Peter Tufano - Faculty & Research - Harvard Business School

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From 2011 to 2021, he served as the Peter Moores Dean at <a href="" target="_blank">Saïd Business School</a> at the University of Oxford. From 1989 to 2011, he was a Professor at HBS, where he oversaw the school’s tenure and promotion processes, campus planning, and university relations and was the founding co-chair of the Harvard i-lab. His current work focuses on climate finance, climate alliances, and the financial impact of climate on households. His body of research and course development also spans financial innovation, financial engineering, and household finance.</p> </div> <div class="toggle-bio"> <div style="padding-top: 20px;margin-bottom:0px;"><a role="button" aria-label="Read more about Peter Tufano" class="toggle-button kappa-uc moreless" href="#"><span class="icon-expand" style="padding-right:5px"></span>Read more</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="fullbio" style="display:none;"><p>Peter Tufano is a Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School and Senior Advisor to the Harvard Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. From 2011 to 2021, he served as the Peter Moores Dean at <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Saïd Business School</a> at the University of Oxford. From 1989 to 2011, he was a Professor at HBS, where he oversaw the school’s tenure and promotion processes, campus planning, and university relations and was the founding co-chair of the Harvard i-lab.</p> <p>Tufano’s current work focuses on business solutions to climate change, in particular the role of climate finance and climate alliances, as well as the financial impact of climate change on households.</p> <p>Tufano’s climate finance agenda builds on his decades of work on financial innovation, financial engineering, and financial institutions.   In 2023, he assembled leading scholars in climate finance to launch <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Financial Economics of Climate and Sustainability (FECS)</a> to train the next generation of climate scholars.  In 2024, this virtual doctoral reading group drew students from over 130 universities globally, with 24 hours of material delivered by the core faculty and enhancement activities at the local schools.  See <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>.  Tufano’s research and case writing examine how risk engineering, return engineering, and financial collaborations are at the core of climate finance.  His current work on risk engineering studies the critical role of the insurance sector as well as advance purchase commitments.  Tufano sits on climate-related advisory groups in investment management, data services, insurance, and law.</p> <p>Tufano’s work on climate alliances is informed by his personal experiences in creating and sustaining alliances—particularly in the educational space. At Oxford, he championed <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Business Schools for Climate Leadership </a>bringing together eight business schools in Europe to support businesses addressing the climate crisis facing the planet.  (This group has now broadened to include clusters in Africa as well as the Middle East.)  His FECS course, described above, is another example of applying collaborative models to move climate education forward.  Tufano’s research in this space, with researchers from Harvard, Oxford and IMD, looks at the theories of change and potential benefits of alliances, potential anti-trust implications of climate alliances, recommendations for disclosure practices, and a forthcoming empirical study of the potential positive and negative impact of alliances.  His case-writing examines a few different types of alliances, ranging from net zero alliances to buyers’ pools to stimulate new climate markets. A proponent in the power of collaboration to effect systems change, Tufano is acting as Senior Advisor to Harvard’s <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability</a>. The Institute will draw upon the extensive expertise and resources across Harvard and beyond to develop and promote durable, effective, and equitable solutions to the climate change challenges confronting humanity.</p> <p>Tufano’s work on the financial impacts of climate change on households blends his newer work on climate with his long-standing expertise in household finance.  In particular, with a variety of coauthors Tufano is studying the relationship between extreme weather—a marker of climate change—and household finances, using both very large and very targeted datasets.</p> <p>Tufano’s work on business responsibilities and systems change is reflected in a number of his recent pieces and is an outgrowth of his service as Dean.  His recent HBR piece with Sandra Sucher and David Bersoff studies what people around the globe expect from business—and where they think it is falling short.  His writing over the last decade discusses the role of business schools in addressing systemic issues. His Oxford research on the corporate adoption of ESG practices as part of the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Ownership Project</a> at Oxford finds strong relationships between ownership and ESG practices.  Tufano teaches two HBS MBA RC courses—Leadership and Corporate Accountability as well as the Purpose of the Firm—that bring business responsibilities and systems change into the curriculum. </p> <p>As Dean at Oxford, Tufano championed the mission of making business, business schools, and entrepreneurship forces for justice and systems change, re-orienting the School around global challenges while transforming the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">gender</a> and <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">global</a> composition of the class. This orientation, along with his approach of “embedding” the School within the broader University, produced the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">1+1 MBA programme</a>; the required <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Global Opportunities and Threats: Oxford (GOTO)</a> course; its global analogue, <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Map the System</a>; the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Engaging with the Humanities Programme</a>; the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Oxford Foundry</a>; Oxford’s joining of the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Creative Destruction Lab</a>, its <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Aspen-Oxford Leadership Programme</a>, and more.</p> <p>Tufano founded and chairs <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Commonwealth</a>, a non-profit building financial security and opportunity for financially vulnerable people through innovation and partnerships to change systems. Their work contributed to the passage of the American Savings Promotion Act in December 2014 (which removed federal barriers to the sale of prize-linked savings product) and a decade later is currently at the forefront of <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">workplace-based emergency savings initiatives.</a></p> <p>Tufano earned his BA in economics (summa cum laude), MBA (with high distinction) and PhD in Business Economics at Harvard University. He is a Fellow of the <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Academy of Social Sciences</a> and earned GARP’s certification in <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Sustainability and Climate Risk</a>.