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App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc."},{"label":"Android","id":"android-get-app","deviceType":"Android","action":"sms","downloadSection":{"header":"Get it on Google Play","appStoreImage":"","appStoreImageAlt":"Download the Bank of America App","appStoreUrl":"","disclaimer":"Before you leave our site, we want you to know your app store has its own privacy practices and level of security which may be different from ours, so please review their policies."},"contactSection":{"header":"Or we can text a download link directly to your phone","disclaimer":"By providing your mobile number you are consenting to receive a text message. Text message fees may apply from your carrier. Text messages may be transmitted automatically.","placeholder":"Enter your mobile phone number","validationError":"Please enter a phone number"},"phoneNumberField":{"required":true,"label":{"text":"Phone Number","adaText":"In 999-999-9999 Format"},"input":{"format":"phone","attrs":{"id":"phoneNumberFieldAndroid","name":"phoneNumberField","class":"js-phoneNumberField","autocomplete":"off"}},"validationRules":{"change":{"phone":{"parameters":["us"]}}}},"deviceDisclaimer":"Android is a trademark of Google Inc. 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Please try again, or use your mobile device to get the app from its app store."},"buttons":{"chooseDevice":"Go","submitContact":"Send","success":"OK","error":"OK","interstitialContinue":"Continue","interstitialBack":"Go back to Bank of America"},"deviceField":{"required":true,"label":{"text":"Select Your Device"},"select":{"attrs":{"id":"getAppDeviceSelect","name":"getAppDeviceSelect","noEmptyOption":true},"options":[{"text":"iPhone","value":"iphone-get-app"},{"text":"iPad","value":"ipad-get-app"},{"text":"Android","value":"android-get-app"},{"text":"Other","value":"other-get-app"}]}},"phoneNumberField":{"required":true,"label":{"text":"Phone Number","adaText":"In 999-999-9999 Format"},"input":{"format":"phone","attrs":{"id":"phoneNumberField","name":"phoneNumberField","autocomplete":"off"}},"validationRules":{"change":{"phone":{"parameters":["us"]}}}},"emailAddressField":{"required":true,"label":{"text":"Email 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Text message fees may apply from your carrier. Text messages may be transmitted automatically.</p></div></div><div class="row"><div class="column small-collapse"><p class="disclaimer trademark-disclosure">Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.</p></div></div></section><section id="ipad-get-app"><div class="row"><div class="column"><h5 data-font="cnx-regular">Get it on the App Store</h5><a href="" class="app-store-download-link" id="appStoreDownloadLinkiPad"><img class="app-store-image" src="" alt="Download the Bank of America App" role="img"></a><p class="disclaimer">Before you leave our site, we want you to know your app store has its own privacy practices and level of security which may be different from ours, so please review their policies.</p><h5 data-font="cnx-regular">Or we can send you a link by email</h5></div></div><form name="getAppDeviceForm" autocomplete="off" novalidate><div class="row spa-input-btn-group"><div class="column small-12 medium-8"><div class="spa-input spa-input-box spa-input--sparta2"><label class="spa-input-label" for="emailAddressField">Email Address<span class="spa-input-label--asterisk"> *</span> <span class="ada-hidden"></span></label><input type="email" aria-describedby="emailAddressField_errorMessage emailAddressField-hint-text" data-mobile-input-type="email" data-default-input-type="email" data-android-input-type="email" data-mobile-pattern="" data-default-pattern="" data-sparta-input-format="email" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" autocomplete="email" class="spa-input-text" data-gis-mask="false" id="emailAddressField" name="emailAddressField" data-error-msg="Please provide a valid email address" data-sparta-input-mask='{"greedy":true,"placeholder":"","clearMaskOnLostFocus":true,"showMaskOnHover":false,"showMaskOnFocus":true,"keepStatic":true,"jitMasking":true,"showTooltip":false,"inputEventOnly":true}' data-validation-rules='{"change":{"email":{"parameters":[]}}}' required aria-required="true"><p id="emailAddressField-hint-text" class="spa-input-hint"></p><div class="spa-input-error-message spa-icon--error" id="emailAddressField_errorMessage" aria-hidden="true"></div></div></div><div class="column small-12 medium-4 form-action spa-input-btn-column"><button class="spa-btn spa-btn--primary spa-btn--medium choice-submit" data-action-type="email" data-device-type="iPad" type="submit" id="sendToDeviceBtniPad">Send <span class="spin"></span></button></div></div><div class="row hide validation-error"><div class="column small-12">Please enter a valid email address</div></div></form><div class="row"><div class="column small-collapse"><p class="disclaimer trademark-disclosure">Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Touch ID are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.</p></div></div></section><section id="android-get-app"><div class="row"><div class="column"><h5 data-font="cnx-regular">Get it on Google Play</h5><a href="" class="app-store-download-link" id="appStoreDownloadLinkAndroid"><img class="app-store-image" src="" alt="Download the Bank of America App" role="img"></a><p class="disclaimer">Before you leave our site, we want you to know your app store has its own privacy practices and level of security which may be different from ours, so please review their policies.</p><h5 data-font="cnx-regular">Or we can text a download link directly to your phone</h5></div></div><form name="getAppDeviceForm" autocomplete="off" novalidate><div class="row spa-input-btn-group"><div class="column small-12 medium-6"><div class="spa-input spa-input-box spa-input--sparta2"><label class="spa-input-label" for="phoneNumberFieldAndroid">Phone Number<span class="spa-input-label--asterisk"> *</span> <span class="ada-hidden">In 999-999-9999 Format</span></label><input type="text" aria-describedby="phoneNumberFieldAndroid_errorMessage phoneNumberFieldAndroid-hint-text" data-mobile-input-type="text" data-default-input-type="text" data-android-input-type="text" data-mobile-pattern="" data-default-pattern="" data-sparta-input-format="phone" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" data-sparta-input-mask='{"greedy":true,"placeholder":"_","clearMaskOnLostFocus":true,"showMaskOnHover":false,"showMaskOnFocus":true,"keepStatic":true,"jitMasking":false,"showTooltip":false,"inputEventOnly":true,"alias":"phone","mask":"999-999-9999"}' class="js-phoneNumberField spa-input-text" data-gis-mask="false" id="phoneNumberFieldAndroid" name="phoneNumberField" data-validation-rules='{"change":{"phone":{"parameters":["us"]}}}' required aria-required="true"><p id="phoneNumberFieldAndroid-hint-text" class="spa-input-hint"></p><div class="spa-input-error-message spa-icon--error" id="phoneNumberFieldAndroid_errorMessage" aria-hidden="true"></div></div></div><div class="column small-12 medium-6 form-action spa-input-btn-column"><button class="spa-btn spa-btn--primary spa-btn--medium choice-submit" data-action-type="sms" data-device-type="Android" type="submit" id="sendToDeviceBtnAndroid">Send <span class="spin"></span></button></div></div><div class="row hide validation-error"><div class="column small-12">Please enter a phone number</div></div></form><div class="row"><div class="column"><p class="disclaimer contact-section">By providing your mobile number you are consenting to receive a text message. Text message fees may apply from your carrier. Text messages may be transmitted automatically.</p></div></div><div class="row"><div class="column small-collapse"><p class="disclaimer trademark-disclosure">Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.</p></div></div></section><section id="other-get-app"><div class="row"><div class="column"><h5 data-font="cnx-regular">Our mobile app isn't available for all devices</h5><p class="disclaimer">If you don't see an app for your device, you may still be able to access our mobile website by typing in your mobile web browser.</p><a href="/online-banking/iphone-banking-app.go">Learn more about mobile banking options and supported devices</a></div></div></section><section id="interstitial" class="row"><div id="modalContentInt" class="column"><h3 data-font="cnx-regular">Get the mobile banking app</h3><div class="content"><p>Before you leave our site, we want you to know your app store has its own privacy practices and level of security which may be different from ours, so please review their polices.</p><p class="spa-btn-group"><a class="spa-btn spa-btn--small spa-btn--primary" id="continue-link">Continue </a><button type="button" class="spa-btn spa-btn--small spa-btn--secondary confirm-action-complete">Go back to Bank of America</button></p></div></div></section><section id="sendToDeviceSuccess" class="with-bottom-padding"><h4 class="title" data-font="cnx-regular">We've sent you a download link</h4><div class="content with-icon success-icon"><p class="emailAction hide">We sent an email with the download link to <span class="destination"></span></p><p class="textAction hide">We sent a text message with the download link to <span class="destination"></span></p></div><div class="primary-action"><button type="button" class="spa-btn spa-btn--small spa-btn--primary confirm-action-complete">OK</button></div></section><section id="sendToDeviceError" class="with-bottom-padding"><div class="row"><div class="column"><h4 class="title" data-font="cnx-regular">We couldn't send the link</h4><div class="content with-icon error-icon">We're sorry we weren't able to send you the download link. Please try again, or use your mobile device to get the app from its app store.</div><div class="primary-action"><button type="button" class="spa-btn spa-btn--small spa-btn--primary confirm-action-complete">OK</button></div></div></div></section></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="small-centered full-width-row"><div class="row small-collapse medium-collapse large-collapse"><div class="large-12 columns"><div id="carouselEngagementAreaModule" data-component="module" data-module="carousel-engagement-area-module" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="8.0.4" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/carousel-engagement-area-module" data-options="{}" data-init="carouselEngagementAreaModule" data-module-parameters="{}" class="carousel-engagement-area-module-class-v-8-0-4 carousel-engagement-area-module spa-module-init"><div class="row full-width-row small-collapse"><div class="column"><div class="picture-box crop-small-from-right crop-medium-from-left crop-large-from-left"><picture><source media="only screen and (min-width:1025px)" type="image/webp" srcset=""><source media="only screen and (min-width:1025px)" srcset=""><source media="only screen and (min-width:768px)" type="image/webp" srcset=""><source media="only screen and (min-width:768px)" srcset=""><source media="only screen and (min-width:1px)" type="image/webp" sizes="100%" srcset=""><source media="only screen and (min-width:1px)" srcset="" sizes="100%"><img src="" alt=""></picture><div class="picture-box__content"><div class="row small-collapse"><div class="column"><div class="picture-box__content--text"><div class="show-for-small-only header-content"><h2 data-font="cnx-regular"><span style="font-size:18px">Your security is a top priority. Together we can identify and help prevent fraud and scams.</span></h2></div><div class="show-for-medium-only header-content"><h2 data-font="cnx-light"><span style="font-size:24px">Your security is a top priority. Together we can identify and help prevent fraud and scams.</span></h2></div><div class="slider-section show-for-large-up"><section class="carousel lower-nav-margin"><div class="row"><div class="small-12 small-centered columns"><div class="slick-track"><div class="large-12 medium-12 small-12 columns content-well"><span class="slider-content hide"><h2 data-font="cnx-light"><span style="color:#c41230">Security Center</span><br><span style="font-size:28px">Your security is a top priority. Together we can identify and help prevent fraud and scams.</span></h2></span></div></div></div></div></section></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div id="spoofing" class="hide" data-options="{"type":"modal"}"><h1 id="spoofing_title" class="spa-ui-layer-title" data-font="cnx-bold"><strong>Phantom hacker scams</strong></h1><div class="content"><div class="row"><div class="columns small-12 large-12"><p>Some scammers now combine multiple scam types and take a phased approach to try to gain your trust and make scams more convincing.<br><br><strong>How the scam works:</strong></p><ul style="margin-top:-15px"><li><strong>Phase I: Tech Support - </strong>The impersonator claims to be from a legitimate tech support company and claims your computer has been hacked. They'll ask you to call a number and download software allowing them remote access to your computer to resolve the “issue”. Then they'll ask you to log into Online Banking and look for fraudulent charges.</li><li><strong>Phase 2: Bank imposter - </strong>Next, you'll receive a call from an imposter claiming to be from your bank, saying fraud is happening on your account. They'll tell you to electronically move money to a “safe” account, such as one with the Federal Reserve or another U.S. government agency.</li><li><strong>Phase 3: Government imposter - </strong>Then, you'll receive a third call from another imposter claiming to be a government official who is confirming the transaction. They may even send you an email or letter to make the scam look more legitimate.</li></ul><strong>How to protect yourself:</strong><ul><li>Don't click unsolicited pop-ups, links or attachments you receive by text or email. Don't call any phone numbers the imposter shares with you.</li><li>Be cautious if someone you don't know asks you to download software. Verify all requests before acting on them.</li><li>Don't grant remote access to your computer to anyone you don't know.</li><li>Be wary if someone tells you to click through bank warning messages. They're there for a reason.</li><li>Know that Bank of America may send you a text to validate unusual activity. However, we'll never ask you to send money to anyone, including yourself, or request that you share a code to resolve fraud.</li><li>Hang up if you receive a suspicious call from someone saying they're from the bank. Instead, call the number on your statement or back of your card.</li></ul><p></p></div></div></div></div><div id="imposter-scam-layer" class="hide" data-options="{"type":"modal"}"><h1 id="imposter-scam-layer_title" class="spa-ui-layer-title" data-font="cnx-bold"><strong>Beware of a new way scammers are targeting you</strong></h1><div class="content"><div class="row"><div class="columns small-12 large-12"><p>Scammers are posing as your bank. They claim there is fraud on your account and try to convince you the only way to protect your money is for you to move it.<br><br><strong>How it works:</strong></p><ol style="margin-top:-15px"><li><strong>Initial Contact</strong>: Scammers reach out, pretending to be your bank, and inform you of fraudulent activity on your account. This contact may come from text or email, followed by a phone call from 'the fraud department.'</li><li><strong>Deceptive Instructions</strong>: Next, they instruct you to move your money. You may be asked to 'send money to yourself' using any payment application, including adding your money to your digital wallet. Once you add money to your digital wallet, the scammer will provide you a card number, attempting to convince you it is your 'new card'. From there, you're told to transfer your money to the 'new card'.</li><li><strong>Money Sent to Scammer</strong>: Once you transfer the funds, you realize you've sent money to the scammer, your money is gone and unlikely to be recovered.</li></ol><strong>Protect yourself & your money</strong><br><br>Remember, <strong>Bank of America will never ask you to pay anyone, including yourself.</strong> Don't make a payment as a result of an unexpected text or call. <strong>Never ignore scam warnings,</strong> even if you are told to do so.<br><br><strong>Visit the Security Center for more ways to stay protected.</strong><p></p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="small-centered section-body"><div class="row small-collapse medium-collapse large-collapse"><div class="large-12 columns"><div id="topPriorityModule" data-component="module" data-module="top-priority-module" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="8.0.1" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/top-priority-module" data-options="{}" data-init="TopPriorityModule" data-module-parameters="{}" class="top-priority-module-class-v-8-0-1 top-priority-module spa-module-init"><div class="row header-row"><div class="columns small-12 large-12 medium-12"><h2><span style="color:#c41230;font-weight:700">Trending Now:</span> <a href="/security-center/avoid-bank-scams/" style="text-decoration:underline">Learn</a> how imposters trick you in to sending money to them.</h2></div></div><div class="row content-row"><div class="columns small-12 large-4 medium-12 column-left img-text"><h3><span style="font-weight:700">How we help protect you</span></h3><p class="show-for-small-only"><br><a id="identityTheft" href="/security-center/bank-fraud-prevention/">Help</a> Fight Fraud<br><br>Think you have experienced fraud? <a id="reportnow" href="/security-center/report-suspicious-communications/">Report Now</a><br><br>Resources for <a id="parents" href="">Parents</a>, <a id="careGiver" href="">Caregivers</a>, and <a id="businesses" href="/security-center/small-business-fraud-prevention/">Businesses</a></p><p class="show-for-medium-up"><br><a id="identityTheft" href="/security-center/bank-fraud-prevention/">Help</a> Fight Fraud<br><br>Think you have experienced fraud? <a id="reportnow" href="/security-center/report-suspicious-communications/">Report Now</a><br><br>Resources for <a id="parents" href="">Parents</a>, <a id="careGiver" href="">Caregivers</a>, and <a id="businesses" href="/security-center/small-business-fraud-prevention/">Businesses</a></p></div><div class="columns small-12 large-4 medium-12 show-for-large-up img-fix"><img src="" alt=""></div><div class="columns small-12 large-4 medium-12 column-right img-text"><h3><span style="font-weight:700">How to help protect yourself</span></h3><p class="show-for-small-only"><br>Help protect your money. Pause, verify, <a id="protectYourSelf" href="/security-center/avoid-bank-scams/">help prevent scams</a><br><br>Check out our <a id="checklist" href="/security-center/fraud-prevention-checklist/">Fraud Checklist</a><br><br>Help prevent <a id="scamPage" href="/security-center/identity-theft-protection/">Identity theft</a></p><p class="show-for-medium-up"><br>Help protect your money. Pause, verify, <a id="protectYourSelf" href="/security-center/avoid-bank-scams/">help prevent scams</a><br><br>Check out our <a id="checklist" href="/security-center/fraud-prevention-checklist/">Fraud Checklist</a><br><br>Help prevent <a id="scamPage" href="/security-center/identity-theft-protection/">Identity theft</a></p></div><div class="columns small-12 large-4 medium-12 show-for-small-up hide-for-large-up"><img src="" alt=""></div></div><div class="row text-center"></div></div></div></div></section><section class="small-centered full-width-row"><div class="row small-collapse medium-collapse large-collapse"><div class="large-12 columns"><div id="liabilityGuaranteeModule" data-component="module" data-module="liability-guarantee-module" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="8.0.1" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/liability-guarantee-module" data-options="{}" data-init="LiabilityGuaranteeModule" data-module-parameters="{}" class="liability-guarantee-module-class-v-8-0-1 liability-guarantee-module spa-module-init"><div class="row full-width-row small-collapse"><div class="column"><div class="picture-box crop-small-from-right crop-medium-from-right crop-large-from-right"><picture><source media="only screen and (min-width:1025px)" type="image/webp" srcset=""><source media="only screen and (min-width:1025px)" srcset=""><source media="only screen and (min-width:768px)" type="image/webp" srcset=""><source media="only screen and (min-width:768px)" srcset=""><source media="only screen and (min-width:1px)" type="image/webp" sizes="100%" srcset=""><source media="only screen and (min-width:1px)" srcset="" sizes="100%"><img src="" alt=""></picture><div class="picture-box__content"><div class="row small-collapse"><div class="column small-9 medium-8 medium-offset-1"><div class="picture-box__content--text"><div><h3 class="headline-large">Our Online & Mobile Security Guarantee</h3><p>You’re never liable for unauthorized purchases or <span class="show-for-medium-up"><br></span>transactions—as long as they’re reported promptly.</p><a id="getCompleteDetails" href="/online-banking/online-banking-security-guarantee/" class="spa-btn spa-btn--primary spa-btn--medium" role="button">Get complete details<span class="ada-hidden"> about Online and Mobile Banking Security Guarantee</span></a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section><section class="small-centered section-body"><div class="row small-collapse medium-collapse large-collapse"><div class="large-12 columns"><div id="threeColumnsModule" data-component="module" data-module="three-columns-module" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="8.0.0" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/three-columns-module" data-options="{}" data-init="ThreeColumnsModule" data-module-parameters="{}" class="three-columns-module-class-v-8-0-0 three-columns-module spa-module-init"><div class="row collapse"><div class="columns small-12 medium-4 large-4"><div class="row content-container"><div class="content-icon columns small-1 large-1 medium-1"><img class="content-icon" src="" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="content-text columns small-11 large-11 medium-11"><h3 class="headline-small"><strong>Take your security to the next level</strong></h3><span class="show-for-small-only"><p><a id="managingYourSecurity" href="/security-center/online-banking/">Learn more about managing your security</a><br><a id="signInManageSecurity" href="">Log in now and manage your security</a></p></span><span class="show-for-medium-up"><p><a id="managingYourSecurity" href="/security-center/online-banking/">Learn more about managing your security</a><br><a id="signInManageSecurity" href="">Log in now and manage your security</a></p></span></div></div></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-4 large-4"><div class="row content-container"><div class="content-icon columns small-1 large-1 medium-1"><img class="content-icon" src="" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="content-text columns small-11 large-11 medium-11"><h3 class="headline-small"><strong>Set your privacy choices</strong></h3><span class="show-for-small-only"><p>You control how we market to you and<br>share your information.<br><a id="reviewYourPrivacyChoicesSmall" href="">Set your privacy choices now</a></p><p>Opt back in to promotional emails.<br><a id="signInUpdateEmailSmall" href="">Update your email preferences</a></p></span><span class="show-for-medium-up"><p>You control how we market to you and<br>share your information. <a id="reviewYourPrivacyChoicesLarge" href="">Set your<br>privacy choices now</a></p><p>Opt back in to promotional emails.<br><a id="signInUpdateEmailSmall" href="">Update your email preferences</a></p></span></div></div></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-4 large-4"><div class="row content-container"><div class="content-icon columns small-1 large-1 medium-1"><img class="content-icon" src="" aria-hidden="true"></div><div class="content-text columns small-11 large-11 medium-11"><h3 class="headline-small"><strong>Manage Alerts</strong></h3><span class="show-for-small-only"><p>Know when irregular card<br>activity or changes take place<br>on your account.</p><p><a id="signInManageAlerts" href="">Log in and manage your alerts</a></p></span><span class="show-for-medium-up"><p>Know when irregular card<br>activity or changes take place<br>on your account.</p><p><a id="signInManageAlerts" href="">Log in and manage your alerts</a></p></span></div></div></div></div></div><div id="FaqModule" data-component="module" data-module="faq-module" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="9.0.0" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/faq-module" data-options="{}" data-init="FaqModule" data-module-parameters="{}" class="faq-module-class-v-9-0-0 faq-module spa-module-init"><div class="row small-collapse medium-uncollapse large-uncollapse"><div class="columns small-12"><div class="faq-section"><section class="squeezebox-wrapper" id="faqModuleOverviewPage" data-one-at-a-time="" data-squeezebox-type="squeezebox"><a href="#" class="spa-hidden spa-squeezebox-link" aria-hidden="true" data-breakout>Expand all panels</a><div class="squeezebox-panels"><div class="squeezebox-panel" id="faqModuleOverviewPagePanel0" data-slug="additional_fraud_security_resources"><button name="Additional_fraud__security_resources" class="panel-header spa-oline gray spa-btn spa-btn--link" data-panel="faqModuleOverviewPagePanel0" type="button" aria-controls="faqModuleOverviewPagePanel0"><span class="spa-squeezebox-arrow spa-icon"></span>Additional fraud & security resources <span class="ada-hidden"></span></button><div class="panel-content gray" hidden><div class="content"><div class="row collapse"><div class="column"><div data-panel-content="sidebar-browser-check"></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="squeezebox-panel" id="faqModuleOverviewPagePanel1" data-slug="free_products_to_increase_your_security"><button name="Free_products_to_increase_your_security" class="panel-header spa-oline gray spa-btn spa-btn--link" data-panel="faqModuleOverviewPagePanel1" type="button" aria-controls="faqModuleOverviewPagePanel1"><span class="spa-squeezebox-arrow spa-icon"></span>Free products to increase your security <span class="ada-hidden"></span></button><div class="panel-content gray" hidden><div class="row content collapse"><div class="columns small-12 medium-2 large-1"><img src="" aria-hidden="true" style="width:88px"></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-10 large-11"><p>We've teamed up with IBM to offer Trusteer Rapport — online fraud protection software available for Bank of America customers. Trusteer Rapport delivers extra security while you're logged in to our site.</p><ul><li>No charge, no registration and no commitment</li><li>Downloads in just minutes</li><li>Future updates are free</li></ul><p><a id="trusteerRapport" href="/privacy/online-mobile-banking-privacy/trusteer-rapport.go">Learn more about Trusteer Rapport<sup>®</sup></a></p></div></div></div></div></div></section></div></div></div></div><div id="sidebarBrowserCheck" data-component="module" data-module="sidebar-browser-check" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="9.0.1" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/sidebar-browser-check" data-init="SidebarBrowserCheck" data-module-parameters="{}" class="sidebar-browser-check-class-v-9-0-1 sidebar-browser-check spa-module-init"><img class="faq-image" src="" aria-hidden="true"><p>AARP has assembled a variety of resources about security and scams that we think you'll find helpful.<br><a id="visitAarp" href="" class="spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn" data-options='{"interstitialType":"leaving-site","targetAction":"new-tab"}'>Visit the AARP page on scams and fraud<span class="spa-ada-text ada-hidden"> layer</span></a></p><img class="faq-image" src="" aria-hidden="true"><p>Privacy is important, especially when it comes to your finances. Get an understanding of identity theft, online and data security and how to stay safe.<br><a id="visitBetterHabitsPrivacyPage" href="">Visit the Better Habits Privacy & Security page</a></p><img class="faq-image" src="" aria-hidden="true"><p>Concerned about which third-party money management apps and websites have access to your financial information? <a id="faqChecklist" href="/security-center/fraud-prevention-checklist/#FraudPreventionChecklist" target="_self">Review our FAQs</a>, or <a id="signInThirdPartySiteAccess" href="" target="_self">log in to Online Banking</a> to see which third-parties have access to your data through our secure protocol.</p><img class="faq-image" src="" aria-hidden="true"><p>Another way to help guard against financial exploitation is to designate a trusted contact person. A trusted contact is someone we're able to contact to confirm information and address suspicious activity. Learn more about how to set up a <a id="trustedContact" href="/signature-services/elder-financial-services/" target="_self">trusted contact</a>.<br>Additionally, visit our <a id="signatureServices" href="/signature-services/" target="_self">Signature Services</a> pages with information and resources such as <a id="elderFinancialCare" href="/signature-services/elder-financial-services/" target="_self">Elder financial care</a> and <a id="powerOfAttorney" href="/signature-services/power-of-attorney/" target="_self">power of attorney</a>.