. The call for submissions is open until 21 September 2023 and the winners will be announced on 21 November 2023 at OSOR’s anniversary conference.</p> </td> <a id="item_796921_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796369_default"> <p><b>ENDORSE exchange platform</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>The ENDORSE exchange platform is a community of practice, where you can interact with peers and semantic and knowledge management specialists. It is designed to help overcome silos by sharing best practices, assets, ideas and lessons learned.</p> </td> <a id="item_796369_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796362_default"> <p><b>Interoperability Maturity Tools (IMTs) for Digital Public Services</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>IMTs are online self-assessment tools which allow public administrations to evaluate the interoperability maturity of their digital public services or to check interoperability requirements for the design of new digital public services, which are interoperable by design.</p> </td> <a id="item_796362_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796364_default"> <p><b>Catalogue of Services</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>The Catalogue of Services Action supports public administrations in building their digital catalogues of public services, to allow citizens, businesses and public administrations across Europe to access and understand the information they need.</p> </td> <a id="item_796364_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796576_default"> <p><b>TESTA, THE secure network infrastructure for cross-border information exchanges between EU Member States & EU public bodies</b> (25/07/2023)</p> <p>TESTA is a secure communication network infrastructure, designed for information exchange between EU institutions, bodies, agencies, and public authorities. It facilitates operational cooperation, by providing guaranteed service levels for network availability and ensuring safe communications at a trans-European level.</p> </td> <a id="item_796576_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796370_default"> <p><b>Mosaico, the tool for the design and development of digital public services centred on citizens & companies</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>Mosaico assists users to navigate through the Portuguese Government´s multiple online services. It is targeted to all managers and technical workers at Public Administrations, external entities, companies and, of course, citizens.</p> </td> <a id="item_796370_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796371_default"> <p><b>IOPEU Academy course: Introduction to open software licensing</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>This course aims to provide a solid understanding about software licensing and licence types, looking into the details of open license types, their benefits and how they contribute to software and data interoperability.</p> </td> <a id="item_796371_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796350_default"> <p><b>EGOV2023 – Conference on digital-ready policy making</b> (04/09/2023)</p> <p>The eGov2023 Conference focuses on topics that are key for digital-ready policymaking, such as e-Government, Open Government, e-Participation and e-Democracy.</p> </td> <a id="item_796350_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796557_default"> <p><b>Geospatial trends 2023: Opportunities for</b> (08/09/2023)</p> <p>Geospatial data looks at the ‘where’ of a phenomenon, providing unique insights. Which current trends, standards, or ideas related to geospatial data could be relevant for, the official portal for European data? Join the webinar to find out!</p> </td> <a id="item_796557_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796559_default"> <p><b>SEMIC 2023: Registration is open!</b> (18/10/2023)</p> <p>This year’s central theme, ‘Interoperable Europe in the age of AI’, will set the stage for exploring the latest advancements in the interactions between artificial intelligence, interoperability and semantics.</p> </td> <a id="item_796559_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="796373_default"> <p><b>New Joinup features help content stand out</b> (21/07/2023)</p> <p>The platform is growing and evolving, and the goal is to keep our users engaged by allowing them to find and share up to date content.</p> </td> <a id="item_796373_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td data-ecl-table-header="AccordionControl" class="ecl-table__cell"> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="45236_plus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="45236" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="45236_minus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="45236" style="display:none;" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Date" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">02/05/2023</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Subject" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">[Joinup] Spring Newsletter</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Language" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr id="issue_45236" class="ecl-table__row" style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell" style="background-color:White !important;"> <table class="ecl-table"> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785274_default"> <p><b>Share. Reuse. Collaborate.</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p></p> </td> <a id="item_785274_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785229_default"> <p><b>Joinup: "The go-to platform for digital transformation activities”</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>In this interview with Natalia Aristimuño Pérez, the Digital Services Director at DG DIGIT of the European Commission, we discuss Joinup’s role in the upcoming Interoperable Europe Act and explore the future of the Joinup platform in its aim to support the ever-shifting world of digital public services.</p> </td> <a id="item_785229_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785521_default"> <p><b>A new theme for Joinup</b> (26/04/2023)</p> <p>The fresh look improves the user experience by providing a streamlined navigation, an updated menu design and location, helps the content to stand out, and is mobile-/accessibility-friendly.</p> </td> <a id="item_785521_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785522_default"> <p><b>Joinup User Group Meeting</b> (26/04/2023)</p> <p>In the first hybrid Joinup User Group Meeting of the year, the Joinup Team presented the latest and most notable improvements and new features on the platform, and discussed with participants about the future of Joinup.</p> </td> <a id="item_785522_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785241_default"> <p><b>NIFO Webinar Highlights: The European Interoperability Framework and its Monitoring Mechanism</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>The webinar targeted those interested in NIFO's work, particularly public sector employees involved in DESI, eGovernment Benchmark, NIFO, and Berlin Declaration.</p> </td> <a id="item_785241_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785235_default"> <p><b>Showcasing PM² at the ‘V4 Training for Research Project Managers’</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>The benefits of PM² were presented to members of the Research & Innovation Liaison Offices of the Visegrad Group (V4), an informal regional format of cooperation between Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.</p> </td> <a id="item_785235_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785254_default"> <p><b>GovTech Connect Boot camps | Open calls</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>Looking for GovTech start-ups across Northern and Southern Europe to take part in a 4 week accelerated and intensive training programmes.</p> </td> <a id="item_785254_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785239_default"> <p><b>MidPoint 4.7: A release with many improvements</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>MidPoint is a unique open source solution combining identity management and identity governance. It covers technological and business requirements. This release brings simulations, improved user experience, and identity governance reports.