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In this year's edition, we bring you an overview of the latest models and specifications from companies looking to contribute to this directory.</p><p><strong>Cox Powertrain/Cox Marine</strong> introduced a new diesel outboard engine, the 350 V8, at the Miami Boat Show in February. "It's a pretty big step up because of the torque (776 lb. ft.)," said Wayne Buckheit, sales manager of <strong>Texas Diesel Outboard</strong>, a dealer in Kemah, Texas. "We'll have a couple on a boat in late summer."</p><p>Buckheit, who is spending most of his time signing up other dealers, said the 300-hp <strong>Cox</strong> diesels are showing some impressive fuel savings, and he expects the 350s to do the same. "We had a boat we replaced a pair of gas-powered 300 outboards on, replaced them with a pair of 300s, and added a quarter mile per gallon of diesel."</p><p><strong>Yamaha Motor</strong> Co., Ltd. announced in January that it has recently concluded a stock purchase agreement with Germany's <strong>Deutz AG</strong>, which owns marine electric propulsion manufacturer <strong>Torqeedo</strong>, to acquire all of Torqeedo's shares. The stock acquisition is premised on obtaining the clearances, permits, etc., required by competition laws and other regulations.</p><p>Yamaha's aim in acquiring Torqeedo is to strengthen its development capabilities in the electric field of its marine strategy, which outlines the general direction for the marine products business in the current medium-term management plan. Torqeedo appears here independent of Yamaha's listing because no name change has been announced.</p><p>The acquisition is also meant to accelerate the company's efforts to achieve carbon neutrality in the marine industry and aid in fast-tracking the establishment of a small electric propulsion lineup.</p><p>Fill out the short form to the right to download the full directory, including specs and contact information.</p><div class="author__info-below-article"><div class="col-sm-2"><div class="article__author-image"><figure><img src="" alt="Ken Hocke" title="Ken Hocke" caption="false"></figure></div></div><div class="col-sm-10"><h2>Ken Hocke</h2><p>Ken Hocke has been the Senior Editor of WorkBoat since 1999. He was the associate editor from 1997 to 1999. Prior to that, he was the editor of the Daily Shipping Guide, a transportation daily in New Orleans. He has written for other publications, including The Times-Picayune. He graduated from Louisiana State University with an arts and sciences degree, with a concentration in English, in 1978.</p></div></div><p><em>Presented by:&nbsp; &nbsp;<img src="" alt="WorkBoat" title="WorkBoat" width="150" height="23" caption="false" captiontext="Caption">&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="" alt="International WorkBoat Show" title="International WorkBoat Show" width="150" height="40" caption="false" captiontext="Caption"></em></p></div><div class="t3p0-field t3p0-field-file sponsor__logo t3p0-unlocked-content"></div><div class="t3p0-field t3p0-field-wysiwyg company__description t3p0-no-value t3p0-unlocked-content"></div></div></div></div></main><aside><div class="t3p0-col col-sm-4 webinar__sidebar"><div class="t3p0-field t3p0-field-text form__text-above t3p0-no-value t3p0-unlocked-content"><h5> </h5></div><div class="t3p0-field t3p0-field-wysiwyg t3p0-has-value t3p0-unlocked-content"><p><script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script></p><form id="mktoForm_9254"></form><p><script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "756-FWJ-061", 9254); 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