</p><div class="browser-support-container"></div><div id="browser-check-default" data-jcr="{"content":[{"image":"","text":"AARP has assembled a variety of resources about security and scams that we think you'll find helpful.<br><a id='visitAarp' href='' class='spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn' data-options='{\"interstitialType\":\"leaving-site\",\"targetAction\":\"new-tab\"}'>Visit the AARP page on scams and fraud<span class='spa-ada-text ada-hidden'>&nbsp;layer</span></a>"},{"image":"","text":"Privacy is important, especially when it comes to your finances. Get an understanding of identity theft, online and data security and how to stay safe.<br><a id='visitBetterHabitsPrivacyPage' href=''>Visit the Better Habits Privacy & Security page</a>"},{"image":"","text":"Concerned about which third-party money management apps and websites have access to your financial information? <a id='faqChecklist' href='/security-center/fraud-prevention-checklist/#FraudPreventionChecklist' target='_self'>Review our FAQs</a>, or <a id='signInThirdPartySiteAccess' href='' target='_self'>log in to Online Banking</a> to see which third-parties have access to your data through our secure protocol."},{"image":"","text":"Another way to help guard against financial exploitation is to designate a trusted contact person. A trusted contact is someone we're able to contact to confirm information and address suspicious activity. Learn more about how to set up a <a id='trustedContact' href='/signature-services/elder-financial-services/' target='_self'>trusted contact</a>.<br>Additionally, visit our <a id='signatureServices' href='/signature-services/' target='_self'>Signature Services</a> pages with information and resources such as <a id='elderFinancialCare' href='/signature-services/elder-financial-services/' target='_self'>Elder financial care</a> and <a id='powerOfAttorney' href='/signature-services/power-of-attorney/' target='_self'>power of attorney</a>."}],"imagePath":{"pass":"","fail":""},"header":"Browser Check","browserInUse":"Browser in use:","passedText":"Congratulations! Your internet browser meets our security requirements","failedText":"Please update your Internet browser to ensure your information is secure","iconsUrl":"","passedIconStyle":"background-position: -300px -50px;","failedIconStyle":"background-position: -550px -50px;","requirementsLink":"<a id='reviewRequirements' href='/information/supported-browsers/' target='_self'>Review requirements</a>","LINKS":{"reviewRequirements":{"ID":"reviewRequirements","URL":"/information/supported-browsers/","TARGET":"_self","content":"Review requirements"},"visitAarp":{"ID":"visitAarp","URL":"","content":"Visit the AARP page on scams and fraud","actionType":{"type":"layer","options":{"interstitialType":"leaving-site","targetAction":"new-tab"}}},"visitBetterHabitsPrivacyPage":{"ID":"visitBetterHabitsPrivacyPage","URL":"","content":"Visit the Better Habits Privacy & Security page"},"signInThirdPartySiteAccess":{"ID":"signInThirdPartySiteAccess","URL":"","TARGET":"_self","content":"log in to Online Banking"},"faqChecklist":{"ID":"faqChecklist","URL":"/security-center/fraud-prevention-checklist/#FraudPreventionChecklist","TARGET":"_self","content":"Review our FAQs"},"trustedContact":{"ID":"trustedContact","URL":"/signature-services/elder-financial-services/","TARGET":"_self","content":"trusted contact"},"signatureServices":{"ID":"signatureServices","URL":"/signature-services/","TARGET":"_self","content":"Signature Services"},"elderFinancialCare":{"ID":"elderFinancialCare","URL":"/signature-services/elder-financial-services/","TARGET":"_self","content":"Elder financial care"},"powerOfAttorney":{"ID":"powerOfAttorney","URL":"/signature-services/power-of-attorney/","TARGET":"_self","content":"power of attorney"}},"jcr":"copy/site/security-center/module-specific/sidebar-browser-check/en/overview.json"}"></div></div><div id="optOutFromAdvertising" data-component="module" data-module="opt-out-from-advertising" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="9.0.0" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/opt-out-from-advertising" data-options="{}" data-init="OptOutFromAdvertising" data-module-parameters="{}" class="opt-out-from-advertising-class-v-9-0-0 opt-out-from-advertising spa-module-init"><div id="optOutFromAdvertisingModal" class="hide"><h3 id="optOutTitle" class="title">Opt-out of online behavioral advertising</h3><h3 id="optOutSuccessTitle" class="title hide">You have successfully opted out of online behavioral advertising</h3><div class="content"><div id="optOutContent"><p>When you opt-out, we will not use information based on online Site behavior to provide online and offline tailored content and advertising to you, but you may still receive untailored advertising from Bank of America. In addition, financial advisors/Client Managers may continue to use information collected online to provide product and service information in accordance with account agreements.</p><p>Opting out also means the online content and advertising you receive on our non-servicing sites (before you log in) will be untailored and will not be based on your online behavior or your relationship with us.</p><p>When accessing online account servicing areas (after you log in), such as Online Banking or MyMerrill, you may receive tailored content and advertising based on your account relationships.</p><p><strong>Important reminder:</strong> For this online behavioral advertising opt-out to work on your device, your browser must be set to accept cookies. If your browser blocks third party cookies (for example, Firefox or Safari), this opt-out may not work as expected.</p><p>If you delete cookies, buy a new device, access our Site from a different device, log in under a different screen name or change web browsers, you will need to opt-out again.</p><p>If your browser has scripting disabled, you do not need to opt-out, as online behavioral advertising technology does not work when scripting is disabled. Please check your browser's security settings to validate whether scripting is active or disabled.</p><p>The opt-out will take effect upon your next visit using the same device to Bank of America Sites. Click on <strong>Submit</strong> to opt-out of online Site behavior used to provide online and offline tailored content and advertising.</p><form action="javascript:void(0);" id="optOutFromAdvertisingForm" name="optOutFromAdvertisingForm" autocomplete="off" novalidate><a id="optOutFromAdvertisingSubmitButton" href="javascript:void(0);" class="spa-btn spa-btn--small spa-btn--primary">Submit</a> <a id="optOutFromAdvertisingCancelButton" href="javascript:void(0);" class="spa-btn spa-btn--small spa-btn--secondary" rel="optOutFromAdvertisingModal">Cancel</a></form></div><div id="optOutSuccessContent" class="hide"><p>You have successfully opted out of online behavioral advertising. The opt-out will take effect upon your next visit using the same device to Bank of America Sites.</p></div><div id="optoutdiv" style="display:none"></div></div></div></div><div id="overviewPrivacyNotice" data-component="module" data-module="overview-privacy-notice" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="9.0.1" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/overview-privacy-notice" data-options="{}" data-init="OverviewPrivacyNotice" data-module-parameters="{}" class="overview-privacy-notice-class-v-9-0-1 overview-privacy-notice spa-module-init"><div class="row small-collapse medium-uncollapse large-uncollapse cnx-regular"><div class="columns small-12 medium-12 large-12"><div class="privacy-notices-container show-for-medium-up"><div id="privacyNoticeTabs" class="spa-tab__container spa-tab--standard spa-tab-level--2"><div class="spa-tab__control-wrapper"><button class="spa-tab__control spa-tab__control--hidden spa-tab__control--prev" type="button" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" data-tab-control-speed="20" data-tab-control-increment="25" aria-label="Slide left"><span class="spa-tab__icon spa-tab__icon-control"><span class="spa-tab__icon-wrapper"><span class="spa-icon icon-caret-left--gray spa-tab__icon--default" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="spa-icon icon-caret-left--gray-20 spa-tab__icon--disabled" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="spa-icon icon-caret-left--light-blue spa-tab__icon--hover" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="spa-icon icon-caret-left--dark-blue spa-tab__icon--focus" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></span></button><div class="spa-tab__tab-wrapper" role="tablist"><button id="tab-online-privacy-notice" class="spa-tab__tab-element" type="button" aria-controls="panel-online-privacy-notice" aria-selected="false" role="tab" tabindex="-1">U.S. Online Privacy Notice</button> <button id="tab-consumer-privacy-notice" class="spa-tab__tab-element" type="button" aria-controls="panel-consumer-privacy-notice" aria-selected="false" role="tab" tabindex="-1">U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice</button> <button id="tab-california-privacy-notice" class="spa-tab__tab-element" type="button" aria-controls="panel-california-privacy-notice" aria-selected="false" role="tab" tabindex="-1">California Consumer Privacy Notice</button></div><button class="spa-tab__control spa-tab__control--hidden spa-tab__control--next" type="button" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" data-tab-control-speed="20" data-tab-control-increment="25" aria-label="Slide right"><span class="spa-tab__icon spa-tab__icon-control"><span class="spa-tab__icon-wrapper"><span class="spa-icon icon-caret-right--gray spa-tab__icon--default" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="spa-icon icon-caret-right--gray-20 spa-tab__icon--disabled" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="spa-icon icon-caret-right--light-blue spa-tab__icon--hover" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="spa-icon icon-caret-right--dark-blue spa-tab__icon--focus" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></span></button></div><div class="spa-tab__panel-wrapper"><div id="panel-online-privacy-notice" class="spa-tab__list-item-dropdown spa-tab__list-item-dropdown--standard spa-card spa-card--medium spa-card--overlay" aria-labelledby="tab-online-privacy-notice" data-spinner="true" data-max-height="300px;" role="tabpanel" tabindex="0"><div class="spa-tab-card-wrapper"><div class="spa-card__head spa-card__hide-dismissible"><div class="spa-card__head-wrapper"><div class="spa-card__head-content-wrapper"><h3 class="spa-card__title"><a id="onlinePrivacyFullPageLink" href="/security-center/online-privacy-notice" class="full-page-link" target="_self">FULL PAGE VERSION</a></h3><div class="spa-card__head-content"></div></div></div></div><div class="spa-card__loader"></div><div class="spa-card__body"><h2 class="generic-content__main-headline">Bank of America U.S. Online Privacy Notice</h2><p>Last updated March 1, 2024</p><p>Your privacy is important to us. We conduct regular assessment reviews and abide by rigorous privacy standards to ensure personal information we collect, use and share is protected. This U.S. Online Privacy Notice ("Notice") describes how Bank of America and our affiliates manage personal information about you when you interact with us online through our websites, event registration sites, mobile applications and social sites ("Sites and Mobile Apps") through your computer, smartphone, tablet or other mobile devices ("computer or mobile devices").</p><h3 class="list-heading">This Notice explains</h3><ul class="list"><li>How we collect personal information when you visit, use or interact with us online, and through our ads displayed through online services operated by us or non-affiliated third parties.</li><li>How we may use or share personal information collected to deliver products and services to you and for advertising or event management purposes.</li></ul><p>The term "Bank of America" or "we", "us" or "our" in this Notice refers to banking and non-banking U.S. affiliates or subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation that link to or reference this Notice.</p><p>By using our Sites and Mobile Apps, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Notice. Our U.S. online services covered by this Notice are intended for a U.S. audience. If you visit or use one of our online services, your information may be transferred or processed in the U.S. For Non-U.S. online services, please review the privacy policy applicable to that service to understand how your information is collected, used and shared.</p><p>Bank of America works with third-party providers who are contractually obligated to comply with our policies to protect information. However, if you visit or access one of these third-party provider sites or mobile apps, please review the online privacy practices of that site or mobile app to understand the specifics of how your online personal information may be collected, used and shared.</p><h4>Updates to this Notice</h4><p>This Notice is subject to change. We update this Notice periodically to comply with the most recent federal and local laws. Please review it whenever you have questions. If we make changes to this Notice, we will revise the <strong>Last updated</strong> date on this page.</p><h3>Our Online Privacy Practices</h3><p>We are committed to transparency about your personal information. We ask for your consent when required, otherwise by using our Site and Mobile Apps, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of your personal information subject to and consistent with applicable laws, regulations and other notices you may have received based on your relationship with us.</p><h4>Linking to other sites</h4><p>We may provide links to non-affiliated third-party sites, such as credit bureaus, service providers or merchants. If you follow links to sites not affiliated with, or controlled by Bank of America, you should review their privacy and security policies and other terms and conditions, as they may be different from those of our Sites and Mobile Apps. Bank of America does not guarantee and is not responsible for the privacy or security of these sites, including the accuracy, completeness or reliability of their information.</p><h4>Protecting your personal information</h4><p>To protect personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with applicable federal and state laws. These measures may include device safeguards and secured files and buildings as well as oversight of our third-party providers to ensure personal information remains confidential and secure. In the event of a data breach, we provide timely notification, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.</p><p>We recognize the importance of protecting privacy where children are involved. Our Sites and Mobile Apps are not marketed to individuals under the age of 13. Accounts that include online access for children under the age of 13 are owned by a parent or guardian and require specific consent for online access. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 without prior parental consent. Read our <a id="childrenPolicy" href="/online-banking/childrens-privacy-policy/">Children's Privacy Policy</a> for more information.</p><h4>Making sure personal information is accurate</h4><p>Keeping your personal information accurate and up to date is very important. If your personal information is incomplete, inaccurate or not current, please use the <strong>Contact Us</strong> option on our Sites and Mobile Apps, or call or write to us at the telephone numbers or appropriate address for changes listed on your account statements, records, online or other account materials. You can also speak to a customer representative at a financial center, your Financial Advisor or account representative.</p><h3>Personal Information We Collect Online</h3><h4>How do we collect personal information online?</h4><p>We collect personal information about you through your computer or mobile devices by the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies (see our <a id="cookiesGuide" href="/content/documents/privacy/Cookie_Guide_eng.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Cookie Policy</a> for details) as well as personal information you provide when you visit or use our Sites and Mobile Apps, for example when you:</p><ul class="list"><li>Apply for or open a new account</li><li>Register for a new product or service, or request information about a product or service</li><li>Register as a participant in one of our events</li><li>Complete a survey, contest or sweepstakes or other promotion</li><li>Use aggregation services such as My Portfolio® and My Financial Picture® in order to consolidate your financial account or information at one online location</li></ul><p>We may use third-party providers to process personal information for business purposes on our behalf. Third-party providers are contractually obligated to comply with our policies to protect information we share with them or they collect on our behalf.</p><p>We also may obtain personal information from a sponsor for individuals onboarded via a Commercial Prepaid card program with us. If we combine such personal information with information collected through the Mobile Services, we will treat the combined information as personal information in accordance with this Notice.</p><p>The personal information we collect is limited to what is required to provide our products or services and to support legal and risk requirements. For additional information, please review the <strong>How do we use your personal information</strong> section of this Notice.</p><h4>Types of personal information we collect online</h4><p>The type of personal information we collect from and about you online will depend on how you interact with us and may include:</p><ul class="list"><li><strong>Contact Information</strong> such as name, mailing address, email address, telephone and mobile number(s).</li><li><strong>Account Application information</strong> such as credit and income information.</li><li><strong>Identifiers</strong> such as Social Security number, account number(s), driver's license number (or comparable) or other information that identifies you for ordinary business purposes.</li><li><strong>Access Authorization</strong> such as user ID, alias, PIN and password and security questions and answers.</li><li><strong>Documents or images</strong> submitted via our Site or Mobile Apps to support account opening, such as statements and voided checks.</li><li><strong>Debit/Credit Card Information</strong> such as card number, expiration date, CVV2, billing address.</li><li><strong>Information from your computer and mobile devices where allowed by individual browsers and/or operating systems</strong>, such as:</li><ul class="list"><li>Unique device identifiers (for example Media Access Control (MAC) and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses)</li><li>Browser type, version, language, and display/screen settings</li><li>Information about how you use and interact with our Sites and Mobile Apps (for example, activities on pages visited, links clicked or unique and measurable patterns such as keystrokes, mouse clicks and movements, swipes and gestures)</li><li>Communications data, such as your communication preferences and details or the content of your communications with us (e.g., text messages, chat messages)</li><li>Responses to advertisements on sites and mobile apps where we advertise</li><li>Log information such as your search and voice to text queries in the mobile app</li><li>Search engine referrals</li><li>Geolocation information (for example, for real time ATM or financial center location, upon request, or for fraud prevention)</li><li>Social media preference</li></ul><li><strong>Information to facilitate virtual or in-person event management</strong> (for example, attendee names, dietary requirements, special assistance needs, and travel details for participants).</li></ul><h3>How We Use and Share Personal Information</h3><h4>How do we use your personal information?</h4><p>Personal information collected from and about you online described in this Notice may be used for many purposes such as:</p><ul class="list"><li><strong>Delivering products and services to you</strong> by verifying your identity (for example when you access your account information); processing applications for products or services such as to prequalify for a mortgage, apply for a credit card, or to open a retirement account, investment account or other financial product; processing transactions; providing customer service/production support; finding nearby ATMs, financial centers, and other specialized location based services near your location; and consolidating your financial account information at one online location with services such as My Portfolio® and My Financial Picture®.</li><li><strong>Personalizing your digital and mobile experience</strong> by enhancing our Sites and Mobile Apps organization and design and analyze data to create relevant alerts, products or services.</li><li><strong>Providing advertising</strong> on our Sites and Mobile Apps as well as non-affiliated third-party sites and through off-line channels like financial centers, call centers and direct marketing (for example email, mail and phone).</li><li><strong>Detecting and preventing fraud</strong>, identify theft and other risks to you or Bank of America.</li><li><strong>Performing analytics</strong> concerning your use of our online services, including your responses to our emails and the pages and advertisements you view.</li><li><strong>Complying with and enforcing applicable legal requirements</strong>, industry standards, contractual obligations and our policies.</li><li><strong>Allowing you to use features within our Sites and Mobile Apps</strong> when you grant us access to personal information from your device, such as contact lists, or geo-location when you request certain services that requires such access, for example locating an ATM.</li><li><strong>Providing notifications concerning events</strong> for which you've registered, providing analysis to improve our events and develop new events, determining event overall effectiveness, enhancing products and services, operating and expanding our business activities.</li></ul><p>We retain personal information for a period of time as required by laws and regulations and the necessary business purpose. We securely delete personal information as soon as legally permitted.</p><p>California residents covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act may have additional rights. To learn more, California residents can reference the <a id="ccpaDisclosure" href="/security-center/ccpa-disclosure/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">California Consumer Privacy Act Notice</a> for additional information.</p><h4>Individual health and/or sensitive information</h4><p>To the extent that we receive, maintain or process an individual's health information, Bank of America may use and disclose that information as authorized by and in accordance with applicable federal and/or state law.</p><p>At the time of event registration participants may provide information that requires special accommodations. This information will be used only to the extent necessary to facilitate any special accommodations for event participation.</p><h4>With whom do we share your personal information?</h4><p>We may share the personal information we collect from and about you online described in this Notice (and subject to other legal restrictions and notices you may have received depending on your relationship with us) with:</p><ul class="list"><li><strong>Affiliates and Subsidiaries of Bank of America</strong>, such as Merrill.</li><li><strong>Third-Party Providers</strong> who have contracts with Bank of America.</li><li><strong>Government Agencies</strong> as required by laws and regulations.</li></ul><h4>Aggregated / De-identified Information</h4><p>Collected personal information may be aggregated and/or de-identified (we remove any details that identify you personally). We may share this aggregated and/or de-identified information with third-party providers to help deliver products, services, and content that are better tailored to the users of our online services and for our own business purposes where permissible under applicable laws and regulations.</p><h4>How to limit sharing</h4><p>You have choices regarding the sharing of some personal information. Where appropriate, we will limit sharing of your personal information based on your marketing and information sharing choices. You can register your choices online at <a id="choicesOnline" href="">Control How We Can Share Your Data and Market To You</a>.</p><h3>Online Behavioral Advertising</h3><p>Personal information collected from and about you online, as described in this Notice, is used and shared to deliver advertising and marketing, including prescreened offers of credit, which may be of interest to you.</p><p>We present tailored ads to you:</p><ul class="list"><li>On our Sites and Mobile Apps through ads that appear as you sign on or off of your online accounts.</li><li>In off-line channels such as financial centers, call centers, and through direct marketing (for example email, mail, phone).</li><li>On third-party sites and mobile apps not affiliated with Bank of America.</li></ul><h4>How we tailor ads to you</h4><ul class="list"><li><strong>Advertising on our sites, mobile apps and off-line channels such as financial centers, call centers, and through direct marketing (for example email, mail, phone):</strong> We may use personal information about your activities on our Sites and Mobile Apps, such as pages visited and key words entered, to help determine which of our ads or offers may be of interest to you. We may use personal information about your relationship with us (such as types of accounts, transactional information or the location in which you bank) to help determine which advertisements or offers to present to you.</li><li><strong>Advertising on non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps:</strong> Bank of America contracts with advertising companies to advertise our products and services on sites and mobile apps not affiliated with us. We may use personal information we have collected or that you have provided to assist our non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps to select bank ads or offers that may appeal to you, display them to you and monitor your responses. Non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps are not subject to Bank of America Privacy Notices.</li></ul><h4 id="advertising-on-our-sites">How you can opt out of Online Behavioral Advertising</h4><ul class="list"><li><strong>Advertising on Non-Affiliated Third-Party sites:</strong> Bank of America participates in the Digital Advertising Alliance ("DAA") self-regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising and uses the Advertising Options Icon on our behavioral ads on non-affiliated third-party sites (excluding ads appearing on platforms that do not accept the icon). Ads served on our behalf by these companies do not contain unencrypted personal information and we limit the use of personal information by companies that serve our ads. To learn more about ad choices, or to opt out of interest-based advertising with non-affiliated third-party sites, visit <a id="yourAdChoices" href="" class="spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn" data-options='{"interstitialType":"leaving-site","interstitialBranding":"default","targetAction":"new-tab"}'>YourAdChoices<span class="spa-ada-text ada-hidden"> layer</span></a> powered by the Digital Advertising Alliance or through the <a id="networkAdvertisingInitiative" href="" class="spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn" data-options='{"interstitialType":"leaving-site","interstitialBranding":"default","targetAction":"new-tab"}'>Network Advertising Initiative's Opt-Out Tool<span class="spa-ada-text ada-hidden"> layer</span></a>. You may also visit the individual sites for additional information on their data and privacy practices and opt-out options.</li></ul><p>Industry standards continue to evolve around web browser "do not track" signals or configurations set in your internet browser. In addition to the advertising opt-out options above, Bank of America captures opt out preference signals, and to the extent users have rights under applicable law, treats them as valid requests to opt out of sale/sharing at the browser level.</p><h4>Reminder</h4><p>Please note that if you opt out of this advertising:</p><ul class="list"><li>You may still receive general advertising from Bank of America.</li><li>When accessing online account servicing areas (i.e. after login), such as Online Banking, Merrill Edge or MyMerrill, you may receive tailored content and advertising based on your account relationships.</li><li>Financial Advisors/Client Managers may continue to use personal information collected online as described in this Notice to provide details on products and services in accordance with account agreements.</li><li>In order for online behavioral advertising opt outs from our Sites and Mobile Apps and on other sites to work on your device, your browser must be set to accept cookies.