</p> </td> <a id="item_785239_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785255_default"> <p><b>The Interoperable Europe Act proposal and NIFO</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>What does the Interoperable Europe Act presuppose for NIFO? An opportunity to enhance the digital transformation of public administrations across Europe.</p> </td> <a id="item_785255_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785251_default"> <p><b>The Test Bed in support of digital wallets for travel and mobility</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>In the upcoming months the Interoperability Test Bed will be supporting innovation and conformance testing of digital identity wallets for air travel and mobility within the EU.</p> </td> <a id="item_785251_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785236_default"> <p><b>Launch of the IOPEU Academy’s community page</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>The IOPEU Academy community page addresses the needs of the growing number of learners and creates a place where all the courses are stored and organised together.</p> </td> <a id="item_785236_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785259_default"> <p><b>GR digiGOV-innoHUB - The Greek EDIH for Public Services</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>The Greek Digital Government and Public Services Innovation Hub – GR digiGOV-innoHUB supports the development of a new generation of public services based on advanced digital technologies (AI, ML, IoT, Blockchain, HPC), with open source software, open data and open standards.</p> </td> <a id="item_785259_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785260_default"> <p><b>EC Open Source Programme Office</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>The European Commission Open Source Programme Office (EC OSPO) is an action of the latest Open Source Software Strategy for 2020-2023 guided by six principles: think open, transform, share, contribute, secure, stay in control.</p> </td> <a id="item_785260_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785256_default"> <p><b>GovTech Connect</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>The virtual home of the GovTech Connect Community, a space for collaboration and knowledge sharing and an information hub to serve the entire EU GovTech marketplace.</p> </td> <a id="item_785256_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785263_default"> <p><b>Regulatory Reporting Online Course (Interoperable Europe Academy)</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>Regulatory reporting is an integral part of ensuring the implementation of EU legislation and has significant impacts on the policy cycle. This online course examines what is regulatory reporting and its importance.</p> </td> <a id="item_785263_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785264_default"> <p><b>Harmony eDelivery Access</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>Harmony eDelivery Access by the Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS) is a free and actively maintained open-source component for joining one or more eDelivery policy domains.</p> </td> <a id="item_785264_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785262_default"> <p><b>Justice Govtech Strategy</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>The solution aims to consolidate the culture of collaborative innovation by promoting greater involvement of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem with public justice bodies, underpinned by emerging technologies and supported by the Recovery and Resilience Plan.</p> </td> <a id="item_785262_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785265_default"> <p><b>Discover BDTI’s stack</b> (03/05/2023)</p> <p>KNIME and DG DIGIT join forces to host a data analytics event on the 3-4th of May to promote data-driven innovation in the public sector.</p> </td> <a id="item_785265_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785270_default"> <p><b>Government Transformation Summit</b> (11/05/2023)</p> <p>Explores the biggest challenges and opportunities for public sector organisations, building a 360-degree view of what's happening in public sector transformation.</p> </td> <a id="item_785270_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785269_default"> <p><b>GovTech Leaders 2023</b> (09/05/2023)</p> <p>GovTech leaders, followers, challengers and observers – every public sector innovation enthusiast will find their place at the GovTech Leaders 2023!</p> </td> <a id="item_785269_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="785272_default"> <p><b>Interactive geographical maps</b> (25/04/2023)</p> <p>Adding interactive geographical maps to your Custom Pages makes your content stand out for users seeking country-related information and resources.</p> </td> <a id="item_785272_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td data-ecl-table-header="AccordionControl" class="ecl-table__cell"> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="42617_plus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="42617" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="42617_minus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="42617" style="display:none;" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Date" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">15/12/2022</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Subject" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">[Joinup] Winter Newsletter</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Language" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr id="issue_42617" class="ecl-table__row" style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell" style="background-color:White !important;"> <table class="ecl-table"> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769719_default"> <p><b>Digital Skills in the public sector</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>A collection to enhance the collaboration on development of digital skills in the public sector between the European Commission, EU countries, international organisations and any other stakeholder via online discussion and information exchange.</p> </td> <a id="item_769719_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769720_default"> <p><b>FOSSEPS - Free and Open Source Software Solutions for European Public Services</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>FOSSEPS builds on the success of earlier projects such as OSOR, ISA2 and the EU-FOSSA initiative. It will help to manage and protect open source and treat it as a collective, shared and valuable European asset.</p> </td> <a id="item_769720_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769721_default"> <p><b>Common Mapping of Innovation Supporting Actors</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>CMISA developed a common interoperable model to be used among participating EU-financed websites to exchange information. It has also developed a central website with a mapping tool, which can be used by end-users to look for innovation facilities and supporting actors.</p> </td> <a id="item_769721_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769724_default"> <p><b>Website Evidence Collector</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) publishes the tool Website Evidence Collector which supports the automation of privacy and personal data protection inspections of websites.</p> </td> <a id="item_769724_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769722_default"> <p><b>ShowVoc</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>ShowVoc is a web-based, multilingual, collaborative development platform for publishing, consulting and validating reference data and controlled lists of codes and terms used to organise information.</p> </td> <a id="item_769722_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769723_default"> <p><b>Token Platform for building decentralised apps and services</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>The Token platform offers a developer-friendly set of plug-and-play services and open-source components for building decentralised apps and services.</p> </td> <a id="item_769723_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769725_default"> <p><b>Webinar: Introduction of the SEMIC Style Guide</b> (11/01/2023)</p> <p>During this webinar the SEMIC style guide will be introduced.