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Your account will also give you access to exclusive articles and must-read stories of the week in the From The Editor newsletter.</p><p>Everything else you need to know about the game can be found within the Info Centre &ndash; how to select your teams, how to create and join leagues, what you can win, and how to compete in our unique Tournaments.</p><p>We hope you enjoy the season, good luck!</p><h2>How To Play</h2><p>Within a &pound;50m budget, pick a team of 11 players to line up in one of six formations.&nbsp;</p><p>You can change your team as much as you like during the transfer amnesty, which runs right up until the first Premier League kick-off at 20:00 on Friday, August 9, 2019. After that, you&rsquo;ll get 40 transfers to last you for the season.</p><p>Your chosen players score points for your team based on their performances in the Premier League and FA Cup matches throughout the 2019/20 season.</p><p>The aim of the game is to finish as high up the leaderboard as possible by scoring as many points as you can.</p><p>Points are awarded for appearances, scoring goals, creating goals and keeping clean sheets. Points are lost for yellow/ red cards and for conceding goals (see &lsquo;Scoring Points&rsquo; for more details).</p><p>You&rsquo;ll be able to follow your team scores in real-time within the TFF live scoring facility.</p><h2>Selecting A Team</h2><p>Select your team of 11 players by clicking on their names in the player list. Each player has been valued in &pound;millions and the total value of your team must not exceed &pound;50million.</p><p>There are no limits on the number of players you can select from any one club and you can choose any of the following six formations:4-4-2, 4-3-3, 3-5-2, 4-5-1, 3-4-3 or 5-3-2.</p><p>Click on the column headers in the player list to sort the players either by their value, club, or based on the number of fantasy points they scored last season. There are also additional filters you can apply to help you make your choices.</p><p>Once you&rsquo;re happy with your team, click &quot;Submit&quot;, give it a name and continue on to registration.</p><p>Remember, you can change your players as much as you like and as often as you like right up until the first Premier League kick-off at 20:00 on Friday, August 9, 2019. After that, you&rsquo;ll have 40 transfers to use throughout the season.</p><h2>Registration</h2><p>Once you&#39;ve chosen your team, if you already have a Telegraph Fantasy Games account, just enter your usual login email address and password in the boxes provided.</p><p>If you are new to Telegraph Fantasy Games, enter your email address, choose a password and fill out your personal details. To play TFF you must be aged 18 or over and be a resident of the UK, Channel Islands, or Isle of Man.</p><h2>Making Transfers</h2><p>You can change your team around as much as you like during the transfer amnesty, which runs up until the first Premier League kick off at 20:00 on Friday, August 9, 2019.</p><p>After that, you can make up to 40 transfers per team. You can use these during the season to replace injured, suspended and under-performing players with those that are in-form to keep your points tally ticking over. A maximum of five transfers can be used in any one Game Week (Tuesday to Monday).</p><p>As with last season, you&#39;ll be able to make transfers between the majority of kick-off times - as long as there are at least two hours between the scheduled kick-off times.</p><p><strong>The two-hour rule</strong></p><p>The only exception to this rule will be when matches overlap - which tends to happen fairly infrequently. So, for example, if there are kick-offs at both 1pm and 2pm, or if there are matches starting at 7:45pm and 8pm - then the earliest kick-off time of the overlapping matches will be the transfer deadline for those matches.&nbsp;</p><p>In the case of delays to kick-offs, the initial scheduled kick-off time stands for the purposes of transfers.</p><h2>Scoring Points</h2><p>The aim of the game is to score as many points as possible during the season.</p><p>Your selected players will score points as follows:</p><p><strong>All players:</strong></p><ul><li>Starting XI appearance (2 pts)</li><li>Substitute appearance (1 pt)</li><li>Goal scored (5 pts)</li><li>Key Contribution (3 pts)</li><li>Red card (-3 pts)</li><li>Yellow card (-1 pt)</li><li>Missed penalty (-2 pts)</li><li>Own Goal (-3 pts)</li></ul><p><strong>Goalkeepers only:</strong></p><ul><li>Penalty save (5pts)</li></ul><p><strong>Goalkeepers/defenders only:</strong></p><ul><li>Full Clean Sheet - player plays 60 mins or more (5 pts)</li><li>Part Clean Sheet - player plays fewer than 60 mins (2 pts)</li><li>First goal conceded (0 pts)</li><li>Each additional goal conceded (-1 pt)</li></ul><p>Points are not awarded for penalty shoot outs.