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main-container--post"> <ul><li><a href="" title="FinancesOnline">Home</a></li><li><a href="/c/hosting-services/" title="Hosting Services">Hosting Services</a></li><li><a href="/top-20-vps-hosting-with-cpanel-and-whm-for-individuals-and-businesses/" title="20 Best VPS Hosting with cPanel and WHM for Individuals and Businesses in 2024">20 Best VPS Hosting with cPanel and WHM for Individuals and Businesses in 2024</a></li></ul> <div class="why-fo-free"> <a data-modal="#why-fo-free" title="Why FO is free" href="#"> Why is FinancesOnline free <img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Why FO is free" class="lazyload"> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="main-container main-container--post"> <div class="single-page__content"> <div class="row flex-fixer flex-wrap"> <div class="single-page__title col col--75 col--sm"> <h1>20 Best VPS Hosting with cPanel and WHM for Individuals and Businesses in 2024</h1> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="row"> <div id="content" class="single-page__entry single-page__entry--post col col--75 col--sm"> <div id="rec-post" class="recommended-product recommended-product--placeholder full-width" data-post-id="102802" > <div class="placeholder flex"> <div class="col col--20 col--mb img"> <div class="sk full-width"></div> </div> <div class="col col--60 col--mb desc"> <div class="sk full-width"></div> <div class="flex score"> <div class="col col--33 sk"></div> <div class="col col--33"></div> <div class="col col--33 sk"></div> </div> </div> <div class="col col--20 col--mb buttons"> <div class="sk full-width"></div> <div class="sk full-width"></div> </div> </div> </div> <p>A virtual private server (VPS) comes as a necessity when your website’s growth has outpaced your hosting capacity or your level of computer resources. Using this alongside your <a href="/list-of-20-best-web-hosting-companies/">web hosting service</a> affords you more resources, such as storage space, bandwidth, and RAM, to keep your site running at optimum rates. Moreover, it improves your digital security, especially that cyber-attacks are quite common in the time of COVID-19.</p><p>In this article, we feature the 20 best VPS hosting with cPanel and WHM for individuals and businesses. From popular brands to enterprise heavyweights, we got you covered as you shop around for just the right VPS system that adequately furnishes the features for either a new installation or a migration pathway for your particular needs.</p><p><img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-286952 lazyload" alt="Best VPS Hosting with cPanel and WHM" width="1024" height="576" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 85w, 258w, 1200w"></p><div class="fot-toc"> <div class="fot-toc__header"> <h4>What are the best 20 VPS hosting with cPanel and WHM?</h4> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="fot-toc__list"> <ol class="fot-toc__ol col50"> <li><a href="#inmotion">InMotion Hosting</a></li> <li><a href="#hostgator">HostGator</a></li> <li><a href="#godaddy">GoDaddy Hosting</a></li> <li><a href="#bluehost">Bluehost</a></li> <li><a href="#ipage">iPage</a></li> <li><a href="#hostfav">HostFav</a></li> <li><a href="#dreamhost">Dreamhost</a></li> <li><a href="#interserver">InterServer</a></li> <li><a href="#namecheap">Namecheap</a></li> <li><a href="#1&amp">1&1</a></li> </ol> <ol class="fot-toc__ol col50"> <li><a href="#dedicated">DedicatedNOW</a></li> <li><a href="#acenet">Acenet</a></li> <li><a href="#flywheel">Flywheel</a></li> <li><a href="#hostiso">Hostiso</a></li> <li><a href="#serverhub">ServerHub</a></li> <li><a href="#hostinger">Hostinger</a></li> <li><a href="#host1">Host1Plus</a></li> <li><a href="#yesup">YesUpHost</a></li> <li><a href="#hostdime">HostDime</a></li> <li><a href="#hostwinds">Hostwinds</a></li> </ol> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div><p>COVID-19 forced the global populace to stay home. With everyone literally left to their own devices, an uptick in internet usage is experienced worldwide. In fact, the <a href="">number online transactions in January 2021 increased by 39.7%</a> compared to that of January 2020 while the conversion rate of e-commerce portals leaped by a staggering 40.3%. Simply put, more people are heading online to purchase their needs and wants.</p><p>This is certainly good news for online retailers up until the traffic goes in excess of their server capacity, which slows the site down and compromises its functionalities. The <a href="">massive influx of global web users due to the pandemic has actually slowed down the internet</a>, so imagine what droves of traffic can do to a single portal. It’s important to note that <a href="">$2.6 billion in revenues are lost annually because of slow-loading sites</a>.</p><script id="chartist20435331" type="application/json"> {"y_units": "percent", "data": [{"x":"","xl":"Increase in online conversions","y":"40.3","yl":"","color":"auto"}] } </script><script id="chartist48067139" type="application/json"> {"y_units": "percent", "data": [{"x":"","xl":"Increase in online transactions","y":"39.7","yl":"","color":"auto"}] } </script><script id="chartist81823067" type="application/json"> {"y_units": "percent", "data": [{"x":"","xl":"Increase in eCommerce sales","y":"25","yl":"","color":"auto"}] } </script><style> </style><div class="custom-chart" data-anim="true" data-home-url="" data-export="true" data-id="donuts63179034" data-title="The Impact of COVID-19 on eCommerce" data-subtitle=""> <div class="donut-charts "> <h3 class="chartist-header">The Impact of COVID-19 on eCommerce</h3> <div class="donut-charts__container"> <svg class="donut-export"> <title>Chart context menu</title> <path fill="#666666" d="M 6 6.5 L 20 6.5 M 6 11.5 L 20 11.5 M 6 16.5 L 20 16.5" class="highcharts-button-symbol" data-z-index="1" stroke="#666666" stroke-width="3"></path> </svg> <div class="highcharts-contextmenu"> <div class="highcharts-menu"> <div class="highcharts-menu-item" data-type="full-screen">View in full screen</div> <div class="highcharts-menu-item" data-type="print">Print chart</div> <hr> <div class="highcharts-menu-item" data-type="png">Download PNG image</div> <div class="highcharts-menu-item" data-type="jpg">Download JPEG image</div> <div class="highcharts-menu-item" data-type="svg">Download SVG vector image</div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="donut-charts__item"> <div class="highcharts-chart" data-type="donut" data-id="chartist20435331" data-anim="true"></div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="donut-charts__item"> <div class="highcharts-chart" data-type="donut" data-id="chartist48067139" data-anim="true"></div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="donut-charts__item"> <div class="highcharts-chart" data-type="donut" data-id="chartist81823067" data-anim="true"></div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="charts-source">Source: ContentSquare 2021, BigCommerce 2020</p><div class="clearfix"></div> <span class="designed">Designed by</span> </div> </div><p>This is where VPS hosting comes in. Its ability to impart bigger resources to your website and greater control over the server lets your portal accommodate more people with the speed and functions left uncompromised. This means you can fully take advantage of the increased traffic driven by the pandemic and generate better returns in the process.</p><p>However, looking for an ideal website hosting provider involves more than just comparing pricing options and disk space. When selecting the right provider, you first need to have a good idea of the various types of services your business will need for your website. Then you can begin looking for the right hosting provider for your business—one that can actually meet your requirements at a cost you can afford. Our own review of the <a href="/c/hosting-services/">leading web hosting services</a> explains more in detail, just in case you feel you need to cover more ground and gain more insight before you make that final purchase.</p><h3>What are the most common use cases for VPS hosting with cPanel/WHM?</h3><p>VPS hosting with cPanel and WHM offers flexibility and control, making it ideal for various applications. Below are some of the most common use cases:</p><ul> <li><b>Hosting Multiple Websites: </b>VPS hosting is popular for individuals and businesses looking to manage multiple websites on a single server. With cPanel, users can easily manage several domains, while WHM allows administrators to manage all aspects of the server. This setup benefits web developers, agencies, or entrepreneurs managing multiple client sites.</li> <li><b>Running Business Applications: </b>VPS hosting provides the dedicated resources necessary for running resource-intensive business applications such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, and project management tools. With cPanel’s easy-to-use interface, users can easily manage these applications without needing extensive technical knowledge.