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href="/help/Pages/default.aspx#resources">Alumni Benefits</a></li> <li><a href="/help/Pages/default.aspx#baker">Baker Library</a></li> <li><a href="/help/Pages/default.aspx#bulletin">Bulletin & Class Notes</a></li> </ul><br><script> if (window.location.href.trim().toLowerCase().indexOf('#view-limit') > -1) { $('html, body').stop().animate({ 'scrollTop': $("a[name='view-limit']").offset().top }, 1200, 'swing', function () { }); } </script><a id="general"></a><div class="shim32"></div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt class="open"><a href="#" id="general-section" style=" font-family:'Trade Gothic W01 Roman',Arial,Helvetica,Verdana,sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-size: 32px; line-height: 40px;text-decoration:none;">General Information</a></dt> <dd> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">General Information</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="degree-info">What constitutes Harvard Business School alumni status?</a></dt> <dd><a id="degree-list"></a> <p>A Harvard Business School alumnus/a is defined as any person completing an HBS program that grants alumni status. Current qualifying programs include:</p> <ul class="outset"> <li>Advanced Management Program (AMP) </li> <li>Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) </li> <li>General Management Program (GMP) </li> <li>Joint Program with Harvard Kennedy School (MPP/MBA and MBA-MPA/ID) </li> <li>Joint Program with Harvard Law School /Master in Business Administration (JD/MBA) </li> <li>Joint Program with Harvard Medical School /Master in Business Administration (MD/MBA) </li> <li>Master in Business Administration (MBA) </li> <li>Owner/President Management Program (OPM) </li> <li>PhD in Business Economics (PhDBE or PhDBusEc) </li> <li>PhD in Information, Technology, and Management (PhDITM) </li> <li>PhD in Organizational Behavior (PhDOB) </li> <li>PhD in Science, Technology, and Management (PhDSTM) </li> <li>President's Program in Leadership (PPL) </li> <li>Program for Leadership Development (plus completion of 10 open-enrollment program days) (PLDA) </li> <li>Senior Executive Program, China (SEPCA)</li> <li>Senior Executive Leadership Program (SELP)</li> </ul> <br> <p><em>Retired HBS programs which granted alumni status (all attendees are members of the current HBS alumni community)</em></p> <ul class="outset"> <li>Individuals in the MBA Class of 2006 or earlier having completed one year of the HBS MBA program </li> <li>Central and Eastern European Teachers' Program (ETP) </li> <li>Doctor of Commercial Science (DCS) </li> <li>The General Manager Program™ (TGMP) </li> <li>Global CEO Program for China plus completion of China CEO Renewal Program (GCPCA)</li> <li>Harvard-Radcliffe Program in Business Administration (HRPBA) </li> <li>Industrial Administrator (IA) </li> <li>International Senior Management Program (ISMP) </li> <li>International Teachers' Program (ITP) </li> <li>Middle-Management Program (MMP) </li> <li>Mid-Officer Certificate (MOC) </li> <li>PhD in Decision Sciences (PhDDS) </li> <li>Program for Global Leadership™ (PGL) </li> <li>Program for Management Development (PMD) </li> <li>Programs for Health System Management (PHSM) </li> <li>Senior Executive Program China plus completion of China Senior Executive Renewal Program (SEPCA)</li> <li>Senior Executive Program for the Middle East (SEPME) </li> <li>Senior Executive Programme for Africa (SEPSA) </li> <li>Veterans' Certificate (VC) </li> <li>Visitor for Individual Studies (VIS) </li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a>Where can I find contact information for sectionmates or classmates, or get a list of fellow alumni?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Go to the <a href="/community/Pages/directory-search.aspx?browse=true">HBS Alumni Directory</a> to search for classmates by name, company, location, industry and many other categories of information.</p> <p>Alumni may also send an e-mail to section and classmates by using the <a href="">E-mail My Class</a> tool: Please note the <a href="/help/Pages/Terms-of-USE.aspx">Terms of Use</a> and <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>I am not an HBS Alumnus, how can I get contact information for HBS alumni?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any information regarding HBS alumni to those who are not also alumni.</p> </dd> <a id="records"></a> <dt><a>When is it appropriate to use the Harvard Business School name or shield logos?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Generally, alumni are not permitted to use Harvard Business School logos for any use including gifts, event materials, clothing, print & digital materials, etc., for their own non-school sanctioned events.</p> <p> Exceptions are made for school-sanctioned events (contact <a href="">Alumni Communications</a>) and Reunions (contact <a href="">Reunions team</a>), and alumni clubs-sanctioned events (contact the <a href="">Clubs team</a>). </p> </dd> </dl> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">MBA Academic Records</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a>How do I get proof of graduation or a copy of my transcript?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Transcripts and certificates of attendance may be obtained through the MBA Registrar's Office. For information, go to: <a href=""></a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How can I get a copy of my diploma?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Replacement diplomas may be obtained through the MBA Registrar's Office. For information, go to: <a href=""></a>.</p> </dd> <a id="clubs"></a> <dt><a>How can I get a legal name change on my academic records?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Information on a cross-reference or legal name change to your academic records is available through the MBA Registrar's Office: <a href=""></a>.</p> </dd> </dl> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Clubs</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a>Is there an HBS club near me?</a></dt> <dd> <p>The <a href="/clubs/Pages/clubs.aspx">HBS Alumni Club Directory</a> on the HBS Clubs website can be filtered by location or interest so you can find the club that is right for you.</p> </dd> <a id="visit"></a> <dt><a>Can I join the Harvard Club?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Harvard Club membership is open to all alumni of the University. Each club offers its own a variety of programs, services, and opportunities to its members and to its communities. For more information and to find a club near you, go to: <a class="ext" href=""></a>.</p> </dd> </dl> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Visiting Campus</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="tour">Can I get a tour of campus?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Please review the <a href="">Visit Campus</a> page for the latest on visiting campus. While in-person tours may not always be available there are <a href="">virtual tours</a> and other resources to fill the gap.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Is there a map of campus?</a></dt> <dd> <p>There is an interactive map available online: <a href=""></a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>I’d like to bring a prospective student to campus to see what the case method is like.