Maximo Mobile Solutions | Maximo Mobile App

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field</h5> <!-- <h5>Streamline your workday with our suite of<br> Maximo apps for <span class="subtch">Technicians, Managers,<br> and Storekeepers</span>.</h5> --> <div class="newsletter"> <form action="" accept-charset="UTF-8" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6 col-xs-12 col-sm-12"> <input type="email" id="emailAddress" name="_replyto" class="form-control wt-300" placeholder="Enter Business Email" required="required"> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-xs-12 col-sm-12"> <button type="submit" id="new-form-button" class="btn btn-theme ft700">Schedule a Demo</button> </div><br><br> </div> <p id="new-form-status"></p> <!-- <div id="alertDIV" class="hidden mainalrt"><i>Please enter a valid business email address!</i></div> --> </form> <div class="banner_link_list"> <ul class="d-flex list-unstyled"> <li> <a target="_blank" href=" "> <img src="images/android.png" alt="eam360-banner" /> </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" href=""><img 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Watch how EAM360 helps asset-intensive enterprises operate assets safely, ensure compliance and achieve operational efficiency to maximize the value they deliver.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="video-banner"> <div class=""> <!-- <iframe width="1260" height="415" poster= "" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> --> <!-- <div class='youtube_codegena' id='AyBak3E9diA' data-params='?&theme=dark&autoplay=1&autohide=2' src=''style='width:1177px; height:464px;border-radius: 16.4035px;'></div><script src=''></script><div style='font-size: 0.8em'></div> --> <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="application-sect"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="sub2-heading"> <h2>Mobile app suite for Maximo</h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="app-main"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-9 col-md-12 col-sm-12"> <div class="app-banner"> <h4>EAM360 Technician</h4> <p>Allows technicians to tackle WO鈥檚, SR鈥檚 and log data directly from the field, even in the remotest locations. Switches from offline to online with full data integrity without the need of manual intervention. </p> <!-- <a class="" href="#">View More</a> --> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-12 col-md-12"> <div class="app-banner"> <img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" class="img-fluid" src="images/iPhone1.png" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="app-main"> <div class="row"> <div id="side_panel" class="col-lg-3 col-sm-12 col-md-12"> <div class="app-banner"> <img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" class="img-fluid" src="images/iPhone3.png" /> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-9 col-sm-12 col-md-12"> <div class="app-banner"> <h4>EAM360 Storekeeper</h4> <p>Removes the need for manual and mundane inventory work. Switch to a reliable and efficient app that helps you easily perform stores activities with seamless data synchronization.</p> <!-- <a class="" href="#">View More</a> --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="app-main"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-9 col-sm-12 col-md-12"> <div class="app-banner"> <h4>EAM360 Manager</h4> <p>Eliminates long hours reviewing PO鈥檚, PR鈥檚 and invoices and more鈥攜ou can navigate and approve transactions within seconds through a couple of taps to access and communicate data to a secure and centralized source of truth. </p> <!-- <a class="" href="#">View More</a> --> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-12 col-md-12"> <div class="app-banner"> <img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" class="img-fluid" src="images/iPhone2.png" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="view-more"> <a href=""> View our apps</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- Accordion Showcase Section --> <div class="keycab-sect"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="sub2-heading"> <h2> Key Capabilities of EAM360</h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui-accordion-showcase row"> <!-- Device Slider Column --> <div class="col-md-5 animate col-sm-12" data-show="fade-in-left"> <!-- Device Slider --> <div class="ui-device-slider"> <!-- Device Image --> <!-- <div class="device"> <img src="images/device.png" data-uhd alt="Applify - App Landing HTML Template" /> </div> --> <!-- Slider Images --> <div id="device-slider-1" class="screens owl-carousel owl-theme"> <div class="item"> <img src="images/app-screen-1.png" data-uhd alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" /> </div> <div class="item"> <img src="images/app-screen-2.png" data-uhd alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" /> </div> <div class="item"> <img src="images/app-screen-3.png" data-uhd alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" /> </div> <div class="item"> <img src="images/app-screen-4.png" data-uhd alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" /> </div> <div class="item"> <img src="images/app-screen-5.png" data-uhd alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" /> </div> <div class="item"> <img src="images/app-screen-6.png" data-uhd alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" /> </div> </div> </div><!-- .ui-device-slider --> </div><!-- Device Slider Column --> <!-- Accordion Column --> <div class="col-md-7 col-sm-12" data-vertical_center="true"> <!-- Accordion --> <div class="ui-accordion-panel"> <!