Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC).
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P : "removeEventListener"; if (e) { V(t, i) } r.forEach(function (e) { t[a](e, i) }) }, X = function (e, t, i, a, r) { var n = D.createEvent("Event"); if (!i) { i = {} } i.instance = k; n.initEvent(t, !a, !r); n.detail = i; e.dispatchEvent(n); return n }, Y = function (e, t) { var i; if (!a && (i = u.picturefill || { if (t && t.src && !e[$]("srcset")) { e.setAttribute("srcset", t.src) } i({ reevaluate: true, elements: [e] }) } else if (t && t.src) { e.src = t.src } }, Z = function (e, t) { return (getComputedStyle(e, null) || {})[t] }, s = function (e, t, i) { i = i || e.offsetWidth; while (i < H.minSize && t && !e._lazysizesWidth) { i = t.offsetWidth; t = t.parentNode } return i }, ee = function () { var i, a; var t = []; var r = []; var n = t; var s = function () { var e = n; n = t.length ? r : t; i = true; a = false; while (e.length) { e.shift()() } i = false }; var e = function (e, t) { if (i && !t) { e.apply(this, arguments) } else { n.push(e); if (!a) { a = true; (D.hidden ? I : U)(s) } } }; e._lsFlush = s; return e }(), te = function (i, e) { return e ? function () { ee(i) } : function () { var e = this; var t = arguments; ee(function () { i.apply(e, t) }) } }, ie = function (e) { var i; var a = 0; var r = H.throttleDelay; var n = H.ricTimeout; var t = function () { i = false; a =; e() }; var s = l && n > 49 ? function () { l(t, { timeout: n }); if (n !== H.ricTimeout) { n = H.ricTimeout } } : te(function () { I(t) }, true); return function (e) { var t; if (e = e === true) { n = 33 } if (i) { return } i = true; t = r - ( - a); if (t < 0) { t = 0 } if (e || t < 9) { s() } else { I(s, t) } } }, ae = function (e) { var t, i; var a = 99; var r = function () { t = null; e() }; var n = function () { var e = - i; if (e < a) { I(n, a - e) } else { (l || r)(r) } }; return function () { i =; if (!t) { t = I(n, a) } } }, e = function () { var v, m, c, h, e; var y, z, g, p, C, b, A; var n = /^img$/i; var d = /^iframe$/i; var E = "onscroll" in u && !/(gle|ing)bot/.test(navigator.userAgent); var _ = 0; var w = 0; var N = 0; var M = -1; var x = function (e) { N--; if (!e || N < 0 || ! { N = 0 } }; var W = function (e) { if (A == null) { A = Z(D.body, "visibility") == "hidden" } return A || !(Z(e.parentNode, "visibility") == "hidden" && Z(e, "visibility") == "hidden") }; var S = function (e, t) { var i; var a = e; var r = W(e); g -= t; b += t; p -= t; C += t; while (r && (a = a.offsetParent) && a != D.body && a != O) { r = (Z(a, "opacity") || 1) > 0; if (r && Z(a, "overflow") != "visible") { i = a.getBoundingClientRect(); r = C > i.left && p < i.right && b > - 1 && g < i.bottom + 1 } } return r }; var t = function () { var e, t, i, a, r, n, s, l, o, u, f, c; var d = k.elements; if ((h = H.loadMode) && N < 8 && (e = d.length)) { t = 0; M++; for (; t < e; t++) { if (!d[t] || d[t]._lazyRace) { continue } if (!E || k.prematureUnveil && k.prematureUnveil(d[t])) { R(d[t]); continue } if (!(l = d[t][$]("data-expand")) || !(n = l * 1)) { n = w } if (!u) { u = !H.expand || H.expand < 1 ? O.clientHeight > 500 && O.clientWidth > 500 ? 500 : 370 : H.expand; k._defEx = u; f = u * H.expFactor; c = H.hFac; A = null; if (w < f && N < 1 && M > 2 && h > 2 && !D.hidden) { w = f; M = 0 } else if (h > 1 && M > 1 && N < 6) { w = u } else { w = _ } } if (o !== n) { y = innerWidth + n * c; z = innerHeight + n; s = n * -1; o = n } i = d[t].getBoundingClientRect(); if ((b = i.bottom) >= s && (g = <= z && (C = i.right) >= s * c && (p = i.left) <= y && (b || C || p || g) && (H.loadHidden || W(d[t])) && (m && N < 3 && !l && (h < 3 || M < 4) || S(d[t], n))) { R(d[t]); r = true; if (N > 9) { break } } else if (!r && m && !a && N < 4 && M < 4 && h > 2 && (v[0] || H.preloadAfterLoad) && (v[0] || !l && (b || C || p || g || d[t][$](H.sizesAttr) != "auto"))) { a = v[0] || d[t] } } if (a && !r) { R(a) } } }; var i = ie(t); var B = function (e) { var t =; if (t._lazyCache) { delete t._lazyCache; return } x(e); K(t, H.loadedClass); Q(t, H.loadingClass); V(t, L); X(t, "lazyloaded") }; var a = te(B); var L = function (e) { a({ target: }) }; var T = function (t, i) { try { t.contentWindow.location.replace(i) } catch (e) { t.src = i } }; var F = function (e) { var t; var i = e[$](H.srcsetAttr); if (t = H.customMedia[e[$]("data-media") || e[$]("media")]) { e.setAttribute("media", t) } if (i) { e.setAttribute("srcset", i) } }; var s = te(function (t, e, i, a, r) { var n, s, l, o, u, f; if (!