</a></dt> <dd> <p>Please review the <a href="">Visit Campus</a> page for the latest on visiting campus. While in-person classes may not always be available for observation, you may explore <a href="">the HBS Case Method</a> online.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Which HBS facilities can I use?</a></dt> <dd> <strong>Baker Library</strong><br> <p>Baker Library offers remote and onsite alumni services. For more information, go to: <a href=""></a>.</p> <strong>Shad Hall</strong> <p>HBS alumni are eligible for membership at the Shad Hall fitness center. For fee information, call the fitness desk at 617.495.6060. More information is available on the <a href="">Shad Hall Fitness Portal</a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>What are the hours of the COOP?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Hours and store info for the HBS COOP are at: <a class="ext" href=""></a></p> </dd> <a id="giving"></a> <dt><a>The Class of 1959 Chapel</a></dt> <dd> <p>HBS alumni may use the Class of 1959 Chapel for weddings and memorials, through the sponsorship and coordination of HBS Alumni Relations. For more information, e-mail the Alumni Relations Office at <a href=""></a>.</p> </dd> </dl> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Giving to HBS</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="pledges">When do I need to fulfill my pledge?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Donors to HBS, particularly alumni in reunion classes, can make pledges to be fulfilled at a later date. Guidelines for payments differ for reunion and annual giving pledges.</p> <p><b>Reunion Pledges:</b><br> <i>For the 5th, 10th, 15th 20th, 50th, and up</i><br> Pledges must be made by June 30 following the reunion and should be fulfilled by the following December 31.</p> <p><i>For the 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, and 45th</i><br> Pledges must be made by December 31 following the reunion and should be fulfilled by the following June 30.</p> <p><b>Non-Reunion Pledges:</b><br> Must be paid by June 30th fiscal year close to be counted in giving totals and listed in the School's <i>Contributors Report</i>.</p> <p><b>Special payment arrangements</b> can be made for larger gifts. For further information, please contact Kerry Cietanno, Director of Donor Relations at 617.495.6889 or <a href=""></a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Will I get credit for pledge payments?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Donors will be recognized in the School's annual <i>Contributors Report</i> for the full amount of a pledge in the year that it is made, regardless of payment timing. Pledge payments made in subsequent years will not be listed. A donor may request that he or she be recognized for payments as they are made over more than one fiscal year.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Will my gift to HBS be automatically credited to my class?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Yes, all gifts receive class credit.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Will my spouse and I both receive credit for a gift to HBS?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Joint crediting is an option but is not automatically applied. Couples must indicate if they would like their gift to be entered jointly, in which case the amount will be split 50/50 for tax purposes but each person will receive class credit and recognition for the full amount of the gift. Please contact Development Operations at 617-495-6207, or email <a href=""></a>, for further information about crediting.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How can I view my giving history?</a></dt> <dd> <p>You can view recent giving history by logging in on the <a href="">Alumni Home Page</a>. Then click on the “My HBS” tab underneath your name and scroll to “View Giving History.” </p> </dd> <dt><a>What is the crediting policy for planned gifts?</a></dt> <dd> <p>HBS will give credit to the donor and donor's class for the full face-value of an irrevocable life-income gift. Such credit is given also for a bequest intention, properly documented, in the 50th reunion or later.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I take advantage of my company's matching gift program?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Please use our <a class="ext" href="" target="_blank">online search tool</a> or contact your company's human resources office to find out if your employer matches charitable gifts and to learn the associated policies and procedures.</p> </dd> <dt><a>What is the School's Federal Tax Identification number?</a></dt> <dd> <p>President and Fellows of Harvard College, ID# 04-2103580</p> </dd> <dt><a>When will I receive a receipt for my gift?</a></dt> <dd> <p>You can expect to receive an official receipt in 10-15 business days after HBS receives your gift.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How can I get a duplicate tax receipt for my gift?</a></dt> <dd> <p>To request a duplicate receipt, contact Harvard Alumni and Development Services at 617.495.1750 or email <a href=""></a>.</p> </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl><a id="pw"></a><a id="hbsaccount"></a><dl class="plusminus"> <dt class="open"><a href="#" id="security-section" style="font-family:'Trade Gothic W01 Roman',Arial,Helvetica,Verdana,sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-size: 32px; line-height: 40px;text-decoration:none;">Accounts & Security</a></dt> <dd> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">HBS Account & Login</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a>What is HBS login and what can I access with it?</a></dt> <dd> <p>The HBS login refers to the username and password combination needed to access the protected areas of the Alumni Website, including the Alumni Directory and Profile, Alumni CareerHub, Class Notes, and the Email Messaging Service. </p> </dd> <dt><a>I've forgotten my password. How do I reset it?</a></dt> <dd> <p>If you know your HBS email address, you can use the <b><a href="">reset your password application</a></b>. If you do not, or if the reset form doesn't work for you, contact us at 617.384.5977 or by email at <a href=""></a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Alumni Identity Verification</a></dt> <dd> <p>HBS IT and Alumni Records may request to schedule a Zoom call, where you will need to appear on camera and present a photo ID. This level of verification is required by the HBS Information Security office to protect both your account and HBS systems.</p> </dd> <dt><a id="password">What are the password requirements?</a></dt> <dd> <p>A <b>strong</b> password is key to alumni data security. HBS has adopted password requirements to ensure strong alumni passwords. Next time you <a href="">change your password</a>, you will need to meet the following criteria:</p> <ol> <li>Your new password must be at least 8 characters long.</li> <li>Your new password must contain at least three of the following: <ul> <li>AN UPPERCASE LETTER</li> <li>a lowercase letter</li> <li>a numeric digit</li> <li>a non-letter character (:!@#$%^&*?