</li><li>If you delete cookies, buy a new device, access our Sites and Mobile Apps or other sites from a different device, login under a different screen name, or change web browsers, you will need to opt out again.</li></ul><h3>Additional Information</h3><h4>Third-Party Data Sharing</h4><p>Some companies may offer aggregation websites and services that allow you to share your data with them in order to consolidate your account information from different sources (such as your accounts with us or with other financial institutions) so that you can view it in one location or perform actions related to your accounts using their services. To do this, a third-party may request you to authorize access to your Bank of America accounts by providing your Bank of America user ID and password or by providing your information-sharing consent directly to Bank of America.</p><ul class="list"><li>The third-party may access, on your behalf, information about you, your Bank of America relationship, and your accounts at Bank of America.</li><li>You should use caution and ensure that the third-party has appropriate policies and practices to protect the privacy and security of any personal information you provide or to which they are gaining access.</li><li>Use of your information by the third-party is governed by your agreement with them, not by Bank of America. We recommend reviewing the third party's policies before sharing your personal information to understand how they will use and store your account information. For example, look for whether they sell any of your personal information, and if your information will be transferred, processed, or stored outside of the United States.</li><li>We are not responsible for the use or disclosure of any personal information accessed by any company or person to whom you provide your site user ID and password.</li><li>If you share your Bank of America user ID, password or other information about your accounts with others, we will consider that you have authorized any transaction or action initiated by using the access information you provide.</li><li>If you decide to revoke the authority you have given to a third-party, we strongly recommend that you change your Bank of America password to ensure that the third-party cannot continue to access your account.</li><li>You may revoke your consent for certain third parties through the Security Center within <a id="bankOfAmericaOnlineBanking" href="/">Bank of America Online Banking</a>.</li></ul><h4>Social Media</h4><p>Bank of America engages with customers on social media platforms such as Facebook®, X®, YouTube® and LinkedIn®.</p><ul class="list"><li>Any content you post on official Bank of America managed social media pages, such as pictures, information, opinions or any personal information that you make available to other participants on these social platforms, is subject to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policies of those respective platforms.</li><li>When interacting with official Bank of America social media pages, Bank of America's privacy notices, <a id="socialMediaUserTerms" href="">Social Media User Terms</a> and <a id="communityGuidelines" href="">Community Guidelines</a> may apply.</li><li>Please review the privacy policy for the specific social media service you are using to better understand your rights and obligations with regard to such content.</li></ul><p>We may allow social share buttons on our sites that enable users to easily share information on social media platforms. The non-affiliated third parties that own these widgets may have access to information about your browsing on pages of our Sites and Mobile Apps where these widgets are placed.</p></div><div class="spa-card__foot spa-card__foot-content"></div></div></div><div id="panel-consumer-privacy-notice" class="spa-tab__list-item-dropdown spa-tab__list-item-dropdown--standard spa-card spa-card--medium spa-card--overlay" aria-labelledby="tab-consumer-privacy-notice" data-spinner="true" data-max-height="300px;" role="tabpanel" tabindex="0"><div class="spa-tab-card-wrapper"><div class="spa-card__head spa-card__hide-dismissible"><div class="spa-card__head-wrapper"><div class="spa-card__head-content-wrapper"><h3 class="spa-card__title"><a id="consumerPrivacyFullPageLink" href="/security-center/consumer-privacy-notice" class="full-page-link" target="_self">FULL PAGE VERSION</a></h3><div class="spa-card__head-content"></div></div></div></div><div class="spa-card__loader"></div><div class="spa-card__body"><div class="row medium-collapse"><div class="columns small-12"><h2 class="table-content__main-headline">U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice</h2></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>FACTS</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p><strong>WHAT DOES BANK OF AMERICA DO WITH YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION?</strong></p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>Why?</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p>Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Under federal law, that means personally identifiable information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>What?</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p>The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us.<br>This information can include:</p><ul class="table-content__row-list list"><li>Social Security number and employment information</li><li>account balances, transaction history and credit information</li><li>assets and investment experience</li></ul></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>How?</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p>All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons Bank of America chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.</p></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><table summary="This 3-column table provides information about the reasons why Bank of America can share your personal information." class="table-content__table" border="0"><thead><th scope="col"><strong>Reasons we can share your personal information</strong></th><th scope="col"><strong>Does Bank of America share?</strong></th><th scope="col"><strong>Can you limit this sharing?</strong></th></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong>For our everyday business purposes</strong> — such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For our marketing purposes</strong> — with service providers we use to offer our products and services to you (please see below to limit the ways we contact you)</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For joint marketing with other financial companies</strong></td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes</strong> — information about your transactions and experiences</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes</strong> — information about your creditworthiness</td><td>Yes</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For nonaffiliates to market to you</strong> — for all credit card accounts</td><td>Yes</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For nonaffiliates to market to you</strong> — for accounts and services endorsed by another organization (e.g., debit card co-branded with a baseball team) “Sponsored Accounts”</td><td>Yes</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For nonaffiliates to market to you</strong> — for accounts other than credit card accounts and Sponsored Accounts, such as insurance, investments, deposit and lending</td><td>No</td><td>We don't share</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>To limit our sharing</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p></p><ul class="table-content__row-list list"><li>Visit us online: <a id="" href="/privacy" target="_self"></a></li><li>Call <a id="" href="tel:888-341-5000" target="_self">888.341.5000</a> — our menu will prompt you through your choices</li><li>Talk to your assigned financial advisor</li></ul><p><strong>Please note:</strong> If you are a <strong><em>new</em></strong> customer, we can begin sharing your information 45 days from the date we sent this notice. When you are <strong><em>no longer</em></strong> our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice. However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>To limit direct marketing contact</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p></p><ul class="table-content__row-list list"><li>Visit us online: <a id="" href="/privacy" target="_self"></a></li><li>Call <a id="" href="tel:888-341-5000" target="_self">888.341.5000</a> — our menu will prompt you through your choices</li><li>Talk to your assigned financial advisor</li></ul><p><strong>Please Note:</strong> Direct marketing is email, postal mail and telephone marketing. Your telephone and postal mail opt-out choices will last for five years, subject to applicable law. Even if you limit direct marketing, we may still contact you to service your account or as otherwise allowed by law.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>Questions?</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p>Call <a id="" href="tel:888-341-5000" target="_self">888.341.5000</a> or go to <a id="" href="/privacy" target="_self"></a></p></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__article-header"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>Who we are</h3></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>Who is providing this notice?</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>Bank of America U.S. legal entities that utilize the names: Bank of America, Banc of America, Bank of America Private Bank or Merrill, as well as the entities listed in the <em>Bank of America U.S. legal entities</em> section.</p></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__article-header"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>What we do</h3></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>How does Bank of America protect my personal information?</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings. For more information, visit <a id="" href="/security" target="_self"></a> or <a id="" href="" target="_self"></a>.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>How does Bank of America collect my personal information?</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>We collect your personal information, for example, when you:</p><ul class="list"><li>open an account or perform transactions</li><li>apply for a loan or use your credit or debit card</li><li>seek advice about your investments</li></ul><p>We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates, or other companies.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>Why can’t I limit all sharing?</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>Federal law gives you the right to limit some but not all sharing related to:</p><ul class="list"><li>affiliates’ everyday business purposes—information about your creditworthiness</li><li>affiliates from using your information to market to you</li><li>nonaffiliates to market to you</li></ul><p>State laws and individual Bank of America companies may give you more rights to limit sharing. See <em>Other important information</em> section for your rights under state law.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>What happens when I limit sharing for an account I hold jointly with someone else?</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>Your choices will apply to you alone unless you tell us otherwise. However, your choice to limit sharing with nonaffiliates to market to you for credit card accounts or Sponsored Accounts will apply to all joint account holders. If you have more than one credit card account or Sponsored Account and you choose to opt out, you will need to do so for each account.</p></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__article-header"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>Definitions</h3></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>Affiliates</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be Financial and nonfinancial companies.</p><ul class="list"><li>Our affiliates include companies that utilize the names Bank of America, Banc of America, Private Bank or Merrill.</li></ul></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>Nonaffiliates</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.</p><ul class="list"><li>Nonaffiliates we share with can include financial services companies such as insurance agencies or mortgage brokers, nonfinancial companies such as retailers, travel companies and membership groups; and other companies such as nonprofit groups.</li></ul></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>Joint marketing</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.</p><ul class="list"><li>Our joint marketing partners include financial services companies.</li></ul></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__article-header"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>Other Important Information</h3></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p><strong>Do Not Call Policy.</strong> This notice is the Bank of America Do Not Call Policy under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. We do not solicit via telephone numbers listed on the state or federal Do Not Call lists, unless the law allows. Bank of America employees receive training on how to document and process telephone marketing choices. Consumers who ask not to receive telephone solicitations from Bank of America will be placed on the Bank of America Do Not Call list and will not be called in future campaigns, including those of Bank of America affiliates.<br><strong>Call Monitoring and Recording.</strong> If you communicate with us by telephone, we may monitor or record the call.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p><strong>For Nevada residents only.</strong> We are providing you this notice under state law. You may be placed on our internal Do Not Call List by following the directions in the<em> To limit direct marketing contact</em> section. Nevada law requires we provide the following contact information: Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Nevada Attorney General, 555 E. Washington Avenue, Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV 89101; Phone number: 702.486.3132; email:; Bank of America, P.O. Box 25118, Tampa, FL 33622-5118; Phone number: 888.341.5000; Click on “Contact Us” at <a id="" href="/privacy" target="_self"></a>.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p><strong>Vermont:</strong> Under Vermont law, we will not share information we collect about Vermont residents with companies outside of our corporate family, unless the law allows. For example, we may share information with your consent, to service your accounts or under joint marketing agreements with other financial institutions with which we have joint marketing agreements. We will not share information about your creditworthiness within our corporate family except with your consent, but we may share information about our transactions or experiences with you within our corporate family without your consent.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p><strong>California:</strong> Under California law, we will not share information we collect about you with companies outside of Bank of America, unless the law allows. For example, we may share information with your consent, to service your accounts, or to provide rewards or benefits you are entitled to. We will limit sharing among our companies to the extent required by California law.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p><strong>For Insurance Customers in AZ, CA, CT, GA, IL, ME, MA, MN, MT, NV, NJ, NC, OH, OR and VA only.</strong> The term “Information” in this part means customer information obtained in an insurance transaction. We may give your Information to state insurance officials, law enforcement, group policy holders about claims experience or auditors as the law allows or requires. We may give your Information to insurance support companies that may keep it or give it to others. We may share medical Information so we can learn if you qualify for coverage, process claims or prevent fraud, or if you say we can. To see your Information, write Insurance Operations, FL9-805-03-12, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East, Jacksonville, FL 32246. You must state your full name, address, the insurance company, policy number (if relevant) and the Information you want. We will tell you what Information we have. You may see and copy the Information (unless privileged) at our office or ask that we mail you a copy for a fee. If you think any Information is wrong, you must write us. We will let you know what actions we take. If you do not agree with our actions, you may send us a statement.</p></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__article-header"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>Bank of America U.S. legal entities</h3></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p>Bank of America U.S. legal entities that utilize the names: Bank of America, Banc of America, Private Bank or Merrill and the entity Managed Account Advisors L.L.C.</p></div></div></div><div class="row medium-collapse"><p>Rev 01/2024</p></div></div><div class="spa-card__foot spa-card__foot-content"></div></div></div><div id="panel-california-privacy-notice" class="spa-tab__list-item-dropdown spa-tab__list-item-dropdown--standard spa-card spa-card--medium spa-card--overlay" aria-labelledby="tab-california-privacy-notice" data-spinner="true" data-max-height="300px;" role="tabpanel" tabindex="0"><div class="spa-tab-card-wrapper"><div class="spa-card__head spa-card__hide-dismissible"><div class="spa-card__head-wrapper"><div class="spa-card__head-content-wrapper"><h3 class="spa-card__title"><a id="californiaPrivacyFullPageLink" href="/security-center/ccpa-disclosure/" class="full-page-link" target="_self">FULL PAGE VERSION</a></h3><div class="spa-card__head-content"></div></div></div></div><div class="spa-card__loader"></div><div class="spa-card__body"><h4>California Consumer Privacy Act Disclosure</h4><p>Last updated December 2024</p><h4>Legal Entities</h4><p>This California Consumer Privacy Act Notice (“Notice”) applies to Bank of America legal entities that utilize the brand names Bank of America, Merrill, and BofA Securities, Inc. as well as the following entities: Managed Account Advisors LLC and BAL Investment & Advisory, Inc (“Company”, “we”, “us” or “our”).</p><h4>Applicability</h4><p>Your privacy is important to us. This California Consumer Privacy Act Notice (<a id="printablePdfLink" href="/security-center/spa-assets/images/assets-images-site-security-center-ccpa-disclosure-en-INS-11-20-1086_A_HR.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">download a printable copy of this Notice</a>; PDF, requires <a id="adobeReaderLink" href="" class="spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn" data-options='{"interstitialType":"leaving-site","interstitialBranding":"default","targetAction":"new-tab"}'>Adobe Reader<span class="spa-ada-text ada-hidden"> layer</span></a>) explains how we collect, use, and disclose personal information relating to <strong>California residents</strong> covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (collectively, the “CCPA”). This “Notice” constitutes our notice at collection and our privacy policy pursuant to the CCPA.</p><h4>Introduction</h4><p>Under the CCPA, “Personal Information” is information that identifies, relates to, or could reasonably be linked directly or indirectly with a particular California resident and includes certain categories of Personal Information discussed below that constitute “Sensitive Personal Information.” The CCPA, however, does not apply to certain information, such as information subject to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”).</p><p>The specific Personal Information that we collect, use, and disclose relating to a California resident covered by the CCPA will vary based on our relationship or interaction with that individual. For example, this Notice does not apply with respect to information that we collect about California residents who apply for or obtain our financial products and services for personal, family, or household purposes. For more information about how we collect, disclose, and secure information relating to these customers, please refer to our <a id="uSConsumerPrivacyNotice" href="/security-center/consumer-privacy-notice/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice</a>.</p><p>Keeping Personal Information secure is one of our most important priorities. Consistent with our obligations under applicable laws and regulations, we maintain physical, technical, electronic, procedural and organizational safeguards and security measures that are designed to protect personal data against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or access, whether it is processed by us or by others on our behalf.</p><h4>Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information</h4><p>In the past 12 months, we may have collected and disclosed for our business purposes each of the following categories of Personal Information relating to California residents covered by this Notice:</p><ul><li>Identifiers such as a real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver's license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers;</li><br><li>Any information that identifies, relates to, describes, or is capable of being associated with, a particular individual, including, but not limited to, his or her name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information;</li><br><li>Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law, such as sex and marital status;</li><br><li>Commercial information, such as records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies;</li><br><li>Biometric information;</li><br><li>Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as browsing history, search history, and information regarding a California resident's interaction with an internet website application or advertisement;</li><br><li>Geolocation data, such as device location and Internet Protocol (IP) location;</li><br><li>Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, or similar information such as call and video recordings;</li><br><li>Professional or employment-related information, such as work history and prior employer;</li><br><li>Education information, directly related to a student; and maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution;</li><br><li>Inferences drawn from any of the Personal Information listed above to create a profile about a California resident reflecting their preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, and attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes; and</li><br><li>The following categories of Sensitive Personal Information:</li><br><li style="margin-left:30px;list-style:circle">Personal Information that reveals:</li><br><li style="margin-left:60px;list-style:square">A California resident's Social Security, driver's license, state identification card, or passport number;</li><br><li style="margin-left:60px;list-style:square">A California resident's account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account;</li><br><li style="margin-left:60px;list-style:square">A California resident's precise geolocation;</li><br><li style="margin-left:60px;list-style:square">A California resident's racial or ethnic origin, citizenship or immigration status, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership;</li><br><li style="margin-left:60px;list-style:square">The contents of a California resident's mail, email, and text messages unless the business is the intended recipient of the communication;</li><br><li style="margin-left:30px;list-style:circle">The processing of biometric information for the purpose of uniquely identifying a California resident; and</li><br><li style="margin-left:30px;list-style:circle">Personal information collected and analyzed concerning a California resident's health.</li></ul><br><p>In addition to collecting Personal Information ourselves, we additionally coordinate with third parties to collect Personal Information on our behalf, which third parties are engaged in one or more of the business practices described below:</p><ul><li>Delivering advertising and marketing, including on non-affiliated persons' or entities' sites and mobile apps;</li><br><li>Facilitating events and event management, including virtual and/or in-person events (e.g., hotels, restaurants, virtual platforms, audio/visual capabilities, food/beverage, transportation services, etc.); and</li><br><li>Referral sources, whether for purposes of identifying candidates for employment, identifying new client opportunities, or recommending vendors or contractors.</li></ul><br><p>The categories of sources from which we collected Personal Information are:</p><ul><li>Directly from a California resident or the individual's representatives;</li><br><li>Service Providers, Consumer Data Resellers, Credit Reporting Agencies and other similar persons or entities;</li><br><li>Public Record Sources (Federal, State or Local Government Sources);</li><br><li>Information from our Affiliates;</li><br><li>Website/Mobile App Activity/Social Media;</li><br><li>Information from Client Directed persons or entities or Institutions representing a Client/Prospect; and</li><br><li>Information from Corporate Clients about individuals associated with the Clients (e.g., an employee or board member).</li></ul><br><p>With respect to each category of Personal Information that we disclosed for a business purpose in the past 12 months, the categories of persons or entities to whom we disclosed that Personal Information are:</p><ul><li>Affiliates of Bank of America;</li><br><li>Service Providers and Contractors who provide services such as website hosting, data analysis, payment processing, order fulfillment, information technology and related infrastructure, customer service, email delivery, auditing, marketing, supporting research activities, credit financing, event management, and real estate management;</li><br><li>Other Service Providers and Contractors who provide services such as payment, banking and communication infrastructure, storage, legal expertise, tax expertise, real estate expertise, appraisal expertise, notaries and auditors, who promote the bank and its financial services and products to customers and other prospective buyers;</li><br><li>Other Service Providers and Contractors who enable customers to conduct transactions online and via mobile devices, support mortgage and fulfillment services, vehicle loan processes and aggregators (at the direction of the customer);</li><br><li>Other persons or entities to whom we transfer Personal Information as an asset that is part of a merger, acquisition or other transaction in which such other person or entity assumes control of all or part of the business;</li><br><li>Government Agencies as required by laws and regulations; and</li><br><li>Other persons or entities with which you may use or direct us to intentionally interact or to which you may use or direct us to intentionally disclose your Personal Information.</li></ul><p>We do not disclose Personal Information to any other categories of third parties.</p><p>We collect, use and disclose for our business purposes Personal Information, including Sensitive Personal Information, relating to California residents to operate, manage, and maintain our business, to provide our products and services, and to accomplish our business or commercial purposes, including the following:</p><ul><li>Performing services, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, providing advertising or marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising, a type of targeted advertising), providing analytic services, providing research services, facilitating event management and execution, managing our real estate portfolio, or providing similar services;</li><br><li>Helping to ensure security and integrity to the extent the use of Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for these purposes;</li><br><li>Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, nonpersonalized advertising shown as part of a current interaction with us, where the information is not disclosed to a third party and is not used to build a profile or otherwise alter the California resident's experience outside the current interaction with us;</li><br><li>Auditing related to counting ad impressions to unique visitors, verifying positioning and quality of ad impressions, and auditing compliance with this specification and other standards;</li><br><li>Undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service controlled by us, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance that service;</li><br><li>Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality;</li><br><li>Undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration; and</li><br><li>Complying with laws and regulations and to comply with other legal process and law enforcement requirements (including any internal policy based on or reflecting legal or regulatory guidance, codes or opinions).