</p> </td> <a id="item_769725_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769726_default"> <p><b>First workshop on Wikidata and Wikibase</b> (23/01/2023)</p> <p>During this workshop participants will learn to work with Wikidata & Wikibase in the context of SEMIC.</p> </td> <a id="item_769726_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769727_default"> <p><b>Webinar on DCAT-AP</b> (02/02/2023)</p> <p>During this workshop participants will learn to work with DCAT-AP in the context of SEMIC.</p> </td> <a id="item_769727_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769728_default"> <p><b>New platform features</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>Recent Joinup releases bring useful features and improvements to the platform. We know you’ll find them quite interesting and helpful, so click the link below to find out more about them.</p> </td> <a id="item_769728_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769729_default"> <p><b>Think interoperability</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p></p> </td> <a id="item_769729_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="770146_default"> <p><b>The Interoperable Europe initiative launched its new web page design on Joinup</b> (13/12/2022)</p> <p>Check out the new, intuitive layout, and find useful information about the initiative and the Interoperable Europe Act proposal.</p> </td> <a id="item_770146_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769713_default"> <p><b>Joinup User Group Meeting</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>The recent User Group Meeting presented the latest Joinup improvements and new features, collected participants’ feedback, and provided a view of the platform’s future direction.</p> </td> <a id="item_769713_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769710_default"> <p><b>The EIF Online Assistant is live!</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>The National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO) that designed the EIF Toolbox is now providing the EIF Online Assistant. The EIF Online Assistant offers an interactive and intuitive interface for seeking open-source digital solutions that help align with the EIF.</p> </td> <a id="item_769710_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769712_default"> <p><b>An ideal match: Interoperable Europe & Joinup</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>The Joinup platform helps to forge a connection between the interoperability policy angle, expressed and covered by the Interoperable Europe initiative, and the platform’s building blocks / solutions that help make the policy a reality.</p> </td> <a id="item_769712_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769716_default"> <p><b>The results of the monitoring exercises of the Berlin Declaration & EIF are out!</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>These results provide an overview of the progress made by Member States in implementing the 22 Policy Actions of the Declaration and of the level of implementation of the EIF’s recommendations by the European countries.</p> </td> <a id="item_769716_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769717_default"> <p><b>The JSON validator in support of healthcare interoperability</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>The Test Bed’s JSON validator was used in the 2022 Montreux IHE Connectathon for the validation of JSON medical imaging data based on the DICOM standard.</p> </td> <a id="item_769717_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769715_default"> <p><b>MidPoint 4.6: Everything you need to know about its latest release</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>MidPoint is a unique open source solution combining identity management and identity governance. It covers technological and business requirements. This release brings substantial UX improvements and major new features.</p> </td> <a id="item_769715_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769714_default"> <p><b>Hands-on support for interoperable digital public services!</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>The Interoperability Assessment Tools team released its new versions for IMAPS, SIQAT, and GIQAT and support you on their uptake! Tell us about your interest in the poll!</p> </td> <a id="item_769714_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="769718_default"> <p><b>Version 1.18.0 of the Interoperability Test Bed software is now available</b> (09/12/2022)</p> <p>It focuses on test engine and GITB TDL extensions to increase the Test Bed’s testing capabilities, extending the customisation of scriptlets, and allowing steps, information and behaviours to be adapted dynamically.</p> </td> <a id="item_769718_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td data-ecl-table-header="AccordionControl" class="ecl-table__cell"> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="40027_plus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="40027" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="40027_minus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="40027" style="display:none;" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Date" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">20/07/2022</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Subject" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">[Joinup] Summer Newsletter</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Language" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr id="issue_40027" class="ecl-table__row" style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell" style="background-color:White !important;"> <table class="ecl-table"> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="754028_default"> <p><b>Interoperability means versatility</b> (15/07/2022)</p> <p></p> </td> <a id="item_754028_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="754048_default"> <p><b>Bridging the interoperability policy angle with Joinup’s hands-on approach</b> (15/07/2022)</p> <p>Joinup’s Project Officers share the platform’s latest focus on taming the vast wealth of information and highlight the importance of allowing users to collaborate more efficiently.</p> </td> <a id="item_754048_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="754064_default"> <p><b>The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) Toolbox's new eLearning course by IOPEU Academy</b> (15/07/2022)</p> <p>This new online course will teach you everything you need to know about how to align your National Interoperability Framework with the European one, what the connection is between that and the EIF Toolbox and how to navigate the Toolbox!</p> </td> <a id="item_754064_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753818_default"> <p><b>Digital-ready policymaking new eLearning course by IOPEU Academy</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>The course on digital-ready policymaking is now online! In this training you can learn more about the six components of digital-ready policymaking and how they can improve your policies. As an extra spice, we included best practices from across Europe to our course too.</p> </td> <a id="item_753818_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753817_default"> <p><b>New report now available: Benchmarking the role of the Public Sector and Location Intelligence in Smart Spaces</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>The aim of the study was to develop a benchmarking framework as tool to provide a clear “picture” of Smart Space. It was tested in four case studies and based on this analysis 5 areas were proposed where the public sector can lower the barriers of implementing Smart Spaces.</p> </td> <a id="item_753817_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753820_default"> <p><b>LEOS bug bounty experience</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>LEOS was part of a new set of bug bounties launched on 13 January 2022 by the European Commission Open Source Programme Office (EC OSPO). Read about how it worked and what the LEOS team learned from this experience.</p> </td> <a id="item_753820_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753822_default"> <p><b>Spanish PM²-Agile guide out now</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>The Centre of Excellence in PM² (CoEPM²) is pleased to announce the publication of the Spanish version of PM²-Agile, which aims to support the integration of Agile practices into existing corporate structures of companies, institutions and organisations that use PM².