New computer technology

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:prism="" xmlns:cc=""> <channel rdf:about=""> <title>New computer technology</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Indexing and Ratings:&amp;nbsp;&lt;/strong&gt;The journal is indexed in the following databases and libraries:&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The journal currently indexed by &lt;span style=&quot;text-decoration: underline;&quot;&gt;scientometric databases&lt;/span&gt;:&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li class=&quot;show&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)&lt;/a&gt;, Russia&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li class=&quot;show&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;Google Scholar&lt;/a&gt;, USA&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li class=&quot;show&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;,p5438,3.html&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;Index Copernicus&lt;/a&gt;, Poland&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;p&gt;Included in the &lt;span style=&quot;text-decoration: underline;&quot;&gt;abstract databases&lt;/span&gt;:&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Europe&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li class=&quot;show&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Scientific Journals and Conferences Archive&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;&lt;em&gt;Northern America&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li class=&quot;show&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;*&amp;amp;qt=results_page&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;WorldCat&lt;/a&gt;, USA&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;p&gt;Represented in the following &lt;span style=&quot;text-decoration: underline;&quot;&gt;databases&lt;/span&gt;&lt;em&gt;:&lt;br&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Northern America&lt;br&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li class=&quot;show&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;getCITED&lt;/a&gt;, Canada&lt;em&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Asia&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li class=&quot;show&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;amp;issn=23091460&amp;amp;uid=re90c3&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot; rel=&quot;noopener&quot;&gt;Research Bible&lt;/a&gt;, Japan&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt; &lt;p&gt;&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:publisher>Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences</dc:publisher> <dc:language>en-US</dc:language> <prism:publicationName>New computer technology</prism:publicationName> <prism:issn>2309-1460</prism:issn> <items> <rdf:Seq> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:Seq> </items> </channel> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Cover</title> <link></link> <dc:creator>Serhiy Semerikov</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>1</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>1</prism:endingPage> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Abstract</title> <link></link> <dc:creator>Serhiy Semerikov</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>2</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>2</prism:endingPage> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Contents</title> <link></link> <dc:creator>Serhiy Semerikov</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>3</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>4</prism:endingPage> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Contents</title> <link></link> <dc:creator>Serhiy Semerikov</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>5</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>6</prism:endingPage> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Modern educational environment</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Research purpose&lt;/em&gt; is improvement of modern educational environment. The &lt;em&gt;task of the research&lt;/em&gt; is to ascertain of urgent problems which require theoretical and experimental solution. A &lt;em&gt;research object&lt;/em&gt; is the teaching process in higher education institution, the &lt;em&gt;research subject&lt;/em&gt; is modern information-communication technologies. The result of the study is the educational process as balanced work of teachers and students during the combined organic and educationally prudent use of traditional and new facilities of teaching. Disclosed possibility of using cloud technologies in the educational process by the example of the course “Computer-oriented system of education of computer science and foreign language”.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Наталія Петрівна Франчук</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>7</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>11</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.937</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Cloud based platforms, tools and services</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Research goals&lt;/em&gt;: to determine the impact of cloud platforms, equipment and services at the modern state of ICT development. &lt;em&gt;Research objectives&lt;/em&gt;: to determine the place and role, pros and cons of the cloud technologies, relevance of their use by the user today. &lt;em&gt;Object of research&lt;/em&gt;: cloud services and their characteristics. &lt;em&gt;Subject of research&lt;/em&gt;: the use of cloud based technologies, their products and services they can provide. &lt;em&gt;Research methods used&lt;/em&gt;: analysis of cloud platforms, statistical data, and scientific publications. &lt;em&gt;Results of the research&lt;/em&gt;: based on statistical data confirmed the relevance of using cloud applications. Analyzed the characteristics and scientific publication and proved the influence of cloud technologies on future IT-professionals competences. &lt;em&gt;The main conclusions and recommendations: &lt;/em&gt;the use of cloud technology is more affordable, manageable and practical way of data management, which is not require local infrastructure; knowledge and skills related to cloud services is a basis competences of future IT professionals.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Аліна Вадимівна Дамницька</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>12</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>24</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.938</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Cloud services as an effective visualization tool</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The paper studied the &quot;cloud&quot; technologies as the current vector in the imaging and the most important aspect in the preparation of modern skilled workers. The study is theoretical justification of cloud services as a tool for creating an effective visualization of educational material. The &lt;em&gt;objective of the study&lt;/em&gt; is to analyze the main tools for creating high-quality visualizations based cloud services, which use allows to intensify the learning process, increases the effectiveness of training time and costs shows higher learning outcomes. &lt;em&gt;Object&lt;/em&gt; is a learning process in secondary school; the subject of theoretical research is the application of imaging technology in the learning process. The study uses general scientific &lt;em&gt;methods&lt;/em&gt; of research, study and analysis of psycho-pedagogical, special and methodological literature of examining the problems of generalization of domestic and foreign pedagogical experience. The &lt;em&gt;result&lt;/em&gt; of the study is to highlight the usefulness of didactic &quot;cloud&quot; services for information visualization in the educational system schools. A promising area of future research is the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of future teacher to the effective use of imaging technology in the learning process.