</li> <li><b>E-Commerce Hosting: </b>For online store owners, VPS hosting with cPanel and WHM ensures that their website can handle higher traffic volumes and secure online transactions. E-commerce platforms like WooCommerce, Magento, or OpenCart require reliable and scalable hosting to function optimally. VPS hosting offers the flexibility to grow with the business.</li> <li><b>Running a Blog or Content Management System (CMS): </b>Bloggers and content creators use VPS hosting to ensure fast website performance and increased customization. With cPanel, managing a CMS like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal is straightforward, allowing users to manage posts, plugins, and themes seamlessly.</li> <li><b>Hosting Virtual Private Networks (VPNs): </b>Businesses and individuals requiring secure, private internet connections often use VPS hosting to set up their VPN services. VPS hosting offers the control needed to configure secure tunnels, and cPanel makes managing the connections easier for users.</li> </ul><p>With all that said, let’s proceed with the list.</p><h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>20 Best VPS Hosting with cPanel and WHM</strong></h2><h3 id="inmotion" class="bg-title">1. InMotion Hosting</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102820 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="508" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 93w, 343w"></p><p>Among the leading web hosting services around, <a href="">InMotion Hosting</a> provides shared hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated servers. With its cost-effective and fast web hosting services backed by excellent customer support, the platform is highly favored by small and medium-size businesses.</p><p>InMotion Hosting provides single-click installs for a variety of scripts and apps, a website builder and eCommerce apps. The service also supports both MySQL and PHP software. It allows you to rent server space from a provider and sublet to other users with its reseller hosting offering. Its VPS hosting plan, meanwhile, is capable of hosting an account on virtual servers, which shares all resources across all accounts. To learn more of the specific inclusions in its pricing plans, you can simply visit InMotion Hosting website.</p><p>The platform’s dedicated servers allow users to use either a managed or unmanaged private server, with users able to access resources on the machine, which are not shared with any other account. Email accounts can be managed through the service’s email hosting service, which is done by using a native or third-party email application.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-award-box" xmlns=""> <h3 id="hubspot" class="bg-title">InMotion Hosting</h3> <div class="product-award-box__inner"> <div class="product-award-box__left"> <a href="/certificates/" title="An award given to products our B2B experts find especially valuable for companies"><img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="An award given to products our B2B experts find especially valuable for companies" class="lazyload"></a> </div> <div class="product-award-box__right"> <p>Try out InMotion Hosting here</p> <div class="product-award-box__buttons"> <button type="button" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9maW5hbmNlc29ubGluZS5jb20vc2VlL2lubW90aW9uLw==" class="btn">VISIT WEBSITE</button> <button type="button" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9maW5hbmNlc29ubGluZS5jb20vc2VlL2lubW90aW9uLw==" class="btn btn--orange" target="_blank">FREE TRIAL</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </span></p><h4><strong>Why use InMotion Hosting?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Guaranteed uptime reliability:</strong> 99%. InMotion Hosting reports a very impressive 99.99% uptime and reliability. confirms InMotion Hosting performed at an average uptime near its claim. Tested several times across 4 different websites since 2005, InMotion Hosting recorded an overall uptime of 99.895%.</li> <li><strong>Two exclusive data centers</strong> either side of the United States guarantees fast web hosting for VPS and Business Class hosting customers. For their other clients, InMotion Hosting collaborates with a number of the world’s largest internet service providers, creating peering exchanges to build direct data connection and provide significant web hosting speed.</li> <li><strong>Powerful, flexible cPanel</strong>. InMotions cPanel features a variety of well-known content management systems such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, OpenCart, and PrestaShop among others. Other cPanel features include email administration, file management, and security.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed InMotion Hosting Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="hostgator" class="bg-title">2. HostGator</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102821 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="692" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 83w, 251w"></p><p>A giant in the web hosting world, <a href="">HostGator</a> is a robust web hosting service designed for Wordpress. If you are using Wordpress as a content management solution, HostGator will provide everything you’ll need to keep your site up and running at all times. It is designed to optimize websites running on WordPress.</p><p>While it offers shared, virtual private server Web hosting and domain service packages, what truly sets HostGator apart from the competition is it’s dedicated hosting services. Hostgator also offers VPS web hosting, allowing you to share physical hardware with your clients, where you run your server as a virtual private machine.</p><p>HostGator offers a generous 45-day money-back guarantee. It provides outstanding customer support through 24/7 telephone support and online Web chat.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></p><h4><strong>Why choose HostGator?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Easy Development.</strong> You will have access to multiple options for quick and easy web development. There’s Quick Install for the fastest and easiest installation of a large variety of custom scripts such as WordPress, and Weebly Web Builder for drag-and-drop web design, all from inside of your cPanel so that you can have a website up and running in minutes.</li> <li><strong>Extensive Services</strong>. Hostgator gives you an extensive list of special services including website migrations, custom web design, and SEO Services.</li> <li><strong>Tightly secured thousands of servers ensures 99.9% uptime.</strong> HostGator provides power backups, fire detection, and constant monitoring to keep more than 12,000 servers safe and secure. It uses 10 different fiber providers, including hardware from Time Warner and AT&T, enabling it to ensure a 99.9% uptime guarantee and an RSS feed for service status updates.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed HostGator Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="godaddy" class="bg-title">3. GoDaddy Hosting</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102822 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="657" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 88w, 265w"></p><p>Considered by many to be the world’s largest web host by market share, <a href="">GoDaddy</a> is an American publicly traded Internet domain registrar and web hosting company that currently has more than 17.5 million customers, 76 million domain names under management and over 6,000 employees worldwide. The company is known for its advertising on TV and in the newspaper.</p><p>GoDaddy offers basic site-builder plans, shared hosting, VPS, dedicated server, and WordPress hosting. Shared hosting is available on Linux and Windows and you get unmetered resources with the premium packages. With WordPress hosting you get a free domain, SFTP uploads and SSD storage. For peace of mind about your data, GoDaddy provides free daily backups.</p><p>GoDaddy also provides services like buy a domain, get business emails to send bulk emails, SSL certificates to secure your important website, and services such as SEO and PPC advertising. GoDaddy gives you a chance to earn commission through its affiliate program.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></p><h4><strong>Why choose GoDaddy?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Superb transition or new installation procedures.</strong> The learning curve of a new setup involving configurations and settings, drop-down, and jargon is the most difficult aspect for new systems installations. For ten years, GoDaddy has sought to address this issue through backend design, usability and able handling of onboarding. This ensures that even with a sprawling product line-up, they still make it pretty straightforward to shop, purchase and get on with your project.