</p> <br /> <div class="toggle-bio"> <div style="padding-top: 20px;"><a class="toggle-button kappa-uc moreless" href="#"><span class="icon-collapse" style="padding-right:5px"></span>Less</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="shim20"></div> </div> </div> <div class="tablet-visible mobile-visible"> <div class="shim10"></div> <div class="nu">General Management</div> <div class="shim10"></div> <div class="mu-uc"><a href="tel:+1(617) 495-6855" class="black">+1 (617) 495-6855</a></div> </div> </div> <div class="span1">&nbsp;</div> <div class="span3 tablet-span12 vrule-offset"> <div class="tablet-hidden mobile-hidden profile-section-top-right"> <div class="shim10"></div><img src="" class="fluid" style="border: 3px solid black;" alt="Peter Tufano" width="200" height="200"><div class="shim5 mobile-visible"></div> <div class="shim15"></div> <div class="mu-uc">Unit</div> <div><a href="/faculty/units/gm/Pages/default.aspx">General Management</a></div> <div class="shim15"></div> <div class="mu-uc">Contact Information</div> <div>(617) 495-6855</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="desktop-visible"> <div class="row tablet-row"> <div class="span9 tablet-span12"> <div class="page-tabs-container"> <table class="page-tabs nav-tabs table-overflow tabs-hero" style="margin-bottom:-1px;"> <tr> <td><a href="?facId=6567&amp;click=byline&amp;view=featured-work" data-tab="featured-work" class="mu-uc current">Featured Work</a></td> <td><a href="?facId=6567&amp;click=byline&amp;view=publications" data-tab="publications" class="inherit-light-bg black white-color-onhover">Publications</a></td> <td><a href="?facId=6567&amp;click=byline&amp;view=research-summary" data-tab="research-summary" class="inherit-light-bg black white-color-onhover">Research Summary</a></td> <td><a href="?facId=6567&amp;click=byline&amp;view=teaching" data-tab="teaching" class="inherit-light-bg black white-color-onhover">Teaching</a></td> <td><a href="?facId=6567&amp;click=byline&amp;view=awards" data-tab="awards" class="inherit-light-bg black white-color-onhover">Awards &amp; Honors</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container tablet-container mobile-container vrule9"> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row"> <div class="span9 tablet-span12 body h3-kappa" data-wcm-edit-url=""> <div class="cap tablet-cap mobile-cap"></div> <div class="tablet-hidden mobile-hidden"> <div id="featured-work" class="tabcontent current" data-wcm-edit-url=""> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"One Way to Help Employees Build Emergency Savings" Harvard Business Review (May 2024)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><span>Intentional cooperation between two organizations — BlackRock, a major asset management firm, and national non-profit, Commonwealth — created the conditions for the nation’s largest payroll processor, multiple U.S. employers, retirement record keepers, and others to work together to help address systemic U.S. household financial insecurity through a workplace-based savings plans. This was not the typical retirement-savings programs, but rather an emergency-savings programs, designed to reduce the financial fragility that often affects those living on low to moderate or volatile incomes with little ability to cope with a financial emergency.</span></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"How Companies Should Weigh In on a Controversy" Harvard Business Review (March-April 2024)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">A better approach to stakeholder management</div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"When Climate Collaboration Is Treated as an Antitrust Violation," Harvard Business Review (October 2022)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"Business Schools Must Do More to Address the Climate Crisis" Harvard Business Review (February 2022)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"Training Leaders to Win Wars and Forge Peace: Lessons from History," Business History Review 94 (Winter 2020): 807–833</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"Can Gambling Increase Savings? Empirical Evidence on Prize-Linked Savings Accounts." (May 2022)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">Cole, Shawn A., Benjamin Iverson, and Peter Tufano</div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tablet-visible mobile-visible"> <div class="fullBio"><p>Peter Tufano is a Baker Foundation Professor at Harvard Business School and Senior Advisor to the Harvard Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability. From 2011 to 2021, he served as the Peter Moores Dean at <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Saïd Business School</a> at the University of Oxford. From 1989 to 2011, he was a Professor at HBS, where he oversaw the school’s tenure and promotion processes, campus planning, and university relations and was the founding co-chair of the Harvard i-lab.</p> <p>Tufano’s current work focuses on business solutions to climate change, in particular the role of climate finance and climate alliances, as well as the financial impact of climate change on households.</p> <p>Tufano’s climate finance agenda builds on his decades of work on financial innovation, financial engineering, and financial institutions.   In 2023, he assembled leading scholars in climate finance to launch <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Financial Economics of Climate and Sustainability (FECS)</a> to train the next generation of climate scholars.  In 2024, this virtual doctoral reading group drew students from over 130 universities globally, with 24 hours of material delivered by the core faculty and enhancement activities at the local schools.  See <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a>.  Tufano’s research and case writing examine how risk engineering, return engineering, and financial collaborations are at the core of climate finance.  His current work on risk engineering studies the critical role of the insurance sector as well as advance purchase commitments.  Tufano sits on climate-related advisory groups in investment management, data services, insurance, and law.</p> <p>Tufano’s work on climate alliances is informed by his personal experiences in creating and sustaining alliances—particularly in the educational space. At Oxford, he championed <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Business Schools for Climate Leadership </a>bringing together eight business schools in Europe to support businesses addressing the climate crisis facing the planet.  (This group has now broadened to include clusters in Africa as well as the Middle East.)  His FECS course, described above, is another example of applying collaborative models to move climate education forward.  Tufano’s research in this space, with researchers from Harvard, Oxford and IMD, looks at the theories of change and potential benefits of alliances, potential anti-trust implications of climate alliances, recommendations for disclosure practices, and a forthcoming empirical study of the potential positive and negative impact of alliances.  His case-writing examines a few different types of alliances, ranging from net zero alliances to buyers’ pools to stimulate new climate markets. A proponent in the power of collaboration to effect systems change, Tufano is acting as Senior Advisor to Harvard’s <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability</a>. The Institute will draw upon the extensive expertise and resources across Harvard and beyond to develop and promote durable, effective, and equitable solutions to the climate change challenges confronting humanity.</p> <p>Tufano’s work on the financial impacts of climate change on households blends his newer work on climate with his long-standing expertise in household finance.  In particular, with a variety of coauthors Tufano is studying the relationship between extreme weather—a marker of climate change—and household finances, using both very large and very targeted datasets.</p> <p>Tufano’s work on business responsibilities and systems change is reflected in a number of his recent pieces and is an outgrowth of his service as Dean.  His recent HBR piece with Sandra Sucher and David Bersoff studies what people around the globe expect from business—and where they think it is falling short.  His writing over the last decade discusses the role of business schools in addressing systemic issues. His Oxford research on the corporate adoption of ESG practices as part of the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Ownership Project</a> at Oxford finds strong relationships between ownership and ESG practices.  Tufano teaches two HBS MBA RC courses—Leadership and Corporate Accountability as well as the Purpose of the Firm—that bring business responsibilities and systems change into the curriculum. </p> <p>As Dean at Oxford, Tufano championed the mission of making business, business schools, and entrepreneurship forces for justice and systems change, re-orienting the School around global challenges while transforming the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">gender</a> and <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">global</a> composition of the class. This orientation, along with his approach of “embedding” the School within the broader University, produced the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">1+1 MBA programme</a>; the required <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Global Opportunities and Threats: Oxford (GOTO)</a> course; its global analogue, <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Map the System</a>; the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Engaging with the Humanities Programme</a>; the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Oxford Foundry</a>; Oxford’s joining of the <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Creative Destruction Lab</a>, its <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Aspen-Oxford Leadership Programme</a>, and more.</p> <p>Tufano founded and chairs <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Commonwealth</a>, a non-profit building financial security and opportunity for financially vulnerable people through innovation and partnerships to change systems. Their work contributed to the passage of the American Savings Promotion Act in December 2014 (which removed federal barriers to the sale of prize-linked savings product) and a decade later is currently at the forefront of <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">workplace-based emergency savings initiatives.</a></p> <p>Tufano earned his BA in economics (summa cum laude), MBA (with high distinction) and PhD in Business Economics at Harvard University. He is a Fellow of the <a class="ext" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Academy of Social Sciences</a> and earned GARP’s certification in <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">Sustainability and Climate Risk</a>.</p> <br /></div> <dl class="accordian profile-tabs"> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Featured Work</a></dt> <dd> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"One Way to Help Employees Build Emergency Savings" Harvard Business Review (May 2024)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline"><span>Intentional cooperation between two organizations — BlackRock, a major asset management firm, and national non-profit, Commonwealth — created the conditions for the nation’s largest payroll processor, multiple U.S. employers, retirement record keepers, and others to work together to help address systemic U.S. household financial insecurity through a workplace-based savings plans. This was not the typical retirement-savings programs, but rather an emergency-savings programs, designed to reduce the financial fragility that often affects those living on low to moderate or volatile incomes with little ability to cope with a financial emergency.</span></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"How Companies Should Weigh In on a Controversy" Harvard Business Review (March-April 2024)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">A better approach to stakeholder management</div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"When Climate Collaboration Is Treated as an Antitrust Violation," Harvard Business Review (October 2022)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"Business Schools Must Do More to Address the Climate Crisis" Harvard Business Review (February 2022)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"Training Leaders to Win Wars and Forge Peace: Lessons from History," Business History Review 94 (Winter 2020): 807–833</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">"Can Gambling Increase Savings? Empirical Evidence on Prize-Linked Savings Accounts." (May 2022)</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="subtitle">Cole, Shawn A., Benjamin Iverson, and Peter Tufano</div> <div class="shim12"></div> </article> </div> </div> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Books</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Kester, W. Carl, Richard Ruback, and Peter Tufano, eds. <I>Teaching Manual to accompany Case Problems in Finance</I>.&nbsp;12th ed.&nbsp;Chicago:&nbsp;McGraw-Hill,&nbsp;2005.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kester, W. Carl, Richard Ruback, and Peter Tufano, eds. <I>Case Problems in Finance</I>.&nbsp;12th ed.&nbsp;Chicago:&nbsp;McGraw-Hill,&nbsp;2004.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Mason, Scott P., Robert C. Merton, André Perold, and Peter Tufano. <I>Teacher's Manual for Cases in Financial Engineering: Applied Studies of Financial Innovation</I>.&nbsp;Prentice Hall,&nbsp;1996.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Crane, D. B., K. A. Froot, Scott P. Mason, André Perold, R. C. Merton, Z. Bodie, E. R. Sirri, and P. Tufano. <I><A HREF="">The Global Financial System: A Functional Perspective</A></I>.&nbsp;Boston:&nbsp;Harvard Business School Press,&nbsp;1995.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Mason, Scott P., Robert C. Merton, André Perold, and Peter Tufano. <I><A HREF="">Cases in Financial Engineering: Applied Studies of Financial Innovation</A></I>.&nbsp;Englewood Cliffs:&nbsp;Prentice Hall,&nbsp;1995.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Journal Articles</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Tufano, Peter, Chris Thomas, Knut Haanaes, Matteo Gasparini, Robert Eyres, and Christopher Chapman. <A HREF="">"To Earn Trust, Climate Alliances Need to Improve Transparency."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review (website)</I> (November 29, 2023).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Gasparini, Matteo, Knut Haanaes, Emily Tedards, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"The Case for Climate Alliances."</A> <I>Stanford Social Innovation Review</I> 22, no. 4 (Fall 2024): 48–57.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Flacke, Timothy, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"One Way to Help Employees Build Emergency Savings."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review (website)</I> (May 14, 2024).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Bersoff, David M., Sandra J. Sucher, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"How Companies Should Weigh in on a Controversy: A Better Approach to Stakeholder Management."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review</I> 102, no. 2 (March–April 2024): 108–119.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Gasparini, Matteo, Knut Haanaes, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"When Climate Collaboration Is Treated as an Antitrust Violation."