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Людмила Іванівна Білоусова</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Наталя Василівна Житєньова</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>25</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>30</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.939</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>E-portfolio in postgraduate education system of teachers of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions: psychological and pedagogical aspect</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;This publication &lt;em&gt;aims&lt;/em&gt; to prove the rationale for use of the e-portfolio in postgraduate education system of teachers of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions. &lt;em&gt;Object of research&lt;/em&gt;: process of professional training of the teacher of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institution for scientific and educational activities in postgraduate education system. &lt;em&gt;Subject of research&lt;/em&gt;: use of the e-portfolio technology in postgraduate education system by teachers of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions. The following &lt;em&gt;research methods&lt;/em&gt; were applied while preparing this publication: analysis of regulatory documents, psychological, educational, instructional materials, theses, conference proceedings and periodical professional publications; generalization and systematization of positions of leading scientists; comparison and collation of different views on the issue; empirical research through questionnaires. As a &lt;em&gt;result&lt;/em&gt; of the research, we have concluded that the management of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions are not fully aware of the potential of the e-portfolio in formation of professional competence, particularly psychological and educational one. In order to enhance understanding of the contents and purpose of the e-portfolio technology, experience of Pedagogy and Psychology of Postgraduate Education Department at Bogomolets National Medical University was illustrated. Application of the e-portfolio technology, as one of the means to form psycho-pedagogical competence of the teacher of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institution, will improve the quality of their professional competence, given the current demands of society and changes in the European integration with regard to higher education system.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Мирослава Мирославівна Філоненко</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Христина Володимирівна Подковко</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>31</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>35</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.940</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Implementation SMART-learning tools of modern network technologies</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;The aims of the study&lt;/em&gt; is the design and implementation of SMART-learning based on advanced network technologies. &lt;em&gt;The objectives of the study&lt;/em&gt; is to analyze the existing approaches to the design and implementation of SMART-learning using modern network technologies, the formation of the requirements for creating SMART-textbook and its structure. &lt;em&gt;The object of the study &lt;/em&gt;is the educational process of pedagogical university. &lt;em&gt;The subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is the use of advanced cloud technology for the design and implementation of SMART-pedagogical training in higher education. The paper analyzes, generalization and systematization of studies on the SMART-training on the use of cloud ICT in education, research and organizational activities of the university, made the experimental introduction of SMART-designed tutorial on using open source software and Internet resources. For evaluating the effectiveness of implementation of SMART-pedagogical training of students of higher education based on modern network technologies planned pedagogical experiment. Results of the study is planned to summarize the development of recommendations for the design and organization of training on SMART-based advanced network technologies in higher educational institutions.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Майя Юхимівна Кадемія</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Володимир Михайлович Кобися</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>36</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>40</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.941</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Organization of testing students with Office 365</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;The research goal&lt;/em&gt; is to design and implement a comprehensive approach to the organization of testing the students with the tools provided by Office 365. &lt;em&gt;The tasks of the research&lt;/em&gt; are to analyze the ways of using cloud services to monitor the students’ knowledge, to create and adapt the requirements to pedagogical testing using cloud technologies, choose the rational tools for usage in the educational process. &lt;em&gt;The object of research&lt;/em&gt; is the process of usage the testing control using Forms tool for assessing the achievements of students of the institution. &lt;em&gt;The subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is the usage of cloud services in testing the students. The paper deals with the problems of organization of pedagogical testing, the possibilities of Forms Tool for Assessment of knowledge through testing. &lt;em&gt;Results of the research&lt;/em&gt; are planned for implementation in the educational process of educational establishments that use the cloud services Office 365.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Юрій Валерійович Грицук</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Оксана Вікторівна Грицук</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>41</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>45</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.942</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>The use cloud technology of the design work of students</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The study is the organization of blended learning as the creation of educational projects using cloud technology. The objectives of the study is to analyze the existing approaches to blended learning using modern network technologies, developing abilities the project activity using the cloud. The object of the study is the educational process of pedagogical university. The subject of research is the use of modern technologies for the cloud of blended learning students in higher pedagogical institution. The paper analyzes, generalization and systematization of studies on the use of blended learning network technologies in education, research and organizational activities of the university, made the experimental introduction of technologies to create blended learning project skills of students using open source software and Internet resources. For evaluating the effectiveness of blended learning teaching students of higher education based on modern network technologies planned pedagogical experiment. Results of the study is planned to summarize the development of recommendations for the design and organization of blended learning based on advanced network technologies in higher educational institutions.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Алла Петрівна Кобися</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>46</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>51</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.943</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Free and open source cloud technology based on the type Software as a Service</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The &lt;em&gt;aim&lt;/em&gt; of this study is to design and implement the cloud computing technology with types of the services Software as a Service (SaaS). &lt;em&gt;Objectives of the study&lt;/em&gt; is to analyze the free and open source cloud technology based on the type Software as a Service. &lt;em&gt;The object of research&lt;/em&gt; is the process of using of the cloud computing technology with types of the services Software as a Service in education. &lt;em&gt;The subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is the use of free cloud computing technology with types of the services Software as a Service in education for students of university. This article covers the free and open source cloud computing technology and its application in Web-based IT education. One of the technologies that can be used in teaching online IT courses is cloud computing. In this work the analysis and systematization of research on the use of free cloud-based ICT in education, research and organizational activities. &lt;em&gt;Results of the study&lt;/em&gt; is planned to use for the design of methods e-learning education with the free and open source cloud technology.