Alejandro “Alex” Padilla, Senator for California -
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Alejandro “Alex” Padilla </h1> <p> Senator for California </p> <p style="font-size: 12px; color: #555; margin-top: 2px; cursor: pointer" onclick="show_pronunciation_guide()"> pronounced A-liks // puh-DEE-yuh <span class="fas fa-circle-info"></span> </p> </div> <div class="action-row clearfix"> <script>function show_track_panel() { return false; } /* default impl before script loaded */</script> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-success" onclick="return show_track_panel();"> <i class="fas fa-envelope"> </i> <span style="margin-left: 3px;"> Track Him </span> </button> <button class="btn btn-sm btn-light" onclick="new bootstrap.Modal('#contact_modal').show();"> <i class="fas fa-comment"> </i> <span style="margin-left: 3px;"> Contact Him </span> </button> </div> <div class="row group"> <div id="track_panel_base" class="col-sm-8 col-md-6"> <div style="margin: .5em 0 1em 0"> <p> Padilla is the senior senator from <a href="/congress/members/CA">California</a> and is a Democrat. He has served since Jan 20, 2021. Padilla is next up for reelection in 2028 and serves until Jan 3, 2029. He is 51 years old. </p> </div> <div id="seealso-links" style="margin-bottom: 30px;"> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa-solid fa-up-right-from-square" style="margin-right: 7px"></i>Padilla's Official Website</a> </span> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa-solid fa-money-check-dollar" style="margin-right: 7px"></i>OpenSecrets</a> </span> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa-solid fa-user" style="margin-right: 7px"></i>Bioguide</a> </span> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="aside col-sm-4 col-md-3"> <div id="event_subscribe_inline_container"> </div> <div class="photo" style="margin-bottom: 10px"> <img src="/static/legislator-photos/456856-200px.jpeg" alt="Photo of Sen. 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Alejandro “Alex” Padilla</h2> <button type="button" class="btn-close btn-close-white" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></button> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="list-group"> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent" id="contact_constituent_yes"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_yes"><b>I am a constituent.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_yes">I live in California.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <div class="list-group"> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent_why" id="contact_constituent_opinion"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_opinion"><b>I have an opinion I want to share.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_opinion">I want to urge Padilla to take an action on a bill.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <p><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Visit Sen. Alejandro “Alex” Padilla’s website »</a></p> <p>Look for a contact form on <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')">Sen. Alejandro “Alex” Padilla’s website</a> to express your opinion.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent_why" id="contact_constituent_casework"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_casework"><b>I need help, have a question, or want to schedule a tour.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_casework">I’m having a problem with a government agency, need legal help, want to schedule a meeting or White House tour, or have another question.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <p><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Visit Padilla’s Website »</a></p> <p>Head over to Sen. Alejandro “Alex” Padilla’s <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')">website</a>. If you are having a problem with a government agency, look for a contact link for <b>casework</b> to submit a request for help. Otherwise, look for a phone number on that website to call his office if you have a question.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent" id="contact_constituent_no"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_no"><b>I am not a constituent.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_no">I live elsewhere.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <p>Not all Members of Congress will accept messages from non-constituents. You can try your luck by visiting <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')">Padilla’s website</a>. Otherwise, try contacting your own senator:</p> <p><a href="/congress/members" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Find Your Senator »</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p style="margin: 1em 0; font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">You are currently on the website, which has no affiliation with Padilla and is <b>not</b> a government website. Choose from the options above to find the right way to contact Padilla.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /contact panel --> <div id="member-details"> <section id="sponsorship_analysis"> <h2><span>Analysis</span></h2> <h3>Ideology–Leadership Chart</h3> <p> Padilla is shown as a purple triangle <span style="color: #df53df">▲</span> in our ideology-leadership chart below. Each dot is a member of the Senate positioned according to our ideology score (left to right) and our leadership score (leaders are toward the top).