-- Accordion 1 --> <div class="ui-card shadow-md ui-accordion key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" src="images/arrow-key.png"> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5 class="toggle" data-toggle="accordion-one" data-toggle_screen="1" data-toggle_slider="device-slider-1"> <span class="icon icon-wrench"></span> Offline Capabilities </h5> <div class="body" data-accord="accordion-one"> <p>Automatically shift between online & offline modes, import large amounts of master data & sync background data seamlessly. </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Accordion 2 --> <div class="ui-card shadow-md ui-accordion key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" src="images/arrow-key.png"> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5 class="toggle" data-toggle="accordion-two" data-toggle_screen="2" data-toggle_slider="device-slider-1"> <span class="icon icon-camera"></span> Integrated Mapping </h5> <div class="body" data-accord="accordion-two"> <p>Use ESRI maps to view feature layers, assets & locations. Create WO's or SR's, plan travel routes using Google maps and more. </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Accordion 3 --> <div class="ui-card shadow-md ui-accordion key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" src="images/arrow-key.png"> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5 class="toggle" data-toggle="accordion-three" data-toggle_screen="3" data-toggle_slider="device-slider-1"> <span class="icon icon-diamond"></span> Scans Codes & Tags </h5> <div class="body" data-accord="accordion-three"> <p>Scan Barcodes, QR codes, and RFID tags to display contextual data based on asset, location, or item numbers to users. </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Accordion 4 --> <div class="ui-card shadow-md ui-accordion key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" src="images/arrow-key.png"> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5 class="toggle" data-toggle="accordion-four" data-toggle_screen="4" data-toggle_slider="device-slider-1"> <span class="icon icon-settings"></span> Attach multimedia </h5> <div class="body" data-accord="accordion-four"> <p>Attach different types of files, from plain text notes to larger documents, images, audio, videos, and annotated maps. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui-card shadow-md ui-accordion key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" src="images/arrow-key.png"> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5 class="toggle" data-toggle="accordion-five" data-toggle_screen="5" data-toggle_slider="device-slider-1"> <span class="icon icon-settings"></span> Peripherals, IoT & AI/ML </h5> <div class="body" data-accord="accordion-five"> <p>Integrate with Bluetooth beacons, NFC readers, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth printers, sensors etc., and leverage image recognition using AI/ML. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui-card shadow-md ui-accordion key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" src="images/arrow-key.png"> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5 class="toggle" data-toggle="accordion-six" data-toggle_screen="6" data-toggle_slider="device-slider-1"> <span class="icon icon-settings"></span> User-specific configurations </h5> <div class="body" data-accord="accordion-six"> <p>End users can customize the user interface according to their needs鈥搒uch as hiding certain sections, rearranging UI elements and more. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- .ui-accordion-panel --> </div><!-- Accordion Column --> </div><!-- .row --> </div><!-- .container --> </div><!-- .section --> <!-- <section class="keycab-sect"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="sub2-heading"> <h2>Key Capabilities of IBM Maximo app</h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="key-banner"> <img class="img-fluid" src="images/key-cab.png"/> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img src="images/arrow-key.png"/> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5>Simple</h5> <p>A simple and straightforward interface that allows users to work through and navigate on the go. </p> </div> </div> <div class="key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img src="images/arrow-key.png"/> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5>Connected</h5> <p>Can be used offline in the remotest locations with seamless background synchronization to actively keep track of workflow </p> </div> </div> <div class="key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img src="images/arrow-key.png"/> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5>Flexible</h5> <p>Wear asset management on your sleeve鈥揵uilt-in support for integration with a range of IoT devices, AR/VR sets, wearables etc.</p> </div> </div> <div class="key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img src="images/arrow-key.png"/> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5>Precise</h5> <p>Enables geotagging that鈥檚 accurate to the meter, helps you trace assets by mapping out their locations, finds optimal routed to work locations and more </p> </div> </div> <div class="key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img src="images/arrow-key.png"/> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5>Multi-faceted </h5> <p>Comes equipped with QR and barcode scanning options to cut down on manual work and make tracking and usage easier </p> </div> </div> <div class="key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img src="images/arrow-key.png"/> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5>Integrated</h5> <p>Powerful native capabilities that helps easily and directly integrate with multiple third-party applications for your needs </p> </div> </div> <div class="key-inner"> <div class="key-inner-head"> <img src="images/arrow-key.png"/> </div> <div class="key-inner-body"> <h5>Secure</h5> <p>Robust end-to-end encryption and support of IdP-based authentication mechanisms that ensures data security and system integrity </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="view-more"> <a href="">View all features</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> --> <section class="whyus-sec"> <div class="container"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="sub2-heading"> <h2>Why EAM360 Maximo Mobile App?