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Наталія Михайлівна Кіяновська</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>52</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>58</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.944</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Creation of multimedia content of the cloud-based learning environment in Technical Lyceum</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;The aim of&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;research:&lt;/em&gt; filling multimedia content cloud-based learning environment of secondary school. &lt;em&gt;The objectives of research&lt;/em&gt;: analysis of Authoring Tools to fill a cloud-based learning environment of secondary school, experimental application of the H5P to create multimedia content based on HTML5 cloud-based learning environment Technical Lyceum. &lt;em&gt;The object of research:&lt;/em&gt; Authoring Tools for cloud-based learning environment. &lt;em&gt;The subject of research:&lt;/em&gt; H5P tool for creating multimedia content based on HTML5. &lt;em&gt;The methods&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;of research:&lt;/em&gt; analysis of state standards, statistics and, pedagogical experience and publications, analysis of software. &lt;em&gt;Results of&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;research&lt;/em&gt;: Authoring Tools is software that is intended for designing e-learning materials (rates) while preserving the received product formats: HTML, Flash, SCORM, etc. With existing content management systems can be easily created to reproduce materials. With H5P possible to create about 20 kinds of independent multimedia content compatible with a full range of web browsers and devices with touch interface support for phones and tablets. Thus H5P is a means to create, share and reuse content in an multimedia format HTML5 training courses for cloud-based learning environment of secondary school with many opportunities to study learning material and assessment of pupils. &lt;em&gt;The main conclusions and recommendations&lt;/em&gt;: it is advisable to use the H5P to study the learning material and assessment of pupils. Results of the research is planned to generalize to form recommendations for filling multimedia content of the cloud-based learning environment of secondary school.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Алла Володимирівна Ворожбит</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>59</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>63</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.945</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>The problem of designing a digital learning ecosystem for massive online courses (Estonian experience)</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Research goals:&lt;/em&gt; analyze of the scientists experience of Estonia for the design of digital learning ecosystem for massive online courses and distinguish the main stages and tools for the design of massive online courses. &lt;em&gt;Research objectives:&lt;/em&gt; define the basic concepts of the research “Digital learning ecosystem” and “massive online courses” according to the analysis of scientific publications of Estonia scientists; describe the main stages of designing digital learning ecosystem for massive online courses, based on the experience of foreign researchers, including Estonia; define the basic requirements to tools for creating digital learning ecosystem and provide examples of such tools. &lt;em&gt;Object of research:&lt;/em&gt; lifelong learning. &lt;em&gt;Subject of research: &lt;/em&gt;creation of digital educational ecosystem massive online courses for the development of teachers’ information and communication competency. &lt;em&gt;Research methods used&lt;/em&gt;: analysis of scientific publications. &lt;em&gt;Results&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;of the research&lt;/em&gt;. The study found that the world’s educational systems become the relevance massive open online courses. These courses are characterized by mass production and distribution of knowledge that takes place in the context of open online education by using information and communication technologies, including cloud computing. For the implementation and effectiveness of these courses is necessary to create a special digital learning environment. Digital learning ecosystem is the result of a combination of network tools such as software, platform and other ICT users and their use by users with competences acquired through continuous use of these services in their daily and professional activities. &lt;em&gt;The main conclusions and recommendations: &lt;/em&gt;1.&amp;nbsp;Massive open online courses are a significant solution for of the individual lifelong learning. Infrastructure such courses should provide maximum flexibility for the main activities of their members, in particular, practice, research, study. 2.&amp;nbsp;The problem of designing massive open online courses can be solved through the creation of such digital learning ecosystem that will form a combination of network tools such as software, platform and other ICT users and their use with competencies acquired through continuous use of these services in daily and professional activities. 3.&amp;nbsp;According to the analysis researches of Estonian scientists the digital learning ecosystem can be created through online tools that will support the creation of electronic educational resources, joint use of electronic educational resources the participants of the educational process, re-use of electronic educational resources the participants of the educational process, review and remixes all four components.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Наталія Володимирівна Сороко</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>64</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>70</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.946</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Massive open online courses in the system of training of future teachers including practice of Media education</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The &lt;em&gt;aim &lt;/em&gt;of the study is to consider the details of the training for teachers including practice of media education and creating an annotated list of massive open online courses for this training. &lt;em&gt;The objectives of the study&lt;/em&gt; are to analyze existing online courses of various kinds for the diverse teacher training to implement media education activities. The &lt;em&gt;object of research&lt;/em&gt; is the process of training of future teachers including media educational activities in their practical work. The &lt;em&gt;subject of research &lt;/em&gt;is the applying of potential of MOOC in the training of future media educators. The basic requirements for formation of media and information competence of the teacher are considered, existing of online courses for the formation of that competence is analyzed. Experimental verification to assess the efficiency of online courses in training of media educators is planned. &lt;em&gt;Results of the study: &lt;/em&gt;summarizing the development of recommendations for using the massive open online courses in training of media educators is planned.