Masters & Post Graduate Degrees | La Trobe University

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class="ds-btn-primary ds-icon-chevron-right">See all courses</a> </div> <div> <ul> <li><span class="mm2-heading">Browse by discipline</span> <ul class="mm2"> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Arts, social sciences and communications</a></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Business and commerce</a></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Criminology</a></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Education and teaching</a></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Engineering</a></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Health</a></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Information technology</a></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Law</a></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Science</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul> <li><span class="mm2-heading">Featured courses</span> <ul class="mm2"> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Diplomas</a> <br><span>Gain entry to a range of Bachelor courses by studying a La Trobe Diploma.</span></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Double degrees</a> <br><span>Broaden your career opportunities or pair a practical degree with your passion.</span></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Online degrees</a> <br><span>Get the standing of a reputable university with the flexibility to study anywhere, anytime.</span></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Packaged course offers</a> <br><span>Secure your spot in not one degree – but two.</span></li> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Short courses</a> <br><span>Upskill fast or make a switch into a new career.</span></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <div> <ul> <li><span class="mm2-heading">Browse by study level</span> <ul class="mm2"> <li><a href="" data-ltu-cm-bp="megaMenuDiscClick">Undergraduate courses</a></li> <li><a href="" 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class="ds-card__link" data-component="ds-card-set">Flexible study options</a> <header class="ds-card__header"> <div class="ds-card__image" style="background-image: url(;"></div> </header> <div class="ds-card__body"> <h3 class="ds-card__heading">Flexible study options</h3> <p>There are many ways to integrate your study with work and family life at La Trobe.</p> <p><span class="ds-card__link-text">Find out how</span></p> </div> </div> <div class="ds-card ds-card--linked" style="order: "> <a href="" class="ds-card__link" data-component="ds-card-set">Start your Postgrad studies</a> <header class="ds-card__header"> <div class="ds-card__image" style="background-image: url(;"></div> </header> <div class="ds-card__body"> <h3 class="ds-card__heading">Start your Postgrad studies</h3> <p>Whether you&rsquo;re looking to further your career or start a new one, postgrad study can offer a range of benefits.</p> <p><span class="ds-card__link-text">Find your next course</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="ds-block "> <div class="ds-promo "> <div class="ds-promo__content"> <div class="ds-promo__image"> <div class="ds-promo__image-wrapper"> <img src="" alt="" srcset=" 480w, 720w, 1024w, 1280w, 1680w, 2560w" sizes="100vw"> </div> </div> <div class="ds-promo__text"> <div class="ds-promo__text-wrapper"> <h2>Postgraduate webinars</h2> <p>Learn about our course content and structure, graduate outcomes, the application process and the support you will receive as a La Trobe postgraduate student.</p> <p class="ds-promo__button-group"><a href="" class="ds-btn-secondary ds-icon-tv" data-component="ds-promo" >Watch webinars</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="content_container_1224013"> <h2 style="text-align: center;">Meet some of our students</h2> </div> <div id="content_container_1224015"> <div id="1224024" class="ds-block ds-block--wide"> <div class="ds-testimonial-set"> <div class="ds-testimonial"> <div class="ds-testimonial__image"> <img src="" alt="Photo of Emily O'Brien"> </div> <div class="ds-testimonial__copy"> <blockquote> <p>I was worried that I might not be able to juggle my other commitments alongside my studies, with three children of my own. I was worried that university wasn’t a place that I’d fit into. But that hasn’t been the case at all and I’m enjoying being at the Albury-Wodonga Campus.</p> <footer> <strong>Emily O'Brien</strong><br> Bachelor of Human Services/Master of Social Work student,<br> Albury-Wodonga Campus<br> </footer> </blockquote> </div> </div> <div class="ds-testimonial"> <div class="ds-testimonial__image"> <img src="" alt="Photo of Sam Birrell"> </div> <div class="ds-testimonial__copy"> <blockquote> <p>The La Trobe MBA has been a great experience – starting with an intense role-playing exercise with Mick Malthouse and culminating with a rock climbing expedition to the Arapiles while researching a marketing plan for an outdoor adventure company. The opportunity to undertake postgraduate study in a regional city while working full-time has been a great privilege.</p> <footer> <strong>Sam Birrell</strong><br> Masters of Business Administration,<br> La Trobe University, Shepparton<br> </footer> </blockquote> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="content_container_1223987"> <h2 style="text-align: center;">Why study at La Trobe?</h2> </div> <div id="content_container_1223996"> <div id="1223993" class="ds-block ds-block--wide"> <div class="ds-proofpoint-set "> <div class="ds-proofpoint"> <img class="ds-proofpont__icon" src=""> <div class="ds-proofpoint__body"> <h3 id="pptitle-1241034" class="ds-proofpoint__title">Top-rated globally</h3> <p id="pptext-1241034" class="ds-proofpoint__text">La Trobe is in the top 1% of universities worldwide.