_~). </li> </ul> </li> <li>Your new password cannot contain a space </li> <li>Your new password cannot contain three or more consecutive characters from your LEFA. (e.g. A password for may not contain "rva" or "jha" or "hbs" or "mba")</li> </ol> <br><br> <p> You may <a href="">reset your password online</a>. If you have forgotten your password and you do not have a contact email adderss designated in your alumni profile, then you must contact the Alumni Records office to reset it: 617.384.5977 or by email at <a href=""></a>. </p> </dd> <dt><a>I've forgotten my username. How do I retrieve it?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Your HBS email address is also your HBS Username (e.g. and coupled with your password gives you access to password protected areas of the Alumni Website. </p> <p>If you don't know your username, please contact the Alumni Records Office at 617.384.5977 or by email at <a href=""></a>. </p> </dd> <a id="harvardkey"></a> <dt><a>Can I use HBS login for website?</a></dt> <dd> <p>HBS login does not grant access to services. HarvardKey is required to access.</p> </dd> </dl> <a id="harvardkey"></a> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">HarvardKey Login</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="hkey">What is Harvard Key and what can I access with it?</a></dt> <dd> <p>HarvardKey is the University’s username and password credentials needed to access Harvard alumni services. It applies to services linked from and</p> </dd> <dt><a>Can I use the Harvard Key to access the website or HBS club websites?</a></dt> <dd> <p>The HarvardKey does grant access to, but it currently does not grant access to the HBS club websites or the HBS Office365 online suite. </p> </dd> <dt><a>Can I use my HBS email address as the email address for Harvard Key?</a></dt> <dd> <p>While you could choose to use your HBS email address as your username for the HarvardKey system, the username and password are not shared with the HBS login credentials. </p> </dd> <a id="hbsemail"></a> <dt><a>Where can I learn more about Harvard Key?</a></dt> <dd> <p>More on HarvardKey is available at: <a href=""></a></p> </dd> </dl> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">HBS Email</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="lefa">HBS Alumni Email Protocol</a></dt> <dd> <p>Since 1998, HBS alumni have had access to an HBS-branded email address. The initial system, the Lifelong Email Forwarding Address (LEFA), was retired at the end of 2017 and replaced by Microsoft Office 365. The forwarding of email that previously happened inside the LEFA system is now handled by Microsoft Office 365. Alumni now have the option to retrieve their email online at <a href=""></a>, receive their email in their own email clients, or continue to forward their HBS email to their personal account. Due to current email provider protocols, forwarding is discouraged as it has become more likely to result in losing email to Spam filters.</p> <p>In addition, the login email and password that alumni use to access protected areas on the alumni website is no longer referred to as your LEFA login, but rather your HBS username and password. </p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I change or update my email forwarding address in Office 365?</a></dt> <dd> <p>The email address your HBS email address forwards to may be updated on <a href="">the Office 365 Outlook Forwarding Page</a>. This page may also be used to discontinue forwarding. Log in with your HBS username (formerly LEFA username) and password.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Can I receive my HBS email on my mobile device?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Yes. You may add your HBS email account to your mobile device, by using any of your preferred email clients: <a href="">Android</a>, <a href="">Apple Mail</a>, or <a href="">Outlook</a>. It will ask for your HBS email address and password to connect your account to the app.</p> </dd> <a id="twostep"></a> <dt><a>I had Office 365 as an MBA student or Executive Education participant. Do I still have access to it?</a></dt> <dd> <p>MBA Alumni who graduated in 2016 or later, and Executive Education alumni who graduate in or after 2018, received access to Office 365 as students. They will maintain access to a limited online suite of Office 365 tools, including their Outlook mailbox and 100 GB of storage on OneDrive, at <a href=""></a>. Microsoft Copilot is not included in the suite of services.</p> </dd> </dl> <a id="2sv"></a> <a id="duo"></a> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Two-Step Verification (Duo)</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a>When I logged into the alumni website, I saw a message that said my account has been disabled. What do I do?</a></dt> <dd> <p>If you see the message below, then you should call alumni records, 617.384.5977, and select option 1, to add a phone number to your Duo account.</p> <p><img align="left" alt="Account disabled. Your Duo account is disabled and cannot access this application. Please contact your IT help desk." src="/PublishingImages/help/Duo-Account-Disabled.png" width="35%"></p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </dd> <dt><a>What is Duo?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Duo is the name of service that HBS has employed to provide two-step verification for online authentication. </p> </dd> <dt><a id="duo">What is Two-Step Verification?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Two-step verification (sometimes called two-factor authentication) is a process that adds a second layer of security to online accounts. It requires users verify their identity before allowing the login process to complete. This helps reduce risk when an account username/password is compromised. </p> </dd> <dt><a>When would I need to use Two-Step Verification?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Two-step verification is used at HBS when logging into the alumni website, alumni email through Office 365 (O365), or if you have configured a mobile phone and/or desktop mail app to access O365. It is not necessary if your HBS email simply forwards to a personal or business email account.</p> </dd> <dt><a>What if I don’t have any phone numbers in my alumni profile or I need to change my existing phone number?</a></dt> <dd> <p>A phone number is required to use two-step verification and thus to access password-protected content on the alumni website and alumni email through O365. If you don’t have a phone number on file, call alumni records, 617.384.5977, and select option 1.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Is there an easier way to check my HBS email on my phone?</a></dt> <dd> <p>If you typically check your HBS email on the web using <a href=""></a> and you do not have your HBS email address forwarding to another account, then the Microsoft Outlook app., available for <a href="">iPhone</a> and <a href="">Android</a>, will allow you to use your HBS email without having daily prompts from the two-step verification system (Duo).</p> </dd> <dt><a>Where do I manage my Duo account?