Rocket Sled Tracks - Chuck's Overview - X-Plane.Org Forum
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The first step will be to get a seat and pilot out of an airplane and have the parachute lower the aviator to the ground. We hope that the next accomp..."> <meta property="og:description" content="A Survey of Rocket Sled Tracks By Chuck Bodeen Peter Berck is about to embellish his Parachute program so that it will eject seats from airplanes. The first step will be to get a seat and pilot out of an airplane and have the parachute lower the aviator to the ground. 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Author of many articles for Computer Pilot, PC Pilot, and REAL flying magazines. Also check out Chuck's Overview here at ORG. 15 hours ACTUAL flight training. Used X-Plane since version 1.0 (that's ONE)</span> </li> <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> <span class="ft">OS:</span><span class="fc">Windows</span> </li> <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> <span class="ft">X-Plane user since :</span><span class="fc"> v5 or earlier</span> </li> </ul> </aside> <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_fluid ipsMargin:none'> <div id='comment-942847_wrap' data-controller='core.front.core.comment' data-commentApp='forums' data-commentType='forums' data-commentID="942847" data-quoteData='{"userid":1379,"username":"chuck bodeen","timestamp":1440011754,"contentapp":"forums","contenttype":"forums","contentid":88360,"contentclass":"forums_Topic","contentcommentid":942847}' class='ipsComment_content ipsType_medium'> <div class='ipsComment_meta ipsType_light ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:between ipsFlex-fd:row-reverse'> <div class='ipsType_light ipsType_reset ipsType_blendLinks ipsComment_toolWrap'> <div class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsComment_badges'> <ul class='ipsList_reset ipsFlex ipsFlex-jc:end ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsGap_row:1'> </ul> </div> <ul class='ipsList_reset ipsComment_tools'> <li> <a href='#elControls_942847_menu' class='ipsComment_ellipsis' id='elControls_942847' title='More options...' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-appendTo='#comment-942847_wrap'><i class='fa fa-ellipsis-h'></i></a> <ul id='elControls_942847_menu' class='ipsMenu ipsMenu_narrow ipsHide'> <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='' title='Share this post' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-content='#elShareComment_942847_menu' data-ipsDialog-title="Share this post" id='elSharePost_942847' data-role='shareComment'>Share</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div class='ipsType_reset ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" class='ipsType_blendLinks'>Posted <time datetime='2015-08-19T19:15:54Z' title='08/19/2015 07:15 PM' data-short='9 yr'>August 19, 2015</time></a> <span class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> </span> </div> </div> <div class='cPost_contentWrap'> <div data-role='commentContent' class='ipsType_normal ipsType_richText ipsPadding_bottom ipsContained' data-controller='core.front.core.lightboxedImages'> <p> <u><span style="font-size:18px;">A Survey of Rocket Sled Tracks</span></u><br> By Chuck Bodeen </p> <p> </p> <p> <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="">Peter Berck</a> is about to embellish his Parachute program so that it will eject seats from airplanes. The first step will be to get a seat and pilot out of an airplane and have the parachute lower the aviator to the ground. We hope that the next accomplishment will be to have the seat and pilot (dummy of course) eject from a rocket powered sled moving very fast along a track. </p> <p> [NOTE: 9/15/2015 Peter has the pilot, seat, and parachute ejecting from airplanes (see his post as "durian" below). I'm still having trouble getting my plugin to send the rocket sleds straight down the track. If you think of an easy way to do this, please write to me at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="f1929984929a939e9594949fb194908385999d989f9adf9f9485">[email protected]</a> . ] </p> <p> </p> <p> <u>History</u><br><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200767" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="1 catapults.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200767" data-unique="og7h3v34i" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="32.5"></a><br> We are all familiar with the Wright Brothers use of a short track as a catapult to launch their “Flyer” in 1904. The propulsion was supplied by a weight dropping from a tower. Even though his “aerodrome” didn’t succeed, Samuel Langley beat them – at least in one respect – by using a spring device to send his ship into the air in 1903. </p> <p> Rocket sled tracks have some features in common with catapults and other similar devices, but I’m going to concentrate on the ones which actually use rockets for propulsion. A summary of some 20 known tracks around the world is available <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">here</a>.<br><br><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200768" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="1a Three sites map .jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200768" data-unique="41ejpjpqo" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="71.44"></a><br> There are four tracks which are of particular interest to me.<br> Edwards AFB North Track: because it is one of the shortest and oldest and<br> because I have been there – seen that.<br> Edwards High Speed Track: because I used to work there.<br> Hurricane Mesa: because of its unique location and capability<br> ...seen that from a distance.<br> Holloman AFB: because it is the longest and fastest. </p> <p> </p> <p> <u>Edwards AFB "Old North Track"</u> </p> <p> <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200769" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="2 JB-10.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200769" data-unique="r1i3m9n0k" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="51.96"></a><br> This 2,000 foot track was never used for seat ejections. It was built in 1944 to launch the <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">JB-10 </a>flying wing bomb. It was closed sometime after 1958.<br><br><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200770" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="3 north track details.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200770" data-unique="pr3ortzw5" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="103.5"></a><br> This track was eventually fitted with programmable hydraulic brakes between the rails. The brake shoes gripped keels on the bottom of the sleds and virtually any pattern of deceleration could be achieved. The first test subjects were chimpanzees, but Col. John Stapp did his first work there, personally subjecting himself to high “g” and wind forces.<br> There is a story about one of the chimps who, after his first sled ride, was given a banana to get him out of his cage for the second try. He threw the banana back at his handler when it was time for the third test. After extreme measures he did go for that final ride. His shoulder harness broke during braking and he was last seen running across the desert.<br> I witnessed only one relatively unimportant run at the North Track. The incident I remember most about that day was that it was the only time I saw a U-2 take off and land. One of the first U-2s was being secretly tested at the 9L2 “North Base” at Edwards. <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">This</a> is about what I witnessed except that the one I saw had only a single pilot. </p> <p> </p> <p> <u>Edwards High Speed Rocket Track</u><br> The first job I had after college graduation was as an Air Force 2nd Lieutenant working at the “South Track”. While I was there we ran seat ejection tests on the F-101, F-102, TF-102, and the F-104. Just before the first test of the X-15 ejection was run, I found myself standing to the left of Scott Crossfield who was to be the first pilot. Crossfield turned to the General officer to his right and said, “I wish they’d just spend the money on making the thing fly better because I’m never going to jump out of it”. And he didn’t. Not even when the engine failed on the first drop from a B-52 nor on the ground when the engine blew up with Scott in the pilot’s seat.