(u = X(t, "lazybeforeunveil", e)).defaultPrevented) { if (a) { if (i) { K(t, H.autosizesClass) } else { t.setAttribute("sizes", a) } } s = t[$](H.srcsetAttr); n = t[$](H.srcAttr); if (r) { l = t.parentNode; o = l && j.test(l.nodeName || "") } f = e.firesLoad || "src" in t && (s || n || o); u = { target: t }; K(t, H.loadingClass); if (f) { clearTimeout(c); c = I(x, 2500); V(t, L, true) } if (o) {"source"), F) } if (s) { t.setAttribute("srcset", s) } else if (n && !o) { if (d.test(t.nodeName)) { T(t, n) } else { t.src = n } } if (r && (s || o)) { Y(t, { src: n }) } } if (t._lazyRace) { delete t._lazyRace } Q(t, H.lazyClass); ee(function () { var e = t.complete && t.naturalWidth > 1; if (!f || e) { if (e) { K(t, "ls-is-cached") } B(u); t._lazyCache = true; I(function () { if ("_lazyCache" in t) { delete t._lazyCache } }, 9) } if (t.loading == "lazy") { N-- } }, true) }); var R = function (e) { if (e._lazyRace) { return } var t; var i = n.test(e.nodeName); var a = i && (e[$](H.sizesAttr) || e[$]("sizes")); var r = a == "auto"; if ((r || !m) && i && (e[$]("src") || e.srcset) && !e.complete && !J(e, H.errorClass) && J(e, H.lazyClass)) { return } t = X(e, "lazyunveilread").detail; if (r) { re.updateElem(e, true, e.offsetWidth) } e._lazyRace = true; N++; s(e, t, r, a, i) }; var r = ae(function () { H.loadMode = 3; i() }); var l = function () { if (H.loadMode == 3) { H.loadMode = 2 } r() }; var o = function () { if (m) { return } if ( - e < 999) { I(o, 999); return } m = true; H.loadMode = 3; i(); q("scroll", l, true) }; return { _: function () { e =; k.elements = D.getElementsByClassName(H.lazyClass); v = D.getElementsByClassName(H.lazyClass + " " + H.preloadClass); 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</li> <li class="sub-menu "> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/esds">ESDS</a> </li> <li class="sub-menu "> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/tachographs-information">Tachographs</a> </li> <li > <a href="/services/professional-drivers/posting-of-drivers">Posting of drivers</a> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> <div id="Contentplaceholder1_T8574D4DF004_Col01" class="sf_colsIn col-sm-9 right-nav pl-sm-6" data-sf-element="Column 2" data-placeholder-label="Content"><article id="Contentplaceholder1_T69B1CCBE006_Col00" class="sf_colsIn standard-content" data-sf-element="Article" data-placeholder-label="Article"> <span class="topic">Professional drivers</span> <H1 > CPC </H1><h3>Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC). </h3><p class="large">What you need to know about Driver CPC, from becoming a professional CPC driver and getting a Driver CPC card to periodic training, compliance, and tachographs.</p><p class="large"> </p><h2>Our top five CPC queries</h2> <div class="accordion plain-text"> <div class="card" id="acc-a23e3af1-be84-406f-8872-c22d2dd8ba350"> <div class="card-header" id="heading-846871a4-8b40-4ba1-8d92-8e3f09ca6e3b"> <a href="#" class="card-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse-846871a4-8b40-4ba1-8d92-8e3f09ca6e3b" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse-846871a4-8b40-4ba1-8d92-8e3f09ca6e3b"> Why haven't I received my driver CPC card yet? </a> </div> <div id="collapse-846871a4-8b40-4ba1-8d92-8e3f09ca6e3b" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="heading-846871a4-8b40-4ba1-8d92-8e3f09ca6e3b" data-parent="#acc-a23e3af1-be84-406f-8872-c22d2dd8ba350"> <div class="card-body"> <h3>This could be for one of the following reasons:<strong></strong></h3><h4><strong>You applied for your card in the last four weeks</strong></h4><p>Please allow a minimum of <strong>20 working days</strong> for your new card to arrive. It will be sent to the address provided in your application.</p><h4><hr><strong>You haven’t completed your periodic training</strong></h4><p>Please check your training records in your <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">MyCPC</a> account.</p><p>Remember, to renew your Driver CPC card you must complete at least 35 hours of periodic training in your 5-year cycle (or 42 hours if you hold both bus and truck). <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Know more ></a></p><hr><h4><strong>You only recently completed your training</strong></h4><p>Please allow up to <strong>21 days</strong> for your <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">MyCPC</a> account to be updated. After this time, contact your CPC training provider directly. </p><hr><h4><strong>You completed your CPC module in the wrong cycle or out of sequence</strong></h4><p>If your module is showing as completed but in the wrong cycle please <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">complete this form</a> and we'll check your records.