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UU.", "")); } } else { $('#search_autocomplete').val($('#direccion_maps_header').val().replace(", EE. UU.", "")); } } /**/ $("#direccion_maps_header").keydown(function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { console.log("enter"); if (secondEnter) { if ($("#search_autocomplete").val() == "" && $("#direccion_maps_header").val() != undefined) { $("#search_autocomplete").val($("#direccion_maps_header").val()); } console.log("force form send"); $("#header-widget_button").click(); } e.preventDefault(); //if there are suggestions... if ($(".pac-container .pac-item").length) { $(".pac-container .pac-item:first").click(); console.log("resultados"); secondEnter = true; console.log(secondEnter); } } else { secondEnter = false; } console.log(secondEnter); }); var selectFirstOnEnter = function (input) { // store the original event binding function var _addEventListener = (input.addEventListener) ? input.addEventListener : input.attachEvent; function addEventListenerWrapper(type, listener) { // Simulate a 'down arrow' keypress on hitting 'return' when no pac suggestion is selected, and then trigger the original listener. if (type == "keydown") { var orig_listener = listener; listener = function (event) { var suggestion_selected = $(".pac-item-selected").length > 0; if (event.which == 13 && !suggestion_selected && ($("#search_autocomplete").val() == undefined || $("#search_autocomplete").val() == "")) { event.preventDefault(); var simulated_downarrow = $.Event("keydown", { keyCode: 40, which: 40 }); orig_listener.apply(input, [simulated_downarrow]); secondEnter = true; } orig_listener.apply(input, [event]); }; } _addEventListener.apply(input, [type, listener]); // add the modified listener } if (input.addEventListener) { input.addEventListener = addEventListenerWrapper; } else if (input.attachEvent) { input.attachEvent = addEventListenerWrapper; } } selectFirstOnEnter(input); } // geo location search for telehealth function searchTeleHealth() { let stateCode = ""; $(".formsearchheader").on("submit", function () { var searchType = $("#searchTypeHeader").val(); if (searchType == 5) { return true; } else if (searchType == 4) { if ($("#search_autocomplete_telehealth").val() == "" && $("#direccion_maps_header_telehealth").val() != undefined) { $("#search_autocomplete_telehealth").val($("#direccion_maps_header_telehealth").val()); } } //return false; }); var inputtelehealth = (document.getElementById('direccion_maps_header_telehealth')); var geocodertelehealth = new google.maps.Geocoder; var secondEnter = false; $('#search_autocomplete_telehealth').val(''); var options = { language: 'en', //types: ['(regions)'], fields: ['name', 'geometry', 'place_id', 'formatted_address', 'address_components', 'icon', 'adr_address'] }; var autocompletetelehealth = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(inputtelehealth, options); autocompletetelehealth.addListener('place_changed', function () { autoCompletarHiddensTelehealth(); }); $('#direccion_maps_header_telehealth').on("keyup", function () { autoCompletarHiddensTelehealth() }); $('#direccion_maps_header_telehealth').on("focusout", function () { autoCompletarHiddensTelehealth() }); /**/ $("#direccion_maps_header_telehealth").keydown(function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { console.log("enter"); if (secondEnter) { if ($("#search_autocomplete_telehealth").val() == "" && $("#direccion_maps_header_telehealth").val() != undefined) { $("#search_autocomplete_telehealth").val($("#direccion_maps_header_telehealth").val()); } console.log("force form send"); $("#header-widget_button_telehealth").click(); } e.preventDefault(); //if there are suggestions... if ($(".pac-container .pac-item").length) { $(".pac-container .pac-item:first").click(); console.log("resultados"); secondEnter = true; console.log(secondEnter); } } else { secondEnter = false; } console.log(secondEnter); }); var selectFirstOnEnterTelehealth = function (input) { // store the original event binding function var _addEventListener = (input.addEventListener) ? input.addEventListener : input.attachEvent; function addEventListenerWrapper(type, listener) { // Simulate a 'down arrow' keypress on hitting 'return' when no pac suggestion is selected, and then trigger the original listener. if (type == "keydown") { var orig_listener = listener; listener = function (event) { var suggestion_selected = $(".pac-item-selected").length > 0; if (event.which == 13 && !suggestion_selected && ($("#search_autocomplete_telehealth").val() == undefined || $("#search_autocomplete_telehealth").val() == "")) { event.preventDefault(); var simulated_downarrow = $.Event("keydown", { keyCode: 40, which: 40 }); orig_listener.apply(input, [simulated_downarrow]); secondEnter = true; } orig_listener.apply(input, [event]); }; } _addEventListener.apply(input, [type, listener]); // add the modified listener } if (input.addEventListener) { input.addEventListener = addEventListenerWrapper; } else if (input.attachEvent) { input.attachEvent = addEventListenerWrapper; } } selectFirstOnEnterTelehealth(inputtelehealth); function autoCompletarHiddensTelehealth() { var placetelehealth = autocompletetelehealth.getPlace(); $('#serializedreturn').val(JSON.stringify(placetelehealth)); if (placetelehealth == undefined || !placetelehealth.geometry) { // User entered the name of a Place that was not suggested and return; } if (placetelehealth.address_components) { var address_components = placetelehealth.address_components; var components = {}; $.each(address_components, function (k, v1) { $.each(v1.types, function (k2, v2) { if(v2 == 'administrative_area_level_1'){ stateCode = v1.short_name; } components[v2] = v1.long_name; }); }); $("#search_autocomplete_telehealth").val(stateCode); var lat =; if (lat != undefined && lat != "") $('#latt').val(lat); var long = placetelehealth.geometry.location.lng(); if (long != undefined && long != "") $('#longt').val(long); if (components.postal_code != undefined) $('#search_autocomplete_telehealth').val(components.postal_code); else { if (components.locality != undefined && components.administrative_area_level_1 != undefined) $('#search_autocomplete_telehealth').val(components.locality + ", " + components.administrative_area_level_1); else $('#search_autocomplete_telehealth').val($('#direccion_maps_header_telehealth').val().replace(", EE. UU.", "")); } $("#search_autocomplete_telehealth").val(stateCode); } else { $('#search_autocomplete_telehealth').val($('#direccion_maps_header_telehealth').val().replace(", EE. UU.", "")); } } } // end code of geo location search for telehealth }); </script> </body> </html><!--seclogin-->