</a></dt> <dd> <p>If you want to add or change devices to your account once it has been activated, from your computer’s browser, go to <a href="" target="_blank"> </a>and log in with your HBS credentials. On the Check for a Duo Push screen, click Other Options. On the Other options to log in screen, click Manage Devices. Verify your identity by selecting from the list of offered the options based on your method of choice. Once you verify your identity you will be redirected to the Duo Device Management Portal where you can select from these options: <ol type="a"> <li>Add a Device – Add a new device/phone number to your account</li> <li>I have a new phone – Add a new phone with the same phone number</li> </ol> </p> </dd> <dt><a>What are the options for the second verification?</a></dt> <dd> <p>There are three options when enrolling in two-step verification: mobile phone (recommended), tablet, and landline. Activating two or more devices will ensure you can always access the verification system if you do not have access to a particular device. In addition, you may choose to download the Duo app (<a href="">iPhone</a> and <a href="">Android</a>) or have a verification code sent to you each time.</p> </dd> <dt><a>I received an email from Is this a legitimate email address?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Yes. The <a href=""></a> email is from an HBS partner engaged to assist Alumni Records in ensuring that that your HBS account is safe and secure. You might receive an email from this address when you’ve called HBS for support or your HBS account has been compromised.</p> </dd> </dl> <a name="spam"></a> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Spam Email & Phishing</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a class="anchor" id="phishing">I received a suspicious e-mail from HBS. (Would HBS ever ask for my password?)</a></dt> <dd> <p> From time to time you may receive emails addressed to your HBS email address that appear to be official messages from trusted sources, but are in fact fraudulent emails devised to extract sensitive, private information. Recent messages appear to come from and state that your account has been blocked or suspended and threaten permanent removal or deletion of your account. Almost all such fraudulent emails urge immediate action. In addition they ask you to send your username and password. <b>NOTE: HBS will never ask you to e-mail your password or other sensitive information.</b></p> <p>This type of fraudulent messages is often referred to as a "phishing" e-mail. Below are some steps to take to avoid falling victim of a phishing scheme.</p> <ul class="outset"> <li>Be extra careful when you receive an email requesting sensitive data. HBS, banks, or any legitimate service will never ask for sensitive information through email. As a precaution, contact the company from which the email apparently originates (using a phone number from a statement or their official Web site, not any phone number provided in the email) to check that the email is legitimate.</li> <li><b>It bears repeating - HBS will never ask you for sensitive information via email.</b></li> <li>Hover over (but don't click!) any links embedded in the email. Frequently, a URL will look legitimate at first glance, but you will see when hovering over the link it actually goes to a fraudulent site. A common trick is to use a web address that appears to be legitimate but with some letters transposed (e.g.</li> <li>For more on phishing and other scams, visit <a class="ext" href=""></a>. </li> <li>If you receive a suspicious email, please forward the message to <a href=""></a>.</li> <li>If you suspect you may have provided your login information to another party, please contact the Alumni Records Office: 617.384.5977; <a href=""></a>. </li> </ul> </dd> <dt><a>Why did I receive a spam message from my own HBS email address?</a></dt> <dd> <p>The appearance of spam messages from your own e-mail address can be disconcerting, but it is not the result of a security breach in the HBS computer systems. The most likely cause is a virus attack on a personal computer of someone who has your HBS email address in their contact list or elsewhere on their computer. These spam viruses then "spoof" the e-mail return address by using an e-mail address found on the machine. Best practice is simply to delete the message.</p> <p>HBS IT is committed to spam protection and is continually reviewing and updating its techniques to slowing the flow of spam. To help HBS monitor the amount of spam messages reaching alumni, you may report spam here: <a href=""></a>. </p> </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl><a id="profile"></a><dl class="plusminus"> <dt class="open"><a href="#" id="profile-section" style=" font-family:'Trade Gothic W01 Roman',Arial,Helvetica,Verdana,sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-size: 32px; line-height: 40px;text-decoration:none;">Alumni Profile, Directory, and Messaging</a></dt> <dd> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Profile Updates & Subscriptions</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="personal">How can I update my address listing or personal information? </a></dt> <dd> <p>You may update your addresses on the Contact tab and your personal information on the Personal tab of your <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx">Alumni Profile</a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I change my legal name in my Alumni Profile?</a></dt> <dd> <p>This type of update requires a special request to the alumni records group. Submit your request through your <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx">Alumni Profile</a> by clicking the lock icon next to your name.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I change my gender in my Alumni Profile?</a></dt> <dd> <p>This type of update requires a special request to the alumni records group. Submit your request through your <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx">Alumni Profile</a> by clicking the lock icon next to the gender field.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I change my class year so that I can attend reunions with the class I started with in my Alumni Profile?</a></dt> <dd> <p>This type of update requires a special request to the alumni records group. Submit your request through your <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx">Alumni Profile</a> by clicking the lock icon next to Harvard Degree(s) on the Education sub-tab of the Personal tab.</p> </dd> <dt><a>I can’t find my undergraduate college when I update my profile. How can I add it to the list?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Edit your non-Harvard degree(s) on the Education sub-tab of the Personal tab in your <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx">Alumni Profile</a>. If your undergraduate college does not appear in the type-ahead you may request it be added by clicking the "Click here to request the addition of a new school" button that appears when you try to add your college.</p> </dd> <dt><a>My HBS volunteer role isn’t appearing in the HBS Volunteering section, how can I update it?</a></dt> <dd> <p>This type of update requires a special request to the alumni records group. Submit the request via the <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx">Report Missing Roles button</a> in the HBS Volunteering tab in your Alumni Profile.</p> </dd> <a name="linkedinsync"></a> <a id="linkedin"></a> <dt><a>How do I subscribe/unsubscribe from HBS emails?