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review (website)</I> (October 17, 2022).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Galdón, Concepción, Knut Haanaes, Daniel Halbheer, Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Katell Le Goulven, Mike Rosenberg, Peter Tufano, and Amelia Whitelaw. <A HREF="">"Business Schools Must Do More to Address the Climate Crisis."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review Digital Articles</I> (February 1, 2022).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Cole, Shawn A., Benjamin Iverson, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Can Gambling Increase Savings? Empirical Evidence on Prize-Linked Savings Accounts."</A> <I>Management Science</I> 68, no. 5 (May 2022): 3282–3308.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Wanat, Marta, Mary Logan, Jennifer A. Hirst, Charles Vicary, Joseph J. Lee, Rafael Perera, Irene Tracey, Gordon Duff, Peter Tufano, Thomas Fanshawe, Lazaro Mwandigha, Brian D. Nicholson, Sarah Tonkin-Crine, and Richard Hobbs. <A HREF="">"Perceptions on Undertaking Regular Asymptomatic Self-testing for COVID-19 Using Lateral Flow Tests: A Qualitative Study of University Students and Staff."</A> <I>BMJ Open</I> 11, no. 9 (September 2021).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Comstock, Laura, Michael Holland, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Learning from Lehman: Lessons for Today."</A> <I>Analysis Group Forum</I> (2020), 9–14.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, P. <A HREF="">"Training Leaders to Win Wars and Forge Peace: Lessons from History."</A> <I>Business History Review</I> 94, no. 4 (Winter 2020): 807–833.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Clark, Gordon, Maurizio Fiaschetti, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Advice in Defined Contribution Plans."</A> Chap. 6 in <I><A HREF="">Financial Decision Making and Retirement Security in an Aging World</A></I>, edited by Olivia S. Mitchell, P. Brett Hammond, and Stephen P. Utkus, 96–114. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2017.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Lusardi, Annamaria, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences, and Overindebtedness."</A> <I>Journal of Pension Economics & Finance</I> 14, no. 4 (October 2015): 329–365.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Lusardi, Annamaria, Daniel Schneider, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"The Economic Crisis and Medical Care Usage: Comparative Evidence from Five High-Income Countries."</A> <I>Social Science Quarterly</I> 96, no. 1 (March 2015): 202–213.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, P., Michael Quinn, and Ryan D. Taliaferro. "Live Prices and Stale Quantities: T+1 Accounting and Mutual Fund Mispricing." <I>Journal of Investment Management</I> 10, no. 1 (2012): 5–15.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Campbell, Dennis, F. Asis Martinez-Jerez, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Bouncing Out of the Banking System: An Empirical Analysis of Involuntary Bank Account Closures."</A> <I>Journal of Banking & Finance</I> 36, no. 4 (April 2012): 1224–1235.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ryan, Andrea, Gunnar Trumbull, and Peter Tufano. "<A HREF="">A Brief Postwar History of U.S. Consumer Finance.</A>" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 11-058, December 2010.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Lusardi, Annamaria, Daniel Schneider, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"The Economic Crisis and Medical Care Usage."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-079, March 2010.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kaplan, Robert S., Anette Mikes, Robert Simons, Peter Tufano, and Michael Hofmann Jr. <A HREF="">"Managing Risk in the New World."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review</I> 87, no. 10 (October 2009): 68–75.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Just Keep My Money! Supporting Tax-time Savings with U.S. Savings Bonds."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-059, October 2008. (Revised August 2010.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Daniel Schneider. &quot;<a href="">Using Financial Innovation to Support Savers: From Coercion to Excitement.</a>&quot; Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-075, April 2008.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Cole, Shawn A., John Thompson, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Where Does It Go? Spending by the Financially Constrained."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-083, March 2008. (Revised April 2008.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, P., Nick Maynard, and Jan-Emmanuel De Neve. <A HREF="">"Consumer Demand for Prize-Linked Savings: A Preliminary Analysis."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-061, February 2008.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Martinez-Jerez, Francisco de Asis, Sanjiv Das, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"eInformation: A Clinical Study of Investor Discussion and Sentiment."</A> <I>Financial Management</I> 34, no. 3 (Fall 2005): 103–137.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Esty, B. C., Bhanu Narasimhan, and Peter Tufano. "<A HREF="">Interest-Rate Exposure and Bank Mergers</A>." <I>Journal of Banking & Finance</I> 23, nos. 2-4 (February 1999): 255–285.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Esty, B. C., P. Tufano, and J. Headley. <A HREF="">"Banc One Corporation: Asset and Liability Management."</A> <I>Journal of Applied Corporate Finance</I> 7, no. 3 (fall 1994): 33–51.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Esty, B. C., and P. Tufano. <A HREF="">"Commentaries on Banc One's Hedging Strategy."</A> <I>Journal of Applied Corporate Finance</I> 7, no. 3 (fall 1994): 63–65.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Book Chapters</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Tufano, P. <A HREF="">"Crises and Collective Purpose: Distraction or Liberation?"</A> In <I><A HREF="">Business School Leadership and Crisis Exit Planning: Global Deans' Contributions on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of EFMD</A></I>, edited by Eric Cornuel. Cambridge University Press, 2022.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Road Signs for Business and Business Education: Navigating the Geography of Social Value Creation."</A> Chap. 11 in <I><A HREF="">Shaping Entrepreneurial Mindsets: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Leadership Development</A></I>, edited by Jordi Canals, 189–202. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Cole, Shawn A., Peter Tufano, and John Thompson. "Where Does It Go? Spending by the Financially Constrained." Chap. 2 in <I><A HREF="">Borrowing to Live: Consumer and Mortgage Credit Revisited</A></I>, edited by Nicolas P. Retsinas and Eric S. Belsky, 65–91. Brookings Institution Press, 2008.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Merton, Robert C., and Peter Tufano. "<A HREF="">The Global Financial System Project</A>." In <I>The Intellectual Venture Capitalist: John H. McArthur and the Work of the Harvard Business School, 1980-1995</I>, edited by T. K. McCraw and J. L. Cruikshank. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1999.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Working Papers</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Gasparini, Matteo, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"The Evolving Academic Field of Climate Finance."</A> Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-057, January 2023.