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Людмила Петрівна Остапенко</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Ольга Костянтинівна Соловйова</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>71</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>75</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.947</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Augmented reality as a tool in creative development of future education professionals</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;This study &lt;em&gt;aims&lt;/em&gt; at elucidation of the mobile learning impact in the future education professionals’ vocational and cognitive activity. Specific &lt;em&gt;research objectives of this study&lt;/em&gt; are to reveal the essence of the “vocational and cognitive activity” and “mobile learning tools” in the context of the future education specialists’ professional training. The &lt;em&gt;object of research&lt;/em&gt; is a future education professionals’ vocational and cognitive activity. The &lt;em&gt;subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is mobile learning tools as a tools for future education professionals’ vocational and cognitive activity. This work describes how mobile learning technologies, and the use of augmented reality in particular, affect the process of creative learning. Here, the experience in introduction of mobile learning technologies at the Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy is described. The potential of mobile learning as a principal classroom tool in establishing a positive vocational and cognitive activity environment for future education professionals is also discussed. Specifically, the informatics tutorials using augmented reality with Aurasma and learning quests using “bring your own device” (BYOD) have been developed.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Катерина Валеріївна Лешко</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Лариса Леонідівна Рикова</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>76</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>81</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.948</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Mobile technologies as a tools to support learning at the school course of inorganic chemistry</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;In the article deals with the peculiarities and the use of electronic educational resources, including mobile technologies in the educational process in the study of chemistry. &lt;em&gt;Objective&lt;/em&gt;: To show the possible use of mobile technologies in the study of inorganic chemistry school course. &lt;em&gt;Tasks&lt;/em&gt;: to analyze of electronic support study course of inorganic chemistry; to describe the existing mobile applications to study chemistry; to describe peculiarities of the developed mobile application ChemStudio. &lt;em&gt;Object&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;of research&lt;/em&gt; – especially the use of mobile technology in education. &lt;em&gt;Subject&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;of research&lt;/em&gt; – development of mobile app ChemStudio to support school course in inorganic chemistry. &lt;em&gt;Research methods&lt;/em&gt;: carried out a survey among students, which showed that the use of mobile technology can greatly facilitate the learning process and make it more interesting. &lt;em&gt;The main conclusions&lt;/em&gt;: 1)&amp;nbsp;the use of mobile technology in the classroom will promote the study of school subjects, including inorganic chemistry course; 2)&amp;nbsp;the use of developed mobile application ChemStudio is an expedient tool of electronic support for the study of inorganic chemistry school course.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Тетяна Яківна Грановська</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Марія Вікторівна Лаптєва</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>82</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>92</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.949</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Peculiarities of implementation of mobile learning of foreign languages at the economic university</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;The aim&lt;/em&gt; of the study is to improve the process of teaching a foreign language using multimedia tools in general, and mobile learning in particular. &lt;em&gt;The objectives&lt;/em&gt; of the study are the analysis of modern forms, methods and tools of teaching a foreign language with ICT tools, their selection and experimental study of their effectiveness. &lt;em&gt;The object&lt;/em&gt; of the research is the process of teaching a foreign language to students of economic specialties. &lt;em&gt;The subject&lt;/em&gt; of the research is the use of ICT tools in students’ study and research work. The following &lt;em&gt;methods of research&lt;/em&gt; have been used: testing, questionnaires, experimental research, interviews and consultations. The analysis, generalization and systematization of researches on the problem of teaching a foreign language at higher educational establishments with the use of multimedia tools have been made as well as the experimental implementation of multimedia technologies along with mobile learning to teaching a professionally-oriented foreign language has been conducted. &lt;em&gt;The results of the study&lt;/em&gt; are planned to be published to implement mobile learning in teaching a foreign language to future economists.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Олена Олегівна Карпова</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>93</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>99</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.950</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Interactive tool SMART kapp in modern education</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;One of the effective ways in organizing education with informational technologies and media education is a productive use of SMART Education and cloud technologies. The&lt;em&gt; aim &lt;/em&gt;of this research is to disclosure the essence of modern educational SMART kapp tool, which is built on principle includes cloud technology. &lt;em&gt;The objectives of the research&lt;/em&gt; are to analyze the principle of SMART kapp; to identify opportunities to use it in the classroom. &lt;em&gt;The object of research&lt;/em&gt; is the modern educational process. &lt;em&gt;The subject of&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;research&lt;/em&gt; is modern tools used for teaching in higher education. The author analyzed the native and foreign experience. It is established that due SMART kapp training participants can take part in training, brainstorming, or presentations regardless of location. Using the tool SMART kapp, which is built on a cloudy principle in modern educational process is an effective tool for collaboration and information visualization. &lt;em&gt;The results of the research&lt;/em&gt; will be used to train future teachers of Informatics to use modern technology in professional activities.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Юлія Олександрівна Дехтярьова</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>100</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>103</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.951</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Technological bases of projecting distance learning courses</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;The purpose of the research:&lt;/em&gt; determining the technological basis for projecting distance learning courses. &lt;em&gt;Objectives of the research:&lt;/em&gt; structuring technology projecting distance learning courses in stages; determination of the nature and characteristics of each of the projecting stages. &lt;em&gt;Research methods:&lt;/em&gt; theoretical analysis, synthesis, generalization and modeling. &lt;em&gt;The results of the research.&lt;/em&gt; The separate components of technology projecting of distance courses there are four stages. On the stage of creation the programs of distance learning course are determined its general aims, themes, which studies of separate themes, and its maintenance. The structuring stage of the course by modules envisages determinations separate components by contents that require successive working. Psychological peculiarities of the process of learning are taken into account at the stage of defining educational tasks for each module. The stage of development of requirements to the methodical providing of the on-line training course’s modules is predefined by the necessity of taking into account of features of study of educational material exactly in the process of distance studies. &lt;em&gt;The main conclusions and recommendations.