<br> When the EAA celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ flight, Crossfield was selected to train the prospective pilots. Part of the training involved flying a replica Wright glider being towed across a field. You can read about that <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">here</a>. While I can’t find the reference now, I clearly remember reading about the fact that Scott Crossfield took the controls himself once. On that “flight” he lost control and was thrown (unhurt) to the ground. As far as I know, that’s the only time he ever “ejected” from an airplane.<br><br><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200771" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="3a Edwards high speed sled.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200771" data-unique="29a4aooep" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="73.94"></a><br> Using a very small sled we set a (temporary) speed record of Mach 2.3 and used the triangular device in the center to recover the vehicle using the long trough of water between the rails. If any sled reached supersonic speed, we would first see the smoke from the rocket ignition. A little later we would hear the roar from a mile away. Then – SILENCE – the sled had exceeded Mach 1. Finally the vehicle would pass our position and shortly after than we would hear the sonic boom of the shock wave. We could also see the shock stirring up the desert dust between us and the rails. </p> <p> At this track as well as at Holloman, sprinkler heads were set up for several thousand feet in order to test the effects of airplanes and guided missiles flying through rain clouds. An engineer for one of the companies doing these runs was busy working under his sled when a man from a competing company asked him, “Say there, what material are you using for your tests?” The man on the ground looked up and said, “Mother’s milk and Drano.” </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200772" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="4 KEDW GE AND XP.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200772" data-unique="pq7rc8nf0" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="57.66"></a><br> Here is Edwards AFB from Google Earth and X-Plane. You can see the location of the short track near 9L2 on the north end of Rogers Dry Lake and the much longer track to the south. During my tenure the track was 10,000 feet long and the sleds traveled from west to east. In 1959 the track was extended to 20,000 feet and travel was east to west. Then in 1963 it was closed and in 1974 the rails were used in to extend the track at Holloman AFB.<br> A 35-page history of the rocket tracks at Edwards is in this <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">document</a>.<br> Here is a <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">video</a> of seven tests of the F-105 ejection seat showing failures as well as successes.<br> At most rocket tracks the sleds are stopped by dragging a scoop or other device in a long trough of water – the “water brake”. Frangible dams are placed at strategic locations and the water level between them is set to produce a desired deceleration sequence. </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200773" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="5 15 minutes of fame.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200773" data-unique="zoctsrbok" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="41.64"></a><br> My 15 minutes of fame came when Popular Mechanics did a piece on the work at Edwards. That’s the TF-102 sled on the left and center. That’s me installing a high speed camera on a sled used to test supersonic parachutes. </p> <p> </p> <p> <u>Holloman Air Force Base</u><br><br><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200774" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="6 trinity and holloman.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200774" data-unique="era23jdsh" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="108.28"></a><br> The uninhabited area in the desert of New Mexico was the ideal spot to build the longest rocket track in the world. In fact, Holloman is only 60 miles from Trinity, the site of the first atomic bomb test. </p> <p> <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200775" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="7 Holloman GE and XP.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200775" data-unique="aswcm1x7a" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="71.36"></a><br> There is only about a 40 foot difference in altitude between the south and north ends of the ten mile long track.<br> Col. Stapp exposed himself to wind blast and 40 g’s in the water brake. Here is a <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">video</a> of that sled run.<br><br><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200776" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="8 Holloman and TESTs.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200776" data-unique="pb9bwbjhk" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="170.67"></a><br> One of the first tests on the original short track was the launch of the SNARK guide missile. More recently, the F-22 seat ejection was investigated. The picture on the bottom give us a real feel for the seven miles of track.<br><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">Here</a> is a video of some tests at Holloman. Col. John Stapp explains many of the uses of the Holloman track in this <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">17 minute movie</a>.<br><br><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200777" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="9 Stapp 6 faces.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200777" data-unique="305ozgixu" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="119.32"></a><br><a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">Here</a> is a video of the sled run pictured above. <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">This film</a> shows Stapp warming up for his sled ride. </p> <p> <a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200778" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="10 Fastest rocket seld.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200778" data-unique="18bfhnyfh" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="44.39"></a><br> Moving at Mach 8.6, this Holloman sled is the fastest in the world. This <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">short video</a> shows the night firing. Listen for the sonic boom at the end and read the description of the test below the moving picture. </p> <p> </p> <p> <u>Hurricane Mesa</u> <br><br><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200779" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="11 HURRICANE MESA GE+XP.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200779" data-unique="s371gbn4r" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="55.94"></a><br> The Hurricane Mesa track in southwestern Utah has only a four foot difference in altitude over its 12,000 foot length, but ejected dummy pilots and seats can drop 1,500 feet before hitting the ground.<br> Here is a <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">short movie</a> of an ejection test at Hurricane Mesa.<br><br> This <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">11 minute video</a> has some scenes from Edwards AFB as well as “over the edge” ejections at Hurricane Mesa. </p> <p> </p> <p> <u>What's next?