Testimonials / Reviews | Chemistry Conferences 2025 | Chemistry Conference | Chemistry 2025 | Organic Chemistry Conferences

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src=";showinfo=0&amp;controls=0" allowfullscreen="" id="fitvid0"></iframe></div> <div class="video__info"> <div class="video__title"> Magnus Group Conferences Reveiws </div> </div> </div> <div class="video-box m-0"> <div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper" style="padding-top: 56.25%;"><iframe src=";showinfo=0&amp;controls=0" allowfullscreen="" id="fitvid0"></iframe></div> <div class="video__info"> <div class="video__title"> Catalysis Conference 2018 | Rome, Italy </div> </div> </div> <div class="video-box m-0"> <div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper" style="padding-top: 56.25%;"><iframe src=";showinfo=0&amp;controls=0" allowfullscreen="" id="fitvid0"></iframe></div> <div class="video__info"> <div class="video__title"> Pharma Conference 2018 | Rome, Italy </div> </div> </div> <div class="video-box m-0"> <div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper" style="padding-top: 56.25%;"><iframe src=";showinfo=0&amp;controls=0" allowfullscreen="" id="fitvid0"></iframe></div> <div class="video__info"> <div class="video__title"> Pharma Conference 2017 | Valencia, Spain </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 p-10"> <div class="testimonial"> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conference" title="Vladimir Voronov"> <p><p>In my opinion, the Conference was both organised and held at a fairly high professional level.</p> </p> <span>Vladimir Voronov</span> <span>Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Russian Federation</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conferences" title="Shree Niwas Chaturvedi"> <p><p>My heartfelt good wishes to you. I do not have proper words to express my gratitude for your motivation and encouragement.&nbsp; I attended almost all the sessions and it was a great learning experience for me. I would feel privileged if I get an opportunity to present my research in next conference (2025) in Japan.</p> </p> <span>Shree Niwas Chaturvedi</span> <span>Centre for Aptitude Analysis and Talent Search, India</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conference" title="Silvia E. Asis"> <p><p>The Chemistry 2024 Conference was very well organized and it was an honour to be part of it. Thank you again for the chance to attend it.</p> </p> <span>Silvia E. Asis</span> <span>Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conferences" title="Giacomo Cao"> <p><p><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:times new roman,times,serif">Thank you very much for the excellent conference we attended.</span></span></p> </p> <span>Giacomo Cao</span> <span>University of Cagliari, Italy</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conference" title="Nina Belotserkovets"> <p><p><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:times new roman,times,serif">Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Chemistry 2023 event.</span></span></p> </p> <span>Nina Belotserkovets</span> <span>Tver State University, Russian Federation</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conferences" title="Theodosios Geo Douvropoulos"> <p><p><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:times new roman,times,serif">Thank you very much for the opportunity you gave me for participating to this very interesting conference.</span></span></p> </p> <span>Theodosios Geo Douvropoulos</span> <span>Hellenic Naval Academy, Greece</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conference" title="Joe E. Springer "> <p><p><span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:times new roman,times,serif">I had a wonderful time at the PDDS 2018 conference, and may have made some new friends/collaborators as well!</span></span></p> </p> <span>Joe E. Springer </span> <span>University of Kentucky, USA</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conferences" title="Mino R Caira "> <p><p>With regard to PDDS 2018 held in Rome, I can certainly declare that the keynote lectures and oral presentations were generally of an excellent standard and although covering a wide range of topics, in my opinion, they were all relevant to the discipline of drug delivery.</p> </p> <span>Mino R Caira </span> <span>University of Cape Town, South Africa</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conference" title="Gerald H Tomkin "> <p><p>Many thanks. I certainly enjoyed the conference. Being in Rome is a special occasion and in wonderful weather. Again many thanks for the invitation.</p> </p> <span>Gerald H Tomkin </span> <span>Beacon Hospital and Trinity College Dublin, Ireland</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conferences" title="Osman Adiguzel"> <p><p>Keynote Talks and Oral presentations were very informative. Also, the conference has been very beneficial with the new and fresh knowledge, and I enjoyed very much. I am sure this important conference has been beneficial for the scholars and participants, especially for the young scholars and researchers. Congratulations to the Committee on their great efforts and great consideration.