</p> </td> <a id="item_753822_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753824_default"> <p><b>Two new infographics published: Location Intelligence and LIFO</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>The LIFO infographic explains the highlights of the observatory, what it measures, how it is run and who benefits. The Location Intelligence explain the main concepts, how it relates to daily life and its contribution in helping public administration transition to the digital age.</p> </td> <a id="item_753824_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753823_default"> <p><b>Chowlk: From UML conceptualisations to ontologies</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>Ontology conceptualisation consists of generating a preliminary model based on the requirements that the ontology should represent. This is often carried out by generating models as diagrams on a blackboard, paper or in digital tools. Chowlk helps you take advantage of the generated conceptualisations.</p> </td> <a id="item_753823_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753826_default"> <p><b>Semantic Interoperability Community (SEMIC)</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>The Semantic Interoperability Community develops solutions to help European public administrations perform seamless and meaningful cross-border and cross-domain data exchanges.</p> </td> <a id="item_753826_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753830_default"> <p><b>eGovernment</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>The eGovernment community covers all aspects of Internet use to deliver government information and services. The community aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery in the public sector.</p> </td> <a id="item_753830_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753834_default"> <p><b>Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>The EU Rolling Plan provides an overview of the needs for ICT standardisation activities to be undertaken in support of EU policy activities.</p> </td> <a id="item_753834_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753827_default"> <p><b>The European Library of Architecture Principles (ELAP) Quick Assessment tool is coming!</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>Departing from the architecture principles, the Quick Assessment tool will provide a semi-automated validation of the principles when designing a solution, included in ArchiMate© XML models. This will support public administrations in designing new IT public services.</p> </td> <a id="item_753827_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753846_default"> <p><b>European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA)</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>The European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA©) is an architecture content metamodel defining the most salient architectural building blocks (ABBs) needed to build interoperable e-Government systems.</p> </td> <a id="item_753846_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753847_default"> <p><b>DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>The DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe (DCAT-AP) is a specification based on the Data Catalogue Vocabulary (DCAT) developed by W3C.</p> </td> <a id="item_753847_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753845_default"> <p><b>EIF Toolbox</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>The EIF Toolbox is designed as a guidance for national public administrations to equip them with the tools necessary to align their National Interoperability Frameworks (NIFs) with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) in order to promote interoperability at national and European level.</p> </td> <a id="item_753845_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753837_default"> <p><b>Open Source Summit Europe</b> (13/09/2022)</p> <p>The Linux Foundation Open Source Summit is a conference umbrella, and includes a collection of events centred around open source.</p> </td> <a id="item_753837_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753840_default"> <p><b>FIWARE Global Summit 2022 - Leading the Digital Transformation</b> (14/09/2022)</p> <p>The FIWARE Global Summit is an international event fostering exchanges in the field of innovation, open source collaboration, and networking opportunities.</p> </td> <a id="item_753840_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="754067_default"> <p><b>EU Datathon 2022 - Competition finals</b> (20/10/2022)</p> <p>The finalist teams deliver their pitch. The apps are ranked, and winning teams are announced.</p> </td> <a id="item_754067_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="754204_default"> <p><b>SEMIC is coming back on the 6th of December</b> (06/12/2022)</p> <p>After two digital editions, the annual semantic interoperability conference will be back completely physically on the 6th of December 2022 at the Square Meeting Center in Brussels!</p> </td> <a id="item_754204_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="754197_default"> <p><b>New Joinup release</b> (18/07/2022)</p> <p>This release brings some well-deserved features and improvements to the platform. We know you’ll find them quite interesting and helpful, so click the link below to find out more about them.</p> </td> <a id="item_754197_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="754190_default"> <p><b>Updated roadmap is now live</b> (18/07/2022)</p> <p>Want to know what’s coming to the Joinup platform in terms of features and improvements? Then have a look at our dedicated roadmap page which contains all the information you need to see what’s in store for the platform.</p> </td> <a id="item_754190_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="754291_default"> <p><b>Joinup's Reusability: The European Interoperable game-changing platform</b> (19/07/2022)</p> <p>Take advantage of the benefits the platform offers by setting up your own collaborative, customised version based on Joinup’s freely available source code.</p> </td> <a id="item_754291_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="753842_default"> <p><b>Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</b> (14/07/2022)</p> <p>Have a question about the Joinup platform? Most probably, we already have an answer for it! Check out our FAQ page which tackles the most-asked user inquiries.</p> </td> <a id="item_753842_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td data-ecl-table-header="AccordionControl" class="ecl-table__cell"> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="37391_plus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="37391" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="37391_minus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="37391" style="display:none;" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Date" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">25/02/2022</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Subject" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">[Joinup] Winter Newsletter</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Language" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr id="issue_37391" class="ecl-table__row" style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell" style="background-color:White !important;"> <table class="ecl-table"> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735979_default"> <p><b>Webinar recordings: Software reuse key asset in Belgium’s fight against Covid-19</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>Standardisation and software reuse have contributed to Belgium’s response to the pandemic. How exactly? A webinar on software reuse was organised on October 21st 2021 by the Belgian social security institutions. Full replay available.</p> </td> <a id="item_735979_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735988_default"> <p><b>Interoperability solutions’ showcase page</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>Solutions are key enablers to any interoperability initiative and provide you with the needed building blocks to set up – or enhance – your interoperability plans. Here, we will be periodically showcasing interesting solutions so make sure you frequently visit this page.