</u> </p> <p> Using WED, I'll put narrow runways at each of these four sites. Here are the pertinent data:<br><a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" data-fileid="200780" href="" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="12 Table of track data.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="200780" data-unique="jysiwc93i" src="//" data-src="" data-ratio="35.25"></a> </p> <p> Then I'll make models of a few rocket sleds. Next I'll figure out a way to control them, keeping them on the track and timing the rocket burn. Finally, I'll build an ejection seat...probably using a pilot from<br> I will not fool around with equations of motion, but will let X-Plane do that work.<br> Water brakes will be simulated with reverse rockets. From <a data-ipb="nomediaparse" href="" rel="external nofollow">this site</a><br> I can see that the specific fuel consumption (SFC) should be between 8 and 10 (pounds mass per hour) / (pound force thrust). </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsPadding ipsHide cPostShareMenu' id='elShareComment_942847_menu'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset'>Link to comment</h5> <input type='text' value='' class='ipsField_fullWidth'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset ipsSpacer_top'>Share on other sites</h5> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsList_noSpacing ipsClearfix' data-controller="core.front.core.sharelink"> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_x" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on X' data-ipsTooltip rel='nofollow noopener'> <i class="fa fa-x"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_facebook" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on Facebook' data-ipsTooltip rel='noopener nofollow'> <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" class="cShareLink cShareLink_reddit" target="_blank" title='Share on Reddit' data-ipsTooltip> <i class="fa fa-reddit"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_pinterest" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on Pinterest' data-ipsTooltip> <i class="fa fa-pinterest"></i> </a></li> </ul> <hr class='ipsHr'> <button class='ipsHide ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_light ipsButton_fullWidth ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller='core.front.core.webshare' data-role='webShare' data-webShareTitle='Rocket Sled Tracks' data-webShareText='A Survey of Rocket Sled Tracks By Chuck Bodeen Peter Berck is about to embellish his Parachute program so that it will eject seats from airplanes. The first step will be to get a seat and pilot out of an airplane and have the parachute lower the aviator to the ground. We hope that the next accomplishment will be to have the seat and pilot (dummy of course) eject from a rocket powered sled moving very fast along a track. [NOTE: 9/15/2015 Peter has the pilot, seat, and parachute ejecting from airplanes (see his post as "durian" below). I'm still having trouble getting my plugin to send the rocket sleds straight down the track. If you think of an easy way to do this, please write to me at . ] History We are all familiar with the Wright Brothers use of a short track as a catapult to launch their “Flyer” in 1904. The propulsion was supplied by a weight dropping from a tower. Even though his “aerodrome” didn’t succeed, Samuel Langley beat them – at least in one respect – by using a spring device to send his ship into the air in 1903. Rocket sled tracks have some features in common with catapults and other similar devices, but I’m going to concentrate on the ones which actually use rockets for propulsion. A summary of some 20 known tracks around the world is available here. There are four tracks which are of particular interest to me. Edwards AFB North Track: because it is one of the shortest and oldest and because I have been there – seen that. Edwards High Speed Track: because I used to work there. Hurricane Mesa: because of its unique location and capability ...seen that from a distance. Holloman AFB: because it is the longest and fastest. Edwards AFB "Old North Track" This 2,000 foot track was never used for seat ejections. It was built in 1944 to launch the JB-10 flying wing bomb. It was closed sometime after 1958. This track was eventually fitted with programmable hydraulic brakes between the rails. The brake shoes gripped keels on the bottom of the sleds and virtually any pattern of deceleration could be achieved. The first test subjects were chimpanzees, but Col. John Stapp did his first work there, personally subjecting himself to high “g” and wind forces. There is a story about one of the chimps who, after his first sled ride, was given a banana to get him out of his cage for the second try. He threw the banana back at his handler when it was time for the third test. After extreme measures he did go for that final ride. His shoulder harness broke during braking and he was last seen running across the desert. I witnessed only one relatively unimportant run at the North Track. The incident I remember most about that day was that it was the only time I saw a U-2 take off and land. One of the first U-2s was being secretly tested at the 9L2 “North Base” at Edwards. This is about what I witnessed except that the one I saw had only a single pilot. Edwards High Speed Rocket Track The first job I had after college graduation was as an Air Force 2nd Lieutenant working at the “South Track”. While I was there we ran seat ejection tests on the F-101, F-102, TF-102, and the F-104. Just before the first test of the X-15 ejection was run, I found myself standing to the left of Scott Crossfield who was to be the first pilot. Crossfield turned to the General officer to his right and said, “I wish they’d just spend the money on making the thing fly better because I’m never going to jump out of it”. And he didn’t. Not even when the engine failed on the first drop from a B-52 nor on the ground when the engine blew up with Scott in the pilot’s seat. When the EAA celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers’ flight, Crossfield was selected to train the prospective pilots. Part of the training involved flying a replica Wright glider being towed across a field. You can read about that here. While I can’t find the reference now, I clearly remember reading about the fact that Scott Crossfield took the controls himself once. On that “flight” he lost control and was thrown (unhurt) to the ground. As far as I know, that’s the only time he ever “ejected” from an airplane. Using a very small sled we set a (temporary) speed record of Mach 2.3 and used the triangular device in the center to recover the vehicle using the long trough of water between the rails. If any sled reached supersonic speed, we would first see the smoke from the rocket ignition. A little later we would hear the roar from a mile away. Then – SILENCE – the sled had exceeded Mach 1. Finally the vehicle would pass our position and shortly after than we would hear the sonic boom of the shock wave. We could also see the shock stirring up the desert dust between us and the rails. At this track as well as at Holloman, sprinkler heads were set up for several thousand feet in order to test the effects of airplanes and guided missiles flying through rain clouds. An engineer for one of the companies doing these runs was busy working under his sled when a man from a competing company asked him, “Say there, what material are you using for your tests?” The man on the ground looked up and said, “Mother’s milk and Drano.” Here is Edwards AFB from Google Earth and X-Plane. You can see the location of the short track near 9L2 on the north end of Rogers Dry Lake and the much longer track to the south. During my tenure the track was 10,000 feet long and the sleds traveled from west to east. In 1959 the track was extended to 20,000 feet and travel was east to west. Then in 1963 it was closed and in 1974 the rails were used in to extend the track at Holloman AFB. A 35-page history of the rocket tracks at Edwards is in this document. Here is a video of seven tests of the F-105 ejection seat showing failures as well as successes. At most rocket tracks the sleds are