</p> <div id="sponsorship_analysis_chart"> </div> <p style="margin-top: -7px; color: #555; font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">The chart is based on the bills legislators have sponsored and cosponsored from Jan 3, 2019 to Nov 21, 2024. See full <a href="/about/analysis">analysis methodology</a>.</p> </section><!-- /analysis --> <section id="membership"> <h2><span>Committee Membership</span></h2> <p>Alejandro “Alex” Padilla sits on the following committees:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li style="margin: 0 0 .25em 0"> <a href="/congress/committees/SSEV">Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works</a> <div style="padding: 0 0 0 .75em; font-size: 90%;"> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: .25em 0 0 0;"> <li> <a href="/congress/committees/SSEV/15" style="color: #844">Fisheries, Water, and Wildlife</a> subcommittee <span class="label label-warning">Chair</span> </li> </ul> <div style="padding: .25em 0 0 0;"> <a href="/congress/committees/SSEV/10" style="color: #844">Clean Air, Climate, and Nuclear Safety</a>, <a href="/congress/committees/SSEV/08" style="color: #844">Transportation and Infrastructure</a> subcommittees </div> </div> </li> <li style="margin: 0 0 .25em 0"> <a href="/congress/committees/SSJU">Senate Committee on the Judiciary</a> <div style="padding: 0 0 0 .75em; font-size: 90%;"> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: .25em 0 0 0;"> <li> <a href="/congress/committees/SSJU/04" style="color: #844">Immigration, Citizenship, and Border Safety</a> subcommittee <span class="label label-warning">Chair</span> </li> </ul> <div style="padding: .25em 0 0 0;"> <a href="/congress/committees/SSJU/22" style="color: #844">Criminal Justice and Counterterrorism</a>, <a href="/congress/committees/SSJU/25" style="color: #844">Federal Courts, Oversight, Agency Action, and Federal Rights</a>, <a href="/congress/committees/SSJU/26" style="color: #844">Intellectual Property</a>, <a href="/congress/committees/SSJU/28" style="color: #844">Privacy, Technology, and the Law</a> subcommittees </div> </div> </li> <li style="margin: 0 0 .25em 0"> <a href="/congress/committees/JSPR">Joint Committee on Printing</a> </li> <li style="margin: 0 0 .25em 0"> <a href="/congress/committees/SSBU">Senate Committee on the Budget</a> </li> <li style="margin: 0 0 .25em 0"> <a href="/congress/committees/SSEG">Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources</a> <div style="padding: 0 0 0 .75em; font-size: 90%;"> <div style="padding: .25em 0 0 0;"> <a href="/congress/committees/SSEG/04" style="color: #844">National Parks</a>, <a href="/congress/committees/SSEG/03" style="color: #844">Public Lands, Forests, and Mining</a>, <a href="/congress/committees/SSEG/07" style="color: #844">Water and Power</a> subcommittees </div> </div> </li> <li style="margin: 0 0 .25em 0"> <a href="/congress/committees/SSRA">Senate Committee on Rules and Administration</a> </li> </ul> </section><!-- /membership --> <section> <h2><span>Enacted Legislation</span></h2> <p>Padilla was the primary sponsor of 12 bills that were enacted. The most recent include:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/s4151" title="S. 4151: Fusion Energy Act of 2024">S. 4151: Fusion Energy Act of 2024</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/s2803" title="S. 2803: Wounded Warrior Access Act of 2023">S. 2803: Wounded Warrior Access Act of 2023</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/s277" title="S. 277: Pala Band of Mission Indians Land Transfer Act of 2023">S. 277: Pala Band of Mission Indians Land Transfer Act of 2023</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/117/s5168" title="S. 5168 (117th): Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2022">S. 5168 (117th): Energy Security and Lightering Independence Act of 2022</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/117/s4439" title="S. 4439 (117th): Katimiîn and Ameekyáaraam Sacred Lands Act">S. 4439 (117th): Katimiîn and Ameekyáaraam Sacred Lands Act</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/117/s2607" title="S. 2607 (117th): Iran Hostages Congressional Gold Medal Act">S. 2607 (117th): Iran Hostages Congressional Gold Medal Act</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/117/s3092" title="S. 3092 (117th): FIRE Act">S. 3092 (117th): FIRE Act</a></li> </ul> <p><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=456856#enacted_ex=on">View All »</a></p> <p><i>Does 12 not sound like a lot? Very few bills are ever enacted — most legislators sponsor only a handful that are signed into law. But there are other legislative activities that we don’t track that are also important, including offering amendments, committee work and oversight of the other branches, and constituent services.</i></p> <p style="font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">We consider a bill enacted if one of the following is true: a) it is enacted itself, b) it has a companion bill in the other chamber (as identified by Congress) which was enacted, or c) if at least about half of its provisions were incorporated into bills that were enacted (as determined by an automated text analysis, applicable beginning with bills in the 110<sup>th</sup> Congress).