</p><p><strong>Clean sheet bonuses:</strong></p><p>In order to earn a Full Clean Sheet bonus (5 pts), your player must complete at least 60 minutes of the match and his team must keep a clean sheet for the entire match (excluding penalty shoot-outs).</p><p>If a player is on the pitch for less than 60 minutes and his team keeps a clean sheet for the full match, he&#39;ll score a Part Clean Sheet bonus (2 pts).</p><p>All players still earn 2 points for starting a match and 1 point for coming on as a substitute.</p><p>So, for example, if your goalkeeper/defender starts the match, plays an hour or more, and his team finishes the match with a clean sheet - they will score 7 points.</p><h2>Live Scoring</h2><p>You can follow your team&rsquo;s points and Private League position(s) during every match via the TFF Live match centre. Live score updates are purely to enhance your enjoyment of the game and points should be regarded as indicative only.</p><p>All in-play points are subject to overnight verification once the TFF judges have had a chance to review footage from each match.</p><p>In particular, Key Contributions will be added overnight because the live points are based on an automated data feed (provided by Opta stats). Key contributions can sometimes be awarded to two players in Telegraph Fantasy Football whereas the TFF Live data feed only awards &lsquo;assists&rsquo; which is generally just the last player from the attacking side to touch the ball.</p><p>In other words, the points you see in TFF Live will not be the final, classified scores you&rsquo;ll see the following morning throughout the rest of the game&#39;s website or app &ndash; but they&rsquo;ll certainly give you a very good idea of how you&rsquo;re getting on.</p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item> <a href="#" class="accordion-title">FAQs - Premier League</a> <div class="accordion-content copy-box" data-tab-content> <h2>How much does it cost to play?</h2><p>Nothing, Telegraph Fantasy Football is completely free to play during the 2019/20 season.</p><h2>Can I enter more than one team?</h2><p>Yes, you can enter up to 5 free teams.</p><h2>Why is the game free to play this year?</h2><p>Pay to play fantasy sports games are classified as betting by the UK Gambling Commission. After considering recent changes in the regulatory codes for games that offer both free and paid entry options, we were left with only two viable choices: charge everybody or charge nobody.</p><p>Since only around 10% of TFF players have tended to be willing to pay in recent seasons, we had to go with free to play option which has inevitably affected the amount of prize money on offer this season.</p><h2>What if I&rsquo;ve forgotten my login details?</h2><p>Visit our <a href="">homepage</a>,&nbsp;click on &quot;Login&quot; and use the &#39;Forgotten login details&#39; facility.<strong><br/></strong>Just enter the email address you registered with and we&#39;ll send you a reminder. If nothing arrives, check your spam folder!</p><h2>When do I have to register by?</h2><p>You can join TFF at any point during the season, however the first scoring match is at 20:00 on Friday, August 9, 2019 &ndash; so you will need to sign up before then to start scoring points from the opening match.</p><div id="cke_pastebin">After that, your team will start scoring from the next match after you&rsquo;ve registered. For example, if you sign up after 3pm on August 10 but before 5:30pm, you will start scoring points from the 5:30pm kick-off.</div><h2>I don&rsquo;t know anything about football, can I still play?</h2><p>Yes, of course, just use the &lsquo;Auto Complete&rsquo; option and our computer will choose a team for you.</p><h2>I&rsquo;m under 18, can I still enter?</h2><p>No, TFF is not available to those under the age of 18.</p><h2>Can I make changes to my team during the season?</h2><p>Yes. Transfers can be made via the website and the app. You&#39;ll be given 40 transfers to use throughout the game which you can use at any time, subject to a maximum of five in any one Game Week (Tuesday to Monday).<strong><br/></strong>In order for transfers to apply between matches there must be at least 2 hours between scheduled kick-offs.</p><h2>Is there a transfer amnesty?</h2><p>Yes. A transfer amnesty is in place until the first kick-off at 20:00 on Friday, August 9, 2019 meaning you can change your players as much as you like before then without using any of your transfer allocation for the season.</p><h2>Can I compete with my friends/ family/ colleagues?</h2><p>Yes. Simply create or join a Private League.</p><h2>When will scores be updated?</h2><p>Provisional scores will be available during Premier League &amp; FA Cup matches in TFF Live.<strong><br/></strong>Classified player points and leaderboards will be updated every day from Friday, August 9, 2019 until the end of the season. From this date, you&#39;ll also be able to view your individual (and Private League) scores and positions online.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="column large-6"> <ul class="accordion" id="home-info-esl" data-accordion data-allow-all-closed="true"> <li class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item> <a href="#" class="accordion-title">The Game - European Super League</a> <div class="accordion-content copy-box" data-tab-content> <h2>Welcome</h2><p>As a Telegraph Fantasy Football: European Super League manager, your task is to assemble a team of 11 players from 20 selected clubs to score you fantasy points based on their performances in their domestic leagues, the Champions League and the Europa League.</p><p>There&rsquo;s a prize pool of &pound;7,000 to be won and you can manage up to five teams for free.&nbsp;</p><p>By registering a team for the 2019/20 season, not only will you get 8 months of free entertainment, you&#39;ll also receive weekly Telegraph Fantasy Sports updates. Your account will also give you access to exclusive articles and must-read stories of the week in the From The Editor newsletter.</p><p>Everything else you need to know about the game can be found within the Info Centre &ndash; how to select your teams, how to create and join leagues, what you can win, and how to compete in our unique Tournaments.</p><p>We hope you enjoy the competition, good luck!</p><p>Remember, first kick off is 17:55, Tuesday, September 17, 2019.</p><h2>How To Play</h2><p>With a limit of 2 players from a single club, but with no budget restriction, pick a team of 11 players to line up in one of seven formations (there is a brand new 5-4-1 formation available for this game).&nbsp;</p><p>You can change your team as much as you like during the transfer amnesty, which runs right up until 17:55 (BST) on Tuesday, September 17, 2019. After that, you&rsquo;ll get 50 transfers to last you for the season.</p><p>Your chosen players score points for your team based on their performances in their domestic league, Champions League and Europa League matches during the 2019/20 season, starting from 17:55 (BST) on Tuesday, September 17, 2019.</p><p>The aim of the game is to finish as high up the leaderboard as possible by scoring as many points as you can.</p><p>Points are awarded for appearances, scoring goals, assisting goals and keeping clean sheets. Points are lost for yellow/ red cards and for conceding goals (see &lsquo;Scoring Points&rsquo; for more details).</p><p>You&rsquo;ll be able to follow your team scores in real-time within the TFF live scoring facility.</p><h2>Selecting A Team</h2><p>Select your team of 11 players by clicking on their names in the player list, but remember that you can only have a maximum of 2 players from a single club.</p><p>The 20 clubs that you can select players from are: Arsenal, Ajax, Atletico Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund, Celtic, Chelsea, Inter Milan, Juventus, Liverpool, Lyon, Manchester City, Manchester United, Napoli, Paris Saint German, PSV Eindhoven, Rangers, Real Madrid and Tottenham.</p><p>There are no budget restrictions and you can choose any of the following seven formations:4-4-2, 4-3-3, 3-5-2, 4-5-1, 3-4-3, 5-3-2 or 5-4-1.</p><p>Click on the column headers in the player list to sort the players either by their club, or based on the percentage of teams they are currently in. There are also additional filters you can apply to help you make your choices.</p><p>Once you&rsquo;re happy with your team, make sure it has a name, click &quot;Submit team&quot; and continue on to registration.</p><p>Remember, you can change your players as much as you like and as often as you like right up until 17:55 (BST) on Tuesday, September 17, 2019. After that, you&rsquo;ll have 50 transfers to use throughout the season.</p><h2>Registration</h2><p>Once you&#39;ve chosen your team, if you already have a Telegraph Fantasy Games account, just enter your usual login email address and password in the boxes provided.</p><p>If you are new to Telegraph Fantasy Games, enter your email address, choose a password and fill out your personal details. To play TFF you must be aged 18 or over and be a resident of the UK, Channel Islands, or Isle of Man.</p><h2>Making Transfers</h2><p>You can change your team around as much as you like during the transfer amnesty, which runs up until 17:55 (BST) on Tuesday, September 17, 2019.</p><p>After that, you can make up to 50 transfers per team. You can use these during the season to replace injured, suspended and under-performing players with those that are in-form to keep your points tally ticking over.&nbsp;</p><p>There will be a transfer deadline for each match day, which will be the first kick off of a match involving one of the 20 featured clubs on each day. Any transfers made after each match day deadline will start scoring from the following match day.</p><h2>Scoring Points</h2><p>The aim of the game is to score as many points as possible during the season.