</li> <li><strong>Size—and scale—matters.</strong> Even with a history of takedowns in the past, GoDaddy has proven resilient enough, flexing the power of scale and resources to preemptively tackle security problems that smaller hosts simply can’t work with. Your site can suddenly experience a spike in visits and GoDaddy simply increases your resources to deal with additional load at a moment’s notice.</li> <li><strong>Seamless product integration.</strong> While diversification may have its virtues, having one company manage your domain name, email, and hosting can make life and business easier for you. Many do this and it works well for them. GoDaddy’s domains are inexpensive and their email is straightforward. It serves up professional online security. It even offers bookkeeping and accounting services nowadays. Put simply, GoDaddy offers such wide range of services but still manages to tie them all in together seamlessly.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed GoDaddy Hosting Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="bluehost" class="bg-title">4. Bluehost</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102823 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="660" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 87w, 264w"></p><p>A cloud-based web hosting service noted for its flexible pricing plans, <a href="">Bluehost</a> provides shared hosting, virtual private servers, and reseller hosting options, along with domain registration. It has an easy-to-use interface, significantly low pricing plans and a single-click installer for those who use WordPress, which particularly commends Bluehost for its easy installation and management.</p><p>While easily affordable, Bluehost provides lower-tier users with advanced features and excellent support as it would advanced ones, offering tools to help you get the most out of Google and Bing advertising. It also offers in-house services using its own fiber connections, data centers and Linux kernel running on custom servers.</p><p>The service’s web hosting plans are offered on shared servers, with prices depending on how contract length. These are ideal for PHP applications that require light CMS installs, like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Bluehost provides power backups through UPS and diesel generators while providing regular backups of user accounts.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></p><h4><strong>Why use Bluehost?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>One-click WordPress Installation</strong>. With Bluehost, you can start building your website with just a click and manage all your installations from one place. The ease of setup and user-friendliness means you can hit the ground and be running in no time.</li> <li><strong>cPanel on steroids.</strong> Bluehost provides a cPanel with an enhanced interface, with tools and navigation that make it easy to master your websites, domains, emails and more all in one place.</li> <li><strong>30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.</strong> If WordPress’s own recommendation of Bluehost is not convincing enough for you, you might try Bluehost and decide you love them. Otherwise, you can ask a refund within 30 days of signing up.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed Bluehost Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="ipage" class="bg-title">5. iPage</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102824 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="771" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 75w, 226w"></p><p>Commanding a track record that spans more than a decade, <a href="">iPage</a> offers simple and flexible hosting solutions for business, personal, social, and non-profit websites. iPage addresses three areas their customers are more concerned about: websites, email, and online security.</p><p>iPage provides an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop free builder to help you create stunning sites in a matter of minutes. If you’re in a hurry, iPage offers thousands of customizable site templates and a suite of free marketing tools you can use to optimize your online presence. iPage customers with an annual subscription get to register a domain name for free and build their online stores, blogs, and photo galleries with a near unlimited choice of suitable apps.</p><p>iPage uses Google’s Webmaster tools to monitor and manage presence among its search results, giving away $200 worth of ad credits for both Google and Bing.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></p><h4><strong>Why choose iPage?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Value Pricing.</strong> Most hosting companies offer standard pricing that they would then discount based on how long you sign up for. Typically it’s in the form of discount for the first year. At first look, iPage appears to do the same: their Go plan at $9.99 per month, for example, you can renew at a slightly lower $7.99 per month rate if you sign for 3 years. But there’s one pricing scheme that iPage does differently: they offer steep discounts for as low as $1.99 per month, and you can sign up at that introductory rate for up to 3 years. You can get 3 years of unlimited web hosting for less than $80. That is a low rate very few hosts can match, even by those in the budget end of the market.</li> <li><strong>Excellent reliability.</strong> iPage currently maintains two data centers providing thousands of servers and petabytes of storage. Each data center is equipped with 24/7 security, N+1 power, and a pooled server environment. To ensure that you are receiving iPage’s 99.9% level of uptime, the data centers are run on multiple racks.</li> <li><strong>Pricing and matching features: remarkable simplicity.</strong> iPage offers one shared hosting plan providing unlimited domains, database, and disk space. This notable simplicity takes away one of the biggest frustrations in the hosting sector specifically, and the whole software industry generally. Additionally, iPage provides unlimited email addresses and free one-year domain with their plans.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed iPage Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="hostfav" class="bg-title">6. HostFav</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102825 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="646" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 89w, 269w"></p><p><a href="">HostFav</a> provides two cloud-based hosting flavors: Cloud VPS Linux LXC and Cloud VPS for both Windows and Linux. Both give smooth, reliable, and cost-effective multiple site hosting. As both products are cloud-based, there is no need for you to invest in additional hardware or worry about the storage capacity of your standalone physical server.</p><p>HostFav Cloud Service solutions are powered by very capable hardware (high-performance Multicore Intel Xeon processors and RAID disk storage for data redundancy) and very secure, industry-grade network with scalable environments (Clustered High-Availability Virtual Environment with Distributed Object Store—CEPH).</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></p><h4><strong>Why choose HostFav?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>All-around reliability.</strong> HostFav provides highly redundant systems to ensure 99.99% uptime guarantee backed by the company’s service level agreement policies. HostFav’s data centers have network redundancy, power redundancy and interruption-free maintenance. For good measure, it also offers a virtual environment configured with Distributed Object Store (CEPH) for storage redundancy.</li> <li><strong>Robust systems.</strong> HostFav is backed by blazing-fast RAID storage, CPU cores with guaranteed 60% time, burstable to 100%, dedicated RAM, up to 1Gbit network bandwidth to ensure continuous high-speed operations.</li> <li><strong>Multiple layers of security.</strong> HostFav runs in a fully redundant network with no single point of error and fault-tolerant RAID arrays for your peace of mind.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed HostFav Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="dreamhost" class="bg-title">7. Dreamhost</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102826 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="675" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 85w, 258w"></p><p>A custom dashboard, a one-click automatic WordPress install, automatic WordPress updates, unlimited storage and bandwidth and free SSDs make <a href="">Dreamhost</a> a popular choice among WordPress users, allowing it to power over 600,000 WordPress websites and blogs.</p><p>Running on Debian Linux makes DreamHost a compelling choice for those on a budget. Additionally, its VPS and dedicated hosting are made free for US-based non-profits and charities. In case you experience downtime, the platform offers a free day’s hosting credit for every hour of downtime.</p><p>Security is tight, with the service’s data centers equipped to survive disasters such as fires and earthquakes—and this is apart from the system’s three-megawatt power supply backup. With these features, you are assured that your website is not only secure but running at all times.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></p><h4><strong>Why use Dreamhost?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Uptime challenge.</strong> In a dare to test their uptime, Dreamhost is so confident that they’ll provide an extra day of service for every hour of downtime your site experiences with them. Fortunately for their reputation, they are holding on that front very well.</li> <li><strong>Unreal unlimited bandwidth.</strong> Many companies promise unlimited hosting and never come close in reality: DreamHost, on the other hand, truly does offer unlimited bandwidth and data transfer—as long as you adhere to their ‘Unlimited Policy‘ terms with the following exceptions: 1.) Copyrighted content to which you do not hold usage or distribution rights, 2.) File upload/sharing/archive/backup/mirroring/distribution sites, 3.) A site created primarily to drive traffic to another site, and 4.) Making your account resources available (whether for free or pay) to the general public.</li> <li><strong>97-Day Money Back Guarantee and ‘Free Days’ for Downtime.</strong> At 97 days for shared hosting plans, DreamHost offers the longest money-back guarantee in the industry—and more: for every hour of interrupted service, you get a day’s service as a replacement. They aren’t kidding around about standing behind their service. You simply cannot find another vendor giving out that kind of deal these days.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed Dreamhost Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="interserver" class="bg-title">8. InterServer</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102827 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="650" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 89w, 268w"></p><p><a href="">InterServer</a> gives you unlimited storage, transfer, email, and free SSL certificates and gets to maintain up to 20 websites for some of the most affordable prices around in the web hosting space. For hassle-free installation, a single-click is all it takes to run 100 scripts for WordPress, Prestashop, Cubecart, Magenta, and osCommerce among many others.</p><p>For seamless operations, InterServer uses only top-of-the-line equipment in its servers, including high-performance SSD hard drives—20 times faster than ordinary SATA drives—with capacities of 30 GB to 240 GB. For your convenience, InterServer supports multiple languages and the latest versions of MySQL, Python, Perl, PHP and Ruby to name a few. These servers are customizable to suit Linux applications, server solutions or OS components.</p><p>With InterServer, you can easily add and manage virtual servers all from the solution’s control panel. Virtual servers can also be scaled to your needs with the use of a web-based control panel.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></p><h4><strong>Why choose InterServer?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Price lock guarantee works for you.</strong> While some vendors offer varying prices and discounts, all are still subject to the vagrancy of economic fluctuations. A price lock, on the other hand, gives you price stability, enables long-term budgeting, immunity from inflation and saves you the trouble of squeezing hours and your wits figuring out the best deal for your needs.</li> <li><strong>Noted efficiencies of Content Delivery Network.</strong> A group of servers dotted around the world that work together ensures you stand at the end of solid delivery of internet content wherever you are on the planet. All these work together to deliver speed, security, 24/7 availability, saves you the trouble of accruing more cost paying for foreign servers, and allows you to easily see where your customers are coming from, a prime factor in figuring out some serious analytics.</li> <li><strong>ASP.NET lives on.</strong> The ASP.NET framework designed by Microsoft enabled speedy development of business applications because of its extensive template approach. Many businesses have legacy applications built in ASP.NET, and hosting based on the platform is designed to meet those requirements.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed InterServer Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="namecheap" class="bg-title">9. Namecheap</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102828 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="691" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 83w, 252w"></p><p>Founded in 2000, <a href="">Namecheap</a> was established by Richard Kirkendall to give average people the chance to create and launch their own websites with no advanced programming and coding skills—and deep pockets. Almost two decades later and now serving more than a million clients and hosting over three million domains, NameCheap has made itself one of the leading web hosting solutions in the market.</p><p>Affordable domains and hosting services aside, Namecheap also provides flexible and reliable hosting, a set of professional email services and SSL certificates, website optimization, and stores with professional tools such as Weebly, Google Apps, analytics, SEO help, traffic boosters.</p><p>And no matter the plan you choose to subscribe to, you will enjoy the support of a knowledgeable team of support agents any time, via phone, email, and live chat.</p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"></span></p><h4><strong>Why choose Namecheap?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Exceptional interface.</strong> Most web hosting providers come with excellent, fast search tools for finding the domain you want. An easy-to-use dashboard is the most compelling feature for these services, seeing how technically challenging they could be. The one provided by Namecheap goes well with its vision of web hosting accessibility for anybody and everybody, easy to understand, extremely smooth and seamless and sticks to a simple interface both engaging and intuitive.</li> <li><strong>Guaranteed uptime of 99.9% per month.</strong> To ensure the delivery of its guarantee, Namecheap employs the latest hardware and software firewalls, as well as the recent server models from HP, Dell, and Supermicro. All servers have at least two processors, 16 GB of RAM and four hard drives with RAID protection.</li> <li><strong>Acclaimed, uncompromising support.</strong> Namecheap’s live support team is consistently quick to respond to any queries on time. The technical staff are technically competent, capable of walking you through any issue at the most approachable level.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed Namecheap Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="1&amp" class="bg-title">10. 1&1</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102829 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="657" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 88w, 265w"></p><p>Tenth in our list of top 20 VPS hosting with cPanel and WHM and one of the world’s most successful web hosting providers is <a href="">1&1</a>, the web hosting solution of choice for millions of businesses in 10 different countries including Germany, Spain, Great Britain and the United States. To date, 1&1 boasts of winning 15 million contracts since its launch almost three decades ago. In the United States, 1&1 is one of the Top 5 web hosting companies and its hold of the web hosting market further tightened with the opening of its massive 55,000-square foot data center in Lenexa, Kansas. The company has over 7,000 employees from all over the globe serving the major economies of North America and Europe.</p><p>1&1 guarantees top level performance with anytime scalability, high-speed implementation through HTTP/2 and PHP 7.2, and reliable security with geo-redundancy, DDoS protection, and SSL certificate.</p><p>1&1 offers scalable performance for your web projects, web hosting packages that gives you ample room for rising visitor numbers, launching your online store and increasing the number of parallel running processes.</p><h4><strong>Why choose 1&1?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Subscribe and run in no time.</strong> With templates aplenty and ones excellently tailored to your specific field—from accounting to zoology—1&1 makes sure you can be on your way conducting business as quickly as possible. The templates are readily populated by logos, menus and images intuitively selected for your needs. If tweaking is more for you, there’s an excellent built-in editor allowing you to do just that.