S123I Proposal to postpone the date on which a local service contract may first be entered into in Sub-Area A | Bee Network | Powered by TfGM
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20.1852 14.3324C20.5552 13.9124 21.1152 13.7524 21.6152 13.7524C22.2552 13.7524 22.7552 13.9924 23.0452 14.3324C22.8352 14.5224 22.7052 14.7824 22.7052 15.1024C22.7052 15.4424 22.8652 15.7424 23.1052 15.8924C22.7852 16.3724 22.1752 16.6124 21.6252 16.6124H21.6052ZM28.5752 23.7124L27.3852 23.0524C26.4352 22.5224 25.3452 21.6524 24.7352 21.2524L24.5752 21.1424C24.6052 21.0624 24.6252 20.9824 24.6252 20.9024C26.6652 20.1124 28.1752 19.5824 30.5352 19.0524L28.5752 23.7124ZM20.9452 22.0924C19.9352 22.0924 19.1152 21.2724 19.1152 20.2624V18.6424C19.1152 17.8224 19.6752 17.1324 20.3852 16.9224C20.7252 17.1124 21.1552 17.2124 21.6052 17.2124C22.0552 17.2124 22.4752 17.1024 22.8252 16.9224C23.5452 17.1324 24.0952 17.8224 24.0952 18.6424V20.2624C24.0952 21.2724 23.2752 22.0924 22.2652 22.0924H20.9452ZM18.5652 23.9724C18.9652 23.3624 19.4152 22.8624 19.9652 22.5124C20.2552 22.6424 20.5752 22.7024 20.9452 22.7024H22.2652C22.6352 22.7024 22.9552 22.6524 23.2452 22.5124C23.8052 22.8524 24.2552 23.3624 24.6452 23.9724H18.5552H18.5652ZM17.4552 26.7824C17.5852 26.2224 17.7452 25.6924 17.9552 25.1624H25.2652C25.4752 25.6924 25.6352 26.2224 25.7652 26.7824H17.4452H17.4552ZM14.6452 23.7124L12.6852 19.0524C15.0452 19.5824 16.5552 20.1124 18.5952 20.9024C18.5952 20.9824 18.6252 21.0624 18.6452 21.1424L18.4852 21.2524C17.8752 21.6524 16.7852 22.5224 15.8352 23.0524L14.6452 23.7124ZM13.4052 24.0324L11.2552 18.9424C11.5152 18.9724 11.7552 18.9724 11.9952 18.9724L14.0652 23.9224L13.4052 24.0324ZM17.3752 31.6824C17.2652 31.1224 17.1852 30.5724 17.1652 30.0424H26.0652C26.0352 30.5724 25.9552 31.1324 25.8552 31.6824H17.3752ZM12.0552 24.1024L9.88516 18.9124C10.1252 18.9124 10.3652 18.9124 10.6052 18.9424L12.7752 24.0824L12.0552 24.1124V24.1024ZM10.6752 24.1024L8.47516 18.8624C8.73516 18.8924 8.97516 18.8924 9.21516 18.8924L11.3852 24.1124H10.6652L10.6752 24.1024ZM18.6252 34.8024C18.3052 34.3224 18.0452 33.7724 17.8052 33.1824H25.4352C25.1952 33.7624 24.9352 34.3224 24.6152 34.8024H18.6252ZM10.0052 24.0824L9.26516 24.0324L7.09516 18.8424C7.33516 18.8424 7.57516 18.8724 7.81516 18.8724L10.0152 24.0924L10.0052 24.0824ZM21.6052 36.6624C20.6252 36.6624 19.8352 36.2624 19.0652 35.4224H24.1552C23.4152 36.2424 22.6152 36.6424 21.6152 36.6624H21.6052ZM8.54516 23.9224C7.85516 23.7124 6.32516 22.8324 5.02516 21.4324C4.62516 20.9824 4.41516 20.5024 4.41516 20.0524C4.41516 18.9124 5.26516 18.8124 6.42516 18.8324L8.54516 23.9224ZM21.6052 37.3024C24.4952 37.3024 26.7452 33.8024 26.7452 29.3524C26.7452 28.0524 26.5052 26.6024 25.9752 25.2424L28.1752 27.0124C28.2552 27.0624 28.3052 27.1724 28.3352 27.2724L28.9152 32.9924C28.9452 33.3324 29.1252 33.4924 29.3952 33.6024L33.3452 35.0024C33.5552 35.0524 33.7452 35.0324 33.8252 34.8724C33.8752 34.7124 33.7452 34.5024 33.5852 34.4524L29.7452 33.0724C29.6152 33.0224 29.5552 32.9424 29.5352 32.8324L28.9552 27.1924C28.9252 26.8724 28.7952 26.7424 28.5852 26.5324L25.3852 23.9324C24.9652 23.2424 24.4552 22.6324 23.8452 22.1824C24.0352 22.0224 24.1852 21.8424 24.3252 21.6524L24.7752 21.9724C25.8052 22.7124 27.7952 24.1424 28.6652 24.4324L29.0352 24.5124L29.2952 24.5624L32.0252 28.4824C32.2152 28.7424 32.4452 28.8224 32.7452 28.7724L34.8352 28.4024C34.9652 28.3724 35.0752 28.2424 35.0752 28.1124C35.0752 27.9224 34.9452 27.7924 34.7352 27.8224L32.7752 28.1624C32.6452 28.1924 32.5352 28.1124 32.4852 28.0324L30.1052 24.6724C30.6352 24.7024 31.2452 24.7024 31.8252 24.7024C33.0652 24.7024 34.2352 24.6224 34.5552 24.5724C35.3752 24.4424 37.2352 23.4024 38.6352 21.8224C39.2752 21.1624 39.4252 20.5224 39.4252 20.0724C39.4252 18.4024 38.2552 18.2424 36.6452 18.2424C34.5552 18.2424 33.2052 18.2724 31.1052 18.3524C29.8652 18.4024 26.5252 19.5224 24.7252 20.2324V18.6424C24.7252 18.4024 24.6952 18.1624 24.6152 17.9524L26.7852 17.1324C27.0452 17.0224 27.2052 16.8724 27.2852 16.5724L28.0552 13.7424C28.1052 13.5824 27.9752 13.3424 27.7652 13.3424C27.6352 13.3424 27.5052 13.4524 27.4752 13.5524L26.7052 16.3624C26.6752 16.4724 26.6252 16.5224 26.4952 16.5724L24.3452 17.3924C24.1352 17.0224 23.8152 16.7024 23.4152 16.4924C23.5752 16.3624 23.6752 16.1724 23.7852 16.0124C24.1252 15.9024 24.3952 15.5324 24.3952 15.0824C24.3952 14.6024 24.1052 14.2324 23.7052 14.1524C23.5152 13.8624 23.2252 13.5924 22.9152 13.4324C22.9952 13.3524 23.0252 13.2424 23.0752 13.1424L23.3352 12.5024C23.5452 11.9724 23.7852 11.4424 23.8652 11.4424C23.9952 11.4424 24.0752 11.3924 24.0752 11.2524V11.1424C24.0752 11.0124 23.9952 10.9524 23.8352 10.9524C23.5752 10.9524 23.3552 11.0824 23.2552 11.2924L22.4852 12.9624C22.4352 13.0724 22.3752 13.1524 22.2952 13.1724C22.0852 13.1224 21.8452 13.0924 21.6052 13.0924C21.3652 13.0924 21.1252 13.1224 20.9152 13.1724C20.8352 13.1424 20.7852 13.0624 20.7252 12.9624L19.9552 11.2924C19.8452 11.0824 19.6352 10.9524 19.3752 10.9524C19.2152 10.9524 19.1352 11.0024 19.1352 11.1424V11.2524C19.1352 11.3824 19.2152 11.4424 19.3452 11.4424C19.4252 11.4424 19.6652 11.9724 19.8752 12.5024L20.1352 13.1424C20.1852 13.2524 20.2152 13.3524 20.2952 13.4324C19.9752 13.5924 19.6852 13.8524 19.5052 14.1524C19.1052 14.2324 18.8152 14.6024 18.8152 15.0824C18.8152 15.5324 19.0752 15.9024 19.4252 16.0124C19.5352 16.1724 19.6352 16.3524 19.7952 16.4924C19.3952 16.7024 19.0752 17.0224 18.8652 17.3924L16.7152 16.5724C16.5852 16.5224 16.5252 16.4624 16.5052 16.3624L15.7352 13.5524C15.7052 13.4424 15.5752 13.3424 15.4452 13.3424C15.2352 13.3424 15.1052 13.5824 15.1552 13.7424L15.9252 16.5724C16.0052 16.8624 16.1652 17.0224 16.4252 17.1324L18.5952 17.9524C18.5152 18.1624 18.4852 18.4024 18.4852 18.6424V20.2324C16.6852 