</li><br></ul><h4>How Long We Retain Personal Information</h4><p>The length of time that we intend to retain each category of Personal Information will depend on several criteria, including (i) the length of time we are required to retain Personal Information in order to comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, (ii) the length of time we may need to retain Personal Information in order to accomplish the business or commercial purpose(s) for which such Personal Information is collected, used or disclosed (as indicated in this Notice), and (iii) whether you choose to exercise your right, subject to certain exceptions, to request deletion of your Personal Information.</p><h4>Sale or Sharing of Personal Information</h4><p>In the 12 months preceding the date of this Notice, we have not “sold” or “shared” Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information subject to the CCPA nor have we “sold” or “shared” Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information of minors under the age of 16.</p><p>For purposes of this Notice:</p><ul><li>“sold” means the disclosure of Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration; and</li><br><li>“shared” means the disclosure of Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising.</li></ul><h4>How We Use Sensitive Personal Information</h4><p>We only use or disclose Sensitive Personal Information for the following purposes consistent with CCPA Regulations:</p><ul><li>To perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected by an average California resident who requests those goods or services. For example, a California resident's precise geolocation may be used by a mobile application that is providing them with directions on how to get to a specific location.</li><br><li>To detect security incidents that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of stored or transmitted Personal Information, provided that the use of a California resident's Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, we may disclose a California resident's log-in information to a data security company that it has hired to investigate and remediate a data breach that involved that individual's account.</li><br><li>To resist malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at the business and to prosecute those responsible for those actions, provided that the use of a California resident's Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, we may use information about a California resident's ethnicity and/or the contents of email and text messages to investigate claims of racial discrimination or hate speech.</li><br><li>To ensure the physical safety of natural persons, provided that the use of a California resident's Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, we may disclose a California resident's geolocation information to law enforcement to investigate an alleged kidnapping.</li><br><li>For short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, nonpersonalized advertising shown as part of a California resident's current interaction with us.</li><br><li>To perform services such as maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying a California resident's information, processing payments, providing financing, providing analytic services, providing storage.</li><br><li>To verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by us, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service or device that is owned, manufactured by, manufactured for, or controlled by us.</li></ul><h4>Rights under the CCPA</h4><p>If you are a California resident covered by the CCPA, you have the right to:</p><p style="margin-left:20px">(1) Receive this Notice at or before the point of collection of your Personal Information.</p><p style="margin-left:20px">(2) Request we disclose to you free of charge the following information covering the 12 months preceding your request:</p><p style="margin-left:43px">a. the categories of Personal Information about you that we collected;</p><p style="margin-left:43px">b. the categories of sources from which the Personal Information was collected;</p><p style="margin-left:43px">c. the purpose for collecting Personal Information about you;</p><p style="margin-left:43px">d. the categories of third parties to whom we disclosed Personal Information about you and the categories of Personal Information that were disclosed (if applicable) and the purpose for disclosing the Personal Information about you; and</p><p style="margin-left:43px">e. the specific pieces of Personal Information we collected about you.</p><p style="margin-left:20px">(3) Request we correct inaccurate Personal Information that we maintain about you.</p><p style="margin-left:20px">(4) Request we delete Personal Information we collected from you, unless the CCPA recognizes an exception.</p><p style="margin-left:20px">(5) Be free from unlawful discrimination for exercising your rights under the CCPA.</p><p>Please see the section below entitled, “How to Exercise Your Rights,” for instructions explaining how you can exercise these rights described above.</p><p>Requests for specific pieces of Personal Information will require additional information to verify your identity.</p><p>For individuals submitting a request on behalf of another person, we may require proof of authorization and verification of identity directly from the person for whom the request is made.</p><p>For a company or organization submitting a request on behalf of another person, we may require proof of authorization from the individual such as a Power of Attorney and verification of identity directly from the person for whom the request is made.</p><p>In some instances, we may not be able to honor your request. For example, we will not honor your request if we cannot verify your identity or if we cannot verify that you have the authority to make a request on behalf of another individual. Additionally, we will not honor your request where an exception applies, such as where the disclosure of Personal Information would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of another California resident or where the Personal Information that we maintain about you is not subject to the CCPA's access or deletion rights.</p><p>We will advise you in our response if we are not able to honor your request. We will not provide Social Security numbers, driver's license numbers or government-issued identification numbers, financial account numbers, unique biometric data, health care or medical identification numbers, account passwords or security questions and answers, or any specific pieces of information if the disclosure presents the possibility of unauthorized access that could result in identity theft or fraud or unreasonable risk to data or systems and network security.</p><p>We will work to process all verified requests within 45 days pursuant to the CCPA. If we need an extension for up to an additional 45 days in order to process your request, we will provide you with an explanation for the delay.</p><h4>How We Process Opt-Out Preferences</h4><p>Bank of America permits California residents to automatically exercise their right to opt out of sale/sharing through opt-out preference signals without having to make individualized opt out requests. Bank of America treats opt-out preference signals as valid requests to opt out of sale/sharing for the browser. Please note, however, we do not “sell” or “share” personal information with any third parties, as such terms are defined by the CCPA.</p><h4>How to Exercise Your Rights</h4><p>If you are a California resident, you may submit a request by:</p><p style="margin-left:20px">(1) Completing an online <a id="personalInformationRequestForm" href="!/page1" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Personal Information Request Form</a></p><p style="margin-left:20px">(2) Calling 888.341.5000</p><h4>Questions or Concerns</h4><p>You may contact us with questions or concerns about this Notice and our practices by:</p><p style="margin-left:20px">(1) Writing us at:</p><p style="font-style:italic;margin-left:43px">Individual Rights Operations TX-041-02-08</p><p style="font-style:italic;margin-left:43px">16001 N Dallas Pkwy Building 1</p><p style="font-style:italic;margin-left:43px">Addison, TX 75001</p><p style="margin-left:20px">(2) Emailing us at <a id="emailUsLink" href=""></a></p><h4>Metrics</h4><p>Please visit <a id="ccpaMetrics" href="/ccpa-metrics" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> for data reporting published in accordance with Section 7102 of the California Consumer Privacy Act Regulations.</p><h4>Changes to This California Consumer Privacy Act Notice</h4><p>We may change or update this Notice from time to time. When we do, we will post the revised Notice on this page with a new “Last Updated” date.</p><h4>Where You Can Find This Notice Online</h4><p>You may access this Notice online at <a id="ccpaNotice" href="/CCPA-Notice" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>.</p></div><div class="spa-card__foot spa-card__foot-content"></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="privacy-notices-container show-for-small-only"><section class="squeezebox-wrapper" id="privacyNoticeSqueezebox" data-one-at-a-time="true" data-squeezebox-type="squeezebox"><a href="#" class="spa-hidden spa-squeezebox-link" aria-hidden="true" data-breakout>Expand all panels</a><div class="squeezebox-panels"><div class="squeezebox-panel" id="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel0" data-slug="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel0"><button name="US_Online_Privacy_Notice" class="panel-header spa-oline gray spa-btn spa-btn--link" data-panel="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel0" data-bactmln="Module_content" type="button" aria-controls="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel0"><span class="spa-squeezebox-arrow spa-icon"></span>U.S. Online Privacy Notice <span class="ada-hidden"></span></button><div class="panel-content gray" hidden><div class="content"><div class="row collapse"><div class="column"><div id="onlinePrivacyNoticeContent" data-component="module" data-module="generic-content-module" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="9.0.0" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/generic-content-module" data-options="{}" data-init="GenericContentModule" data-module-parameters="{}" class="generic-content-module-class-v-9-0-0 generic-content-module spa-module-init"><div class="row collapse"><div class="columns small-12"><h2 class="generic-content__main-headline">Bank of America U.S. Online Privacy Notice</h2><p>Last updated March 1, 2024</p><p>Your privacy is important to us. We conduct regular assessment reviews and abide by rigorous privacy standards to ensure personal information we collect, use and share is protected. This U.S. Online Privacy Notice ("Notice") describes how Bank of America and our affiliates manage personal information about you when you interact with us online through our websites, event registration sites, mobile applications and social sites ("Sites and Mobile Apps") through your computer, smartphone, tablet or other mobile devices ("computer or mobile devices").</p><h3 class="list-heading">This Notice explains</h3><ul class="list"><li>How we collect personal information when you visit, use or interact with us online, and through our ads displayed through online services operated by us or non-affiliated third parties.</li><li>How we may use or share personal information collected to deliver products and services to you and for advertising or event management purposes.</li></ul><p>The term "Bank of America" or "we", "us" or "our" in this Notice refers to banking and non-banking U.S. affiliates or subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation that link to or reference this Notice.</p><p>By using our Sites and Mobile Apps, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Notice. Our U.S. online services covered by this Notice are intended for a U.S. audience. If you visit or use one of our online services, your information may be transferred or processed in the U.S. For Non-U.S. online services, please review the privacy policy applicable to that service to understand how your information is collected, used and shared.</p><p>Bank of America works with third-party providers who are contractually obligated to comply with our policies to protect information. However, if you visit or access one of these third-party provider sites or mobile apps, please review the online privacy practices of that site or mobile app to understand the specifics of how your online personal information may be collected, used and shared.</p><h4>Updates to this Notice</h4><p>This Notice is subject to change. We update this Notice periodically to comply with the most recent federal and local laws. Please review it whenever you have questions. If we make changes to this Notice, we will revise the <strong>Last updated</strong> date on this page.</p><h3>Our Online Privacy Practices</h3><p>We are committed to transparency about your personal information. We ask for your consent when required, otherwise by using our Site and Mobile Apps, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of your personal information subject to and consistent with applicable laws, regulations and other notices you may have received based on your relationship with us.</p><h4>Linking to other sites</h4><p>We may provide links to non-affiliated third-party sites, such as credit bureaus, service providers or merchants. If you follow links to sites not affiliated with, or controlled by Bank of America, you should review their privacy and security policies and other terms and conditions, as they may be different from those of our Sites and Mobile Apps. Bank of America does not guarantee and is not responsible for the privacy or security of these sites, including the accuracy, completeness or reliability of their information.</p><h4>Protecting your personal information</h4><p>To protect personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with applicable federal and state laws. These measures may include device safeguards and secured files and buildings as well as oversight of our third-party providers to ensure personal information remains confidential and secure. In the event of a data breach, we provide timely notification, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.</p><p>We recognize the importance of protecting privacy where children are involved. Our Sites and Mobile Apps are not marketed to individuals under the age of 13. Accounts that include online access for children under the age of 13 are owned by a parent or guardian and require specific consent for online access. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 without prior parental consent. Read our <a id="childrenPolicy" href="/online-banking/childrens-privacy-policy/">Children's Privacy Policy</a> for more information.</p><h4>Making sure personal information is accurate</h4><p>Keeping your personal information accurate and up to date is very important. If your personal information is incomplete, inaccurate or not current, please use the <strong>Contact Us</strong> option on our Sites and Mobile Apps, or call or write to us at the telephone numbers or appropriate address for changes listed on your account statements, records, online or other account materials. You can also speak to a customer representative at a financial center, your Financial Advisor or account representative.</p><h3>Personal Information We Collect Online</h3><h4>How do we collect personal information online?</h4><p>We collect personal information about you through your computer or mobile devices by the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies (see our <a id="cookiesGuide" href="/content/documents/privacy/Cookie_Guide_eng.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Cookie Policy</a> for details) as well as personal information you provide when you visit or use our Sites and Mobile Apps, for example when you:</p><ul class="list"><li>Apply for or open a new account</li><li>Register for a new product or service, or request information about a product or service</li><li>Register as a participant in one of our events</li><li>Complete a survey, contest or sweepstakes or other promotion</li><li>Use aggregation services such as My Portfolio® and My Financial Picture® in order to consolidate your financial account or information at one online location</li></ul><p>We may use third-party providers to process personal information for business purposes on our behalf. Third-party providers are contractually obligated to comply with our policies to protect information we share with them or they collect on our behalf.</p><p>We also may obtain personal information from a sponsor for individuals onboarded via a Commercial Prepaid card program with us. If we combine such personal information with information collected through the Mobile Services, we will treat the combined information as personal information in accordance with this Notice.</p><p>The personal information we collect is limited to what is required to provide our products or services and to support legal and risk requirements. For additional information, please review the <strong>How do we use your personal information</strong> section of this Notice.</p><h4>Types of personal information we collect online</h4><p>The type of personal information we collect from and about you online will depend on how you interact with us and may include:</p><ul class="list"><li><strong>Contact Information</strong> such as name, mailing address, email address, telephone and mobile number(s).</li><li><strong>Account Application information</strong> such as credit and income information.</li><li><strong>Identifiers</strong> such as Social Security number, account number(s), driver's license number (or comparable) or other information that identifies you for ordinary business purposes.</li><li><strong>Access Authorization</strong> such as user ID, alias, PIN and password and security questions and answers.</li><li><strong>Documents or images</strong> submitted via our Site or Mobile Apps to support account opening, such as statements and voided checks.</li><li><strong>Debit/Credit Card Information</strong> such as card number, expiration date, CVV2, billing address.</li><li><strong>Information from your computer and mobile devices where allowed by individual browsers and/or operating systems</strong>, such as:</li><ul class="list"><li>Unique device identifiers (for example Media Access Control (MAC) and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses)</li><li>Browser type, version, language, and display/screen settings</li><li>Information about how you use and interact with our Sites and Mobile Apps (for example, activities on pages visited, links clicked or unique and measurable patterns such as keystrokes, mouse clicks and movements, swipes and gestures)</li><li>Communications data, such as your communication preferences and details or the content of your communications with us (e.g., text messages, chat messages)</li><li>Responses to advertisements on sites and mobile apps where we advertise</li><li>Log information such as your search and voice to text queries in the mobile app</li><li>Search engine referrals</li><li>Geolocation information (for example, for real time ATM or financial center location, upon request, or for fraud prevention)</li><li>Social media preference</li></ul><li><strong>Information to facilitate virtual or in-person event management</strong> (for example, attendee names, dietary requirements, special assistance needs, and travel details for participants).</li></ul><h3>How We Use and Share Personal Information</h3><h4>How do we use your personal information?</h4><p>Personal information collected from and about you online described in this Notice may be used for many purposes such as:</p><ul class="list"><li><strong>Delivering products and services to you</strong> by verifying your identity (for example when you access your account information); processing applications for products or services such as to prequalify for a mortgage, apply for a credit card, or to open a retirement account, investment account or other financial product; processing transactions; providing customer service/production support; finding nearby ATMs, financial centers, and other specialized location based services near your location; and consolidating your financial account information at one online location with services such as My Portfolio® and My Financial Picture®.</li><li><strong>Personalizing your digital and mobile experience</strong> by enhancing our Sites and Mobile Apps organization and design and analyze data to create relevant alerts, products or services.</li><li><strong>Providing advertising</strong> on our Sites and Mobile Apps as well as non-affiliated third-party sites and through off-line channels like financial centers, call centers and direct marketing (for example email, mail and phone).</li><li><strong>Detecting and preventing fraud</strong>, identify theft and other risks to you or Bank of America.</li><li><strong>Performing analytics</strong> concerning your use of our online services, including your responses to our emails and the pages and advertisements you view.</li><li><strong>Complying with and enforcing applicable legal requirements</strong>, industry standards, contractual obligations and our policies.</li><li><strong>Allowing you to use features within our Sites and Mobile Apps</strong> when you grant us access to personal information from your device, such as contact lists, or geo-location when you request certain services that requires such access, for example locating an ATM.</li><li><strong>Providing notifications concerning events</strong> for which you've registered, providing analysis to improve our events and develop new events, determining event overall effectiveness, enhancing products and services, operating and expanding our business activities.</li></ul><p>We retain personal information for a period of time as required by laws and regulations and the necessary business purpose. We securely delete personal information as soon as legally permitted.</p><p>California residents covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act may have additional rights. To learn more, California residents can reference the <a id="ccpaDisclosure" href="/security-center/ccpa-disclosure/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">California Consumer Privacy Act Notice</a> for additional information.</p><h4>Individual health and/or sensitive information</h4><p>To the extent that we receive, maintain or process an individual's health information, Bank of America may use and disclose that information as authorized by and in accordance with applicable federal and/or state law.</p><p>At the time of event registration participants may provide information that requires special accommodations. This information will be used only to the extent necessary to facilitate any special accommodations for event participation.</p><h4>With whom do we share your personal information?</h4><p>We may share the personal information we collect from and about you online described in this Notice (and subject to other legal restrictions and notices you may have received depending on your relationship with us) with:</p><ul class="list"><li><strong>Affiliates and Subsidiaries of Bank of America</strong>, such as Merrill.</li><li><strong>Third-Party Providers</strong> who have contracts with Bank of America.</li><li><strong>Government Agencies</strong> as required by laws and regulations.</li></ul><h4>Aggregated / De-identified Information</h4><p>Collected personal information may be aggregated and/or de-identified (we remove any details that identify you personally). We may share this aggregated and/or de-identified information with third-party providers to help deliver products, services, and content that are better tailored to the users of our online services and for our own business purposes where permissible under applicable laws and regulations.</p><h4>How to limit sharing</h4><p>You have choices regarding the sharing of some personal information. Where appropriate, we will limit sharing of your personal information based on your marketing and information sharing choices. You can register your choices online at <a id="choicesOnline" href="">Control How We Can Share Your Data and Market To You</a>.</p><h3>Online Behavioral Advertising</h3><p>Personal information collected from and about you online, as described in this Notice, is used and shared to deliver advertising and marketing, including prescreened offers of credit, which may be of interest to you.</p><p>We present tailored ads to you:</p><ul class="list"><li>On our Sites and Mobile Apps through ads that appear as you sign on or off of your online accounts.</li><li>In off-line channels such as financial centers, call centers, and through direct marketing (for example email, mail, phone).</li><li>On third-party sites and mobile apps not affiliated with Bank of America.</li></ul><h4>How we tailor ads to you</h4><ul class="list"><li><strong>Advertising on our sites, mobile apps and off-line channels such as financial centers, call centers, and through direct marketing (for example email, mail, phone):</strong> We may use personal information about your activities on our Sites and Mobile Apps, such as pages visited and key words entered, to help determine which of our ads or offers may be of interest to you. We may use personal information about your relationship with us (such as types of accounts, transactional information or the location in which you bank) to help determine which advertisements or offers to present to you.</li><li><strong>Advertising on non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps:</strong> Bank of America contracts with advertising companies to advertise our products and services on sites and mobile apps not affiliated with us. We may use personal information we have collected or that you have provided to assist our non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps to select bank ads or offers that may appeal to you, display them to you and monitor your responses. Non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps are not subject to Bank of America Privacy Notices.</li></ul><h4 id="advertising-on-our-sites">How you can opt out of Online Behavioral Advertising</h4><ul class="list"><li><strong>Advertising on Non-Affiliated Third-Party sites:</strong> Bank of America participates in the Digital Advertising Alliance ("DAA") self-regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising and uses the Advertising Options Icon on our behavioral ads on non-affiliated third-party sites (excluding ads appearing on platforms that do not accept the icon). Ads served on our behalf by these companies do not contain unencrypted personal information and we limit the use of personal information by companies that serve our ads. To learn more about ad choices, or to opt out of interest-based advertising with non-affiliated third-party sites, visit <a id="yourAdChoices" href="" class="spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn" data-options='{"interstitialType":"leaving-site","interstitialBranding":"default","targetAction":"new-tab"}'>YourAdChoices<span class="spa-ada-text ada-hidden"> layer</span></a> powered by the Digital Advertising Alliance or through the <a id="networkAdvertisingInitiative" href="" class="spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn" data-options='{"interstitialType":"leaving-site","interstitialBranding":"default","targetAction":"new-tab"}'>Network Advertising Initiative's Opt-Out Tool<span class="spa-ada-text ada-hidden"> layer</span></a>. You may also visit the individual sites for additional information on their data and privacy practices and opt-out options.</li></ul><p>Industry standards continue to evolve around web browser "do not track" signals or configurations set in your internet browser. In addition to the advertising opt-out options above, Bank of America captures opt out preference signals, and to the extent users have rights under applicable law, treats them as valid requests to opt out of sale/sharing at the browser level.</p><h4>Reminder</h4><p>Please note that if you opt out of this advertising:</p><ul class="list"><li>You may still receive general advertising from Bank of America.</li><li>When accessing online account servicing areas (i.e. after login), such as Online Banking, Merrill Edge or MyMerrill, you may receive tailored content and advertising based on your account relationships.</li><li>Financial Advisors/Client Managers may continue to use personal information collected online as described in this Notice to provide details on products and services in accordance with account agreements.</li><li>In order for online behavioral advertising opt outs from our Sites and Mobile Apps and on other sites to work on your device, your browser must be set to accept cookies.</li><li>If you delete cookies, buy a new device, access our Sites and Mobile Apps or other sites from a different device, login under a different screen name, or change web browsers, you will need to opt out again.