</p> </td> <a id="item_735988_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735994_default"> <p><b>Open Terms Archive</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>Open Terms Archive tracks and makes visible changes to the Terms of Service of common online services.</p> </td> <a id="item_735994_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="737266_default"> <p><b>Making Europe interoperable – by design</b> (21/02/2022)</p> <p></p> </td> <a id="item_737266_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735983_default"> <p><b>NIFO - National Interoperability Framework Observatory</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>The National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO) is one of the mechanisms put in place by the European Commission as a monitoring tool, to regularly gather information on the state of play of digital public administration and interoperability activities within the EU Member States and associated countries.</p> </td> <a id="item_735983_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735993_default"> <p><b>X-Road Academy – Free Online Training on X-Road</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>X-Road® is an open-source software and ecosystem solution that provides unified and secure data exchange between organisations. The X-Road Academy provides online training to anyone willing to learn more about X-Road</p> </td> <a id="item_735993_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="736210_default"> <p><b>New name with New courses!</b> (11/02/2022)</p> <p>The Interoperability Academy is now Interoperable Europe Academy. The new name comes along with two freshly published courses which will level up your advanced digital skills and competences in the fields of data interoperability and open source licensing.</p> </td> <a id="item_736210_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735969_default"> <p><b>NIFO Coffee Talk #1 – Minutes</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>Learn about the insights and best practices on the creation of national catalogues of services and solutions that were presented at the 1st NIFO Coffee talk.</p> </td> <a id="item_735969_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735959_default"> <p><b>The data.europa academy is live!</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>Whether you are a data provider, policymaker, or data enthusiast, the data.europa academy will help you become more knowledgeable about open data. Discover a curriculum packed with free courses, webinars and training materials.</p> </td> <a id="item_735959_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735966_default"> <p><b>Improving the use of location intelligence in Smart Spaces</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>A Smart Space can be defined as a combination of physical and digital environments in which people and technology-enabled systems interact in dynamic, inter-connected and intelligent ecosystems. In this context, the Smart Space Benchmarking Framework tests location intelligence in a Smart Space on four dimensions.</p> </td> <a id="item_735966_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735987_default"> <p><b>FOSS Backstage 2022</b> (17/03/2022)</p> <p>FOSS Backstage is an exciting conference dedicated to everything related to FOSS governance and open collaboration. The fourth edition of FOSS Backstage will consist of one fully virtual day followed by one in person day taking place here in Berlin.</p> </td> <a id="item_735987_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735996_default"> <p><b>e-CODEX Connector Suite</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>e-CODEX offers technical solutions for secure online cross-border communication in the field of justice. The technical infrastructure connects different legal systems and ensures fast access to justice across borders.</p> </td> <a id="item_735996_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735968_default"> <p><b>Meet IMAPS and follow the IMAPS user journey!</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>The IMAPS team released the updated complete suite of the IMAPS solution, including specialised versions of its survey. Discover the assessment process that starts from IMAPS and leads to its specialisations following the IMAPS user journey!</p> </td> <a id="item_735968_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735976_default"> <p><b>Comparative analysis of different methodologies and datasets for Energy Performance Labelling of buildings</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>The final report of the ELISE Energy & Location Applications use case "Comparative analysis of different methodologies and datasets for Energy Performance Labelling of buildings" has been published recently.</p> </td> <a id="item_735976_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735980_default"> <p><b>Test Bed validators becoming increasingly popular</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>The Test Bed’s validators are becoming increasingly popular, having now passed two million downloads and use from more than seventy countries.</p> </td> <a id="item_735980_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735985_default"> <p><b>Discover the Open Source Observatory (OSOR)!</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>In this introduction video, our community members share their testimonies on the content offered by OSOR for public administrations. Tune in to hear more on the OSOR country reports, the latest news on OSS in the public sector, guidelines for OSS communities, and much more!</p> </td> <a id="item_735985_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="737268_default"> <p><b>Joinup & Interoperable Europe join forces</b> (21/02/2022)</p> <p>The Interoperable Europe initiative is now hosted on Joinup. We talked with Maximillian Strotmann, Deputy Head of Unit - DIGIT.D.2, to find out how this helps create a common environment for safe, secure, and collaborative data sharing.</p> </td> <a id="item_737268_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735975_default"> <p><b>Report on the role of open source in the digital response to COVID-19 in the EU</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>The COVID-19 crisis created new challenges regarding the provision of public services. Focusing on good practices and successful reuse cases in the health and education sectors, the report explores the role of open source in the digital response to COVID-19.</p> </td> <a id="item_735975_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="737267_default"> <p><b>Boost your public administration with the BDTI</b> (02/03/2022)</p> <p>Discover how BDTI can support Public Administrations in gathering valuable insights from public sector information taking the use of data to the next level.</p> </td> <a id="item_737267_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735965_default"> <p><b>What is NIFO?</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>The European Commission’s National Interoperability Framework Observatory is a lively digital policy and interoperability hub that provides all the latest and most up-to-date news and resources on digital public administration and interoperability matters.</p> </td> <a id="item_735965_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735986_default"> <p><b>Webinar on open data best practices in Europe</b> (17/03/2022)</p> <p>What can you learn from the top performers of the Open Data Maturity assessment 2021? Find out during the upcoming webinar on 17 March. The event will host 3 European countries that showed impressive growth in open data maturity score: Estonia, Slovenia & Ukraine.</p> </td> <a id="item_735986_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="735982_default"> <p><b>Interoperable Europe</b> (10/02/2022)</p> <p>Interoperable Europe, the initiative of the European Commission for a reinforced interoperability policy, is now hosted on Joinup!