19.5124 13.3452 18.4024 12.1052 18.3524C10.0152 18.2724 8.66516 18.2424 6.56516 18.2424C4.94516 18.2424 3.78516 18.4024 3.78516 20.0724C3.78516 20.5224 3.94516 21.1624 4.57516 21.8224C5.97516 23.4124 7.83516 24.4424 8.65516 24.5724C8.97516 24.6224 10.1352 24.7024 11.3852 24.7024C11.9652 24.7024 12.5752 24.7024 13.1052 24.6724L10.7252 28.0324C10.6752 28.1124 10.5652 28.1924 10.4352 28.1624L8.47516 27.8224C8.26516 27.7924 8.13516 27.9324 8.13516 28.1124C8.13516 28.2424 8.24516 28.3724 8.37516 28.4024L10.4652 28.7724C10.7552 28.8224 10.9952 28.7424 11.1852 28.4824L13.9152 24.5624C14.0252 24.5324 14.1052 24.5324 14.1752 24.5124L14.5452 24.4324C15.4152 24.1424 17.4052 22.7124 18.4352 21.9724L18.8852 21.6524C19.0152 21.8424 19.1752 22.0224 19.3652 22.1824C18.7552 22.6324 18.2552 23.2424 17.8252 23.9324L14.6252 26.5324C14.4152 26.7424 14.2852 26.8724 14.2552 27.1924L13.6752 32.8324C13.6452 32.9424 13.5952 33.0224 13.4652 33.0724L9.62516 34.4524C9.46516 34.5024 9.33516 34.7124 9.38516 34.8724C9.46516 35.0324 9.64516 35.0624 9.86516 35.0024L13.8152 33.6024C14.0752 33.4924 14.2652 33.3424 14.2952 32.9924L14.8752 27.2724C14.9052 27.1624 14.9552 27.0624 15.0352 27.0124L17.2352 25.2424C16.7052 26.5924 16.4652 28.0524 16.4652 29.3524C16.4652 33.8024 18.7152 37.3024 21.6052 37.3024Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg><div class="u18meh1"><svg width="246" height="26" viewbox="0 0 246 26" fill="none" xmlns="" focusable="false" role="img" aria-label="Title - Bee Network"><path d="M0.847412 4.635C0.847412 4.495 0.917412 4.425 1.05741 4.425H3.04741C3.18741 4.425 3.25741 4.495 3.25741 4.635V22.995H13.2574C14.2974 22.995 15.2574 22.735 16.1474 22.215C17.0374 21.695 17.7374 20.995 18.2574 20.105C18.7774 19.215 19.0374 18.255 19.0374 17.215C19.0374 16.175 18.7374 15.115 18.1374 14.185C17.5374 13.255 16.7374 12.525 15.7474 12.005C16.4374 11.535 16.9674 10.935 17.3474 10.215C17.7274 9.495 17.9174 8.735 17.9174 7.925C17.9174 7.055 17.6974 6.235 17.2574 5.475C16.8174 4.715 16.2274 4.115 15.4674 3.665C14.7074 3.215 13.8874 2.995 12.9874 2.995H1.05741C0.917412 2.995 0.847412 2.925 0.847412 2.785V0.805C0.847412 0.665 0.917412 0.595 1.05741 0.595H12.9674C14.2874 0.595 15.5174 0.935 16.6374 1.605C17.7574 2.275 18.6474 3.185 19.3174 4.315C19.9774 5.445 20.3074 6.655 20.3074 7.935C20.3074 9.285 19.9574 10.535 19.2474 11.695C19.9374 12.455 20.4674 13.305 20.8574 14.265C21.2474 15.225 21.4474 16.205 21.4474 17.225C21.4474 18.695 21.0774 20.055 20.3474 21.315C19.6174 22.575 18.6174 23.575 17.3474 24.315C16.0874 25.045 14.7174 25.415 13.2574 25.415H1.05741C0.917412 25.415 0.847412 25.345 0.847412 25.205V4.635ZM4.67741 4.635C4.67741 4.495 4.74741 4.425 4.88741 4.425H12.9674C13.9074 4.425 14.7374 4.775 15.4274 5.475C16.1274 6.175 16.4774 6.995 16.4774 7.935C16.4774 8.875 16.1474 9.645 15.5074 10.365C14.8574 11.085 14.1074 11.445 13.2574 11.445H4.88741C4.74741 11.445 4.67741 11.375 4.67741 11.235V4.635ZM4.67741 13.075C4.67741 12.935 4.74741 12.865 4.88741 12.865H13.2574C13.9474 12.865 14.5374 12.985 15.0274 13.235C15.5274 13.485 16.0174 13.855 16.5174 14.355C17.2474 15.205 17.6174 16.165 17.6174 17.225C17.6174 18.005 17.4174 18.735 17.0274 19.405C16.6374 20.075 16.1074 20.615 15.4274 21.005C14.7574 21.395 14.0274 21.585 13.2474 21.585H4.88741C4.74741 21.585 4.67741 21.515 4.67741 21.375V13.075ZM12.9774 9.035C13.2874 9.035 13.5474 8.925 13.7574 8.715C13.9674 8.505 14.0774 8.245 14.0774 7.935C14.0774 7.625 13.9674 7.365 13.7574 7.155C13.5474 6.945 13.2874 6.835 12.9774 6.835H7.09741V9.035H12.9774ZM13.2574 19.175C13.7974 19.175 14.2574 18.975 14.6374 18.585C15.0174 18.195 15.2074 17.745 15.2074 17.225C15.2074 16.705 15.0174 16.225 14.6374 15.845C14.2574 15.465 13.7974 15.275 13.2574 15.275H7.08741V19.175H13.2574Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M26.9574 24.315C25.6974 23.585 24.6974 22.585 23.9574 21.315C23.2274 20.055 22.8574 18.685 22.8574 17.225C22.8574 16.205 23.0474 15.225 23.4374 14.265C23.8274 13.305 24.3674 12.455 25.0474 11.695C24.3374 10.535 23.9874 9.285 23.9874 7.935C23.9874 6.655 24.3174 5.455 24.9774 4.315C25.6374 3.185 26.5274 2.275 27.6574 1.605C28.7774 0.935 30.0074 0.595 31.3274 0.595H42.0674C42.2074 0.595 42.2774 0.665 42.2774 0.805V2.795C42.2774 2.935 42.2074 3.005 42.0674 3.005H31.3274C30.4274 3.005 29.5974 3.225 28.8474 3.675C28.0874 4.125 27.4974 4.725 27.0574 5.485C26.6174 6.245 26.3974 7.055 26.3974 7.935C26.3974 8.735 26.5874 9.505 26.9674 10.225C27.3474 10.945 27.8774 11.545 28.5674 12.015C27.5774 12.535 26.7774 13.265 26.1774 14.195C25.5774 15.125 25.2774 16.135 25.2774 17.225C25.2774 18.315 25.5374 19.225 26.0574 20.115C26.5774 21.005 27.2774 21.705 28.1674 22.225C29.0574 22.745 30.0174 23.005 31.0574 23.005H42.4374C42.5774 23.005 42.6474 23.075 42.6474 23.215V25.205C42.6474 25.345 42.5774 25.415 42.4374 25.415H31.0574C29.5874 25.415 28.2274 25.045 26.9674 24.315H26.9574ZM27.7874 14.355C28.2874 13.855 28.7774 13.485 29.2774 13.235C29.7774 12.985 30.3674 12.865 31.0474 12.865H39.5874C39.7274 12.865 39.7974 12.935 39.7974 13.075V15.065C39.7974 15.205 39.7274 15.275 39.5874 15.275H31.0474C30.5274 15.275 30.0774 15.465 29.6874 15.845C29.2974 16.225 29.0974 16.685 29.0974 17.225C29.0974 17.765 29.2974 18.195 29.6874 18.585C30.0774 18.975 30.5274 19.175 31.0474 19.175H42.4274C42.5674 19.175 42.6374 19.245 42.6374 19.385V21.375C42.6374 21.515 42.5674 21.585 42.4274 21.585H31.0474C30.2674 21.585 29.5374 21.395 28.8674 21.005C28.1974 20.615 27.6574 20.085 27.2674 19.405C26.8774 18.735 26.6774 18.005 26.6774 17.225C26.6774 16.165 27.0474 15.205 27.7774 14.355H27.7874ZM28.8674 5.475C29.5674 4.775 30.3874 4.425 31.3274 4.425H42.0674C42.2074 4.425 42.2774 4.495 42.2774 4.635V6.615C42.2774 6.755 42.2074 6.825 42.0674 6.825H31.3274C31.0174 6.825 30.7574 