BioC Asia 2021 challenged to overcoming language barriers and respected diversity – Bioconductor community blog

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In this post, I present our attempt to overcome the language barriers to respect diversity in BioC Asia 2021.</p> <p>We have tried to overcome language barriers using the following three.</p> <ol type="1"> <li>Zoom live transcription</li> <li>Subtitles for Japanese translation of English speech using YouTube (however, the translation by manually in advance, not live translation)</li> <li>Parallel workshops in 3 languages with multiple Zoom Meetings (Japanese, English, Mandarin)</li> </ol> <section id="zoom-live-transcription" class="level2"> <h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="zoom-live-transcription">Zoom live transcription</h2> <p>Zoom has a <a href="">live transcription feature</a>. We have applied this feature to English-speaking presenters in an attempt to lower the barriers for understanding English.</p> <p><img src="Zoom_caption.png" class="img-fluid"></p> </section> <section id="subtitles-for-japanese-translation-of-english-speech-using-youtube" class="level2"> <h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="subtitles-for-japanese-translation-of-english-speech-using-youtube">Subtitles for Japanese translation of English speech using YouTube</h2> <p>The talk of the keynote speaker Lori Ann Shepherd on November 2, 2021 was made by broadcasting a YouTube video with Japanese translation subtitles on a pre-recorded English speech.</p> <p><img src="Lori_Japanese_caption.png" class="img-fluid"></p> <p>You can see this Japanese translation subtitles by opening and setting the subtitles on YouTube as shown in the image below.</p> <p><img src="YouTube_Japanese_caption.png" class="img-fluid"></p> </section> <section id="parallel-workshops-in-3-languages-with-multiple-zoom-meetings" class="level2"> <h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="parallel-workshops-in-3-languages-with-multiple-zoom-meetings">Parallel workshops in 3 languages with multiple Zoom Meetings</h2> <p>We also promoted the parallel workshops in non-English languages, <a href="">which began in BioC Asia 2020</a>. In 2020, the parallel workshops were held in English and Mandarin, but in 2021, we held parallel workshops in his <strong>three</strong> languages, including Japanese.</p> <p><img src="parallel_workshop.png" class="img-fluid"></p> </section> <section id="conclusion" class="level2"> <h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="conclusion">Conclusion</h2> <p>BioC Asia 2021 respects language diversity that began from the BioC Asia 2020 Mandarin workshop, and newly realized “live transcription for English talk”, “Japanese subtitles of recoreded English keynote”, and “3 parallel workshops in more diverse languages”. Bioconductor is a community that respects diversity. We welcome attempts to achieve such diversity.</p> </section> <p> © 2025 Bioconductor. Content is published under <a href="">Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0 License</a> for the text and <a href="">BSD 3-Clause License</a> for any code. | <a href="">R-Bloggers</a> </p></main> <!-- /main --> <script id="quarto-html-after-body" type="application/javascript"> window.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) { const toggleBodyColorMode = (bsSheetEl) => { const mode = bsSheetEl.getAttribute("data-mode"); const bodyEl = window.document.querySelector("body"); if (mode === "dark") { bodyEl.classList.add("quarto-dark"); bodyEl.classList.remove("quarto-light"); } else { bodyEl.classList.add("quarto-light"); bodyEl.classList.remove("quarto-dark"); } } const toggleBodyColorPrimary = () => { const bsSheetEl = window.document.querySelector("link#quarto-bootstrap"); if (bsSheetEl) { toggleBodyColorMode(bsSheetEl); } } toggleBodyColorPrimary(); const icon = ""; const anchorJS = new window.AnchorJS(); anchorJS.options = { placement: 'right', icon: icon }; anchorJS.add('.anchored'); 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