</p> </td> <a id="item_735982_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td data-ecl-table-header="AccordionControl" class="ecl-table__cell"> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="33924_plus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="33924" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="33924_minus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="33924" style="display:none;" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Date" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">23/07/2021</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Subject" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">Summer newsletter</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Language" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr id="issue_33924" class="ecl-table__row" style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell" style="background-color:White !important;"> <table class="ecl-table"> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716827_default"> <p><b>Takeaways from the 2021 EIF Webinar</b> (08/07/2021)</p> <p>The EIF Monitoring Mechanism measures the level of implementation of the 47 EIF recommendations and 12 principles throughout European countries in accordance with the EIF Implementation Strategy.</p> </td> <a id="item_716827_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716788_default"> <p><b>143 AI cases in the public sector are available as open data!</b> (08/07/2021)</p> <p>The cases have been collected within the AI Watch for the public sector initiative, from a series of activities (surveys, workshops, interviews, desk research on the web), to understand the type of AI solutions available in governments.</p> </td> <a id="item_716788_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716581_default"> <p><b>PM² e-learning Module Now Available on the EU Academy/Interoperability Academy!</b> (06/07/2021)</p> <p>The Centre of Excellence in PM² (CoEPM²) is delighted to contribute content to the Interoperability Academy, an initiative hosted on the EU Academy e-learning platform, which aims to contribute to advancing digital skills.</p> </td> <a id="item_716581_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716829_default"> <p><b>Thierry Breton on the role of Open Source</b> (08/07/2021)</p> <p>"In the digital decade, Open Source will be a key element to achieve Europe’s resilience and digital sovereignty.”</p> </td> <a id="item_716829_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716737_default"> <p><b>The European Commission Publishes First-Ever Publicly Available PM²-Agile Guide</b> (07/07/2021)</p> <p>A key extension to the current PM² offering, the new guide incorporates agile values, principles and practices, making PM² applicable to Agile initiatives.</p> </td> <a id="item_716737_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716640_default"> <p><b>Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the digital transformation</b> (06/07/2021)</p> <p>(APIs) are the connecting nodes of the digital society, thus a foundational component of its digital transformation. The vast majority of data exchange and transactions in the digital era happen through APIs.</p> </td> <a id="item_716640_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716637_default"> <p><b>Data Oriented Services (DORIS)</b> (06/07/2021)</p> <p>DORIS aims to provide a more accurate analysis and a more tailored visualisation of the results of Open + Consultations, which offer a means to the European citizens to provide their feedback on European regulation and the working of the Commission.</p> </td> <a id="item_716637_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716642_default"> <p><b>Open data</b> (06/07/2021)</p> <p>Open data solutions are shared covering datasets, data visualisations, data analysis tools and services, best practices and guidelines.</p> </td> <a id="item_716642_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716597_default"> <p><b>Mutual Learning Platform on Data Protection and Ethics in ICT Research and Innovation</b> (06/07/2021)</p> <p>The PANELFIT Platform for Mutual Learning is an interactive tool aimed at promoting cooperation and support between researchers and innovators working on the ethical and legal issues surrounding data protection in the field of ICT.</p> </td> <a id="item_716597_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716740_default"> <p><b>Self-assessment of API adoption in government</b> (07/07/2021)</p> <p>This solution is an online tool created to help public administrations identify actions to evolve their Application Programming Interface (API) infrastructure and make them ready for a connected future.</p> </td> <a id="item_716740_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716753_default"> <p><b>EIRA Library of Architecture Principles (ELAP)</b> (07/07/2021)</p> <p>ELAP is intended to direct government organizations in initiating changes and implementing IT projects.</p> </td> <a id="item_716753_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716648_default"> <p><b>Sending your datasets to CMISA? We've got you covered!</b> (06/07/2021)</p> <p>The Common Mapping of Innovation Supporting Actors (CMISA) Team is pleased to share with you a complete list of resources to support you with the process of mapping your data to the CMISA Common Data Model and the sharing of your dataset.</p> </td> <a id="item_716648_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716752_default"> <p><b>LIFO - Location Interoperability Framework Observatory</b> (07/07/2021)</p> <p>LIFO monitors the implementation of location data interoperability good practices in European public administrations, based on the level of adoption of recommendations in the EULF Blueprint.</p> </td> <a id="item_716752_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716830_default"> <p><b>ICEGOV2021: Smart Digital Governance for Global Sustainability</b> (05/10/2021)</p> <p>The conference aims at exploring how the synergies among the communities of technology, policy, and social cohesion can be a positive factor for sustainable development.</p> </td> <a id="item_716830_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="716647_default"> <p><b>EU Open Data Days: registration opens soon</b> (23/11/2021)</p> <p>The first-ever EU Open Data Days will take place on 23-25 November 2021. This unique online event will serve as a knowledge hub, bringing the benefits of open data to the EU public sector, and through it to people and businesses. Registration opens at the end of July.</p> </td> <a id="item_716647_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="717005_default"> <p><b>User testimonials</b> (09/07/2021)</p> <p>Joinup always strives to cater for its users. In return, our users have frequently shown their gratitude by sending us praises regarding their use of the Joinup platform.</p> </td> <a id="item_717005_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="717006_default"> <p><b>Technical documentation</b> (09/07/2021)</p> <p>Learn about the inner workings of the Joinup platform.</p> </td> <a id="item_717006_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="717475_default"> <p><b>Making European digital public services a reality</b> (15/07/2021)</p> <p>Joinup has been around for more than 10 years and is still going strong. Now, Joinup is moving towards a clearer offering and vision. To find out more we interviewed four key persons around the platform: Cristina Cosma, Victoria Kalogirou, Florin Bota, and Ludovic Mayot.</p> </td> <a id="item_717475_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="717665_default"> <p><b>Interoperability is in the air</b> (16/07/2021)</p> <p>Another Joinup Newsletter has hit the virtual newsstands! In this Summer edition we’ve made sure to include the latest – and most refreshing – updates from the world of digital public services. As usual, interoperability is our common link and Joinup the medium through which we present to you all these interesting solutions, news, events, and tips and tricks. <br><br> But there’s more! This edition’s interview is with a group of people that helps keep Joinup in the forefront of digital government activities. To find out what’s coming to Joinup, in both visual and technical means, we talked with Joinup’s EC Project Officers Cristina COSMA and Victoria KALOGIROU (DIGIT D2), with Florin BOTA – Head of Sector for Data and Content Management/Operations and Security (DIGIT D1), as well as with Ludovic MAYOT – Joinup’s Project Manager (TRASYS International). <br><br> Happy summer reading!