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Villalonga, Belen, Boya Wang, and Peter Tufano. "Corporate Ownership and ESG Performance." Working Paper, September 2022.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Cases and Teaching Materials</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Tufano, Peter, Emily A. Chien, and Karina Val. "NextGen CDR Facility: From Davos to Details." Harvard Business School Case 325-056, October 2024.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Egan, Mark, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Forecasting Climate Risks: Aviva’s Climate Calculus."</A> Harvard Business School Case 224-025, September 2023. (Revised October 2024.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, Brian Trelstad, and Matteo Gasparini. <A HREF="">"Aviva plc: Examining Net Zero."</A> Harvard Business School Case 324-008, November 2023. (Revised July 2024.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Karina Val. "Net Zero Insurance Alliance: An Alliance in Crisis." Harvard Business School Case 324-063, January 2024.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Cole, Shawn, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"BASIX (Abridged)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 213-035, September 2012.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. "Ashanti Goldfields Company Limited (A) (CW)." Harvard Business School Spreadsheet Supplement 213-710, December 2012.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Campbell, Dennis, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Affinity Plus (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 209-026, July 2008. (Revised October 2012.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, Howell Jackson, and Andrea Ryan. <A HREF="">"Lending Club."</A> Harvard Business School Case 210-052, February 2010. (Revised December 2010.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Andrea Ryan. <A HREF="">"The Christmas Eve Closing."</A> Harvard Business School Case 209-043, October 2008. (Revised August 2010.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Andrea Ryan. "Lending Club case exhibits (CW)." Harvard Business School Spreadsheet Supplement 210-709, February 2010.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Jordan Ashley Wong Keffer. "Valuing Visa? Priceless (CW)." Harvard Business School Spreadsheet Supplement 210-708, February 2010.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Andrea Ryan. <A HREF="">"Blue Ocean or Stormy Waters? Buying Nix Check Cashing."</A> Harvard Business School Case 210-012, July 2009. (Revised July 2009.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Andrea Ryan. "Spreadsheet Supplement to Blue Ocean or Stormy Waters? Buying Nix Check Cashing (CW)." Harvard Business School Spreadsheet Supplement 210-701, July 2009.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Mikes, Anette, Peter Tufano, Eric D. Werker, and Jan-Emmanuel De Neve. <A HREF="">"The World Food Programme during the Global Food Crisis (B)."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 709-052, May 2009.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Mikes, Anette, Peter Tufano, Eric D. Werker, and Jan-Emmanuel De Neve. <A HREF="">"The World Food Programme during the Global Food Crisis (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 709-024, December 2008. (Revised March 2009.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, Andrea Ryan, and Daniel Schneider. <A HREF="">"An Introduction to Consumer Credit."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 209-107, February 2009.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Daniel Schneider. <A HREF="">"E-Duction, Inc."</A> Harvard Business School Case 206-006, September 2005. (Revised January 2009.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, Arijit Roy, and Emily McClintock. <A HREF="">"H&R Block 2006."</A> Harvard Business School Case 307-091, January 2007. (Revised October 2008.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Liability Management at General Motors."</A> Harvard Business School Case 293-123, March 1993. (Revised July 2008.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Esty, Benjamin C., Peter Tufano, and Jon Headley. <A HREF="">"Banc One Corporation: Asset and Liability Management."</A> Harvard Business School Case 294-079, February 1994. (Revised July 2008.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Campbell, Dennis, Francisco de Asis Martinez-Jerez, Peter Tufano, and Emily McClintock. <A HREF="">"Central Bank: The ChexSystemsSM QualiFile® Decision."</A> Harvard Business School Case 208-029, July 2007. (Revised May 2008.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Cole, Shawn A., Peter Tufano, Daniel Schneider, and Daryl Collins. <A HREF="">"First National Bank's Golden Opportunity."</A> Harvard Business School Case 208-072, October 2007. (Revised March 2008.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Cole, Shawn A., and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"BASIX."</A> Harvard Business School Case 207-099, February 2007. (Revised October 2007.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>El-Hage, Nabil N., Peter Tufano, and Daniel Schneider. <A HREF="">"CircleLending, Inc. 2006."</A> Harvard Business School Case 206-137, April 2006. (Revised August 2007.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Shawn A. Cole. "BASIX Simulation Model." Harvard Business School Background Note 207-108, February 2007.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Daniel Schneider. <A HREF="">H&R Block and "Everyday Financial Services".</A> Harvard Business School Case 205-013, July 2004. (Revised January 2007.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Introduction to Corporate Financial Engineering."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 297-053, December 1996. (Revised December 2006.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Coval, Joshua, Robin Greenwood, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Williams, 2002."</A> Harvard Business School Case 203-068, December 2002. (Revised October 2013.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Cameron Poetzscher. <A HREF="">"Times Mirror Company PEPS Proposal Review."</A> Harvard Business School Case 296-089, April 1996. (Revised January 2006.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Antamini Simulation Model."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 203-083, February 2003. (Revised October 2004.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Kedia, Simi, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Adecco SA's Acquisition of Olsten Corp."</A> Harvard Business School Case 201-068, March 2001. (Revised July 2004.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Ruback, Richard S., and Peter Tufano. "Sampa Video, Inc. (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 204-125, February 2004.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Coval, Joshua D., Peter Tufano, and Ivo Welch. "Note on Credit Markets." Harvard Business School Background Note 203-069, December 2002. (Revised January 2004.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Perold, Andre F., and Peter Tufano. "Ford Motor Company's Value Enhancement Plan (A) (TN)." Harvard Business School Teaching Note 204-116, January 2004.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, Zvi Bodie, and Akiko M. Mitsui. <A HREF="">"Pension Plan of Bethlehem Steel, 2001, The."</A> Harvard Business School Case 202-088, April 2002. (Revised October 2003.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Andrade, Gregor M., and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Sampa Video, Inc."</A> Harvard Business School Case 201-094, June 2001. (Revised October 2003.