</a></dt> <dd> <p>You may edit your email subscriptions on the Subscriptions sub-tab of the Contact tab in your <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx">Alumni Profile</a>.</p> </dd> </dl> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">LinkedIn</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="import">Why is my profile no longer syncing with LinkedIn?</a></dt> <dd> <p>LinkedIn has discontinued the feature that allowed alumni to import LinkedIn data directly to their HBS alumni profile. Data that has been imported in the past will remain in the alumni profile until edited. We encourage you to <a href="/community/Pages/view-profile.aspx">review your profile</a> to confirm that it is current. </p> </dd> <dt><a id="import">Can I verify my HBS affiliation on LinkedIn with the “Educational institution verification?"</a></dt> <dd> <p>The LinkedIn “Educational institution verification” indicates that an individual currently works or studies at an institution. According to LinkedIn, it cannot be applied retroactively (i.e., after you have graduated).</p> </dd> <!-- <dt><a id="import">How do I import information from LinkedIn to my HBS Alumni Profile?</a></dt> <dd><p>Next time you log in on the <a href="/">alumni homepage</a>, click the "Connect to LinkedIn" link on the pop-up prompt (you may have to disable pop-up blockers) to authorize HBS to copy data from your LinkedIn profile to your alumni profile. </p> <img src="/PublishingImages/help/LinkedloginandInpopup.gif" alt=""/> <div class="shim16"></div> <p>You can also find the “Connect to LinkedIn” link when you’re logged into <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx">your alumni profile page</a>.</p> <img src="/PublishingImages/help/connectLinkedIn.gif" alt=""/> </dd> <dt><a>Which information is imported?</a></dt> <dd><p>Contact information, employment history, education, interests, about me, and photo are imported from LinkedIn. Your profile may be refreshed from LinkedIn each time you return to your profile if the cookie is still active (up to 90 days) or you can perform a manual refresh.</p></dd> <dt><a>How do I perform a manual refresh of my LinkedIn information?</a></dt> <dd><p>To perform a refresh of your LinkedIn data to your alumni profile, <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx">log into your alumni profile page</a> and click “Refresh from LinkedIn.”</p> <img src="/PublishingImages/help/linkedin_refresh.jpg" alt=""/> </dd> <dt><a>Can I choose which information I want to import?</a></dt> <dd><p>Yes, during the process, you can select which information you would like to exclude from the import. You always have the ability to keep previous information from Alumni Profile that isn’t in LinkedIn.</p></dd> <dt><a>Why did my photo, volunteer, or education record not import immediately?</a></dt> <dd><p>Photos, volunteer, and education are manually verified by Alumni Records and will often take a few business days to appear in Alumni Profile.</p> <p>Note that degrees from institutions other than Harvard can be imported only if they are accompanied with a year.</p> <p>Photos also have a minimum size requirement of 150px wide and 158px high to be imported into the Alumni Profile.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Can I disconnect LinkedIn from my Alumni Profile?</a></dt> <dd><p>Yes, in the preferences tab on <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx?#preferences">Edit Profile</a>, there is an option to disconnect LinkedIn from your Alumni Profile.</p></dd> <a id="directory"></a> <dt><a>I encountered an error during the import. How do I report it?</a></dt> <dd><p>Please contact Alumni Records via <a href="">email</a> with as many specifics as possible (screenshots are very helpful).</p></dd> --> </dl> <a id="directory" name="directory"></a> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Alumni Directory</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="dirfeatures">What are important features of the Alumni Directory?</a></dt> <dd> <p><a href="/community/Pages/whats-new.aspx">Watch this short video</a> to see a demonstration of the unique features of the Alumni Directory, including using the search filters and how to print or download your classmates contact information.</p> </dd> <a id="view-limit"></a> <dt><a>Is there a limit of how many profiles I can view in the Alumni Directory?</a></dt> <dd> <p>You can view a maximum of 200 unique profiles per day. Any time you open a profile to view an individual's profile details, it counts against the limit. Search results are not counted against the limit.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Can I see some Alumni Directory sample searches?</a></dt> <dd> <p><b>Search by location:</b> Try searching for alumni located in Hawaii. <a href="">In the Directory</a> type Hawaii in the location search box and click SEARCH. The default results display will be the list view. Click the Map icon above the results to see the Map view. Then use the map’s zoom tools to narrow the results to a more precise location.</p> <p> <img alt="View as List | Map" src="/PublishingImages/help/listviewmapview.png"> </p> <p><b>Search by job title:</b> Filter your search to find alumni in a specific position. For example, try searching for <a href="">alumni who self-identify as a CEO located in New York City</a>. Again, click on the “View as Map” link to see your results, then zoom in to find alumni in, lower Manhattan versus Midtown.</p> <p><b>For more information and a video tutorial: </b> Visit the <a href="/community/Pages/whats-new.aspx">What’s New in the Alumni Directory</a> page.</p> </dd> <a id="mapping"></a> <dt><a>Where do I find the feature that was previously called COMMONLY USED SEARCH?</a></dt> <dd> <p>On the home screen of the HBS Mobile app under “My Directory” and adjacent to the search boxes in the Alumni Directory under “Like You” we have gathered some commonly used searches.</p> <br> <img alt="Mobile App: My Directory - Alumni Directory: Like You" src="/PublishingImages/help/likeme_searches.png" width="620px"> </dd> </dl> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Directory Mapping</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a>What is “alumni directory mapping”?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Mapping of addresses in the Alumni Directory (on the website and in the mobile app) lets you easily search for and find on a map HBS alumni who live or work in a specific city or country as well as identify other alumni who are in your vicinity, whether you’re at home, at work, or travelling. This is a feature many HBS alumni have asked for and it has been made possible by recent upgrades to the Alumni Directory database. You must be logged into the alumni website or mobile app to use this feature.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Why is mapping helpful?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Whether you’re on the road, at work, or at home, you can now easily find other alumni who live or work close to you, filtered by their address as well as their industry or job title or their program and class year. It’s just one more way we’re helping alumni make connections and expand their networks.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How does it work?