</li> <li><strong>Tools and features that grows with you.</strong> 1&1 allows you to build a professional-looking website in minutes with virtually no tech skills or you can use more advanced features such as automated widgets and HTML support, to ecommerce and business tools for more intensive projects. While you may currently have no uses for these services, there’s comfort in knowing they’re there when your business grows and comes to need them.</li> <li><strong>Future-proof HTTP/2 Network Protocol.</strong> The HTTP/2 network protocol optimizes the web, reducing load times and making pages easier to display on nearly every available modern browser. HTTP/2 is a protocol from the future, with only around 15% of the web pages currently using it. Hence 1&1 hosting allows you to leapfrog the competition. Not only that, 1&1 also gives you a free SSL certificate for extra security.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed 1&1 Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="dedicated" class="bg-title">11. DedicatedNOW</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102830 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="753" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 76w, 231w"></p><p>Founded in 1997, <a href="">DedicatedNOW</a> is a privately owned company based in Clifton, New Jersey. The firm provides both managed and unmanaged dedicated web hosting services to thousands of clients. They deliver advanced hosting solutions for the needs of individual users as well as businesses of all sizes. Their array of services includes collocation, reseller, application, and eCommerce hosting, and dedicated server packages.</p><p>DedicatedNOW utilizes one of the fastest and most reliable internet backbones in the industry with multiple points of redundancy and all Tier 1 Providers, including Savvis, Telia, Global Crossing, nLayer and Level3. Its data center gets its multi-Gigabit bandwidth network through two independent POP’s 111th NYC and 165 Halsey (Equinix) NJ while hosting a number of network routers, load balancers, firewalls, internet servers, and switches. This data center can accommodate private cages, large server farms, and suites.</p><h4><strong>Why choose DedicatedNOW?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Uptime: excellent reliability.</strong> DedicatedNOW guarantees 100% uptime and tests mostly confirm it. The absence of any negative reviews on its uptime or service reinforces the stability the company announces on their website.</li> <li><strong>Multiple options for multiple needs.</strong> DedicatedNOW bundles many features for free with their dedicated servers, including server management, free 50GB offsite backup, and full security lockdown among others. Their servers support Centos, FreeBSD and Windows. Additionally, they have collocation services for those customers looking to house their own equipment.</li> <li><strong>Excellent technical support.</strong> Support teams are onsite 24/7 to ensure maximum uptime and technical assistance. There are advanced support plans to meet additional needs depending on what you are looking for. Each dedicated plan comes with basic support, with an upgrade path for more involved plans to suit your specific needs.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed DedicatedNOW Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="acenet" class="bg-title">12. Acenet</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102841 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="726" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 79w, 240w"></p><p>Based in Dearborn and launched in 2003, <a href="">Acenet</a> offers shared, VPS, dedicated, and reseller hosting services. Shared hosting packages are upgradeable to a dedicated IP address.</p><p>Acenet’s VPS plans provide a range of packages priced based on specifications such as storage space and the number of processors.</p><p>Acenet also presents a small array of dedicated server plans, with expenses also relative to the particular machines being rented. The company offers merchant accounts and SSL certificates in partnership with third-party providers.</p><h4><strong>Why choose Acenet?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>99.9% tested uptime track record.</strong> You can’t be in the business of web hosting if all your customers do is stare at a blank screen from intermittent downtime. While many providers excel in this regard, Acenet publishes its own uptime record as monitored by one of the most widely used third-party monitoring services, SiteUptime.</li> <li><strong>RHCSA-certified system administrators.</strong> When web service is critical to your business, it pays to know your provider is manned by proven experts in the field. RHCSA (formerly RHCT) is a RedHat Linux Certification measuring administrators’ proficiency with managing Linux-based systems. Among the most highly regarded in IT, Red Hat certifications are earned by passing rigorous practical exams through which candidates must actually perform the real-world tasks required in production environments. Every member of Acenet’s staff has RHCSA certification. Acenet’s RHCSA certifications ensure that when trouble strikes, you have a fully qualified, experienced systems administrator tending to your server.</li> <li><strong>Outstanding expert support.</strong> Similarly, RHCSA-certified systems administrators are behind Acenet’s technical support to ensure a response in 15 minutes or less. Technical excellence often results in the issue addressed within the first response and you out of the Helpdesk so you can tend to what matters in your own website.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed Acenet Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="flywheel" class="bg-title">13. Flywheel</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102831 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="642" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 90w, 271w"></p><p>Based in Omaha, Nebraska, <a href="">Flywheel</a> is a managed WordPress hosting service providing simple web hosting solution for creative agencies and designers. Reflecting this intent, the company’s website presents slick and easy navigation, showcasing all the essential info at a glance.</p><p>Flywheel has a made a name for itself in the WordPress hosting arena with its easy-to-use and appealing hosting service. The content of their website indicates a strong emphasis on scalability while making sure their dashboard is beautiful, info-rich, and highly functional. Designers can select a suitable hosting plan and focus on content creation and design for their clients.</p><h4><strong>Why choose Flywheel?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>WordPress-centric hosting</strong>. No Joomla, no Drupal, no websites built with Flash, Javascript and a bit of HTML—just WordPress. That means servers built based on WordPress best practices to optimize the WordPress experience. Simply put, your WordPress site will run better here than on a shared hosting account from one of the big guys.</li> <li><strong>Fast, secure hosting.</strong> WordPress is typically challenged by being out of date, a site that is poorly built or plagued by spammy plugins. Flywheel has no need for many plugins, as they have security and speed built in. As for those plugins that are confirmed troublesome, they are going anywhere except Flywheel.</li> <li><strong>Solid customer support.</strong> While most vendors’ helpdesks pick up the phone quickly, you usually get the feeling that you know more than the person at the other of the line who is probably frantically googling all the answers while you are in conversation. In some instances, the helpdesk might be known as technically superior but with a long queue that guarantees a 30-minute wait time average. Flywheel’s dedicated customer service team is helpful, extremely educated, infinitely courteous. If for any reason your issue isn’t solved, they will immediately follow up with you when it is.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed Flywheel Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="hostiso" class="bg-title">14. Hostiso</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102833 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="631" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 93w, 91w, 276w"></p><p><a href="">Hostiso</a> provides fast and high-quality web hosting services at an affordable cost. Their experts are based in-house, available 24/7 standing by for critical situations. Hostiso offers shared, reseller, VPS, cloud, and dedicated hosting as well as help with domain registration and transfer.