</p> </section> <section id="sponsorship"> <h2><span>Bills Sponsored</span></h2> <h3>Issue Areas</h3> <p>Padilla sponsors bills primarily in these issue areas:</p> <p style="margin-left: 1em; line-height: 155%"> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=456856&subject=6279">Public Lands and Natural Resources</a> (23%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=456856&subject=6206">Immigration</a> (14%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=456856&subject=5816">Agriculture and Food</a> (12%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=456856&subject=6038">Environmental Protection</a> (11%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=456856&subject=6271">Native Americans</a> (11%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=456856&subject=5991">Education</a> (10%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=456856&subject=6130">Health</a> (10%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=456856&subject=6012">Emergency Management</a> (10%)</span> </p> <h3>Recently Introduced Bills</h3> <p>Padilla recently introduced the following legislation:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/sres916" title="S.Res. 916: A resolution congratulating the Los Angeles Dodgers for winning the 2024 Major League Baseball World Series.">S.Res. 916: A resolution congratulating the Los Angeles Dodgers for winning the 2024 Major League …</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/s5361" title="S. 5361: A bill to improve the lead time, accuracy, and dissemination of forecasts of atmospheric rivers throughout the United States, and for other purposes.">S. 5361: A bill to improve the lead time, accuracy, and dissemination of forecasts of …</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/sres896" title="S.Res. 896: A resolution expressing support for the designation of the week beginning on November 11, 2024, as “National School Psychology Week”.">S.Res. 896: A resolution expressing support for the designation of the week beginning on November …</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/s5205" title="S. 5205: San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge Expansion Act">S. 5205: San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge Expansion Act</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/s5209" title="S. 5209: Clean Hands Firearm Procurement Act">S. 5209: Clean Hands Firearm Procurement Act</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/s5165" title="S. 5165: Freedom from Intimidation in Elections Act">S. 5165: Freedom from Intimidation in Elections Act</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/118/s5091" title="S. 5091: BASIC Act">S. 5091: BASIC Act</a></li> </ul> <p> <a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=456856">View All »</a> | <a href="/congress/members/alejandro_padilla/456856/cosponsors">View Cosponsors »</a> <p style="font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">Most legislation has no activity after being introduced.</p> </p> </section><!-- /sponsorship --> <div class="ads footer leaderboard" data-zone="footer"> <div class="explainer">(<a href="/advertising">About Ads</a> | <a href="/accounts/membership">Hide These Ads</a>)</div> </div> <section id="voting-record"> <h2><span>Voting Record</span></h2> <h3>Key Votes</h3> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Padilla voted <b>Yea</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/117-2022/s372" title="H.J.Res. 100: To provide for a resolution with respect to the unresolved disputes between certain railroads represented by the National Carriers’ Conference Committee of the National Railway Labor Conference and certain of their employees." style="text-decoration: none">H.J.Res. 100: To provide for a resolution with respect to the unresolved disputes between certain railroads represented by the National …</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Resolution Agreed to 80/15 on Dec 1, 2022.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Padilla voted <b>Yea</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/117-2022/s176" title="On the Nomination PN1522: Jerome H. Powell, of Maryland, to be Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for a term of four years" style="text-decoration: none">On the Nomination PN1522: Jerome H. Powell, of Maryland, to be Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal …</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Nomination Confirmed 80/19 on May 12, 2022.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_negative"> Padilla voted <b>Nay</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/117-2021/s499" title="S. 1605 (117th): National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022" style="text-decoration: none">S. 1605 (117th): National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Motion Agreed to 88/11 on Dec 15, 2021.</div> <hr style="margin: 5px 0; border: 1px solid #CCC;"> <div>This is the yearly military spending policy bill, which governs how military and related federal appropriations can be spent under the law. This bill was …</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Padilla voted <b>Yea</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/117-2021/s56" title="S.Res. 47: A resolution to provide for related procedures concerning the article of impeachment against Donald John Trump, former President of the United States." style="text-decoration: none">S.Res. 47: A resolution to provide for related procedures concerning the article of impeachment against Donald John Trump, former President …</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Resolution Agreed to 89/11 on Feb 9, 2021.