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Joshua Musher. <A HREF="">"United Grain Growers Limited (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 201-015, February 2001. (Revised August 2003.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Michael Lewittes. <A HREF="">"Sally Jameson: Valuing Stock Options in a Compensation Package."</A> Harvard Business School Case 293-053, January 1993. (Revised August 2003.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Cameron Poetzscher. <A HREF="">"Student Educational Loan Fund, Inc. (Abridged)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 201-083, January 2001. (Revised August 2003.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Chacko, George C., and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Cox Communications, Inc., 1999."</A> Harvard Business School Case 201-003, August 2000. (Revised August 2003.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Chacko, George C., Peter Tufano, and Joshua Musher. <A HREF="">"Diageo plc."</A> Harvard Business School Case 201-033, January 2001. (Revised August 2003.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Esty, Benjamin C., and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Contractual Innovation in the UK Energy Markets: Enron Europe, The Eastern Group, and the Sutton Bridge Project."</A> Harvard Business School Case 200-051, May 2000. (Revised April 2003.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, Brian J. Hall, and Joshua Musher. <A HREF="">"Sara's Options."</A> Harvard Business School Case 201-005, August 2000. (Revised July 2002.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Sally Jameson: Valuing Stock Options in a Compensation Package (Abridged)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 202-117, April 2002.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Desai, Mihir A., and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Laura Martin: Real Options and the Cable Industry."</A> Harvard Business School Case 201-004, August 2000. (Revised July 2001.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Moore, Ronald W., and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Dixon Corporation: The Collinsville Plant (Abridged)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 201-097, March 2001. (Revised June 2001.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Pulvino, Todd C., and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Bond Math."</A> Harvard Business School Case 201-101, June 2001.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Joshua Musher. "HBS Inc." Harvard Business School Spreadsheet Supplement 201-723, April 2001.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Jon Headley. <A HREF="">"Why Manage Risk?"</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 294-107, March 1994. (Revised February 2001.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Chacko, George C., Henry B. Reiling, Peter Tufano, and Matthew Bailey. <A HREF="">"Sally Jameson - 1999."</A> Harvard Business School Case 200-006, September 1999.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and John C Handley. <A HREF="">"General Property Trust."</A> Harvard Business School Case 299-098, April 1999.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Cameron Poetzscher. <A HREF="">"ABN-AMRO Holding N.V. and Smit Transformatoren N.V. (B)."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 296-031, October 1995. (Revised December 1998.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, William J Wildern, and Markus Mullarkey. <A HREF="">"General Motors Corp. (A), The : Overview."</A> Harvard Business School Case 299-006, August 1998. (Revised November 1998.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, William J Wildern, and Markus Mullarkey. <A HREF="">"General Motors Corp. (B), The : Financial Policies."</A> Harvard Business School Case 299-007, August 1998.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, Markus Mullarkey, and William J Wildern. <A HREF="">"General Motors Corporation (C), The : 1990-1992."</A> Harvard Business School Case 299-008, August 1998.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, Markus Mullarkey, and William J Widlern. <A HREF="">"General Motors Corp. (D),The : 1993-1996."</A> Harvard Business School Case 299-009, August 1998.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, Geoffrey Verter, and Markus Mullarkey. <A HREF="">"Cephalon, Inc."</A> Harvard Business School Case 298-116, April 1998.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Lerner, Josh, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Aberlyn Capital Management: July 1993."</A> Harvard Business School Case 294-083, January 1994. (Revised November 1997.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Cameron Poetzscher. <A HREF="">"ABN-AMRO Holding N.V. and Smit Transformatoren N.V. (C)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 298-036, September 1997.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Alberto Moel. <A HREF="">"Bidding for Antamina."</A> Harvard Business School Case 297-054, February 1997. (Revised September 1997.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Froot, Kenneth A., Peter Tufano, and Chris L Marshall. <A HREF="">"Syscom Computers."</A> Harvard Business School Case 295-094, January 1995. (Revised May 1997.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Collat, Donald S., and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Privatization of Rhone-Poulenc 1993, The ."</A> Harvard Business School Case 295-049, October 1994. (Revised March 1997.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Alberto Moel. <A HREF="">"Copper and Zinc Markets 1996."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 297-055, March 1997.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Cameron Poetzscher. <A HREF="">"Tennessee Valley Authority: Option Purchase Agreements."</A> Harvard Business School Case 296-038, January 1996. (Revised February 1997.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Cameron Poetzscher. <A HREF="">"Student Educational Loan Fund, Inc."</A> Harvard Business School Case 296-046, December 1995. (Revised February 1997.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, Robert Santangelo, and Cameron Poetzscher. <A HREF="">"Financial Engineering and Tax Risk: The Case of Times Mirror PEPS."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 297-056, December 1996.&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Cameron Poetzscher. <A HREF="">"Aspen Technology, Inc.: Currency Hedging Review."</A> Harvard Business School Case 296-027, October 1995. (Revised July 1996.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Cameron Poetzscher. <A HREF="">"ABN-AMRO Holding N.V. and Smit Transformatoren N.V. (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 296-030, October 1995. (Revised June 1996.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc. (B): Euromarket Covered Warrant Execution."</A> Harvard Business School Case 291-017, November 1990. (Revised May 1996.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Luehrman, Timothy A., Peter Tufano, and Barbara Wall. <A HREF="">"MW Petroleum Corporation (B)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 295-045, February 1995. (Revised April 1996.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Lerner, Josh, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"ALZA and Bio-Electro Systems (B1): Rights Offering Strategy."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 293-125, April 1993. (Revised February 1996.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Lerner, Josh, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"ALZA and Bio-Electro Systems (B2): The Rights Offering."