</p> </td> <a id="item_717665_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td data-ecl-table-header="AccordionControl" class="ecl-table__cell"> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="32743_plus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="32743" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="32743_minus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="32743" style="display:none;" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Date" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">26/05/2021</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Subject" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">Spring newsletter</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Language" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr id="issue_32743" class="ecl-table__row" style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell" style="background-color:White !important;"> <table class="ecl-table"> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="710407_default"> <p><b>Let’s get digital!</b> (29/04/2021)</p> <p></p> </td> <a id="item_710407_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="710409_default"> <p><b>AMA's Sara Carrasqueiro talks about digital transformation in Portugal</b> (29/04/2021)</p> <p>What are the Administrative Modernization Agency's (AMA) activities and how can they benefit other Member States with the help of the Joinup platform? <br> <br></p> </td> <a id="item_710409_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="711164_default"> <p><b>Who won over the classroom with Jitsi?</b> (17/05/2021)</p> <p>An EU Hackathon to develop new features for Jitsi took place with over 150 participants from 50 countries, with 21 projects submitted and 5 winners!</p> </td> <a id="item_711164_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="708952_default"> <p><b>FAIR principles and Semantics on the Web</b> (19/04/2021)</p> <p>Analysing the application of FAIR principles to the publication of ontologies following the Semantic Web best practices.</p> </td> <a id="item_708952_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="709167_default"> <p><b>Release v2.1.0 of the Re3gistry software now available!</b> (21/04/2021)</p> <p>The recently released version of the Re3gistry software introduces new features and fixed bugs. The Re3gistry supports organisations in managing and updating reference codes in a consistent way, so that all versions of a code remain traceable and properly documented. </p> </td> <a id="item_709167_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="709160_default"> <p><b>Survey on the use of AI in the public sector </b> (21/04/2021)</p> <p>‘AI Watch’, EC knowledge service on artificial intelligence, and the ISA² ELISE action, are running a survey aiming to gather data about the objectives, driving factors and challenges of any AI-enabled solution applied in the Public Sector. </p> </td> <a id="item_709160_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="708977_default"> <p><b>The new version of GeoDCAT-AP has been officially released!</b> (19/04/2021)</p> <p>GeoDCAT-AP allows Member States to keep geospatial datasets up to date and compliant according to the INSPIRE guidelines.</p> </td> <a id="item_708977_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="708971_default"> <p><b>New validator installation guide</b> (19/04/2021)</p> <p>A new online guide is now available with step-by-step instructions on how to make an on-premise production installation of an XML, RDF, JSON or CSV validator.</p> </td> <a id="item_708971_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="708907_default"> <p><b>Towards a better Joinup platform</b> (19/04/2021)</p> <p>Joinup is turning 10 in 2021. Now, Joinup has to go through a deeper transformation process to adapt to the new digital landscape. That is why we created the Joinup revamp page!</p> </td> <a id="item_708907_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="708522_default"> <p><b>Portuguese eGovernment Solutions</b> (14/04/2021)</p> <p>eID solutions, SMS Gateway, Digital Mobile Key, the Integration Platform -- all show how resourceful the Portuguese eGovernment is.</p> </td> <a id="item_708522_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="709738_default"> <p><b>Digital-ready Policymaking</b> (26/04/2021)</p> <p>Digital-ready policymaking refers to the process of formulating digital-ready policies and legislation by considering digital aspects from the start of the policy cycle to ensure that they are ready for the digital age, future-proof and interoperable.</p> </td> <a id="item_709738_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="708543_default"> <p><b>ARE3NA</b> (15/04/2021)</p> <p>The ARE3NA community is a resource sharing interoperability solutions in the geospatial and e-government domains. </p> </td> <a id="item_708543_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="708481_default"> <p><b>ENDORSE exchange platform</b> (14/04/2021)</p> <p> Join our community of practice, interact with peers and semantic and knowledge management specialists! </p> </td> <a id="item_708481_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="708541_default"> <p><b>Sharing and Reuse of IT Solutions</b> (15/04/2021)</p> <p>This community is for exchanging information, experiences and best practices around the sharing and reuse of IT solutions in the public sector. <br> <br></p> </td> <a id="item_708541_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="710395_default"> <p><b>Storyline for base registries interconnection</b> (29/04/2021)</p> <p>The ABR Team prepared the easy-to-follow storyline that will guide you on how to interconnect your base registries and overcome all barriers on the way.</p> </td> <a id="item_710395_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="709886_default"> <p><b>First PM² Guide launched! </b> (27/04/2021)</p> <p>The PM²-Programme Management (PM²-PgM) guide has been developed to support institutions and organisations using PM² (the European Commission’s official Project Management Methodology) to effectively run their ‘Programmes’. </p> </td> <a id="item_709886_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="708546_default"> <p><b>VocBench3</b> (15/04/2021)</p> <p>VocBench provides a solution to centralise the management of controlled vocabularies and metadata used by public administrations to support interoperability.</p> </td> <a id="item_708546_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="708560_default"> <p><b>Decision supporting tool on interoperability</b> (15/04/2021)</p> <p>This tool aims to ensure that digital and interoperability aspects are considered in EU policies from their earliest stage. <br> <br> <br></p> </td> <a id="item_708560_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="709044_default"> <p><b>FOSS-North 2021</b> (30/05/2021)</p> <p>FOSS-North 2021 is an annual event focused on open source software and open source hardware from the technical perspective.</p> </td> <a id="item_709044_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="709175_default"> <p><b>Interoperability Test Bed webinar</b> (09/06/2021)</p> <p>The webinar will cover the journey from data validation to conformance testing and will include interesting use cases from National Public Administrations.</p> </td> <a id="item_709175_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="709045_default"> <p><b>Making Joinup “your” platform</b> (20/04/2021)</p> <p>We need you! In our continuous effort to make Joinup meet your expectations, we’ve set up a dedicated questionnaire that continuously collects your valuable feedback.</p> </td> <a id="item_709045_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td data-ecl-table-header="AccordionControl" class="ecl-table__cell"> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="29300_plus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="29300" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> <svg class="ecl-icon ecl-icon--m ecl-icon--rotate-0 ecl-accordion2__toggle-icon newsletter-archive-accordion" id="29300_minus" data-ecl-accordion2-icon="true" data-accordionID="29300" style="display:none;" focusable="false" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href=""></use> </svg> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Date" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">26/01/2021</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Subject" class="ecl-table__cell"> <a href="" target="_new">Winter newsletter</a> </td> <td data-ecl-table-header="Language" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> <tr id="issue_29300" class="ecl-table__row" style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell" style="background-color:White !important;"> <table class="ecl-table"> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="699557_default"> <p><b>What is the new EIF Toolbox?