</p><p>Hostiso has been around since 2010 and have built a solid reputation for providing high-performance hosting products and solutions as well as impeccable service. They offer a great combination of stable technology, flexible support, and affordable pricing to strengthen their position in the market. In addition, the company is committed to reducing CO2 emissions by adopting green technology and practices.</p><h4><strong>Why choose Hostiso?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Free domain.</strong> With Hostiso, you don’t need to spend extra money for domain: they offer a free domain with every hosting plan, no matter if you’re a professional or just a newbie.</li> <li><strong>Free cPanel and WHM.</strong> Aside from free domain, Hostiso also offers cPanel and WHM for free with each hosting plan. That comes in the face of most hosting companies charging you for cPanel alone.</li> <li><strong>Free backup and app installer.</strong> Hostiso experts would perform daily, weekly and monthly maintenance very efficiently. So you don’t need to worry about backups. You can restore it whenever you need.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed Hostiso Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="serverhub" class="bg-title">15. ServerHub</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102835 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="666" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 86w, 261w"></p><p><a href="">ServerHub</a> offers dedicated servers, VPS hosting, shared hosting and reseller hosting. Their platform spans across seven global locations. They use the latest Juniper backbone and ensure multiple single 40GB interface connectivity in their data centers to provide extremely fast connections without the need to port channel.</p><p>For customer service, ServerHub delivers fast and knowledgeable support with their hosting solutions. ServerHub maintains that they don’t just focus on response time but on quick resolution times. In other words, ServerHub offers top-rate enterprise network and infrastructure and backs them up with a solid support team.</p><h4><strong>Why choose ServerHub?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Flexible hosting options.</strong> Webmasters running multiple projects need different types of hosting to place their sites on. For a site with a heavy number of daily hits, a shared hosting plan is not sufficient—but a dedicated server would easily take care of it. On the other hand, for a new site with no to less traffic, shared hosting is more than enough. Hosting needs change according to the situations, and ServerHub offers hosting from shared to dedicated servers, with painless pathways to upgrading too.</li> <li><strong>Rapid server deployments</strong>. Deploying virtual private or dedicated servers doesn’t take much time to be ready for the deployment, but some providers seem to have elevated the waiting game to an entirely different kind of art level. On the other hand, ServerHub keeps a simple approach to the whole matter, committing to deploy a VPS instantly and a dedicated server within an hour. To ensure this happens, you may even contact the support to notify you about the progress they made in delivering the server ready for your use.</li> <li><strong>Highly scalable.</strong> Depending on the hits you get on your website, your requirements should be capable of changing in a moment’s notice. If you typically bypass the use of resources, your site can easily go offline in an instant. But if you’re watching and notice an urgent situation, ServerHub makes it easy to upgrade the resources on the fly without even worrying about your site going down.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed ServerHub Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="hostinger" class="bg-title">16. Hostinger</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102836 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="666" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 86w, 261w"></p><p><a href="">Hostinger</a> is a provider of fast, stable and streamlined web hosting services at very low prices. A service whose goal is to make web developers’ lives a lot easier, the company boasts of having local services in 39 countries and more than 29 million customers, with an average of 20,000 customers signing up each day.</p><p>Hostinger focuses on shared hosting and scalable virtual private servers optimized for WordPress with a drag-and-drop website builder. The VPS service also offers daily/weekly backups and a free domain for yearly plans. The service’s data center makes use of powerful, top-of-the-line solid-state drives.</p><p>The company offers uptime guarantees of 99.9%, a standard in the industry. It is known to offer a 5% credit off users’ monthly fees in the event it fails to meet such standard.</p><h4><strong>Why choose Hostinger?</strong></h4><ol> <li>T<strong>ough, redundant connectivity means guaranteed 99.9% uptime.</strong> With servers spread out all over the USA, Europe and Asia connected to 1Gbps connection lines, there’s an unparallelled high performance and reliability you would find hardly matched by other providers. This global reach and their partnership with BitNinja to protect customer websites from automated cyber attacks is tough to beat, allowing them to guarantee a 99.9% uptime for their customers.</li> <li><strong>Technically superior WordPress hosting.</strong> Hostinger’s plans come easy enough with a 1-click WordPress installation, but their WordPress solution really shines through various layers of optimization to give you 3x-5x higher speeds for your WordPress website. The optimization is provided by HTTP/2, PHP7.1, and NGINX as well as their own custom built, pre-installed WordPress plugins for caching to increase loading speeds.</li> <li><strong>24/7 multiple language customer support.</strong> Not only are Hostinger’s data centers as conveniently spread out all over the world, but their customer support also provides assistance in a wide range of language to make it accessible to people anywhere in the planet. Aside from a solid 24/7 live support, Hostinger also runs a knowledge base and tutorial page where customers can verify whether they still need to contact support.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed Hostinger Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="host1" class="bg-title">17. Host1Plus</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102837 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="698" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 83w, 249w"></p><p>Launched in 2008, <a href="">Host1Plus</a> offers OpenVZ VPS servers in Los Angeles, Chicago, Sao Paulo, Frankfurt, and Johannesburg. For VPS packages you get Intel Xeon processors, 500 Mbps uplinks, RAID storage, and SSD caching. Host1Plus provides free backups, live stats, DNS management, and full root access. You can select among different versions of Suse, Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, and Fedora operating systems. You may opt to add cPanel, premium support, and WHMCS billing system for an extra fee.</p><p>The service is best known for its fully scalable environment that gives users absolute control while letting them upgrade to higher plans in order to meet growing demands.<br> An experienced team is available to users 24/7, all staff simply a call or a message away from addressing their issues and responding to queries. The pricing scheme is very affordable and makes the service accessible to individuals and businesses, with users offered a 14-day money-back guarantee in case they are not satisfied with the service.</p><h4><strong>Why choose Host1Plus?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Minimal does it for straightforward management.</strong> From a unified dashboard, managing various services offered by Host1Plus has never been easier—quickly providing information about the status of services, tickets, and even options for affiliate marketing as well.</li> <li><strong>Excellent flexibility.</strong> Host1Plus lets you easily build your unique virtual private server with a dedicated IP address, FTP servers and emails to boost your SEO performance. With its full root access, you can host unlimited domains and install software for your customer needs. Equally easy-to-use control panel options like ISPmanager, DirectAdmin and Webmin allows you to use your resources more efficiently.</li> <li><strong>Robust uptime, quick response rate.</strong> Host1Plus’s data centres spread across nine different locations around the world facilitate an easy way to reach out to a particular geographical audience to boost your SEO. These premium data centers are backed up by powerful servers and elevated security.