Our Team | Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board
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font-family-serif font-size-small"> <h1 class="h1 mb-4">Our Team</h1> </div> <div class="post-content font-family-serif font-size-small"> <h2 class="h2 mb-4">RISSB Board</h2> Our strong corporate governance framework ensures that RISSB is achieving its strategic objectives and complies with its legal and ethical requirements. RISSB is overseen by a Board of Directors comprising an Independent Chair, two Independent Directors and four Industry Directors, all elected by members at the AGM.<br><br><div class="row popup-wrapper"><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Dr Gillian Miles" width="250" data-name="Dr Gillian Miles" data-position="Independent Chair " data-image="" data-biography="Dr Gillian Miles connects the unconnected by supporting executive teams to drive new business approaches, build capability and reinvigorate organisations. Gill is known for her expertise in systems thinking that delivers innovative solutions that make an impact. With an extensive background in the public sector Gill has advised Australian governments and led organisations in national, state and local governments. Gill has led policy, business and organisation reforms in numerous transport-based organisations as the CEO, National Transport Commission, the Head of Transport Victoria and numerous deputy secretary roles in transport and community development. Gillian has a personal commitment to supporting young people by mentoring and delivering leadership programs. Her other engagements include being Commissioner at Infrastructure Australia, Director National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and the Chair Chisholm TAFE Victoria. Gill was appointed RISSB Board Chair in November 2024." ><h3>Dr Gillian Miles</h3><span class="position">Independent Chair </span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Dr Gillian Miles" data-position="Independent Chair " data-image="" data-biography="Dr Gillian Miles connects the unconnected by supporting executive teams to drive new business approaches, build capability and reinvigorate organisations. Gill is known for her expertise in systems thinking that delivers innovative solutions that make an impact. With an extensive background in the public sector Gill has advised Australian governments and led organisations in national, state and local governments. Gill has led policy, business and organisation reforms in numerous transport-based organisations as the CEO, National Transport Commission, the Head of Transport Victoria and numerous deputy secretary roles in transport and community development. Gillian has a personal commitment to supporting young people by mentoring and delivering leadership programs. Her other engagements include being Commissioner at Infrastructure Australia, Director National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and the Chair Chisholm TAFE Victoria. Gill was appointed RISSB Board Chair in November 2024.">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Tim Kuypers" width="250" data-name="Tim Kuypers" data-position="Independent Director " data-image="" data-biography="Tim Kuypers has over thirty years’ experience as a regulatory and safety professional in UK, Europe and Australia. Tim is currently a Special Advisor at HoustonKemp Economists and Principal of Walbrook Partners, a rail safety consulting firm. He is an independent member on Metro Trains Melbourne’s Board Safety Committee and a Director and Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee for TROG Cancer Research. Tim’s previous executive roles have included senior positions at Asciano, (former owner of Pacific National and Patrick Stevedores) Telstra, Cable & Wireless and Oftel. Tim was a Director and Chair of the Public Finance Committee for TrackSAFE, a charity which aims to reduce death on the railways through suicide and trespass and support train drivers suffering traumatic incidents. Tim has a PhD in Economics from University College London, a Diploma in Accounting and Finance and is a GAICD. Tim was appointed an Independent Director of RISSB in April 2018 and is also Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee." ><h3>Tim Kuypers</h3><span class="position">Independent Director </span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Tim Kuypers" data-position="Independent Director " data-image="" data-biography="Tim Kuypers has over thirty years’ experience as a regulatory and safety professional in UK, Europe and Australia. Tim is currently a Special Advisor at HoustonKemp Economists and Principal of Walbrook Partners, a rail safety consulting firm. He is an independent member on Metro Trains Melbourne’s Board Safety Committee and a Director and Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee for TROG Cancer Research. Tim’s previous executive roles have included senior positions at Asciano, (former owner of Pacific National and Patrick Stevedores) Telstra, Cable & Wireless and Oftel. Tim was a Director and Chair of the Public Finance Committee for TrackSAFE, a charity which aims to reduce death on the railways through suicide and trespass and support train drivers suffering traumatic incidents. Tim has a PhD in Economics from University College London, a Diploma in Accounting and Finance and is a GAICD. Tim was appointed an Independent Director of RISSB in April 2018 and is also Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee.">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Tony Braxton-Smith " width="250" data-name="Tony Braxton-Smith " data-position="Independent Director " data-image="" data-biography="Tony Braxton-Smith has served at senior executive level in both public and private sectors in the transport, infrastructure, and services sectors for 30 years. This includes roles as Chief Executive, Department for Infrastructure and Transport in SA; a Deputy Secretary with Transport for NSW; Chief Executive of Great Southern Rail; Executive Director Serco Transport Asia-Pacific; Chief Executive