</p> <p class="ds-proofpoint__footnote">Times Higher Education (THE), 2023, <a href=""><cite>World University Rankings 2023</cite></a>; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), 2023, <a href=""><cite>Ranking Web of Universities</cite></a></p> </div> </div> <div class="ds-proofpoint"> <img class="ds-proofpont__icon" src=""> <div class="ds-proofpoint__body"> <h3 id="pptitle-1531592" class="ds-proofpoint__title">#1 in Victoria for postgrad salaries</h3> <p id="pptext-1531592" class="ds-proofpoint__text">We’re equal first in Victoria for median salary paid to domestic postgraduate coursework graduates.</p> <p class="ds-proofpoint__footnote">Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT), 2024, <a href=""><cite>2023 Graduate Outcomes Survey - Longitudinal</cite></a></p> </div> </div> <div class="ds-proofpoint"> <img class="ds-proofpont__icon" src=""> <div class="ds-proofpoint__body"> <h3 id="pptitle-1145115" class="ds-proofpoint__title">1st in Victoria</h3> <p id="pptext-1145115" class="ds-proofpoint__text">We’re the best Victorian university for overall employer satisfaction, with a rating of 85.9%.</p> <p class="ds-proofpoint__footnote">Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT), 2024, <a href=""><cite>2023 Employer Satisfaction Survey [PDF, 4.7MB]</cite></a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="content_container_1486216"> <style type="text/css"> #lead_form {display: none;} #ty_contents {display: none;} .hideinterest { padding-bottom: 20px !important; 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_satellite.getVisitorId().getMarketingCloudVisitorID().slice(0,5); _satellite.setVar('applicationID', currentDate+applicantVID); return currentDate+applicantVID; } else { return _satellite.getVar('applicationID'); } } function _getAEMValue(fieldName) { if (guideBridge.resolveNode(fieldName)) { if (guideBridge.resolveNode(fieldName).value) { return guideBridge.resolveNode(fieldName).value; } else { return FIELD_NO_VALUE; } } else { return FIELD_NOT_PRESENT; } } function _setApplicationDataAndTrack(applicationStep, trackStep) { try { console.log('applicationStep',applicationStep); setDigitalDataAndTrack( 'application', { 'applicationType': formName, 'applicationStep': applicationStep, 'applicationId': _getApplicationID(), 'studentId': FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, 'campus': FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, 'course': FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, 'courseYear': FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, 'courseSemester': FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, 'courseType': FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, 'userType': _getAEMValue('current_year_level'), 'coursePreference1': _formatCoursePreference(_getAEMValue('course_preference_1_course_search'), _getAEMValue('course_preference_1_campus_search')), 'coursePreference2': _formatCoursePreference(_getAEMValue('course_preference_2_course_search'), _getAEMValue('course_preference_2_campus_search')), 'coursePreference3': _formatCoursePreference(_getAEMValue('course_preference_3_course_search'), _getAEMValue('course_preference_3_campus_search')), 'coursePreference4': _formatCoursePreference(_getAEMValue('course_preference_4_course_search'), _getAEMValue('course_preference_4_campus_search')), }, trackStep ); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } //console.log('availableFields', availableFields); guideBridge.on("submitStart" , (event) => { guideBridge.getData({ async:false, success: (guideResultObject) => { _lastInteractedField = null; const submissionData = JSON.parse(; const requestData =; const requestDataFlat = _flattenRequestData(requestData); const formDataMap = { enquiryType: FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, campus: _getFormValues( [ '/Request/Service_Request/Ask_Marketing_Lead_Interest_Registration/Lead_Registration_Common_Elements/Campus_Of_Interest_1', '/Request/Service_Request/Ask_Marketing_Lead_Interest_Registration/Aspire_Year_11_Elements/Campus_Of_Interest_2', '/Request/Service_Request/Ask_Marketing_Lead_Interest_Registration/Aspire_Year_11_Elements/Campus_Of_Interest_3', ], requestDataFlat, availableFields ), residence: FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, studyArea: _getFormValue('/Request/Service_Request/Ask_Marketing_Lead_Interest_Registration/Lead_Registration_Common_Elements/Area_Of_Interest/Area_Of_Interest_Name', requestDataFlat, availableFields), userType: _getFormValues( [ '/Request/Service_Request/Ask_Marketing_Lead_Interest_Registration/Marketing_Elements/Enquirer_Type', '/Request/Service_Request/Ask_Marketing_Lead_Interest_Registration/Aspire_Year_11_Elements/Current_Year_Level' ], requestDataFlat, availableFields ), citizenship: _getFormValue('/Request/Service_Request/Ask_Marketing_Lead_Interest_Registration/Lead_Registration_Common_Elements/Country_Of_Citizenship', requestDataFlat, availableFields), course: _getFormValues( [ '/Request/Service_Request/Ask_Marketing_Lead_Interest_Registration/Lead_Registration_Common_Elements/Course_Name_1', '/Request/Service_Request/Ask_Marketing_Lead_Interest_Registration/Aspire_Year_11_Elements/Course_Name_2', '/Request/Service_Request/Ask_Marketing_Lead_Interest_Registration/Aspire_Year_11_Elements/Course_Name_3', ], requestDataFlat, availableFields ), studyLevel: FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, userCategory: FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, commencingStudyWithin: FIELD_NOT_PRESENT, }; console.log('formDataMap', formDataMap); if (formType === 'application') { _setApplicationDataAndTrack('Application Complete', 'application_track'); } else { setDigitalDataAndTrack( 'form', { 'formName': formName, 'formType': formType, 'formStep': 'complete', ...formDataMap }, 'form_track' ); } } }) }); function 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