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Using Google Maps and Apple Map in the case of the iOS app, the mapping tool lets you search by specific location or base your search on your current location. By choosing one of the preset search functions or refining that search further using the filters provided, you can find nearby alumni based on the business or home addresses listed in their Alumni Directory profiles. The mapped results of your search are as specific or generalized as the information alumni share in their profiles.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Does this work on any computer?</a></dt> <dd> <p>The new directory mapping tool works on your personal computer or mobile device. In fact, the <a href="/community/Pages/HBS-Mobile-App.aspx">HBS Mobile app</a> makes it even easier to use on your smartphone enabling you to connect with other alumni when you’re travelling.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Which locations will the map show?</a></dt> <dd> <p>The map results will display whatever you or other alumni have selected to show as your home or business addresses in the Alumni Directory. If you choose to display the full address, the Google Maps tool will identify that location. If you choose to show only your city or country in the directory, the map will provide a generalized identification of that location. </p> </dd> <dt><a>Can I adjust how my address is shown?</a></dt> <dd> <p>We have taken steps to ensure the privacy of your personal information. As with other information in the Alumni Directory, you may change how your addresses display at any time by editing the preferences on your profile page. We encourage you to update your directory profile now to ensure the mapping results align with your preferences. We also suggest that you complete your profile by identifying your industry and topic/interest preferences, as these also will improve your ability to connect with fellow alumni as well as aid your personalized experience on the alumni website. </p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I change my visibility preferences?</a></dt> <dd> <p><a>The </a><a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx"> Edit Profile page</a> allows you to set your level of visibility in the Directory and on the map, including your full address, city, and country. You may also suppress the address entirely. In addition, on the <a href="/community/Pages/edit-profile.aspx#preferences">, Preferences tab of the Edit Profile page</a> you may choose to show or hide your home address or your business address. </p> </dd> <dt><a>Why do I see two pins when there is only one alumnus/a in the area?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Both work and home addresses may be displayed for alumni who choose to display both. </p> </dd> <dt><a>How does the Directory know where I am currently? </a></dt> <dd> <p>The “Near Me" button is based on the IP address of your computer, smartphone, or tablet. </p> </dd> <dt><a>Why am I prompted to share my location? </a></dt> <dd> <p>The Alumni Directory is using Google and Apple iOS to map the location of your IP address to enable location-relevant search. If we can not find your IP address you may be asked to share your location using your device’s GPS locator. If you do not share your address, you may not have access to the complete geolocation functionality. Please note: we do not store your location in these instances; the request is only used for that individual search query.</p> </dd> <dt><a>I have a seasonal address; will it be mapped? </a></dt> <dd> <p>Your seasonal address will temporarily replace your home address during the date range you selected. The map will likewise reflect these settings. </p> </dd> <a id="messaging"></a> <dt><a>How can I provide feedback? </a></dt> <dd> <p>Contact Alumni Records at 617.384.5977 Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM, Eastern Time, or by email at <a href=""></a>. Let us know what you like or what you may not like with the Alumni Directory or any part of the alumni website.</p> </dd> </dl> <a id="messaging"></a> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Alumni Messaging Service</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="msg-svc">What is the Alumni Messaging Service?</a></dt> <dd> <p>The Alumni Messaging Service is a safe and reliable way for you and other alumni to send email messages to individual alumni and to ad-hoc alumni groups you might create using the Alumni Directory. The service helps safeguard alumni communications from the ever-changing rules that Internet Service Providers impose on forwarded email (many are blocking it) and gives you fine control over the types of messages you'd like to receive from classmates and other alumni. With this service, you are able to opt out of or opt into categories of message purposes that will guide the nature of emails you receive from other alumni (examples: Business Deals or Keeping In Touch). These message-purpose options are found in the Preferences tab of your alumni profile page. </p> <p>Building on the Email Your Class/Section tool, the Messaging Service replaces the formerly used LEFA links with envelope icons and a prompt to "send a message." Clicking on "send a message" opens a window with a form for you to compose your message. The new service sends messages to the recipient's preferred contact address.</p> </dd> <dt><a>What are messaging purposes and how do I edit my own?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Messaging purposes are category designations that allow you to control the types of messages you receive from others in the HBS community. They currently include: Business Deals, Current Opportunities, Consulting Offers, Expertise Requests, Job Inquiry, Keeping in Touch, and New Ventures. They may be edited in your <a href="">alumni profile under the Preferences tab</a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>If I create a large message group, is it possible that some people will not receive the message if they opted out of certain messaging purposes?</a></dt> <dd> <p>That is correct. Since you choose recipients before selecting a messaging purpose, it is possible that some in your initial selection are not interested in receiving messages with the message purpose connected to your message and thus they will not receive your message.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I send a message to my class, section, a group of alumni?</a></dt> <dd> <p>To send an email message to your class or section, login in on the <a href="">alumni home page</a>, open the My HBS tab under your name, and then click on the Email Your Class link. You may then choose the appropriate class or section from the “Choose Your Audience” drop down in the “To” field.</p> <p>Sending an email message to a group and an alternate method to sending to your section, begins with the <a href="">Alumni Directory</a>. The first approach starts with the Like You common searches adjacent to the search boxes in the Alumni Directory search screen. You may select alumni in your section, alumni with a similar interest, or who live near you. If the result set is 100 or fewer, the envelope icon at the top of the results list will become an active button. If the result set is greater than 100, use the search refiners to narrow your search.