</li></ul><h3>Additional Information</h3><h4>Third-Party Data Sharing</h4><p>Some companies may offer aggregation websites and services that allow you to share your data with them in order to consolidate your account information from different sources (such as your accounts with us or with other financial institutions) so that you can view it in one location or perform actions related to your accounts using their services. To do this, a third-party may request you to authorize access to your Bank of America accounts by providing your Bank of America user ID and password or by providing your information-sharing consent directly to Bank of America.</p><ul class="list"><li>The third-party may access, on your behalf, information about you, your Bank of America relationship, and your accounts at Bank of America.</li><li>You should use caution and ensure that the third-party has appropriate policies and practices to protect the privacy and security of any personal information you provide or to which they are gaining access.</li><li>Use of your information by the third-party is governed by your agreement with them, not by Bank of America. We recommend reviewing the third party's policies before sharing your personal information to understand how they will use and store your account information. For example, look for whether they sell any of your personal information, and if your information will be transferred, processed, or stored outside of the United States.</li><li>We are not responsible for the use or disclosure of any personal information accessed by any company or person to whom you provide your site user ID and password.</li><li>If you share your Bank of America user ID, password or other information about your accounts with others, we will consider that you have authorized any transaction or action initiated by using the access information you provide.</li><li>If you decide to revoke the authority you have given to a third-party, we strongly recommend that you change your Bank of America password to ensure that the third-party cannot continue to access your account.</li><li>You may revoke your consent for certain third parties through the Security Center within <a id="bankOfAmericaOnlineBanking" href="">Bank of America Online Banking</a>.</li></ul><h4>Social Media</h4><p>Bank of America engages with customers on social media platforms such as Facebook®, X®, YouTube® and LinkedIn®.</p><ul class="list"><li>Any content you post on official Bank of America managed social media pages, such as pictures, information, opinions or any personal information that you make available to other participants on these social platforms, is subject to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policies of those respective platforms.</li><li>When interacting with official Bank of America social media pages, Bank of America's privacy notices, <a id="socialMediaUserTerms" href="">Social Media User Terms</a> and <a id="communityGuidelines" href="">Community Guidelines</a> may apply.</li><li>Please review the privacy policy for the specific social media service you are using to better understand your rights and obligations with regard to such content.</li></ul><p>We may allow social share buttons on our sites that enable users to easily share information on social media platforms. The non-affiliated third parties that own these widgets may have access to information about your browsing on pages of our Sites and Mobile Apps where these widgets are placed.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="squeezebox-panel" id="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel1" data-slug="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel1"><button name="US_Consumer_Privacy_Notice" class="panel-header spa-oline gray spa-btn spa-btn--link" data-panel="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel1" data-bactmln="Module_content" type="button" aria-controls="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel1"><span class="spa-squeezebox-arrow spa-icon"></span>U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice <span class="ada-hidden"></span></button><div class="panel-content gray" hidden><div class="content"><div class="row collapse"><div class="column"><div id="consumerPrivacyNoticeContent" data-component="module" data-module="table-content-module" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="9.0.0" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/table-content-module" data-options="{}" data-init="TableContentModule" data-module-parameters="{}" class="table-content-module-class-v-9-0-0 table-content-module spa-module-init"><div class="row medium-collapse"><div class="columns small-12"><h2 class="table-content__main-headline">U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice</h2></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>FACTS</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p><strong>WHAT DOES BANK OF AMERICA DO WITH YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION?</strong></p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>Why?</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p>Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Under federal law, that means personally identifiable information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>What?</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p>The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us.<br>This information can include:</p><ul class="table-content__row-list list"><li>Social Security number and employment information</li><li>account balances, transaction history and credit information</li><li>assets and investment experience</li></ul></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>How?</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p>All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons Bank of America chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.</p></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><table summary="This 3-column table provides information about the reasons why Bank of America can share your personal information." class="table-content__table" border="0"><thead><th scope="col"><strong>Reasons we can share your personal information</strong></th><th scope="col"><strong>Does Bank of America share?</strong></th><th scope="col"><strong>Can you limit this sharing?</strong></th></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong>For our everyday business purposes</strong> — such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For our marketing purposes</strong> — with service providers we use to offer our products and services to you (please see below to limit the ways we contact you)</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For joint marketing with other financial companies</strong></td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes</strong> — information about your transactions and experiences</td><td>Yes</td><td>No</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes</strong> — information about your creditworthiness</td><td>Yes</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For nonaffiliates to market to you</strong> — for all credit card accounts</td><td>Yes</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For nonaffiliates to market to you</strong> — for accounts and services endorsed by another organization (e.g., debit card co-branded with a baseball team) “Sponsored Accounts”</td><td>Yes</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td><strong>For nonaffiliates to market to you</strong> — for accounts other than credit card accounts and Sponsored Accounts, such as insurance, investments, deposit and lending</td><td>No</td><td>We don't share</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>To limit our sharing</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p></p><ul class="table-content__row-list list"><li>Visit us online: <a id="" href="/privacy" target="_self"></a></li><li>Call <a id="" href="tel:888-341-5000" target="_self">888.341.5000</a> — our menu will prompt you through your choices</li><li>Talk to your assigned financial advisor</li></ul><p><strong>Please note:</strong> If you are a <strong><em>new</em></strong> customer, we can begin sharing your information 45 days from the date we sent this notice. When you are <strong><em>no longer</em></strong> our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice. However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>To limit direct marketing contact</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p></p><ul class="table-content__row-list list"><li>Visit us online: <a id="" href="/privacy" target="_self"></a></li><li>Call <a id="" href="tel:888-341-5000" target="_self">888.341.5000</a> — our menu will prompt you through your choices</li><li>Talk to your assigned financial advisor</li></ul><p><strong>Please Note:</strong> Direct marketing is email, postal mail and telephone marketing. Your telephone and postal mail opt-out choices will last for five years, subject to applicable law. Even if you limit direct marketing, we may still contact you to service your account or as otherwise allowed by law.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__row"><div class="columns small-12 medium-3 table-content__row-header"><p>Questions?</p></div><div class="columns small-12 medium-9 table-content__row-content"><p>Call <a id="" href="tel:888-341-5000" target="_self">888.341.5000</a> or go to <a id="" href="/privacy" target="_self"></a></p></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__article-header"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>Who we are</h3></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>Who is providing this notice?</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>Bank of America U.S. legal entities that utilize the names: Bank of America, Banc of America, Bank of America Private Bank or Merrill, as well as the entities listed in the <em>Bank of America U.S. legal entities</em> section.</p></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__article-header"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>What we do</h3></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>How does Bank of America protect my personal information?</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings. For more information, visit <a id="" href="/security" target="_self"></a> or <a id="" href="" target="_self"></a>.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>How does Bank of America collect my personal information?</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>We collect your personal information, for example, when you:</p><ul class="list"><li>open an account or perform transactions</li><li>apply for a loan or use your credit or debit card</li><li>seek advice about your investments</li></ul><p>We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates, or other companies.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>Why can’t I limit all sharing?</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>Federal law gives you the right to limit some but not all sharing related to:</p><ul class="list"><li>affiliates’ everyday business purposes—information about your creditworthiness</li><li>affiliates from using your information to market to you</li><li>nonaffiliates to market to you</li></ul><p>State laws and individual Bank of America companies may give you more rights to limit sharing. See <em>Other important information</em> section for your rights under state law.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>What happens when I limit sharing for an account I hold jointly with someone else?</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>Your choices will apply to you alone unless you tell us otherwise. However, your choice to limit sharing with nonaffiliates to market to you for credit card accounts or Sponsored Accounts will apply to all joint account holders. If you have more than one credit card account or Sponsored Account and you choose to opt out, you will need to do so for each account.</p></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__article-header"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>Definitions</h3></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>Affiliates</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be Financial and nonfinancial companies.</p><ul class="list"><li>Our affiliates include companies that utilize the names Bank of America, Banc of America, Private Bank or Merrill.</li></ul></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>Nonaffiliates</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.</p><ul class="list"><li>Nonaffiliates we share with can include financial services companies such as insurance agencies or mortgage brokers, nonfinancial companies such as retailers, travel companies and membership groups; and other companies such as nonprofit groups.</li></ul></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-5"><strong>Joint marketing</strong></div><div class="columns small-7 table-content__article-content--right"><p>A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.</p><ul class="list"><li>Our joint marketing partners include financial services companies.</li></ul></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__article-header"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>Other Important Information</h3></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p><strong>Do Not Call Policy.</strong> This notice is the Bank of America Do Not Call Policy under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. We do not solicit via telephone numbers listed on the state or federal Do Not Call lists, unless the law allows. Bank of America employees receive training on how to document and process telephone marketing choices. Consumers who ask not to receive telephone solicitations from Bank of America will be placed on the Bank of America Do Not Call list and will not be called in future campaigns, including those of Bank of America affiliates.<br><strong>Call Monitoring and Recording.</strong> If you communicate with us by telephone, we may monitor or record the call.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p><strong>For Nevada residents only.</strong> We are providing you this notice under state law. You may be placed on our internal Do Not Call List by following the directions in the<em> To limit direct marketing contact</em> section. Nevada law requires we provide the following contact information: Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Nevada Attorney General, 555 E. Washington Avenue, Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV 89101; Phone number: 702.486.3132; email:; Bank of America, P.O. Box 25118, Tampa, FL 33622-5118; Phone number: 888.341.5000; Click on “Contact Us” at <a id="" href="/privacy" target="_self"></a>.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p><strong>Vermont:</strong> Under Vermont law, we will not share information we collect about Vermont residents with companies outside of our corporate family, unless the law allows. For example, we may share information with your consent, to service your accounts or under joint marketing agreements with other financial institutions with which we have joint marketing agreements. We will not share information about your creditworthiness within our corporate family except with your consent, but we may share information about our transactions or experiences with you within our corporate family without your consent.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p><strong>California:</strong> Under California law, we will not share information we collect about you with companies outside of Bank of America, unless the law allows. For example, we may share information with your consent, to service your accounts, or to provide rewards or benefits you are entitled to. We will limit sharing among our companies to the extent required by California law.</p></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p><strong>For Insurance Customers in AZ, CA, CT, GA, IL, ME, MA, MN, MT, NV, NJ, NC, OH, OR and VA only.</strong> The term “Information” in this part means customer information obtained in an insurance transaction. We may give your Information to state insurance officials, law enforcement, group policy holders about claims experience or auditors as the law allows or requires. We may give your Information to insurance support companies that may keep it or give it to others. We may share medical Information so we can learn if you qualify for coverage, process claims or prevent fraud, or if you say we can. To see your Information, write Insurance Operations, FL9-805-03-12, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East, Jacksonville, FL 32246. You must state your full name, address, the insurance company, policy number (if relevant) and the Information you want. We will tell you what Information we have. You may see and copy the Information (unless privileged) at our office or ask that we mail you a copy for a fee. If you think any Information is wrong, you must write us. We will let you know what actions we take. If you do not agree with our actions, you may send us a statement.</p></div></div></div><div class="table-content__content-section"><div class="row collapse table-content__article-header"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>Bank of America U.S. legal entities</h3></div></div><div class="row collapse table-content__article-content"><div class="columns small-12 table-content__article-content--one-col"><p>Bank of America U.S. legal entities that utilize the names: Bank of America, Banc of America, Private Bank or Merrill and the entity Managed Account Advisors L.L.C.</p></div></div></div><div class="row medium-collapse"><p>Rev 01/2024</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="squeezebox-panel" id="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel2" data-slug="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel2"><button name="California_Consumer_Privacy_Notice" class="panel-header spa-oline gray spa-btn spa-btn--link" data-panel="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel2" data-bactmln="Module_content" type="button" aria-controls="privacyNoticeSqueezeboxPanel2"><span class="spa-squeezebox-arrow spa-icon"></span>California Consumer Privacy Notice <span class="ada-hidden"></span></button><div class="panel-content gray" hidden><div class="content"><div class="row collapse"><div class="column"><div id="californiaPrivacyNoticeContent" data-component="module" data-module="cali-content-module" data-module-container="3.1.4" data-version="2.0.0" data-sparta-load="primary" data-module-ref="security-center/cali-content-module" data-options="{}" data-init="CaliContentModule" data-module-parameters="{}" class="cali-content-module-class-v-2-0-0 cali-content-module spa-module-init"><div class="row collapse"><div class="columns small-12"><h3>California Consumer Privacy Act Disclosure</h3><p>Last updated December 2024</p><h3>Legal Entities</h3><p>This California Consumer Privacy Act Notice (“Notice”) applies to Bank of America legal entities that utilize the brand names Bank of America, Merrill, and BofA Securities, Inc. as well as the following entities: Managed Account Advisors LLC and BAL Investment & Advisory, Inc (“Company”, “we”, “us” or “our”).</p><h3>Applicability</h3><p>Your privacy is important to us. This California Consumer Privacy Act Notice (<a id="printablePdfLink" href="/security-center/spa-assets/images/assets-images-site-security-center-ccpa-disclosure-en-INS-11-20-1086_A_HR.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">download a printable copy of this Notice</a>; PDF, requires <a id="adobeReaderLink" href="" class="spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn" data-options='{"interstitialType":"leaving-site","interstitialBranding":"default","targetAction":"new-tab"}'>Adobe Reader<span class="spa-ada-text ada-hidden"> layer</span></a>) explains how we collect, use, and disclose personal information relating to <strong>California residents</strong> covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (collectively, the “CCPA”). This “Notice” constitutes our notice at collection and our privacy policy pursuant to the CCPA.</p><h3>Introduction</h3><p>Under the CCPA, “Personal Information” is information that identifies, relates to, or could reasonably be linked directly or indirectly with a particular California resident and includes certain categories of Personal Information discussed below that constitute “Sensitive Personal Information.” The CCPA, however, does not apply to certain information, such as information subject to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”).</p><p>The specific Personal Information that we collect, use, and disclose relating to a California resident covered by the CCPA will vary based on our relationship or interaction with that individual. For example, this Notice does not apply with respect to information that we collect about California residents who apply for or obtain our financial products and services for personal, family, or household purposes. For more information about how we collect, disclose, and secure information relating to these customers, please refer to our <a id="uSConsumerPrivacyNotice" href="/security-center/consumer-privacy-notice/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice</a>.</p><p>Keeping Personal Information secure is one of our most important priorities. Consistent with our obligations under applicable laws and regulations, we maintain physical, technical, electronic, procedural and organizational safeguards and security measures that are designed to protect personal data against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or access, whether it is processed by us or by others on our behalf.</p><h3>Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information</h3><p>In the past 12 months, we may have collected and disclosed for our business purposes each of the following categories of Personal Information relating to California residents covered by this Notice:</p><ul class="list"><li>Identifiers such as a real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver's license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers;</li><li>Any information that identifies, relates to, describes, or is capable of being associated with, a particular individual, including, but not limited to, his or her name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information;</li><li>Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law, such as sex and marital status;</li><li>Commercial information, such as records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies;</li><li>Biometric information;</li><li>Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as browsing history, search history, and information regarding a California resident's interaction with an internet website application or advertisement;</li><li>Geolocation data, such as device location and Internet Protocol (IP) location;</li><li>Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, or similar information such as call and video recordings;</li><li>Professional or employment-related information, such as work history and prior employer;</li><li>Education information, directly related to a student; and maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution;</li><li>Inferences drawn from any of the Personal Information listed above to create a profile about a California resident reflecting their preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, and attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes; and</li><li>The following categories of Sensitive Personal Information:</li><li>Personal Information that reveals:</li><li>A California resident's Social Security, driver's license, state identification card, or passport number;</li><li>A California resident's account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account;</li><li>A California resident's precise geolocation;</li><li>A California resident's racial or ethnic origin, citizenship or immigration status, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership;</li><li>The contents of a California resident's mail, email, and text messages unless the business is the intended recipient of the communication;</li><li>The processing of biometric information for the purpose of uniquely identifying a California resident; and</li><li>Personal information collected and analyzed concerning a California resident's health.</li></ul><p>In addition to collecting Personal Information ourselves, we additionally coordinate with third parties to collect Personal Information on our behalf, which third parties are engaged in one or more of the business practices described below:</p><ul class="list"><li>Delivering advertising and marketing, including on non-affiliated persons' or entities' sites and mobile apps;</li><li>Facilitating events and event management, including virtual and/or in-person events (e.g., hotels, restaurants, virtual platforms, audio/visual capabilities, food/beverage, transportation services, etc.); and</li><li>Referral sources, whether for purposes of identifying candidates for employment, identifying new client opportunities, or recommending vendors or contractors.</li></ul><p>The categories of sources from which we collected Personal Information are:</p><ul class="list"><li>Directly from a California resident or the individual's representatives;</li><li>Service Providers, Consumer Data Resellers, Credit Reporting Agencies and other similar persons or entities;</li><li>Public Record Sources (Federal, State or Local Government Sources);</li><li>Information from our Affiliates;</li><li>Website/Mobile App Activity/Social Media;</li><li>Information from Client Directed persons or entities or Institutions representing a Client/Prospect; and</li><li>Information from Corporate Clients about individuals associated with the Clients (e.g., an employee or board member).</li></ul><p>With respect to each category of Personal Information that we disclosed for a business purpose in the past 12 months, the categories of persons or entities to whom we disclosed that Personal Information are:</p><ul class="list"><li>Affiliates of Bank of America;</li><li>Service Providers and Contractors who provide services such as website hosting, data analysis, payment processing, order fulfillment, information technology and related infrastructure, customer service, email delivery, auditing, marketing, supporting research activities, credit financing, event management, and real estate management;</li><li>Other Service Providers and Contractors who provide services such as payment, banking and communication infrastructure, storage, legal expertise, tax expertise, real estate expertise, appraisal expertise, notaries and auditors, who promote the bank and its financial services and products to customers and other prospective buyers;</li><li>Other Service Providers and Contractors who enable customers to conduct transactions online and via mobile devices, support mortgage and fulfillment services, vehicle loan processes and aggregators (at the direction of the customer);</li><li>Other persons or entities to whom we transfer Personal Information as an asset that is part of a merger, acquisition or other transaction in which such other person or entity assumes control of all or part of the business;</li><li>Government Agencies as required by laws and regulations; and</li><li>Other persons or entities with which you may use or direct us to intentionally interact or to which you may use or direct us to intentionally disclose your Personal Information.</li></ul><p>We do not disclose Personal Information to any other categories of third parties.</p><p>We collect, use and disclose for our business purposes Personal Information, including Sensitive Personal Information, relating to California residents to operate, manage, and maintain our business, to provide our products and services, and to accomplish our business or commercial purposes, including the following:</p><ul class="list"><li>Performing services, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, providing advertising or marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising, a type of targeted advertising), providing analytic services, providing research services, facilitating event management and execution, managing our real estate portfolio, or providing similar services;</li><li>Helping to ensure security and integrity to the extent the use of Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for these purposes;</li><li>Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, nonpersonalized advertising shown as part of a current interaction with us, where the information is not disclosed to a third party and is not used to build a profile or otherwise alter the California resident's experience outside the current interaction with us;</li><li>Auditing related to counting ad impressions to unique visitors, verifying positioning and quality of ad impressions, and auditing compliance with this specification and other standards;</li><li>Undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service controlled by us, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance that service;</li><li>Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality;</li><li>Undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration; and</li><li>Complying with laws and regulations and to comply with other legal process and law enforcement requirements (including any internal policy based on or reflecting legal or regulatory guidance, codes or opinions).