JWasm WinDbg Debug Session

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 FINAL//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Japheth"> <META NAME="keywords" content="JWasm, MASM, Macro Assembler, JWlink"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="JWasm, a Masm-compatible Assembler"> <TITLE>JWasm WinDbg Debug Session</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY TOPMARGIN=4 LEFTMARGIN=4 MARGINWIDTH=4 MARGINHEIGHT=4> <H2> Debugging with WinDbg, 32- and 64-bit</H2> <P>To prepare symbolic debugging with WinDbg, the assembly source must be assembled with JWasm's <a href="Manual.html#CMDOPTZI">-Zi</a> option. Additionally, the MS linker has to be invoked with option /DEBUG. When WinDbg is launched, it will stop very early, before dlls have been initialized. To make it stop at the application's entry point, enter a "g start" ( or whatever the actual name of the entry point is ). <P> Screenshots of WinDbg sessions: <P>WinDbg, debugging a 32-bit Windows console application:<br> <IMG border="1" SRC="windbg32.png"> <P>WinDbg, debugging a 64-bit Windows GUI application:<br> <IMG border="1" SRC="windbg64.png"> <P>WinDbg, debugging a 64-bit Windows GUI application, with open locals view:<br> <IMG border="1" SRC="windbg64_2.png"> </BODY> </HTML>

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