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 293-126, April 1993. (Revised February 1996.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Lerner, Josh, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"ALZA and Bio-Electro Systems (C): 1988-92."</A> Harvard Business School Supplement 293-127, April 1993. (Revised February 1996.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Jon Headley. <A HREF="">"Union Carbide Corporation: Interest Rate Risk Management."</A> Harvard Business School Case 294-057, February 1994. (Revised February 1996.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Lerner, Josh, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"ALZA and Bio-Electro Systems (A): Technological and Financial Innovation."</A> Harvard Business School Case 293-124, April 1993. (Revised October 1995.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"American Barrick Resources Corporation: Managing Gold Price Risk."</A> Harvard Business School Case 293-128, April 1993. (Revised October 1995.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Goldman, Sachs & Co.: Nikkei Put Warrants--1989."</A> Harvard Business School Case 292-113, February 1992. (Revised September 1995.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Sanjay Bhatnagar. <A HREF="">"Enron Gas Services."</A> Harvard Business School Case 294-076, March 1994. (Revised September 1995.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Barbara Kyrillos. <A HREF="">"Leland O'Brien Rubinstein Associates, Inc.: SuperTrust."</A> Harvard Business School Case 294-050, June 1994. (Revised September 1995.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Barbara Kyrillos. <A HREF="">"Leland O'Brien Rubinstein Associates, Inc.: Portfolio Insurance."</A> Harvard Business School Case 294-061, February 1994. (Revised September 1995.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"RJR Nabisco Holdings Capital Corp.--1991."</A> Harvard Business School Case 292-129, June 1992. (Revised June 1995.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Edleson, Michael E., and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"Arbitrage in the Government Bond Market?"</A> Harvard Business School Case 293-093, January 1993. (Revised June 1995.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Jon Headley. <A HREF="">"Interest Rate Derivatives."</A> Harvard Business School Background Note 294-095, March 1994. (Revised June 1995.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc. (A): Entry into the Covered Warrant Business."</A> Harvard Business School Case 291-016, November 1990. (Revised June 1995.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Luehrman, Timothy A., Peter Tufano, and Barbara Wall. <A HREF="">"MW Petroleum Corporation (A)."</A> Harvard Business School Case 295-029, November 1994. (Revised November 1994.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Jon Headley. <A HREF="">"Dell Computer Corporation."</A> Harvard Business School Case 294-051, January 1994. (Revised July 1994.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Atlantic Corp."</A> Harvard Business School Case 286-004, July 1985. (Revised July 1990.)&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Other Publications and Materials</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Can Donald Trump Teach us Anything?"</A> <I>International Business Times</I> (January 26, 2018).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Why We Must Embrace, Not Fear, the Technology That Is Revolutionising Education and Jobs."</A> <I>International Business Times</I> (October 18, 2017).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, P. <A HREF="">"A New Model Of Business Education."</A> <I><A HREF="">Poets & Quants</A></I> (January 23, 2019).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"An Encouraging Step to Reorient Corporate Purpose."</A> <I>LinkedIn Pulse</I> (August 20, 2019).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, P. <A HREF="">"Impact Should Be Included in Promotion and Tenure Criteria."</A> <I>Times Higher Education</I> (November 18, 2019).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"The Week Past and the Work Ahead."</A> <I>LinkedIn Pulse</I> (February 1, 2020).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter. <A HREF="">"Walking the Talk."</A> <I>LinkedIn Pulse</I> (March 1, 2020).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, P. <A HREF="">"A Bolder Vision for Business Schools."</A> <I>Harvard Business Review Digital Articles</I> (March 11, 2020).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Timothy Flacke. <A HREF="">"The Case for Stakeholder Dividends: Why It’s Time for the Financial Sector to Put Its Money Where Its Mouth Is."</A> <I></I> (August 17, 2020).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, P. <A HREF="">"Decent Leadership for 2020."</A> <I>LinkedIn Pulse</I> (August 21, 2020).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, P. <A HREF="">"'Big and Little' Challenges as Votes are Counted."</A> <I>LinkedIn Pulse</I> (November 4, 2020).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Tufano, Peter, and Daniel Schneider. <A HREF="">"Missing Voices in the Child Tax Credit Frenzy—Parents."</A> <I>The Hill</I> (August 2, 2021).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a><div class="shim20"></div> </li> <li>Neuhaus, Bob, Daniel Schneider, and Peter Tufano. <A HREF="">"New Child Tax Credit Should Be a Call to Action for Banks."</A> <I>American Banker</I> (August 13, 2021).&nbsp;<a href="">View Details</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Research Summary</a></dt> <dd> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Overview</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline">Tufano’s research has focused on financial innovation and financial engineering—and for more than two decades, household finance. While he continues to study these topics, his current primary research is on the role of business in addressing climate change. With Professors Serafeim and Toffel, he is co-PI of the D^3 Sustainability Impact Lab. His recent research and case writing center around four key issues. <br><br> Climate alliances: Against a dominant paradigm of competition, how might collaborative activities move the climate agenda forward? <br> • Stanford Social Innovation Review: What are the theories of change and benefits of climate alliances?<br> • Forthcoming empirical piece: What are the actual benefits and costs of alliances?<br> • How might alliances run afoul of antitrust or political pressure? What should they be required to disclose?<br> • Case studies: How and why might alliances fall apart? <br><br> Climate finance: What is the appropriate role for the finance sector in addressing climate change?<br> • Survey of research on Climate Finance<br> • Case studies on insurance, risk measurement, advance purchase commitments.<br> • Forthcoming white paper on Climate Finance<br> • Co-editor, New SSRN Climate Finance ejournal (as of 18 Sept 2024) <br><br> Financial impacts of climate change on households: How does and will climate change affect households? <br> • Two in process projects studying how extreme temperatures and a broader set of extreme weather hazards impact households<br> <br><br> Systems change, systems leadership, business, and business education: What is the appropriate role for business and business education in addressing systemic challenges?<br> • HBR piece: What do people expect of business?<br> • HBR org: What should business schools do about the climate crisis?<br> • HBR org: A Bolder Vision for Business Schools<br> Business History Review: What did business schools do in the face of an earlier crisis—World War II?