Disk Wipe and Clean Software to delete and erase data, files or clean disk space

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Clean</li> <li> <a id="panel-win-2" class="btn-square-sml no_inline_tr" href="">Help &amp; Manual</a> <a id="panel-mac-2" class="btn-square-sml no_inline_tr" style="display:none;" href="">Help &amp; Manual</a> </li> </ul> <div class="prod-panel-text"> Disk Cleaning and Internet Privacy for Windows and Mac </div> <div class="prod-panel-text"> <p> <b>R-Wipe &amp; Clean</b> is a complete R-Tools solution to remove useless files, free up your disk space, and clean various privacy-compromising information on your online and offline activity. This includes internet history and cookies, lists of downloaded files and opened documents, various data caches, temporary files, and many more items, created by the operating system, most contemporary internet browsers and communication programs, and by hundreds of third-party applications. It is also possible to create specific lists of traces to be cleaned for unsupported applications. All small computer cleaning and file erasing jobs can be combined into large computer cleaning tasks that can be started immediately, or at scheduled time/events. </p> </div> </div> <div class="prod-panel-left" id="panel-win"> <div class="prod-panel-thumb prod-panel-thumb-win"> <img src="/images/R-Wipe-Clean.png" width="235" height="235" alt="R-Wipe &amp; Clean" /> </div> <table class="prod-panel-dls"><tr class="dls-first"> <td class="dls-left"> <a class="btn-dl" href="" title="R-Wipe &amp; Clean Download Page"> <span>Download page</span> </a> </td><td class="dls-right"> <div class="btn-flip"><div> <a class="btn-dl" href="" title="Download R-Wipe &amp; Clean Now"> <span class="dl-now"><span>Download</span><br/><span class="note">30-day Free</span></span> </a> <a class="btn-dl btn-flip-alt" href="" title="Download R-Wipe &amp; Clean Now"> <span class="dl-now">23.71 MB</span> </a> </div></div> </td> </tr><tr class="dls-next"> <td class="dls-left"> <div class="product-price-intro">from <div class="product-price notr">$28.<span class="product-price-remainder notr">99</span></div> </div> </td><td class="dls-right"> <a class="btn-orange-big" href="" title="Buy R-Wipe &amp; Clean Now"> Buy Now </a> </td> </tr></table> </div> <div class="prod-panel-left" id="panel-mac" style="display:none;"> <div class="prod-panel-thumb prod-panel-thumb-mac"> <img src="/images/R-Wipe-Clean.png" width="235" height="235" alt="R-Wipe &amp; Clean" /> </div> <table class="prod-panel-dls"><tr class="dls-first"> <td class="dls-left"> <a class="btn-dl" href="" title="R-Wipe &amp; Clean Download Page"> <span>Download page</span> </a> </td><td class="dls-right"> <div class="btn-flip"><div> <a class="btn-dl" href="" title="Download R-Wipe &amp; Clean Now"> <span class="dl-now"><span>Download</span><br/><span class="note">30-day Free</span></span> </a> <a class="btn-dl btn-flip-alt" href="" title="Download R-Wipe &amp; Clean Now"> <span class="dl-now">5.55 MB</span> </a> </div></div> </td> </tr><tr class="dls-next"> <td class="dls-left"> <div class="product-price-intro">from <div class="product-price notr">$28.<span class="product-price-remainder notr">99</span></div> </div> </td><td class="dls-right"> <a class="btn-orange-big" href="" title="Buy R-Wipe &amp; Clean for Mac Now"> Buy Now </a> </td> </tr></table> </div> </div> <div class="clearthis"></div> </div> </div> <div class="row-section"><div class="section"> <p class="product-text-blue"> We offer two versions of R-Wipe &amp; Clean: for Windows PC and for Mac computers. </p> <p class="product-text-blue"> Free fully functional 30-day trials for evaluation purposes are available for both R-Wipe &amp; Clean versions. </p> <div id="panel-win-3"> <ul class="orange"><li> <div class="product-text ot" style="margin: -5px 0 5px 0;"> In addition to new traces to clean, the latest version offers its users several brand new features: </div> <ul class="std"> <li>Touch interface: A new graphical interface designed for devices with touch screens: tablets, laptops with touch screens, etc.. Users with non-touch screen devices may use it too, to enjoy its original stylish appearance.</li> <li>Traces Selection helper: a tool to quickly select some of the most common traces to clean.</li> <li>Support for SSD devices: the program correctly recognizes SSD devices and treats them accordingly to avoid their additional wear and tear.</li> <li>R-Wipe &amp; Clean Smart: an advanced tool to create and manage very complex wipe lists.</li> <li>R-Wipe &amp; Clean Lite: a free version that cleans most essential computer traces.