Dreamworld and prior to that in executive roles with the P&O Group. Since 2022, Tony has been providing independent advisory services in the transport sector through his company ADBRAX Services. Tony is currently Chair of the board of Metro Tasmania. He has previously served on industry boards, including the Public Transport Association (and its predecessor), the Australasian Railway Association, and RISSB. Whilst in the public service he was at times also Chair of the National Level Crossing Safety Committee and Joint Chair of the Rail Industry Skills Council. " ><h3>Tony Braxton-Smith </h3><span class="position">Independent Director </span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Tony Braxton-Smith " data-position="Independent Director " data-image="" data-biography="Tony Braxton-Smith has served at senior executive level in both public and private sectors in the transport, infrastructure, and services sectors for 30 years. This includes roles as Chief Executive, Department for Infrastructure and Transport in SA; a Deputy Secretary with Transport for NSW; Chief Executive of Great Southern Rail; Executive Director Serco Transport Asia-Pacific; Chief Executive Dreamworld and prior to that in executive roles with the P&O Group. Since 2022, Tony has been providing independent advisory services in the transport sector through his company ADBRAX Services. Tony is currently Chair of the board of Metro Tasmania. He has previously served on industry boards, including the Public Transport Association (and its predecessor), the Australasian Railway Association, and RISSB. Whilst in the public service he was at times also Chair of the National Level Crossing Safety Committee and Joint Chair of the Rail Industry Skills Council. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Scott Cornish" width="250" data-name="Scott Cornish" data-position="Industry Director, Passenger Operations " data-image="" data-biography="Scott has over 30 years of experience in the global Resources, Energy, and Transport industries, holding senior management roles encompassing Asset Management, Operations, HSE, Sustainability and the Community as well as experience in delivering Health, Safety, Environment, Engineering and Risk Management for a major Australian railway operator. A highly experienced leader with an outstanding track record of implementing innovative strategies and initiatives that deliver operational and safety outcomes in high-risk operating businesses. Scott was appointed to the RISSB Board in May 2019 and is a member of the Audit & Risk Committee." ><h3>Scott Cornish</h3><span class="position">Industry Director, Passenger Operations </span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Scott Cornish" data-position="Industry Director, Passenger Operations " data-image="" data-biography="Scott has over 30 years of experience in the global Resources, Energy, and Transport industries, holding senior management roles encompassing Asset Management, Operations, HSE, Sustainability and the Community as well as experience in delivering Health, Safety, Environment, Engineering and Risk Management for a major Australian railway operator. A highly experienced leader with an outstanding track record of implementing innovative strategies and initiatives that deliver operational and safety outcomes in high-risk operating businesses. Scott was appointed to the RISSB Board in May 2019 and is a member of the Audit & Risk Committee.">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Kylie Gallasch" width="250" data-name="Kylie Gallasch" data-position="Industry Director, Network Managers/Owners " data-image="" data-biography="Kylie Gallasch is a highly engaged Group Executive with more than 25 years rail experience, an expansive portfolio, and a strong line-of-sight to customer outcomes. She is a strategic, empathetic people manager who, as Chief Financial Officer, currently leads the Finance, Procurement, Fleet & Supply division at ARTC. Kylie is a Fellow of CPA Australia, has completed the AICD Company Directors Course and currently serves as a Director of Minda - a South Australian-based non-profit that empowers people with intellectual disability to reach their aspirations while maximising their independence. Kylie was elected to the RISSB Board in December 2019 and is a member of the Audit & Risk Committee. " ><h3>Kylie Gallasch</h3><span class="position">Industry Director, Network Managers/Owners </span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Kylie Gallasch" data-position="Industry Director, Network Managers/Owners " data-image="" data-biography="Kylie Gallasch is a highly engaged Group Executive with more than 25 years rail experience, an expansive portfolio, and a strong line-of-sight to customer outcomes. She is a strategic, empathetic people manager who, as Chief Financial Officer, currently leads the Finance, Procurement, Fleet & Supply division at ARTC. Kylie is a Fellow of CPA Australia, has completed the AICD Company Directors Course and currently serves as a Director of Minda - a South Australian-based non-profit that empowers people with intellectual disability to reach their aspirations while maximising their independence. Kylie was elected to the RISSB Board in December 2019 and is a member of the Audit & Risk Committee. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Mark Carling" width="250" data-name="Mark Carling" data-position="Industry Director, Suppliers & Contractors " data-image="" data-biography="Mark Carling is the APAC Regional Managing Director for Unipart Rail. Prior to joining Unipart, Mark held executive roles as Director of Strategy and New Business at KBR Infrastructure Services, Regional Director of Consulting and Advisory for SNC-Lavalin Atkins, and Regional Managing Director for both Survitec Group and Faiveley Transport, multi-national organisations with activities in Australia and the broader APAC region. Mark is a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, a Fellow and Engineering Executive of Engineers Australia and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Mark was elected to the RISSB Board in November 2020. " ><h3>Mark Carling</h3><span class="position">Industry Director, Suppliers & Contractors </span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Mark Carling" data-position="Industry Director, Suppliers & Contractors " data-image="" data-biography="Mark Carling is the APAC Regional Managing Director for Unipart Rail. Prior to joining Unipart, Mark held executive roles as Director of Strategy and New Business at KBR Infrastructure Services, Regional Director of Consulting and Advisory for SNC-Lavalin Atkins, and Regional Managing Director for both Survitec Group and Faiveley Transport, multi-national organisations with activities in Australia and the broader APAC region. Mark is a Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, a Fellow and Engineering Executive of Engineers Australia and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Mark was elected to the RISSB Board in November 2020. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Genevieve Nix" width="250" data-name="Genevieve Nix" data-position="Industry Director, Freight Operations" data-image="" data-biography="Genevieve Nix has worked for Pacific National since 2020 and is currently Chief HSE and Sustainability Officer. Pacific National is Australia’s largest private rail freight operator operating in over 70 locations across Australia. Prior to this Genevieve was the Head of Health, Safety and Environment with Pacific National and before that was with Qantas where she held various roles including the National Operations Manager and National Manager for Worker Health and Safety. Genevieve worked across various sectors in Qantas including Ground Operations, Freight and Catering. Earlier in her career Genevieve worked in occupational rehabilitation and as a clinical occupational therapist. Genevieve has a Master’s Degree in International and Community Development and a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. Geneveive was appointed to the RISSB Board in August 2023." ><h3>Genevieve Nix</h3><span class="position">Industry Director, Freight Operations</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Genevieve Nix" data-position="Industry Director, Freight Operations" data-image="" data-biography="Genevieve Nix has worked for Pacific National since 2020 and is currently Chief HSE and Sustainability Officer. Pacific National is Australia’s largest private rail freight operator operating in over 70 locations across Australia. Prior to this Genevieve was the Head of Health, Safety and Environment with Pacific National and before that was with Qantas where she held various roles including the National Operations Manager and National Manager for Worker Health and Safety. Genevieve worked across various sectors in Qantas including Ground Operations, Freight and Catering. Earlier in her career Genevieve worked in occupational rehabilitation and as a clinical occupational therapist. Genevieve has a Master’s Degree in International and Community Development and a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. Geneveive was appointed to the RISSB Board in August 2023.">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Garry Taylor" width="250" data-name="Garry Taylor" data-position="Government-Appointed Director" data-image="" data-biography="Garry started his career as an apprentice mechanical/electrical fitter in the Traction and Rolling Stock workshops of British Railways. A 25-year career in the UK rail industry, in both the public and private sectors, saw him manage rolling stock fleets for passenger and freight operators, studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Degree level and becoming a Chartered Engineer with the UK Engineering Council. Garry joined the Public Transport Authority in Perth, Western Australia as the head of rolling stock and lead the PTA’s new railcar project through Business Case, procurement and into production. He became a member of the PTA Executive in 2020 as the Executive Director for Safety, Freight and Business Management Systems and is now the Executive Director for PTA Project Delivery, responsible for a portfolio of projects that includes the High Capacity Signalling upgrade to the Perth rail network. He holds an Executive Masters in Public Sector Administration and is a Graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors." ><h3>Garry Taylor</h3><span class="position">Government-Appointed Director</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Garry Taylor" data-position="Government-Appointed Director" data-image="" data-biography="Garry started his career as an apprentice mechanical/electrical fitter in the Traction and Rolling Stock workshops of British Railways. A 25-year career in the UK rail industry, in both the public and private sectors, saw him manage rolling stock fleets for passenger and freight operators, studying Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Degree level and becoming a Chartered Engineer with the UK Engineering Council. Garry joined the Public Transport Authority in Perth, Western Australia as the head of rolling stock and lead the PTA’s new railcar project through Business Case, procurement and into production. He became a member of the PTA Executive in 2020 as the Executive Director for Safety, Freight and Business Management Systems and is now the Executive Director for PTA Project Delivery, responsible for a portfolio of projects that includes the High Capacity Signalling upgrade to the Perth rail network. He holds an Executive Masters in Public Sector Administration and is a Graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Amy Lezala" width="250" data-name="Amy Lezala" data-position="Government-Appointed Director" data-image="" data-biography="Amy Lezala is a Registered Professional Engineer, holding EngExec and Fellow qualifications from Engineers Australia. She has worked in rail for 17 years across the globe, starting her career with maintaining trains in the UK. Amy has delivered roles in Materials & Fire Engineering, RAMS Engineering, Through Life Engineering, Project