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} this.render_book(isbn, statusText); } } } // すべての図書館の蔵書を探してもなかった場合 if (data.continue === 0) { for (isbn in data.books) { for (systemid in data.books[isbn]) { var statusText = this.getStatusText(isbn); if (statusText === '') { statusText = '蔵書なし'; this.render_book(isbn, statusText); } } } } }, render_book: function(isbn, statusText) { if (statusText === '') return; var statusId = this.getStatusId(statusText); var link; [], i){ if (child.tagName === 'A' && child.className === 'title') { link = child.getAttribute('href'); } }); var span = '<a href="' + link + '">' + statusText + '</a>'; var libinfo = document.getElementById(isbn); if (isbn !== '' && libinfo) { libinfo.innerHTML = span; libinfo.parentNode.className = 'book ' + statusId; } this.statusTexts[isbn] = statusText; }, getStatusId: function(status) { var statusId = ''; var statusIds = { '': 'nostatus', '貸出可': 'available', '蔵書あり': 'collection', '館内のみ': 'inside', '貸出中': 'lending', '予約中': 'reserved', '準備中': 'ordering', '蔵書なし': 'notfound', }; if (statusIds[status]) { statusId = statusIds[status]; } else { // 知らないstatusがきたら、"蔵書あり"と同等に扱う 例) 長期延滞、行方不明 statusId = 'hold'; } return statusId; }, statusTexts: {}, getStatusText: function(isbn) { if (typeof this.statusTexts[isbn] === 'undefined') { return ''; } else { return this.statusTexts[isbn]; } } } }; document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { document.querySelectorAll('.libinfo').forEach(function(libinfo) { libinfo.addEventListener('mouseover', calil.more.libinfo_hover); libinfo.addEventListener('mouseout', calil.more.libinfo_out); }); var searchopt_dialog = document.getElementById('searchopt_dialog') searchopt_dialog.addEventListener('mouseover', calil.more.dlg_mouseover); searchopt_dialog.addEventListener('mouseout', calil.more.dlg_mouseout); }); calil.more = { ondlg: false, closecancel: false, libinfo_hover: function() { var dlg, height, target, left, st, top, width, win_h; target = this; if (target.tagName === 'A') target = target.parentNode; console.log("libinfo_hover" +; 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