Ross Macdonald

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Lew Archer<p><b>Military service:</b> US Naval Reserve (1944-46)<p>A resident of Canada until 1941, and after then, of California. His novels prior to 1949 were written under his real name, Kenneth Millar. His well-crafted Lew Archer novels are of a much higher caliber than normally found in the detective pulp-novel genre.<p><hr width=25% size=1 align=left><a name="FN1"><font size=-1>[1] Pinecrest Hospital, Santa Barbara, CA </font><p><b>Father:</b> John Macdonald Millar ("Jack", d. 1932)<br><b>Mother:</b> Annie Moyer (d. brain cancer)<br><b>Wife:</b> Margaret Ellis Sturm (m. 2-Jun-1938, until his death)<br><b>Daughter:</b> Linda Jane Millar (b. 1939, d. Nov-1970)<br><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; High School: Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate Institute<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; University: <a href="/edu/560/000079323/">BA, University of Western Ontario (1938)</a><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; University: <a href="/edu/751/000068547/">University of Toronto</a><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Teacher: Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate Institute<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Teacher: <a href="/edu/512/000068308/">University of Michigan</a><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; University: <a href="/edu/512/000068308/">PhD, University of Michigan (1951)</a><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; Professor: <a href="/edu/382/000111049/">Santa Barbara City College</a><br><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; <u>Mystery Writers of America</u> President (1965)<br> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/org/512/000041389/">Phi Beta Kappa Society</a> <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/event/714/000363622/">Traveled to Nazi Germany</a> 1938<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/event/437/000123068/">Took the Fifth</a> grand jury testimony, daughter's vehicular manslaughter case, Santa Barbara, CA (1956)<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/event/860/000080620/">Nervous Breakdown</a> 1956<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="/lists/846/000082600/">Canadian Ancestry</a> <br> &nbsp; &nbsp; Risk Factors: <a href="/lists/862/000128478/">Former Smoker</a><br> <p> <b>Author of books:</b><br> <i>The Dark Tunnel</i> (<tt>1944</tt>, novel)<br><i>Trouble Follows Me</i> (<tt>1946</tt>, novel)<br><i>Blue City</i> (<tt>1947</tt>, novel)<br><i>The Three Roads</i> (<tt>1948</tt>, novel)<br><i>The Moving Target</i> (<tt>1949</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Drowning Pool</i> (<tt>1950</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Way Some People Die</i> (<tt>1951</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Ivory Grin</i> (<tt>1952</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>Find a Victim</i> (<tt>1954</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Name Is Archer</i> (<tt>1955</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Barbarous Coast</i> (<tt>1956</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Doomsters</i> (<tt>1958</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Galton Case</i> (<tt>1959</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Wycherly Woman</i> (<tt>1961</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Zebra-Striped Hearse</i> (<tt>1962</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Chill</i> (<tt>1964</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Far Side of the Dollar</i> (<tt>1965</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>Black Money</i> (<tt>1966</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>Archer in Hollywood</i> (<tt>1967</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Instant Enemy</i> (<tt>1968</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Goodbye Look</i> (<tt>1969</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Underground Man</i> (<tt>1971</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>Sleeping Beauty</i> (<tt>1973</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><i>The Blue Hammer</i> (<tt>1976</tt>, novel, Lew Archer)<br><p> <br> <p> <table> <tr> <td align=right valign=middle style="padding-right: 5px;"><span style="font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 22px; font-style: italic; color: #ff3333;">New!</span><br> <a href="" class="fotmlink" style="font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color: #dd0000;">NNDB MAPPER</a></td> <td valign=middle align=right style="border-left: 1px solid #bbb; padding-left: 5px;">Create a map starting with</td> <td valign=middle align=right><a href=""><img src="/man.gif" border=0 style="padding: 2px;"></a></td> <td align=left valign=middle> <a href="">Ross Macdonald</a></td> </tr> </table> <font face="Trebuchet MS, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="-2">Requires Flash 7+ and Javascript.</font> <br><br><p> <font size=-1>Do you know something we don't?</font><br> <font size=-1><a href="" rel="nofollow">Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile</a></font><br> <p> <br><br><p><font size=-1>Copyright &copy;2019 Soylent Communications</font><p> </td></tr></table> </td></tr> </table> </td> <td width=180 align="center" valign="top" style="padding: 0px 0px 8px 25px;"></td></tr> </table> </center> </body> </html>

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