Management and Engineering Governance. She has been involved in the development groups for a number of Standards, including EN 45545 and AS 7529. Amy joined the Department of Transport and Planning in 2022 as the Victorian Chief Engineer – Rail, supporting the Operators and Major Projects with practical engineering governance from the State. Using a whole-of-life, whole-of-system view, Amy brings a practical approach to the governance systems. Outside of her core roles, Amy is an active volunteer. She has held senior volunteer roles with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Engineers Australia. She was also an inaugural member of Australasian Rail Association’s Young Leader’s Advisory Board." ><h3>Amy Lezala</h3><span class="position">Government-Appointed Director</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Amy Lezala" data-position="Government-Appointed Director" data-image="" data-biography="Amy Lezala is a Registered Professional Engineer, holding EngExec and Fellow qualifications from Engineers Australia. She has worked in rail for 17 years across the globe, starting her career with maintaining trains in the UK. Amy has delivered roles in Materials & Fire Engineering, RAMS Engineering, Through Life Engineering, Project Management and Engineering Governance. She has been involved in the development groups for a number of Standards, including EN 45545 and AS 7529. Amy joined the Department of Transport and Planning in 2022 as the Victorian Chief Engineer – Rail, supporting the Operators and Major Projects with practical engineering governance from the State. Using a whole-of-life, whole-of-system view, Amy brings a practical approach to the governance systems. Outside of her core roles, Amy is an active volunteer. She has held senior volunteer roles with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and Engineers Australia. She was also an inaugural member of Australasian Rail Association’s Young Leader’s Advisory Board.">View</button></div></div></div> </div> <div class="post-content font-family-serif font-size-small"> <h2 class="h2 mb-4">RISSB Team</h2> Our professional, dedicated team provides the highest level of service and products to our members, governments and other stakeholders.<br><br><div class="row popup-wrapper"><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Damien White" width="250" data-name="Damien White" data-position="Chief Executive Officer" data-image="" data-biography="Damien White was appointed to the role of Chief Executive Officer at RISSB in August 2022. His previous positions include eight years as the inaugural CEO at TasRail, Executive General Manager - Inland Rail Integration at ARTC, Group Executive, Safety, Engineering and Technology also at ARTC, and various leadership roles at Pacific National & National Rail. Damien is well regarded as a Change Agent and is passionate about drawing upon his 40+ years of industry experience to help drive reform in the safety and efficiency of Australia’s Rail Industry. "><h3>Damien White</h3><span class="position">Chief Executive Officer</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Damien White" data-position="Chief Executive Officer" data-image="" data-biography="Damien White was appointed to the role of Chief Executive Officer at RISSB in August 2022. His previous positions include eight years as the inaugural CEO at TasRail, Executive General Manager - Inland Rail Integration at ARTC, Group Executive, Safety, Engineering and Technology also at ARTC, and various leadership roles at Pacific National & National Rail. Damien is well regarded as a Change Agent and is passionate about drawing upon his 40+ years of industry experience to help drive reform in the safety and efficiency of Australia’s Rail Industry. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Sharon Tang" width="250" data-name="Sharon Tang" data-position="General Manager Strategy and Stakeholder Relations" data-image="" data-biography="As General Manager Stakeholder Engagement, Sharon leads strategic engagement and communication with RISSB’s many stakeholders and members. Her role includes providing leadership in all aspects of corporate affairs and the RISSB training offering. She is a highly regarded senior multi-disciplinary practitioner with significant rail experience. With over 30 years’ experience working in strategic corporate and government engagement and communications in reputation and brand value building she has an excellent grasp of issues and risk management. Sharon is a pragmatic and strategic thinker. She brings a wealth of well-rounded experiences to RISSB from having worked across many industries in the private and public sector in a corporate, project or regulated environment and understands the machination of these in bringing people together for common outcomes. "><h3>Sharon Tang</h3><span class="position">General Manager Strategy and Stakeholder Relations</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Sharon Tang" data-position="General Manager Strategy and Stakeholder Relations" data-image="" data-biography="As General Manager Stakeholder Engagement, Sharon leads strategic engagement and communication with RISSB’s many stakeholders and members. Her role includes providing leadership in all aspects of corporate affairs and the RISSB training offering. She is a highly regarded senior multi-disciplinary practitioner with significant rail experience. With over 30 years’ experience working in strategic corporate and government engagement and communications in reputation and brand value building she has an excellent grasp of issues and risk management. Sharon is a pragmatic and strategic thinker. She brings a wealth of well-rounded experiences to RISSB from having worked across many industries in the private and public sector in a corporate, project or regulated environment and understands the machination of these in bringing people together for common outcomes. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Sudha Niles" width="250" data-name="Sudha Niles" data-position="General Manager Products and Innovation" data-image="" data-biography="Sudha has a strategic role and is responsible for providing leadership and strategic guidance for RISSB’s program of Australian Code of Practice publications, integration of its industry-facing business intelligence systems and oversight of RISSB’s management system and accreditation activities. Sudha is a systems thinker and an experienced railway safety specialist with over 20 years in the industry. He understands the complex interplay between different elements in the railway system and has been able to apply this understanding effectively within industry and at RISSB. "><h3>Sudha Niles</h3><span class="position">General Manager Products and Innovation</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Sudha Niles" data-position="General Manager Products and Innovation" data-image="" data-biography="Sudha has a strategic role and is responsible for providing leadership and strategic guidance for RISSB’s program of Australian Code of Practice publications, integration of its industry-facing business intelligence systems and oversight of RISSB’s management system and accreditation activities. Sudha is a systems thinker and an experienced railway safety specialist with over 20 years in the industry. He understands the complex interplay between different elements in the railway system and has been able to apply this understanding effectively within industry and at RISSB. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Crispian Fitzhardinge" width="250" data-name="Crispian Fitzhardinge" data-position="Senior Standards Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Crispian is a Senior Standards Manager at RISSB with over 25 years of experience in the railway industry in both operational and safety roles. Working for both the public and private sector Cris has been instrumental in improving safety, harmonisation, and interoperability solutions for the Australian Railway Network, through roles at RISSB, ARTC, and Rio Tinto. Most recently Cris was the Operational Readiness Specialist in Rio Tinto’s Sustaining Capital - Rail division helping move projects into operations in a safe and efficient manner. Crispian holds a Business Management degree from University of South Australia and a Diploma in Transport Safety Investigation from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. He currently resides in Baldivis with his wife and children. Outside of work his passion for volunteer work includes committee roles for several sporting associations and the Pichi Richi Railway Preservation Society."><h3>Crispian Fitzhardinge</h3><span class="position">Senior Standards Manager</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Crispian Fitzhardinge" data-position="Senior Standards Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Crispian is a Senior Standards Manager at RISSB with over 25 years of experience in the railway industry in both operational and safety roles. Working for both the public and private sector Cris has been instrumental in improving safety, harmonisation, and interoperability solutions for the Australian Railway Network, through roles at RISSB, ARTC, and Rio Tinto. Most recently Cris was the Operational Readiness Specialist in Rio Tinto’s Sustaining Capital - Rail division helping move projects into operations in a safe and efficient manner. Crispian holds a Business Management degree from University of South Australia and a Diploma in Transport Safety Investigation from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. He currently resides in Baldivis with his wife and children. Outside of work his passion for volunteer work includes committee roles for several sporting associations and the Pichi Richi Railway Preservation Society.">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Bruce Wooldridge " width="250" data-name="Bruce Wooldridge " data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Bruce is a qualified Mechanical Engineer with over 37 years’ experience in the rail industry encompassing rolling stock design and maintenance, project management, rail operations, engineering management, technical advisory, strategic sourcing and business development. During his working career he has been engaged across a wide range of rail organisations including freight and passenger operators, government agencies, consultancies, vehicle designers, manufacturers, maintainers, and component suppliers. Bruce has extensive experience and is deemed a Subject Matter Expert in all aspects of rolling stock engineering and operations including: Light Rail Vehicles, Locomotives, Freight Wagons, Passenger Diesel Multiple Units, Locomotive Hauled Passenger Trains, and Passenger Electric Multiple Units. Bruce is a member of the NSW Chapter of the Rail Technical Society of Australasia. "><h3>Bruce Wooldridge </h3><span class="position">Standards Development Manager</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Bruce Wooldridge " data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Bruce is a qualified Mechanical Engineer with over 37 years’ experience in the rail industry encompassing rolling stock design and maintenance, project management, rail operations, engineering management, technical advisory, strategic sourcing and business development. During his working career he has been engaged across a wide range of rail organisations including freight and passenger operators, government agencies, consultancies, vehicle designers, manufacturers, maintainers, and component suppliers. Bruce has extensive experience and is deemed a Subject Matter Expert in all aspects of rolling stock engineering and operations including: Light Rail Vehicles, Locomotives, Freight Wagons, Passenger Diesel Multiple Units, Locomotive Hauled Passenger Trains, and Passenger Electric Multiple Units. Bruce is a member of the NSW Chapter of the Rail Technical Society of Australasia. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Carly Wilson" width="250" data-name="Carly Wilson" data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Carly Wilson joined the RISSB team as Standards Development Manager in March 2023, bringing over 12 years of experience at Queensland Rail in project, contract, maintenance and asset management roles. Carly has dedicated capability in developing technical specifications for the rail environment as well as asset management strategic planning capability for infrastructure and building assets. She enjoys negotiating beneficial outcomes in the improvement of safety, productivity and sustainability in the Rail Industry."><h3>Carly Wilson</h3><span class="position">Standards Development Manager</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Carly Wilson" data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Carly Wilson joined the RISSB team as Standards Development Manager in March 2023, bringing over 12 years of experience at Queensland Rail in project, contract, maintenance and asset management roles. Carly has dedicated capability in developing technical specifications for the rail environment as well as asset management strategic planning capability for infrastructure and building assets. She enjoys negotiating beneficial outcomes in the improvement of safety, productivity and sustainability in the Rail Industry.">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Iaen Hodges" width="250" data-name="Iaen Hodges" data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Iaen Hodges joined the RISSB team as Standards Development Manager in July 2023, bringing over 40 years of rail industry experience including Train Crew Operations, Network Control and Work on Track. Iaen has a diverse background in rail, starting on the frontline, working through various senior management and project management roles to deliver significant rail safety and network operations improvements. This wealth of experience will support his work as a Standards Development Manager, assisting in delivery of quality of information to support Australia railways move to a safe, sustainable, interoperable future."><h3>Iaen Hodges</h3><span class="position">Standards Development Manager</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Iaen Hodges" data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Iaen Hodges joined the RISSB team as Standards Development Manager in July 2023, bringing over 40 years of rail industry experience including Train Crew Operations, Network Control and Work on Track. Iaen has a diverse background in rail, starting on the frontline, working through various senior management and project management roles to deliver significant rail safety and network operations improvements. This wealth of experience will support his work as a Standards Development Manager, assisting in delivery of quality of information to support Australia railways move to a safe, sustainable, interoperable future.">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Paul Draper" width="250" data-name="Paul Draper" data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Paul is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer with over 46 years of international experience in the rail industry. Commencing his career with British Rail, Paul undertook engineering and supervisory roles in the railway workshops of Crewe, Swindon, Derby and Doncaster before being sent overseas to commission rail vehicles in Thailand, Malaysia, USA, Denmark and the Congo. He subsequently became a UK RSSB Authorised Maintenance Signatory responsible for approving Rolling Stock Maintenance Plans to allow the rail vehicles to operate on the UK rail network. He emigrated to Australia in 2007 and ran the Halcrow Victorian Rail Business. During his time with Halcrow he undertook the authoring of a number standards for RISSB including the rolling stock certification Standard AS7501. His other roles also included Compliance Manager for the Matangi EMUs for Greater Wellington and Rolling Stock SME for Victoria’s Public Transport Victoria overseeing the MR4 refranchise of Melbourne’s Train and Tram Operators. Paul has spent the last 5 years in infrastructure as the Standards Manager for the Level Crossing Removal Project and Rail Projects Victoria. Paul is a C.P.Eng with Engineers Australia and a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He is very much looking forward to participating in the important work of harmonising Australian Rail Standards and Codes."><h3>Paul Draper</h3><span class="position">Standards Development Manager</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Paul Draper" data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Paul is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer with over 46 years of international experience in the rail industry. Commencing his career with British Rail, Paul undertook engineering and supervisory roles in the railway workshops of Crewe, Swindon, Derby and Doncaster before being sent overseas to commission rail vehicles in Thailand, Malaysia, USA, Denmark and the Congo. He subsequently became a UK RSSB Authorised Maintenance Signatory responsible for approving Rolling Stock Maintenance Plans to allow the rail vehicles to operate on the UK rail network. He emigrated to Australia in 2007 and ran the Halcrow Victorian Rail Business. During his time with Halcrow he undertook the authoring of a number standards for RISSB including the rolling stock certification Standard AS7501. His other roles also included Compliance Manager for the Matangi EMUs for Greater Wellington and Rolling Stock SME for Victoria’s Public Transport Victoria overseeing the MR4 refranchise of Melbourne’s Train and Tram Operators. Paul has spent the last 5 years in infrastructure as the Standards Manager for the Level Crossing Removal Project and Rail Projects Victoria. Paul is a C.P.Eng with Engineers Australia and a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He is very much looking forward to participating in the important work of harmonising Australian Rail Standards and Codes.">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Jodie Matheson" width="250" data-name="Jodie Matheson" data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Jodie joins RISSB as a Standards