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href="">arXiv:2503.19038</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/PerComWorkshops59983.2024.10502957 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Enhancing V2X Communications with UAV-mounted Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Janji%2C+S">Salim Janji</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawe艂 Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.19038v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> This paper addresses the crucial need for reliable wireless communication in vehicular networks, particularly vital for the safety and efficacy of (semi-)autonomous driving amid increasing traffic. We explore the use of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISes) mounted on Drone Relay Stations (DRS) to enhance communication reliability. Our study formulates an optimization problem to pinpoint the… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.19038v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2503.19038v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.19038v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> This paper addresses the crucial need for reliable wireless communication in vehicular networks, particularly vital for the safety and efficacy of (semi-)autonomous driving amid increasing traffic. We explore the use of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISes) mounted on Drone Relay Stations (DRS) to enhance communication reliability. Our study formulates an optimization problem to pinpoint the optimal location and orientation of the DRS, thereby creating an additional propagation path for vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. We introduce a heuristic approach that combines trajectory optimization for DRS positioning and a Q-learning scheme for RIS orientation. Our results not only confirm the convergence of the Q-learning algorithm but also demonstrate significant communication improvements achieved by integrating a DRS into V2X networks. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.19038v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2503.19038v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 24 March, 2025; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2025. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">The contribution of the paper was presented during the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, PerCom Workshops 2024 by the IEEE</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> 2024 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops), Biarritz, France, 2024, pp. 708-713 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2503.18915</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/WiMob61911.2024.10770363 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Signal Propagation in RIS-Aided 5G Systems </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Samorzewski%2C+A">Adam Samorzewski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.18915v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In this paper, we conduct an in-depth analysis of radio signal propagation characteristics within the urban environment of Poznan (Poland). The study specifically addresses the deployment of a 5th generation (5G NR - New Radio) Radio Access Network (RAN), which comprises 8 strategically positioned Base Stations (BSs). These base stations are configured with either Single Input Single Output (SISO)… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.18915v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2503.18915v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.18915v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In this paper, we conduct an in-depth analysis of radio signal propagation characteristics within the urban environment of Poznan (Poland). The study specifically addresses the deployment of a 5th generation (5G NR - New Radio) Radio Access Network (RAN), which comprises 8 strategically positioned Base Stations (BSs). These base stations are configured with either Single Input Single Output (SISO) or Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna technologies, contingent upon the specific requirements of the network cells they serve. A key focus of our research is the integration of 15 reflecting arrays, known as Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs), which were installed throughout the study area. These RISs were deployed at various suspension heights to evaluate their impact on radio signal propagation and coverage. By exploring the influence of these RIS matrices, our research sheds light on their potential to significantly enhance signal quality, particularly in urban environments. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.18915v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2503.18915v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 24 March, 2025; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2025. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> 20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2024), Paris, France, 2024, pp. 443-448 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2503.18203</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.15199/59.2024.4.58 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Charakterystyka odbiciowa inteligentnych matryc antenowych </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Hatka%2C+P">Pawe艂 Hatka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Brz%C4%85ka%C5%82a%2C+D">Dawid Brz膮ka艂a</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Garczyk%2C+M">Marcel Garczyk</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=P%C5%82aczkiewicz%2C+P">Pawe艂 P艂aczkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sieradzka%2C+M">Marta Sieradzka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Prentki%2C+C">Cyryl Prentki</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Jaworski%2C+T">Tomasz Jaworski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Cicho%C5%84%2C+K">Krzysztof Cicho艅</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.18203v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> This paper presents the results of reflection characteristics measurements for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS). The measurements were carried out in a non-ideal environment, i.e. typical for subsequent practical use of RISes. During the experiments, popular matrices implemented in the open-source project OpenSource- RIS were used. The study focused on obtaining two types of reflection ch… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.18203v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2503.18203v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.18203v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> This paper presents the results of reflection characteristics measurements for reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS). The measurements were carried out in a non-ideal environment, i.e. typical for subsequent practical use of RISes. During the experiments, popular matrices implemented in the open-source project OpenSource- RIS were used. The study focused on obtaining two types of reflection characteristics - two- and three-dimensional. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.18203v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2503.18203v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 23 March, 2025; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2025. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">4 pages, in Polish language, 10 figures, presented during conference</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2503.16895</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/CSCN63874.2024.10849693 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Indoor Localization Based on MSC Map </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Ku%C5%82acz%2C+%C5%81">艁ukasz Ku艂acz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Ruseckas%2C+J">Julius Ruseckas</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Molis%2C+G">Gediminas Molis</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.16895v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In this short paper, we propose a technique for AI-based identification of modulation and coding schemes (MCS) in surrounding cellular signals. Based on the created MCS map, we evaluate the performance of indoor localization techniques. </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.16895v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In this short paper, we propose a technique for AI-based identification of modulation and coding schemes (MCS) in surrounding cellular signals. Based on the created MCS map, we evaluate the performance of indoor localization techniques. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.16895v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2503.16895v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 21 March, 2025; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2025. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">2 pages, 2 figures. 2024 IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN)</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2503.11566</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Systems and Control">eess.SY</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Experimental evaluation of xApp Conflict Mitigation Framework in O-RAN: Insights from Testbed deployment in OTIC </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sultana%2C+A">Abida Sultana</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Adamczyk%2C+C">Cezary Adamczyk</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Chowdhury%2C+M+R">Mayukh Roy Chowdhury</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Da+Silva%2C+A">Aloizio Da Silva</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.11566v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Conflict Mitigation (CM) in Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) is a topic that is gaining importance as commercial O-RAN deployments become more complex. Although research on CM is already covered in terms of simulated network scenarios, it lacks validation using real-world deployment and Over The Air (OTA) Radio Frequency (RF) transmission. Our objective is to conduct the first assessment of the C… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.11566v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2503.11566v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.11566v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Conflict Mitigation (CM) in Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) is a topic that is gaining importance as commercial O-RAN deployments become more complex. Although research on CM is already covered in terms of simulated network scenarios, it lacks validation using real-world deployment and Over The Air (OTA) Radio Frequency (RF) transmission. Our objective is to conduct the first assessment of the Conflict Mitigation Framework (CMF) for O-RAN using a real-world testbed and OTA RF transmission. This paper presents results of an experiment using a dedicated testbed built in an O-RAN Open Test and Integration Center (OTIC) to confirm the validity of one of the Conflict Resolution (CR) schemes proposed by existing research. The results show that the implemented conflict detection and resolution mechanisms allow a significant improvement in network operation stability by reducing the variability of the measured Downlink (DL) throughput by 78%. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.11566v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2503.11566v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 14 March, 2025; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2025. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2503.04184</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Artificial Intelligence">cs.AI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Computation and Language">cs.CL</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Large-Scale AI in Telecom: Charting the Roadmap for Innovation, Scalability, and Enhanced Digital Experiences </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Shahid%2C+A">Adnan Shahid</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Al-Tahmeesschi%2C+A">Ahmed Al-Tahmeesschi</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Elbakary%2C+A">Ahmed Elbakary</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Nikou%2C+A">Alexandros Nikou</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Maatouk%2C+A">Ali Maatouk</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Mokh%2C+A">Ali Mokh</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kazemi%2C+A">Amirreza Kazemi</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=De+Domenico%2C+A">Antonio De Domenico</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Karapantelakis%2C+A">Athanasios Karapantelakis</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Cheng%2C+B">Bo Cheng</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Yang%2C+B">Bo Yang</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Wang%2C+B">Bohao Wang</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Fischione%2C+C">Carlo Fischione</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Zhang%2C+C">Chao Zhang</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Issaid%2C+C+B">Chaouki Ben Issaid</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Yuen%2C+C">Chau Yuen</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Peng%2C+C">Chenghui Peng</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Huang%2C+C">Chongwen Huang</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Chaccour%2C+C">Christina Chaccour</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Thomas%2C+C+K">Christo Kurisummoottil Thomas</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sharma%2C+D">Dheeraj Sharma</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kalogiros%2C+D">Dimitris Kalogiros</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Niyato%2C+D">Dusit Niyato</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=De+Poorter%2C+E">Eli De Poorter</a> , et al. (110 additional authors not shown) </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.04184v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> This white paper discusses the role of large-scale AI in the telecommunications industry, with a specific focus on the potential of generative AI to revolutionize network functions and user experiences, especially in the context of 6G systems. It highlights the development and deployment of Large Telecom Models (LTMs), which are tailored AI models designed to address the complex challenges faced b… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.04184v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2503.04184v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2503.04184v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> This white paper discusses the role of large-scale AI in the telecommunications industry, with a specific focus on the potential of generative AI to revolutionize network functions and user experiences, especially in the context of 6G systems. It highlights the development and deployment of Large Telecom Models (LTMs), which are tailored AI models designed to address the complex challenges faced by modern telecom networks. The paper covers a wide range of topics, from the architecture and deployment strategies of LTMs to their applications in network management, resource allocation, and optimization. It also explores the regulatory, ethical, and standardization considerations for LTMs, offering insights into their future integration into telecom infrastructure. The goal is to provide a comprehensive roadmap for the adoption of LTMs to enhance scalability, performance, and user-centric innovation in telecom networks. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2503.04184v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2503.04184v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 6 March, 2025; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2025. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2411.03017</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.15199/59.2024.4.10 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Rozproszone Wykrywanie Zaj臋to艣ci Widma Oparte na Uczeniu Federacyjnym </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Ku%C5%82acz%2C+%C5%81">艁ukasz Ku艂acz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2411.03017v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Spectrum occupancy detection is a key enabler for dynamic spectrum access, where machine learning algorithms are successfully utilized for detection improvement. However, the main challenge is limited access to labeled data about users transmission presence needed in supervised learning models. We present a distributed federated learning approach that addresses this challenge for sensors without a… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2411.03017v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2411.03017v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2411.03017v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Spectrum occupancy detection is a key enabler for dynamic spectrum access, where machine learning algorithms are successfully utilized for detection improvement. However, the main challenge is limited access to labeled data about users transmission presence needed in supervised learning models. We present a distributed federated learning approach that addresses this challenge for sensors without access to learning data. The paper discusses the results of the conducted hardware experiment, where FL has been applied for DVB-T signal detection. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2411.03017v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2411.03017v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 5 November, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> November 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">4 pages, in Polish language, 10 figures</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2410.17618</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/LWC.2024.3484312 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> V2V Path Loss Modeling at 26 GHz Based on Real-Traffic Measurements </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawel Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawel Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sybis%2C+M">Michal Sybis</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2410.17618v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In this letter, we investigate single-slope path loss models complemented with shadowing effects in the context of vehicular communications. We present several models obtained based on extensive measurement campaigns with inter-vehicle transmission conducted at 26.555 GHz in real-traffic experiments, mainly along high-speed roads. Particular attention has been put on the impact of aerial character… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2410.17618v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2410.17618v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2410.17618v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In this letter, we investigate single-slope path loss models complemented with shadowing effects in the context of vehicular communications. We present several models obtained based on extensive measurement campaigns with inter-vehicle transmission conducted at 26.555 GHz in real-traffic experiments, mainly along high-speed roads. Particular attention has been put on the impact of aerial characteristics (omnidirectional versus directional), surrounding environment (e.g., urban versus rural), and their mounting point on cars (at the rooftop, on the bumper, and below the car chassis). Finally, the effect of signal ducting and of the number of blocking cars has been analyzed and the decorrelation time has been discussed <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2410.17618v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2410.17618v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 23 October, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> October 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (2024) </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2410.06987</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.15199/59.2024.4.61 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Radio signal propagation in 5G systems equipped with RISs (PL: Propagacja sygna艂u radiowego w systemach 5G wyposa偶onych w matryce IPR) </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Samorzewski%2C+A">Adam Samorzewski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2410.06987v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In this paper, the characteristics of radio signal propagation within the boundaries of the city of Poznan (Poland) are analyzed. The study considers the use of a Radio Access Network (RAN) of the 5th generation wireless system (5G NR - New Radio), which includes 8 base stations (BSs) utilizing Single Input Single Output (SISO) or Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna technology depending… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2410.06987v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2410.06987v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2410.06987v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In this paper, the characteristics of radio signal propagation within the boundaries of the city of Poznan (Poland) are analyzed. The study considers the use of a Radio Access Network (RAN) of the 5th generation wireless system (5G NR - New Radio), which includes 8 base stations (BSs) utilizing Single Input Single Output (SISO) or Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna technology depending on the adopted configuration of network cells. Additionally, 15 reflecting arrays known as Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) were placed in the studied area, and their impact on radio signal propagation at different suspension heights was taken into account. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2410.06987v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2410.06987v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 9 October, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> October 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">The scientific paper is written in Polish. The contribution of the paper was presented during the 2nd Radiocommunications and ICT Conference (pl. II Konferencja Radiokomunikacji i Teleinformatyki - KRiT 2024) in Poznan, Poland</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> Telecommunication Review - Telecommunication News, 2024, no. 4, pp. 280-283 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2404.17547</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Integrating UAV-Enabled Base Stations in 3D Networks: QoS-Aware Joint Fronthaul and Backhaul Design </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Janji%2C+S">Salim Janji</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Wawrzyniak%2C+P">Piotr Wawrzyniak</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Formanowicz%2C+P">Piotr Formanowicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2404.17547v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The emerging concept of 3D networks, integrating terrestrial, aerial, and space layers, introduces a novel and complex structure characterized by stations relaying backhaul loads through point-to-point wireless links, forming a wireless 3D backhaul mesh. A key challenge is the strategic placement of aerial platform such as drone base stations (DBSs), considering the locations and service demands o… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2404.17547v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2404.17547v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2404.17547v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The emerging concept of 3D networks, integrating terrestrial, aerial, and space layers, introduces a novel and complex structure characterized by stations relaying backhaul loads through point-to-point wireless links, forming a wireless 3D backhaul mesh. A key challenge is the strategic placement of aerial platform such as drone base stations (DBSs), considering the locations and service demands of ground nodes and the connectivity to backhaul gateway nodes for core network access. This paper addresses these complexities with a two-fold approach: a novel Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (HC) algorithm that optimizes DBS locations to satisfy minimum backhaul adjacency and maximum fronthaul coverage radius requirements; and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) that designs backhaul connections to satisfy the cumulative load across the network and maximize the throughput margin which translates to network resilience to increasing demands. Our results showcase the effectiveness of these algorithms against benchline schemes, offering insights into the operational dynamics of these novel 3D networks. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2404.17547v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2404.17547v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 26 April, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> April 2024. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2403.13024</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.23919/SoftCOM58365.2023.10271683 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> 5G Networks Supported by UAVs, RESs, and RISs </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Samorzewski%2C+A">Adam Samorzewski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2403.13024v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> This paper presents the examination of the 5G cellular network aware of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) and supported by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles working as mobile access nodes. The investigations have been focused on the energy side of the Radio Access Network (RAN) placed within the area of the city of Poznan (Poland). The gain related to enabling R… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2403.13024v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2403.13024v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2403.13024v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> This paper presents the examination of the 5G cellular network aware of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) and supported by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles working as mobile access nodes. The investigations have been focused on the energy side of the Radio Access Network (RAN) placed within the area of the city of Poznan (Poland). The gain related to enabling RES generators, i.e., photovoltaic (PV) panels, for base stations (BSs) was presented in the form of two factors -- the average number of UAV replacements (ANUR) with a fully charged one to ensure continuous access to mobile services for currently served user equipment (UE) terminals, and the average reduction in energy consumption (AREC) within the whole network. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2403.13024v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2403.13024v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 18 March, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2403.12283</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> 2023 International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), Split, Croatia, 2023, pp. 1-6 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2403.12296</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.15199/59.2023.4.18 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> 5G cellular systems supported by UAVs, RESs, and RISs (PL: Systemy kom贸rkowe 5G wspierane przez BSP, OZE oraz IPR) </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Samorzewski%2C+A">Adam Samorzewski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2403.12296v3-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The paper considers energy consumption in 5G cellular networks powered by Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) and equipped with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) and tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), acting as mobile access points. The study was focused on the energy side of the Radio Access Network (RAN) located in the city of Pozna艅 in Poland. The profit associated with the use of r… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2403.12296v3-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2403.12296v3-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2403.12296v3-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The paper considers energy consumption in 5G cellular networks powered by Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) and equipped with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) and tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), acting as mobile access points. The study was focused on the energy side of the Radio Access Network (RAN) located in the city of Pozna艅 in Poland. The profit associated with the use of renewable energy generators, i.e. photovoltaic panels (PVP) for base stations (BSs) is presented in the form of two factors: the average number of UAV charges (ANUC) to provide continuous access to mobile services for connected user equipment (UE) terminals, and the average reduction in energy consumption (AREC) of the wireless system. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2403.12296v3-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2403.12296v3-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 8 October, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">v1</span> submitted 18 March, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">The scientific paper is written in Polish. The contribution of the paper was presented during the 2023 Radiocommunications and ICT Conference (pl. Konferencja Radiokomunikacji i Teleinformatyki - KRiT 2023) in Cracow, Poland</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> Telecommunication Review - Telecommunication News, 2023, no. 4, pp. 97-100 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2403.12283</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/GLOBECOM54140.2023.10437451 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Energy Consumption in RES-Aware 5G Networks </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Samorzewski%2C+A">Adam Samorzewski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Deruyck%2C+M">Margot Deruyck</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2403.12283v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In this work, the impact of using Renewable Energy Source (RES) generators in next-generation (5G) cellular systems on total power consumption (PC) has been investigated. The paper highlights the gain related to the use of photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind turbines (WTs) in the form of two factors - the average extension of battery lifetime (AEBL) powering a single network cell and the average red… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2403.12283v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2403.12283v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2403.12283v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In this work, the impact of using Renewable Energy Source (RES) generators in next-generation (5G) cellular systems on total power consumption (PC) has been investigated. The paper highlights the gain related to the use of photovoltaic (PV) panels and wind turbines (WTs) in the form of two factors - the average extension of battery lifetime (AEBL) powering a single network cell and the average reduction in energy consumption (AREC) within the whole network. The examination has been conducted for four different seasons of the year and various configurations of available power sources. The provided system scenario was based on real data on weather conditions, building placement, and implemented mobile networks for the city of Poznan in Poland. Used RES generators were designed in accordance with the specifications of real devices. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2403.12283v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2403.12283v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 18 March, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 1024-1029 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2403.10579</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Emerging Technologies">cs.ET</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.15199/59.2023.4.4 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Metamaterialy, konfigurowalne matryce antenowe i komunikacja holograficzna. Wstepna analiza nowej koncepcji bezprzewodowej transmisji danych </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2403.10579v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In the last few years, a very original concept of holographic communication has gained a lot of interest among scientists from all over the world. The specificity of this approach, on the one hand, is very different from the known and currently used solutions, on the other hand, it creates great development opportunities in the field of wireless communication. The article provides an overview of t… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2403.10579v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2403.10579v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2403.10579v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In the last few years, a very original concept of holographic communication has gained a lot of interest among scientists from all over the world. The specificity of this approach, on the one hand, is very different from the known and currently used solutions, on the other hand, it creates great development opportunities in the field of wireless communication. The article provides an overview of two technological solutions that gave rise to the idea of holographic communication. First, the possibility of using the so-called metamaterials for the purposes of wireless data transmission, and the second, the use of reconfigurable antenna surfaces. The last part presents the assumptions of the idea of holographic communication, in which the principles of creating images known from optical holography have been transferred to the radio band, and to some extend, generalized. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2403.10579v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2403.10579v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 15 March, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">19 pages, in Polish language, 7 figures</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> PRZEGLAD TELEKOMUNIKACYJNY I WIADOMOSCI TELEKOMUNIKACYJNE, no.4, vol. 2023, pp. 29-39 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2403.05301</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.15199/59.2023.4.15 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Wykorzystanie Rekonfigurowalnych Iinteligentnych Matryc Antenowych w 艁膮czu Dosy艂owym Sieci 5G/6G Wykorzystuj膮cej Bezza艂ogowe Statki Powietrzne </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Janji%2C+S">Salim Janji</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawe艂 Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2403.05301v2-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Drony, dzi臋ki mo偶liwo艣ci ich szybkiego rozmieszczenia w trudnym terenie, uwa偶ane s膮 za jeden z kluczowych element贸w system贸w bezprzewodowych 6G. Jednak w celu wykorzystania ich jako punkty dost臋powe sieci konieczne jest zapewnienie 艂膮cza dosy艂owego o odpowiedniej przepustowo艣ci. Dlatego w niniejszym artykule rozwa偶ane jest zwi臋kszenie zasi臋gu sieci bezprzewodowej przez zapewnienie 艂膮cza dosy艂owego… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2403.05301v2-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2403.05301v2-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2403.05301v2-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Drony, dzi臋ki mo偶liwo艣ci ich szybkiego rozmieszczenia w trudnym terenie, uwa偶ane s膮 za jeden z kluczowych element贸w system贸w bezprzewodowych 6G. Jednak w celu wykorzystania ich jako punkty dost臋powe sieci konieczne jest zapewnienie 艂膮cza dosy艂owego o odpowiedniej przepustowo艣ci. Dlatego w niniejszym artykule rozwa偶ane jest zwi臋kszenie zasi臋gu sieci bezprzewodowej przez zapewnienie 艂膮cza dosy艂owego dla ko艅cowego punktu dost臋powego z wykorzystaniem okre艣lonej liczby dron贸w-przeka藕nik贸w oraz rekonfigurowalnych inteligentnych matryc antenowych (RIS). Zaprezentowane wyniki bada艅 symulacyjnych pokazuj膮, 偶e u偶ycie RIS pozwala na znacz膮ce zwi臋kszenie zasi臋gu sieci bez konieczno艣ci stosowania dodatkowych przeka藕nik贸w. -- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, due to the possibility of their fast deployment, are considered an essential element of the future wireless 6G communication systems. However, an essential enabler for their use as access points is to provide a sufficient throughput wireless backhaul link. Thus, in this paper we consider the aspect of extension of network coverage with the use of drone-based relaying and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) for backhauling. Presented results of simulation experiments indicate that the use of RIS allows for significant improvement of network coverage without the need to use additional relays. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2403.05301v2-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2403.05301v2-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 3 October, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">v1</span> submitted 8 March, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">in Polish language</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> Przeglad Telekomunikacyjny - Wiadomosci Telekomunikacyjne, no. 4 (2023), pp. 85-88 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2402.17436</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.15199/59.2023.4.62 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Wykorzystanie rekonfigurowalnych matryc antenowych wraz z informacj膮 kontekstow膮 </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Ku%C5%82acz%2C+%C5%81">艁ukasz Ku艂acz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2402.17436v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces can be successfully used to control the radio environment. Simple control of the reflection angle of the signal from the surface allows maximization or minimization of the received power in specific places. The paper presents simulations where it is possible to receive a signal in a place where it was not possible, to detect the occupancy of the spectrum in a pl… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2402.17436v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2402.17436v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2402.17436v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces can be successfully used to control the radio environment. Simple control of the reflection angle of the signal from the surface allows maximization or minimization of the received power in specific places. The paper presents simulations where it is possible to receive a signal in a place where it was not possible, to detect the occupancy of the spectrum in a place where the sensor was unable to make correct detection or to minimize interference in a specific receiver. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2402.17436v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2402.17436v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 27 February, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> February 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">4 pages, in Polish language, 5 figures, presented during conference</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2401.07643</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Machine Learning-based xApp for Dynamic Resource Allocation in O-RAN Networks </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Qazzaz%2C+M+M+H">Mohammed M. H. Qazzaz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Ku%C5%82acz%2C+%C5%81">艁ukasz Ku艂acz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Zaidi%2C+S+A">Syed A. Zaidi</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Dryjanski%2C+M">Marcin Dryjanski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=McLernon%2C+D">Des McLernon</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2401.07643v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The disaggregated, distributed and virtualised implementation of radio access networks allows for dynamic resource allocation. These attributes can be realised by virtue of the Open Radio Access Networks (O-RAN) architecture. In this article, we tackle the issue of dynamic resource allocation using a data-driven approach by employing Machine Learning (ML). We present an xApp-based implementation f… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2401.07643v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2401.07643v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2401.07643v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The disaggregated, distributed and virtualised implementation of radio access networks allows for dynamic resource allocation. These attributes can be realised by virtue of the Open Radio Access Networks (O-RAN) architecture. In this article, we tackle the issue of dynamic resource allocation using a data-driven approach by employing Machine Learning (ML). We present an xApp-based implementation for the proposed ML algorithm. The core aim of this work is to optimise resource allocation and fulfil Service Level Specifications (SLS). This is accomplished by dynamically adjusting the allocation of Physical Resource Blocks (PRBs) based on traffic demand and Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. The proposed ML model effectively selects the best allocation policy for each base station and enhances the performance of scheduler functionality in O-RAN - Distributed Unit (O-DU). We show that an xApp implementing the Random Forest Classifier can yield high (85\%) performance accuracy for optimal policy selection. This can be attained using the O-RAN instance state input parameters over a short training duration. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2401.07643v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2401.07643v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 15 January, 2024; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> January 2024. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">6 pages, 6 figures, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking (ICMLCN)</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2311.04380</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Open RAN xApps Design and Evaluation: Lessons Learnt and Identified Challenges </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Hoffmann%2C+M">Marcin Hoffmann</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Janji%2C+S">Salim Janji</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Samorzewski%2C+A">Adam Samorzewski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kulacz%2C+L">Lukasz Kulacz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Adamczyk%2C+C">Cezary Adamczyk</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Dryja%C5%84ski%2C+M">Marcin Dryja艅ski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawel Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Bogucka%2C+H">Hanna Bogucka</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2311.04380v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Open Radio Access Networks (RAN) offer diverse economic opportunities. A transition to a flexible, modular approach within the disaggregated RAN framework is crucial, involving careful planning of RAN architecture and the deployment of specialized software applications. Collaboration across sectors is essential for efficiency and reliability, with the open-source community driving innovation. This… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2311.04380v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2311.04380v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2311.04380v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Open Radio Access Networks (RAN) offer diverse economic opportunities. A transition to a flexible, modular approach within the disaggregated RAN framework is crucial, involving careful planning of RAN architecture and the deployment of specialized software applications. Collaboration across sectors is essential for efficiency and reliability, with the open-source community driving innovation. This paper explores challenges for third-party application developers in Open RAN. It provides a comparative analysis of solutions, focusing on xApp development and implementation. Challenges arise in two areas: the complexities of xApp development, particularly for advanced use cases like beam management, and issues in low-level software implementation within open platforms. In conclusion, key challenges must promote academia-industry collaboration in Open RAN. This paper shares early lessons from xApp development, guiding the field's evolution. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2311.04380v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2311.04380v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 7 November, 2023; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> November 2023. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2305.13464</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Multiagent Systems">cs.MA</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Detection and mitigation of indirect conflicts between xApps in Open Radio Access Networks </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Adamczyk%2C+C">Cezary Adamczyk</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2305.13464v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In Open Radio Access Networks, the Conflict Mitigation component, which is part of the Near-RT RIC, aims to detect and resolve any conflicts between xApp decisions. In this paper, we propose a universal method for detecting and resolving of indirect conflicts between xApps. Its efficiency is validated by extensive computer simulations. Our results demonstrate that, in the considered scenario, the… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2305.13464v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2305.13464v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2305.13464v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In Open Radio Access Networks, the Conflict Mitigation component, which is part of the Near-RT RIC, aims to detect and resolve any conflicts between xApp decisions. In this paper, we propose a universal method for detecting and resolving of indirect conflicts between xApps. Its efficiency is validated by extensive computer simulations. Our results demonstrate that, in the considered scenario, the mean bitrate satisfaction of users increases by 2%, while the number of radio link failures and ping-pong handovers in the network is significantly reduced. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2305.13464v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2305.13464v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 22 May, 2023; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> May 2023. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2305.07117</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Multiagent Systems">cs.MA</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/MCOM.018.2200752 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Conflict Mitigation Framework and Conflict Detection in O-RAN Near-RT RIC </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Adamczyk%2C+C">Cezary Adamczyk</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2305.07117v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The steady evolution of the Open RAN concept sheds light on xApps and their potential use cases in O-RANcompliant deployments. There are several areas where xApps can be used that are being widely investigated, but the issue of mitigating conflicts between xApp decisions requires further in-depth investigation. This article defines a conflict mitigation framework (CMF) built into the existing O-RA… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2305.07117v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2305.07117v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2305.07117v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The steady evolution of the Open RAN concept sheds light on xApps and their potential use cases in O-RANcompliant deployments. There are several areas where xApps can be used that are being widely investigated, but the issue of mitigating conflicts between xApp decisions requires further in-depth investigation. This article defines a conflict mitigation framework (CMF) built into the existing O-RAN architecture; it enables the Conflict Mitigation component in O-RAN's Near- Real-Time RAN Intelligent Controller (Near-RT RIC) to detect and resolve all conflict types defined in the O-RAN Alliance's technical specifications. Methods for detecting each type of conflict are defined, including message flows between Near-RT RIC components. The suitability of the proposed CMF is proven with a simulation of an O-RAN network. Results of the simulation show that enabling the CMF allows balancing the network control capabilities of conflicting xApps to significantly improve network performance, with a small negative impact on its reliability. It is concluded that defining a unified CMF in Near-RT RIC is the first step towards providing a standardized method of conflict detection and resolution in O-RAN environments. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2305.07117v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2305.07117v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 11 May, 2023; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> May 2023. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">authored version of the article accepted for publication in the IEEE Communications Magazine, 7 pages, 6 figures</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2302.00369</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/TVT.2023.3236035 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Memory Enabled Bumblebee-based Dynamic Spectrum Access for Platooning Environments </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Gill%2C+K+S">Kuldeep S. Gill</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawel Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawel Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Wyglinski%2C+A+M">Alexander M. Wyglinski</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2302.00369v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In this paper, we propose a novel memory-enabled non-uniform sampling-based bumblebee foraging algorithm (MEB) designed for optimal channel selection in a distributed Vehicular Dynamic Spectrum Access (VDSA) framework employed in a platoon operating environment. Given how bumblebee behavioral models are designed to support adaptation in complex and highly time-varying environments, these models ca… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2302.00369v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2302.00369v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2302.00369v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In this paper, we propose a novel memory-enabled non-uniform sampling-based bumblebee foraging algorithm (MEB) designed for optimal channel selection in a distributed Vehicular Dynamic Spectrum Access (VDSA) framework employed in a platoon operating environment. Given how bumblebee behavioral models are designed to support adaptation in complex and highly time-varying environments, these models can be employed by connected vehicles to enable their operation within a dynamically changing network topology and support their selection of optimal channels possessing low levels of congestion to achieve high throughput. As a result, the proposed VDSA-based optimal channel selection employs fundamental concepts from the bumblebee foraging model. In the proposed approach, the Channel Busy Ratio (CBR) of all channels is computed and stored in memory to be accessed by the MEB algorithm to make the necessary channel switching decisions. Two averaging techniques, Sliding Window Average (SWA) and Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA), are employed to leverage past samples and are evaluated against the no-memory case. Due to the high variability of the environment (e.g., high velocities, changing density of vehicles on the road), we propose to calculate the CBR by employing non-uniform channel sampling allocations as well as evaluate it using both simplified numerical and realistic Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) computer simulations. The numerical simulation results show that gains in the probability of the best channel selection can be achieved relative to a uniform sampling allocation approach. By utilizing memory, we observe an additional increase in the channel selection performance. Similarly, we see an increase in the probability of successful reception when utilizing the bumblebee algorithm via a system-level simulator. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2302.00369v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2302.00369v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 1 February, 2023; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> February 2023. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2211.03496</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/TAP.2022.3216472 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Path Loss and Shadowing Modeling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications in Terrestrial TV Band </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawel Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawel Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sybis%2C+M">Michal Sybis</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2211.03496v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Vehicle platooning is considered as one of the key use cases for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. However, its benefits can be realized only with highly reliable wireless transmission. As the 5.9GHz frequency band used for V2V suffers from high congestion, in this paper, we consider the use of the terrestrial TV frequencies for intra-platoon communications. In order to be able to evaluate… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2211.03496v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2211.03496v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2211.03496v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Vehicle platooning is considered as one of the key use cases for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. However, its benefits can be realized only with highly reliable wireless transmission. As the 5.9GHz frequency band used for V2V suffers from high congestion, in this paper, we consider the use of the terrestrial TV frequencies for intra-platoon communications. In order to be able to evaluate the potential of the new bands fully, propagation models for V2V communications at such frequencies are needed. Therefore, this paper reports new V2V propagation measurements and their modeling results. Particularly, we propose a Double Slope Double Shadowing model as the most accurate one, based on a comparison of various models using the Bayesian Information Criteria. We also investigate the space-time autocorrelation properties of the shadowing, which turned out to be dependent on the speed of vehicles. The proposed path loss and shadowing model differs from the ones proposed for the 5.9GHz band. Mostly, in favor of the TV band, as shown by, e.g., no statistically significant impact of a blocking car. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2211.03496v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2211.03496v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 7 November, 2022; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> November 2022. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2210.00826</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1007/978-3-031-34776-4_23 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Federated Learning-Based Interference Modeling for Vehicular Dynamic Spectrum Access </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Hoffmann%2C+M">Marcin Hoffmann</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawel Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2210.00826v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> A platoon-based driving is a technology allowing vehicles to follow each other at close distances to, e.g., save fuel. However, it requires reliable wireless communications to adjust their speeds. Recent studies have shown that the frequency band dedicated for vehicle-to-vehicle communications can be too busy for intra-platoon communications. Thus it is reasonable to use additional spectrum resour… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2210.00826v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2210.00826v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2210.00826v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> A platoon-based driving is a technology allowing vehicles to follow each other at close distances to, e.g., save fuel. However, it requires reliable wireless communications to adjust their speeds. Recent studies have shown that the frequency band dedicated for vehicle-to-vehicle communications can be too busy for intra-platoon communications. Thus it is reasonable to use additional spectrum resources, of low occupancy, i.e., secondary spectrum channels. The challenge is to model the interference in those channels to enable proper channel selection. In this paper, we propose a two-layered Radio Environment Map (REM) that aims at providing platoons with accurate location-dependent interference models by using the Federated Learning approach. Each platoon is equipped with a Local REM that is updated on the basis of raw interference samples and previous interference model stored in the Global REM. The model in global REM is obtained by merging models reported by platoons. The nodes exchange only parameters of interference models, reducing the required control channel capacity. Moreover, in the proposed architecture platoon can utilize Local REM to predict channel occupancy, even when the connection to the Global REM is temporarily unavailable. The proposed system is validated via computer simulations considering non-trivial interference patterns. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2210.00826v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2210.00826v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 3 October, 2022; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> October 2022. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Report number:</span> vol 492. Springer, Cham </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> MobiQuitous 2022. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2207.00874</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Artificial Intelligence">cs.AI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Robotics">cs.RO</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Neural Networks for Path Planning </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Janji%2C+S">Salim Janji</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2207.00874v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The scientific community is able to present a new set of solutions to practical problems that substantially improve the performance of modern technology in terms of efficiency and speed of computation due to the advancement in neural networks architectures. We present the latest works considering the utilization of neural networks in robot path planning. Our survey shows the contrast between diffe… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2207.00874v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2207.00874v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2207.00874v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The scientific community is able to present a new set of solutions to practical problems that substantially improve the performance of modern technology in terms of efficiency and speed of computation due to the advancement in neural networks architectures. We present the latest works considering the utilization of neural networks in robot path planning. Our survey shows the contrast between different formulations of the problems that consider different inputs, outputs, and environments and how different neural networks architectures are able to provide solutions to all of the presented problems. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2207.00874v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2207.00874v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 2 July, 2022; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> July 2022. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2207.00873</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.23919/SoftCOM52868.2021.9559068 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Energy-efficient User Clustering for UAV-enabled Wireless Networks Using EM Algorithm </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Janji%2C+S">Salim Janji</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2207.00873v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be used to provide wireless connectivity to support the existing infrastructure in hot-spots or replace it in cases of destruction. UAV-enabled wireless provides several advantages in network performance due to drone small cells (DSCs) mobility despite the limited onboard energy. However, the problem of resource allocation has added complexity. In this paper, we… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2207.00873v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2207.00873v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2207.00873v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be used to provide wireless connectivity to support the existing infrastructure in hot-spots or replace it in cases of destruction. UAV-enabled wireless provides several advantages in network performance due to drone small cells (DSCs) mobility despite the limited onboard energy. However, the problem of resource allocation has added complexity. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient user clustering mechanism based on Gaussian mixture models (GMM) using a modified Expected-Maximization (EM) algorithm. The algorithm is intended to provide the initial user clustering and drone deployment upon which additional mechanisms can be employed to further enhance the system performance. The proposed algorithm improves the energy efficiency of the system by 25% and link reliability by 18.3% compared to other baseline methods. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2207.00873v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2207.00873v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 2 July, 2022; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> July 2022. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">This is the authored version of an article that has been published in the 2021st International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM) and published by IEEE</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2205.15006</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/LWC.2022.3178546 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> On the Placement and Sustainability of Drone FSO Backhaul Relays </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Janji%2C+S">Salim Janji</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Samorzewski%2C+A">Adam Samorzewski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Wasilewska%2C+M">Ma艂gorzata Wasilewska</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2205.15006v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> We consider free-space optical (FSO) communication links for the backhaul connectivity of small cells (SCs) where a UAV with an FSO apparatus can serve as a backhaul relay node. We demonstrate how such drone relay stations (DRSs) can be deployed in a high-rise urban area in order to provide FSO line-of-sight (LOS) links that are unobstructed by buildings. Also, in our solution we consider the case… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2205.15006v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2205.15006v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2205.15006v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> We consider free-space optical (FSO) communication links for the backhaul connectivity of small cells (SCs) where a UAV with an FSO apparatus can serve as a backhaul relay node. We demonstrate how such drone relay stations (DRSs) can be deployed in a high-rise urban area in order to provide FSO line-of-sight (LOS) links that are unobstructed by buildings. Also, in our solution we consider the case where solar panels are mounted on DRSs such that placing the DRS in a sunny location is prioritized, and we show the gain in terms of number of required trips to recharge the UAV. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2205.15006v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2205.15006v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 30 May, 2022; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> May 2022. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> IEEE Wireless Communications Letters </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2204.10179</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Information Theory">cs.IT</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Machine Learning">cs.LG</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Distributed Learning for Vehicular Dynamic Spectrum Access in Autonomous Driving </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawe\{l} Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2204.10179v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Reliable wireless communication between the autonomously driving cars is one of the fundamental needs for guaranteeing passenger safety and comfort. However, when the number of communicating cars increases, the transmission quality may be significantly degraded due to too high occupancy radio of the used frequency band. In this paper, we concentrate on the autonomous vehicle-platooning use-case, w… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2204.10179v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2204.10179v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2204.10179v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Reliable wireless communication between the autonomously driving cars is one of the fundamental needs for guaranteeing passenger safety and comfort. However, when the number of communicating cars increases, the transmission quality may be significantly degraded due to too high occupancy radio of the used frequency band. In this paper, we concentrate on the autonomous vehicle-platooning use-case, where intra-platoon communication is done in the dynamically selected frequency band, other than nominally devoted for such purposes. The carrier selection is done in a flexible manner with the support of the context database located at the roadside unit (edge of wireless communication infrastructure). However, as the database delivers only context information to the platoons' leaders, the final decision is made separately by the individual platoons, following the suggestions made by the artificial intelligence algorithms. In this work, we concentrate on a lightweight Q-learning solution, that could be successfully implemented in each car for dynamic channel selection. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2204.10179v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2204.10179v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 22 March, 2022; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> April 2022. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2203.11604</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/VTC2020-Spring48590.2020.9128655 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Radio Environment Maps for Dynamic Frequency Selection in V2X Communications </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawe艂 Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawe艂 Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2203.11604v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In this paper, we investigate the concept of database supported Vehicular Dynamic Spectrum Access (VDSA) for platooning. As various researchers show that the 5.9 GHz band, devoted for Intelligent Transportation Systems, may suffer from congestion of the channel, we propose to offload part of this traffic to white-spaces with the guidance of the active database system. In our work, we describe our… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2203.11604v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2203.11604v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2203.11604v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In this paper, we investigate the concept of database supported Vehicular Dynamic Spectrum Access (VDSA) for platooning. As various researchers show that the 5.9 GHz band, devoted for Intelligent Transportation Systems, may suffer from congestion of the channel, we propose to offload part of this traffic to white-spaces with the guidance of the active database system. In our work, we describe our measurement campaign which delivered data for population of the dedicated radio environment map. Once the map is created, it was used in three proposed algorithms for VDSA: an optimal and two pragmatic approaches. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2203.11604v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2203.11604v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 22 March, 2022; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2022. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), 2020 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2203.11600</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/VTC2020-Spring48590.2020.9128929 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Distributed Vehicular Dynamic Spectrum Access for Platooning Environments </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawe艂 Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawe艂 Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sybis%2C+M">Micha艂 Sybis</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Gill%2C+K+S">Kuldeep S. Gill</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Wyglinski%2C+A">Alexander Wyglinski</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2203.11600v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In this paper, we propose a distributed Vehicular Dynamic Spectrum Access (VDSA) framework for vehicles operating in platoon formations. Given the potential for significant congestion in licensed frequency bands for vehicular applications such as 5.9 GHz. Our approach proposes to offload part of the intra-platoon data traffic to spectral white-spaces in order to enhance vehicular connectivity in s… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2203.11600v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2203.11600v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2203.11600v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In this paper, we propose a distributed Vehicular Dynamic Spectrum Access (VDSA) framework for vehicles operating in platoon formations. Given the potential for significant congestion in licensed frequency bands for vehicular applications such as 5.9 GHz. Our approach proposes to offload part of the intra-platoon data traffic to spectral white-spaces in order to enhance vehicular connectivity in support of on-road operations. To enable VDSA, a Bumblebee-based decision making process is employed which is based on the behavioral models of animals, is employed to provide a means of distributed transmission band selection. Simulation results show the distributed VDSA framework improves the leader packets reception ratio by 5%, thus indicating its potential to increase in reliability of intra-platoon communications. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2203.11600v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2203.11600v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 22 March, 2022; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2022. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), 2020 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2112.15066</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/TITS.2021.3136681 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Frequency Selection for Platoon Communications in Secondary Spectrum Using Radio Environment Maps </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Hoffmann%2C+M">Marcin Hoffmann</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawel Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2112.15066v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Platoon-based driving is an idea that vehicles follow each other at a close distance, in order to increase road throughput and fuel savings. This requires reliable wireless communications to adjust the speeds of vehicles. Although there is a dedicated frequency band for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, studies have shown that it is too congested to provide reliable transmission for the pla… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2112.15066v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2112.15066v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2112.15066v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Platoon-based driving is an idea that vehicles follow each other at a close distance, in order to increase road throughput and fuel savings. This requires reliable wireless communications to adjust the speeds of vehicles. Although there is a dedicated frequency band for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, studies have shown that it is too congested to provide reliable transmission for the platoons. Additional spectrum resources, i.e., secondary spectrum channels, can be utilized when these are not occupied by other users. Characteristics of interference in these channels are usually location-dependent and can be stored in the so-called Radio Environment Maps (REMs). This paper aims to design REM, in order to support the selection of secondary spectrum channel for intra-platoon communications. We propose to assess the channel's quality in terms of outage probability computed, with the use of estimated interference distributions stored in REM. A frequency selection algorithm that minimizes the number of channel switches along the planned platoon route is proposed. Additionally, the REM creation procedure is shown that reduces the number of database entries using (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) DBSCAN algorithm. The proposals are tested using real IQ samples captured on a real road. Application of the DBSCAN clustering to the constructed REM provided 7% reduction in its size. Utilization of the proposed channel selection algorithm resulted in a 35 times reduction of channel switches concerning channel assignment performed independently in every location. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2112.15066v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2112.15066v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 30 December, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> December 2021. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems ( Early Access ), 2021 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2111.15029</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Machine Learning">cs.LG</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/WiMob52687.2021.9606426 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Traffic Steering in Heterogeneous Network </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Adamczyk%2C+C">Cezary Adamczyk</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2111.15029v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Heterogeneous radio access networks require efficient traffic steering methods to reach near-optimal results in order to maximize network capacity. This paper aims to propose a novel traffic steering algorithm for usage in HetNets, which utilizes a reinforcement learning algorithm in combination with an artificial neural network to maximize total user satisfaction in the simulated cellular network… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2111.15029v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2111.15029v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2111.15029v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Heterogeneous radio access networks require efficient traffic steering methods to reach near-optimal results in order to maximize network capacity. This paper aims to propose a novel traffic steering algorithm for usage in HetNets, which utilizes a reinforcement learning algorithm in combination with an artificial neural network to maximize total user satisfaction in the simulated cellular network. The novel algorithm was compared with two reference algorithms using network simulation results. The results prove that the novel algorithm provides noticeably better efficiency in comparison with reference algorithms, especially in terms of the number of served users with limited frequency resources of the radio access network. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2111.15029v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2111.15029v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 29 November, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> November 2021. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">Originally published to IEEE's WiMob '21 (2021 Fourteenth International Workshop on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Computing)</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> Proceedings of 2021 17th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob) (2021) 86-89 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2111.14496</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/WiMob52687.2021.9606428 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> User Allocation in Heterogeneous Network Supplied by Renewable Energy Sources </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Samorzewski%2C+A">Adam Samorzewski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2111.14496v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The information and communication technology, ICT, a domain of the global economy, consumes more and more energy, what is the effect of continuously increasing wireless data traffic. Thus, there is a need for more energy-efficient and sustainable network and resource management, and such a goal can be achieved by the utilization of renewable energy sources. This paper proposes a novel user allocat… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2111.14496v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2111.14496v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2111.14496v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The information and communication technology, ICT, a domain of the global economy, consumes more and more energy, what is the effect of continuously increasing wireless data traffic. Thus, there is a need for more energy-efficient and sustainable network and resource management, and such a goal can be achieved by the utilization of renewable energy sources. This paper proposes a novel user allocation scheme applicable to the heterogeneous radio access networks supplied with renewable energy sources. Presented results proved that high-energy efficiency can be accomplished by reallocating some traffic to the green wireless base station. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2111.14496v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2111.14496v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 29 November, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> November 2021. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">4 pages, 3 figures</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> 2021 17th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 2021, pp. 419-422 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2110.02788</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> The Impact of Blocking Cars on Pathloss Within a Platoon: Measurements for 26 GHz Band </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawe艂 Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawe艂 Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sybis%2C+M">Micha艂 Sybis</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2110.02788v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Platooning is considered to be one of the possible prospective implementations of the autonomous driving concept, where the train-of-cars moves together following the platoon leader's commands. However, the practical realization of this scheme assumes the use of reliable communications between platoon members. In this paper, the results of the measurement experiment have been presented showing the… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2110.02788v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2110.02788v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2110.02788v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Platooning is considered to be one of the possible prospective implementations of the autonomous driving concept, where the train-of-cars moves together following the platoon leader's commands. However, the practical realization of this scheme assumes the use of reliable communications between platoon members. In this paper, the results of the measurement experiment have been presented showing the impact of the blocking cars on the signal attenuation. The tests have been carried out for the high-frequency band, i.e. for 26.555 GHz. It has been observed that on one hand side, the attenuation can reach even tens of dB for 2 or 3 blocking cars, but in some locations, the impact of a two-ray propagation mitigates the presence of obstructing vehicles. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2110.02788v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2110.02788v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 6 October, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> October 2021. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2107.14540</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/MCOM.001.1900796 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> A Hierarchical and Modular Radio Resource Management Architecture for 5G and Beyond </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Dryja%C5%84ski%2C+M">Marcin Dryja艅ski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2107.14540v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> The evolution of mobile wireless systems into Heterogeneous Networks, along with the introduction of the 5th Generation (5G) systems, significantly increased the complexity of radio resource management. The current mobile networks consist of a multitude of spectrum bands, use cases, system features, licensing schemes, radio technologies, and network layers. Additionally, the traffic demand is unev… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2107.14540v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2107.14540v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2107.14540v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> The evolution of mobile wireless systems into Heterogeneous Networks, along with the introduction of the 5th Generation (5G) systems, significantly increased the complexity of radio resource management. The current mobile networks consist of a multitude of spectrum bands, use cases, system features, licensing schemes, radio technologies, and network layers. Additionally, the traffic demand is uneven in terms of spatial and temporal domains, calling for a dynamic approach to radio resource allocation. To cope with these complexities, a generic and adaptive scheme is required for the efficient operation of Heterogeneous Networks. This article proposes to use a hierarchical and modular framework as an approach to cover the mentioned challenges and to generalize this scheme to different network layers. The proposed management solution is based on three main components: specialized solutions for individual requirements, exposed to the coordination layer, through abstraction middleware. In this approach, new items can be added as plugins. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2107.14540v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2107.14540v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 30 July, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> July 2021. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">8 pages, 6 figures</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 28-34, July 2020 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2107.12816</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/VTC2021-Spring51267.2021.9449077 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Dynamic Power and Frequency Allocation Scheme for Autonomous Platooning </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawe艂 Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sybis%2C+M">Micha艂 Sybis</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawe艂 Kryszkiewicz</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2107.12816v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In this paper, we consider the use of radio environment maps (REMs) in vehicular dynamic spectrum access (VDSA) for vehicle platooning applications. We propose an algorithm that dynamically allocates the frequency bands and transmission power in the so-called TV white spaces (TVWS) for intra-platoon messaging, intending to maximize the reliability of the communications, simultaneously keeping the… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2107.12816v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2107.12816v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2107.12816v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In this paper, we consider the use of radio environment maps (REMs) in vehicular dynamic spectrum access (VDSA) for vehicle platooning applications. We propose an algorithm that dynamically allocates the frequency bands and transmission power in the so-called TV white spaces (TVWS) for intra-platoon messaging, intending to maximize the reliability of the communications, simultaneously keeping the interference to the primary system below the required threshold. The proposed solution is evaluated in simulations, with the results indicating a significant increase in communications reliability with VDSA. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2107.12816v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2107.12816v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 27 July, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> July 2021. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">6 pages, 3 figures</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> P. Sroka, et. al. , "Dynamic Power and Frequency Allocation Scheme for Autonomous Platooning," 2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring), 2021, pp. 1-6 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2107.12766</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1109/MVT.2020.2988415. <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Beyond 5G: Big Data Processing for Better Spectrum Utilization </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Ku%C5%82acz%2C+%C5%81">艁ukasz Ku艂acz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawe艂 Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Bogucka%2C+H">Hanna Bogucka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Dryja%C5%84ski%2C+M">Marcin Dryja艅ski</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Isaksson%2C+M">Magnus Isaksson</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Koudouridis%2C+G+P">Georgios P. Koudouridis</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Tengkvist%2C+P">Per Tengkvist</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2107.12766v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> This article emphasizes the great potential of big data processing for advanced user- and situation-oriented, so context-aware resource utilization in future wireless networks. In particular, we consider the application of dedicated, detailed, and rich-in-content maps and records called Radio Service Maps, (RSM) for unlocking the spectrum opportunities in 6G networks. Due to the characteristics of… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2107.12766v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2107.12766v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2107.12766v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> This article emphasizes the great potential of big data processing for advanced user- and situation-oriented, so context-aware resource utilization in future wireless networks. In particular, we consider the application of dedicated, detailed, and rich-in-content maps and records called Radio Service Maps, (RSM) for unlocking the spectrum opportunities in 6G networks. Due to the characteristics of 5G, in the future, there will be a need for high convergence of various types of wireless networks, such as cellular and the Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks, which are steadily growing and consequently considered as the studied use case in this work. We show that the 6G network significantly benefits from effective Dynamic Spectrum management (DSM) based on RSM which provides rich and accurate knowledge of the radio context; a knowledge that is stored and processed within database-oriented subsystems designed to support wireless networks for improving spectral efficiency. In this article, we discuss context-aware RSM subsystem architecture and operation for DSM in convergent 6G radio and IoT networks. By providing various use-cases, we demonstrate that the accurate definition and access to the rich context information lead to a significant improvement of the system performance. In consequence, we also claim that efficient big-data processing algorithms will be necessary for future applications. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2107.12766v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2107.12766v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 27 July, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> July 2021. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables</span> </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> in IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 40-50, Sept. 2020 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2103.11891</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">ps</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Information Theory">cs.IT</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Machine Learning">cs.LG</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> <div class="is-inline-block" style="margin-left: 0.5rem"> <div class="tags has-addons"> <span class="tag is-dark is-size-7">doi</span> <span class="tag is-light is-size-7"><a class="" href="">10.1016/j.comcom.2021.01.012 <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></span> </div> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Increasing Energy Efficiency of Massive-MIMO Network via Base Stations Switching using Reinforcement Learning and Radio Environment Maps </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Hoffmann%2C+M">Marcin Hoffmann</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawel Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2103.11891v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Energy Efficiency (EE) is of high importance while considering Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (M-MIMO) networks where base stations (BSs) are equipped with an antenna array composed of up to hundreds of elements. M-MIMO transmission, although highly spectrally efficient, results in high energy consumption growing with the number of antennas. This paper investigates EE improvement through s… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2103.11891v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2103.11891v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2103.11891v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Energy Efficiency (EE) is of high importance while considering Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (M-MIMO) networks where base stations (BSs) are equipped with an antenna array composed of up to hundreds of elements. M-MIMO transmission, although highly spectrally efficient, results in high energy consumption growing with the number of antennas. This paper investigates EE improvement through switching on/off underutilized BSs. It is proposed to use the location-aware approach, where data about an optimal active BSs set is stored in a Radio Environment Map (REM). For efficient acquisition, processing and utilization of the REM data, reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms are used. State-of-the-art exploration/exploitation methods including e-greedy, Upper Confidence Bound (UCB), and Gradient Bandit are evaluated. Then analytical action filtering, and an REM-based Exploration Algorithm (REM-EA) are proposed to improve the RL convergence time. Algorithms are evaluated using an advanced, system-level simulator of an M-MIMO Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) utilizing an accurate 3D-ray-tracing radio channel model. The proposed RL-based BSs switching algorithm is proven to provide 70% gains in EE over a state-of-the-art algorithm using an analytical heuristic. Moreover, the proposed action filtering and REM-EA can reduce RL convergence time in relation to the best-performing state-of-the-art exploration method by 60% and 83%, respectively. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2103.11891v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2103.11891v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 8 March, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> March 2021. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Journal ref:</span> Computer Communications, Volume 169, 2021, Pages 232-242, ISSN 0140-3664 </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2009.04175</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>, <a href="">other</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> 6G for Bridging the Digital Divide: Wireless Connectivity to Remote Areas </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Chaoub%2C+A">Abdelaali Chaoub</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Giordani%2C+M">Marco Giordani</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Lall%2C+B">Brejesh Lall</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Bhatia%2C+V">Vimal Bhatia</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Mendes%2C+L">Luciano Mendes</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Rabie%2C+K">Khaled Rabie</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Saarnisaari%2C+H">Harri Saarnisaari</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Singhal%2C+A">Amit Singhal</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Zhang%2C+N">Nan Zhang</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Dixit%2C+S">Sudhir Dixit</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Zorzi%2C+M">Michele Zorzi</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2009.04175v2-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In telecommunications, network service accessibility as a requirement is closely related to equitably serving the population residing at locations that can most appropriately be described as remote. Remote connectivity, however, would have benefited from a more inclusive consideration in the existing generations of mobile communications. To remedy this, sustainability and its social impact are bei… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2009.04175v2-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2009.04175v2-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2009.04175v2-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In telecommunications, network service accessibility as a requirement is closely related to equitably serving the population residing at locations that can most appropriately be described as remote. Remote connectivity, however, would have benefited from a more inclusive consideration in the existing generations of mobile communications. To remedy this, sustainability and its social impact are being positioned as key drivers of sixth generation's (6G) research and standardization activities. In particular, there has been a conscious attempt to understand the demands of remote wireless connectivity, which has led to a better understanding of the challenges that lie ahead. In this perspective, this article overviews the key challenges associated with constraints on network design and deployment to be addressed for providing broadband connectivity to rural areas, and proposes novel approaches and solutions for bridging the digital divide in those regions. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2009.04175v2-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2009.04175v2-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 26 April, 2021; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">v1</span> submitted 9 September, 2020; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> September 2020. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">This paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Wireless Communications. 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2004.14850</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing">cs.DC</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Artificial Intelligence">cs.AI</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> 6G White Paper on Edge Intelligence </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Peltonen%2C+E">Ella Peltonen</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Bennis%2C+M">Mehdi Bennis</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Capobianco%2C+M">Michele Capobianco</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Debbah%2C+M">Merouane Debbah</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Ding%2C+A">Aaron Ding</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Gil-Casti%C3%B1eira%2C+F">Felipe Gil-Casti帽eira</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Jurmu%2C+M">Marko Jurmu</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Karvonen%2C+T">Teemu Karvonen</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kelanti%2C+M">Markus Kelanti</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Lepp%C3%A4nen%2C+T">Teemu Lepp盲nen</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Lov%C3%A9n%2C+L">Lauri Lov茅n</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Mikkonen%2C+T">Tommi Mikkonen</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Rao%2C+A">Ashwin Rao</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Samarakoon%2C+S">Sumudu Samarakoon</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sepp%C3%A4nen%2C+K">Kari Sepp盲nen</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Sroka%2C+P">Pawe艂 Sroka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Tarkoma%2C+S">Sasu Tarkoma</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Yang%2C+T">Tingting Yang</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2004.14850v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In this white paper we provide a vision for 6G Edge Intelligence. Moving towards 5G and beyond the future 6G networks, intelligent solutions utilizing data-driven machine learning and artificial intelligence become crucial for several real-world applications including but not limited to, more efficient manufacturing, novel personal smart device environments and experiences, urban computing and aut… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2004.14850v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2004.14850v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2004.14850v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In this white paper we provide a vision for 6G Edge Intelligence. Moving towards 5G and beyond the future 6G networks, intelligent solutions utilizing data-driven machine learning and artificial intelligence become crucial for several real-world applications including but not limited to, more efficient manufacturing, novel personal smart device environments and experiences, urban computing and autonomous traffic settings. We present edge computing along with other 6G enablers as a key component to establish the future 2030 intelligent Internet technologies as shown in this series of 6G White Papers. In this white paper, we focus in the domains of edge computing infrastructure and platforms, data and edge network management, software development for edge, and real-time and distributed training of ML/AI algorithms, along with security, privacy, pricing, and end-user aspects. We discuss the key enablers and challenges and identify the key research questions for the development of the Intelligent Edge services. As a main outcome of this white paper, we envision a transition from Internet of Things to Intelligent Internet of Intelligent Things and provide a roadmap for development of 6G Intelligent Edge. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2004.14850v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2004.14850v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 30 April, 2020; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> April 2020. </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:2004.14699</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Signal Processing">eess.SP</span> <span class="tag is-small is-grey tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> A 6G White Paper on Connectivity for Remote Areas </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Saarnisaari%2C+H">Harri Saarnisaari</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Dixit%2C+S">Sudhir Dixit</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Alouini%2C+M">Mohamed-Slim Alouini</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Chaoub%2C+A">Abdelaali Chaoub</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Giordani%2C+M">Marco Giordani</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Matinmikko-Blue%2C+M">Marja Matinmikko-Blue</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Zhang%2C+N">Nan Zhang</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Agrawal%2C+A">Anuj Agrawal</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Andersson%2C+M">Mats Andersson</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Bhatia%2C+V">Vimal Bhatia</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Cao%2C+W">Wei Cao</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Chen%2C+Y">Yunfei Chen</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Feng%2C+W">Wei Feng</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Heikkil%C3%A4%2C+M">Marjo Heikkil盲</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Jornet%2C+J+M">Josep M. Jornet</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Mendes%2C+L">Luciano Mendes</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Karvonen%2C+H">Heikki Karvonen</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Lall%2C+B">Brejesh Lall</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Latva-aho%2C+M">Matti Latva-aho</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Li%2C+X">Xiangling Li</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=L%C3%A4hetkangas%2C+K">Kalle L盲hetkangas</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Masonta%2C+M+T">Moshe T. Masonta</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Pandey%2C+A">Alok Pandey</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Pirinen%2C+P">Pekka Pirinen</a> , et al. (9 additional authors not shown) </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2004.14699v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> In many places all over the world rural and remote areas lack proper connectivity that has led to increasing digital divide. These areas might have low population density, low incomes, etc., making them less attractive places to invest and operate connectivity networks. 6G could be the first mobile radio generation truly aiming to close the digital divide. However, in order to do so, special requi… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2004.14699v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('2004.14699v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="2004.14699v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> In many places all over the world rural and remote areas lack proper connectivity that has led to increasing digital divide. These areas might have low population density, low incomes, etc., making them less attractive places to invest and operate connectivity networks. 6G could be the first mobile radio generation truly aiming to close the digital divide. However, in order to do so, special requirements and challenges have to be considered since the beginning of the design process. The aim of this white paper is to discuss requirements and challenges and point out related, identified research topics that have to be solved in 6G. This white paper first provides a generic discussion, shows some facts and discusses targets set in international bodies related to rural and remote connectivity and digital divide. Then the paper digs into technical details, i.e., into a solutions space. Each technical section ends with a discussion and then highlights identified 6G challenges and research ideas as a list. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('2004.14699v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('2004.14699v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 30 April, 2020; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> April 2020. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">A 6G white paper, 17 pages</span> </p> </li> <li class="arxiv-result"> <div class="is-marginless"> <p class="list-title is-inline-block"><a href="">arXiv:1811.02788</a> <span> [<a href="">pdf</a>] </span> </p> <div class="tags is-inline-block"> <span class="tag is-small is-link tooltip is-tooltip-top" data-tooltip="Networking and Internet Architecture">cs.NI</span> </div> </div> <p class="title is-5 mathjax"> Context-based spectrum sharing in 5G wireless networks based on Radio Environment Maps </p> <p class="authors"> <span class="search-hit">Authors:</span> <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kryszkiewicz%2C+P">Pawe艂 Kryszkiewicz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Kliks%2C+A">Adrian Kliks</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Ku%C5%82acz%2C+%C5%81">艁ukasz Ku艂acz</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Bogucka%2C+H">Hanna Bogucka</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Koudouridis%2C+G+P">Georgios P. Koudouridis</a>, <a href="/search/cs?searchtype=author&query=Dryja%C5%84ski%2C+M">Marcin Dryja艅ski</a> </p> <p class="abstract mathjax"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Abstract</span>: <span class="abstract-short has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="1811.02788v1-abstract-short" style="display: inline;"> Dynamic spectrum sharing can provide many benefits to wireless networks operators. However, its efficiency requires sophisticated control mechanisms. The more context information is used by it, the higher performance of networks is expected. A facility for collecting this information, processing it and controlling base stations managed by various network operators is a so-called Radio Environment… <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('1811.02788v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('1811.02788v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'none';">▽ More</a> </span> <span class="abstract-full has-text-grey-dark mathjax" id="1811.02788v1-abstract-full" style="display: none;"> Dynamic spectrum sharing can provide many benefits to wireless networks operators. However, its efficiency requires sophisticated control mechanisms. The more context information is used by it, the higher performance of networks is expected. A facility for collecting this information, processing it and controlling base stations managed by various network operators is a so-called Radio Environment Map (REM) subsystem. This paper proposes REM-based schemes for the allocation of base stations power levels in 4G/5G networks, while considering interference generated to a licensed network. It is assumed that both networks have different profiles of served users, e.g., area of their positions and movement, which opens opportunities for spectrum sharing. The proposed schemes have been evaluated by means of extensive system-level simulations and compared with two widely adopted policy-based spectrum sharing reference schemes. Simulation results show that dynamic schemes utilizing rich context information, outperforms static, policy-based spectrum sharing schemes. <a class="is-size-7" style="white-space: nowrap;" onclick="document.getElementById('1811.02788v1-abstract-full').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('1811.02788v1-abstract-short').style.display = 'inline';">△ Less</a> </span> </p> <p class="is-size-7"><span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Submitted</span> 7 November, 2018; <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">originally announced</span> November 2018. </p> <p class="comments is-size-7"> <span class="has-text-black-bis has-text-weight-semibold">Comments:</span> <span class="has-text-grey-dark mathjax">25 pages, 13 figures, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing</span> </p> </li> </ol> <div class="is-hidden-tablet"> <!-- feedback for mobile only --> <span class="help" style="display: inline-block;"><a href="">Search v0.5.6 released 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