&lt;/em&gt; Development of the distance course requires its prior projecting on technological principles. The observance of corresponding technology will allow to produce intention of course and create it didactics model as required element of course development.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Андрій Олександрович Кучерявий</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>104</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>108</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.952</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Creation of distance courses in natural sciences for international students of preparatory phase of training in Ukrainian, Russian, English languages</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;The aim of this study&lt;/em&gt; is to design and implement the educational learning environment for international students’ studying in Ukrainian universities in the form of distance learning courses based on Moodle system. &lt;em&gt;Objectives of the study&lt;/em&gt; is to analyze the existing approaches to constructing distance learning courses of training requirements in preparatory phase for foreigners in order to form a remote environment, experimental use of distance learning courses for foreigners in form of blended and distance learning during their preparation for entering universities in Ukraine. &lt;em&gt;The object of research&lt;/em&gt; is the process of functioning of blended and distance learning for foreigners who plan to study in Ukrainian universities in Ukraine, Russian, Ukraine and English languages. &lt;em&gt;The subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is the use of blended and distance learning for foreigners in organizational, scientific and educational activities of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Faculty of International Education of NTU &quot;KhPI&quot;. In the work the analysis and systematization of research on the use of cloud-based ICT in education, research and organizational activities of the university, experimental implementation of the designed cloud-based environment for the subdivision of university using open source software. To assess the effectiveness of the use cloud-based learning environment created a separate department university planned to hold teaching experiment. In this work the analysis and systematization of use the blended and distance learning for foreign citizens in educational process was made, and the experimental introduction of advertising-course &quot;Welcome to study!&quot; developed on the basis of Moodle system in the distance learning courses NTU &quot;KhPI&quot; was fulfilled. To assess the efficiency of distance learning courses for international citizens’ preparatory phase of training according to the basic natural sciences, the pedagogical experiment will be done. &lt;em&gt;Results of the study&lt;/em&gt; is planned to summarize the development of recommendations for the design of distance learning courses for foreigners with special courses for distance or blended learning in universities Ukraine.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Олена Миколаївна Лапузіна</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Лідія Миколаївна Лісачук</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>109</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>113</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.953</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Components of efficient distance learning course</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The &lt;em&gt;purpose of the research&lt;/em&gt; is an exposure of the productive distance learning course&#039;s components carried out in Internet on the basis of modern information-communicative technologies&#039; application. The &lt;em&gt;tasks of the research&lt;/em&gt; are discovery of psychological-pedagogical value of virtual educational space, analysis of basic aspects of the distance learning courses&#039;s realization in this space, research of development&#039;s and application&#039;s role of the distance learning&#039;s model of participant, re-erecting of criterion parameters&#039; tracking&#039;s technology of changes&#039; objective registration of participants&#039; learning activity, and others like that. &lt;em&gt;The object of research&lt;/em&gt; is training learning system developed on the basis of Moodle electronic platform. The &lt;em&gt;subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is components of the productive distance learning course in Internet. The basic methods of research are an analysis of theoretical sources, forming experiment carried out in the format of the distance training course, processing of data by the methods of mathematical statistics, analysis and generalization of results. 14 base components of the productive distance learning courses found out and described in the process of research. It is rotined the proper components allow to develop and inculcate productive learning online courses in learning, psychological, educational practice. Distance learning courses have enormous psychological-pedagogical potential and there are one of facilities to convert learning and education into an active, conscious, personality, creative process.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Максим Миколайович Назар</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>114</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>128</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.954</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>On the issue of developing and applying the model of the participant of Internet training</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The &lt;em&gt;research focus&lt;/em&gt; is effective application of the online trainings participants’ model. The &lt;em&gt;goals &lt;/em&gt;of the research are to describe, analyze and develop the online trainings participants’ model, the allocation system basic components of developed appropriate model. &lt;em&gt;The object&lt;/em&gt; of research is educational system. &lt;em&gt;Subject&lt;/em&gt; of research: basic principles of identification, development and practical use of the online trainings participants’ model. &lt;em&gt;Methods:&lt;/em&gt; theoretical analysis of contemporary sources of the topic of research, synthesis, comparison and synthesis of scientific data sources. As a result of research are drawn &lt;em&gt;conclusions&lt;/em&gt; that the participant’s model of internet-based trainings exists for description, explanation and increase of studies’ process’ efficiency, its individualization and flexibility. It makes the catalogue of basic development’s possibilities of corresponding model. Spectrum of meaningful possible variants of participant’s choice of distant group psychological work or learning comes forward the foundation for development and practical realization of educational influence.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Максим Миколайович Назар</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Дмитро Сергійович Мещеряков</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>129</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>134</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.955</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Computer models for interdisciplinary links support in high school</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The &lt;em&gt;aim&lt;/em&gt; of the work is to develop computer dynamic models and didactic support for high school students’ studies using the models for understanding interdisciplinary relations. The &lt;em&gt;objectives&lt;/em&gt; are to establish and analyze computer science interdisciplinary links with other academic disciplines that form the basis for the development of computer models. The &lt;em&gt;object of the research&lt;/em&gt; is the process of establishing interdisciplinary connections by high school students, learning natural and mathematical sciences; &lt;em&gt;subject of the research&lt;/em&gt; is the realization of interdisciplinary links by high school students using computer models. The applied methods include analysis, modeling and computational experiment. As a &lt;em&gt;result&lt;/em&gt; there were determined interdisciplinary links of computer science with other disciplines of high school, there were also developed computer dynamic models and didactic support to them on purpose of high school students’ research as for the awareness of interdisciplinary links. The prospects of the work are to upload the complex of the models to GeoGebra Book service and to extend the didactic support.