Finance Manager | Explore Job Roles | ACCA Careers

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class="mds-surface__inner"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "JobRole", "title": "Finance Manager", "description": "" } </script> <h1>Finance Manager</h1> <div class="md:block lg:flex mt-6 mx-auto"> <dl class="lg:w-9/12 p-4 lg:p-0 lg:flex bg-neutral-lightest"> <div class="mb-6 lg:p-8 lg:mb-0 lg:w-1/3"> <div class="min-h-full"> <dt class="mds-font-s-2 uppercase mds-margin-bottom-b4">6-month job volume</dt> <dd> <div class="flex items-center"> <div class="flex items-center mds-padding-b3 leading-none mds-border-radius bg-neutral-lightest self-stretch mr-3 bg-white"> <span class="w-5 h-5 text-neutral"> <svg style="width:100%; height:100%" viewBox="0 0 24 22" fill="none" aria-hidden="true" xmlns=""> <path d="M13.7944 11.9568C13.7901 11.4301 13.6013 10.9315 13.2595 10.4817C14.2267 10.8146 15.3667 11.0059 16.5997 11.0059C18.6245 11.0059 20.4048 10.492 21.5682 9.6701V10.4628C21.3438 10.9332 20.7711 11.411 19.9157 11.7737C19.0522 12.1398 17.915 12.3822 16.6 12.3822C15.6017 12.3822 14.6292 12.2272 13.7944 11.9568ZM11.8512 4.0582C12.1484 3.6382 12.7373 3.2274 13.5576 2.9221C14.3755 2.6176 15.4143 2.4211 16.5997 2.4211C18.0809 2.4211 19.3321 2.7277 20.2096 3.1678C20.6485 3.3879 20.9905 3.6397 21.2216 3.9C21.453 4.1607 21.5682 4.4239 21.5682 4.6699C21.5682 5.2143 21.282 5.614 20.8674 5.9217C20.4503 6.2312 19.9125 6.44 19.4336 6.5985C18.6444 6.8613 17.6817 7.0268 16.5997 7.0268C14.5617 7.0268 12.9579 6.4448 12.1312 5.7296C11.6196 5.2854 11.4483 4.6211 11.8512 4.0582ZM7.4035 9.6287C8.4669 9.6287 9.5569 9.7887 10.5721 10.1014L12.0719 10.9478C12.4027 11.2721 12.5827 11.6242 12.5827 11.975C12.5827 13.1378 10.4561 14.4337 7.4035 14.4337C5.4831 14.4337 3.9306 13.9214 3.0446 13.2525C2.418 12.7792 2.0717 12.0131 2.5734 11.3058C2.9714 10.7452 3.8424 10.2231 5.034 9.9142C5.7249 9.7357 6.524 9.6287 7.4035 9.6287ZM2.4332 15.092V14.2994C3.5983 15.1212 5.3787 15.635 7.4035 15.635C9.4901 15.635 11.3221 15.0906 12.4827 14.2229V14.6546C12.4827 14.914 12.364 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16.8807C19.3323 17.3209 18.081 17.6277 16.6 17.6277C15.5972 17.6277 14.6249 17.4701 13.7947 17.1941V15.9993C14.6594 16.2363 15.6113 16.362 16.6 16.362C18.6248 16.362 20.4051 15.8474 21.5684 15.0266V15.3791ZM13.7947 13.3246C14.6574 13.5594 15.6095 13.6835 16.6 13.6835C18.6248 13.6835 20.4051 13.1691 21.5684 12.348V13.1382C21.3442 13.6088 20.7714 14.0873 19.9157 14.4505C19.0522 14.8171 17.9149 15.06 16.6 15.06C15.5883 15.06 14.6328 14.9079 13.7947 14.6339V13.3246ZM11.6297 7.7841V6.992C12.7949 7.8133 14.5753 8.3283 16.6 8.3283C18.6249 8.3283 20.4051 7.8132 21.5684 6.9921V7.7841C21.3442 8.2548 20.7714 8.7328 19.9157 9.0956C19.0522 9.4618 17.915 9.7041 16.6 9.7041C15.2851 9.7041 14.1479 9.4618 13.2842 9.0956C12.4283 8.7328 11.8549 8.2548 11.6297 7.7841ZM2.4332 16.9778C3.5983 17.7995 5.3787 18.3128 7.4035 18.3128C9.4938 18.3128 11.3285 17.7665 12.4888 16.897L12.5155 17.7683C12.5072 17.7795 12.4958 17.7946 12.4811 17.8129C12.444 17.8591 12.3858 17.9265 12.303 18.0082C12.1374 18.1716 11.8734 18.3928 11.4834 18.6176C10.704 19.067 9.4175 19.5333 7.4012 19.5788C5.9215 19.612 4.6707 19.3056 3.7933 18.8577C3.3544 18.6337 3.012 18.3759 2.7806 18.1105C2.5487 17.8446 2.4332 17.5773 2.4332 17.3314V16.9778Z" fill="currentColor" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="0.2"></path> </svg> </span> </div> <span> <span class="font-bold"> 7,168 </span> </span> </div> <p class="mds-display-none mds-display-lg-block mds-border-lg-top mds-margin-top-lg-b2 mds-padding-top-lg-b2"> <span class="italic mds-font-s-1 ">Job openings advertised on ACCA Careers in the past 6 months</span> </p> </dd> </div> </div> <div class="mb-6 lg:p-8 lg:mb-0 lg:w-1/3"> <div class="min-h-full"> <dt class="mds-font-s-2 uppercase mds-margin-bottom-b4">Job openings trend</dt> <dd> <div class="flex items-center"> <div class="flex items-center mds-padding-b3 leading-none mds-border-radius bg-neutral-lightest self-stretch mr-3 bg-white"> <span class="w-5 h-5 text-neutral"> <svg style="width:100%; height:100%" viewBox="0 0 21 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<div class="flex items-start"> <div class="rounded-full p-1 mr-2 mt-2 flex-none bg-neutral-light"></div> Financial Report Writing </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mds-padding-y-b8 mx-auto mds-border-bottom"> <div class="lg:flex"> <div class="flex-none lg:w-full"> <h2 class="mb-1 mds-font-s4 font-bold">Education</h2> <div class="mb-8"> <div class="mb-2.5 mds-font-s0">Education held by people in the Finance Manager role </div> <div class=" mds-font-s-1"></div> </div> <dl class="mds-grid-row"> <div class="mds-grid-col-12 mds-grid-col-lg-4 mds-margin-bottom-b8 mds-margin-bottom-lg-b0"> <dt class="mds-display-block mds-font-s-2 uppercase text-neutral mds-margin-bottom-b6">Most common education level</dt> <dd> <div class="flex items-center"> <div class="flex items-center mds-padding-b3 leading-none bg-neutral-lightest mr-3"> <span class="w-5 h-5 text-neutral"> <svg style="width:100%; height:100%" viewBox="0 0 20 24" fill="none" aria-hidden="true" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1.17157 22.8284C0.421427 22.0783 0 21.0609 0 20V4C0.00700564 3.94349 0.0178643 3.88753 0.0325 3.8325C0.0289676 3.79364 0.0238753 3.7551 0.0187661 3.71642C0.00941157 3.64562 0 3.57438 0 3.5C0 2.57174 0.368749 1.6815 1.02513 1.02513C1.6815 0.368749 2.57174 0 3.5 0H16C16.2652 0 16.5196 0.105357 16.7071 0.292893C16.8946 0.48043 17 0.734784 17 1V5H19C19.2652 5 19.5196 5.10536 19.7071 5.29289C19.8946 5.48043 20 5.73478 20 6V23C20 23.2652 19.8946 23.5196 19.7071 23.7071C19.5196 23.8946 19.2652 24 19 24H4C2.93913 24 1.92172 23.5786 1.17157 22.8284ZM4 22H18V7H3.5C2.9801 6.99709 2.46749 6.87749 2 6.65V20C2 20.5304 2.21071 21.0391 2.58579 21.4142C2.96086 21.7893 3.46957 22 4 22ZM15 2H3.5C3.10218 2 2.72064 2.15804 2.43934 2.43934C2.15804 2.72064 2 3.10218 2 3.5C2 3.89782 2.15804 4.27936 2.43934 4.56066C2.72064 4.84196 3.10218 5 3.5 5H15V2ZM6.00056 9H14.0006C14.2658 9 14.5201 9.10536 14.7077 9.29289C14.8952 9.48043 15.0006 9.73478 15.0006 10V14C15.0006 14.2652 14.8952 14.5196 14.7077 14.7071C14.5201 14.8946 14.2658 15 14.0006 15H6.00056C5.73534 15 5.48099 14.8946 5.29345 14.7071C5.10592 14.5196 5.00056 14.2652 5.00056 14V10C5.00056 9.73478 5.10592 9.48043 5.29345 9.29289C5.48099 9.10536 5.73534 9 6.00056 9ZM7.00056 13H13.0006V11H7.00056V13Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </svg> </span> </div> <span class="font-bold">Bachelors degree</span> </div> </dd> </div> <div class="mds-grid-col-12 mds-grid-col-lg-8"> <div class="mds-grid-row"> <dt class="mds-grid-col-12 mds-font-s-2 uppercase text-neutral mds-margin-bottom-b6">Education Subjects Studied</dt> <dd class="mds-grid-col-12 mds-grid-col-md-4 mds-margin-bottom-b6"> <div class="flex items-start"> <div class="rounded-full p-1 mr-2 mt-2 flex-none bg-neutral-light"></div> Accounting </div> </dd> <dd class="mds-grid-col-12 mds-grid-col-md-4 mds-margin-bottom-b6"> <div class="flex items-start"> <div class="rounded-full p-1 mr-2 mt-2 flex-none bg-neutral-light"></div> Finance </div> </dd> </div> </div> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mds-padding-y-b8 mx-auto