Development Manager with 14 years' experience in rail across Australia's bulk, freight and heavy haul railways. Holding various roles in logistics, project delivery, change management and operations management, Jodie has significant front-line experience in railway operations and leadership. Holding certificates in Frontline Management, Training & Assessing, as well as Change Management she brings a passion for rail safety and continuous improvement to our team. An effective change agent, Jodie values stakeholder engagement and communications, regarding these as critical to ensuring effective and sustainable change. "><h3>Jodie Matheson</h3><span class="position">Standards Development Manager</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Jodie Matheson" data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Jodie joins RISSB as a Standards Development Manager with 14 years' experience in rail across Australia's bulk, freight and heavy haul railways. Holding various roles in logistics, project delivery, change management and operations management, Jodie has significant front-line experience in railway operations and leadership. Holding certificates in Frontline Management, Training & Assessing, as well as Change Management she brings a passion for rail safety and continuous improvement to our team. An effective change agent, Jodie values stakeholder engagement and communications, regarding these as critical to ensuring effective and sustainable change. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Michael Maartensz" width="250" data-name="Michael Maartensz" data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Michael brings over 40 years of rail industry experience in both operational and rail safety roles. He has extensive experience as a safety leader within the rail sector and has worked with a number of rail operators during his time in the industry. He has expertise in railway operations, safeworking systems, network rules and the application of the Rail Safety National Law in all aspects of a railway operations. In recent times Michael worked with ONRSR in the role of Senior Rail Safety Officer. Michael is a strong advocate of the establishment of a national approach to harmonising standards and greater interoperability to support an efficient, safe, and productive rail industry."><h3>Michael Maartensz</h3><span class="position">Standards Development Manager</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Michael Maartensz" data-position="Standards Development Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Michael brings over 40 years of rail industry experience in both operational and rail safety roles. He has extensive experience as a safety leader within the rail sector and has worked with a number of rail operators during his time in the industry. He has expertise in railway operations, safeworking systems, network rules and the application of the Rail Safety National Law in all aspects of a railway operations. In recent times Michael worked with ONRSR in the role of Senior Rail Safety Officer. Michael is a strong advocate of the establishment of a national approach to harmonising standards and greater interoperability to support an efficient, safe, and productive rail industry.">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Greg Stephan" width="250" data-name="Greg Stephan" data-position="QA Lead" data-image="" data-biography="Greg Stephan is a seasoned technical writer with more than a decade of experience producing documentation for the semiconductor industry. He is skilled at making complicated ideas understandable to a wider audience and making sure that technical concepts are communicated effectively. Greg is excited to now join RISSB as QA Lead and to use his experience to better define standards for the Australian rail sector. "><h3>Greg Stephan</h3><span class="position">QA Lead</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Greg Stephan" data-position="QA Lead" data-image="" data-biography="Greg Stephan is a seasoned technical writer with more than a decade of experience producing documentation for the semiconductor industry. He is skilled at making complicated ideas understandable to a wider audience and making sure that technical concepts are communicated effectively. Greg is excited to now join RISSB as QA Lead and to use his experience to better define standards for the Australian rail sector. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="David Batten" width="250" data-name="David Batten" data-position="ALCAM Systems Support Administrator" data-image="" data-biography="David has 17 years’ experience in level crossing risk and safety, from conducting ALCAM site assessments across Australia to being a state representative on the National ALCAM Committee. As RISSB’s ALCAM Systems Support Administrator, as well as having input into ALCAM training, he is now in a position to start transferring his knowledge to the wider industry. "><h3>David Batten</h3><span class="position">ALCAM Systems Support Administrator</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="David Batten" data-position="ALCAM Systems Support Administrator" data-image="" data-biography="David has 17 years’ experience in level crossing risk and safety, from conducting ALCAM site assessments across Australia to being a state representative on the National ALCAM Committee. As RISSB’s ALCAM Systems Support Administrator, as well as having input into ALCAM training, he is now in a position to start transferring his knowledge to the wider industry. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Tiahna Lawrence" width="250" data-name="Tiahna Lawrence" data-position="Senior Administration Officer" data-image="" data-biography="Tiahna Lawrence brings a wealth of experience in managing office operations, coordinating administrative functions and providing high-level support to executives. Tiahna's expertise includes streamlining processes, implementing efficient systems, and ensuring the smooth day-to-day running of the office. "><h3>Tiahna Lawrence</h3><span class="position">Senior Administration Officer</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Tiahna Lawrence" data-position="Senior Administration Officer" data-image="" data-biography="Tiahna Lawrence brings a wealth of experience in managing office operations, coordinating administrative functions and providing high-level support to executives. Tiahna's expertise includes streamlining processes, implementing efficient systems, and ensuring the smooth day-to-day running of the office. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Matt Garratt" width="250" data-name="Matt Garratt" data-position="Head of Learning & Development" data-image="" data-biography="Matt has spent over 15 years working in instructional design, Vocational Education & Training, logistics and leadership development. He has overseen and managed large-scale, digital implementation projects and helped develop organisation-wide training and competency solutions. Matt provides training and development advice and support to the RISSB network and oversees RISSB’s catalogue of training, eLearning products and the popular Horizons program. Working in partnership with RISSB’s members and stakeholders, Matt is committed to ensuring RISSB's current and future professional development solutions continue to add value and achieve results. "><h3>Matt Garratt</h3><span class="position">Head of Learning & Development</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Matt Garratt" data-position="Head of Learning & Development" data-image="" data-biography="Matt has spent over 15 years working in instructional design, Vocational Education & Training, logistics and leadership development. He has overseen and managed large-scale, digital implementation projects and helped develop organisation-wide training and competency solutions. Matt provides training and development advice and support to the RISSB network and oversees RISSB’s catalogue of training, eLearning products and the popular Horizons program. Working in partnership with RISSB’s members and stakeholders, Matt is committed to ensuring RISSB's current and future professional development solutions continue to add value and achieve results. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Reggie Dutt" width="250" data-name="Reggie Dutt" data-position="Communications Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Reggie has over 20 years of experience as a communication professional spanning the private, public and not for profit sectors. His recent experiences in the rail industry include managing project communication functions within the Australian Rail Track Corporation’s Inland Rail program, and providing communication and stakeholder engagement advisory services to Queensland Rail. Reggie is responsible for leveraging communications across all RISSB’s communication channels to engage members, stakeholders and the wider rail industry audience as well as supporting delivery of training and events. "><h3>Reggie Dutt</h3><span class="position">Communications Manager</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Reggie Dutt" data-position="Communications Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Reggie has over 20 years of experience as a communication professional spanning the private, public and not for profit sectors. His recent experiences in the rail industry include managing project communication functions within the Australian Rail Track Corporation’s Inland Rail program, and providing communication and stakeholder engagement advisory services to Queensland Rail. Reggie is responsible for leveraging communications across all RISSB’s communication channels to engage members, stakeholders and the wider rail industry audience as well as supporting delivery of training and events. ">View</button></div></div><div class="column"><div class="card"><img class="openBtn" src="" alt="Lyn Zeederberg" width="250" data-name="Lyn Zeederberg" data-position="Finance Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Lyn joined the RISSB Team as Finance Manager in January 2025. Lyn is a finance professional with experience across a wide range of industries, including energy, local government and not for profit organisations. Lyn started her career as an external auditor and completed her Chartered Accountant traineeship with KPMG South Africa. Lyn's work experience has spanned a few countries including South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Lyn is passionate about people and numbers, as well as leveraging the benefits of technology to implement process efficiencies."><h3>Lyn Zeederberg</h3><span class="position">Finance Manager</span> <button type="button" class="btn btn-success openBtn" data-name="Lyn Zeederberg" data-position="Finance Manager" data-image="" data-biography="Lyn joined the RISSB Team as Finance Manager in January 2025. Lyn is a finance professional with experience across a wide range of industries, including energy, local government and not for profit organisations. Lyn started her career as an external auditor and completed her Chartered Accountant traineeship with KPMG South Africa. Lyn's work experience has spanned a few countries including South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Lyn is passionate about people and numbers, as well as leveraging the benefits of technology to implement process efficiencies.">View</button></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Modal --> <div class="modal fade" id="myModal" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered"> <!-- Modal content--> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true"> × </span> </button> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <img id="imageModal" src="" /> <div class="content"> <h5 class="modal-person-name" id="personName">Name</h5> <h6 class="modal-person-position" id="personPosition">Position</h6> <p class="modal-person-biography" id="personBiography">Biography</p> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> --> </div> </div> </div> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { 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