</h2> </div> </div> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="ror-mincard"> <h3>01</h3> <!-- <img src="images/excellence.png"> --> <h6>Successful implementations </h6> <p>100% success rate with a simplified app featuring intuitive navigations familiar to iOS & Android users. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="ror-mincard"> <!-- <img src="images/performance.png"> --> <h3>02</h3> <h6>Superior Performance</h6> <p>Built with Kotlin & Swift for superior performance, patent pending for rapid synchronization of millions of data. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="ror-mincard"> <h3>03</h3> <!-- <img src="images/tracking.png"> --> <h6>Flexible Architecture </h6> <p>No intermediate servers are needed. Supports both Cloud & on-premise installations of Maximo or MAS. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="ror-mincard"> <h3>04</h3> <!-- <img src="images/secure-shield.png"> --> <h6>Total Security </h6> <p>Data is encrypted on storage & transfer. It also robustly supports multiple authentication protocols. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="ror-mincard"> <h3>05</h3> <!-- <img src="images/technology.png"> --> <h6>Limitless Integrations </h6> <p>Powerful integrations with ESRI & Google maps, Trimble GNSS devices, Beacons, Sensors & RFID scanners. </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6"> <div class="ror-mincard"> <h3>06</h3> <!-- <img src="images/money.png"> --> <h6>Low TCO</h6> <p>With successful implementation records & flexible pricing, it offers the lowest TCO you鈥檒l find in the market. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="integrate-section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row align-items-center"> <div class="col-lg-6 col-sm-12 col-md-12"> <div class="hero-content-three"> <h3 class="">Joining forces with</h3> <p class="">A suite of applications that is integrated with multiple powerful applications for maximum value </p> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 col-sm-12 col-md-12"> <!-- <div class="integ-image" > <img class="img-fluid" src="images/inte-logo.png" alt="Hero"> </div> --> <div id="partnersCaruousel" class="carousel slide desktop-view joining-force" data-ride="carousel"> <!-- The slideshow --> <div class="carousel-inner "> <div class="carousel-item active"> <ul class="c_clients_list"> <li> <a href="partners.html" class="thumbnail"><img src="images/mini-clients2.png" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" style="max-width:100%;"></a> </li> <li> <a href="partners.html" class="thumbnail"><img src="images/mini-clients.png" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" style="max-width:100%;"></a> </li> <li> <a href="partners.html" class="thumbnail"><img src="images/mini-clients3.png" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" style="max-width:100%;"></a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="carousel-item "> <ul class="c_clients_list"> <li> <a href="partners.html" class="thumbnail"><img src="images/mini-clients4.png" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" style="max-width:100%;"></a> </li> <li> <a href="partners.html" class="thumbnail"><img src="images/mini-clients5.png" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" style="max-width:100%;"></a> </li> <li> <a href="partners.html" class="thumbnail"><img src="images/mini-clients6.png" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" style="max-width:100%;"></a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- Left and right controls --> <a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#partnersCaruousel" data-slide="prev"> <span class="left-arrow"></span> </a> <a class="carousel-control-next" href="#partnersCaruousel" data-slide="next"> <span class="right-arrow"></span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="key-clients"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12 text-center"> <div class="sub2-heading"> <h3>Our Key Clients</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-12 text-center"> <!-- <img class="img-fluid client-key" src="images/eam-key-main.png"> --> <img class="img-fluid client-key" src="images/updated-key-clients-eam.png"> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="testimonial-section2"> <div class="row text-center"> <div class="col-lg-12 text-center"> <div class="sub2-heading"> <h3>What Our Clients Are Saying</h3> </div> </div> </div> <div id="testim" class="testim"> <!--<div class="testim-cover"> --> <div class="wrap"> <span id="right-arrow" class="arrow right fa fa-chevron-right"></span> <span id="left-arrow" class="arrow left fa fa-chevron-left "></span> <ul id="testim-dots" class="dots"> <li class="dot active"></li> <li class="dot"></li> <li class="dot"></li> <!-- <li class="dot"></li> <li class="dot"></li> --> </ul> <div id="testim-content" class="cont"> <div class="active "> <div class=" testim-inner"> <img src="images/brain.png" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo"> <div class="testim-body"> <h4 class="h4">Brian S.