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Important:</strong> repeating the same module in a CPC cycle won’t count towards your training. <br></p><hr><h4><strong>You completed your training early, or your current card isn’t due to expire yet</strong></h4><p>Please check the expiry date on your current card. Once all training is completed, we'll send your new Driver CPC card closer to the time your current card expires. </p><hr><h4><strong>Your address has changed</strong></h4><p>Your new card will be issued to the address we have on file for you. You can check this in your <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">MyCPC</a> portal by clicking on the 'Update my details' button.</p><p>If you've changed address and haven’t notified us, your card would have been sent to your old address. You should try to retrieve the card, but if this isn’t possible, you will need to complete a <a href="/docs/default-source/about/request-for-replacement-of-driver-cpc-card.pdf?Status=Master&sfvrsn=263ba3cb_3">replacement CPC card form</a> and pay the fee.</p><hr><h4><strong>Other</strong></h4><p>If none of the above scenarios apply to you, and you still haven’t received your new Driver CPC card within three weeks of your current card expiring, please <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable="">complete this form</a>, providing details of your query and we will be in touch with you directly.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card" id="acc-a23e3af1-be84-406f-8872-c22d2dd8ba351"> <div class="card-header" id="heading-550d4ca8-b0bd-4efe-bdea-d26ff1220ed2"> <a href="#" class="card-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse-550d4ca8-b0bd-4efe-bdea-d26ff1220ed2" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse-550d4ca8-b0bd-4efe-bdea-d26ff1220ed2"> How do I check my CPC modules status? </a> </div> <div id="collapse-550d4ca8-b0bd-4efe-bdea-d26ff1220ed2" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="heading-550d4ca8-b0bd-4efe-bdea-d26ff1220ed2" data-parent="#acc-a23e3af1-be84-406f-8872-c22d2dd8ba351"> <div class="card-body"> <h3>To check your CPC modules status:</h3><p>Please log in to your <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">MyCPC portal</a> account. </p><p>To set up a <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">MyCPC portal account</a> you must be undertaking driver CPC training.<strong> </strong>To register, all you need is:<strong></strong></p><ul><li>the email address you gave us originally </li><li>your date of birth</li><li>your Irish driver number - if you have a non-Irish driver number you also need your PPS number</li></ul><p>If you are having problems registering or signing in, please see our troubleshooting tips in the next FAQ below. <strong></strong></p><h4><strong>If your module is showing as 'not completed'</strong></h4><p>This might be because you only recently completed your training. Please allow up to <strong>21 days</strong> for your <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">MyCPC</a> account to be updated. After this time, you should contact your CPC training provider directly. </p><h4><strong>Out of cycle CPC module(s) </strong><strong></strong></h4><p>If you completed a module outside your current cycle and it's not showing as completed, please allow up to 7 days for the system to update your status.</p><p>If your module is showing as completed but in the wrong cycle please <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">complete this form</a> and we'll check your records.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Important:</strong> repeating the same module in a CPC cycle won’t count towards your training. </p><h4>If you've tried all of the above and your modules still aren't showing as completed</h4><p>Please <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable="">complete this form</a> and we'll be in touch directly.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card" id="acc-a23e3af1-be84-406f-8872-c22d2dd8ba352"> <div class="card-header" id="heading-51ccfdec-f696-4ee5-a572-242b138cd638"> <a href="#" class="card-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse-51ccfdec-f696-4ee5-a572-242b138cd638" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse-51ccfdec-f696-4ee5-a572-242b138cd638"> Why can't I access MyCPC account? </a> </div> <div id="collapse-51ccfdec-f696-4ee5-a572-242b138cd638" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="heading-51ccfdec-f696-4ee5-a572-242b138cd638" data-parent="#acc-a23e3af1-be84-406f-8872-c22d2dd8ba352"> <div class="card-body"> <h3><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); font-family: Open Sans Condensed, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 20px">This could be for the following reasons: </span></span><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); font-family: Open Sans Condensed, sans-serif"><span style="font-size: 20px"></span></span><br></h3><p><strong></strong>To register for a MyCPC account, <strong>you must</strong> hold a <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Driver CPC card </a>and/or have completed at least one training module with an approved <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable="">CPC </a><a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable="">training centre</a>. If you have not you <strong>will not</strong> be able to access the MyCPC account.