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Start with requirements, and make sure you pay attention to deadlines!</p> </div> </div> <!-- end feature banner 1 --> </div> <!-- carousel-inner --> <!-- Controls --> <button class="left carousel-control" data-target="#feature-banner" data-slide="prev" accesskey="p"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i><span class="screen-reader">Previous Story</span></button> <button class="right carousel-control" data-target="#feature-banner" data-slide="next" accesskey="n"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i><span class="screen-reader">Next Story</span></button> </div> <!--//End Feature Banner--> </div> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!-- main content --> <div id="content" class="container" role="main" tabindex="0"> <h1 class="How to Apply"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Page Title" -->Apply<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></h1> <div class="row"> <!-- Main column --> <div id="main-content" class="col-md-12" role="main"> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="content_main" --> <!-- <div class="well"> <h2>For students applying to Stanford in 2020–21</h2> <p>We know the coronavirus situation is creating unprecedented challenges for students and families throughout the world. </p> <p>For those of you soon embarking on the college application process, we understand recent developments are adding stress, including exam cancellations and changes in spring semester grading. </p> <a href="#item" data-toggle="collapse" class="show_hide">See details</a> <div id="item" class="collapse"> <p>Please know we are committed to working with you and offering as much flexibility as possible. We want to reassure you that you will not be penalized or at a disadvantage in the review of your application.</p> <p> Specifically, you will not be at a disadvantage if you are unable to submit AP or Subject Test scores (these scores are not required for Stanford’s application). Similarly, you will not be at a disadvantage if your school adopts a pass/fail grading policy. </p> <p> One of our core values is to practice holistic admission, and we will continue to review all pieces in the application as an integrated whole, in the context of the unprecedented events we are living through now. </p> <p> As the situation unfolds, we will continue to post updates as we have them. We are in this together, and we hope to navigate these difficult times with you and serve as a resource as you begin your college application journey. </p> </div> </div> --> <p class="lead">Thank you for your interest in Stanford. Our application will encourage you to spend time reflecting on who you are and what is important to you. We approach the admission process with sincere respect for each individual applicant and look forward to learning about you through your application.</p> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> <a class="topic-link" href="overview/index.html" alt="Our Selection Process"> <div class="postcard"> <figure><img class="card" src="../assets/cardinal/images/org/thumb_our_selection_process2.jpg" alt="Three students on skateboards"/></figure> <article> <h2>Admission Overview</h2> <!-- <p>As we review applications for admission, three principles guide our holistic evaluation and selection process: Academic Excellence, Intellectual Vitality and Personal Context.</p>--> </article> </div> </a> </div> <!-- <div class="col-md-3"> <a class="topic-link" href="first-year/deadlines.html" alt="Fountain outside MemAud with Stanford band playing tubas"> <div class="postcard"> <figure><img class="card" src="../assets/cardinal/images/org/thumb_application_deadlines_fee2.jpg" alt="Student wearing glasses in deep thought"/></figure> <article> <h2>Application and Testing Deadlines</h2> <p>Check this section for application and testing deadlines.</p> </article> </div> </a> </div> --> <!-- <div class="col-md-3"> <a class="topic-link" href="first-year/decision_process.html"> <div class="postcard"> <figure><img class="card" src="../assets/cardinal/images/org/thumb_restrictive_early_action_or_regular_decision2.jpg" alt="Women riding bikes on campus" /></figure> <article> <h2>Regular Decision and Restrictive Early Action</h2> <p>Stanford offers two decision plans for prospective freshmen: Restrictive Early Action and Regular Decision. Learn more about each option.</p> </article> </div> </a> </div> --> <div class="col-md-3"> <a class="topic-link" href="first-year/index.html"> <div class="postcard"> <figure><img class="card" src="../assets/cardinal/images/org/thumb_freshman_requirements_process2.jpg" alt="Admitted student hitting a gong to celebrate" /></figure> <article> <h2>First-Year Applicants</h2> <!-- <p>Access our Freshman Application Instructions. The application deadline is November 1 (Restrictive Early Action) or January 2 (Regular Decision).</p>--> </article> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <a class="topic-link" href="../apply/transfer/index.html"> <div class="postcard"> <figure> <!-- <img class="card" src="../assets/cardinal/images/org/thumb_transfer_requirements_process2.jpg" alt="Student sitting on a bench and smiling to the camera" />--> <img class="card" src="../assets/cardinal/images/org/v2/apply/transfer.jpg" alt="Student sitting on a bench and smiling to the camera" /> </figure> <article> <h2>Transfer Applicants</h2> <!-- <p>Access our Transfer Application Instructions. The application deadline is March 15.</p>--> </article> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <a class="topic-link" href="../apply/international/index.html"> <div class="postcard"> <figure><img class="card" src="../assets/cardinal/images/org/thumb_international_applicants_lg.jpg" alt="International students in traditional costumes playing the violins" /></figure> <article> <h2>International Applicants</h2> <!-- <p>See additional information for international students; however, note there is not a separate application for international students. The freshman or transfer requirements apply to international students with few exceptions.</p>--> </article> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> <a class="topic-link" href="../apply/veterans/index.html"> <div class="postcard"> <figure><img class="card" src="../assets/cardinal/images/org/thumb_veterans.jpg" alt="Student talking to military recruiters at an outside fair" /></figure> <article> <h2>Veterans and ROTC</h2> <!-- <p>Military veterans apply by following the requirements for either the freshman or the transfer application. However, some unique considerations are highlighted in this section.</p>--> </article> </div> </a> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <a class="topic-link" href="../apply/undocumented/index.html"> <div class="postcard"> <figure><img class="card" src="../assets/cardinal/images/org/thumb_undocumented2.jpg" alt="A welcome banner hanging outside the Old Union building" /></figure> <article> <h2>Undocumented Applicants</h2> <!-- <p>Citizenship and immigration status are not a condition of admission to Stanford. 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