</li></ul><h3>How Long We Retain Personal Information</h3><p>The length of time that we intend to retain each category of Personal Information will depend on several criteria, including (i) the length of time we are required to retain Personal Information in order to comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, (ii) the length of time we may need to retain Personal Information in order to accomplish the business or commercial purpose(s) for which such Personal Information is collected, used or disclosed (as indicated in this Notice), and (iii) whether you choose to exercise your right, subject to certain exceptions, to request deletion of your Personal Information.</p><h3>Sale or Sharing of Personal Information</h3><p>In the 12 months preceding the date of this Notice, we have not “sold” or “shared” Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information subject to the CCPA nor have we “sold” or “shared” Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information of minors under the age of 16.</p><p>For purposes of this Notice:</p><ul class="list"><li>“sold” means the disclosure of Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration; and</li><li>“shared” means the disclosure of Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising.</li></ul><h3>How We Use Sensitive Personal Information</h3><p>We only use or disclose Sensitive Personal Information for the following purposes consistent with CCPA Regulations:</p><ul class="list"><li>To perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected by an average California resident who requests those goods or services. For example, a California resident's precise geolocation may be used by a mobile application that is providing them with directions on how to get to a specific location.</li><li>To detect security incidents that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of stored or transmitted Personal Information, provided that the use of a California resident's Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, we may disclose a California resident's log-in information to a data security company that it has hired to investigate and remediate a data breach that involved that individual's account.</li><li>To resist malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at the business and to prosecute those responsible for those actions, provided that the use of a California resident's Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, we may use information about a California resident's ethnicity and/or the contents of email and text messages to investigate claims of racial discrimination or hate speech.</li><li>To ensure the physical safety of natural persons, provided that the use of a California resident's Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, we may disclose a California resident's geolocation information to law enforcement to investigate an alleged kidnapping.</li><li>For short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, nonpersonalized advertising shown as part of a California resident's current interaction with us.</li><li>To perform services such as maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying a California resident's information, processing payments, providing financing, providing analytic services, providing storage.</li><li>To verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by us, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service or device that is owned, manufactured by, manufactured for, or controlled by us.</li></ul><h3>Rights under the CCPA</h3><p>If you are a California resident covered by the CCPA, you have the right to:</p><p>(1) Receive this Notice at or before the point of collection of your Personal Information.</p><p>(2) Request we disclose to you free of charge the following information covering the 12 months preceding your request:</p><p><span style="margin-left:20px">a. the categories of Personal Information about you that we collected;</span></p><p><span style="margin-left:20px">b. the categories of sources from which the Personal Information was collected;</span></p><p><span style="margin-left:20px">c. the purpose for collecting Personal Information about you;</span></p><p><span style="margin-left:20px">d. the categories of third parties to whom we disclosed Personal Information about you and the categories of Personal Information that were disclosed (if applicable) and the purpose for disclosing the Personal Information about you; and</span></p><p><span style="margin-left:20px">e. the specific pieces of Personal Information we collected about you;</span></p><p>(3) Request we correct inaccurate Personal Information that we maintain about you.</p><p>(4) Request we delete Personal Information we collected from you, unless the CCPA recognizes an exception.</p><p>(5) Be free from unlawful discrimination for exercising your rights under the CCPA.</p><p>Please see the section below entitled, “How to Exercise Your Rights,” for instructions explaining how you can exercise these rights described above.</p><p>Requests for specific pieces of Personal Information will require additional information to verify your identity.</p><p>For individuals submitting a request on behalf of another person, we may require proof of authorization and verification of identity directly from the person for whom the request is made.</p><p>For a company or organization submitting a request on behalf of another person, we may require proof of authorization from the individual such as a Power of Attorney and verification of identity directly from the person for whom the request is made.</p><p>In some instances, we may not be able to honor your request. For example, we will not honor your request if we cannot verify your identity or if we cannot verify that you have the authority to make a request on behalf of another individual. Additionally, we will not honor your request where an exception applies, such as where the disclosure of Personal Information would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of another California resident or where the Personal Information that we maintain about you is not subject to the CCPA's access or deletion rights.</p><p>We will advise you in our response if we are not able to honor your request. We will not provide Social Security numbers, driver's license numbers or government-issued identification numbers, financial account numbers, unique biometric data, health care or medical identification numbers, account passwords or security questions and answers, or any specific pieces of information if the disclosure presents the possibility of unauthorized access that could result in identity theft or fraud or unreasonable risk to data or systems and network security.</p><p>We will work to process all verified requests within 45 days pursuant to the CCPA. If we need an extension for up to an additional 45 days in order to process your request, we will provide you with an explanation for the delay.</p><h3>How We Process Opt-Out Preferences</h3><p>Bank of America permits California residents to automatically exercise their right to opt out of sale/sharing through opt-out preference signals without having to make individualized opt out requests. Bank of America treats opt-out preference signals as valid requests to opt out of sale/sharing for the browser. Please note, however, we do not “sell” or “share” personal information with any third parties, as such terms are defined by the CCPA.</p><h3>How to Exercise Your Rights</h3><p>If you are a California resident, you may submit a request by:</p><p>(1) Completing an online <a id="personalInformationRequestForm" href="!/page1" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Personal Information Request Form</a></p><p>(2) Calling 888.341.5000</p><h3>Questions or Concerns</h3><p>You may contact us with questions or concerns about this Notice and our practices by:</p><p>(1) Writing us at:</p><p><span style="font-style:italic;margin-left:23px">Individual Rights Operations TX-041-02-08</span></p><p><span style="font-style:italic;margin-left:23px">16001 N Dallas Pkwy Building 1</span></p><p><span style="font-style:italic;margin-left:23px">Addison, TX 75001</span></p><p>(2) Emailing us at <a id="emailUsLink" href=""></a></p><h3>Metrics</h3><p>Please visit <a id="ccpaMetrics" href="/ccpa-metrics" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> for data reporting published in accordance with Section 7102 of the California Consumer Privacy Act Regulations.</p><h3>Changes to This California Consumer Privacy Act Notice</h3><p>We may change or update this Notice from time to time. When we do, we will post the revised Notice on this page with a new “Last Updated” date.</p><h3>Where You Can Find This Notice Online</h3><p>You may access this Notice online at <a id="ccpaNotice" href="/CCPA-Notice" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div></div></div><div id="privacyNoticeContent" data-jcr="{"privacyNoticeLarge":{"id":"privacyNoticeTabs","options":{"type":"tabs","color":"light"},"addPanelBorder":true,"maxHeight":300,"level":2,"tabs":[{"label":"U.S. Online Privacy Notice","id":"online-privacy-notice","panel":{"panelTitle":"<a id='onlinePrivacyFullPageLink' href='/security-center/online-privacy-notice' class='full-page-link' target='_self'>FULL PAGE VERSION</a>","content":"<h2 class='generic-content__main-headline'>Bank of America U.S. Online Privacy Notice</h2><p>Last updated March 1, 2024</p><p>Your privacy is important to us. We conduct regular assessment reviews and abide by rigorous privacy standards to ensure personal information we collect, use and share is protected. This U.S. Online Privacy Notice (&quot;Notice&quot;) describes how Bank of America and our affiliates manage personal information about you when you interact with us online through our websites, event registration sites, mobile applications and social sites (&quot;Sites and Mobile Apps&quot;) through your computer, smartphone, tablet or other mobile devices (&quot;computer or mobile devices&quot;).</p><h3 class='list-heading'>This Notice explains</h3><ul class='list'><li>How we collect personal information when you visit, use or interact with us online, and through our ads displayed through online services operated by us or non-affiliated third parties.</li><li>How we may use or share personal information collected to deliver products and services to you and for advertising or event management purposes.</li></ul><p>The term &quot;Bank of America&quot; or &quot;we&quot;, &quot;us&quot; or &quot;our&quot; in this Notice refers to banking and non-banking U.S. affiliates or subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation that link to or reference this Notice.</p><p>By using our Sites and Mobile Apps, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Notice. Our U.S. online services covered by this Notice are intended for a U.S. audience. If you visit or use one of our online services, your information may be transferred or processed in the U.S. For Non-U.S. online services, please review the privacy policy applicable to that service to understand how your information is collected, used and shared.</p><p>Bank of America works with third-party providers who are contractually obligated to comply with our policies to protect information. However, if you visit or access one of these third-party provider sites or mobile apps, please review the online privacy practices of that site or mobile app to understand the specifics of how your online personal information may be collected, used and shared.</p><h4>Updates to this Notice</h4><p>This Notice is subject to change. We update this Notice periodically to comply with the most recent federal and local laws. Please review it whenever you have questions. If we make changes to this Notice, we will revise the <strong>Last updated</strong> date on this page.</p><h3>Our Online Privacy Practices</h3><p>We are committed to transparency about your personal information. We ask for your consent when required, otherwise by using our Site and Mobile Apps, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of your personal information subject to and consistent with applicable laws, regulations and other notices you may have received based on your relationship with us.</p><h4>Linking to other sites</h4><p>We may provide links to non-affiliated third-party sites, such as credit bureaus, service providers or merchants. If you follow links to sites not affiliated with, or controlled by Bank of America, you should review their privacy and security policies and other terms and conditions, as they may be different from those of our Sites and Mobile Apps. Bank of America does not guarantee and is not responsible for the privacy or security of these sites, including the accuracy, completeness or reliability of their information.</p><h4>Protecting your personal information</h4><p>To protect personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with applicable federal and state laws. These measures may include device safeguards and secured files and buildings as well as oversight of our third-party providers to ensure personal information remains confidential and secure. In the event of a data breach, we provide timely notification, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.</p><p>We recognize the importance of protecting privacy where children are involved. Our Sites and Mobile Apps are not marketed to individuals under the age of 13. Accounts that include online access for children under the age of 13 are owned by a parent or guardian and require specific consent for online access. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 without prior parental consent. Read our <a id='childrenPolicy' href='/online-banking/childrens-privacy-policy/'>Children's Privacy Policy</a> for more information.</p><h4>Making sure personal information is accurate</h4><p>Keeping your personal information accurate and up to date is very important. If your personal information is incomplete, inaccurate or not current, please use the <strong>Contact Us</strong> option on our Sites and Mobile Apps, or call or write to us at the telephone numbers or appropriate address for changes listed on your account statements, records, online or other account materials. You can also speak to a customer representative at a financial center, your Financial Advisor or account representative.</p><h3>Personal Information We Collect Online</h3><h4>How do we collect personal information online?</h4><p>We collect personal information about you through your computer or mobile devices by the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies (see our <a id='cookiesGuide' href='/content/documents/privacy/Cookie_Guide_eng.pdf' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>Cookie Policy</a> for details) as well as personal information you provide when you visit or use our Sites and Mobile Apps, for example when you:</p><ul class='list'><li>Apply for or open a new account</li><li>Register for a new product or service, or request information about a product or service</li><li>Register as a participant in one of our events</li><li>Complete a survey, contest or sweepstakes or other promotion</li><li>Use aggregation services such as My Portfolio&reg; and My Financial Picture&reg; in order to consolidate your financial account or information at one online location</li></ul><p>We may use third-party providers to process personal information for business purposes on our behalf. Third-party providers are contractually obligated to comply with our policies to protect information we share with them or they collect on our behalf.</p><p>We also may obtain personal information from a sponsor for individuals onboarded via a Commercial Prepaid card program with us. If we combine such personal information with information collected through the Mobile Services, we will treat the combined information as personal information in accordance with this Notice.</p><p>The personal information we collect is limited to what is required to provide our products or services and to support legal and risk requirements. For additional information, please review the <strong>How do we use your personal information</strong> section of this Notice.</p><h4>Types of personal information we collect online</h4><p>The type of personal information we collect from and about you online will depend on how you interact with us and may include:</p><ul class='list'><li><strong>Contact Information</strong> such as name, mailing address, email address, telephone and mobile number(s).</li><li><strong>Account Application information</strong> such as credit and income information.</li><li><strong>Identifiers</strong> such as Social Security number, account number(s), driver's license number (or comparable) or other information that identifies you for ordinary business purposes.</li><li><strong>Access Authorization</strong> such as user ID, alias, PIN and password and security questions and answers.</li><li><strong>Documents or images</strong> submitted via our Site or Mobile Apps to support account opening, such as statements and voided checks.</li><li><strong>Debit/Credit Card Information</strong> such as card number, expiration date, CVV2, billing address.</li><li><strong>Information from your computer and mobile devices where allowed by individual browsers and/or operating systems</strong>, such as:</li><ul class='list'><li>Unique device identifiers (for example Media Access Control (MAC) and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses)</li><li>Browser type, version, language, and display/screen settings</li><li>Information about how you use and interact with our Sites and Mobile Apps (for example, activities on pages visited, links clicked or unique and measurable patterns such as keystrokes, mouse clicks and movements, swipes and gestures)</li><li>Communications data, such as your communication preferences and details or the content of your communications with us (e.g., text messages, chat messages)</li><li>Responses to advertisements on sites and mobile apps where we advertise</li><li>Log information such as your search and voice to text queries in the mobile app</li><li>Search engine referrals</li><li>Geolocation information (for example, for real time ATM or financial center location, upon request, or for fraud prevention)</li><li>Social media preference</li></ul><li><strong>Information to facilitate virtual or in-person event management</strong> (for example, attendee names, dietary requirements, special assistance needs, and travel details for participants).</li></ul><h3>How We Use and Share Personal Information</h3><h4>How do we use your personal information?</h4><p>Personal information collected from and about you online described in this Notice may be used for many purposes such as:</p><ul class='list'><li><strong>Delivering products and services to you</strong> by verifying your identity (for example when you access your account information); processing applications for products or services such as to prequalify for a mortgage, apply for a credit card, or to open a retirement account, investment account or other financial product; processing transactions; providing customer service/production support; finding nearby ATMs, financial centers, and other specialized location based services near your location; and consolidating your financial account information at one online location with services such as My Portfolio&reg; and My Financial Picture&reg;.</li><li><strong>Personalizing your digital and mobile experience</strong> by enhancing our Sites and Mobile Apps organization and design and analyze data to create relevant alerts, products or services.</li><li><strong>Providing advertising</strong> on our Sites and Mobile Apps as well as non-affiliated third-party sites and through off-line channels like financial centers, call centers and direct marketing (for example email, mail and phone).</li><li><strong>Detecting and preventing fraud</strong>, identify theft and other risks to you or Bank of America.</li><li><strong>Performing analytics</strong> concerning your use of our online services, including your responses to our emails and the pages and advertisements you view.</li><li><strong>Complying with and enforcing applicable legal requirements</strong>, industry standards, contractual obligations and our policies.</li><li><strong>Allowing you to use features within our Sites and Mobile Apps</strong> when you grant us access to personal information from your device, such as contact lists, or geo-location when you request certain services that requires such access, for example locating an ATM.</li><li><strong>Providing notifications concerning events</strong> for which you've registered, providing analysis to improve our events and develop new events, determining event overall effectiveness, enhancing products and services, operating and expanding our business activities.</li></ul><p>We retain personal information for a period of time as required by laws and regulations and the necessary business purpose. We securely delete personal information as soon as legally permitted.</p><p>California residents covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act may have additional rights. To learn more, California residents can reference the <a id='ccpaDisclosure' href='/security-center/ccpa-disclosure/' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>California Consumer Privacy Act Notice</a> for additional information.</p><h4>Individual health and/or sensitive information</h4><p>To the extent that we receive, maintain or process an individual's health information, Bank of America may use and disclose that information as authorized by and in accordance with applicable federal and/or state law.</p><p>At the time of event registration participants may provide information that requires special accommodations. This information will be used only to the extent necessary to facilitate any special accommodations for event participation.</p><h4>With whom do we share your personal information?</h4><p>We may share the personal information we collect from and about you online described in this Notice (and subject to other legal restrictions and notices you may have received depending on your relationship with us) with:</p><ul class='list'><li><strong>Affiliates and Subsidiaries of Bank of America</strong>, such as Merrill.</li><li><strong>Third-Party Providers</strong> who have contracts with Bank of America.</li><li><strong>Government Agencies</strong> as required by laws and regulations.</li></ul><h4>Aggregated / De-identified Information</h4><p>Collected personal information may be aggregated and/or de-identified (we remove any details that identify you personally). We may share this aggregated and/or de-identified information with third-party providers to help deliver products, services, and content that are better tailored to the users of our online services and for our own business purposes where permissible under applicable laws and regulations.</p><h4>How to limit sharing</h4><p>You have choices regarding the sharing of some personal information. Where appropriate, we will limit sharing of your personal information based on your marketing and information sharing choices. You can register your choices online at <a id='choicesOnline' href=''>Control How We Can Share Your Data and Market To You</a>.</p><h3>Online Behavioral Advertising</h3><p>Personal information collected from and about you online, as described in this Notice, is used and shared to deliver advertising and marketing, including prescreened offers of credit, which may be of interest to you.</p><p>We present tailored ads to you:</p><ul class='list'><li>On our Sites and Mobile Apps through ads that appear as you sign on or off of your online accounts.</li><li>In off-line channels such as financial centers, call centers, and through direct marketing (for example email, mail, phone).</li><li>On third-party sites and mobile apps not affiliated with Bank of America.</li></ul><h4>How we tailor ads to you</h4><ul class='list'><li><strong>Advertising on our sites, mobile apps and off-line channels such as financial centers, call centers, and through direct marketing (for example email, mail, phone):</strong> We may use personal information about your activities on our Sites and Mobile Apps, such as pages visited and key words entered, to help determine which of our ads or offers may be of interest to you. We may use personal information about your relationship with us (such as types of accounts, transactional information or the location in which you bank) to help determine which advertisements or offers to present to you.</li><li><strong>Advertising on non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps:</strong> Bank of America contracts with advertising companies to advertise our products and services on sites and mobile apps not affiliated with us. We may use personal information we have collected or that you have provided to assist our non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps to select bank ads or offers that may appeal to you, display them to you and monitor your responses. Non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps are not subject to Bank of America Privacy Notices.</li></ul><h4 id='advertising-on-our-sites'>How you can opt out of Online Behavioral Advertising</h4><ul class='list'><li><strong>Advertising on Non-Affiliated Third-Party sites:</strong> Bank of America participates in the Digital Advertising Alliance (&quot;DAA&quot;) self-regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising and uses the Advertising Options Icon on our behavioral ads on non-affiliated third-party sites (excluding ads appearing on platforms that do not accept the icon). Ads served on our behalf by these companies do not contain unencrypted personal information and we limit the use of personal information by companies that serve our ads. To learn more about ad choices, or to opt out of interest-based advertising with non-affiliated third-party sites, visit <a id='yourAdChoices' href='' class='spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn' data-options='{\"interstitialType\":\"leaving-site\",\"interstitialBranding\":\"default\",\"targetAction\":\"new-tab\"}'>YourAdChoices<span class='spa-ada-text ada-hidden'>&nbsp;layer</span></a> powered by the Digital Advertising Alliance or through the <a id='networkAdvertisingInitiative' href='' class='spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn' data-options='{\"interstitialType\":\"leaving-site\",\"interstitialBranding\":\"default\",\"targetAction\":\"new-tab\"}'>Network Advertising Initiative's Opt-Out Tool<span class='spa-ada-text ada-hidden'>&nbsp;layer</span></a>. You may also visit the individual sites for additional information on their data and privacy practices and opt-out options.</li></ul><p>Industry standards continue to evolve around web browser \"do not track\" signals or configurations set in your internet browser. In addition to the advertising opt-out options above, Bank of America captures opt out preference signals, and to the extent users have rights under applicable law, treats them as valid requests to opt out of sale/sharing at the browser level.</p><h4>Reminder</h4><p>Please note that if you opt out of this advertising:</p><ul class='list'><li>You may still receive general advertising from Bank of America.</li><li>When accessing online account servicing areas (i.e. after login), such as Online Banking, Merrill Edge or MyMerrill, you may receive tailored content and advertising based on your account relationships.</li><li>Financial Advisors/Client Managers may continue to use personal information collected online as described in this Notice to provide details on products and services in accordance with account agreements.</li><li>In order for online behavioral advertising opt outs from our Sites and Mobile Apps and on other sites to work on your device, your browser must be set to accept cookies.</li><li>If you delete cookies, buy a new device, access our Sites and Mobile Apps or other sites from a different device, login under a different screen name, or change web browsers, you will need to opt out again.</li></ul><h3>Additional Information</h3><h4>Third-Party Data Sharing</h4><p>Some companies may offer aggregation websites and services that allow you to share your data with them in order to consolidate your account information from different sources (such as your accounts with us or with other financial institutions) so that you can view it in one location or perform actions related to your accounts using their services. To do this, a third-party may request you to authorize access to your Bank of America accounts by providing your Bank of America user ID and password or by providing your information-sharing consent directly to Bank of America.</p><ul class='list'><li>The third-party may access, on your behalf, information about you, your Bank of America relationship, and your accounts at Bank of America.