</p><h4><span class="large">If you do hold a Driver CPC card and/or have completed at least one training module then please check the following:</span></h4><h4>Your email address</h4><p></p><p>This should be the same email address you originally supplied the RSA or your CPC training provider (unless you've since updated it on your MyCPC account). If you can't remember which one you used, please <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable="" data-sf-marked="">complete this form</a> and include your new email address so we can update your records.</p><p></p><p></p><hr><h4>Your password</h4><p><strong>If you're registering for the first time:</strong></p><p>You will be prompted to enter a new password. This will need to have:</p><ul><li>a minimum of 8 characters,</li><li>a capital letter,</li><li>a lower case letter,</li><li>a number, and</li><li>a symbol e.g., $, %, & etc.</li></ul><p>Select 'show password' when entering it to ensure there are no blank spaces or errors.</p><p></p><p><strong>If you've forgotten your password:</strong></p><ul><li>Click on <em>forgotten password</em> and we'll email you a temporary one. Don’t forget to check your SPAM folder!</li><li>For temporary passwords, please copy and paste it from your email and select <em>show password</em> to make sure there are no blank spaces.</li><li>You will then be prompted to change your password to one of your choice. When creating a new password, it must have at least 8 characters, a capital letter, a lower case letter, a number, and a symbol e.g., $, %, & etc.</li></ul><h4><hr></h4><h4>Your date of birth</h4><p>Please ensure you've entered your date of birth in Date/Month/Year format e.g. 30/03/1967</p><h4><hr></h4><h4>Your driver number or PPS number</h4><p></p><p>Please check you're entering your driver number or PPS number correctly. Your driver number can be found on the back of your driving licence at 4d. Your PPS number is available from Public Services Cards, Social Services Cards, pay slips, tax certificates or from the Dept of Social Protection.</p><p><strong>If you changed to an Irish driver number</strong></p><p>If you had a non-Irish driver number when you first registered for a MyCPC account, but have since changed to an Irish driver number, please <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable="" data-sf-marked="">complete this form</a>, providing details of your previous driver number and we will update your details.</p><hr><p></p><h4>Terms & conditions</h4><p></p><p>You must tick the box to confirm you've accepted the terms and conditions.</p><hr><h4>Other</h4><p></p><p>If you've tried all of the above and you're still having trouble accessing your MyCPC account, please <a href="" target="_blank" data-sf-ec-immutable="" data-sf-marked="">complete this form</a> and we'll be in touch with you directly.</p><p></p><p></p><p></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card" id="acc-a23e3af1-be84-406f-8872-c22d2dd8ba353"> <div class="card-header" id="heading-e467c021-cb89-4008-82a1-3ba6e2ab378c"> <a href="#" class="card-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse-e467c021-cb89-4008-82a1-3ba6e2ab378c" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse-e467c021-cb89-4008-82a1-3ba6e2ab378c"> How can I get a driver CPC card? </a> </div> <div id="collapse-e467c021-cb89-4008-82a1-3ba6e2ab378c" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="heading-e467c021-cb89-4008-82a1-3ba6e2ab378c" data-parent="#acc-a23e3af1-be84-406f-8872-c22d2dd8ba353"> <div class="card-body"> <h4>Newly qualified drivers</h4><p>Once you've passed the four exams (<a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Theory Test</a>, <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Case Study Test</a>, <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Driving Test</a>, <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Walkaround Test</a>) and you receive your <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">full driving licence</a>, you need to apply for your Driver CPC card by completing and returning this <a target="_blank" href="/docs/default-source/services/s3.1-cpc/cpc-driver-qualification-declaration-form.pdf?sfvrsn=8595d21c_16">driver CPC declaration form</a>. <strong>(Please note, you must have the relevant category/categories on your full licence before you can apply for the CPC Card.)