</div> <hr style="margin: 5px 0; border: 1px solid #CCC;"> <div>This was a Senate Resolution on procedures for the trial of the former President. It needed only a simple majority to pass, but received 87 …</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6" style="padding-right: 5px"> <div style="height: 11em;overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #CCC; border-radius: 10px; font-size: 90%; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <h4 style="margin: 0; padding: 4px 9px; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;" class="vote_positive"> Padilla voted <b>Yea</b> </h4> <div style="padding: 6px 9px; line-height: 110%;"> <div style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <a href="/congress/votes/117-2021/s4" title="H.R. 335 (117th): To provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within seven years of relief from active duty as a regular commissioned officer of the Armed Forces." style="text-decoration: none">H.R. 335 (117th): To provide for an exception to a limitation against appointment of persons as Secretary of Defense within …</a> </div> <div style="font-size: 95%"> <div>Bill Passed 69/27 on Jan 21, 2021.</div> <hr style="margin: 5px 0; border: 1px solid #CCC;"> <div>This was a vote to waive the seven-year waiting period for former military to serve in the civilian position of Defense Secretary. Nominee Lloyd Austin …</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <h3>Missed Votes</h3> <p>From Jan 2021 to Nov 2024, Padilla missed 41 of 1,591 roll call votes, which is 2.6%. This is on par with the median of 3.0% among the lifetime records of senators currently serving. The chart below reports missed votes over time.</p> <p><i> We don’t track why legislators miss votes, but it’s often due to medical absenses, major life events, and running for higher office. </i></p> <div id="voting_record_chart"> </div> <p style="text-align: center; margin-top: .5em; font-size: 90%;"><a href="#" onclick="$('#missedvotestable').slideDown(); $(this).hide(); return false;">Show the numbers...</a></p> <table id="missedvotestable" style="display: none"> <tr> <th>Time Period</th> <th>Votes Eligible</th> <th>Missed Votes</th> <th>Percent</th> <th>Percentile</th> </tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2021, Senate, Q1"> 2021 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">140</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2021, Senate, Q2"> 2021 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">110</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2021, Senate, Q3"> 2021 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">150</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">49<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2021, Senate, Q4"> 2021 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">126</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2022, Senate, Q1"> 2022 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">125</td> <td style="text-align: center">5</td> <td style="text-align: center">4.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">71<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2022, Senate, Q2"> 2022 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">117</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.4%</td> <td style="text-align: center">71<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2022, Senate, Q3"> 2022 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">110</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">29<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="117th Congress, 2022, Senate, Q4"> 2022 Nov-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">69</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2023, Senate, Q1"> 2023 Feb-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">77</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">5.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">79<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2023, Senate, Q2"> 2023 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">90</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2023, Senate, Q3"> 2023 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">75</td> <td style="text-align: center">5</td> <td style="text-align: center">6.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">77<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2023, Senate, Q4"> 2023 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">99</td> <td style="text-align: center">17</td> <td style="text-align: center">17.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">94<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2024, Senate, Q1"> 2024 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">114</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2024, Senate, Q2"> 2024 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">88</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2024, Senate, Q3"> 2024 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">53</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">7.