</p><p>Your selected players will score points as follows:</p><p><strong>All players:</strong></p><ul><li>Starting XI appearance (2 pts)</li><li>Substitute appearance (1 pt)</li><li>Goal scored (5 pts)</li><li>Assist (3 pts)</li><li>Red card (-3 pts)</li><li>Yellow card (-1 pt)</li><li>Missed penalty (-2 pts)</li><li>Own Goal (-3 pts)</li></ul><p><strong>Goalkeepers only:</strong></p><ul><li>Penalty save (5pts)</li></ul><p><strong>Goalkeepers/defenders only:</strong></p><ul><li>Full Clean Sheet - player plays 60 mins or more (5 pts)</li><li>Part Clean Sheet - player plays fewer than 60 mins (2 pts)</li><li>First goal conceded (0 pts)</li><li>Each additional goal conceded (-1 pt)</li></ul><p>Points are not awarded for penalty shoot outs.</p><div><strong>Assists:</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">In the European Super League game, points will be awarded for assists rather than the traditional key contributions that are used in Telegraph Fantasy Football.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">Only one assist is given per goal (where appropriate) and will be awarded in line with Opta.</div><p><strong>Clean sheet bonuses:</strong></p><p>In order to earn a Full Clean Sheet bonus (5 pts), your player must complete at least 60 minutes of the match and his team must keep a clean sheet for the entire match (excluding penalty shoot-outs).</p><p>If a player is on the pitch for less than 60 minutes and his team keeps a clean sheet for the full match, he&#39;ll score a Part Clean Sheet bonus (2 pts).</p><p>All players still earn 2 points for starting a match and 1 point for coming on as a substitute.</p><p>So, for example, if your goalkeeper/defender starts the match, plays an hour or more, and his team finishes the match with a clean sheet - they will score 7 points.</p><h2>Live Scoring</h2><p>You can follow your team&rsquo;s points and Private League position(s) during every match via the TFF Live match centre. Live score updates are purely to enhance your enjoyment of the game and points should be regarded as indicative only.</p><p>All in-play points are subject to overnight verification once the TFF judges have had a chance to review footage from each match.</p><p>In other words, the points you see in TFF Live will not be the final, classified scores you&rsquo;ll see the following morning throughout the rest of the game&#39;s website or app &ndash; but they&rsquo;ll certainly give you a very good idea of how you&rsquo;re getting on.</p> </div> </li> <li class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item> <a href="#" class="accordion-title">FAQs - European Super League</a> <div class="accordion-content copy-box" data-tab-content> <h2>How much does it cost to play?</h2><p>Nothing, Telegraph Fantasy Football is completely free to play during the 2019/20 season.</p><h2>Can I enter more than one team?</h2><p>Yes, you can enter up to 5 free teams.</p><h2>Why is the game free to play this year?</h2><p>Pay to play fantasy sports games are classified as betting by the UK Gambling Commission. After considering recent changes in the regulatory codes for games that offer both free and paid entry options, we were left with only two viable choices: charge everybody or charge nobody.</p><p>Since only around 10% of TFF players have tended to be willing to pay in recent seasons, we had to go with free to play option which has inevitably affected the amount of prize money on offer this season.</p><h2>What if I&rsquo;ve forgotten my login details?</h2><p>Visit our <a href="">homepage</a>,&nbsp;click on &quot;Login&quot; and use the &#39;Forgotten login details&#39; facility.<strong><br/></strong>Just enter the email address you registered with and we&#39;ll send you a reminder. If nothing arrives, check your spam folder!</p><h2>When do I have to register by?</h2><p>You can join TFFESL at any point during the season, however the first scoring match is 17:55 (BST) on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 &ndash; so you will need to sign up before then to start scoring points from the opening match.</p><div id="cke_pastebin">After that, your team will start scoring from the next match day after you&rsquo;ve registered. For example, if you sign up after the first kick off involving one of the 20 featured teams on September 17, you will start scoring points from the first kick off on September 18.&nbsp;</div><h2>I don&rsquo;t know anything about football, can I still play?</h2><p>Yes, of course, just use the &lsquo;Auto Complete&rsquo; option and our computer will choose a team for you.</p><h2>I&rsquo;m under 18, can I still enter?</h2><p>No, TFF is not available to those under the age of 18.</p><h2>Can I make changes to my team during the season?</h2><p>Yes. Transfers can be made via the website and the app. You&#39;ll be given 50 transfers to use throughout the game which you can use at any time.&nbsp;</p><h2>Is there a transfer amnesty?</h2><p>Yes. A transfer amnesty is in place until 17:55 (BST) on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 meaning you can change your players as much as you like before then without using any of your transfer allocation for the season.