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Select below what suits you best:</p></p> <br> <div class="row-fluid enhancedclaim"> <div class="span4"> <div class="panel"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="text-center">Active</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <ul class="list-group text-center unstyled"> <li><span>Covid 19 Statement</span></li><li><span>Basic Details</span></li><li><span>Descriptions</span></li><li><span>Labels (Bullets)</span></li><li><span>Opening Hours</span></li><li><span>Business Tools</span></li><li class='ft-hide'><span>Logo & Images</span></li><li class='ft-hide'><span>Videos</span></li><li class='ft-hide'><span>Documents</span></li><li class='ft-hide'><span>Testimonials</span></li><li class='ft-hide'><span>Articles</span></li><li class='ft-hide'><span>Review Manager</span></li><li class='ft-hide'><span>Special Offers</span></li><li class='ft-hide'><span>Payment Methods</span></li><li class='ft-hide'><span>Priority Listing</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="panel-footer text-center"> <a id="basicclaimredirect" href="/claim-listing/1424717569847296/redirect" class="btn btn-lg btn-default"> Get Started! </a> <span class="ft-price hidden-phone">Free</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4"> <div class="panel"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="text-center">Professional</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <ul class="list-group text-center unstyled"> <li><span>Covid 19 Statement</span></li><li><span>Basic Details</span></li><li><span>Descriptions</span></li><li><span>Labels (Bullets)</span></li><li><span>Opening Hours</span></li><li><span>Business Tools</span></li><li class='text-info'><span>Logo & Images</span></li><li class='text-info'><span>Videos</span></li><li class='text-info'><span>Documents</span></li><li class='text-info'><span>Testimonials</span></li><li class='text-info'><span>Articles</span></li><li class='text-info'><span>Review Manager</span></li><li class='text-info'><span>Special Offers</span></li><li class='text-info'><span>Payment Methods</span></li><li class='ft-hide'><span>Priority Listing</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="panel-footer text-center"> <a href="" id="proclaimredirect" class="btn btn-lg btn-warning"> Get Started! </a> <span class="ft-price">拢10.00 <small style="font-weight:normal">per month</small></span> <a class="small" href="#claimproductmodal" data-toggle="modal"> More info </a> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade text-left prodmoreinfomodal" id="claimproductmodal"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h3 class="modal-title">Professional Listing</h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"><p style="margin:1em 0 2em">A Professional Listing gives you the ultimate control over all aspects of your business profile. Add rich content including logos and and image gallery, videos, upload documents such as menu's or PDFs, publish Articles, plus keep in touch with what the world is saying about you with Reviews and Testimonial managers. You can drive promotions with Special Offers, and view Statistics on who is viewing your listing. What's more your listing is published on HUNDREDS of online directories, powered by Central Index, so update once, and instantly update hundreds of online profiles. </p><ul class="unstyled" style="margin:2em 0"><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Take FULL CONTROL with a Professional Listing</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> All content elements are yours to edit, 24/7</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Remove Ads from your Profile</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> View Detailed Statistics on Visitors</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Manage Reviews & Testimonials</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Publish Logos & Images</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Upload Documents</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Publish Articles & Special Offers</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Manage Payment Methods</li></ul><p style="margin:2em 0">Join millions of businesses worldwide managing their Professional Listing and present all that's unique about your business and services with our powerful, user friendly editor. Pay just a small monthly fee to take control today.</p><p class="text-center"><a href="" class="btn btn-lg btn-warning" style="display:inline-block;">Get Started!</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="span4"> <div class="panel"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="text-center">Priority</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <ul class="list-group text-center unstyled"> <li><span>Covid 19 Statement</span></li><li><span>Basic Details</span></li><li><span>Descriptions</span></li><li><span>Labels (Bullets)</span></li><li><span>Opening Hours</span></li><li><span>Business Tools</span></li><li><span>Logo & Images</span></li><li><span>Videos</span></li><li><span>Documents</span></li><li><span>Testimonials</span></li><li><span>Articles</span></li><li><span>Review Manager</span></li><li><span>Special Offers</span></li><li><span>Payment Methods</span></li><li class='text-info'><span>Priority Listing</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="panel-footer text-center"> <a id="bundleclaimredirect" href="" class="btn btn-lg btn-danger"> Get Started! </a> <span class="ft-price">拢15.00 <small style="font-weight:normal">per month</small></span> <a class="small" href="#bundleproductmodal" data-toggle="modal"> More info </a> </div> </div> <div class="modal fade text-left prodmoreinfomodal" id="bundleproductmodal"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h3 class="modal-title">Enhanced Listing</h3> </div> <div class="modal-body"><p style="margin:1em 0 2em">Promoting your business with an Enhanced Listing is easy. Just sign up, choose your keywords and location, and you will immediately start appearing at the top of the search results. Using our simple to manage Business Portal, you can add and update your information 24/7, including descriptions, photos, special offers and much more! Keep your customers up to date on your latest messages, and advise if you do delivery or sell online. Remember, with a local Enhanced Listing, you will come to the top of searches for your selected keywords and locations when local customers are searching for your services.</p><ul class="unstyled" style="margin:2em 0"><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Your Enhanced Listing will appear above Free Listings on the LocalIQ Local Listings Directory</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Manage your business information 24/7 via your secure Business Admin Console</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Publish a full business profile including description, gallery, special offers and much more</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> Set up to 10 keywords to match your customer searches</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> What's more, there's NO obligation, just a rolling monthly contract so you can manage your budgets as you need</li><li style="margin-bottom:1em;"><i class="icon-ok text-success"></i> We're here with you. Let's get your business to the top of the listings</li></ul><p style="margin:2em 0"> Ready to get going? </p><p class="text-center"><a href="" class="btn btn-lg btn-warning" style="display:inline-block;">Get Started!</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="empty-pad"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--/ claim --> <div class="push"><!--//--></div> <!--footer--> <footer class="bottombrandnav"> <div class="container-fluid bg-footernav"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span12"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="span9 navbar"> <ul class="nav"> <li class=" hfmenu hidden"> <a target="_self" href="/login" > Log In</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="span3 navbar"> <ul class="nav pull-right"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-fluid bg-copyright"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span12"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="span12"> <!-- copyright message --> <p class="footer-copyright"><small>漏Copyright 2001-2022. 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