Community Research & User Studies - YouTube Creators
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class="lb-breadcrumbs__item lb-font-color-text-primary" aria-current="page"> Creator Research </li> </ul> </nav> <section class="ytc-hero ytc-hero--stacked-start ytc-module ytc-module--x-small"> <h1 class="lb-font-display-2 lb-margin-bottom-m--bp-auto ytc-hero__heading"> Help build a better YouTube for Creators </h1> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-m ytc-font-body ytc-hero__desc"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Creators like you have made YouTube what it is today, now we want your help to shape its future. By signing up for user research studies and sharing your thoughts, you鈥檒l help us build a better YouTube for you, your audience, and the world. </p> <p class="ytc-md__button-container"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="lb-button lb-button--filled" rel="noopener noreferrer">Sign Up</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-video-card" lb-auto-init="YTCVideoCard"> <div class="lb-player" lb-auto-init="LBPlayer" lb-video-id="gM49H25OhXI" lb-options="{ 'uid': 'gM49H25OhXI' }"></div> <button class="lb-button ytc-video-card__play-button" aria-label="Play Video"> <img class="ytc-video-card__img" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="APPLY NOW: Help YouTube Design and Test New Features Through Creator Research!"/> <div class="ytc-video-card__caption"> <svg viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon lb-icon--48 ytc-video-card__icon"> <use href="#youtube-logo-icon-filled"></use> </svg> <div class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-color-white-1"> APPLY NOW: Help YouTube Design and Test New Features Through Creator Research! </div> </div> </button> </div> </section> <section id="get-involved" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-list-lockup ytc-module"> <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-centered-type--responsive-xs ytc-list-lockup__heading"> Here鈥檚 how to get involved </h2> <div class="lb-grid"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-4"> <div class="ytc-image-item"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="1. 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The more information you share, the better we'll be able to match you with projects that will benefit from your opinions and expertise. </p> </div> </div> <a class="ytc-font-body ytc-arrow-link ytc-image-item__link" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> Sign up now </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-4"> <div class="ytc-image-item"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="2. Take part"/> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="2. Take part"/> <div class="ytc-image-item__text-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-margin-bottom-xs ytc-image-item__heading"> 2. 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