{"title":"Application of ESA in the CAVE Mode Authentication","authors":"Keonwoo Kim, Dowon Hong, Kyoil Chung","volume":18,"journal":"International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering","pagesStart":1259,"pagesEnd":1264,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/3251","abstract":"This paper proposes the authentication method using\r\nESA algorithm instead of using CAVE algorithm in the CDMA\r\nmobile communication systems including IS-95 and CDMA2000 1x.\r\nAnd, we analyze to apply ESA mechanism on behalf of CAVE\r\nmechanism without the change of message format and air interface in\r\nthe existing CDMA systems. If ESA algorithm can be used as the\r\nsubstitution of CAVE algorithm, security strength of authentication\r\nalgorithm is intensified without protocol change. An algorithm\r\nreplacement proposed in this paper is not to change an authentication\r\nmechanism, but to configure input of ESA algorithm and to produce\r\noutput. Therefore, our proposal can be the compatible to the existing\r\nsystems.","references":"[1] 3GPP2 S.S0053, \"Common Cryptographic Algorithms\", 2002.\r\n[2] 3GPP2 S.S0055, \"Enhanced Cryptographic Algorithms\", 2005.\r\n[3] 3GPP2 S.S0078, \"Common Security Algorithms\", 2005.\r\n[4] 3GPP2 S.S0054, \"Interface Specification for Common Cryptographic\r\nAlgorithms\", 2002.\r\n[5] 3GPP2 S.R0032, \"ESA and ESP\", 2000.\r\n[6] 3GPP2 N.S0014, \"Authentication Enhancements\", 2000.\r\n[7] TIA-95-B, \"Mobile Station-Base Station Compatibility Standard for\r\nWideband Spectrum Cellular System\", 2004.\r\n[8] FIPS 180-2, \"Secure Hash Standard\", NIST, 2002.\r\n[9] 3GPP TS 33.102, \"Security Architecture\", 2004\r\n[10] Vijay K. Grag, \"IS-95 CDMA and CDMA2000\", Prentice Hall, 2000\r\n[11] A. J. Menezes, P. C. Van Oorschot, and S. A. Vanstone, \"Chapter 9: Hash\r\nFunctions and Data Integrity\", HandBook of Applied Cryptography, CRC\r\nPress, pp. 321-383, 1997.\r\n[12] W. Millan and P. Gauravaram, \"cryptanalysis of the cellular\r\nauthentication and voice encryption algorithm,\" IEICE Electronics\r\nExpress, Vol. 1, No. 15, pp.453-459, 2004..\r\n[13] P. Gauravaram and W. Millan, \"Improved Attack on the Cellular\r\nAuthentication and Voice Encryption Algorithm,\" Proc. International\r\nworkshop on Cryptographic Algorithms and their Uses, pp. 1-13, 2004.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 18, 2008"}