6.935 30.5474 7.145C30.3374 7.355 30.2274 7.615 30.2274 7.925C30.2274 8.235 30.3374 8.495 30.5474 8.705C30.7574 8.915 31.0174 9.025 31.3274 9.025H39.5874C39.7274 9.025 39.7974 9.095 39.7974 9.235V11.215C39.7974 11.355 39.7274 11.425 39.5874 11.425H31.0474C30.1974 11.425 29.4474 11.065 28.7974 10.345C28.1474 9.625 27.8274 8.815 27.8274 7.915C27.8274 6.975 28.1774 6.145 28.8774 5.455L28.8674 5.475Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M47.9774 24.315C46.7174 23.585 45.7174 22.585 44.9774 21.315C44.2474 20.055 43.8774 18.685 43.8774 17.225C43.8774 16.205 44.0674 15.225 44.4574 14.265C44.8474 13.305 45.3874 12.455 46.0674 11.695C45.3574 10.535 45.0074 9.285 45.0074 7.935C45.0074 6.655 45.3374 5.455 45.9974 4.315C46.6574 3.185 47.5474 2.275 48.6774 1.605C49.7974 0.935 51.0274 0.595 52.3474 0.595H63.0874C63.2274 0.595 63.2974 0.665 63.2974 0.805V2.795C63.2974 2.935 63.2274 3.005 63.0874 3.005H52.3474C51.4474 3.005 50.6174 3.225 49.8674 3.675C49.1074 4.125 48.5174 4.725 48.0774 5.485C47.6374 6.245 47.4174 7.055 47.4174 7.935C47.4174 8.735 47.6074 9.505 47.9874 10.225C48.3674 10.945 48.8974 11.545 49.5874 12.015C48.5974 12.535 47.7974 13.265 47.1974 14.195C46.5974 15.125 46.2974 16.135 46.2974 17.225C46.2974 18.315 46.5574 19.225 47.0774 20.115C47.5974 21.005 48.2974 21.705 49.1874 22.225C50.0774 22.745 51.0374 23.005 52.0774 23.005H63.4574C63.5974 23.005 63.6674 23.075 63.6674 23.215V25.205C63.6674 25.345 63.5974 25.415 63.4574 25.415H52.0774C50.6074 25.415 49.2474 25.045 47.9874 24.315H47.9774ZM48.8074 14.355C49.3074 13.855 49.7974 13.485 50.2974 13.235C50.7974 12.985 51.3874 12.865 52.0674 12.865H60.6074C60.7474 12.865 60.8174 12.935 60.8174 13.075V15.065C60.8174 15.205 60.7474 15.275 60.6074 15.275H52.0674C51.5474 15.275 51.0974 15.465 50.7074 15.845C50.3174 16.225 50.1174 16.685 50.1174 17.225C50.1174 17.765 50.3174 18.195 50.7074 18.585C51.0974 18.975 51.5474 19.175 52.0674 19.175H63.4474C63.5874 19.175 63.6574 19.245 63.6574 19.385V21.375C63.6574 21.515 63.5874 21.585 63.4474 21.585H52.0674C51.2874 21.585 50.5574 21.395 49.8874 21.005C49.2174 20.615 48.6774 20.085 48.2874 19.405C47.8974 18.735 47.6974 18.005 47.6974 17.225C47.6974 16.165 48.0674 15.205 48.7974 14.355H48.8074ZM49.8874 5.475C50.5874 4.775 51.4074 4.425 52.3474 4.425H63.0874C63.2274 4.425 63.2974 4.495 63.2974 4.635V6.615C63.2974 6.755 63.2274 6.825 63.0874 6.825H52.3474C52.0374 6.825 51.7774 6.935 51.5674 7.145C51.3574 7.355 51.2474 7.615 51.2474 7.925C51.2474 8.235 51.3574 8.495 51.5674 8.705C51.7774 8.915 52.0374 9.025 52.3474 9.025H60.6074C60.7474 9.025 60.8174 9.095 60.8174 9.235V11.215C60.8174 11.355 60.7474 11.425 60.6074 11.425H52.0674C51.2174 11.425 50.4674 11.065 49.8174 10.345C49.1674 9.625 48.8474 8.815 48.8474 7.915C48.8474 6.975 49.1974 6.145 49.8974 5.455L49.8874 5.475Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M74.6574 25.195V11.725C74.6574 9.625 75.1774 7.685 76.2174 5.915C77.2574 4.145 78.6574 2.735 80.4174 1.695C82.1774 0.655 84.1074 0.135 86.2174 0.135C88.3274 0.135 90.2574 0.655 92.0174 1.695C93.7774 2.735 95.1774 4.145 96.2174 5.915C97.2574 7.685 97.7774 9.625 97.7774 11.725V25.195C97.7774 25.335 97.7074 25.405 97.5674 25.405H95.5774C95.4374 25.405 95.3674 25.335 95.3674 25.195V11.725C95.3674 10.045 94.9574 8.505 94.1474 7.095C93.3274 5.685 92.2174 4.575 90.8174 3.765C89.4074 2.945 87.8774 2.545 86.2274 2.545C84.5774 2.545 83.0374 2.955 81.6374 3.765C80.2274 4.585 79.1174 5.695 78.3074 7.095C77.4874 8.505 77.0874 10.045 77.0874 11.725V25.195C77.0874 25.335 77.0174 25.405 76.8774 25.405H74.8874C74.7474 25.405 74.6774 25.335 74.6774 25.195H74.6574ZM78.4874 11.725C78.4874 10.305 78.8274 9.005 79.5174 7.825C80.2074 6.645 81.1374 5.705 82.3174 5.005C83.4974 4.305 84.7974 3.955 86.2174 3.955C87.6374 3.955 88.9374 4.305 90.1174 5.005C91.2974 5.705 92.2274 6.645 92.9174 7.825C93.6074 9.005 93.9474 10.305 93.9474 11.725V25.195C93.9474 25.335 93.8774 25.405 93.7374 25.405H91.7474C91.6074 25.405 91.5374 25.335 91.5374 25.195V11.725C91.5374 10.775 91.2974 9.895 90.8274 9.085C90.3574 8.265 89.7074 7.615 88.8974 7.135C88.0774 6.655 87.1874 6.405 86.2174 6.405C85.2474 6.405 84.3574 6.645 83.5374 7.135C82.7174 7.615 82.0774 8.265 81.6074 9.085C81.1374 9.905 80.8974 10.785 80.8974 11.725V25.195C80.8974 25.335 80.8274 25.405 80.6874 25.405H78.6974C78.5574 25.405 78.4874 25.335 78.4874 25.195V11.725Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M103.817 24.315C102.557 23.585 101.557 22.585 100.817 21.315C100.087 20.055 99.7174 18.685 99.7174 17.225C99.7174 16.205 99.9074 15.225 100.297 14.265C100.687 13.305 101.227 12.455 101.907 11.695C101.197 10.535 100.847 9.285 100.847 7.935C100.847 6.655 101.177 5.455 101.837 4.315C102.497 3.185 103.387 2.275 104.517 1.605C105.637 0.935 106.867 0.595 108.187 0.595H118.927C119.067 0.595 119.137 0.665 119.137 0.805V2.795C119.137 2.935 119.067 3.005 118.927 3.005H108.187C107.287 3.005 106.457 3.225 105.707 3.675C104.947 4.125 104.357 4.725 103.917 5.485C103.477 6.245 103.257 7.055 103.257 7.935C103.257 8.735 103.447 9.505 103.827 10.225C104.207 10.945 104.737 11.545 105.427 12.015C104.437 12.535 103.637 13.265 103.037 14.195C102.437 15.125 102.137 16.135 102.137 17.225C102.137 18.315 102.397 19.225 102.917 20.115C103.437 21.005 104.137 21.705 105.027 22.225C105.917 22.745 106.877 23.005 107.917 23.005H119.297C119.437 23.005 119.507 23.075 119.507 23.215V25.205C119.507 25.345 119.437 25.415 119.297 25.415H107.917C106.447 25.415 105.087 25.045 103.827 24.315H103.817ZM104.647 14.355C105.147 13.855 105.637 13.485 106.137 13.235C106.637 12.985 107.227 12.865 107.907 12.865H116.447C116.587 12.865 116.657 12.935 116.657 13.075V15.065C116.657 15.205 116.587 15.275 116.447 15.275H107.907C107.387 15.275 106.937 15.465 106.547 15.845C106.157 