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">71<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="118th Congress, 2024, Senate, Q4"> 2024 Nov-Nov </td> <td style="text-align: center">48</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> </table> <!-- <div class="alert alert-info"> See how <a href="/congress/votes/presidential-candidates">presidential campaigns affect voting records</a>. </div> --> </section><!-- /voting-record --> <section> <h2><span>Primary Sources</span></h2> <p>The information on this page is originally sourced from a variety of materials, including:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li><a href="">unitedstates/congress-legislators</a>, a community project gathering congressional information</li> <li>The <a href="">House</a> and <a href="">Senate</a> websites, for committee membership and voting records</li> <li><a href="">Biographical Directory of the United States Congress</a> for the photo</li> <li><a href=""></a>, for sponsored bills</li> </ul> </section> </div><!-- /member-details --> <div id="pronunciation_modal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="pronunciationModalTitle" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <h2 class="modal-title" id="pronunciationModalTitle">Pronunciation Guide</h2> <button type="button" class="btn-close btn-close-white" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"></button> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <center> <p>Alejandro “Alex” Padilla is pronounced:</p> <p style="font-size: 130%; font-weight: bold; font-family: monospace;">A-liks // puh-DEE-yuh</p> <p>The letters stand for sounds according to the following table:</p> <table style="margin: 1.75em 0;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="padding-right: 1em; color: #777; font-style: italic; text-align: right;"><div>letters</div><div>as in</div></td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> A </div> <div> c<u>a</u>t </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> - </div> <div> </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> l </div> <div> <u>l</u>eg </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> i </div> <div> p<u>i</u>n </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> k </div> <div> <u>k</u>ing </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> s </div> <div> <u>s</u>it </div> </td> <td style="padding-left: 1em; width: 65px;"></td> </tr> </tobdy> </table> <table style="margin: 1.75em 0;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="padding-right: 1em; color: #777; font-style: italic; text-align: right;"><div>letters</div><div>as in</div></td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> p </div> <div> <u>p</u>en </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> uh </div> <div> c<u>u</u>p </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> - </div> <div> </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> D </div> <div> <u>d</u>ay </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> EE </div> <div> m<u>ee</u>t </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> - </div> <div> </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> y </div> <div> <u>y</u>es </div> </td> <td style="padding: 0 .4em;"> <div style="font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"> uh </div> <div> c<u>u</u>p </div> </td> <td style="padding-left: 1em; width: 65px;"></td> </tr> </tobdy> </table> <p>Capital letters indicate a stressed syllable.</p> </center> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- /content --> </div> <!-- /container --> </div> <!-- /#bodybody --> <footer id="footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <nav class="col-6 col-md-2"> <ul> <li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/about">About GovTrack</a></li> <li><a href="/about-our-data">About the Data</a></li> <li><a href="/contact">Contact Us</a></li> <li><a href="/legal">Privacy & Legal</a></li> </ul> </nav> <nav class="col-6 col-md-2"> <ul> <li><a href="/posts/news"><i class="fas fa-list fa-fw"></i>Site News</a></li> <li><a rel="me" href=""><i class="fab fa-mastodon fa-fw"></i>Mastodon</a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fab fa-bluesky fa-fw"></i>Bluesky</a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fas fa-dollar-sign fa-fw"></i><span>Patreon</span></a></li> <li><a href=""><i class="fab fa-github fa-fw"></i><span>GitHub</span></a></li> </ul> </nav> <section class="col-12 col-md-8"> <p>GovTrack helps everyone learn about and track the activities of the United States Congress. 