BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Global Health Webinar: Can technologies developed for particle phy sics tackle global health challenges? DTSTART:20241126T120000Z DTEND:20241126T130000Z DTSTAMP:20241124T025150Z DESCRIPTION:\nThis webinar will present the outcomes of the CERN Global He alth Workshop organised in partnership with the Geneva Health Forum (GHF) and hosted at CERN鈥檚 IdeaSquare on 25th October.\nThe workshop brought t ogether global health professionals\, policymakers\, and technical experts from various disciplines to explore solutions to key health issues\, such as medical data management in low- and middle-income countries\, advancem ents in malaria management\, and the effects of climate change on maternal and newborn health. Fostering the co-development of research ideas among participants was a key focus of the exchanges.\nThis public webinar will p resent the outcomes of these discussions\, including innovative ideas and potential collaborative projects aimed at improving health globally. By at tending\, you'll gain insights into how groundbreaking technologies develo ped for fundamental research can be applied to address global health chall enges and how you can get involved in future initiatives.\nRegister for th e webinar\,聽join us to be part of these important discussions and find ou t how you can get involved. You will receive log-in details prior to the e vent.\n\n LOCATION:Zoom URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR