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Pop a squat on the truck or the couch and do what you do.</p> </div><h2 class="section-title">There's more to the story:</h2><ul id="cluster-sortable-first" class="template full-line cluster_1293 you_have_to_see cluster-page"><li rel="87039" class="template97 first double box-media"><div class="overlay-title media overlay-box"><a href="/web/20130917190729/" class="cluster-content-title-97"><h2>Football fans, get on the Rivalry Express bus!</h2></a></span></div><a href="/web/20130917190729/" class="cluster-block-link-97"><div class="fader"></div><img src="" alt="Robin Meade and Carlos Diaz get ready to hit the road on the HLN Rivalry Express bus! 8 Fridays, 8 college rivalries live on Morning Express with Robin Meade" title="Robin Meade and Carlos Diaz get ready to hit the road on the HLN Rivalry Express bus! 8 Fridays, 8 college rivalries live on Morning Express with Robin Meade" width="600" height="250"/><span class="overlay-box-sprite"></span></a></li> <li class="template97 sortable-disabled"> <div class="rgt-300x250-ad ad-container"><!-- ADSPACE: feelgood/rgt.300x250 --><div id="ad-672989" align="center" style="padding: 0; margin: 0; border: 0;"><script type="text/javascript"> cnnad_createAd("672989","","250","300"); </script></div><span class="ad-string"></span></div></li> </ul><ul class="template full-line cluster_1293"><li rel="86789" class="template99 one-box first textarticle box-textarticle "> <a href="/web/20130917190729/" class="hovblock cluster-content-title"> <h2> 10 signs you're a crazy college football fan </h2> <span class="arrow"></span> <img src="" alt="10 signs you're a crazy college football fan" title="10 signs you're a crazy college football fan" width="300" height="125"/> </a> </li> <li rel="85615" class="template99 one-box second interactive box-interactive "> <a href="/web/20130917190729/" class="hovblock cluster-content-title interactive overlay-box"> <h2>Ready, set, hut! Ride the Rivalry Express bus!!</h2> <span class="arrow"></span> <img src="" alt="Ready, set, hut! Ride the Rivalry Express bus!!" title="Ready, set, hut! Ride the Rivalry Express bus!!" width="300" height="250"/> </a> </li> <li rel="85689" class="template99 one-box last textarticle box-textarticle "> <a href="/web/20130917190729/" class="hovblock cluster-content-title"> <h2> HLN's Rivalry Express bus hits the highway </h2> <span class="arrow"></span> <img src="" alt="The 'Rivalry Express' bus will be bringing Robin Meade to several college football games this season... come out and show your school spirit Friday mornings live on Morning Express!" title="The 'Rivalry Express' bus will be bringing Robin Meade to several college football games this season... come out and show your school spirit Friday mornings live on Morning Express!" width="300" height="125"/> </a> </li> </ul><ul class="template full-line cluster_1293"><li rel="85709" class="template99 one-box first media box-media "> <a href="/web/20130917190729/" class="hovblock cluster-content-title media overlay-box"> <h2>Spice up your tailgate! 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