</h4> <p>Sr. Project Manager - Utilities &nbsp; | &nbsp; Used the software for: 1-2 years</p> <h5>Delco</h5> </div> </div> <div class="testim-thumb"> <h5>"Deploying EAM360 in a mid-sized water utility"</h5> <p>Flexibility to meet our needs. They aren't just an off the shelf product, but rather can configure to meet specific needs. They were also very willing to work with us to understand those needs.</p> <!-- <ul class="rating-bar"> <li> <p>Overall Rating</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Ease of Use</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Customer Service</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Features</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Value for Money</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> </ul> <p class="rate-logo">Source: <img src="images/capt.png"></p> --> <p class="rate-logo">Source: <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" src="images/capt.png"></a> </p> </div> </div> <div class=""> <div class=" testim-inner"> <img src="images/michal.jpeg" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo"> <div class="testim-body"> <h4 class="h4">Michael G.</h4> <p>Project Manager - Utilities &nbsp; | &nbsp; Used the software for: 2+ years</p> <h5>PIC</h5> </div> </div> <div class="testim-thumb"> <h5>"The user-friendly mobile app for Maximo."</h5> <p>EAM360 helps to simplify the Maximo experience. The app has many great features to help the Technician and engineers in the field to update the work details and also managers to provide approvals from their mobile devices.</p> <!-- <ul class="rating-bar"> <li> <p>Overall Rating</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Ease of Use</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Customer Service</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Features</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Value for Money</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> </ul> <p class="rate-logo">Source: <img src="images/capt.png"></p> --> <p class="rate-logo">Source: <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" src="images/capt.png"></a></p> </div> </div> <div class=""> <div class="testim-inner"> <img src="images/debra.jpg" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo"> <div class="testim-body"> <h4 class="h4">Debra G.</h4> <p>Sr. Utilities Business Analyst - Utilities &nbsp; | &nbsp; Used the software for: 2+ years</p> <h5>City of Henderson</h5> </div> </div> <div class="testim-thumb"> <h5>"EAM360 Storekeeper"</h5> <p>As mentioned above, the app accounts for our main mobile inventory functions of receiving, issuing/transferring, and cycle counting Items. We have benefited from being able to perform these functions in real-time. Also, the developer is customer-focused and immediately acts upon issue resolution and enhancement requests.</p> <!-- <ul class="rating-bar"> <li> <p>Overall Rating</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Ease of Use</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Customer Service</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Features</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> <li> <p>Value for Money</p> <img src="images/5star.png"/> </li> </ul> <p class="rate-logo">Source: <img src="images/capt.png"></p> --> <p class="rate-logo">Source: <a target="_blank" href=""><img alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo" src="images/capt.png"></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- </div> --> </section> <section id="blog" class="section blog-area ptb_100"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="sub2-heading"> <h3>Featured Blogs</h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4"> <div class="single-blog res-margin"> <div class="blog-thumb"> <a href=""><img src="images/blg1.png" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo"></a> </div> <div class="blog-content"> <ul class="meta-info"> <li>Retrieve <span>data instantly in Maximo</span></li> </ul> <h3 class="blog-title my-3"><a target="_blank" href="">Retrieve data instantly in Maximo </a></h3> <p>Additional parameters can be used with Maximo鈥檚 OSLC APIs for fetching newly updated/added data when data amount is high from Maximo instantly. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4"> <div class="single-blog res-margin"> <div class="blog-thumb"> <a href=""><img src="images/blg2.png" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo"></a> </div> <div class="blog-content"> <ul class="meta-info"> <li>Maximo EAM <span>VS MAS Suite</span></li> </ul> <h3 class="blog-title my-3"><a target="_blank" href="">Maximo EAM VS MAS Suite </a></h3> <p><a href="">Maximo Application Suite (MAS)</a> is a hot topic. Get an overview of what is going to be changed and what is going to remain same when users upgrade to MAS. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4"> <div class="single-blog res-margin"> <div class="blog-thumb"> <a href=""><img src="images/blg3.png" alt="Mobile Solutions for Maximo"></a> </div> <div class="blog-content"> <ul class="meta-info"> <li>Print<span>QR Codes Quickly</span></li> </ul> <h3 class="blog-title my-3"><a target="_blank" href="">Print QR Codes Quickly</a></h3> <p>Maximo mobile apps such as EAM360 allow storeroom personnel to print QR codes quickly & easily for all items received in a purchase order with single click. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="Clients"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="sub2-heading"> <h3>Partners</h3> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div id="partnersCaruousel1" class="carousel slide desktop-view" 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