</p><h2>Can I compete with my friends/ family/ colleagues?</h2><p>Yes. Simply create or join a Private League.</p><h2>When will scores be updated?</h2><p>Provisional scores will be available in TFF Live during the 20 featured club&#39;s domestic league, Champions League and Europa League matches.<strong><br/></strong>Classified player points and leaderboards will be updated every day from Tuesday, September 17, 2019 until the end of the season. From this date, you&#39;ll also be able to view your individual (and Private League) scores and positions online.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="column"> <div class="tmg-bin-1"></div> </div> </div> <div class="reveal" id="esl-notify" data-reveal> <form id="pr-form"> <div class="row bg-primary"> <div class="column small-10"> <h1 class="text-white">European Super League</h1> </div> <div class="column small-2 text-right"> <i class="icon-close medium text-white" data-close aria-label="Close"></i> </div> <div class="column hide-on-success"> <p class="text-white">Telegraph Fantasy European Super League is coming soon. 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</div> <div id="pp-player-details" class="column small-7 medium-8"> <p class="text-secondary no-margin text-large text-bold" data-pp-firstname>Firstname</p> <h1 data-pp-surname>Surname</h1> <div class="row"> <div class="column hide" data-status> <i class="medium fix" data-status-icon></i><span class="text-white margin-left" data-status-text></span><i class="icon-pipe text-white"></i><span class="text-white" data-status-return></span> </div> <div class="column medium-6" data-equalizer-watch> <p> <span data-pp-team class="text-bold">Manchester United</span><br/> Value: &pound;<span data-pp-value>9.9</span>m<br/> Picked: <span data-pp-picked>99.9%</span> </p> </div> <div class="column medium-6 show-for-medium align-bottom" data-equalizer-watch> &nbsp; <!-- <a href="" class="button alert expanded">Transfer out <i class="icon-right-arrow"></i></a> --> </div> </div> </div> <div class="column no-padding"> <div class="row collapse tabs" data-tabs id="player-profile-tabs"> <div class="column small-4 tabs-title is-active text-center"><a href="#pp-overview" aria-selected="true">Overview</a></div> <div class="column small-4 tabs-title text-center"><a href="#pp-detail">Detail</a></div> <div class="column small-4 tabs-title text-center"><a href="#pp-fixtures">Fixtures</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="player-profile-content"> <div class="tabs-content" data-tabs-content="player-profile-tabs"> <div class="tabs-panel is-active" id="pp-overview"> <div class="row collapse"> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-spt>-</span><br/><small>Season points</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-ppg>-</span><br/><small>Points per game</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-swp>-</span><br/><small>Last 6 GWs</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-sxi>-</span><br/><small>Starting XI</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-sub>-</span><br/><small>Sub apps</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-nsl>-</span><br/><small>Not selected</small></p></div> </div> <div class="row collapse"> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-gls>-</span><br/><small>Goals</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-key>-</span><br/><small>KC</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-mpn>-</span><br/><small>Missed pens</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-ogl>-</span><br/><small>Own goals</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-yel>-</span><br/><small>Yellow cards</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-red>-</span><br/><small>Red cards</small></p></div> </div> <div class="row collapse"> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-gwa>--- (-)</span><br/><small data-pp-gwb>---</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-gwa>--- (-)</span><br/><small data-pp-gwb>---</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-gwa>--- (-)</span><br/><small data-pp-gwb>---</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-gwa>--- (-)</span><br/><small data-pp-gwb>---</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-gwa>--- (-)</span><br/><small data-pp-gwb>---</small></p></div> <div class="column small-4 medium-2"><p class="text-center"><span class="text-large" data-pp-gwa>--- (-)</span><br/><small data-pp-gwb>---</small></p></div> </div> </div> <div class="tabs-panel" id="pp-detail"> <div class="sticky-table"> <table> <thead> <thead> <tr> <th>GW</th> <th>Points</th> <th>1st XI</th> <th>Sub</th> <th>Goals</th> <th>Key</th> <th>OGs</th> <th>Reds</th> <th>Yellows</th> <!--<th>MOTM</th>--> </tr> </thead> </thead> <tbody> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="tabs-panel" id="pp-fixtures"> <p>FIXTURES Suspendisse dictum feugiat nisl ut dapibus. 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