16.225 105.957 16.685 105.957 17.225C105.957 17.765 106.157 18.195 106.547 18.585C106.937 18.975 107.387 19.175 107.907 19.175H119.287C119.427 19.175 119.497 19.245 119.497 19.385V21.375C119.497 21.515 119.427 21.585 119.287 21.585H107.907C107.127 21.585 106.397 21.395 105.727 21.005C105.057 20.615 104.517 20.085 104.127 19.405C103.737 18.735 103.537 18.005 103.537 17.225C103.537 16.165 103.907 15.205 104.637 14.355H104.647ZM105.727 5.475C106.427 4.775 107.247 4.425 108.187 4.425H118.927C119.067 4.425 119.137 4.495 119.137 4.635V6.615C119.137 6.755 119.067 6.825 118.927 6.825H108.187C107.877 6.825 107.617 6.935 107.407 7.145C107.197 7.355 107.087 7.615 107.087 7.925C107.087 8.235 107.197 8.495 107.407 8.705C107.617 8.915 107.877 9.025 108.187 9.025H116.447C116.587 9.025 116.657 9.095 116.657 9.235V11.215C116.657 11.355 116.587 11.425 116.447 11.425H107.907C107.057 11.425 106.307 11.065 105.657 10.345C105.007 9.625 104.687 8.815 104.687 7.915C104.687 6.975 105.037 6.145 105.737 5.455L105.727 5.475Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M120.917 0.805C120.917 0.665 120.987 0.595 121.127 0.595H140.837C140.977 0.595 141.047 0.665 141.047 0.805V2.795C141.047 2.935 140.977 3.005 140.837 3.005H121.127C120.987 3.005 120.917 2.935 120.917 2.795V0.805ZM127.867 25.195V6.835H121.127C120.987 6.835 120.917 6.765 120.917 6.625V4.645C120.917 4.505 120.987 4.435 121.127 4.435H140.837C140.977 4.435 141.047 4.505 141.047 4.645V6.625C141.047 6.765 140.977 6.835 140.837 6.835H134.097V25.195C134.097 25.335 134.027 25.405 133.887 25.405H131.897C131.757 25.405 131.687 25.335 131.687 25.195V6.835H130.267V25.195C130.267 25.335 130.197 25.405 130.057 25.405H128.067C127.927 25.405 127.857 25.335 127.857 25.195H127.867Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M147.717 20.975C147.007 20.265 146.657 19.405 146.657 18.385V5.625C146.657 4.895 146.407 4.275 145.897 3.765C145.387 3.255 144.767 3.005 144.037 3.005H143.047C142.907 3.005 142.837 2.945 142.837 2.825V0.805C142.837 0.805 142.857 0.715 142.907 0.665C142.957 0.615 142.997 0.595 143.047 0.595H144.037C144.957 0.595 145.807 0.825 146.587 1.265C147.367 1.715 147.977 2.325 148.427 3.105C148.877 3.885 149.097 4.725 149.097 5.625V18.385C149.097 18.715 149.217 19.005 149.447 19.235C149.687 19.475 149.967 19.585 150.297 19.585C150.627 19.585 150.907 19.465 151.147 19.235C151.387 18.995 151.497 18.715 151.497 18.385V5.625C151.497 4.725 151.717 3.885 152.167 3.105C152.617 2.325 153.227 1.715 154.007 1.265C154.787 0.815 155.627 0.595 156.527 0.595C157.427 0.595 158.297 0.825 159.077 1.265C159.857 1.715 160.467 2.325 160.917 3.105C161.367 3.885 161.587 4.725 161.587 5.625V18.385C161.587 18.715 161.707 19.005 161.937 19.235C162.177 19.475 162.457 19.585 162.787 19.585C163.117 19.585 163.397 19.465 163.637 19.235C163.877 18.995 163.987 18.715 163.987 18.385V5.625C163.987 4.725 164.207 3.885 164.657 3.105C165.107 2.325 165.717 1.715 166.497 1.265C167.277 0.815 168.117 0.595 169.017 0.595H170.047C170.167 0.595 170.227 0.665 170.227 0.805V2.825C170.227 2.945 170.167 3.005 170.047 3.005H169.017C168.287 3.005 167.667 3.255 167.157 3.765C166.647 4.275 166.397 4.895 166.397 5.625V18.385C166.397 19.405 166.047 20.265 165.337 20.975C164.627 21.685 163.777 22.035 162.787 22.035C161.797 22.035 160.907 21.685 160.197 20.975C159.487 20.265 159.137 19.405 159.137 18.385V5.625C159.137 4.895 158.887 4.275 158.377 3.765C157.867 3.255 157.247 3.005 156.517 3.005C155.787 3.005 155.167 3.255 154.657 3.765C154.147 4.275 153.897 4.895 153.897 5.625V18.385C153.897 19.405 153.547 20.265 152.837 20.975C152.127 21.685 151.277 22.035 150.287 22.035C149.297 22.035 148.407 21.685 147.697 20.975H147.717ZM142.827 4.635C142.827 4.635 142.847 4.545 142.897 4.495C142.947 4.445 142.987 4.425 143.037 4.425H144.027C144.357 4.425 144.647 4.545 144.897 4.775C145.147 5.015 145.267 5.295 145.267 5.625V18.385C145.267 19.305 145.487 20.155 145.937 20.915C146.387 21.685 146.997 22.295 147.767 22.745C148.537 23.195 149.377 23.415 150.297 23.415C151.217 23.415 152.037 23.195 152.817 22.745C153.597 22.295 154.207 21.685 154.657 20.915C155.107 20.145 155.327 19.305 155.327 18.385V5.625C155.327 5.295 155.447 5.015 155.677 4.775C155.917 4.535 156.197 4.425 156.527 4.425C156.857 4.425 157.137 4.545 157.377 4.775C157.617 5.015 157.727 5.295 157.727 5.625V18.385C157.727 19.305 157.947 20.155 158.397 20.915C158.847 21.685 159.457 22.295 160.237 22.745C161.017 23.195 161.867 23.415 162.787 23.415C163.707 23.415 164.527 23.195 165.307 22.745C166.087 22.295 166.697 21.685 167.147 20.915C167.597 20.145 167.817 19.305 167.817 18.385V5.625C167.817 5.295 167.937 5.015 168.167 4.775C168.397 4.535 168.687 4.425 169.017 4.425H170.047C170.167 4.425 170.227 4.495 170.227 4.635V18.385C170.227 19.735 169.887 20.975 169.217 22.125C168.547 23.275 167.637 24.185 166.507 24.855C165.377 25.525 164.127 25.865 162.787 25.865C161.447 25.865 160.287 25.555 159.187 24.945C158.087 24.335 157.197 23.505 156.507 22.465C155.847 23.505 154.967 24.335 153.867 24.945C152.767 25.555 151.567 25.865 150.267 25.865C148.967 25.865 147.677 25.525 146.527 24.855C145.377 24.185 144.467 23.275 143.797 22.125C143.127 20.975 142.787 19.735 142.787 18.385V4.635H142.827Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M178.397 24.135C176.427 22.975 174.857 21.415 173.697 19.435C172.537 17.465 171.957 15.305 171.957 12.965C171.957 10.625 172.537 8.515 173.697 6.545C174.857 4.585 176.417 3.025 178.397 1.865C180.367 0.705 182.527 0.125 184.867 0.125C187.207 0.125 189.327 0.705 191.297 1.865C193.267 3.025 194.827 4.585 195.977 6.545C197.127 8.505 197.697 10.645 197.697 12.965C197.697 15.285 197.127 17.465 195.977 19.435C194.827 21.405 193.267 22.975 191.297 24.135C189.327 25.295 187.177 25.875 184.867 25.875C182.557 25.875 