stopped by dragging a scoop or other device in a long trough of water – the “water brake”. Frangible dams are placed at strategic locations and the water level between them is set to produce a desired deceleration sequence. My 15 minutes of fame came when Popular Mechanics did a piece on the work at Edwards. That’s the TF-102 sled on the left and center. That’s me installing a high speed camera on a sled used to test supersonic parachutes. Holloman Air Force Base The uninhabited area in the desert of New Mexico was the ideal spot to build the longest rocket track in the world. In fact, Holloman is only 60 miles from Trinity, the site of the first atomic bomb test. There is only about a 40 foot difference in altitude between the south and north ends of the ten mile long track. Col. Stapp exposed himself to wind blast and 40 g’s in the water brake. Here is a video of that sled run. One of the first tests on the original short track was the launch of the SNARK guide missile. More recently, the F-22 seat ejection was investigated. The picture on the bottom give us a real feel for the seven miles of track. Here is a video of some tests at Holloman. Col. John Stapp explains many of the uses of the Holloman track in this 17 minute movie. Here is a video of the sled run pictured above. This film shows Stapp warming up for his sled ride. Moving at Mach 8.6, this Holloman sled is the fastest in the world. This short video shows the night firing. Listen for the sonic boom at the end and read the description of the test below the moving picture. Hurricane Mesa The Hurricane Mesa track in southwestern Utah has only a four foot difference in altitude over its 12,000 foot length, but ejected dummy pilots and seats can drop 1,500 feet before hitting the ground. Here is a short movie of an ejection test at Hurricane Mesa. This 11 minute video has some scenes from Edwards AFB as well as “over the edge” ejections at Hurricane Mesa. What's next? Using WED, I'll put narrow runways at each of these four sites. Here are the pertinent data: Then I'll make models of a few rocket sleds. Next I'll figure out a way to control them, keeping them on the track and timing the rocket burn. Finally, I'll build an ejection seat...probably using a pilot from I will not fool around with equations of motion, but will let X-Plane do that work. Water brakes will be simulated with reverse rockets. From this site I can see that the specific fuel consumption (SFC) should be between 8 and 10 (pounds mass per hour) / (pound force thrust). ' data-webShareUrl=''>More sharing options...</button> </div> </div> </div> </article> <ul class="ipsTopicMeta"> <li class="ipsTopicMeta__item ipsTopicMeta__item--time"> 2 weeks later... </li> </ul> <div class='ips6786ffd8ef ipsSpacer_both ipsSpacer_half'> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsType_center ipsList_reset ipsList_noSpacing'> <li class='ips6786ffd8ef_large ipsResponsive_showDesktop ipsResponsive_inlineBlock ipsAreaBackground_light'> <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow noopener'> <img src='' alt="Black Friday Sale is Now" class='ipsImage ipsContained'> </a> </li> <li class='ips6786ffd8ef_medium ipsResponsive_showTablet ipsResponsive_inlineBlock ipsAreaBackground_light'> <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow noopener'> <img src='' alt="Black Friday Sale is Now" class='ipsImage ipsContained'> </a> </li> <li class='ips6786ffd8ef_small ipsResponsive_showPhone ipsResponsive_inlineBlock ipsAreaBackground_light'> <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow noopener'> <img src='' 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<div class='ipsType_light ipsType_reset'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" class='ipsType_blendLinks'>Posted <time datetime='2015-08-31T16:49:43Z' title='08/31/2015 04:49 PM' data-short='9 yr'>August 31, 2015</time></a> </div> </div> </div> <aside class='ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> <h3 class='ipsType_sectionHead cAuthorPane_author ipsType_blendLinks ipsType_break'><strong> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width='370' data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to captbullett's profile" class="ipsType_break">captbullett</a></strong> </h3> <ul class='cAuthorPane_info ipsList_reset'> <li data-role='photo' class='cAuthorPane_photo'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photoWrap'> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large" title="Go to captbullett's profile"> <img src='' alt='captbullett' loading="lazy"> </a> </div> </li> <li data-role='group'><span 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class="ft">OS:</span><span class="fc">Mac</span> </li> <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> <span class="ft">X-Plane user since :</span><span class="fc">v10</span> </li> </ul> </aside> <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_fluid ipsMargin:none'> <div id='comment-945989_wrap' data-controller='core.front.core.comment' data-commentApp='forums' data-commentType='forums' data-commentID="945989" data-quoteData='{"userid":268462,"username":"captbullett","timestamp":1441039783,"contentapp":"forums","contenttype":"forums","contentid":88360,"contentclass":"forums_Topic","contentcommentid":945989}' class='ipsComment_content ipsType_medium'> <div class='ipsComment_meta ipsType_light ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:between ipsFlex-fd:row-reverse'> <div class='ipsType_light ipsType_reset ipsType_blendLinks ipsComment_toolWrap'> <div class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsComment_badges'> <ul class='ipsList_reset ipsFlex ipsFlex-jc:end ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 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class='ipsType_normal ipsType_richText ipsPadding_bottom ipsContained' data-controller='core.front.core.lightboxedImages'> <p>Good day,</p> <p>Yup the good word get's around;</p> <p> </p> <p><a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href=''></a></p> <p> </p> <p>have a good day,</p> <p>captbullett</p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsPadding ipsHide cPostShareMenu' id='elShareComment_945989_menu'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset'>Link to comment</h5> <input type='text' value='' class='ipsField_fullWidth'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset ipsSpacer_top'>Share on other sites</h5> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsList_noSpacing ipsClearfix' data-controller="core.front.core.sharelink"> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_x" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on X' data-ipsTooltip rel='nofollow noopener'> <i class="fa fa-x"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_facebook" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on Facebook' data-ipsTooltip 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Please feel free to contact if you need more information.</p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsPadding ipsHide cPostShareMenu' id='elShareComment_946130_menu'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset'>Link to comment</h5> <input type='text' value='' class='ipsField_fullWidth'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset ipsSpacer_top'>Share on other sites</h5> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsList_noSpacing ipsClearfix' data-controller="core.front.core.sharelink"> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_x" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on X' data-ipsTooltip rel='nofollow noopener'> <i class="fa fa-x"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_facebook" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on Facebook' data-ipsTooltip rel='noopener nofollow'> <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" class="cShareLink cShareLink_reddit" target="_blank" title='Share on Reddit' data-ipsTooltip> <i class="fa fa-reddit"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_pinterest" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on Pinterest' data-ipsTooltip> <i class="fa fa-pinterest"></i> </a></li> </ul> <hr class='ipsHr'> <button class='ipsHide ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_light ipsButton_fullWidth ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller='core.front.core.webshare' data-role='webShare' data-webShareTitle='Rocket Sled Tracks' data-webShareText='I believe there is one test facility missing, namely, the Navy test track at China Lake in California. Please feel free to contact if you need more information. ' data-webShareUrl=''>More sharing options...