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Людмила Едуардівна Гризун</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Дар’я Геннадіївна Шерстюк</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>135</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>139</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.956</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>The specificity of students’ independent work in the disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle in terms of blended learning</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Research goals&lt;/em&gt;: to characterize features of independent work of students in the disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle in terms of blended learning and to characterize features of management of such work. &lt;em&gt;Object of research&lt;/em&gt;: students’ learning in mathematics and natural sciences. &lt;em&gt;Subject of research&lt;/em&gt;: independent work of students in the disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle in terms of blended learning. &lt;em&gt;Research methods&lt;/em&gt; used: analysis of scientific sources, pedagogical observation. &lt;em&gt;Results of the research&lt;/em&gt;. Features of the independent work of students in the disciplines of natural-mathematical cycle in terms of blended learning are: the large share of productive learning activity, including research activity in learning; gradual transition in learning process from use the reproductive learning methods to part-search and creative learning methods; high systematization and, simultaneously, continuous updates of educational material; the need to implement an individual approach to the choice of learning methods and levels of tasks for each student; need of operational targeted assistance to the student; active application of the professional-oriented computer tools during independent work according to the level of informatization future careers. The specified features impose certain requirements for the management of independent work of students in the learning process of disciplines of naturally-mathematical cycle and determine the characteristics of management: management flexibility is manifested in the implementation of adaptive mode of presentation of the trainig tasks to a student; the personification of a management of independent work of students is provided by a variety of computer tools and the varied methods of their application, that enables the selection of individual variants of independent work for each student; operativeness of correction of student activities is based on the accumulation and analysis of statistical data about the progress and performance of training activities of each student. &lt;em&gt;The main conclusions and recommendations.&lt;/em&gt; The use of a variety of computer means in the conditions of blended learning provides: effective work of the teacher and students, learning of the large volume of material by students, timely correction of educational activity of students, enhancing their independence, the transition from the reproductive character of independent work of students to part-search and creative activity.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Лариса Сергіївна Колгатіна</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Надія Сергіївна Пономарева</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>140</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>151</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.957</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Use of environment CoCalc and commercial systems and computer mathematics</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The &lt;em&gt;aim&lt;/em&gt; of this study is perform a comparative analysis and justify the expediency of the use in teaching CoCalc. &lt;em&gt;Objectives of the study&lt;/em&gt; is compare Web-access to CoCalc and commercial SCM to analyze suitability for use in the educational process CoCalc and commercial systems SCM, the example of some commercial SCM (MathCAD and Maple) to consider the disadvantages of their use to reveal the contents of components CoCalc. The &lt;em&gt;object of research&lt;/em&gt; is the process of using cloud environment CoCalc in pedagogical education institution. The &lt;em&gt;subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is means of environment CoCalc. The paper considers the problem of the use of environment CoCalc and commercial of computer mathematics. The historical overview of the cloud environment are its basic components that can be used in the educational process teaching high school. A comparative analysis CoCalc and commercial SCM criteria for mobility, life learning, chargeless. &lt;em&gt;Results of the study&lt;/em&gt; is the advantages of the use of cloud environment CoCalc in the learning process.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Майя Володимирівна Попель</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Сергій Олексійович Семеріков</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Світлана Вікторівна Шокалюк</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>152</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>158</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.958</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>The didactic potential of cloud technologies in the study of computing disciplines by bachelors in system analysis</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Research goals&lt;/em&gt;: improvement of a technique of development of information and communication competence of students of specialty “System analysis” using cloud technologies in the process of studying technical disciplines. &lt;em&gt;Research objectives&lt;/em&gt;: to reveal the didactic potential of cloud computing for the development of ICT competence of students while studying computing. &lt;em&gt;Object of research:&lt;/em&gt; process of training of bachelors in system analysis. &lt;em&gt;Subject of research:&lt;/em&gt; methods of development of ICT competence of bachelors in system analysis with the use of cloud technologies in teaching computing. &lt;em&gt;The results of the study&lt;/em&gt;: refined didactic potential of cloud computing in teaching computing, which contributes to professional and practice-oriented focus of educational outcomes and development of ICT competence of bachelors in system analysis.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Оксана Федорівна Дяченко</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>159</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>162</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.959</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Actual problems of professional orientation of pupils on IT-specialty</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The &lt;em&gt;aim&lt;/em&gt; of this study is to establishing the features of the practical conditions of work of teachers of informatics for professional orientation of pupils on IT-specialty. &lt;em&gt;Objectives of the study&lt;/em&gt; is to analyze the general problems of professional orientation of pupils of secondary schools on the IT-profession; to determine the features of the practical implementation the work of professional orientation the pupils on IT-specialties by the teachers of informatics. The &lt;em&gt;object of research&lt;/em&gt; is the professional pedagogical activity of teacher of informatics. The &lt;em&gt;subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is the work of teachers of informatics for professional orientation of pupils on IT-profession. In this paper is determined the state of the problem of realization the professional orientation of pupils of secondary schools on the IT-profession by the teachers of informatics. Were interviewed the teachers of Informatics about the professional orientation as part of professional activity of modern Informatics teacher and analyzed its results. Is founded that the successful activity of teachers of informatics by professional orientation of school graduates on IT-specialty required teachers&#039; relevant professional theoretical and practical training. &lt;em&gt;Results of the study&lt;/em&gt; is planned to summarize to work out a model of training of teachers of Informatics by professional orientation of pupils on IT-specialty.