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed Host1Plus Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="yesup" class="bg-title">18. YesUpHost</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102838 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="581" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 93w, 299w"></p><p><a href="">YesUpHost</a> is a popular dedicated server hosting service provider based in Toronto, Canada. The company caters to businesses of all sizes.</p><p>Each of YesUpHost’s servers ensures 99.9% uptime, high upload/download speeds, and minimal latency to match any client needs. In addition, each each server has Tier 1 status. YesUpHost operates a state-of-the-art green data center in Toronto.</p><h4><strong>Why choose YesUpHost?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Quick response and setup.</strong> You can order a Ready-To-Go server from YesUpHost and be setup and ready to run your server two and a half hours later. In addition to receiving a billing invoice by email, you get a welcome letter that includes your account details and login information. This is simply an unparallelled speed that’s hard to match.</li> <li><strong>Very reasonable pricing.</strong> YesUpHost’s Ready-To-Go servers start at a mere $89/month. The Enterprise Server, YesUpHost’s priciest Ready-To-Go option, runs at a mere $169/month—both pricing not only cheap but also as unbeatable as they could go. Custom dedicated servers are also available by request.</li> <li><strong>Outstanding, responsive support.</strong> YesUpHost offers support via an online help desk, live chat and telephone. Support staff are quite friendly and knowledgeable, capable of resolving issues as quickly as possible. Top-level tech support behind phones and online chats means that tickets never need to be escalated, and there’s virtually no wait time.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed YesUpHost Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="hostdime" class="bg-title">19. HostDime</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-102845 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="680" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 85w, 256w"></p><p>Founded in 2001, <a href="">HostDime</a> is a privately-owned company with a global presence, currently hosting more than three million domains.</p><p>HostDime offers a wide range of plans including shared hosting, managed VPS and dedicated servers. The company employs more than 250 people globally, and is ranked among the top 50 cloud hosting firms in the world.</p><h4><strong>Why choose HostDime?</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Fully managed personalized servers.</strong> HostDime offers a wide array of fully managed, personalized hosting options. Whether you are planning to create a fast-growing website or running a huge database with heavy web traffic, it would be wise to choose a web host that contains multiple hosting services, just in case you need to upgrade your processing power, memory capacity, disk storage or security features.</li> <li><strong>International presence means completely local service.</strong> With local footprints in the US, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, the UK, India and other territories in Latin America, HostDime provides tech-savvy employees who are more culturally adept at handling customer needs, aside from generating income for the local communities.</li> <li><strong>Host of add-ons.</strong> With HostDime, you can register your domain, grab an official cPanel license, sell domains, add a shopping cart, configure a free billing system, store your backup at their datacenter, set up a virtual phone system, and much more.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed HostDime Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="hostwinds" class="bg-title">20. Hostwinds</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-136539 lazyload" alt="" width="1263" height="643" sizes="(max-width: 1263px) 100vw, 1263px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1263w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 93w, 285w"></p><p>Founded in 2010, <a href="">Hostwinds</a> provides affordable shared hosting, VPS hosting, reseller hosting, and dedicated server plans for businesses of all sizes across the United States of America. They leverage state-of-the-art hardware as well as redundant A/B power to provide their clients 99.999% uptime no matter what kind of hosting service they choose. All of their products come with live chat and email support as well as access to knowledge bases and FAQs to ensure that you are making the most out of your investment. In case you feel like this product is not for you, they even offer a 60-day money-back guarantee.</p><p>Hostwinds also makes sure that your servers are safe and easily accessible by keeping their hardware in an advanced facility. This facility is equipped with state-of-the-art generators as well as a data center with temperature-controlled systems. Furthermore, the facility is protected by 24/7 armed security, check-in stations, and other security measures.</p><p><strong>Why choose Hostwinds?</strong></p><ol> <li><strong>99.999% Uptime Guarantee.</strong> Hostwinds takes your time seriously. This is why they make it a point to keep their servers up and running at all times using redundant A/B solutions. By doing so, you won’t have to worry about downtimes which hamper productivity.</li> <li><strong>Enterprise solutions at the fraction of the price.</strong> Hostwinds offer some of the most affordable hosting plans on the market. Starting at $3.29/month, you can utilize their best-in-class solutions without having the hefty price tag. What makes this even better is that they offer a 60-day money-back guarantee so that you wouldn’t have spent money in case you back out after testing it for two months.</li> <li><strong>Transparency eliminates guesswork and establishes trust.</strong> A lot of web hosts hide maintenance information or do not post about problems. On the other hand, Hostwinds freely shares information, believing the more information you have the more informed you can be without feeling left out of information critical to your own operation.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed Hostwinds Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 id="strato" class="bg-title">BONUS: G-Core Labs</h3><p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-155662 lazyload" alt="" width="1200" height="600" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" data-src="" src="" data-srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 768w, 1024w, 93w, 290w"></p><p>Founded in 2011, <a href="">G-Core Labs</a> takes pride in offering hosting solutions in various parts of the world. For a smooth, seamless, fast, and uninterrupted browsing experience, G-Core Labs delivers worldwide coverage in major cities. The company has data centers in a total of five continents, including Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, and North America.</p><p>G-Core Labs guarantees 200 Mbit/s speeds with unrestricted traffic to help businesses accomplish more work in less time. Users also have access to a comprehensive set of resource management tools, DDoS protection, two-factor authorization, API, bespoke configuration, ad round-the-clock support. It also supports all operating systems.</p><h4><strong>Why choose G-Core Labs</strong></h4><ol> <li><strong>Wide coverage. </strong>Take advantage of the company’s worldwide coverage for a smooth browsing experience at all times.</li> <li><strong>Tier-3 International Data Centers. </strong>Benefit from minimal downtimes, high bandwidth, and redundant network and channels capacity.</li> <li><strong>Custom configurations. </strong>If you have unique hosting needs, you can ask G-Core Labs for custom configurations.</li> </ol><p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> <div class="product-read-more"> <div class="product-read-more__txt"> <p>Detailed G-Core Labs Review</p> </div> <div class="product-read-more__btn"> <a href="" title="Read more" class="btn">READ MORE</a> </div> </div></span></p><h3 class="bg-title">What to Look for in a VPS Provider</h3><p>As you can see, some of the best platforms are old hands, proven mavericks in the industry. They adequately furnish all the necessary features for either a new installation or a migration pathway for your particular needs. But before you make a decision, you should keep in mind your website’s exact needs and how a VPS provider can address them.</p><p>It’s crucial to determine how much server resource access you need in lieu of your website’s traffic in the past few weeks. In the same way, you should know the sections of your portal that drive the most traffic as well as the level of server customization you would require. In doing so, you can find a deal that provides everything that you need at a lower cost as opposed to blindly picking any provider.