</button> </div> </div> </div> </article> <a id='comment-946376'></a> <article id='elComment_946376' class='cPost ipsBox ipsResponsive_pull ipsComment ipsComment_parent ipsClearfix ipsClear ipsColumns ipsColumns_noSpacing ipsColumns_collapsePhone '> <div class='cAuthorPane_mobile ipsResponsive_showPhone'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photo'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photoWrap'> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large" title="Go to WRX15's profile"> <img src='' alt='WRX15' loading="lazy"> </a> </div> </div> <div class='cAuthorPane_content'> <h3 class='ipsType_sectionHead cAuthorPane_author ipsType_break ipsType_blendLinks ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width='370' data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to WRX15's profile" class="ipsType_break"><span style='color:navy'>WRX15</span></a> </h3> <div class='ipsType_light 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<time datetime='2015-09-05T08:52:28Z' title='09/05/2015 08:52 AM' data-short='9 yr'>September 5, 2015</time></a> <span class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> </span> </div> </div> <div class='cPost_contentWrap'> <div data-role='commentContent' class='ipsType_normal ipsType_richText ipsPadding_bottom ipsContained' data-controller='core.front.core.lightboxedImages'> <p>Here is a 5 second teaser of a "zero-zero" ejection controlled by a Python plugin. The seat is ejected by a 0.1 second burn of a jet engine simulation, and seperates into an empty seat and the parachuter when it reaches the highest point and starts falling again.</p> <p> </p> <p><a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href=''></a></p> <p> </p> <p>And a second video, now showing a canopy as well. This movie shows the second ejection with the camera on the pilot,</p> <p> </p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p>-peter</p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsPadding ipsHide cPostShareMenu' id='elShareComment_947205_menu'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset'>Link to comment</h5> <input type='text' value='' class='ipsField_fullWidth'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset ipsSpacer_top'>Share on other sites</h5> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsList_noSpacing ipsClearfix' data-controller="core.front.core.sharelink"> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_x" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on X' data-ipsTooltip rel='nofollow noopener'> <i class="fa fa-x"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_facebook" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on Facebook' data-ipsTooltip rel='noopener nofollow'> <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" class="cShareLink cShareLink_reddit" target="_blank" title='Share on Reddit' data-ipsTooltip> <i class="fa fa-reddit"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_pinterest" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on Pinterest' data-ipsTooltip> <i class="fa fa-pinterest"></i> </a></li> </ul> <hr class='ipsHr'> <button class='ipsHide ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_light ipsButton_fullWidth ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller='core.front.core.webshare' data-role='webShare' data-webShareTitle='Rocket Sled Tracks' data-webShareText='Here is a 5 second teaser of a "zero-zero" ejection controlled by a Python plugin. The seat is ejected by a 0.1 second burn of a jet engine simulation, and seperates into an empty seat and the parachuter when it reaches the highest point and starts falling again. And a second video, now showing a canopy as well. This movie shows the second ejection with the camera on the pilot, -peter ' data-webShareUrl=''>More sharing options...</button> </div> </div> </div> </article> <a id='comment-948858'></a> <article id='elComment_948858' class='cPost ipsBox ipsResponsive_pull ipsComment ipsComment_parent ipsClearfix ipsClear ipsColumns ipsColumns_noSpacing ipsColumns_collapsePhone '> <div class='cAuthorPane_mobile ipsResponsive_showPhone'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photo'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photoWrap'> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large" title="Go to chuck bodeen's profile"> <img src='' alt='chuck bodeen' loading="lazy"> </a> <span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--moderator" data-ipsTooltip title="chuck bodeen is a moderator"></span> </div> </div> <div class='cAuthorPane_content'> <h3 class='ipsType_sectionHead cAuthorPane_author ipsType_break ipsType_blendLinks ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width='370' data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to chuck bodeen's profile" class="ipsType_break"><span style='color:brown'>chuck bodeen</span></a> </h3> <div class='ipsType_light ipsType_reset'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" class='ipsType_blendLinks'>Posted <time datetime='2015-09-11T22:07:12Z' title='09/11/2015 10:07 PM' data-short='9 yr'>September 11, 2015</time></a> </div> </div> </div> <aside class='ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> <h3 class='ipsType_sectionHead cAuthorPane_author ipsType_blendLinks ipsType_break'><strong> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width='370' data-ipsHover-target='' title="Go to chuck bodeen's profile" class="ipsType_break">chuck bodeen</a></strong> </h3> <ul class='cAuthorPane_info ipsList_reset'> <li data-role='photo' class='cAuthorPane_photo'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photoWrap'> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large" title="Go to chuck bodeen's profile"> <img src='' alt='chuck bodeen' loading="lazy"> </a> <span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--moderator" data-ipsTooltip title="chuck bodeen is a moderator"></span> </div> </li> <li data-role='group'><span style='color:brown'>Community Leader</span></li> <li data-role='group-icon'><img src='' alt='' class='cAuthorGroupIcon'></li> <li data-role='stats' class='ipsMargin_top'> <ul class="ipsList_reset ipsType_light ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:center ipsGap_row:2 cAuthorPane_stats"> <li> <a href="" rel="nofollow" title="490 posts" data-ipsTooltip class="ipsType_blendLinks"> <i class="fa fa-comment"></i> 490 </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> <!-- <span class='ft'>Gender:</span><span class='fc'>Male</span> --> </li> <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> <span class='ft'>Location:</span><span class='fc'>Panama City Beach, Florida</span> </li> <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> <span class='ft'>Interests:</span><span class='fc'>Special controls for special vehicles. Author of many articles for Computer Pilot, PC Pilot, and REAL flying magazines. Also check out Chuck's Overview here at ORG. 15 hours ACTUAL flight training. Used X-Plane since version 1.0 (that's ONE)</span> </li> <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> <span class="ft">OS:</span><span class="fc">Windows</span> </li> <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> <span class="ft">X-Plane user since :</span><span class="fc"> v5 or earlier</span> </li> </ul> </aside> <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_fluid ipsMargin:none'> <div id='comment-948858_wrap' data-controller='core.front.core.comment' data-commentApp='forums' data-commentType='forums' data-commentID="948858" data-quoteData='{"userid":1379,"username":"chuck bodeen","timestamp":1442009232,"contentapp":"forums","contenttype":"forums","contentid":88360,"contentclass":"forums_Topic","contentcommentid":948858}' class='ipsComment_content ipsType_medium'> <div class='ipsComment_meta ipsType_light ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:between ipsFlex-fd:row-reverse'> <div class='ipsType_light ipsType_reset ipsType_blendLinks ipsComment_toolWrap'> <div class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsComment_badges'> <ul class='ipsList_reset ipsFlex ipsFlex-jc:end ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2 ipsGap_row:1'> <li><strong class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_large ipsComment_authorBadge">Author</strong></li> </ul> </div> <ul class='ipsList_reset ipsComment_tools'> <li> <a href='#elControls_948858_menu' class='ipsComment_ellipsis' id='elControls_948858' title='More options...' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-appendTo='#comment-948858_wrap'><i class='fa fa-ellipsis-h'></i></a> <ul id='elControls_948858_menu' class='ipsMenu ipsMenu_narrow ipsHide'> <li class='ipsMenu_item'><a href='' rel="nofollow" title='Share this post' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-content='#elShareComment_948858_menu' data-ipsDialog-title="Share this post" id='elSharePost_948858' data-role='shareComment'>Share</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div class='ipsType_reset ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" class='ipsType_blendLinks'>Posted <time datetime='2015-09-11T22:07:12Z' title='09/11/2015 10:07 PM' data-short='9 yr'>September 11, 2015</time></a> <span class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> </span> </div> </div> <div class='cPost_contentWrap'> <div data-role='commentContent' class='ipsType_normal ipsType_richText ipsPadding_bottom ipsContained' data-controller='core.front.core.lightboxedImages'> From captbullett:<br> Good day,<br> Yup the good word get's around;<br><a class="bbc_url" title="External link">https://www.facebook...&type=1</a><br> have a good day,<br> captbullett<br><br> Yes... That's the sled Col Stapp rode doing his windblast and acceleration tests at Holloman. Thanks...<br><br> xxxxxxx<br><br> To edsarrow: As you could see from the article there ate MANY rocket sled tracks I did not cover. While I was at Edwards I went to a track conference at China Lake and drank at the officers club bar with Col Stapp.<br><br> xxxxxxx<br><br> To WRX15:<br> I was at Edwards when Northrop began the testing the T-38 seat ejections. Of course, everyone who watch the youtube should know that we never ejected people...only instrumented dummies.<br><br> xxxxxxxx<br><br> To: Durian:<br> Thanks for posting the videos, Peter. Looks as if we will be ejecting seats from rocket sleds soon. </div> </div> <div class='ipsPadding ipsHide cPostShareMenu' id='elShareComment_948858_menu'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset'>Link to comment</h5> <input type='text' value='' class='ipsField_fullWidth'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset ipsSpacer_top'>Share on other sites</h5> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsList_noSpacing ipsClearfix' data-controller="core.front.core.sharelink"> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_x" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on X' data-ipsTooltip rel='nofollow noopener'> <i class="fa fa-x"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_facebook" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on Facebook' data-ipsTooltip rel='noopener nofollow'> <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" class="cShareLink cShareLink_reddit" target="_blank" title='Share on Reddit' data-ipsTooltip> <i class="fa fa-reddit"></i> </a></li> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_pinterest" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" title='Share on Pinterest' data-ipsTooltip> <i class="fa fa-pinterest"></i> </a></li> </ul> <hr class='ipsHr'> <button class='ipsHide ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_light ipsButton_fullWidth ipsMargin_top:half' data-controller='core.front.core.webshare' data-role='webShare' data-webShareTitle='Rocket Sled Tracks' data-webShareText='From captbullett: Good day, Yup the good word get's around; https://www.facebook...&type=1 have a good day, captbullett Yes... That's the sled Col Stapp rode doing his windblast and acceleration tests at Holloman. Thanks... xxxxxxx To edsarrow: As you could see from the article there ate MANY rocket sled tracks I did not cover. While I was at Edwards I went to a track conference at China Lake and drank at the officers club bar with Col Stapp. xxxxxxx To WRX15: I was at Edwards when Northrop began the testing the T-38 seat ejections. Of course, everyone who watch the youtube should know that we never ejected people...only instrumented dummies. xxxxxxxx To: Durian: Thanks for posting the videos, Peter. Looks as if we will be ejecting seats from rocket sleds soon.' data-webShareUrl=''>More sharing options...</button> </div> </div> </div> </article> <ul class="ipsTopicMeta"> <li class="ipsTopicMeta__item ipsTopicMeta__item--time"> 2 months later... </li> </ul> <a id='comment-969279'></a> <article id='elComment_969279' class='cPost ipsBox ipsResponsive_pull ipsComment ipsComment_parent ipsClearfix ipsClear ipsColumns ipsColumns_noSpacing ipsColumns_collapsePhone '> <div class='cAuthorPane_mobile ipsResponsive_showPhone'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photo'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photoWrap'> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large" title="Go to oooskar45's profile"> <img src='data:image/svg+xml,' alt='oooskar45' loading="lazy"> </a> </div> </div> <div class='cAuthorPane_content'> <h3 class='ipsType_sectionHead cAuthorPane_author ipsType_break ipsType_blendLinks ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center'> <a href='' 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Author of many articles for Computer Pilot, PC Pilot, and REAL flying magazines. Also check out Chuck's Overview here at ORG. 15 hours ACTUAL flight training. Used X-Plane since version 1.0 (that's ONE)</span> </li> <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> <span class="ft">OS:</span><span class="fc">Windows</span> </li> <li data-role='custom-field' class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_break'> <span class="ft">X-Plane user since :</span><span class="fc"> v5 or earlier</span> </li> </ul> </aside> <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_fluid ipsMargin:none'> <div id='comment-994536_wrap' data-controller='core.front.core.comment' data-commentApp='forums' data-commentType='forums' data-commentID="994536" data-quoteData='{"userid":1379,"username":"chuck bodeen","timestamp":1455513408,"contentapp":"forums","contenttype":"forums","contentid":88360,"contentclass":"forums_Topic","contentcommentid":994536}' class='ipsComment_content ipsType_medium'> <div class='ipsComment_meta ipsType_light ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:between ipsFlex-fd:row-reverse'> <div class='ipsType_light ipsType_reset ipsType_blendLinks 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data-webShareUrl=''>More sharing options...