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Наталія Олександрівна Пономарьова</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>163</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>167</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.960</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Using a cloud-based CAD systems into professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The &lt;em&gt;aim&lt;/em&gt; of this study is the selection of cloud-oriented CAD systems, which should be used in a professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers. &lt;em&gt;Objectives of the study&lt;/em&gt;: to analyze the feasibility of using cloud-oriented CAD systems in professional and practical training bachelors of applied mechanics; to perform a selection of automated design tools that should be used in future studies of Mechanical Engineers. The &lt;em&gt;object of research&lt;/em&gt; is a professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers. &lt;em&gt;The subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is the use of cloud-oriented CAD systems into professional and practical training bachelors of applied mechanics. The paper analyzes the relevance and feasibility of using a cloud-oriented CAD systems into professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers, elected complex software, cloud and mobile services for the professional and practical training of future mechanical engineers, the model with the use of the account Google.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Марина Віталіївна Рассовицька</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Андрій Миколайович Стрюк</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>168</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>174</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.961</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>The use of SMART-boards the lessons in elementary school</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;In the article, the use of SMART boards in the learning process of primary school. Designed game-exercises in online service Twiddla. The &lt;em&gt;purpose&lt;/em&gt; of the study – development of methodical recommendations on the use of SMART boards in the classroom in elementary school. The &lt;em&gt;object&lt;/em&gt; of study is the SMART Board and use SMART boards in the classroom in elementary school. Conducted a case study in which we have developed methodological materials in the form of games using the SMART Board. &lt;em&gt;Conclusions:&lt;/em&gt; use SMART doskoch during class in elementary school allows the teacher to present the material in a playful, visual form, which improves the motivation of children to study, to obtain self-knowledge.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Марина Миколаївна Шеіна</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>175</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>178</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.962</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Formation of cognitive independence of students using Google services</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Research goals:&lt;/em&gt; determine the impact of Google services on forming cognitive independence of students. &lt;em&gt;Research objectives:&lt;/em&gt; analysis of existing methods of forming cognitive independence of students, analysis of Google services in education, the place and role of Google services on formation of cognitive independence of students, identify learning tool using Google services for the formation of cognitive independence of students. &lt;em&gt;Object of research:&lt;/em&gt; forming cognitive independence of students in school I-III stages. &lt;em&gt;Subject of research:&lt;/em&gt; use Google services for the formation of cognitive independence of students. &lt;em&gt;Research methods &lt;/em&gt;used: analysis of scientific publications and personal experience. &lt;em&gt;Results of the research. &lt;/em&gt;Based on psychological and pedagogical literature analyzed existing approaches to the formation of cognitive independence of students using the services of Google. The place and role of Google services on formation of cognitive independence of seniors. Defined learning tool using Google services for the formation of cognitive independence of students. &lt;em&gt;The main conclusions and recommendations. &lt;/em&gt;Use the Google services forming cognitive independence high school students is appropriate and promising development in modern pedagogical practice.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Тетяна Борисівна Шустакова</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>179</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>186</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.963</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>The use of cloud-based computing in the research activities of future engineers while learning higher mathematics</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;The aim of the study&lt;/em&gt; is to rationale for selection cloud-oriented means of ICT and the methods of their use in the research activities of future engineers while learning higher mathematics. &lt;em&gt;The objectives of the study&lt;/em&gt; is to analyze the existing modern scientific and methodological sources and the practical work of Universities with the questions of the use of cloud-based computing in a process of learning mathematical disciplines of students of the high school, selection and experimental application cloud-oriented means of ICT in the research activities of students of engineering specialties of high school while learning higher mathematics. &lt;em&gt;The object of research&lt;/em&gt; is a process of learning higher mathematics students of engineering specialties of high school. &lt;em&gt;The subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is the use of cloud-based computing in educational-research activities students of engineering specialties of high school. In this work there was conducted analysis of the sectoral standards of higher school, an analysis scientific sources which explore problems of the use cloud-based computing and an analysis of the cloud-oriented means of mathematical appointment. There was determined the relevance of organisation of educational-research activities students of engineering specialties of high school while learning higher mathematics with the use cloud-oriented means of ICT. There was grounded and experimentally realised the process of the use of cloud-oriented means of ICT in research activities of students while learning higher mathematics. &lt;em&gt;The results of research&lt;/em&gt; are can be used for organization research activities of students of technical specialties of high school while learning higher mathematics.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Олександра Миколаївна Потапова</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>187</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>191</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.964</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Differentiation of student learning to complex analysis using CoCalc</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Research goals&lt;/em&gt;: to determine the ways of differentiation of future mathematics teacher learning to complex analysis using CoCalc. &lt;em&gt;Research objectives&lt;/em&gt;: to analyze the problem of differentiating learning in pedagogical universities, particularly in process of teaching the professional disciplines; to determine the place of complex analysis in mathematical disciplines of pedagogical universities; to investigate the impact of CoCalc on differentiation of future mathematics teachers learning to complex analysis. &lt;em&gt;Object of research&lt;/em&gt;: learning to complex analysis of future mathematics teachers at pedagogical universities. &lt;em&gt;Subject of research&lt;/em&gt;: differentiation of student learning to complex analysis. &lt;em&gt;Research methods&lt;/em&gt; used: analysis of scientific publications, observations, interviews with teachers. &lt;em&gt;Results of the research&lt;/em&gt;. Based on the analysis of scientific works and interviews with teachers established that the problem of differentiating learning is very relevant during teaching of mathematical disciplines. Defined the place of complex analysis in mathematical disciplines. It’s shown that differentiated instruction is intended to include differentiated tasks in the learning. The specificity using CoCalc on “Complex function of complex variable” are described. &lt;em&gt;The main conclusions and recommendations&lt;/em&gt;: 1)&amp;nbsp;expedient use of differentiated tasks (which are distributed by different criteria) as a basic premise differentiation of education; 2)&amp;nbsp;gradual complication of tasks with the gradual generalization of already learned material research and comprehension level.