180.367 25.295 178.397 24.135ZM175.777 18.255C176.707 19.865 177.977 21.135 179.587 22.065C181.197 22.995 182.957 23.465 184.867 23.465C186.777 23.465 188.497 22.995 190.097 22.065C191.697 21.135 192.957 19.865 193.887 18.255C194.817 16.645 195.287 14.885 195.287 12.975C195.287 11.065 194.817 9.345 193.887 7.745C192.957 6.145 191.687 4.885 190.097 3.955C188.497 3.025 186.757 2.555 184.867 2.555C182.977 2.555 181.187 3.025 179.587 3.955C177.977 4.885 176.707 6.155 175.777 7.745C174.847 9.345 174.377 11.085 174.377 12.975C174.377 14.865 174.847 16.655 175.777 18.255ZM177.037 8.455C177.837 7.075 178.937 5.975 180.317 5.175C181.697 4.375 183.217 3.965 184.877 3.965C186.537 3.965 188.017 4.365 189.397 5.175C190.777 5.975 191.877 7.075 192.697 8.455C193.517 9.835 193.917 11.345 193.917 12.975C193.917 14.605 193.507 16.145 192.697 17.535C191.877 18.915 190.787 20.015 189.397 20.835C188.007 21.655 186.507 22.055 184.877 22.055C183.247 22.055 181.707 21.645 180.317 20.835C178.927 20.025 177.837 18.925 177.037 17.535C176.237 16.155 175.827 14.635 175.827 12.975C175.827 11.315 176.227 9.835 177.037 8.455ZM179.107 16.305C179.707 17.325 180.517 18.135 181.537 18.735C182.557 19.335 183.667 19.635 184.867 19.635C186.067 19.635 187.177 19.335 188.177 18.735C189.177 18.135 189.977 17.325 190.567 16.305C191.157 15.285 191.457 14.175 191.457 12.975C191.457 11.775 191.157 10.695 190.567 9.675C189.977 8.655 189.177 7.855 188.177 7.265C187.177 6.675 186.067 6.375 184.867 6.375C183.667 6.375 182.547 6.675 181.537 7.265C180.517 7.855 179.707 8.655 179.107 9.675C178.507 10.695 178.207 11.795 178.207 12.975C178.207 14.155 178.507 15.295 179.107 16.305Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M199.437 25.195V14.775C199.437 14.635 199.507 14.565 199.647 14.565H210.777C211.817 14.565 212.777 14.305 213.667 13.785C214.557 13.265 215.257 12.565 215.777 11.675C216.297 10.785 216.557 9.825 216.557 8.785C216.557 7.745 216.297 6.815 215.777 5.935C215.257 5.045 214.557 4.335 213.667 3.805C212.777 3.275 211.817 3.005 210.777 3.005H205.667V4.425H210.777C211.557 4.425 212.287 4.625 212.957 5.025C213.627 5.425 214.167 5.955 214.557 6.625C214.947 7.285 215.137 8.005 215.137 8.785C215.137 9.565 214.937 10.295 214.537 10.965C214.137 11.635 213.607 12.175 212.937 12.565C212.277 12.955 211.557 13.155 210.777 13.155H199.647C199.507 13.155 199.437 13.085 199.437 12.945V0.805C199.437 0.665 199.507 0.595 199.647 0.595H201.637C201.777 0.595 201.847 0.665 201.847 0.805V10.735H203.267V0.805C203.267 0.665 203.337 0.595 203.477 0.595H210.777C212.237 0.595 213.597 0.975 214.857 1.725C216.107 2.485 217.107 3.485 217.857 4.735C218.597 5.985 218.977 7.335 218.977 8.775C218.977 10.455 218.507 11.975 217.577 13.335C216.647 14.695 215.417 15.695 213.907 16.335L215.717 18.145C216.097 18.525 216.477 18.785 216.847 18.945C217.227 19.095 217.667 19.175 218.157 19.175H219.927C220.067 19.175 220.137 19.245 220.137 19.385V21.375C220.137 21.515 220.067 21.585 219.927 21.585H218.157C217.307 21.585 216.557 21.445 215.907 21.175C215.257 20.905 214.637 20.475 214.047 19.885L211.137 16.975H209.077L212.937 20.835C213.697 21.595 214.487 22.145 215.317 22.485C216.147 22.825 217.097 22.995 218.187 22.995H219.927C220.067 22.995 220.137 23.065 220.137 23.205V25.195C220.137 25.335 220.067 25.405 219.927 25.405H218.227C216.757 25.405 215.477 25.175 214.377 24.715C213.277 24.255 212.217 23.515 211.207 22.495L205.677 16.965V25.185C205.677 25.325 205.607 25.395 205.467 25.395H203.477C203.337 25.395 203.267 25.325 203.267 25.185V16.965H201.847V25.185C201.847 25.325 201.777 25.395 201.637 25.395H199.647C199.507 25.395 199.437 25.325 199.437 25.185V25.195ZM210.777 10.735C211.317 10.735 211.777 10.535 212.157 10.145C212.537 9.755 212.727 9.305 212.727 8.785C212.727 8.265 212.537 7.785 212.157 7.405C211.777 7.025 211.317 6.835 210.777 6.835H205.667V10.735H210.777Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M221.917 0.805C221.917 0.665 221.987 0.595 222.127 0.595H224.117C224.257 0.595 224.327 0.665 224.327 0.805V25.195C224.327 25.335 224.257 25.405 224.117 25.405H222.127C221.987 25.405 221.917 25.335 221.917 25.195V0.805ZM225.747 0.805C225.747 0.665 225.817 0.595 225.957 0.595H227.947C228.087 0.595 228.157 0.665 228.157 0.805V10.695L236.097 0.735C236.167 0.645 236.267 0.595 236.377 0.595H239.247C239.337 0.595 239.397 0.615 239.427 0.665C239.447 0.715 239.437 0.775 239.387 0.845L228.147 14.525V25.195C228.147 25.335 228.077 25.405 227.937 25.405H225.947C225.807 25.405 225.737 25.335 225.737 25.195V0.805H225.747ZM239.307 24.715C238.207 24.255 237.147 23.515 236.137 22.495L229.327 15.685C229.327 15.685 229.257 15.595 229.257 15.545C229.257 15.495 229.277 15.455 229.327 15.405L241.557 0.695C241.607 0.625 241.687 0.585 241.807 0.585H244.717C244.807 0.585 244.867 0.605 244.897 0.655C244.917 0.705 244.907 0.765 244.857 0.835L234.967 12.465L240.637 18.135C241.017 18.515 241.397 18.775 241.767 18.935C242.147 19.085 242.587 19.165 243.077 19.165H244.847C244.987 19.165 245.057 19.235 245.057 19.375V21.365C245.057 21.505 244.987 21.575 244.847 21.575H243.077C242.227 21.575 241.477 21.435 240.827 21.165C240.177 20.895 239.557 20.465 238.967 19.875L233.397 14.305L232.437 15.405L237.857 20.825C238.617 21.585 239.407 22.135 240.237 22.475C241.067 22.815 242.017 22.985 243.107 22.985H244.847C244.987 22.985 245.057 23.055 245.057 23.195V25.185C245.057 25.325 244.987 25.395 244.847 25.395H243.147C241.677 25.395 240.397 25.165 239.297 24.705L239.307 24.715Z" fill="black"></path></svg></div></div></span></a><div class="_1qcpxm5gl _1qcpxm5x _1qcpxm526 _1qcpxm51l _1qcpxm510 _1qcpxm511 _1qcpxm512 _1qcpxm51c _1qcpxm5vf"><nav class="_1qcpxm52r _1qcpxm56p _1qcpxm5gx _1qcpxm5x _1qcpxm526 _1qcpxm51l _1qcpxm510 _1qcpxm511 _1qcpxm512 _1qcpxm51c _1qcpxm5vf"><a