</button> </div> </div> </div> </article> <ul class="ipsTopicMeta"> <li class="ipsTopicMeta__item ipsTopicMeta__item--time"> 1 year later... </li> </ul> <a id='comment-1241381'></a> <article id='elComment_1241381' class='cPost ipsBox ipsResponsive_pull ipsComment ipsComment_parent ipsClearfix ipsClear ipsColumns ipsColumns_noSpacing ipsColumns_collapsePhone '> <div class='cAuthorPane_mobile ipsResponsive_showPhone'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photo'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photoWrap'> <a href="" rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width="370" data-ipsHover-target="" class="ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large" title="Go to blackeycole's profile"> <img src='data:image/svg+xml,' alt='blackeycole' loading="lazy"> </a> </div> </div> <div class='cAuthorPane_content'> <h3 class='ipsType_sectionHead cAuthorPane_author ipsType_break ipsType_blendLinks ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center'> <a href='' rel="nofollow" data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-width='370' 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class='ipsType_blendLinks'>Posted <time datetime='2017-09-10T20:37:21Z' title='09/10/2017 08:37 PM' data-short='7 yr'>September 10, 2017</time></a> <span class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> </span> </div> </div> <div class='cPost_contentWrap'> <div data-role='commentContent' class='ipsType_normal ipsType_richText ipsPadding_bottom ipsContained' data-controller='core.front.core.lightboxedImages'> <p> My best friend works for the test track unit at HAFB he was in sheet metal then switched to design and drawing </p> </div> </div> <div class='ipsPadding ipsHide cPostShareMenu' id='elShareComment_1241381_menu'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset'>Link to comment</h5> <input type='text' value='' class='ipsField_fullWidth'> <h5 class='ipsType_normal ipsType_reset ipsSpacer_top'>Share on other sites</h5> <ul class='ipsList_inline ipsList_noSpacing ipsClearfix' data-controller="core.front.core.sharelink"> <li> <a href="" class="cShareLink cShareLink_x" target="_blank" data-role="shareLink" 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The first step will be to get a seat and pilot out of an airplane and have the parachute lower the aviator to the ground. We hope that the next accomplishment will be to have the seat and pilot (dummy of course) eject from a rocket powered sled moving very fast along a track.\n \n\n\n\t[NOTE: 9/15/2015\u00a0 Peter has the pilot, seat, and parachute ejecting from airplanes (see his post as \"durian\" below). I\u0027m still having trouble getting my plugin to send the rocket sleds straight down the track. If you think of an easy way to do this, please write to me at\u00a0 . ]\n \n\n\n\t\u00a0\n \n\n\n\tHistory \n\tWe are all familiar with the Wright Brothers use of a short track as a catapult to launch their \u201cFlyer\u201d in 1904. The propulsion was supplied by a weight dropping from a tower. Even though his \u201caerodrome\u201d didn\u2019t succeed, Samuel Langley beat them \u2013 at least in one respect \u2013 by using a spring device to send his ship into the air in 1903.\n \n\n\n\tRocket sled tracks have some features in common with catapults and other similar devices, but I\u2019m going to concentrate on the ones which actually use rockets for propulsion. A summary of some 20 known tracks around the world is available here. \n\tThere are four tracks which are of particular interest to me. \n\t\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Edwards AFB North Track: because it is one of the shortest and oldest and \n\t\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 because I have been there \u2013 seen that. \n\t\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Edwards High Speed Track: because I used to work there. \n\t\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Hurricane Mesa: because of its unique location and capability \n\t\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 ...seen that from a distance. \n\t\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0 Holloman AFB: because it is the longest and fastest.\n \n\n\n\t\u00a0\n \n\n\n\tEdwards AFB \"Old North Track\"\n \n\n\n\t \n\tThis 2,000 foot track was never used for seat ejections. It was built in 1944 to launch the JB-10 flying wing bomb. It was closed sometime after 1958. \n\tThis track was eventually fitted with programmable hydraulic brakes between the rails. The brake shoes gripped keels on the bottom of the sleds and virtually any pattern of deceleration could be achieved. The first test subjects were chimpanzees, but Col. John Stapp did his first work there, personally subjecting himself to high \u201cg\u201d and wind forces. \n\tThere is a story about one of the chimps who, after his first sled ride, was given a banana to get him out of his cage for the second try. He threw the banana back at his handler when it was time for the third test. After extreme measures he did go for that final ride. His shoulder harness broke during braking and he was last seen running across the desert. \n\tI witnessed only one relatively unimportant run at the North Track. The incident I remember most about that day was that it was the only time I saw a U-2 take off and land. One of the first U-2s was being secretly tested at the 9L2 \u201cNorth Base\u201d at Edwards.\u00a0 This is about what I witnessed except that the one I saw had only a single pilot.\n \n\n\n\t\u00a0\n \n\n\n\tEdwards High Speed Rocket Track \n\tThe first job I had after college graduation was as an Air Force 2nd Lieutenant working at the \u201cSouth Track\u201d. While I was there we ran seat ejection tests on the F-101, F-102, TF-102, and the F-104.\u00a0 Just before the first test of the X-15 ejection was run, I found myself standing to the left of Scott Crossfield who was to be the first pilot.\u00a0 Crossfield turned to the General officer to his right and said, \u201cI wish they\u2019d just spend the money on making the thing fly better because I\u2019m never going to jump out of it\u201d.\u00a0 And he didn\u2019t. Not even when the engine failed on the first drop from a B-52 nor on the ground when the engine blew up with Scott in the pilot\u2019s seat. \n\tWhen the EAA celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers\u2019 flight, Crossfield was selected to train the prospective pilots. Part of the training involved flying a replica Wright glider being towed across a field. You can read about that here. While I can\u2019t find the reference now, I clearly remember reading about the fact that Scott Crossfield took the controls himself once. On that \u201cflight\u201d he lost control and was thrown (unhurt) to the ground. As far as I know, that\u2019s the only time he ever \u201cejected\u201d from an airplane. \n\tUsing a very small sled we set a (temporary) speed record of Mach 2.3 and used the triangular device in the center to recover the vehicle using the long trough of water between the rails. If any sled reached supersonic speed, we would first see the smoke from the rocket ignition. A little later we would hear the roar from a mile away. Then \u2013 SILENCE \u2013 the sled had exceeded Mach 1. Finally the vehicle would pass our position and shortly after than we would hear the sonic boom of the shock wave. We could also see the shock stirring up the desert dust between us and the rails.\n \n\n\n\tAt this track as well as at Holloman, sprinkler heads were set up for several thousand feet in order to test the effects of airplanes and guided missiles flying through rain clouds. An engineer for one of the companies doing these runs was busy working under his sled when a man from a competing company asked him, \u201cSay there, what material are you using for your tests?\u201d The man on the ground looked up and said, \u201cMother\u2019s milk and Drano.\u201d\n \n\n\n\t\u00a0\n \n\n\n\t\u00a0\n \n\n\n\t \n\tHere is Edwards AFB from Google Earth and X-Plane. You can see the location of the short track near 9L2 on the north end of Rogers Dry Lake and the much longer track to the south. During my tenure the track was 10,000 feet long and the sleds traveled from west to east. In 1959 the track was extended to 20,000 feet and travel was east to west. Then in 1963 it was closed and in 1974 the rails were used in to extend the track at Holloman AFB. \n\tA 35-page history of the rocket tracks at Edwards is in this document. \n\tHere is a video of seven tests of the F-105 ejection seat showing failures as well as successes. \n\tAt most rocket tracks the sleds are stopped by dragging a scoop or other device in a long trough of water \u2013 the \u201cwater brake\u201d. Frangible dams are placed at strategic locations and the water level between them is set to produce a desired deceleration sequence.