</b> (18/01/2021)</p> <p>Last November, the National Interoperability Framework Observatory (NIFO) launched the EIF Toolbox on Joinup. Miguel Alvarez Rodriguez, NIFO’s EC Project Officer, explains why this initiative is so special.</p> </td> <a id="item_699557_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="700092_default"> <p><b>Fostering digital collaboration</b> (22/01/2021)</p> <p></p> </td> <a id="item_700092_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="699559_default"> <p><b>Targeted consultations to evaluate ISA² and the EIF and design a new interoperability policy for the EU public sector</b> (18/01/2021)</p> <p>Do you have experience with ISA² solutions and the EIF or suggestions for a new interoperability policy? Then please complete this online survey carried out by CEPS for the European Commission!</p> </td> <a id="item_699559_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="699931_default"> <p><b>The Portuguese Digital Identity Ecosystem</b> (21/01/2021)</p> <p>Portugal is a spearhead in digital identity system. Here is an overview of its different digital identity solutions. </p> </td> <a id="item_699931_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698854_default"> <p><b>Innovative Public Services Framework </b> (11/01/2021)</p> <p>The main outcome of the research is an original multi-dimensional framework for evaluating the interoperability readiness of digital public services.</p> </td> <a id="item_698854_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698853_default"> <p><b>ELISE action solutions recognised in new EIF Toolbox </b> (11/01/2021)</p> <p>EULF Blueprint, INSPIRE test framework / validator, Re3gistry are now referenced in the toolbox.</p> </td> <a id="item_698853_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698830_default"> <p><b>Results from the webinar on the EIF Monitoring Mechanism</b> (10/01/2021)</p> <p>The EIF Monitoring Mechanism aims to measure the level of implementation of the 47 EIF recommendations and 12 principles according to the EIF Implementation Strategy.</p> </td> <a id="item_698830_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698933_default"> <p><b>ITB launches validator for Table Schema specifications </b> (11/01/2021)</p> <p>The Interoperability Test Bed has made available a reusable, generic service to validate Table Schema definitions.</p> </td> <a id="item_698933_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="699400_default"> <p><b>IMAPS: Call for participation in the public review of LIMAPS, OIMAPS, SIMAPS and TIMAPS! </b> (18/01/2021)</p> <p>This public consultation is meant to produce updated releases of the IMAPS specialisations, which will provide insights on specific interoperability viewpoints of the digital public service.</p> </td> <a id="item_699400_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698867_default"> <p><b>NIFO: The state-of-play report 2020 is now live!</b> (11/01/2021)</p> <p>NIFO is the European observatory of interoperability and aims at providing valuable insights into the areas of excellence, and recommendations on the areas of improvement, vis-à-vis the role of interoperability.</p> </td> <a id="item_698867_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698829_default"> <p><b>JOINUP - User Group Meeting (UGM) 19/11/20</b> (10/01/2021)</p> <p>The Joinup UGM was an opportunity for users to get to know the latest and upcoming developments of Joinup and to exchange ideas and practical information.</p> </td> <a id="item_698829_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698771_default"> <p><b>European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA)</b> (08/01/2021)</p> <p>EIRA© is a four-view reference architecture for delivering interoperable digital public services across borders and sectors.</p> </td> <a id="item_698771_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698773_default"> <p><b>Contribute to Digital Response to COVID-19 collection!</b> (08/01/2021)</p> <p>The Digital Response to COVID-19 collection is a collaborative repository gathering more than 350 digital solutions such as open source software, websites, and platforms helping public administrations, businesses, and citizens tackle the challenges caused by the COVID-19 crisis. </p> </td> <a id="item_698773_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698816_default"> <p><b>Common Assessment Method for Standards and Specifications (CAMSS)</b> (09/01/2021)</p> <p>CAMSS is the European guide for assessing and selecting standards and specifications for an eGovernment project.</p> </td> <a id="item_698816_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698615_default"> <p><b>NIFO - National Interoperability Framework Observatory</b> (07/01/2021)</p> <p>NIFO provides its stakeholders with the latest developments on digital government and interoperability across Europe.</p> </td> <a id="item_698615_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698973_default"> <p><b> European Interoperability Framework Toolbox </b> (12/01/2021)</p> <p>The EIF Toolbox is designed as a guidance for national public administrations to equip them with the tools necessary to align their National Interoperability Frameworks (NIFs) with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF).</p> </td> <a id="item_698973_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698818_default"> <p><b> Interoperability Quick Assessment Toolkit (IQAT)</b> (09/01/2021)</p> <p>IQAT© allows public service owners to evaluate the structural interoperability maturity level of their digital public service.</p> </td> <a id="item_698818_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698817_default"> <p><b>European Interoperability Framework (EIF) Online course </b> (09/01/2021)</p> <p>Each Interoperability Academy course can be either downloaded for reuse on an e-learning platform or followed directly on the Academy platform. </p> </td> <a id="item_698817_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698821_default"> <p><b>EULF Blueprint (EULF)</b> (10/01/2021)</p> <p>EULF is a guidance framework for using location information in policy and digital public services. </p> </td> <a id="item_698821_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698925_default"> <p><b>ITB and CEF eArchiving</b> (11/01/2021)</p> <p>The ISA² Interoperability Test Bed has been selected as the conformance testing solution for the CEF eArchiving Building Block.</p> </td> <a id="item_698925_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698901_default"> <p><b>Webinar on the Catalogue of Services tools and technical support</b> (03/02/2021)</p> <p>How can you use our tools and technical services that we put at your disposal to build digital catalogues of public services? Join our webinar!</p> </td> <a id="item_698901_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="699552_default"> <p><b>Latvian Open Technologies Association (LATA) Annual Conference</b> (04/02/2021)</p> <p>LATA is a leading and highly influential ICT industry association that promotes cooperation between technology suppliers and public sector consumers, including public, municipal authorities, educational and scientific institutions. </p> </td> <a id="item_699552_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698895_default"> <p><b>FOSDEM 2021 online</b> (06/02/2021)</p> <p>Renowned for being highly developer-oriented, the event brings together some 8000+ people from all over the world.</p> </td> <a id="item_698895_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> <tbody class="ecl-table__body"> <tr class="ecl-table__row"> <td class="ecl-table__cell itemCell" data-itemID="698910_default"> <p><b>Can you really COMBINE that code?</b> (11/01/2021)</p> <p>The new Joinup Compatibility Checker allows you to assess the possibility to combine source code obtained under different licences and to distribute it.</p> </td> <a id="item_698910_default" href="" target="_new"> <span></span> </a> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr style="display:none;"> <td colspan="4" class="ecl-table__cell"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <nav class="ecl-pagination" aria-label="Pagination"> <ul class="ecl-pagination__list"> <li class="ecl-pagination__item ecl-pagination__item--current"><span class="ecl-pagination__text ecl-pagination__text--summary" aria-current="true">1</span><span class="ecl-pagination__text ecl-pagination__text--full" aria-current="true">Page 1</span></li> <li class="ecl-pagination__item"><a 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