class="_1qcpxm5gi _1qcpxm5u _1qcpxm526 _1qcpxm51l _1qcpxm510 _1qcpxm51c _1qcpxm5ve _1a0bylc0 _1a0bylc2 _1a0bylc5" href="/web/20231201055938/"><span class="_1qcpxm59c _1qcpxm5b0 _1qcpxm5co _1qcpxm5ec _1qcpxm5o _1qcpxm5i0 _1qcpxm5vd _1qcpxm5io _1c8nxot0 _1c8nxot2 _1a0bylc6">Travel updates</span></a><a class="_1qcpxm5gi _1qcpxm5u _1qcpxm526 _1qcpxm51l _1qcpxm510 _1qcpxm51c _1qcpxm5ve _1a0bylc0 _1a0bylc2 _1a0bylc5" 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role="graphics-symbol" size="20"><g clip-path="url(#:R9kn6:_Search_svg__a)"><path d="m23.625 21.83-6.658-6.658a9.33 9.33 0 0 0 1.937-5.7 9.452 9.452 0 1 0-3.732 7.505l6.659 6.658a1.285 1.285 0 0 0 1.794 0 1.275 1.275 0 0 0 0-1.805ZM2.59 9.472a6.883 6.883 0 1 1 6.883 6.883A6.893 6.893 0 0 1 2.59 9.472Z" fill="currentColor"></path></g><defs><clippath id=":R9kn6:_Search_svg__a"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"></path></clippath></defs></svg></div></button><button class="u18meh0 mhzrur1"><div class="_1qcpxm5gi _1qcpxm5x _1qcpxm526 _1qcpxm51l _1qcpxm510 _1qcpxm511 _1qcpxm512 _1qcpxm51c _1qcpxm5ve"><span class="_1qcpxm59c _1qcpxm5b0 _1qcpxm5co _1qcpxm5ec _1qcpxm5o _1qcpxm5i0 _1qcpxm5vd _1qcpxm5io _1c8nxot0">More</span><svg width="20" height="20" viewbox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-label="Chevron Down Circle Line" focusable="false" role="graphics-symbol" size="20"><g clip-path="url(#:Rakn6:_Chevron_Down_Circle_Line_svg__a)" fill="currentColor"><path d="m17.684 10.984-4.8 4.8a1.25 1.25 0 0 1-1.768 0l-4.8-4.8a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 1.768-1.768L12 13.132l3.916-3.916a1.25 1.25 0 0 1 1.768 1.768Z"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M24 12c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12S0 18.627 0 12 5.373 0 12 0s12 5.373 12 12Zm-2 0c0 5.523-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12 6.477 2 12 2s10 4.477 10 10Z"></path></g><defs><clippath id=":Rakn6:_Chevron_Down_Circle_Line_svg__a"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"></path></clippath></defs></svg></div></button></div></div></div></div></div><div style="position:fixed;top:1px;left:1px;width:1px;height:0;padding:0;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;clip:rect(0, 0, 0, 0);white-space:nowrap;border-width:0;display:none"></div></div></header><main class="w62qjt1" id="main"><div id="breadcrumbs-content"> </div><div id="header-content"><div class="banner-header"> <div class="inner-wrapper"> <div class="banner-title"> <h1 class="title">S123I Proposal to postpone the date on which a local service contract may first be entered into in Sub-Area A </h1> <h2 class="subtitle">Uploaded 14 April 2022</h2> </div> </div> </div></div><div id="alert-content"> <!-- NO URL BASED ALERTS FOUND --></div><div id="content" class="content"><div class="grid"> <div id="content_our-buses_s123l" class="grid__item two-thirds portrait-two-thirds portable-one-whole"> <div class="contentItem"> <p>The Greater Manchester Franchising Scheme for Buses was made on 30th March 2021. The Scheme specified that the date on which the local service contract for Sub-Area A (which includes Wigan and Bolton) may first be entered into is 30th April 2022. For a detailed map of Sub-Area A please refer to <a href="/web/20231201055938/"></a>.</p> <p>The procurement process for the implementation of the Scheme in Sub Area A has been delayed as a result of two claims for judicial review of the decision to make the Scheme.聽 Those claims were dismissed by the High Court on March 9th 2022. There is an outstanding application to the Court of Appeal by one of the Claimants for permission to appeal against that decision.</p> <p>It appears to the Mayor of Greater Manchester that the date on which a local service contract may first be entered into in Sub-Area A now needs to be postponed given the delay until at least 16th December 2022. This is the earliest practicable date and there is a public interest in implementing the Scheme as soon as possible. 聽As a consequence, the date on which a local service may first be provided under a local service contract in Sub-Area A would be delayed from 29th January 2023 to 17th September 2023.</p> <p>For any queries in relation to this notice please contact the TfGM Customer Relations team on 0161 244 1000 or email <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>If you wish to comment on this proposed date change, please provide comments by 4pm on 27th April 2022 to the TfGM Customer Relations team by email to <a href=""></a> or write to:</p> <p>Customer Relations - The GM Bus Franchising Scheme for 2021</p> <p>Transport for Greater Manchester<br/>2 Piccadilly Place<br/>Manchester<br/>M1 3BG</p> <hr/> <p><a href="//">Download S123I document(pdf)</a></p> <hr/> </div> </div><!-- --><div class="grid__item one-third portrait-one-third portable-one-whole"> <div id="promotions"> <div class="grid promotions-one-column"> <ul class="no-style-list"><li> <div data-promotion-id="promo-say-yellow-to-the-bee-network" class="grid__item one-whole promotion "> <div class="promotion-content default"> <img class="promotion-image" src="//" alt="Bee Network logo"> <div class="promotion-text"><h2>Say yellow to the Bee Network</h2> <p>The first Bee Network buses are now running in parts of Greater Manchester.</p></div> <a class="promotion-link" href=""> Find out what the Bee Network means for you </a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div data-promotion-id="promo-get-on-board-for-christmas" class="grid__item one-whole promotion "> <div class="promotion-content default"> <img class="promotion-image" src="//" alt="Group of friends drinking from mugs"> <div class="promotion-text"><h3>Get on Board for Christmas</h3> <p>Find things to do over the festive period, get exclusive offers and sign up to our competition.