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I send a message to just one person?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Throughout the alumni website, where LEFA links once appeared, you will now see envelope icons (✉) with a link to “send a message.” These appear in the Alumni Directory, in an Alumni Profile, and in Stories. Clicking on these links will take you to the Alumni Messaging Service and will allow you to send a message directly to the recipient’s preferred contact email address.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Where did the LEFA links go?</a></dt> <dd> <p>As an increasing number of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) stop forwarded messages and mark them as SPAM, HBS has chosen to provide an alternate method of sending messages to fellow alumni. We have thus removed LEFA link references from profiles and throughout the Alumni Website. The HBS email addresses (formerly LEFA) are still active and still forward as long as the receiving ISP allows it.</p> <p>Where LEFA links once appeared, you will now see envelope icons (✉) with a link to “send a message.” This will take you to the Alumni Messaging Service and will allow you to send a message directly to the recipient’s preferred contact email address. </p> </dd> <dt><a>What happens if I send an email to an HBS email address/LEFA?</a></dt> <dd> <p>HBS email forwarding addresses are still active and still forward as long as the receiving ISP allows it.</p> </dd> <dt><a>If I reply, will everyone see my response?</a></dt> <dd> <p>No. A reply to a message which originated in the Alumni Messaging Service will be sent back to the sender via email. There is no reply-all function.</p> </dd> <dt><a>If someone replies to a message I send, where will I see that reply?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Replies to messages sent through the service will be emailed to the sender's preferred contact address.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Why can’t I send a message to everyone in my search results list?</a></dt> <dd> <p>We have set a limit of 100 recipients per message.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Do I need to have a contact email address in my alumni profile to use the Alumni Messaging Service?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Yes. A valid contact email address is necessary to send a message using the Alumni Messaging Service. Your fellow alumni need to have someone to reply to. </p> </dd> <dt><a>I encountered an error using the Alumni Messaging Service. How do I report it?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Please contact Alumni Records via <a href="">email</a> with as many specifics as possible (screenshots are very helpful).</p> </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl><a id="hbreview"></a><a id="resources"></a><dl class="plusminus"> <dt class="open"><a href="#" id="resources-section" style=" font-family:'Trade Gothic W01 Roman',Arial,Helvetica,Verdana,sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-size: 32px; line-height: 40px;text-decoration:none;">Benefits & Resources</a></dt> <dd> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Benefits</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="hbr">Do HBS alumni receive special discounts on the <i>Harvard Business Review</i>?</a></dt> <dd> <p><b>FREE Online Access</b>: Alumni receive online access to the current issue and over 2,800 articles from back issues.</p> <!-- <p>By providing your HBS email address and filling out this form, alumni can <a href="#hbr" class="widget-popup">register for digital access to the <i>Harvard Business Review</i></a>.</p>--> <p><b>Alumni Subscription Discounts</b>: HBS Alumni may also receive a discount on the magazine subscriptions of the <i>Harvard Business Review</i>. Visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for details and to subscribe.</p> </dd> <dt><a>Can HBS alumni attend Executive Education programs at a discount?</a></dt> <dd> <p>HBS offers more than 60 executive development opportunities for alumni to return to the campus to reconnect with HBS faculty, recharge their leadership capacity, and interact with an array of leading executives from around the world. <a href="">Alumni qualify for an exclusive 30 percent discount</a> on nearly all open-enrollment HBS Executive Education programs.</p> <p>This offer is available to HBS alumni only; is nontransferable to colleagues, partners, or other company executives; and is subject to the standard HBS Executive Education admissions requirements. The discount is applicable to HBS Executive Education open-enrollment programs only, and cannot be applied to alumni-only programs.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Explore current programs.</a></p> </dd> <dt><a>Are there more discounts and offers for HBS alumni?</a></dt> <dd> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Harvard COOP</a><br> Join the COOP for a $1 annual fee and get 10% off on all purchases.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Harvard Magazine</a><br> All Harvard Magazine content is available online for free. To search class notes and obituaries, <a href="" target="_blank">login</a> is required.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Harvard University Employees Credit Union</a><br> The Credit Union offers a variety of products and services to the Harvard community. </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Harvard Alumni World MasterCard®</a><br> Designed exclusively for Harvard alumni, the card offers cash back and travel rewards, plus no annual or foreign transaction fees. In turn, revenue from the card supports financial aid. </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Lenovo Direct for Harvard Alumni Association</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Zipcar</a><br> Enjoy a group discount on membership to Zipcar in your city.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Learn more</a> about alumni services available to all Harvard alumni. </p> </dd> <dt><a>Is there an official group for HBS alumni on LinkedIn</a></dt> <dd> <p>Yes, there is. If you're a member of LinkedIn and would like to join the official Harvard Business School alumni group <a class="new_window" href="">click here</a>. (HBS email address required for auto-acceptance to the group)</p> <p>You can also import information from your LinkedIn profile to your HBS alumni profile. <a href="#linkedin">Learn more below.</a> </p> </dd> <dt><a>Is there an alumni travel program?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Yes. For information on alumni travel programs exclusively for HBS alumni—including schedules and trip itineraries—go to: <a href="" target="_blank">Harvard Alumni Travels</a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>What is the HBS Nonprofit/Public Sector Loan Repayment Assistance Program?</a></dt> <dd> <p>The HBS Nonprofit/Public Sector Loan Repayment Assistance Program can help reduce the need-based educational debt repayment burden for alumni taking managerial positions in the US or abroad where salaries may be below the MBA average. Qualified graduates from the MBA Class of 1999 onward are eligible to apply. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.</p> <p>You can learn about other opportunities for alumni offered by the Social Enterprise Initiative at <a href="" target="_blank">Alumni for Impact</a>. </p> </dd> <a id="baker"></a> <dt><a id="contact-info">How can I contact other alumni if I have a special need?</a></dt> <dd><a id="specialcontact"></a><p>When facing difficult challenges in life, it is only natural to turn for support to the people who have been there for you throughout your life and career—your HBS network. The HBS community is a valuable resource that can be helpful in myriad situations. What follows are some suggestions for how best to access the HBS network in times of need.</p> <ul> <li><b>Class Notes</b>: Many alumni have shared news to garner support or solicit advice from their peers. Your Class Notes secretary can send a message to your classmates or section mates, help you reach out to them directly, or include a mention in an upcoming column.</li> <li><b>Alumni Messaging Service</b>: Through the alumni website, you can send an email to your section, class, or other groups of alumni. Please be aware that the messaging service’s <a href="">terms and conditions</a> prohibit the use of the service for fundraising or soliciting financial support for your cause.</li> <li><b>Faceted search of the alumni directory</b>: HBS alumni are leaders in every industry and searching the <a href="">alumni directory</a> and searching within the Employment categories can lead you to alumni who are experts in every field or who have resources or connections that may be of assistance.</li> <li><b>Social media</b>: Many alumni connect through <a href="">social media networks</a>. The HBSAlumni group on LinkedIn is open only to HBS alumni, making it a particularly good way to reach out to other alumni in a particular field of interest. </li> <li><b>Clubs and shared interest groups</b>: <a href="">HBS alumni clubs and shared interest groups</a>, such as the Healthcare Alumni Association, are powerful networks that can connect alumni to others in their region or a particular industry. </li> </ul> </dd> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Baker Library</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="bakeruse">Can alumni use Baker Library? </a></dt> <dd> <p>The Baker Library team partners with alumni throughout their learning journey. We strive to provide comprehensive services and resources to alums to support career and professional development and growth. Visit <a href="">Baker for Alumni</a> to learn more.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How can I get a library card? </a></dt> <dd> <p>HBS alumni are eligible for lifelong access and borrowing to all Harvard Libraries, including Baker Library. Visit <a href="">Baker for Alumni</a>to learn how to apply for a Library Borrowing Card.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I make an appointment to visit Baker's Special Collections? </a></dt> <dd> <p>Fill out the online Special Collections <a href="">contact form</a>, or call the Special Collections team at 617.495.6411.</p> </dd> <a id="bulletin"></a> <dt><a>I can't access a library resource - what should I do? </a></dt> <dd> <p>Please <a href="">contact Baker Library</a>; let us know which resource you're trying to use and what message you're getting when attempting access.</p> </dd> </dl> <div class="eta" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-top:30px;">Bulletin & Class Notes</div> <dl class="plusminus"> <dt><a id="classnotes">How do I submit Class Notes? </a></dt> <dd> <p>Alumni may submit Class Notes through the Submit a Note feature in <a href="">Class Notes</a>. </p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I submit a photo for Class Notes?</a></dt> <dd> <p>The Submit a Note feature in <a href="">Class Notes</a> also allows you to submit photos.</p> </dd> <dt><a>What are the guidelines for Class Notes submissions?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Class Notes, in print and online, is a social forum for HBS alumni to share personal and professional news, reflections, commentary, and photographs through the work of volunteer Class and Section Secretaries as a way to foster community and strengthen connections among alumni.</p> <p>In keeping with the School’s statement of <a href="">Community Values</a>, Class Notes relies upon an environment of trust and mutual respect for the rights, differences, and dignity of others; of free expression and inquiry; and with a commitment to truth, excellence, and personal accountability. The views and opinions expressed by alumni are theirs alone, and are not endorsed by and should not be ascribed to Harvard Business School or Harvard University.</p> <p>Alumni may not use Class Notes to defame, harass, or threaten people or entities. The School reserves the right to edit, remove, delete, or refuse any content.</p> <p>For further information, please refer to the Alumni Website <a href="">Terms of Use</a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I find out who is my class secretary?</a></dt> <dd> <p>Your secretary is listed at the top of your Class Notes in each issue of the <em>Bulletin</em>. You may also contact Class Notes directly at <a href=""></a>.</p> </dd> <dt><a>How do I submit an idea for an article? </a></dt> <dd> <p>Story ideas, as well as comments and feedback may be submitted. <a class="bulletin-links" href="">Submit a Story.</a></p> </dd> </dl> </dl> </dd> </dl> <div id="hbr" style="display:none"> <div class="responsive-framework type-framework color-framework grid-framework component-framework pattern-framework js-framework"> <div class="modal-dialog white-bg"> <div class="modal-header"> <div class="kappa-uc modal-header-text">Harvard Business Review Access for Alumni</div> <div class="hr"></div> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <p>To get HBR Subscriber Access on, please follow the instructions below:</p> <ol> <li>Go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li> <li>Enter the Access Code: hbsalumni (all lowercase letters).</li> <li>Enter your First Name, Last Name, HBS email address, and create a password.</li> <li>Click Validate</li> </ol> <p>If you have completed the registration, then you may access the HBR directly: <b><a href=""></a></b>. </p> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <div class="hr"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="base tablet-base mobile-base"></div> </div> </main> </div> <!-- ENDINDEX --> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="back-to-top"><a href="#" class="icon-back-to-top" aria-label="Scroll back to top of page"></a></div><footer role="contentinfo"> <div class="universal-footer noindex" data-feature="universal-footer"> <div class="color-framework grid-framework type-framework component-framework pattern-framework js-framework responsive-framework"> <div class="black-bg link-controller white universal-footer-v3 responsive-type"> <div class="container tablet-container mobile-container"> <div class="shim48 desktop-visible"></div> <div class="shim36 tablet-visible"></div> <div class="shim28 mobile-visible"></div> <div class="hidden">ǁ</div> <div class="row tablet-row mobile-flip 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