</p><p>But if you don’t have enough time or patience to do all that, InMotion Hosting is a safe bet. Not only does it grant clients 99% uptime and reliability, but the provider also has a powerful cPanel that lets you leverage a slew of first-rate content management apps like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. It even provides a website builder should you need a dedicated store for your other product lines.</p><p>Now that we’ve covered your VPS server needs, you might want to check our feature on the latest <a href="/web-ux-design-statistics/">web design statistics</a>. It provides insights that you would need when building a site for your brand.</p><h3><strong>Key Insights</strong></h3><ul> <li><strong>VPS hosting with cPanel and WHM</strong> provides more resources and better control, which is crucial for websites experiencing significant traffic increases due to events like the COVID-19 pandemic.</li> <li><strong>The 20 best VPS hosting providers</strong> with cPanel and WHM include popular names like InMotion Hosting, HostGator, GoDaddy Hosting, and Bluehost.</li> <li><strong>InMotion Hosting</strong> is highly favored for its reliability, customer support, and powerful cPanel features.</li> <li><strong>HostGator</strong> is noted for its easy development options, extensive services, and tight security.</li> <li><strong>GoDaddy</strong> stands out for its seamless product integration and superb transition procedures.</li> <li><strong>Bluehost</strong> offers flexible pricing plans, an enhanced cPanel, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.</li> <li><strong>COVID-19 has significantly impacted eCommerce</strong>, leading to increased online transactions and conversion rates, necessitating more robust hosting solutions.</li> <li><strong>Choosing the right VPS provider</strong> involves evaluating the specific needs of your business, such as required server resources, customization levels, and cost considerations.</li> </ul><h3><strong>FAQ</strong></h3><ol> <li><strong>What is VPS hosting, and why is it important for growing websites?</strong> VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting provides dedicated resources like storage space, bandwidth, and RAM, which are crucial for maintaining website performance and security, especially for growing websites with increased traffic.</li> <li><strong>How does COVID-19 impact the need for VPS hosting?</strong> COVID-19 has led to a significant increase in internet usage and online transactions, causing many websites to experience higher traffic. VPS hosting helps manage this increased traffic without compromising website speed and functionality.</li> <li><strong>What are the benefits of using cPanel and WHM with VPS hosting?</strong> cPanel and WHM offer user-friendly interfaces for managing website content, email accounts, and server resources. They also provide tools for security, file management, and one-click installations of popular content management systems.</li> <li><strong>Why is InMotion Hosting recommended for VPS hosting?</strong> InMotion Hosting is recommended for its 99.99% uptime reliability, powerful and flexible cPanel, and excellent customer support. It also offers single-click installs for various scripts and apps and supports both MySQL and PHP software.</li> <li><strong>What makes HostGator a good choice for WordPress hosting?</strong> HostGator is designed to optimize websites running on WordPress. It offers easy development options, extensive services, and tight security, ensuring 99.9% uptime and excellent customer support through 24/7 telephone and online chat.</li> <li><strong>How does GoDaddy simplify the transition to VPS hosting?</strong> GoDaddy simplifies the transition with its user-friendly backend design, straightforward onboarding processes, and seamless integration of various services like domain registration, email, and hosting, making it easier for new users to get started.</li> <li><strong>What are the pricing options for Bluehost’s VPS hosting plans?</strong> Bluehost offers flexible pricing plans with shared hosting, virtual private servers, and reseller hosting options. Their plans are affordably priced and include features like one-click WordPress installation, enhanced cPanel, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.</li> <li><strong>How do I determine the right VPS provider for my website?</strong> To determine the right VPS provider, assess your website’s traffic and resource needs, identify the sections driving the most traffic, and evaluate the level of server customization required. Choose a provider that meets these needs at a cost you can afford.</li> </ol> <div id="fot-social" class="fot-social" data-id="102802" data-type="post" data-url="" style="opacity: 0;"> <div class="fot-social__el fot-social__el--network "> <span class="icon icon--network"></span> <span class="count">16<span class="shares"> shares</span></span> </div> <a class="fot-social__el fb fb-button" href="" target="_blank"> <div> <span class="icon icon--fb"></span> <span class="txt">Share</span> </div> <span class="count">10</span> </a> <a class="fot-social__el tw" href="" target="_blank"> <div> <span class="icon icon--tw"></span> <span class="txt">Tweet</span> </div> <span class="count">4</span> </a> <a class="fot-social__el li" href="" target="_blank"> <div> <span class="icon icon--in"></span> <span class="txt">Share</span> </div> <span class="count">2</span> </a> </div> <div id="fot-social-inline" class="fot-social fot-social--inline"> <a class="fot-social__el fb fb-button" href="" target="_blank"> <span> <span class="icon icon--fb"></span> <span class="txt">Share</span> </span> <span class="count">10</span> </a> <a class="fot-social__el tw" href="" target="_blank"> <span> <span class="icon icon--tw"></span> <span class="txt">Tweet</span> </span> <span class="count">4</span> </a> <a class="fot-social__el li" href="" target="_blank"> <span> <span class="icon icon--in"></span> <span class="txt">Share</span> </span> <span class="count">2</span> </a> <div class="fot-social__el fot-social__el--network "> <span class="icon icon--network"></span> <span class="count">16<span class="shares"> shares</span></span> </div> </div> <div class="single-page__author"> <div class="single-page__avatar"> <img src="" data-src="" alt="Astrid Eira" class="lazyload" onerror="this.onerror=null; this.src=''" > </div> <div class="single-page__author__desc"> <h4>By <a href="/author/astrid/" title="Astrid Eira">Astrid Eira</a></h4> <p>Astrid Eira is a resident B2B expert of FinancesOnline, focusing on the SaaS niche. She specializes in accounting and human resource management software, writing honest and straightforward reviews of some of the most popular systems around. Being a small business owner herself, Astrid uses her expertise to help educate business owners and entrepreneurs on how new technology can help them run their operations. She's an avid fan of the outdoors, where you'll find her when she's not crunching numbers or testing out new software.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="fot-sidebar col col--25 col--sm"> <div id="sidebar-top3" class="fot-sidebar__top3"> <div class="fot-sidebar__top3__close"> <span></span> <span></span> </div> <p> Top Hosting Services of 2024 <a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a> </p> <div class="fot-sidebar__rank"> <a href="" title="inmotion-hosting" class="rank-item"> <span class="rank-item__pos">1.</span> <div class="rank-item__img"> <img width="220" height="90" src="" class="lazyload" alt="InMotion Hosting" sizes="(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px" data-srcset=" 220w, 300w, 93w, 354w, 440w" /> </div> </a> <a href="" title="hostnoc" class="rank-item"> <span class="rank-item__pos">2.</span> <div class="rank-item__img"> <img width="220" height="90" src="" class="lazyload" alt="HostNoc" sizes="(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px" data-srcset=" 220w, 300w, 93w, 354w, 440w" /> </div> </a> <a href="" title="liquid-web" class="rank-item"> <span class="rank-item__pos">3.</span> <div class="rank-item__img"> <img width="220" height="90" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Liquid Web" sizes="(max-width: 220px) 100vw, 220px" data-srcset=" 220w, 300w, 93w, 354w, 440w" /> </div> </a> </div> <div class="fot-sidebar__best-btn"> <a href="" title="Compare best tools" class="btn btn--blue-hover">COMPARE BEST TOOLS</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 15px"> Page last modified <time datetime="2024-11-12T00:19:54+00:00" title="2024-11-12 00:19:54">2024-11-12</time> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="news-tabs tabs"> <div class="news-tabs__content" data-items="2"> <div class="news-tabs__content-inner main-container tabs-content active"> <div id="related-posts-carousel" class="single-page-fixer glide"> <h3>Related posts</h3> <div data-glide-el="track" 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