\n \n\n\n\t\u00a0\n \n\n\n\t\u00a0\n \n\n\n\t \n\tMy 15 minutes of fame came when Popular Mechanics did a piece on the work at Edwards. That\u2019s the TF-102 sled on the left and center. That\u2019s me installing a high speed camera on a sled used to test supersonic parachutes.\n \n\n\n\t\u00a0\n \n\n\n\tHolloman Air Force Base \n\tThe uninhabited area in the desert of New Mexico was the ideal spot to build the longest rocket track in the world. In fact, Holloman is only 60 miles from Trinity, the site of the first atomic bomb test.\n \n\n\n\t \n\tThere is only about a 40 foot difference in altitude between the south and north ends of the ten mile long track. \n\tCol. Stapp exposed himself to wind blast and 40 g\u2019s in the water brake. Here is a video of that sled run. \n\tOne of the first tests on the original short track was the launch of the SNARK guide missile. More recently, the F-22 seat ejection was investigated. The picture on the bottom give us a real feel for the seven miles of track. Here is a video of some tests at Holloman. Col. John Stapp explains many of the uses of the Holloman track in this 17 minute movie. Here is a video of the sled run pictured above. This film shows Stapp warming up for his sled ride.\n \n\n\n\t \n\tMoving at Mach 8.6, this Holloman sled is the fastest in the world. This short video shows the night firing. Listen for the sonic boom at the end and read the description of the test below the moving picture.\n \n\n\n\t\u00a0\n \n\n\n\tHurricane Mesa\u00a0 \n\tThe Hurricane Mesa track in southwestern Utah has only a four foot difference in altitude over its 12,000 foot\u00a0length, but ejected dummy pilots and seats can drop 1,500 feet before hitting the ground. \n\tHere is a short movie of an ejection test at Hurricane Mesa. \n\tThis 11 minute video has some scenes from Edwards AFB as well as \u201cover the edge\u201d ejections at Hurricane Mesa.\n \n\n\n\t\u00a0\n \n\n\n\tWhat\u0027s next?\n \n\n\n\tUsing WED, I\u0027ll put narrow runways at each of these four sites. Here are the pertinent data: \n \n\n\n\tThen I\u0027ll make models of a few rocket sleds. Next I\u0027ll figure out a way to control them, keeping them on the track and timing the rocket burn. Finally, I\u0027ll build an ejection seat...probably using a pilot from \n\tI will not fool around with equations of motion, but will let X-Plane do that work. \n\tWater brakes will be simulated with reverse rockets. From this site \n\tI can see that the specific fuel consumption (SFC) should be between 8 and 10 (pounds mass per hour) / (pound force thrust).\n \n", "dateCreated": "2015-08-19T19:15:54+0000", "datePublished": "2015-08-19T19:15:54+0000", "dateModified": "2017-09-10T20:37:21+0000", "image": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "chuck bodeen", "image": "", "url": "" }, "interactionStatistic": [ { "@type": "InteractionCounter", "interactionType": "", "userInteractionCount": 4119 }, { "@type": "InteractionCounter", "interactionType": "", "userInteractionCount": 8 } ], "@context": "", "@type": "DiscussionForumPosting", "@id": "", "isPartOf": { "@id": "" }, "publisher": { "@id": "", "member": { "@type": "Person", "name": "chuck bodeen", "image": "", "url": "" } }, "url": "", "discussionUrl": "", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "" }, "pageStart": 1, "pageEnd": 1, "comment": [ { "@type": "Comment", "@id": "", "url": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "captbullett", "image": "", "url": "" }, "dateCreated": "2015-08-31T16:49:43+0000", "text": "Good day, \nYup the good word get\u0027s around; \n\u00a0 \n\u0026amp;set=p.1055229897843633\u0026amp;type=1\u0026amp;theater \n\u00a0 \nhave a good day, \ncaptbullett \n", "upvoteCount": 0 }, { "@type": "Comment", "@id": "", "url": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "edsarrow", "image": "", "url": "" }, "dateCreated": "2015-09-01T00:55:59+0000", "text": "I believe there is one test facility missing, namely, the Navy test track at China Lake in California.\u00a0 Please feel free to contact if you need more information. \n", "upvoteCount": 0 }, { "@type": "Comment", "@id": "", "url": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "WRX15", "image": "", "url": "" }, "dateCreated": "2015-09-01T21:44:28+0000", "text": "You missed the best rocket sled video ever.\u00a0 \n \n", "upvoteCount": 0 }, { "@type": "Comment", "@id": "", "url": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "durian", "image": "", "url": "" }, "dateCreated": "2015-09-05T08:52:28+0000", "text": "Here is a 5 second teaser of a \"zero-zero\" ejection controlled by a Python plugin. The seat is ejected by a 0.1 second burn of a jet engine simulation, and seperates into an empty seat and the parachuter when it reaches the highest point and starts falling again. \n\u00a0 \n \n\u00a0 \nAnd a second video, now showing a canopy as well. This movie shows the second ejection with the camera on the pilot, \n\u00a0 \n \n\u00a0 \n-peter \n", "upvoteCount": 0 }, { "@type": "Comment", "@id": "", "url": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "chuck bodeen", "image": "", "url": "" }, "dateCreated": "2015-09-11T22:07:12+0000", "text": "From captbullett: \n Good day, \n Yup the good word get\u0027s around; https://www.facebook...\u0026amp;type=1 \n have a good day, \n captbullett \nYes... That\u0027s the sled Col Stapp rode doing his windblast and acceleration tests at Holloman. Thanks... \nxxxxxxx \nTo edsarrow: As you could see from the article there ate MANY rocket sled tracks I did not cover. While I was at Edwards I went to a track conference at China Lake and drank at the officers club bar with Col Stapp. \nxxxxxxx \nTo WRX15: \nI was at Edwards when Northrop began the testing the T-38 seat ejections. Of course, everyone who watch the youtube should know that we never ejected people...only instrumented dummies. \nxxxxxxxx \nTo: Durian: \nThanks for posting the videos, Peter. Looks as if we will be ejecting seats from rocket sleds soon.", "upvoteCount": 0 }, { "@type": "Comment", "@id": "", "url": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "oooskar45", "image": "", "url": "" }, "dateCreated": "2015-11-27T00:59:53+0000", "text": "naic \n", "upvoteCount": 0 }, { "@type": "Comment", "@id": "", "url": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "chuck bodeen", "image": "", "url": "" }, "dateCreated": "2016-02-15T05:16:48+0000", "text": "Sorry, I don\u0027t understand \"naic\".", "upvoteCount": 0 }, { "@type": "Comment", "@id": "", "url": "", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "blackeycole", "image": "", "url": "" }, "dateCreated": "2017-09-10T20:37:21+0000", "text": "My best friend works for the test track unit at HAFB he was in sheet metal then switched to design and drawing\n ", "upvoteCount": 0 } ] } </script> <script type='application/ld+json'> { "@context": "", "publisher": "", "@type": "WebSite", "@id": "", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "name": "X-Plane.Org Forum", "url": "", "potentialAction": { "type": "SearchAction", "query-input": "required name=query", "target": "\u0026q={query}" }, "inLanguage": [ { "@type": "Language", "name": "English (USA)", "alternateName": "en-US" } ] } </script> <script type='application/ld+json'> { "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", "@id": "", "mainEntityOfPage": "", "name": "X-Plane.Org Forum", "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "@id": "", "url": "" }, "sameAs": [ "" ] } </script> <script type='application/ld+json'> { "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "item": { "@id": "", "name": "Forums" } }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "item": { "@id": "", "name": "Reviews -Tutorials and Articles" } }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 3, "item": { "@id": "", "name": "Chuck's Overview" } } ] } </script> <script type='application/ld+json'> { "@context": "", "@type": "ContactPage", "url": "" } </script> <script type='text/javascript'> (() => { let gqlKeys = []; 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