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radius: 7 }, dataLabels: { enabled: true, formatter: function() { return; } }, name: 'Padilla', color: 'rgba(223, 83, 223, 1)', data: [{x: 0.14161115918347286, y: 0.5299453333354138, name: "Padilla"}] } , { marker: { symbol: "circle", radius: 3 }, name: 'Democrats', color: party_colors['Democrat'], cursor: "pointer", point: { events: { click: function () { location.href =; } } }, data: [ { x: 0.35136916656252887, y: 0.39917100642939757, name: "Carper\n<br>170 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_carper/300019" } , { x: 0.19046181950333427, y: 0.6916350073753139, name: "Baldwin\n<br>589 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tammy_baldwin/400013" } , { x: 0.3077723545171471, y: 0.4268307052616461, name: "Bennet\n<br>284 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_bennet/412330" } , { x: 0.06585637200571091, y: 0.759110065798996, name: "Blumenthal\n<br>755 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/richard_blumenthal/412490" } , { x: 0.0811774582385714, y: 0.7927805762556918, name: "Booker\n<br>841 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/cory_booker/412598" } , { x: 0.1474933605182192, y: 0.8319581798960514, name: "Brown\n<br>822 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sherrod_brown/400050" } , { x: 0.2890444704623021, y: 0.39329936078953315, name: "Cantwell\n<br>155 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/maria_cantwell/300018" } , { x: 0.22790330332702127, y: 0.8044990112323605, name: "Cardin\n<br>567 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/benjamin_cardin/400064" } , { x: 0.23634189818496526, y: 0.8027063351397495, name: "Casey\n<br>1042 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_casey/412246" } , { x: 0.37577738386747545, y: 0.6785722492009002, name: "Coons\n<br>362 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/christopher_coons/412390" } , { x: 0.2862461260847444, y: 0.6183801215821578, name: "Cortez Masto\n<br>422 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/catherine_cortez_masto/412681" } , { x: 0.16276769172253766, y: 0.582914941858194, name: "Duckworth\n<br>379 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tammy_duckworth/412533" } , { x: 0.1436316341663392, y: 0.8088654337594826, name: "Durbin\n<br>749 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/richard_durbin/300038" } , { x: 0.20350282956400817, y: 0.6586684540888914, name: "Feinstein\n<br>304 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dianne_feinstein/300043" } , { x: 0.130497277706198, y: 0.6922805996237859, name: "Gillibrand\n<br>469 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kirsten_gillibrand/412223" } , { x: 0.45783402798639267, y: 0.4333830995159195, name: "Hassan\n<br>190 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/margaret_hassan/412680" } , { x: 0.2494544471626659, y: 0.4856961082032276, name: "Heinrich\n<br>346 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/martin_heinrich/412281" } , { x: 0.10795835115205082, y: 0.5691034315803396, name: "Hirono\n<br>638 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mazie_hirono/412200" } , { x: 0.26727114220545994, y: 0.6315252315083449, name: "Kaine\n<br>500 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/timothy_kaine/412582" } , { x: 0.17451876626633184, y: 0.9438056209702004, name: "Klobuchar\n<br>1000 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/amy_klobuchar/412242" } , { x: 0.06179437381970192, y: 0.8646178215995609, name: "Markey\n<br>943 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/edward_markey/400253" } , { x: 0.26690864764608907, y: 1.0, name: "Menendez\n<br>622 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_menendez/400272" } , { x: 0.035413769147683134, y: 0.6856092111657327, name: "Merkley\n<br>646 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jeff_merkley/412325" } , { x: 0.1950445545216636, y: 0.42211202269350373, name: "Murphy\n<br>212 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/christopher_murphy/412194" } , { x: 0.18643960226422834, y: 0.685823051453791, name: "Murray\n<br>660 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/patty_murray/300076" } , { x: 0.4376284775588015, y: 0.5471158894741212, name: "Peters\n<br>354 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gary_peters/412305" } , { x: 0.17497984842908662, y: 0.49482186879960766, name: "Reed\n<br>291 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_reed/300081" } , { x: 0.36535632189236067, y: 0.5262624557663013, name: "Rosen\n<br>294 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jacky_rosen/412715" } , { x: 0.24566852978561352, y: 0.7010499933103036, name: "Schatz\n<br>651 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brian_schatz/412507" } , { x: 0.2806053077778718, y: 0.5962235056119677, name: "Schumer\n<br>434 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/charles_schumer/300087" } , { x: 0.33502014085831544, y: 0.8163316971193171, name: "Shaheen\n<br>878 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jeanne_shaheen/412323" } , { x: 0.15278138187618626, y: 0.5218100717817261, name: "Smith\n<br>261 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tina_smith/412742" } , { x: 0.23679690561036904, y: 0.5474216466298483, name: "Stabenow\n<br>174 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/debbie_stabenow/300093" } , { x: 0.45648184139841647, y: 0.7185060077162544, name: "Tester\n<br>594 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jon_tester/412244" } , { x: 0.11839197906948953, y: 0.4665640176211227, name: "Van Hollen\n<br>262 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/chris_van_hollen/400415" } , { x: 0.3780049089468595, y: 0.5142620785052259, name: "Warner\n<br>218 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_warner/412321" } , { x: 0.11439853747174752, y: 0.6912921411417277, name: "Warren\n<br>565 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/elizabeth_warren/412542" } , { x: 