The Open Food Facts Team
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They add products to the database and they are also the primary source for improvements and applications ideas through several others venues for the Open Food Facts community to share and discuss.</p> <p>Open Food Facts is a project open to all: you can join us by <a href="">creating an account</a> in less than a minute, and you can add your first product in a few more minutes.</p> <p>Please also join us on the various social networks to learn more about the project and/or start the conversation!</p> → <a href="">Twitter</a><br/> → <a href="">Facebook page</a> → <a href="">Instagram page</a> → <a href="">Mastodon page</a> → <a href="">Blue Sky page</a> → <a href="">Threads page</a> and <a href="">Facebook contributors group</a><br /> <p>→ <a href="">list of contributors to the English version</a></p> <h3>The first contributors</h3> <p>The first contributors contributed much more than the first products: their ideas and enthusiasm is what made the creation of Open Food Facts possible!</p> <p>A big thank you to:</p> <p> <a href="">Marie Claire Saint Maux</a>, <a href="">Martine Perthuis</a>, <a href="">Andr茅 Gigandet</a>, Minouche, <a href="">Adrien</a>, <a href="">P茅n茅lope Lucheux</a>, <a href="">Boljo</a>, <a href="">Za Nguyen</a>, Marianne, Elsa, <a href="">Caroline Giraud</a>, <a href="">Nathalie Merceron</a>, <a href="">Gr茅goire Cl茅mencin</a>, <a href="">Cl茅ment Tomasella</a>, <a href="">Pricilla Despinoy</a>, <a href="">Emma</a>, <a href="">Ariane</a>, <a href="">Isabelle Hurbain</a>, <a href="">Pauline Prideaux</a>, <a href="">Olivier Vidal</a>, <a href="">Emyrky</a>, Caroline Constantin, <a href="">Isabelle Clep</a>, <a href="">Reinefeuille</a>, <a href="">FLaure</a>, <a href="">Alaro</a> </p> <p>Special thanks to Marie Claire who brought her time and energy to the project from the very start and who added more than 200 products before the public launch!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <div class="block_light bg-white" id="install_the_app_block"> <div class="row"> <div class="small-12 flex-grid v-space-short v-align-center direction-row h-space-tiny"> <div class="cell small-100 medium-100 large-50 flex-grid v-align-center direction-row"> <img class="cell small-50 v-align-center" src="/images/illustrations/app-icon-in-the-clouds.svg" alt="The Open Food Facts logo in the cloud" style="height:120px"> <div class="cell small-50 v-align-center" id="footer_scan" style="display:block"> <div id="footer_install_the_app"> Install the app! </div> Scan your <span id="everyday">everyday</span> <span id="foods">foods</span> </div> </div> <div class="cell small-100 medium-100 large-50 flex-grid v-align-center direction-row"> <!-- msgid "" --> <a class="cell small-50 medium-25 large-25 h-space-short v-align-center" href=""><img src="/images/misc/appstore/black/appstore_US.svg" alt="Download on the App Store" loading="lazy" class="full-width"></a> <!-- android_app_link - --> <a class="cell small-50 medium-25 large-25 h-space-short v-align-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Get It On Google Play" loading="lazy" class="full-width"></a> <!-- android_apk_app_link - --> <a class="cell small-50 medium-25 large-25 h-space-short v-align-center" href=""><img src="" alt="Android APK" loading="lazy" class="full-width"></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- start templates/web/common/includes/ --> <!-- Donation banner @ footer --> <!-- end templates/web/common/includes/ --> <section class="donation-banner-footer row"> <div class="donation-banner-footer__left-aside"> <div class="donation-banner-footer__hook-section"> <p>Help us inform millions of consumers around the world about what they eat</p> </div> <img src="/images/misc/donation-banners/donation-banner-group-photo.png" alt="group photo donation 2024" /> </div> <div> <div> <div class="donation-banner-footer__main-section"> <img width="50" height="50" src="" alt="open food facts logo" /> <h3 class="donation-banner-footer__main-title">Please give to our 2024 Fundraiser</h3> </div> <p>Your donations fund the day-to-day operations of our non-profit association:</p> <ul> <li> keeping our database open & available to all, <ul> <li>technical infrastructure (website/mobile app) & a small permanent team</li> </ul> </li> <li> <p>remain independent of the food industry,</p> </li> <li> <p>engage a community of committed citizens,</p> </li> <li> <p>support the advancement of public health research.</p> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="donation-banner-footer__actions-section"> <div class="donation-banner-footer__actions-section__financial"> <p> Each donation counts! 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