</p> </p> <span>Osman Adiguzel</span> <span>Firat University, Elazig, Turkey</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conference" title="Mahmoud Khodari"> <p><p>It was very great&nbsp;conference.</p> </p> <span>Mahmoud Khodari</span> <span>South Valley University, Egypt</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conferences" title="El Hassane Larhrib "> <p><p>It was an excellent conference and wonderful experience.</p> </p> <span>El Hassane Larhrib </span> <span>University of Huddersfield, UK</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conference" title="Stanislaw Dzwigaj"> <p><p>I appreciate the conferences organized by Magnus Groups so this is reason why I participate in all previous editions of Catalysis and Chemical Science in Las Vegas, 2017, Rome 2018 and Singapore 2019.</p> </p> <span>Stanislaw Dzwigaj</span> <span>Sorbonne Universit茅s, France</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conferences" title="Pawel Brzuzan "> <p><p>I really had a good time while in Rome. Thanks a lot.</p> </p> <span>Pawel Brzuzan </span> <span>University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conference" title="Tetyana Vdovenkova "> <p><p>Thank you very much for the conference. In my opinion, this conference was well organized.</p> </p> <span>Tetyana Vdovenkova </span> <span>T.V.A, Canada</span> </div> <div class="testimonial-item p-10 m-b-10"> <img src="" alt="Chemistry Conferences" title="Prateeti Chakraborty"> <p><p>It was an wonderful experience!</p> </p> <span>Prateeti Chakraborty</span> <span>Bangabasi College, India</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <!-- Footer --> <footer id="footer" class="footer-dark text-center p-b-80"> <div class="footer-content p-b-0 p-t-30"> <div class="container"> <div class="row m-b-10"> <div class="col-md-3"> <!-- Footer widget area 1 --> <div class="clearfix widget-contact-us org-sec"> <h4 style="color:#FFF; margin-bottom:5px;">Organizer</h4> <div class="footer-organizer-sec"> <h5><a href="" target="_blank"> Magnus Group LLC </a> </h5> <div class="org-add"> 150 South Wacker Drive #2400 <br> Chicago, IL 60606, USA </div> <div class="org-call"> <strong>Phone:</strong> 1 (702) 988-2320 </div> <div class="org-call"> <strong>Whatsapp:</strong> +1 (640) 666 9566 </div> </div> </div> <!-- end: Footer widget area 1 --> </div> <div class="col-md-6 hidden-xs"> <!-- Footer widget area 3 --> <div class="footer-nav center font-weight-600"> <ul> <li> <a href="" title="Home" target="_blank">Home</a></li> <li> <a href="" title="Scientific Committee" target="_self">Scientific Committee</a></li> <li> <a href="" title="Speakers" target="_self">Speakers</a></li> <li> <a href="" title="Program" target="_self">Program</a></li> <li> <a href="" title="Information" target="_self">Information</a></li> <li> <a href="" title="About" target="_self">About</a></li> <li> <a href="" title="Contact" target="_self">Contact</a></li> <li> <a href="" title="Submit Abstract" target="_self">Submit Abstract</a></li> <li> <a href="" title="Register" target="_self">Register</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="text-left"> <h4 style="color:#FFF;" class="m-b-5"> Mail Us At </h4> <ul class="list-icon"> <!--<li style="color:#FFF;"><i class="fa fa-phone"></i> +1(702)-988-2320 </li>--> <li class="m-l-0 m-b-0"><b>General Queries:</b> <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#2a49424f4743595e58536a474b4d445f594945444c4f584f44494f04494547" title=""><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="76151e131b1f0502040f361b1711180305151918101304131815135815191b">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- end: Footer widget area 3 --> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <!-- Footer widget area 2 --> <div class="f-logo"> <a href=""> <img rel="preload" src="" alt="5th Edition of Chemistry World Conference"> </a> </div> <div class="m-t-20"> <h4 style="color:#FFF;" class="m-b-5">Follow Us</h4> <div class="social-icons social-icons-border center"> <ul> <li class="social-facebook"><a href="" title="Face Book"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a></li> <li class="social-twitter"><a href="" title="Twitter"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a></li> <li class="social-youtube"><a href="" title="Youtube"><i class="fa fa-youtube"></i></a></li> <li class="social-rss"><a href="" class="social-blogger" title="Blog"> <img rel="preload" src="" width="20" alt="Blog"> </a></li> <li class="social-wordpress"><a href="" title="Wordpress"><i class="fa fa-wordpress"></i></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- end: Footer widget area 2 --> </div> </div> <div class="copyright-text text-center m-b-20" style="border-top:1px #FFF solid;"> <p class="footer-small-text text-center"> Copyright 2019-20 <a href="" target="_blank"> Magnus Group</a>. &nbsp;&nbsp; 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