</div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="keywords mu regular add-underline"><strong>Keywords: </strong><a href="/faculty/research/publications/Pages/default.aspx?q=Financial Innovation">Financial Innovation</a>; <a href="/faculty/research/publications/Pages/default.aspx?q=Financial Engineering">Financial Engineering</a>; <a href="/faculty/research/publications/Pages/default.aspx?q=Household Finance">Household Finance</a>; <a href="/faculty/research/publications/Pages/default.aspx?q=Leadership Transitions">Leadership Transitions</a></div> </article> </div> </div> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Teaching</a></dt> <dd> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="title eta"><a href="">Overview</a></div> <div class="shim12"></div> <div class="abstract add-underline">Tufano is the convener for an innovative global doctoral reading group, The Financial Economics of Climate and Sustainability (FECS). This novel course, taught with professors from Yale, Columbia, Stanford, Texas, Imperial, NYU, Mannheim, and Oxford brings together leading researchers to train doctoral students and to assemble a global community of climate finance scholars. The FECS program is offered through the Salata Institute. In the MBA program, Tufano teaches Leadership and Corporate Accountability, the Purpose of the Firm, and a short course on climate entrepreneurship (2023, 2024). As Oxford, Tufano made systems change a core part of the MBA curriculum, collaborating with colleagues from across the University. He championed and was part of the teaching team for Global Opportunities and Threats: Oxford (GOTO), where students learn how to analyze and map systems, identify intervention points to lead to systemic change, and work on self-designed projects to effect this change. At Oxford he also taught in the inaugural online course on FinTech. Prior to leaving HBS to join Oxford, Tufano created and taught courses on Corporate Financial Engineering, Household Finance (joint with Harvard Law School), and lead the team that created the required course, Finance 2.</div> </article> </div> </div> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Awards &amp; Honors</a></dt> <dd> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-row "> <div class="span8 "> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Attendee at the World Economic Forum and Global Agenda Councils, 2016–2020.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Honorary Fellow of St. Benet's Hall at University of Oxford.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS).</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Won the 2016 Faculty Pioneer Award for Institutional Leadership from the Aspen Institute.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Inducted into the Monticello (NY) Hall of Distinction, 2016.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Named one of the <i>GQ</i> 100 Most Connected Men in Britain, 2015.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Received the Apgar Award for Innovation in Teaching in 2002 and 2009.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Received the Robert F. Greenhill Award in 1997, 2001, and 2011.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Winner of the 1996 Smith Breeden Prize for Outstanding Paper in the <i>Journal of Finance</i> for "Who Manages Risk? An Empirical Examination of Risk Management Practices in the Gold Mining Industry" (September 1996).</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Named Dean's Doctoral Fellow at Harvard Business School, 1985–1988.</div> </article> <div class="shim30"></div> <div class="hr"></div> <div class="shim30"></div> <article> <div class="abstract add-underline">Member of Phi Beta Kappa, 1979.</div> </article> </div> </div> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Additional Information</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li><a href="">Peter Tufano's LinkedIn</a></li> </ul> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li><a href="/faculty/Profile Files/P_Tufano_CV_August 2024_5ba16dbc-e18b-45b0-b8ff-842876cefc93.pdf">Peter Tufano CV August 2024</a></li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a href="#" class="black accordian-kappa">Areas of Interest</a></dt> <dd> <ul class="unbulleted"> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=business and poverty">business and poverty</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=environment">environment</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=financial engineering">financial engineering</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=financial innovation">financial innovation</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?topic=sustainability">sustainability</a></li> <div style="margin-top: 30px;"><strong>Industries</strong></div> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=asset management">asset management</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=banking">banking</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=brokerage">brokerage</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=credit card">credit card</a></li> <li><a href="/faculty/Pages/browse.aspx?industry=education industry">education industry</a></li> <li><a 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class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">New Child Tax Credit Should Be a Call to Action for Banks</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>02 Aug 2021</li> <li class="ash">Hill</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Missing Voices in the Child Tax Credit Frenzy — Parents</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>07 Jul 2021</li> <li class="ash">Poets &amp; Quants</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Peter Tufano Leaves An Impressive Record At Oxford Saïd</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>05 May 2021</li> <li class="ash">Financial Times</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">Crisis Could Be the Mother of Reinvention for Business Schools</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="media"> <div class=""> <div class=""> <ul class="linear mu-uc"> <li>18 Dec 2020</li> <li class="ash">Poets &amp; Quants</li> </ul> <h4 class="kappa-uc"><a href="" class="block" style="color: #2AA296;border:!px solid red;">1-On-1 With Oxford Saïd Dean Peter Tufano</a></h4> <div class="nu add-underline"></div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="more " style=""><span class="widget-popup" style="margin-right:4px;height:11px;margin-top:2px;" aria-hidden="true">→</span><a href="#newsPopupHtml" class="widget-popup">More News for Peter Tufano</a></div> <div class="html "> <div id="newsPopupHtml" style="display:none;"> <div class="color-framework grid-framework type-framework component-framework pattern-framework responsive-framework"> <div class="white-bg" style="padding:40px;"> <h2 class="kappa">Peter Tufano In the News</h2> <div class="shim20"></div> <p class="nu">13 Aug 2021<br>American Banker<br><a href="">New Child Tax Credit Should Be a Call to Action for Banks</a></p> <p class="nu">02 Aug 2021<br>Hill<br><a href="">Missing Voices in the Child Tax Credit Frenzy — Parents</a></p> <p class="nu">07 Jul 2021<br>Poets &amp; Quants<br><a href="">Peter Tufano Leaves An Impressive Record At Oxford Saïd</a></p> <p class="nu">05 May 2021<br>Financial Times<br><a href="">Crisis Could Be the Mother of Reinvention for Business Schools</a></p> <p class="nu">18 Dec 2020<br>Poets &amp; Quants<br><a href="">1-On-1 With Oxford Saïd Dean Peter Tufano</a></p> <p class="nu">21 Jul 2020<br>Forbes<br><a href="">Balancing Oxford’s Business School: More Women, More Africans</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="span3 tablet-span3 sidebar vrule-offset 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