</p></div> <a class="promotion-link" href=""> Visit our Christmas website </a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div data-promotion-id="promo-tis-the-events-season" class="grid__item one-whole promotion "> <div class="promotion-content default"> <img class="promotion-image" src="//" alt="Manchester Christmas Markets"> <div class="promotion-text"><h2>'Tis the (events) season</h2> <p>Information and guidance about travelling in Greater Manchester during the festive period.</p></div> <a class="promotion-link" href=""> Read our Christmas travel advice </a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div data-promotion-id="promo-rate-your-journey" class="grid__item one-whole promotion "> <div class="promotion-content default"> <img class="promotion-image" src="//" alt="Rate Your Journey graphic showing three different faces"> <div class="promotion-text"><h2>Rate your journey</h2> <p>We want to hear your views to help us deliver a better Bee Network for Greater Manchester.</p></div> <a class="promotion-link" href=""> Rate your journey </a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="grid promotions-two-columns"> <div class="nostylelist grid__item one-half"> <ul class="no-style-list"><li> <div data-promotion-id="promo-say-yellow-to-the-bee-network" class="grid__item one-whole promotion "> <div class="promotion-content default"> <img class="promotion-image" src="//" alt="Bee Network logo"> <div class="promotion-text"><h2>Say yellow to the Bee Network</h2> <p>The first Bee Network buses are now running in parts of Greater Manchester.</p></div> <a class="promotion-link" href=""> Find out what the Bee Network means for you </a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div data-promotion-id="promo-tis-the-events-season" class="grid__item one-whole promotion "> <div class="promotion-content default"> <img class="promotion-image" src="//" alt="Manchester Christmas Markets"> <div class="promotion-text"><h2>'Tis the (events) season</h2> <p>Information and guidance about travelling in Greater Manchester during the festive period.</p></div> <a class="promotion-link" href=""> Read our Christmas travel advice </a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div><!-- --><div class="grid__item one-half"> <ul class="no-style-list"><li> <div data-promotion-id="promo-get-on-board-for-christmas" class="grid__item one-whole promotion "> <div class="promotion-content default"> <img class="promotion-image" src="//" alt="Group of friends drinking from mugs"> <div class="promotion-text"><h3>Get on Board for Christmas</h3> <p>Find things to do over the festive period, get exclusive offers and sign up to our competition.</p></div> <a class="promotion-link" href=""> Visit our Christmas website </a> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div data-promotion-id="promo-rate-your-journey" class="grid__item one-whole promotion "> <div class="promotion-content default"> <img class="promotion-image" src="//" alt="Rate Your Journey graphic showing three different faces"> <div class="promotion-text"><h2>Rate your journey</h2> <p>We want to hear your views to help us deliver a better Bee Network for Greater Manchester.</p></div> <a class="promotion-link" href=""> Rate your journey </a> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></main><div class="" role="contentinfo"><div class="_1qcpxm5nx _1qcpxm5ve"><div class="_1uxxulj0"><div class="_1qcpxm553 _1qcpxm55j _1qcpxm53f _1qcpxm53s _1qcpxm5gr _1qcpxm5gy _1qcpxm5x _1qcpxm513 _1qcpxm5ve"><a class="_1x8x1gi2 mhzrur0" href="/web/20231201055938/" aria-label="navigate to the home page"><svg width="161" height="40" viewbox="0 0 161 40" fill="none" xmlns="" focusable="false" role="graphics-symbol" aria-label="Transport for Greater Manchester"><path d="M41.9332 36.1249C39.6166 36.1249 37.7416 34.2499 37.7416 31.9333V11.9333C37.7416 8.72498 35.1416 6.12498 31.9333 6.12498C28.7249 6.12498 26.1249 8.72498 26.1249 11.9333V31.9333C26.1249 34.2499 24.2499 36.1249 21.9333 36.1249C19.6166 36.1249 17.7416 34.2499 17.7416 31.9333V11.9333C17.7416 8.72498 15.1416 6.12498 11.9333 6.12498C8.72498 6.12498 6.12498 8.72498 6.12498 11.9333V31.9333C6.12498 34.2499 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11.9333V31.9333C20.0083 32.9999 20.8749 33.8666 21.9416 33.8666C23.0083 33.8666 23.8749 32.9999 23.8749 31.9333V11.9333C23.8749 7.48331 27.4833 3.86666 31.9416 3.86666C36.3999 3.86666 40.0082 7.47498 40.0082 11.9333V31.9333C40.0082 32.9999 40.8749 33.8666 41.9416 33.8666H43.5582C43.7332 33.8666 43.8832 33.7249 43.8832 33.5416V11.9333C43.8832 5.34165 38.5416 0 31.9499 0H31.9333Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M75.3018 27.2227C75.1102 27.0727 74.8768 26.9644 74.6018 26.8977C74.3268 26.8311 74.0185 26.8061 73.6852 26.8061C73.5268 26.8061 73.3352 26.8144 73.1269 26.8311C72.9185 26.8477 72.7185 26.8727 72.5185 26.8894C72.3185 26.9144 72.1352 26.9394 71.9602 26.9644C71.7852 26.9894 71.6602 27.0144 71.5685 27.0311C71.4602 27.0561 71.4185 27.1227 71.4352 27.2311L71.5602 27.9477C71.5685 28.0477 71.6269 28.0977 71.7185 28.0977C71.7519 28.0977 71.8352 28.0894 71.9602 28.0644C72.0852 28.0394 72.2352 28.0227 72.4102 27.9977C72.5852 27.9727 72.7602 27.9561 72.9352 27.9311C73.1185 27.9061 73.2768 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73.1685 32.9561C72.8769 32.9561 72.6519 32.8644 72.4852 32.6894C72.3185 32.5061 72.2352 32.2311 72.2352 31.8477C72.2352 31.1227 72.6269 30.7394 73.4018 30.6811L74.6185 30.5977V32.4061L74.6102 32.4144Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M78.1935 19.806C78.5184 19.806 78.8268 19.7644 79.1268 19.681C79.4268 19.5977 79.6851 19.4727 79.9101 19.306C80.1351 19.1394 80.3101 18.931 