0.16502065046427783, y: 0.6015051786762783, name: "Whitehouse\n<br>534 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sheldon_whitehouse/412247" } , { x: 0.10786856406691794, y: 0.6407464536242538, name: "Wyden\n<br>444 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ron_wyden/300100" } , { x: 0.4707414390861859, y: 0.18503040026504788, name: "Kelly\n<br>93 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_kelly/456794" } , { x: 0.4108919503185707, y: 0.14849068733142304, name: "Hickenlooper\n<br>90 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_hickenlooper/456797" } , { x: 0.279519820871696, y: 0.3325812375029637, name: "Luján\n<br>208 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ben_lujan/412293" } , { x: 0.4082583692284753, y: 0.25060230689441143, name: "Ossoff\n<br>90 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jon_ossoff/456857" } , { x: 0.5245396911795528, y: 0.558335744267178, name: "Warnock\n<br>254 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/raphael_warnock/456858" } , { x: 0.295932178578508, y: 0.18678095664835498, name: "Butler\n<br>161 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/laphonza_butler/456954" } , { x: 0.2046397298908359, y: 0.1941290571620754, name: "Welch\n<br>239 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/peter_welch/412239" } , { x: 0.2935283605570314, y: 0.15128169206464684, name: "Fetterman\n<br>149 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_fetterman/456877" } ] } , { marker: { symbol: "circle", radius: 3 }, name: 'Independents', color: party_colors['Independent'], cursor: "pointer", point: { events: { click: function () { location.href =; } } }, data: [ { x: 0.3857929051005337, y: 0.4204347312288006, name: "King\n<br>314 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/angus_king/412545" } , { x: 0.5740969507370403, y: 0.464745106001264, name: "Manchin\n<br>210 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joe_manchin/412391" } , { x: 0.0, y: 0.36027626721149647, name: "Sanders\n<br>332 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bernard_sanders/400357" } , { x: 0.5711346857858673, y: 0.3656748783296178, name: "Sinema\n<br>150 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kyrsten_sinema/412509" } ] } , { marker: { symbol: "circle", radius: 3 }, name: 'Republicans', color: party_colors['Republican'], cursor: "pointer", point: { events: { click: function () { location.href =; } } }, data: [ { x: 0.6707316847477937, y: 0.29012361409264487, name: "Paul\n<br>139 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rand_paul/412492" } , { x: 0.8724915546177102, y: 0.30460971839936235, name: "Hyde\u002DSmith\n<br>210 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/cindy_hyde_smith/412743" } , { x: 0.8800839745821315, y: 0.595454697857713, name: "Barrasso\n<br>537 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_barrasso/412251" } , { x: 0.9797793783628905, y: 0.5703002366851019, name: "Blackburn\n<br>488 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/marsha_blackburn/400032" } , { x: 0.7088115328422145, y: 0.45582785724870184, name: "Capito\n<br>270 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/shelley_capito/400061" } , { x: 0.8479497876716771, y: 0.8262322604599623, name: "Cornyn\n<br>733 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_cornyn/300027" } , { x: 0.9451163760541329, y: 0.3328978000696589, name: "Cramer\n<br>163 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kevin_cramer/412555" } , { x: 0.8658981062770914, y: 0.529417889570538, name: "Crapo\n<br>304 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_crapo/300030" } , { x: 0.8422089259652378, y: 0.6839835180999031, name: "Ernst\n<br>634 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joni_ernst/412667" } , { x: 0.7803702095204699, y: 0.36750225361405964, name: "Fischer\n<br>253 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/deb_fischer/412556" } , { x: 0.83487445446861, y: 0.4046399970229721, name: "Hoeven\n<br>145 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_hoeven/412494" } , { x: 0.8314638800287885, y: 0.5457149484342957, name: "Lee\n<br>302 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_lee/412495" } , { x: 0.744111603773401, y: 0.523781803199704, name: "Moran\n<br>224 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jerry_moran/400284" } , { x: 0.869929073763871, y: 0.5557809204532114, name: "Risch\n<br>517 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_risch/412322" } , { x: 0.8170304168353734, y: 0.47397271903382093, name: "Rounds\n<br>389 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_rounds/412669" } , { x: 0.8751319007430568, y: 0.9198925878591817, name: "Rubio\n<br>886 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/marco_rubio/412491" } , { x: 0.6753798892726084, y: 0.1648571569516294, name: "Sasse\n<br>0 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/benjamin_sasse/412671" } , { x: 0.8378850026226665, y: 0.4065678631332462, name: "Tillis\n<br>263 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thom_tillis/412668" } , { x: 0.7097631258669652, y: 0.5663486474948976, name: "Young\n<br>339 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/todd_young/412428" } , { x: 0.5127561404333038, y: 0.6307736991141317, name: "Collins\n<br>314 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/susan_collins/300025" } , { x: 