</li><li>You should use caution and ensure that the third-party has appropriate policies and practices to protect the privacy and security of any personal information you provide or to which they are gaining access.</li><li>Use of your information by the third-party is governed by your agreement with them, not by Bank of America. We recommend reviewing the third party's policies before sharing your personal information to understand how they will use and store your account information. For example, look for whether they sell any of your personal information, and if your information will be transferred, processed, or stored outside of the United States.</li><li>We are not responsible for the use or disclosure of any personal information accessed by any company or person to whom you provide your site user ID and password.</li><li>If you share your Bank of America user ID, password or other information about your accounts with others, we will consider that you have authorized any transaction or action initiated by using the access information you provide.</li><li>If you decide to revoke the authority you have given to a third-party, we strongly recommend that you change your Bank of America password to ensure that the third-party cannot continue to access your account.</li><li>You may revoke your consent for certain third parties through the Security Center within <a id='bankOfAmericaOnlineBanking' href='/'>Bank of America Online Banking</a>.</li></ul><h4>Social Media</h4><p>Bank of America engages with customers on social media platforms such as Facebook&reg;, X&reg;, YouTube&reg; and LinkedIn&reg;.</p><ul class='list'><li>Any content you post on official Bank of America managed social media pages, such as pictures, information, opinions or any personal information that you make available to other participants on these social platforms, is subject to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policies of those respective platforms.</li><li>When interacting with official Bank of America social media pages, Bank of America's privacy notices, <a id='socialMediaUserTerms' href=''>Social Media User Terms</a> and <a id='communityGuidelines' href=''>Community Guidelines</a> may apply.</li><li>Please review the privacy policy for the specific social media service you are using to better understand your rights and obligations with regard to such content.</li></ul><p>We may allow social share buttons on our sites that enable users to easily share information on social media platforms. The non-affiliated third parties that own these widgets may have access to information about your browsing on pages of our Sites and Mobile Apps where these widgets are placed.</p>","dismissible":false,"dismissibleADA":"close: U.S. Online Privacy Notice"}},{"label":"U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice","id":"consumer-privacy-notice","panel":{"panelTitle":"<a id='consumerPrivacyFullPageLink' href='/security-center/consumer-privacy-notice' class='full-page-link' target='_self'>FULL PAGE VERSION</a>","dynamicContent":"partial","partialName":"consumer-privacy-notice","content":"required to render partialData","dismissible":false,"dismissibleADA":"close: U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice"}},{"label":"California Consumer Privacy Notice","id":"california-privacy-notice","panel":{"panelTitle":"<a id='californiaPrivacyFullPageLink' href='/security-center/ccpa-disclosure/' class='full-page-link' target='_self'>FULL PAGE VERSION</a>","content":"<h4>California Consumer Privacy Act Disclosure</h4><p>Last updated December 2024</p><h4>Legal Entities</h4><p>This California Consumer Privacy Act Notice (“Notice”) applies to Bank of America legal entities that utilize the brand names Bank of America, Merrill, and BofA Securities, Inc. as well as the following entities: Managed Account Advisors LLC and BAL Investment & Advisory, Inc (“Company”, “we”, “us” or “our”).</p><h4>Applicability</h4><p>Your privacy is important to us. This California Consumer Privacy Act Notice (<a id='printablePdfLink' href='/security-center/spa-assets/images/assets-images-site-security-center-ccpa-disclosure-en-INS-11-20-1086_A_HR.pdf' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>download a printable copy of this Notice</a>; PDF, requires <a id='adobeReaderLink' href='' class='spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn' data-options='{\"interstitialType\":\"leaving-site\",\"interstitialBranding\":\"default\",\"targetAction\":\"new-tab\"}'>Adobe Reader<span class='spa-ada-text ada-hidden'>&nbsp;layer</span></a>) explains how we collect, use, and disclose personal information relating to <strong>California residents</strong> covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (collectively, the “CCPA”). This “Notice” constitutes our notice at collection and our privacy policy pursuant to the CCPA.</p><h4>Introduction</h4><p>Under the CCPA, “Personal Information” is information that identifies, relates to, or could reasonably be linked directly or indirectly with a particular California resident and includes certain categories of Personal Information discussed below that constitute “Sensitive Personal Information.” The CCPA, however, does not apply to certain information, such as information subject to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”).</p><p>The specific Personal Information that we collect, use, and disclose relating to a California resident covered by the CCPA will vary based on our relationship or interaction with that individual. For example, this Notice does not apply with respect to information that we collect about California residents who apply for or obtain our financial products and services for personal, family, or household purposes. For more information about how we collect, disclose, and secure information relating to these customers, please refer to our <a id='uSConsumerPrivacyNotice' href='/security-center/consumer-privacy-notice/' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice</a>.</p><p>Keeping Personal Information secure is one of our most important priorities. Consistent with our obligations under applicable laws and regulations, we maintain physical, technical, electronic, procedural and organizational safeguards and security measures that are designed to protect personal data against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or access, whether it is processed by us or by others on our behalf.</p><h4>Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information</h4><p>In the past 12 months, we may have collected and disclosed for our business purposes each of the following categories of Personal Information relating to California residents covered by this Notice:</p><ul><li>Identifiers such as a real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver's license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers;</li><br><li>Any information that identifies, relates to, describes, or is capable of being associated with, a particular individual, including, but not limited to, his or her name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information;</li><br><li>Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law, such as sex and marital status;</li><br><li>Commercial information, such as records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies;</li><br><li>Biometric information;</li><br><li>Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as browsing history, search history, and information regarding a California resident's interaction with an internet website application or advertisement;</li><br><li>Geolocation data, such as device location and Internet Protocol (IP) location;</li><br><li>Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, or similar information such as call and video recordings;</li><br><li>Professional or employment-related information, such as work history and prior employer;</li><br><li>Education information, directly related to a student; and maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a party acting for the agency or institution;</li><br><li>Inferences drawn from any of the Personal Information listed above to create a profile about a California resident reflecting their preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, and attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes; and</li><br><li>The following categories of Sensitive Personal Information:</li><br><li style='margin-left:30px;list-style:circle;'>Personal Information that reveals:</li><br><li style='margin-left:60px;list-style:square;'>A California resident's Social Security, driver's license, state identification card, or passport number;</li><br><li style='margin-left:60px;list-style:square;'>A California resident's account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or credentials allowing access to an account;</li><br><li style='margin-left:60px;list-style:square;'>A California resident's precise geolocation;</li><br><li style='margin-left:60px;list-style:square;'>A California resident's racial or ethnic origin, citizenship or immigration status, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership;</li><br><li style='margin-left:60px;list-style:square;'>The contents of a California resident's mail, email, and text messages unless the business is the intended recipient of the communication;</li><br><li style='margin-left:30px;list-style:circle;'>The processing of biometric information for the purpose of uniquely identifying a California resident; and</li><br><li style='margin-left:30px;list-style:circle;'>Personal information collected and analyzed concerning a California resident's health.</li></ul><br><p>In addition to collecting Personal Information ourselves, we additionally coordinate with third parties to collect Personal Information on our behalf, which third parties are engaged in one or more of the business practices described below:</p><ul><li>Delivering advertising and marketing, including on non-affiliated persons' or entities' sites and mobile apps;</li><br><li>Facilitating events and event management, including virtual and/or in-person events (e.g., hotels, restaurants, virtual platforms, audio/visual capabilities, food/beverage, transportation services, etc.); and</li><br><li>Referral sources, whether for purposes of identifying candidates for employment, identifying new client opportunities, or recommending vendors or contractors.</li></ul><br><p>The categories of sources from which we collected Personal Information are:</p><ul><li>Directly from a California resident or the individual's representatives;</li><br><li>Service Providers, Consumer Data Resellers, Credit Reporting Agencies and other similar persons or entities;</li><br><li>Public Record Sources (Federal, State or Local Government Sources);</li><br><li>Information from our Affiliates;</li><br><li>Website/Mobile App Activity/Social Media;</li><br><li>Information from Client Directed persons or entities or Institutions representing a Client/Prospect; and</li><br><li>Information from Corporate Clients about individuals associated with the Clients (e.g., an employee or board member).</li></ul><br><p>With respect to each category of Personal Information that we disclosed for a business purpose in the past 12 months, the categories of persons or entities to whom we disclosed that Personal Information are:</p><ul><li>Affiliates of Bank of America;</li><br><li>Service Providers and Contractors who provide services such as website hosting, data analysis, payment processing, order fulfillment, information technology and related infrastructure, customer service, email delivery, auditing, marketing, supporting research activities, credit financing, event management, and real estate management;</li><br><li>Other Service Providers and Contractors who provide services such as payment, banking and communication infrastructure, storage, legal expertise, tax expertise, real estate expertise, appraisal expertise, notaries and auditors, who promote the bank and its financial services and products to customers and other prospective buyers;</li><br><li>Other Service Providers and Contractors who enable customers to conduct transactions online and via mobile devices, support mortgage and fulfillment services, vehicle loan processes and aggregators (at the direction of the customer);</li><br><li>Other persons or entities to whom we transfer Personal Information as an asset that is part of a merger, acquisition or other transaction in which such other person or entity assumes control of all or part of the business;</li><br><li>Government Agencies as required by laws and regulations; and</li><br><li>Other persons or entities with which you may use or direct us to intentionally interact or to which you may use or direct us to intentionally disclose your Personal Information.</li></ul><p>We do not disclose Personal Information to any other categories of third parties.</p><p>We collect, use and disclose for our business purposes Personal Information, including Sensitive Personal Information, relating to California residents to operate, manage, and maintain our business, to provide our products and services, and to accomplish our business or commercial purposes, including the following:</p><ul><li>Performing services, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, providing advertising or marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising, a type of targeted advertising), providing analytic services, providing research services, facilitating event management and execution, managing our real estate portfolio, or providing similar services;</li><br><li>Helping to ensure security and integrity to the extent the use of Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for these purposes;</li><br><li>Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, nonpersonalized advertising shown as part of a current interaction with us, where the information is not disclosed to a third party and is not used to build a profile or otherwise alter the California resident's experience outside the current interaction with us;</li><br><li>Auditing related to counting ad impressions to unique visitors, verifying positioning and quality of ad impressions, and auditing compliance with this specification and other standards;</li><br><li>Undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service controlled by us, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance that service;</li><br><li>Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality;</li><br><li>Undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration; and</li><br><li>Complying with laws and regulations and to comply with other legal process and law enforcement requirements (including any internal policy based on or reflecting legal or regulatory guidance, codes or opinions).</li><br></ul><h4>How Long We Retain Personal Information</h4><p>The length of time that we intend to retain each category of Personal Information will depend on several criteria, including (i) the length of time we are required to retain Personal Information in order to comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, (ii) the length of time we may need to retain Personal Information in order to accomplish the business or commercial purpose(s) for which such Personal Information is collected, used or disclosed (as indicated in this Notice), and (iii) whether you choose to exercise your right, subject to certain exceptions, to request deletion of your Personal Information.</p><h4>Sale or Sharing of Personal Information</h4><p>In the 12 months preceding the date of this Notice, we have not “sold” or “shared” Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information subject to the CCPA nor have we “sold” or “shared” Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information of minors under the age of 16.</p><p>For purposes of this Notice:</p><ul><li>“sold” means the disclosure of Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration; and</li><br><li>“shared” means the disclosure of Personal Information or Sensitive Personal Information to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising.</li></ul><h4>How We Use Sensitive Personal Information</h4><p>We only use or disclose Sensitive Personal Information for the following purposes consistent with CCPA Regulations:</p><ul><li>To perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected by an average California resident who requests those goods or services. For example, a California resident's precise geolocation may be used by a mobile application that is providing them with directions on how to get to a specific location.</li><br><li>To detect security incidents that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of stored or transmitted Personal Information, provided that the use of a California resident's Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, we may disclose a California resident's log-in information to a data security company that it has hired to investigate and remediate a data breach that involved that individual's account.</li><br><li>To resist malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at the business and to prosecute those responsible for those actions, provided that the use of a California resident's Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, we may use information about a California resident's ethnicity and/or the contents of email and text messages to investigate claims of racial discrimination or hate speech.</li><br><li>To ensure the physical safety of natural persons, provided that the use of a California resident's Personal Information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, we may disclose a California resident's geolocation information to law enforcement to investigate an alleged kidnapping.</li><br><li>For short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, nonpersonalized advertising shown as part of a California resident's current interaction with us.</li><br><li>To perform services such as maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying a California resident's information, processing payments, providing financing, providing analytic services, providing storage.</li><br><li>To verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by us, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service or device that is owned, manufactured by, manufactured for, or controlled by us.</li></ul><h4>Rights under the CCPA</h4><p>If you are a California resident covered by the CCPA, you have the right to:</p><p style='margin-left:20px;'>(1) Receive this Notice at or before the point of collection of your Personal Information.</p><p style='margin-left:20px;'>(2) Request we disclose to you free of charge the following information covering the 12 months preceding your request:</p><p style='margin-left:43px;'>a. the categories of Personal Information about you that we collected;</p><p style='margin-left:43px;'>b. the categories of sources from which the Personal Information was collected;</p><p style='margin-left:43px;'>c. the purpose for collecting Personal Information about you;</p><p style='margin-left:43px;'>d. the categories of third parties to whom we disclosed Personal Information about you and the categories of Personal Information that were disclosed (if applicable) and the purpose for disclosing the Personal Information about you; and</p><p style='margin-left:43px;'>e. the specific pieces of Personal Information we collected about you.</p><p style='margin-left:20px;'>(3) Request we correct inaccurate Personal Information that we maintain about you.</p><p style='margin-left:20px;'>(4) Request we delete Personal Information we collected from you, unless the CCPA recognizes an exception.</p><p style='margin-left:20px;'>(5) Be free from unlawful discrimination for exercising your rights under the CCPA.</p><p>Please see the section below entitled, “How to Exercise Your Rights,” for instructions explaining how you can exercise these rights described above.</p><p>Requests for specific pieces of Personal Information will require additional information to verify your identity.</p><p>For individuals submitting a request on behalf of another person, we may require proof of authorization and verification of identity directly from the person for whom the request is made.</p><p>For a company or organization submitting a request on behalf of another person, we may require proof of authorization from the individual such as a Power of Attorney and verification of identity directly from the person for whom the request is made.</p><p>In some instances, we may not be able to honor your request. For example, we will not honor your request if we cannot verify your identity or if we cannot verify that you have the authority to make a request on behalf of another individual. Additionally, we will not honor your request where an exception applies, such as where the disclosure of Personal Information would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of another California resident or where the Personal Information that we maintain about you is not subject to the CCPA's access or deletion rights.</p><p>We will advise you in our response if we are not able to honor your request. We will not provide Social Security numbers, driver's license numbers or government-issued identification numbers, financial account numbers, unique biometric data, health care or medical identification numbers, account passwords or security questions and answers, or any specific pieces of information if the disclosure presents the possibility of unauthorized access that could result in identity theft or fraud or unreasonable risk to data or systems and network security.</p><p>We will work to process all verified requests within 45 days pursuant to the CCPA. If we need an extension for up to an additional 45 days in order to process your request, we will provide you with an explanation for the delay.</p><h4>How We Process Opt-Out Preferences</h4><p>Bank of America permits California residents to automatically exercise their right to opt out of sale/sharing through opt-out preference signals without having to make individualized opt out requests. Bank of America treats opt-out preference signals as valid requests to opt out of sale/sharing for the browser. Please note, however, we do not “sell” or “share” personal information with any third parties, as such terms are defined by the CCPA.</p><h4>How to Exercise Your Rights</h4><p>If you are a California resident, you may submit a request by:</p><p style='margin-left:20px;'>(1) Completing an online <a id='personalInformationRequestForm' href='!/page1' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>Personal Information Request Form</a></p><p style='margin-left:20px;'>(2) Calling 888.341.5000</p><h4>Questions or Concerns</h4><p>You may contact us with questions or concerns about this Notice and our practices by:</p><p style='margin-left:20px;'>(1) Writing us at:</p><p style='font-style:italic;margin-left:43px;'>Individual Rights Operations TX-041-02-08</p><p style='font-style:italic;margin-left:43px;'>16001 N Dallas Pkwy Building 1</p><p style='font-style:italic;margin-left:43px;'>Addison, TX 75001</p><p style='margin-left:20px;'>(2) Emailing us at <a id='emailUsLink' href=''></a></p><h4>Metrics</h4><p>Please visit <a id='ccpaMetrics' href='/ccpa-metrics' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'></a> for data reporting published in accordance with Section 7102 of the California Consumer Privacy Act Regulations.</p><h4>Changes to This California Consumer Privacy Act Notice</h4><p>We may change or update this Notice from time to time. When we do, we will post the revised Notice on this page with a new “Last Updated” date.</p><h4>Where You Can Find This Notice Online</h4><p>You may access this Notice online at <a id='ccpaNotice' href='/CCPA-Notice' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'></a>.</p>","dismissible":false,"dismissibleADA":"close: California Consumer Privacy Notice"}}],"partialData":{"onlinePrivacyNotice":{"content":[{"h2":"Bank of America U.S. Online Privacy Notice","class":"generic-content__main-headline"},{"p":["Last updated March 1, 2024","Your privacy is important to us. We conduct regular assessment reviews and abide by rigorous privacy standards to ensure personal information we collect, use and share is protected. This U.S. Online Privacy Notice (&quot;Notice&quot;) describes how Bank of America and our affiliates manage personal information about you when you interact with us online through our websites, event registration sites, mobile applications and social sites (&quot;Sites and Mobile Apps&quot;) through your computer, smartphone, tablet or other mobile devices (&quot;computer or mobile devices&quot;)."]},{"h3":"This Notice explains","class":"list-heading"},{"ul":[{"li":"How we collect personal information when you visit, use or interact with us online, and through our ads displayed through online services operated by us or non-affiliated third parties."},{"li":"How we may use or share personal information collected to deliver products and services to you and for advertising or event management purposes."}],"class":"list"},{"p":["The term &quot;Bank of America&quot; or &quot;we&quot;, &quot;us&quot; or &quot;our&quot; in this Notice refers to banking and non-banking U.S. affiliates or subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation that link to or reference this Notice.","By using our Sites and Mobile Apps, you agree to the terms and conditions of this Notice. Our U.S. online services covered by this Notice are intended for a U.S. audience. If you visit or use one of our online services, your information may be transferred or processed in the U.S. For Non-U.S. online services, please review the privacy policy applicable to that service to understand how your information is collected, used and shared.","Bank of America works with third-party providers who are contractually obligated to comply with our policies to protect information. However, if you visit or access one of these third-party provider sites or mobile apps, please review the online privacy practices of that site or mobile app to understand the specifics of how your online personal information may be collected, used and shared."]},{"h4":"Updates to this Notice"},{"p":"This Notice is subject to change. We update this Notice periodically to comply with the most recent federal and local laws. Please review it whenever you have questions. If we make changes to this Notice, we will revise the <strong>Last updated</strong> date on this page."},{"h3":"Our Online Privacy Practices"},{"p":"We are committed to transparency about your personal information. We ask for your consent when required, otherwise by using our Site and Mobile Apps, you consent to the collection, use and sharing of your personal information subject to and consistent with applicable laws, regulations and other notices you may have received based on your relationship with us."},{"h4":"Linking to other sites"},{"p":"We may provide links to non-affiliated third-party sites, such as credit bureaus, service providers or merchants. If you follow links to sites not affiliated with, or controlled by Bank of America, you should review their privacy and security policies and other terms and conditions, as they may be different from those of our Sites and Mobile Apps. Bank of America does not guarantee and is not responsible for the privacy or security of these sites, including the accuracy, completeness or reliability of their information."},{"h4":"Protecting your personal information"},{"p":["To protect personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with applicable federal and state laws. These measures may include device safeguards and secured files and buildings as well as oversight of our third-party providers to ensure personal information remains confidential and secure. In the event of a data breach, we provide timely notification, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.","We recognize the importance of protecting privacy where children are involved. Our Sites and Mobile Apps are not marketed to individuals under the age of 13. Accounts that include online access for children under the age of 13 are owned by a parent or guardian and require specific consent for online access. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 without prior parental consent. Read our <a id='childrenPolicy' href='/online-banking/childrens-privacy-policy/'>Children's Privacy Policy</a> for more information."]},{"h4":"Making sure personal information is accurate"},{"p":"Keeping your personal information accurate and up to date is very important. If your personal information is incomplete, inaccurate or not current, please use the <strong>Contact Us</strong> option on our Sites and Mobile Apps, or call or write to us at the telephone numbers or appropriate address for changes listed on your account statements, records, online or other account materials. You can also speak to a customer representative at a financial center, your Financial Advisor or account representative."},{"h3":"Personal Information We Collect Online"},{"h4":"How do we collect personal information online?"