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Майя Володимирівна Попель</dc:creator> <dc:creator>Дмитро Євгенович Бобилєв</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>192</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>200</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.965</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Theoretical-methodological foundation of technology advanced elementary mathematics education</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The &lt;em&gt;aim&lt;/em&gt; of the study is to examine the theoretical and methodological basis of informatization of elementary mathematics education. &lt;em&gt;Objectives of the study&lt;/em&gt; is the analysis of perspective directions of development of modern primary education, in particular, information elementary mathematics education, updating of didactic possibilities of information and communication technologies as a tools of teaching mathematics in the modern elementary school. The &lt;em&gt;object of research&lt;/em&gt; is elementary mathematics education. The &lt;em&gt;subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is theoretical-methodological foundation of technology advanced elementary mathematics education. The work is devoted to the problem of modernization of the existing system of elementary mathematics education. During the study established that the education іnformatization is a process of progressive socio-economic changes caused by the demands of modernity. Informatization of primary education is one of the areas of the public policy of informatization of education in Ukraine and provides, in particular, possession by students at a sufficient level of ability to be critical of information, process it, use the information for an adequate solution to the problems of everyday life. Mastering the techniques of mental activity of younger students with such characteristics is advantageously carried out in the teaching of mathematics in the mode of non-standard motivational approach – the use of ICT. Refined didactic potential of ICT for the teaching of mathematics in the modern elementary school. &lt;em&gt;Results of the study&lt;/em&gt; is planned to summarize for recommendations on the training of future elementary school teachers to use ICT as a means of teaching mathematics.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Віра Михайлівна Андрієвська</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>201</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>205</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.966</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Training of teacher to school students collaborate with educational resources of cloud based projects</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;The &lt;em&gt;aim&lt;/em&gt; of research is to find contemporary approaches to teamwork future teachers with educational resources. &lt;em&gt;Objectives of the study &lt;/em&gt;is to analyze the possibilities of establishing joint work in networks of students and improvement course “Information and communication mathematics learning tools” for blended learning. The &lt;em&gt;object&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;of the research&lt;/em&gt; is the process methodical training of future teachers of mathematics and computer science. The &lt;em&gt;subject of research&lt;/em&gt; is the use of cloud based projects in methodical training of future teachers. The paper analyzes the problems of networks cooperation in various cloud based services, including GeoGebra, LearningApps, Prezi, Google. &lt;em&gt;Results of the&lt;/em&gt; &lt;em&gt;study&lt;/em&gt; is planned to generalize to form recommendations on the organization of cooperation in the network of the future teachers.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Тетяна Григорівна Крамаренко</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>206</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>210</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.967</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Educational physical experiment as a research tool in the cloud-oriented learning environment</title> <link></link> <description>&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;Research goals:&lt;/em&gt; study the feasibility of the research students with educational physical experiment in the cloud-oriented learning environment. &lt;em&gt;Research objectives:&lt;/em&gt; the role of research students in the cloud-oriented learning environment through educational physical experiment. &lt;em&gt;Object of research: &lt;/em&gt;methods of study atomic and nuclear physics in the cloud-oriented learning environment educational institution. &lt;em&gt;Subject of research:&lt;/em&gt; research seniors studied at the atomic and nuclear physics in the cloud-oriented learning environment. &lt;em&gt;Research methods used: &lt;/em&gt;theoretical analysis of contemporary methodological improvements, synthesis and synthesis of findings, analysis of the literature on cosmological theories. &lt;em&gt;Results of the research. &lt;/em&gt;Considered existing library applications and virtual labs to provide cloud-based learning environment educational physical experiment with atomic and nuclear physics in high school educational institution. Analyzed the feasibility of using physical experiment in the cloud-oriented learning environment and its impact on learning Foundation of atomic and nuclear physics. The program «The Big Bang Theory» was developed. &lt;em&gt;The main conclusions and recommendations:&lt;/em&gt; the use of cloud-based learning environment during the study of atomic and nuclear physics is appropriate as improving teaching methodology of this branch of physics, diversifies the learning process, promotes interdisciplinary communication between physics and computer science, provides visibility and informative events, theories and processes. Implementation of educational physical experiment for research in cloud-oriented learning environment promotes scientific outlook of training and provides research nuclear processes in certain defined parameters.&lt;/p&gt;</description> <dc:creator>Максим Володимирович Хомутенко</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>211</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>222</prism:endingPage> <prism:doi>10.55056/nocote.v17i0.968</prism:doi> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Our authors</title> <link></link> <dc:creator>Serhiy Semerikov</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>223</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>227</prism:endingPage> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Index</title> <link></link> <dc:creator>Serhiy Semerikov</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>228</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>228</prism:endingPage> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Index</title> <link></link> <dc:creator>Serhiy Semerikov</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>229</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>229</prism:endingPage> </item> <item rdf:about=""> <title>Edition notice</title> <link></link> <dc:creator>Serhiy Semerikov</dc:creator> <dc:rights> ##submission.copyrightStatement## </dc:rights> <cc:license></cc:license> <dc:date>2019-06-25</dc:date> <prism:publicationDate>2019-06-25</prism:publicationDate> <prism:volume>17</prism:volume> <prism:startingPage>230</prism:startingPage> <prism:endingPage>230</prism:endingPage> </item> </rdf:RDF>