0.8265474478909315, y: 0.5969178760004031, name: "Thune\n<br>406 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_thune/400546" } , { x: 0.7007215397867889, y: 0.6522284427551551, name: "Graham\n<br>408 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lindsey_graham/300047" } , { x: 0.5195277348666446, y: 0.5662327746833599, name: "Murkowski\n<br>228 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lisa_murkowski/300075" } , { x: 0.777906215909442, y: 0.5516774372425423, name: "Boozman\n<br>387 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_boozman/400040" } , { x: 0.7219653040341449, y: 0.5103957299924743, name: "Sullivan\n<br>349 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dan_sullivan/412665" } , { x: 1.0, y: 0.5046662824419401, name: "Scott [FL]\n<br>442 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rick_scott/412838" } , { x: 0.6818687239338591, y: 0.3735109890378647, name: "McConnell\n<br>63 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mitch_mcconnell/300072" } , { x: 0.7061569091842917, y: 0.7770966004641315, name: "Grassley\n<br>646 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/charles_grassley/300048" } , { x: 0.9648040795775294, y: 0.6140207589506134, name: "Cruz\n<br>607 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ted_cruz/412573" } , { x: 0.7479885803512696, y: 0.5541583040576917, name: "Cassidy\n<br>453 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bill_cassidy/412269" } , { x: 0.8913493440733192, y: 0.45938174239969154, name: "Cotton\n<br>404 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tom_cotton/412508" } , { x: 0.8951177637938073, y: 0.5679236884943178, name: "Daines\n<br>394 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steve_daines/412549" } , { x: 0.8071479177766216, y: 0.5659707836525159, name: "Wicker\n<br>227 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/roger_wicker/400432" } , { x: 0.8742145833853735, y: 0.3253492838264813, name: "Hawley\n<br>157 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joshua_hawley/412840" } , { x: 0.9599510076964672, y: 0.61384021557192, name: "Braun\n<br>643 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_braun/412839" } , { x: 0.6718388651443635, y: 0.13769176035821307, name: "Romney\n<br>62 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mitt_romney/412841" } , { x: 0.8026087913929854, y: 0.6875336125612629, name: "Scott [SC]\n<br>685 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tim_scott/412471" } , { x: 0.9202394246578413, y: 0.48087761734925577, name: "Lankford\n<br>414 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_lankford/412464" } , { x: 0.7572568764524255, y: 0.3301203590946518, name: "Johnson\n<br>119 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ron_johnson/412496" } , { x: 0.8178045854206184, y: 0.40249736914759476, name: "Kennedy\n<br>256 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_kennedy/412679" } , { x: 0.8397624126391073, y: 0.4233383344669821, name: "Hagerty\n<br>365 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bill_hagerty/456798" } , { x: 0.8892264685581883, y: 0.21843758157145635, name: "Lummis\n<br>233 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/cynthia_lummis/412294" } , { x: 0.8512987822544307, y: 0.444672898281522, name: "Marshall\n<br>395 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/roger_marshall/412704" } , { x: 0.8045284934187916, y: 0.18156592129540383, name: "Tuberville\n<br>157 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tommy_tuberville/456796" } , { x: 0.7725370312949658, y: 0.18685593200607023, name: "Britt\n<br>182 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/katie_britt/456874" } , { x: 0.8057770783570829, y: 0.25099386649963934, name: "Budd\n<br>223 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ted_budd/412712" } , { x: 0.6751062204169131, y: 0.11494476667046752, name: "Mullin\n<br>95 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/markwayne_mullin/412568" } , { x: 0.7836599916509177, y: 0.18671412296526713, name: "Ricketts\n<br>162 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/pete_ricketts/456952" } , { x: 0.7351401995591814, y: 0.10432833175762167, name: "Schmitt\n<br>78 cosponsors (118th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eric_schmitt/456875" } ] } ] }); var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'voting_record_chart', type: 'spline', height: 225, marginTop: 5, }, title: { text: 'Missed Votes (%)' }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: false }, xAxis: { labels: { rotation: -90, align: "right" }, categories: ["2021 Jan\u002DMar", "2021 Apr\u002DJun", "2021 Jul\u002DSep", "2021 Oct\u002DDec", "2022 Jan\u002DMar", "2022 Apr\u002DJun", "2022 Jul\u002DSep", "2022 Nov\u002DDec", "2023 Feb\u002DMar", "2023 Apr\u002DJun", "2023 Jul\u002DSep", "2023 Oct\u002DDec", "2024 Jan\u002DMar", "2024 Apr\u002DJun", "2024 Jul\u002DSep", "2024 Nov\u002DNov" ] }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Missed Votes (%)' }, min: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, gridLineWidth: 0, alternateGridColor: null, plotBands: [{ from: 0, to: 1.4061975921677192, color: 'rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.1)', label: { text: '25th Percentile', 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