</li> </ul> </li></ul> <p class="product-text ot"> When the trial time is over, the fully functional Windows version will turn into R-Wipe &amp; Clean Lite which will continue to clean the most essential computer traces. </p> </div> <div id="panel-mac-3" style="display:none;"> <p class="product-text-blue"> R-Wipe &amp; Clean for Mac automatically discovers and erases a large number of user, system and application cashes, traces, and logs to eliminate traces of your online and offline activities. The program also cleans traces for more than 100 Mac native and 3rd-party applications including most modern Internet browsers, iTunes, iBooks, iPhoto, iMovie, and Adobe software. Before cleaning, you may inspect various details for most items you&#39;re going to erase. </p> <p class="product-text-blue"> Supported OS: Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, 10.8 Mountain Lion, 10.9 Mavericks, 10.10 Yosemite, 10.11 El Capitan, macOS 10.12 Sierra. </p> </div> </div></div> <div id="panel-win-4"> <div class="feature-tabs feature-tabs-wide"><div class="section"> <div class="feature-tabs-body"><ul> <li id="tab-win-cleaning" class="tab-active"><span class="product-text">Computer Cleaning</span></li> <li id="tab-win-wiping"><span class="product-text">Wiping</span></li> <li id="tab-win-touch"><span class="product-text">Touch Interface</span></li> <li id="tab-win-advanced"><span class="product-text">Advanced Features</span></li> </ul></div> </div></div> <div class="row-lgray row-section"><div class="section"> <div id="panel-win-cleaning"> <ul class="std"> <li>Traces Selection helper: a tool to quickly select some of the most common traces to clean.</li> <li>Cleaning Internet activity: removing traces from most contemporary browsers and communication programs.</li> <li>Cleaning personal traces: removing various lists, logs, caches, temporary files, and other traces of your activity.</li> <li>Cleaning system traces: removing registry traces, temp files, system history, and various log files.</li> <li>Cleaning traces from various third-party programs: removing various caches, logs, temporary files, recent file lists, and other traces left by applications.</li> <li>Cleaning can be performed as a background task and computer can be turn off upon its completion.</li> </ul> </div> <div id="panel-win-wiping"> <ul class="std"> <li>Support for SSD devices: R-Wipe &amp; Clean correctly recognizes SSD devices and by default wipes only necessary data on the disk preventing them from additional wear.</li> <li>Strong or fast erase algorithms, including DoD-approved, for wiping files and free disk space.</li> <li>Support for FAT/exFAT and NTFS file systems.</li> <li>Wiping files&#39; alternate data streams and cluster &quot;tips&quot;, or free parts of file clusters.</li> <li>Wiping files directly from File Explorer.</li> <li>Wiping free space on a single disk directly from its shortcut menu.</li> <li>Wiping unused space of several disks through one single wipe task.</li> <li>Wipe records of small files stored directly in the NTFS Master File Table.</li> <li>Predefined wipe lists of files, folders, and Registry keys to be wiped through a single task. Files or folders can be added to a current wipe list directly from File Explorer.</li> </ul> </div> <div id="panel-win-touch"> <p class="product-text-blue"> A new graphical interface designed for devices with touch screens with various resolutions: tablets, laptops with touch screens, etc.. In addition to its modern look and animation, Touch Interface is adapted to the way the users control their touch screen devices: by swiping and tapping. It provides access to all controls and settings of R-Wipe &amp; Clean, so users with non-touch screen devices may use it too, to enjoy its original stylish appearance. </p> <p class="product-text-blue"> Touch interface is available in the trial and full R-Wipe &amp; Clean versions, and is not available in R-Wipe &amp; Clean Lite. </p> </div> <div id="panel-win-advanced"> <ul class="std"> <li>All separate cleaning and wiping actions can be combined into large wipe and clean tasks to launch them manually or at scheduled times or events (user log-on/log-off, system start-up/shutdown, closing any or all browsers, etc.)</li> <li>Detailed representation of all trace items on your computer.</li> <li>Detailed logging of all wipe and clean operations.</li> <li>Customization: R-Wipe &amp; Clean can hide those items you will never want to clean.</li> <li>Full system integration: Most wipe and clean operations can be performed directly from Windows.</li> <li>Password protection.</li> <li>R-Wipe &amp; Clean Smart: an advanced tool to create and manage very complex wipe lists.</li> <li>Cleaning and wiping task can be started from a command line.</li> <li>Boss Key to close a web-browser in emergency.</li> <li>Stealth mode to hide computer cleaning.</li> <li>Standby/hibernate control: Your computer will not hibernate until R-Wipe &amp; Clean finishes its long job.</li> <li>Startup Renaming for files/folders locked by Windows and other programs. They will be renamed and cleaned during the next start-up.