80.4434 18.6727C80.5768 18.4144 80.6351 18.106 80.6351 17.7477C80.6351 17.5311 80.6101 17.3394 80.5601 17.1561C80.5101 16.9811 80.4268 16.8144 80.3018 16.6644C80.1768 16.5144 80.0184 16.3644 79.8184 16.2227C79.6184 16.0811 79.3685 15.9394 79.0768 15.7977L78.3768 15.4561C78.0018 15.2727 77.7518 15.1061 77.6268 14.9394C77.5018 14.7727 77.4435 14.5977 77.4435 14.4227C77.4435 14.1894 77.5351 14.0061 77.7185 13.8811C77.9018 13.7561 78.1351 13.6894 78.4185 13.6894C78.5768 13.6894 78.7435 13.6977 78.9018 13.7227C79.0601 13.7477 79.2185 13.7727 79.3518 13.7977C79.4935 13.8227 79.6185 13.8477 79.7268 13.8727C79.8351 13.8977 79.9101 13.9061 79.9601 13.9061C80.0351 13.9061 80.0768 13.8977 80.0934 13.8727C80.1101 13.8477 80.1268 13.8144 80.1518 13.7561L80.3268 13.0227C80.3434 12.9227 80.3018 12.8644 80.2018 12.8311C79.9935 12.7894 79.7435 12.7394 79.4435 12.6811C79.1435 12.6311 78.8435 12.5977 78.5351 12.5977C77.8018 12.5977 77.2268 12.7727 76.7935 13.1144C76.3601 13.4561 76.1435 13.9311 76.1435 14.5311C76.1435 14.9394 76.2435 15.2894 76.4518 15.5894C76.6601 15.8894 77.0351 16.1644 77.5768 16.4311L78.3351 16.7977C78.7101 16.9811 78.9685 17.1477 79.1018 17.3144C79.2351 17.4811 79.3018 17.6894 79.3018 17.9311C79.3018 18.1727 79.2018 18.3644 78.9935 18.4894C78.7851 18.6144 78.5268 18.681 78.2101 18.681C78.0268 18.681 77.8435 18.6644 77.6518 18.6394C77.4601 18.6144 77.2851 18.581 77.1101 18.5477C76.9351 18.5144 76.7851 18.4727 76.6601 18.4394C76.5268 18.406 76.4351 18.381 76.3851 18.3727C76.3101 18.3644 76.2601 18.4144 76.2351 18.5227L76.0435 19.256C76.0185 19.356 76.0518 19.431 76.1518 19.4727C76.2351 19.4977 76.3435 19.531 76.4851 19.5727C76.6268 19.6144 76.7851 19.6477 76.9685 19.681C77.1518 19.7144 77.3518 19.7394 77.5601 19.7644C77.7685 19.7894 77.9768 19.7977 78.1935 19.7977V19.806Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M120.335 19.6728H121.293C121.41 19.6728 121.468 19.6228 121.468 19.5228V14.1395C121.793 14.0395 122.118 13.9728 122.435 13.9395C122.752 13.9061 123.01 13.8895 123.202 13.8895C123.335 13.8895 123.41 13.8395 123.418 13.7395L123.552 12.8895C123.56 12.8395 123.56 12.7895 123.552 12.7645C123.543 12.7311 123.51 12.7061 123.46 12.6895C123.418 12.6728 123.368 12.6645 123.327 12.6645H123.193C122.993 12.6645 122.743 12.7061 122.435 12.7978C122.127 12.8895 121.768 13.0395 121.352 13.2478L121.243 12.8978C121.227 12.8478 121.21 12.8061 121.185 12.7811C121.168 12.7561 121.118 12.7478 121.052 12.7478H120.335C120.218 12.7478 120.16 12.7978 120.16 12.8978V19.5228C120.16 19.6228 120.218 19.6728 120.335 19.6728Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M86.8851 27.6727C86.6767 27.3977 86.4184 27.1811 86.0934 27.0311C85.7767 26.8811 85.3934 26.8061 84.9517 26.8061C84.5351 26.8061 84.1517 26.8727 83.8017 27.0144C83.4517 27.1561 83.1434 27.3727 82.8934 27.6727C82.6351 27.9727 82.4351 28.3477 82.2851 28.8061C82.1351 29.2644 82.0601 29.8227 82.0601 30.4727C82.0601 31.6894 82.3184 32.5811 82.8351 33.1477C83.3517 33.7144 84.0851 33.9977 85.0351 33.9977C85.4017 33.9977 85.7851 33.9644 86.1851 33.8894C86.5851 33.8144 86.9684 33.7061 87.3434 33.5477C87.4434 33.5061 87.4767 33.4311 87.4517 33.3477L87.2351 32.6311C87.2184 32.5644 87.1851 32.5311 87.1351 32.5227C87.0851 32.5144 87.035 32.5227 86.9934 32.5394C86.7351 32.6394 86.4434 32.7227 86.1351 32.7977C85.8267 32.8727 85.5351 32.9061 85.2767 32.9061C85.0184 32.9061 84.7601 32.8644 84.5434 32.7894C84.3267 32.7144 84.1434 32.5894 83.9851 32.4144C83.8267 32.2394 83.7017 32.0144 83.6101 31.7394C83.5184 31.4644 83.4601 31.1144 83.4517 30.6977H87.2351C87.3517 30.6977 87.4267 30.6644 87.4517 30.5977C87.4767 30.5311 87.4934 30.3477 87.4934 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111.877 11.0061C111.968 11.0311 112.052 11.0477 112.127 11.0561C112.202 11.0727 112.252 11.0727 112.277 11.0727C112.352 11.0727 112.402 11.0311 112.427 10.9394L112.585 10.2644C112.593 10.2227 112.585 10.1811 112.585 10.1477C112.568 10.1144 112.535 10.0894 112.485 10.0727H112.477Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M110.943 27.2227C110.752 27.0727 110.518 26.9644 110.243 26.8977C109.968 26.8311 109.66 26.8061 109.327 26.8061C109.168 26.8061 108.977 26.8144 108.777 26.8311C108.568 26.8477 108.368 26.8727 108.168 26.8894C107.968 26.9144 107.785 26.9394 107.618 26.9644C107.443 26.9894 107.318 27.0144 107.227 27.0311C107.118 27.0561 107.077 27.1227 107.093 27.2311L107.218 27.9477C107.227 28.0477 107.285 28.0977 107.377 28.0977C107.41 28.0977 107.493 28.0894 107.618 28.0644C107.743 28.0394 107.893 28.0227 108.068 27.9977C108.235 27.9727 108.418 27.9561 108.593 27.9311C108.777 27.9061 108.935 27.8977 109.068 27.8977C109.327 27.8977 109.543 27.9311 109.693 27.9894C109.852 28.0477 109.968 28.1394 110.052 28.2561C110.135 28.3727 110.185 28.5144 110.218 28.6811C110.243 28.8477 110.26 29.0477 110.26 29.2727V29.6811L109.235 29.7394C108.877 29.7561 108.535 29.8144 108.21 29.8977C107.885 29.9894 107.602 30.1227 107.36 30.3061C107.118 30.4894 106.927 30.7144 106.785 30.9977C106.643 31.2811 106.577 31.6311 106.577 32.0311C106.577 32.6977 106.743 33.1977 107.093 33.5144C107.435 33.8394 107.877 33.9977 108.418 33.9977C108.827 33.9977 109.185 33.9311 109.51 33.7977C109.835 33.6644 110.127 33.5061 110.385 33.3061L110.518 33.7144C110.535 33.7561 110.552 33.7977 110.577 33.8227C110.593 33.8477 110.635 33.8644 110.702 33.8644H111.377C111.493 33.8644 111.552 33.8144 111.552 33.7144V28.7644C111.552 28.3894 111.502 28.0727 111.393 27.8227C111.293 27.5727 111.143 27.3727 110.952 27.2227H110.943ZM110.252 32.4144C110.077 32.5394 109.852 32.6644 109.577 32.7811C109.293 32.8977 109.043 32.9561 108.81 32.9561C108.518 32.9561 108.293 32.8644 108.127 32.6894C107.96 32.5061 107.877 32.2311 107.877 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