Side Hustle Pro

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Side Hustle Pro features interviews with inspiring Black women entrepreneurs who started out as side hustlers, including interviews with Myleik Teele, Morgan DeBaun, Tiffany &quot;The Budgetnista&quot; Aliche, and more!&lt;br /&gt;&lt;hr&gt;&lt;p style=&#39;color:grey; font-size:0.75em;&#39;&gt; Hosted on Acast. 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Join Chief Side Hustler turned full-time entrepreneur Nicaila Matthews Okome for your weekly installment of Side Hustle Pro and learn actionable strategies to start small and get going鈥搘herever and whoever you are. Side Hustle Pro features interviews with inspiring Black women entrepreneurs who started out as side hustlers, including interviews with Myleik Teele, Morgan DeBaun, Tiffany &quot;The Budgetnista&quot; Aliche, and more! Hosted on Acast. See for more information. </span> <span class='link pointer dn no-underline text-button o-70' style='color: #333333'>Show more</span> <div class='mt5 f6 fw-700 o-80 lh-title tl-ns ttu tracked link-header web' style='color: #333333; font-family: Inter'>Episodes</div> <div class='episode-feed-container web' style='color: #333333'></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class='f7 tc w-100 o-70 mt5 out-links pb5' style='color: #333333'> <div class='pb4'> Powered by <a class="link underline" style="color: inherit" href="">Chartable SmartLinks</a> &middot; <a class="link" style="color: inherit" href="">Privacy &amp; Terms</a> </div> </div> <div class='w-100 fixed bottom-0 mobile-player'> <div class='maximized-content' style='display: none;'> <div class='w-100 flex justify-center pt2 pointer minimize-button' style='height: 60px'> <div class='bg-moon-gray w2 br3' style='width: 40px; height: 5px'></div> </div> <div class='h-100 w-100 center tc' style='max-width: 550px'> <img class="w-70 br4" style="max-width: 270px; 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We first met when she joined my Podcast Moguls accelerator program, and it鈥檚 been so awesome to follow her journey from working in social policy research, to growing her own podcast, to actually changing her career path to work in podcasting full time, to moving to Portugal to live and work full time, to now launching her Emerging Voices, a podcasting accelerator for aspiring creators who want to start a podcast that is unique to them and build their creative resilience along the way.\nIn this episode she shares:\nHow identifying a niche audience transformed her podcast and entrepreneurial journeyHer focus on helping first and second-generation immigrant women find confidence in their stories聽Balancing financial stability after leaving her full time job and moving abroad to Portugal\nHighlights include:\n00:00 Intro\n03:00 From analyst to podcaster\n07:45 Mastering storytelling聽\n13:30 Lessons from Podcast Moguls\n18:00 Creating content with purpose\n21:00 Becoming an expat in Portugal\n28:00 Preparing for full time entrepreneurship聽\n33:00 Building a platform to monetize\n43:00 Defeating self-doubt\n47:00 Living in Portugal\n54:00 Tips for entrepreneurs\nCheck out episode 439 of Side Hustle Pro podcast out now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube\nLinks mentioned in this episode\nHiwote鈥檚 website:聽Hiwote鈥檚 Instagram:聽The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker:聽Union Docs:聽Podcast Moguls:聽Click here to subscribe via RSS feed (non-iTunes feed):\n\nAnnouncementsJoin our Facebook Community\nIf you鈥檙e looking for a community of supportive side hustlers who are all working to take our businesses to the next level, join us here:\n\n Hosted on Acast. See for more information.","url":"","published_at":"2024-11-20T08:00:18.000Z"}) !== JSON.stringify({})) { currentEpisode = {"cid":"c7cb49ce-183a-4514-9180-26fe057eeb35","id":197702366,"title":"439: How Podcasting Changed Her Career Trajectory w/ Hiwote Getaneh","description":"This week we have a special student spotlight featuring Hiwote Getaneh, an audio producer curious about human-centered, emotion-driven storytelling. We first met when she joined my Podcast Moguls accelerator program, and it鈥檚 been so awesome to follow her journey from working in social policy research, to growing her own podcast, to actually changing her career path to work in podcasting full time, to moving to Portugal to live and work full time, to now launching her Emerging Voices, a podcasting accelerator for aspiring creators who want to start a podcast that is unique to them and build their creative resilience along the way.\nIn this episode she shares:\nHow identifying a niche audience transformed her podcast and entrepreneurial journeyHer focus on helping first and second-generation immigrant women find confidence in their stories聽Balancing financial stability after leaving her full time job and moving abroad to Portugal\nHighlights include:\n00:00 Intro\n03:00 From analyst to podcaster\n07:45 Mastering storytelling聽\n13:30 Lessons from Podcast Moguls\n18:00 Creating content with purpose\n21:00 Becoming an expat in Portugal\n28:00 Preparing for full time entrepreneurship聽\n33:00 Building a platform to monetize\n43:00 Defeating self-doubt\n47:00 Living in Portugal\n54:00 Tips for entrepreneurs\nCheck out episode 439 of Side Hustle Pro podcast out now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube\nLinks mentioned in this episode\nHiwote鈥檚 website:聽Hiwote鈥檚 Instagram:聽The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker:聽Union Docs:聽Podcast Moguls:聽Click here to subscribe via RSS feed (non-iTunes feed):\n\nAnnouncementsJoin our Facebook Community\nIf you鈥檙e looking for a community of supportive side hustlers who are all working to take our businesses to the next level, join us here:\n\n Hosted on Acast. See for more information.","url":"","published_at":"2024-11-20T08:00:18.000Z"}; } let currentEpisodeTitleLabel = document.querySelector('.current-episode-title'); let currentEpisodeTitleLabel2 = document.querySelector('.current-episode-title-2'); let currentEpisodeTitleLabel3 = document.querySelector('.current-episode-title-3'); let currentEpisodeDescriptionLabel = document.querySelector('.current-episode-description'); let descriptionContainer = document.querySelector('.description-container'); function setEpisode(newEpisode) { if (newEpisode) { currentEpisodeTitleLabel.innerText = newEpisode.title; currentEpisodeTitleLabel2.innerText = newEpisode.title; currentEpisodeTitleLabel3.innerText = newEpisode.title; if (newEpisode.description) { = "block"; currentEpisodeDescriptionLabel.innerText = newEpisode.description; } else { = "none"; } player.src = encodeURI(newEpisode.url); currentEpisode = newEpisode; } } // MARK - Episode feed var loadMoreButton = document.createElement("div"); loadMoreButton.classList = `br2 pa2 f5 ba tc pointer dim mw4 mt4 center ${lightMode ? 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