</li> </ul> </div> </div></div> <div class="row-lgray row-section"><div class="section"> <div class="btn-center fullbr"> <a class="btn-square-big btn-square-hl" href=""> R-Wipe &amp; Clean Licensing Options </a> </div> <a name="lite"></a> <div> <p class="product-text-blue"> R-Wipe &amp; Clean Lite is a free version of R-Wipe &amp; Clean that can clean most essential traces. R-Wipe &amp; Clean trial version will turn R-Wipe &amp; Clean Lite upon ending the trial period. </p> <table class="std big"> <tr class="head"> <td class="left_green rwc-cmp-tbl-feature">Feature</td> <td class="rwc-cmp-tbl-kind">R-Wipe &amp; Clean Lite</td> <td class="rwc-cmp-tbl-kind"><a href="">R-Wipe &amp; Clean Standalone</a></td> <td class="rwc-cmp-tbl-kind"><a href="">R-Wipe &amp; Clean Corporate</a></td> </tr><tr> <td class="left">Cleaning of most important system and personal traces</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr class="grey"> <td class="left">Removal of unnecessary data to free disk space</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr> <td class="left">Detailed content view of all discovered traces</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr class="grey"> <td class="left">Wipe lists: lists of traces and files to be cleaned through one clean and wipe task</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr> <td class="left">R-Wipe &amp; Clean Smart: an advanced tool to create complex wipe lists</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr class="grey"> <td class="left">Disk free space wiping, including wiping MFT on NTFS disks</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr> <td class="left">System integration: Most wipe and clean operations can be performed directly from Windows</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr class="grey"> <td class="left">Cleaning of any detectable traces </td> <td class="ot">NO</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr> <td class="left">Cleaning all selected traces through one single action</td> <td class="ot">NO</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr class="grey"> <td class="left">Traces Selection Helper: A tool to help you select the traces that you should really clean.</td> <td class="ot">NO</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr> <td class="left">Tasks: Cleaning actions that combined in a single task to be run manually or scheduled.</td> <td class="ot">NO</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr class="grey"> <td class="left">Locked files cleaning: traces stored in system locked files can be cleaned during system startup/restart</td> <td class="ot">NO</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr> <td class="left">Customization: All items you never want to clean can be hidden</td> <td class="ot">NO</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr class="grey"> <td class="left">Touch interface: a very convenient interface for touch screens (tablets, small laptops, and alike)</td> <td class="ot">NO</td> <td>YES</td> <td>YES</td> </tr><tr> <td class="left">Windows Server Support</td> <td class="ot">NO</td> <td class="ot">NO</td> <td>YES</td> </tr> </table> </div> </div></div> <div class="row-lgray row-section"><div class="section"> <div class="btn-center fullbr"> <a class="btn-square-big" href=""> R-Wipe &amp; Clean Feature History </a> </div> </div></div> </div> <div id="panel-mac-4" style="display:none;"> <div class="feature-tabs"><div class="section"> <div class="feature-tabs-body"><ul> <li id="tab-mac-cleaning" class="tab-active"><span class="product-text">Computer Cleaning</span></li> <li id="tab-mac-file"><span class="product-text">File Wiping</span></li> <li id="tab-mac-advanced"><span class="product-text">Advanced Features</span></li> </ul></div> </div></div> <div class="row-lgray row-section"><div class="section"> <div id="panel-mac-cleaning"> <div class="halfbr"> <div class="col2-left"> <div class="product-text form-title-first"> Wipe* </div> <ul class="std"> <li>Various cache files;</li> <li>Cookies;</li> <li>Various system logs;</li> <li>Crash reports;</li> <li>Diagnostic reports;</li> <li>Saved application states;</li> <li>Cached bookmarks;</li> <li>Local storage of web browsers;</li> </ul> </div> <div class="col2-right"> <div class="product-text form-title-first"> Clean: </div> <ul class="std"> <li>Lists of recent applications, documents, places, servers;</li> <li>Lists of Finder&#39;s recent folders and servers;</li> <li>Web history;</li> <li>Download history;</li> <li>Autofill information;</li> <li>Traces of applications&#39; recent activity;</li> </ul> </div> <div class="clearthis"></div> </div> <div class="gs"> * On SSD devices, files are rather being deleted than wiped. You can manage that using the R-Wipe &amp; Clean for Mac preferences. </div> </div> <div id="panel-mac-file"> <ul class="std"> <li>Erase files using strong or fast wipe algorithms, including DoD-approved. Files can be erased directly from Finder.</li> <li>Save predefined wipe lists of files and folders to be erased through a single task.</li> <li>Combine all cleaning and erasing tasks in different erasing procedures launched manually or at scheduled times or events using Scheduler.</li> </ul> </div> <div id="panel-mac-advanced"> <ul class="std"> <li>Combine all cleaning and erasing tasks in different erasing procedures launched manually or at scheduled times or events.</li> <li>Start erasing procedure automatically as a background task.</li> <li>Detailed representation of all records of on and offline activity on your computer.</li> <li>Customization so only necessary items are visible in R-Wipe &amp; Clean for Mac.</li> </ul> </div> </div></div> <div class="row-lgray row-section"><div class="section"> </div></div> </div> <div class="row-blue row-section"><div class="section"> <div class="articles-items" id="articles-cols"> <div class="bottom-title">PC Privacy Articles</div> <ul 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<br /> Rating: <span itemprop="ratingValue">4.6</span> / <span itemprop="bestRating">5</span> <meta itemprop="worstRating" content = "1"> </span> <meta itemprop="telephone" content="(888) 978-8266"> </span> </div> </div> <div class="feedbacks-wrapper clearfix"> <div class="feedbacks-right"> <a href="" title="Add your input"> <span class="btn-add-big btn-add-white"></span> </a> </div> <div class="feedbacks-left jhscroll-container"> <div class="jhscroll-area feedbacks-scroll-area"><div> <div class="feedbacks-items"> <div class="feedbacks-item"> <div class="feedbacks-text"><div> I have bought extended coverage for R-Wipe &amp; Clean but can`t see how to enter the new registration key in the program on my desktop </div></div> <div class="feedbacks-info"> <span class="feedbacks-rating"> <span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span> </span> <span class="feedbacks-author"> <a href="/pc-privacy-feedback/">Jeremy Hawthorn</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="feedbacks-item"> <div class="feedbacks-text"><div> Assuming 5 is the best rating. New R-Wipe&amp;Clean is fabulous. The new interface is very robust, easy to navigate, and a pleasure to use. Great job R-Tools! </div></div> <div class="feedbacks-info"> <span class="feedbacks-rating"> <span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span> </span> <span class="feedbacks-author"> <a href="/pc-privacy-feedback/">Sam Maggio</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="feedbacks-item"> <div class="feedbacks-text"><div> I choose this way to quickly convey a suggestion regarding R-Wipe&amp;Clean. 隆隆隆隆BTW I do rate it at 5 stars!!!! <br />R-W&amp;C has a feature that I really could learn to appretiate while looking for ways to speed-up family and friends pc`s: the wiping of the MFT. There is a reduction of the MFT size and an a quite noticeable increase in system response time due to that. Many times I would like to ONLY do the MFT, but alas as it is a secondary option of the Unused Space option, I always loose a lot of time wiping a ... </div></div> <div class="feedbacks-info"> <span class="feedbacks-rating"> <span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span> </span> <span class="feedbacks-author"> <a href="/pc-privacy-feedback/">Roberto Petitpas (home user)</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="feedbacks-item"> <div class="feedbacks-text"><div> What is the big delay on getting the great r-wipe&amp;clean windows 8 ready you guys get the thing way before its realease so that this does not happen , what s ahame firs webroot let the great window washer slip, now you are such a shame why dont you sell the rights of the programe if your not bothered dont let a good programe die!!! <br /> </div></div> <div class="feedbacks-info"> <span class="feedbacks-rating"> <span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span> </span> <span class="feedbacks-author"> <a href="/pc-privacy-feedback/">mark (pc 1)</a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="feedbacks-item"> <div class="feedbacks-text"><div> I must congratualate you upon a Excellent product. I downloaded<br />the the Trial product and after first use I imediately purchased it.<br />Two points though,<br />1, I cannot see how I can update R- Wipe&amp; Clean.<br />2,I would like to purchase other products and I suggest discounts for<br />further purchases.<br />Well done a SUPERB PRODUCT </div></div> <div class="feedbacks-info"> <span class="feedbacks-rating"> <span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span><span></span> </span> <span class="feedbacks-author"> <a href="/pc-privacy-feedback/">Frank Treanor</a> </span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="jhscroll-bar"><div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> function scrollGetArea(Container) { if (!Container) return null; var aAreas=nodeFindChildren(Container,".jhscroll-area");if ((!aAreas)||(aAreas.length!=1)) return null; aAreas=nodeFindDirectChildren(aAreas[0],"div");if ((!aAreas)||(aAreas.length!=1)) return null; return aAreas[0]; } function scrollGetBar(Container) { if (!Container) return null; 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