},{"p":"We collect personal information about you through your computer or mobile devices by the use of cookies and similar tracking technologies (see our <a id='cookiesGuide' href='/content/documents/privacy/Cookie_Guide_eng.pdf' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>Cookie Policy</a> for details) as well as personal information you provide when you visit or use our Sites and Mobile Apps, for example when you:"},{"ul":[{"li":"Apply for or open a new account"},{"li":"Register for a new product or service, or request information about a product or service"},{"li":"Register as a participant in one of our events"},{"li":"Complete a survey, contest or sweepstakes or other promotion"},{"li":"Use aggregation services such as My Portfolio&reg; and My Financial Picture&reg; in order to consolidate your financial account or information at one online location"}],"class":"list"},{"p":["We may use third-party providers to process personal information for business purposes on our behalf. Third-party providers are contractually obligated to comply with our policies to protect information we share with them or they collect on our behalf.","We also may obtain personal information from a sponsor for individuals onboarded via a Commercial Prepaid card program with us. If we combine such personal information with information collected through the Mobile Services, we will treat the combined information as personal information in accordance with this Notice.","The personal information we collect is limited to what is required to provide our products or services and to support legal and risk requirements. For additional information, please review the <strong>How do we use your personal information</strong> section of this Notice."]},{"h4":"Types of personal information we collect online"},{"p":"The type of personal information we collect from and about you online will depend on how you interact with us and may include:"},{"ul":[{"li":"<strong>Contact Information</strong> such as name, mailing address, email address, telephone and mobile number(s)."},{"li":"<strong>Account Application information</strong> such as credit and income information."},{"li":"<strong>Identifiers</strong> such as Social Security number, account number(s), driver's license number (or comparable) or other information that identifies you for ordinary business purposes."},{"li":"<strong>Access Authorization</strong> such as user ID, alias, PIN and password and security questions and answers."},{"li":"<strong>Documents or images</strong> submitted via our Site or Mobile Apps to support account opening, such as statements and voided checks."},{"li":"<strong>Debit/Credit Card Information</strong> such as card number, expiration date, CVV2, billing address."},{"li":"<strong>Information from your computer and mobile devices where allowed by individual browsers and/or operating systems</strong>, such as:"},{"ul":[{"li":"Unique device identifiers (for example Media Access Control (MAC) and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses)"},{"li":"Browser type, version, language, and display/screen settings"},{"li":"Information about how you use and interact with our Sites and Mobile Apps (for example, activities on pages visited, links clicked or unique and measurable patterns such as keystrokes, mouse clicks and movements, swipes and gestures)"},{"li":"Communications data, such as your communication preferences and details or the content of your communications with us (e.g., text messages, chat messages)"},{"li":"Responses to advertisements on sites and mobile apps where we advertise"},{"li":"Log information such as your search and voice to text queries in the mobile app"},{"li":"Search engine referrals"},{"li":"Geolocation information (for example, for real time ATM or financial center location, upon request, or for fraud prevention)"},{"li":"Social media preference"}],"class":"list"},{"li":"<strong>Information to facilitate virtual or in-person event management</strong> (for example, attendee names, dietary requirements, special assistance needs, and travel details for participants)."}],"class":"list"},{"h3":"How We Use and Share Personal Information"},{"h4":"How do we use your personal information?"},{"p":"Personal information collected from and about you online described in this Notice may be used for many purposes such as:"},{"ul":[{"li":"<strong>Delivering products and services to you</strong> by verifying your identity (for example when you access your account information); processing applications for products or services such as to prequalify for a mortgage, apply for a credit card, or to open a retirement account, investment account or other financial product; processing transactions; providing customer service/production support; finding nearby ATMs, financial centers, and other specialized location based services near your location; and consolidating your financial account information at one online location with services such as My Portfolio&reg; and My Financial Picture&reg;."},{"li":"<strong>Personalizing your digital and mobile experience</strong> by enhancing our Sites and Mobile Apps organization and design and analyze data to create relevant alerts, products or services."},{"li":"<strong>Providing advertising</strong> on our Sites and Mobile Apps as well as non-affiliated third-party sites and through off-line channels like financial centers, call centers and direct marketing (for example email, mail and phone)."},{"li":"<strong>Detecting and preventing fraud</strong>, identify theft and other risks to you or Bank of America."},{"li":"<strong>Performing analytics</strong> concerning your use of our online services, including your responses to our emails and the pages and advertisements you view."},{"li":"<strong>Complying with and enforcing applicable legal requirements</strong>, industry standards, contractual obligations and our policies."},{"li":"<strong>Allowing you to use features within our Sites and Mobile Apps</strong> when you grant us access to personal information from your device, such as contact lists, or geo-location when you request certain services that requires such access, for example locating an ATM."},{"li":"<strong>Providing notifications concerning events</strong> for which you've registered, providing analysis to improve our events and develop new events, determining event overall effectiveness, enhancing products and services, operating and expanding our business activities."}],"class":"list"},{"p":"We retain personal information for a period of time as required by laws and regulations and the necessary business purpose. We securely delete personal information as soon as legally permitted."},{"P":"California residents covered by the California Consumer Privacy Act may have additional rights. To learn more, California residents can reference the <a id='ccpaDisclosure' href='/security-center/ccpa-disclosure/' rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>California Consumer Privacy Act Notice</a> for additional information."},{"h4":"Individual health and/or sensitive information"},{"p":"To the extent that we receive, maintain or process an individual's health information, Bank of America may use and disclose that information as authorized by and in accordance with applicable federal and/or state law."},{"p":"At the time of event registration participants may provide information that requires special accommodations. This information will be used only to the extent necessary to facilitate any special accommodations for event participation."},{"h4":"With whom do we share your personal information?"},{"p":"We may share the personal information we collect from and about you online described in this Notice (and subject to other legal restrictions and notices you may have received depending on your relationship with us) with:"},{"ul":[{"li":"<strong>Affiliates and Subsidiaries of Bank of America</strong>, such as Merrill."},{"li":"<strong>Third-Party Providers</strong> who have contracts with Bank of America."},{"li":"<strong>Government Agencies</strong> as required by laws and regulations."}],"class":"list"},{"h4":"Aggregated / De-identified Information"},{"p":"Collected personal information may be aggregated and/or de-identified (we remove any details that identify you personally). We may share this aggregated and/or de-identified information with third-party providers to help deliver products, services, and content that are better tailored to the users of our online services and for our own business purposes where permissible under applicable laws and regulations."},{"h4":"How to limit sharing"},{"p":"You have choices regarding the sharing of some personal information. Where appropriate, we will limit sharing of your personal information based on your marketing and information sharing choices. You can register your choices online at <a id='choicesOnline' href=''>Control How We Can Share Your Data and Market To You</a>."},{"h3":"Online Behavioral Advertising"},{"h4":"What is Online Behavioral Advertising?"},{"p":["Personal information collected from and about you online, as described in this Notice, is used and shared to deliver advertising and marketing, including prescreened offers of credit, which may be of interest to you.","We present tailored ads to you:"]},{"ul":[{"li":"On our Sites and Mobile Apps through ads that appear as you sign on or off of your online accounts."},{"li":"In off-line channels such as financial centers, call centers, and through direct marketing (for example email, mail, phone)."},{"li":"On third-party sites and mobile apps not affiliated with Bank of America."}],"class":"list"},{"h4":"How we tailor ads to you"},{"ul":[{"li":"<strong>Advertising on our sites, mobile apps and off-line channels such as financial centers, call centers, and through direct marketing (for example email, mail, phone):</strong> We may use personal information about your activities on our Sites and Mobile Apps, such as pages visited and key words entered, to help determine which of our ads or offers may be of interest to you. We may use personal information about your relationship with us (such as types of accounts, transactional information or the location in which you bank) to help determine which advertisements or offers to present to you."},{"li":"<strong>Advertising on non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps:</strong> Bank of America contracts with advertising companies to advertise our products and services on sites and mobile apps not affiliated with us. We may use personal information we have collected or that you have provided to assist our non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps to select bank ads or offers that may appeal to you, display them to you and monitor your responses. Non-affiliated third-party sites and mobile apps are not subject to Bank of America Privacy Notices."}],"class":"list"},{"h4":"How you can opt out of Online Behavioral Advertising","id":"advertising-on-our-sites"},{"ul":[{"li":"<strong>Advertising on Non-Affiliated Third-Party sites:</strong> Bank of America participates in the Digital Advertising Alliance (&quot;DAA&quot;) self-regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising and uses the Advertising Options Icon on our behavioral ads on non-affiliated third-party sites (excluding ads appearing on platforms that do not accept the icon). Ads served on our behalf by these companies do not contain unencrypted personal information and we limit the use of personal information by companies that serve our ads. To learn more about ad choices, or to opt out of interest-based advertising with non-affiliated third-party sites, visit <a id='yourAdChoices' href='' class='spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn' data-options='{\"interstitialType\":\"leaving-site\",\"interstitialBranding\":\"default\",\"targetAction\":\"new-tab\"}'>YourAdChoices<span class='spa-ada-text ada-hidden'>&nbsp;layer</span></a> powered by the Digital Advertising Alliance or through the <a id='networkAdvertisingInitiative' href='' class='spa-ui-layer-link spa-fn' data-options='{\"interstitialType\":\"leaving-site\",\"interstitialBranding\":\"default\",\"targetAction\":\"new-tab\"}'>Network Advertising Initiative's Opt-Out Tool<span class='spa-ada-text ada-hidden'>&nbsp;layer</span></a>. You may also visit the individual sites for additional information on their data and privacy practices and opt-out options."}],"class":"list"},{"p":"Industry standards continue to evolve around web browser \"do not track\" signals or configurations set in your internet browser. In addition to the advertising opt-out options above, Bank of America captures opt out preference signals, and to the extent users have rights under applicable law, treats them as valid requests to opt out of sale/sharing at the browser level."},{"h4":"Reminder"},{"p":"Please note that if you opt out of this advertising:"},{"ul":[{"li":"You may still receive general advertising from Bank of America."},{"li":"When accessing online account servicing areas (i.e. after login), such as Online Banking, Merrill Edge or MyMerrill, you may receive tailored content and advertising based on your account relationships."},{"li":"Financial Advisors/Client Managers may continue to use personal information collected online as described in this Notice to provide details on products and services in accordance with account agreements."},{"li":"In order for online behavioral advertising opt outs from our Sites and Mobile Apps and on other sites to work on your device, your browser must be set to accept cookies."},{"li":"If you delete cookies, buy a new device, access our Sites and Mobile Apps or other sites from a different device, login under a different screen name, or change web browsers, you will need to opt out again."}],"class":"list"},{"h3":"Additional Information"},{"h4":"Third-Party Data Sharing"},{"p":"Some companies may offer aggregation websites and services that allow you to share your data with them in order to consolidate your account information from different sources (such as your accounts with us or with other financial institutions) so that you can view it in one location or perform actions related to your accounts using their services. To do this, a third-party may request you to authorize access to your Bank of America accounts by providing your Bank of America user ID and password or by providing your information-sharing consent directly to Bank of America."},{"ul":[{"li":"The third-party may access, on your behalf, information about you, your Bank of America relationship, and your accounts at Bank of America."},{"li":"You should use caution and ensure that the third-party has appropriate policies and practices to protect the privacy and security of any personal information you provide or to which they are gaining access."},{"li":"Use of your information by the third-party is governed by your agreement with them, not by Bank of America. We recommend reviewing the third party's policies before sharing your personal information to understand how they will use and store your account information. For example, look for whether they sell any of your personal information, and if your information will be transferred, processed, or stored outside of the United States."},{"li":"We are not responsible for the use or disclosure of any personal information accessed by any company or person to whom you provide your site user ID and password."},{"li":"If you share your Bank of America user ID, password or other information about your accounts with others, we will consider that you have authorized any transaction or action initiated by using the access information you provide."},{"li":"If you decide to revoke the authority you have given to a third-party, we strongly recommend that you change your Bank of America password to ensure that the third-party cannot continue to access your account."},{"li":"You may revoke your consent for certain third parties through the Security Center within <a id='bankOfAmericaOnlineBanking' href='/'>Bank of America Online Banking</a>."}],"class":"list"},{"h4":"Social Media"},{"p":"Bank of America engages with customers on social media platforms such as Facebook&reg;, X&reg;, YouTube&reg; and LinkedIn&reg;."},{"ul":[{"li":"Any content you post on official Bank of America managed social media pages, such as pictures, information, opinions or any personal information that you make available to other participants on these social platforms, is subject to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policies of those respective platforms."},{"li":"When interacting with official Bank of America social media pages, Bank of America's privacy notices, <a id='socialMediaUserTerms' href=''>Social Media User Terms</a> and <a id='communityGuidelines' href=''>Community Guidelines</a> may apply."},{"li":"Please review the privacy policy for the specific social media service you are using to better understand your rights and obligations with regard to such content."}],"class":"list"},{"p":"We may allow social share buttons on our sites that enable users to easily share information on social media platforms. The non-affiliated third parties that own these widgets may have access to information about your browsing on pages of our Sites and Mobile Apps where these widgets are placed."}]},"consumerPrivacyNotice":{"pageHeader":"U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice","pageSections":[{"isRowContent":true,"rows":[{"leftHeading":"FACTS","rowContent":"<strong>WHAT DOES BANK OF AMERICA DO WITH YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION?</strong>"},{"leftHeading":"Why?","rowContent":"Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Under federal law, that means personally identifiable information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do."},{"leftHeading":"What?","rowContent":"The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us.<br>This information can include:","rowContentListItems":["Social Security number and employment information","account balances, transaction history and credit information","assets and investment experience"]},{"leftHeading":"How?","rowContent":"All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’ personal information; the reasons Bank of America chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing."}]},{"isTableContent":true,"tableSummary":"This 3-column table provides information about the reasons why Bank of America can share your personal information.","tableHeaders":["Reasons we can share your personal information","Does Bank of America share?","Can you limit this sharing?"],"tableRows":[{"rowCells":["<strong>For our everyday business purposes</strong> &mdash; such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus","Yes","No"]},{"rowCells":["<strong>For our marketing purposes</strong> &mdash; with service providers we use to offer our products and services to you (please see below to limit the ways we contact you)","Yes","No"]},{"rowCells":["<strong>For joint marketing with other financial companies</strong>","Yes","No"]},{"rowCells":["<strong>For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes</strong> &mdash; information about your transactions and experiences","Yes","No"]},{"rowCells":["<strong>For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes</strong> &mdash; information about your creditworthiness","Yes","Yes"]},{"rowCells":["<strong>For nonaffiliates to market to you</strong> &mdash; for all credit card accounts","Yes","Yes"]},{"rowCells":["<strong>For nonaffiliates to market to you</strong> &mdash; for accounts and services endorsed by another organization (e.g., debit card co-branded with a baseball team) “Sponsored Accounts”","Yes","Yes"]},{"rowCells":["<strong>For nonaffiliates to market to you</strong> &mdash; for accounts other than credit card accounts and Sponsored Accounts, such as insurance, investments, deposit and lending","No","We don't share"]}]},{"isRowContent":true,"rows":[{"leftHeading":"To limit our sharing","rowContent":"","rowContentListItems":["Visit us online: <a id='' href='/privacy' target='_self'></a>","Call <a id='' href='tel:888-341-5000' target='_self'>888.341.5000</a> &mdash; our menu will prompt you through your choices","Talk to your assigned financial advisor"],"rowNotes":"<strong>Please note:</strong> If you are a <strong><em>new</em></strong> customer, we can begin sharing your information 45 days from the date we sent this notice. When you are <strong><em>no longer</em></strong> our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice. However, you can contact us at any time to limit our sharing."},{"leftHeading":"To limit direct marketing contact","rowContent":"","rowContentListItems":["Visit us online: <a id='' href='/privacy' target='_self'></a>","Call <a id='' href='tel:888-341-5000' target='_self'>888.341.5000</a> &mdash; our menu will prompt you through your choices","Talk to your assigned financial advisor"],"rowNotes":"<strong>Please Note:</strong> Direct marketing is email, postal mail and telephone marketing. Your telephone and postal mail opt-out choices will last for five years, subject to applicable law. Even if you limit direct marketing, we may still contact you to service your account or as otherwise allowed by law."},{"leftHeading":"Questions?","rowContent":"Call <a id='' href='tel:888-341-5000' target='_self'>888.341.5000</a> or go to <a id='' href='/privacy' target='_self'></a>"}]},{"isArticleContent":true,"topHeading":"Who we are","rows":[{"leftContent":"Who is providing this notice?","rightContent":{"topContent":"Bank of America U.S. legal entities that utilize the names: Bank of America, Banc of America, Bank of America Private Bank or Merrill, as well as the entities listed in the <em>Bank of America U.S. legal entities</em> section."}}]},{"isArticleContent":true,"topHeading":"What we do","rows":[{"leftContent":"How does Bank of America protect my personal information?","rightContent":{"topContent":"To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings. For more information, visit <a id='' href='/security' target='_self'></a> or <a id='' href='' target='_self'></a>."}},{"leftContent":"How does Bank of America collect my personal information?","rightContent":{"topContent":"We collect your personal information, for example, when you:","listContent":["open an account or perform transactions","apply for a loan or use your credit or debit card","seek advice about your investments"],"bottomContent":"We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates, or other companies."}},{"leftContent":"Why can’t I limit all sharing?","rightContent":{"topContent":"Federal law gives you the right to limit some but not all sharing related to:","listContent":["affiliates’ everyday business purposes—information about your creditworthiness","affiliates from using your information to market to you","nonaffiliates to market to you"],"bottomContent":"State laws and individual Bank of America companies may give you more rights to limit sharing. See <em>Other important information</em> section for your rights under state law."}},{"leftContent":"What happens when I limit sharing for an account I hold jointly with someone else?","rightContent":{"topContent":"Your choices will apply to you alone unless you tell us otherwise. However, your choice to limit sharing with nonaffiliates to market to you for credit card accounts or Sponsored Accounts will apply to all joint account holders. If you have more than one credit card account or Sponsored Account and you choose to opt out, you will need to do so for each account."}}]},{"isArticleContent":true,"topHeading":"Definitions","rows":[{"leftContent":"Affiliates","rightContent":{"topContent":"Companies related by common ownership or control. They can be Financial and nonfinancial companies.","listContent":["Our affiliates include companies that utilize the names Bank of America, Banc of America, Private Bank or Merrill."]}},{"leftContent":"Nonaffiliates","rightContent":{"topContent":"Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies.","listContent":["Nonaffiliates we share with can include financial services companies such as insurance agencies or mortgage brokers, nonfinancial companies such as retailers, travel companies and membership groups; and other companies such as nonprofit groups."]}},{"leftContent":"Joint marketing","rightContent":{"topContent":"A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you.","listContent":["Our joint marketing partners include financial services companies."]}}]},{"isArticleContent":true,"topHeading":"Other Important Information","rows":[{"content":"<strong>Do Not Call Policy.</strong> This notice is the Bank of America Do Not Call Policy under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. We do not solicit via telephone numbers listed on the state or federal Do Not Call lists, unless the law allows. Bank of America employees receive training on how to document and process telephone marketing choices. Consumers who ask not to receive telephone solicitations from Bank of America will be placed on the Bank of America Do Not Call list and will not be called in future campaigns, including those of Bank of America affiliates.<br><strong>Call Monitoring and Recording.</strong> If you communicate with us by telephone, we may monitor or record the call."},{"content":"<strong>For Nevada residents only.</strong> We are providing you this notice under state law. You may be placed on our internal Do Not Call List by following the directions in the<em> To limit direct marketing contact</em> section. Nevada law requires we provide the following contact information: Bureau of Consumer Protection, Office of the Nevada Attorney General, 555 E. Washington Avenue, Suite 3900, Las Vegas, NV 89101; Phone number: 702.486.3132; email:; Bank of America, P.O. Box 25118, Tampa, FL 33622-5118; Phone number: 888.341.5000; Click on “Contact Us” at <a id='' href='/privacy' target='_self'></a>."},{"content":"<strong>Vermont:</strong> Under Vermont law, we will not share information we collect about Vermont residents with companies outside of our corporate family, unless the law allows. For example, we may share information with your consent, to service your accounts or under joint marketing agreements with other financial institutions with which we have joint marketing agreements. We will not share information about your creditworthiness within our corporate family except with your consent, but we may share information about our transactions or experiences with you within our corporate family without your consent."},{"content":"<strong>California:</strong> Under California law, we will not share information we collect about you with companies outside of Bank of America, unless the law allows. For example, we may share information with your consent, to service your accounts, or to provide rewards or benefits you are entitled to. We will limit sharing among our companies to the extent required by California law."},{"content":"<strong>For Insurance Customers in AZ, CA, CT, GA, IL, ME, MA, MN, MT, NV, NJ, NC, OH, OR and VA only.</strong> The term “Information” in this part means customer information obtained in an insurance transaction. We may give your Information to state insurance officials, law enforcement, group policy holders about claims experience or auditors as the law allows or requires. We may give your Information to insurance support companies that may keep it or give it to others. We may share medical Information so we can learn if you qualify for coverage, process claims or prevent fraud, or if you say we can. To see your Information, write Insurance Operations, FL9-805-03-12, 4800 Deer Lake Drive East, Jacksonville, FL 32246. You must state your full name, address, the insurance company, policy number (if relevant) and the Information you want. We will tell you what Information we have. You may see and copy the Information (unless privileged) at our office or ask that we mail you a copy for a fee. If you think any Information is wrong, you must write us. We will let you know what actions we take. If you do not agree with our actions, you may send us a statement."}]},{"isArticleContent":true,"topHeading":"Bank of America U.S. legal entities","rows":[{"content":"Bank of America U.S. legal entities that utilize the names: Bank of America, Banc of America, Private Bank or Merrill and the entity Managed Account Advisors L.L.C."}]}],"revisionDate":"Rev 01/2024"}},"type":"standard"},"privacyNoticeSmall":{"id":"privacyNoticeSqueezebox","type":"squeezebox","options":{"oneAtATime":true,"color":"gray"},"panels":[{"label":"U.S. Online Privacy Notice","dynamicContent":"module","moduleId":"onlinePrivacyNoticeContent","data":{"bactmln":"Module_content"}},{"label":"U.S. Consumer Privacy Notice","dynamicContent":"module","moduleId":"consumerPrivacyNoticeContent","data":{"bactmln":"Module_content"}},{"label":"California Consumer Privacy 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Relationship-based ads and online behavioral advertising help us do that.</p><p>Bank of America participates in the Digital Advertising Alliance ("DAA") self-regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising and uses the Advertising Options Icon on our behavioral ads on non-affiliated third-party sites (excluding ads appearing on platforms that do not accept the icon). Ads served on our behalf by these companies do not contain unencrypted personal information and we limit the use of personal information by companies that serve our ads. 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