</strong></p><p>Your card will be sent to the address you have provided within 20 working days of application.</p><hr><h4>Existing professional drivers</h4><p> To renew your Driver CPC card you must complete at least 35 hours of periodic training within a 5-year cycle (or 42 hours if you hold both bus and truck) before the expiry date of your current Driver CPC card. <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">Know more ></a></p><hr><h4>Returning to professional driving</h4><p>You may qualify for a Driver CPC card if you’re a driver who:</p><ul><li>has not driven professionally for more than five years,</li><li>has not maintained your Driver CPC qualification,</li><li>has been living and working as a professional driver outside of the EU member states where Driver CPC was not required.<br></li></ul><p>In the above cases, you don’t need to sit any exams. However, you need to re-establish your right to Driver CPC by undertaking the 35 hours of <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">periodic training</a> (or 42 hours if you have both bus and truck categories) and completing a <a href="/docs/default-source/services/s3.1-cpc/driver-qualification-card-application-form.pdf?Status=Master&sfvrsn=f7407db8_14">Driver Qualification Card Application Form</a> <strong><em></em></strong></p><ul></ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card" id="acc-a23e3af1-be84-406f-8872-c22d2dd8ba354"> <div class="card-header" id="heading-cae3a96d-4ecc-4cc9-a6f7-d211e40678d7"> <a href="#" class="card-link collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse-cae3a96d-4ecc-4cc9-a6f7-d211e40678d7" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse-cae3a96d-4ecc-4cc9-a6f7-d211e40678d7"> How do I add or update categories on my driver CPC card? </a> </div> <div id="collapse-cae3a96d-4ecc-4cc9-a6f7-d211e40678d7" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="heading-cae3a96d-4ecc-4cc9-a6f7-d211e40678d7" data-parent="#acc-a23e3af1-be84-406f-8872-c22d2dd8ba354"> <div class="card-body"> <p>If you hold a valid driver CPC card for truck (Cat. C), it is valid for all truck categories on your full driving licence. The same applies if you hold a valid driver CPC card for Buses (Cat. D).<br></p><p>There’s no need for you to add categories to your Driver CPC card. When your card is due for renewal, any additional categories will automatically be added at that stage. <br></p><p><strong>Driver CPC dual card (Bus and Truck)</strong><strong> </strong><br></p><p>If you have a Driver CPC truck card and you complete the qualification process for bus, or vice versa, please <a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable="">complete this form</a> and if all is in order, a new dual Driver CPC card will be sent to you. <br></p><p><strong>*Please note if you obtain new licence categories after passing a driving test you should always </strong><a href="" data-sf-ec-immutable=""><strong>add these to your driving licence</strong></a><strong>. </strong><strong></strong><br></p> </div> </div> </div> </div><h2>Choose one of the following CPC areas</h2><p> </p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/cpc/what-is-cpc" class="vertical-spotlight no-image"> <div class="spot-content large-title"> <span class="title">What it is</span> <p>The pre-requisites for becoming a professional driver. Who needs driver CPC and who does not need full driver CPC. </p> <span class="btn btn-link-default btn-small" aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/cpc/become-a-professional-cpc-driver" class="vertical-spotlight no-image"> <div class="spot-content large-title"> <span class="title">Become a professional (CPC) driver</span> <p>You must have a Driver CPC card if you are a professional driver, driving a truck or bus as your principal occupation. Learn about the steps you need to take to become certified.</p> <span class="btn btn-link-default btn-small" aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/cpc/find-a-cpc-training-centre" class="vertical-spotlight no-image"> <div class="spot-content large-title"> <span class="title">Find a CPC Training Centre</span> <p>Where to find an RSA-approved Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) trainer and training centre. </p> <span class="btn btn-link-default btn-small" aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/cpc/driver-cpc-card" class="vertical-spotlight no-image"> <div class="spot-content large-title"> <span class="title">Manage your driver CPC card</span> <p>All professional drivers are required by law to hold a valid Driver CPC card. Driver CPC stands for Driver Certificate of Professional Competence.</p> <span class="btn btn-link-default btn-small" aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/cpc/cpc-for-established-drivers" class="vertical-spotlight no-image"> <div class="spot-content large-title"> <span class="title">CPC for established drivers</span> <p>CPC for established drivers. Driver Certificate of Professional Competence. Driver CPC. Acquired rights. Grandfather rights. Apply online or by post. MyCPC. </p> <span class="btn btn-link-default btn-small" aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/cpc/foreign-cpc-drivers" class="vertical-spotlight no-image"> <div class="spot-content large-title"> <span class="title">Foreign CPC drivers</span> <p>If you have completed Driver CPC training in another EU country, this training might be accepted as part the training you have to complete in Ireland. You can contact the RSA to confirm this.</p> <span class="btn btn-link-default btn-small" aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/cpc/periodic-training-and-compliance" class="vertical-spotlight no-image"> <div class="spot-content large-title"> <span class="title">Periodic training and compliance</span> <p>The periodic bus and truck training you need to maintain your Driver CPC. Where to get training. Driver CPC training modules. Assistance with CPC training.</p> <span class="btn btn-link-default btn-small" aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/cpc/mycpc-driver-portal" class="vertical-spotlight no-image"> <div class="spot-content large-title"> <span class="title">MyCPC driver portal</span> <p>With My CPC, Drivers who have already started their Driver CPC periodic refresher training, can now view their own CPC Training Record on line. </p> <span class="btn btn-link-default btn-small" aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/cpc/regulations-for-driver-cpc" class="vertical-spotlight no-image"> <div class="spot-content large-title"> <span class="title">Regulations for driver CPC</span> <p>Regulations and the law for Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (Driver CPC) for professional truck and bus drivers. Enforcement and penalties. </p> <span class="btn btn-link-default btn-small" aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <a href="/services/professional-drivers/cpc/medical-fitness" class="vertical-spotlight no-image"> <div class="spot-content large-title"> <span class="title">Medical fitness</span> <p>The rules and responsibilities for medical fitness to drive in Ireland. Medical conditions to be declared, updated medical guidelines and report form download.</p> <span class="btn btn-link-default btn-small" aria-hidden="true">Learn more</span> </div> </a> </div> </div> </article> <aside id="Contentplaceholder1_T69B1CCBE007_Col00" class="sf_colsIn" data-sf-element="Aside" data-placeholder-label="Aside"> </aside> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main><footer id="Contentplaceholder1_TB7533EB4052_Col00" class="sf_colsIn rs" data-sf-element="Footer" data-placeholder-label="Non-Searchable Footer"><div id="Contentplaceholder1_TB7533EB4014_Col00" class="sf_colsIn dark-section" data-sf-element="Div" data-placeholder-label="Div"><div id="Contentplaceholder1_TB7533EB4016_Col00" class="sf_colsIn dark-section-title-wrapper" data-sf-element="Div" data-placeholder-label="Div"><div id="Contentplaceholder1_TB7533EB4017_Col00" class="sf_colsIn container" data-sf-element="Container" data-placeholder-label="Quicklinks Title"><h2 class="dark-section-title d-md-none">RSA online services</h2> </div> </div> <div id="Contentplaceholder1_TB7533EB4015_Col00" class="sf_colsIn container qlinks" data-sf-element="Div" data-placeholder-label="Quick Links"><h2 class="dark-section-title d-none d-md-block">RSA online services</h2><div id="Contentplaceholder1_TB7533EB4018_Col00" class="sf_colsIn" data-sf-element="Div" data-placeholder-label="Div"><div id="Contentplaceholder1_TB7533EB4019_Col00" class="sf_colsIn row" data-sf-element="Row" data-placeholder-label="Quicklinks Row"> <div class="col-sm-3"> <a class="quick-link" href=""> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" data-src="/images/default-source/dummy-content/default-album/myroadsafety.jpg" alt="MyRoadSafety" class="lazyload"> </div> <span class="title">MyRoadSafety</span> <p>Easily and safely manage all your driver services, tests, permits and licenses online.</p> </a> </div> <div class="col-sm-3"> <a class="quick-link" href=""> <div class="image-wrapper"> <img src="" data-src="/images/default-source/dummy-content/default-album/dtt.jpg" alt="Driver Theory Test" class="lazyload"> </div> <span class="title">Driver Theory Test</span> <p>Book, reschedule or cancel your theory test. 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