mds-border-bottom"> <div class="lg:flex"> <div class="flex-none lg:w-full"> <h2 class="mb-1 mds-font-s4 font-bold">Qualifications</h2> <div class="mb-8"> <div class="mb-2.5 mds-font-s0">Qualifications held by people in the Finance Manager role </div> <div class=" mds-font-s-1"></div> </div> <ul> <li class="mds-margin-left-b0 mds-margin-bottom-b6 mds-list__item"> <div class="flex items-start"> <div class="rounded-full p-1 mr-2 mt-2 flex-none bg-neutral-light"></div> (ACCA) Chartered Certified Accountant </div> </li> <li class="mds-margin-left-b0 mds-margin-bottom-b6 mds-list__item"> <div class="flex items-start"> <div class="rounded-full p-1 mr-2 mt-2 flex-none bg-neutral-light"></div> (CIMA) Certified Management Accountant </div> </li> <li class="mds-margin-left-b0 mds-margin-bottom-b6 mds-list__item"> <div class="flex items-start"> <div class="rounded-full p-1 mr-2 mt-2 flex-none bg-neutral-light"></div> (ACA-ICAEW) Chartered Accountant Qualification </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mds-padding-y-b8 mx-auto mds-border-bottom"> <div class="lg:flex"> <div class="flex-none lg:w-3/4"> <h2 class="mb-1 mds-font-s4 font-bold">Recruitment trends</h2> <div class="mb-8"> <div class="mb-2.5 mds-font-s0">Recruitment data for Finance Manager jobs on ACCA Careers </div> <div class=" mds-font-s-1"></div> </div> <h3 class="mds-display-block mds-font-s-2 uppercase text-neutral mb-2">New job openings over time</h3> <div class="lg:flex lg:items-start"> <div class="lg:flex-1 lg:mr-8 pb-12 lg:pb-0"> <published-jobs-line-chart data-published-jobs-histogram="[{&quot;monthStartDate&quot;:&quot;2024-08-01T00:00:00+00:00&quot;,&quot;jobCount&quot;:458,&quot;__typename&quot;:&quot;CareerpathPublishedJobsHistogram&quot;},{&quot;monthStartDate&quot;:&quot;2024-09-01T00:00:00+00:00&quot;,&quot;jobCount&quot;:1288,&quot;__typename&quot;:&quot;CareerpathPublishedJobsHistogram&quot;},{&quot;monthStartDate&quot;:&quot;2024-10-01T00:00:00+00:00&quot;,&quot;jobCount&quot;:1421,&quot;__typename&quot;:&quot;CareerpathPublishedJobsHistogram&quot;},{&quot;monthStartDate&quot;:&quot;2024-11-01T00:00:00+00:00&quot;,&quot;jobCount&quot;:1182,&quot;__typename&quot;:&quot;CareerpathPublishedJobsHistogram&quot;},{&quot;monthStartDate&quot;:&quot;2024-12-01T00:00:00+00:00&quot;,&quot;jobCount&quot;:1173,&quot;__typename&quot;:&quot;CareerpathPublishedJobsHistogram&quot;},{&quot;monthStartDate&quot;:&quot;2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00&quot;,&quot;jobCount&quot;:1449,&quot;__typename&quot;:&quot;CareerpathPublishedJobsHistogram&quot;}]"> <div class="lg:aspect-w-16 lg:aspect-h-9"> <canvas ref="chart" class="h-full w-full" aria-label="A line chart showing the number of job openings for the Finance Manager role increasing since August 2024" tabindex="-1"></canvas> </div> </published-jobs-line-chart> </div> <div class="flex-col justify-around lg:mt-0 lg:flex lg:w-5/12"><div class="mds-grid-row"> <div class="mds-grid-col mds-grid-fit-content"> <div class="flex items-center mds-padding-b3 leading-none mds-border-radius bg-neutral-lightest self-stretch mds-height-full"> <span class="w-5 h-5 text-neutral"> <svg style="width:100%; height:100%" viewBox="0 0 21 20" fill="none" aria-hidden="true" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.1 0H0V19.95H21V17.85H2.1V0Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path d="M18.8992 9.30127V6.65079L12.9142 12.9059L9.76422 9.72535L5.66922 13.8601L4.19922 12.3758L9.76422 6.75681L12.9142 9.93739L17.4292 5.0605H14.6992V2.94011H20.9992V9.30127H18.8992Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="mds-grid-col"> <div class="mds-padding-bottom-b2 mds-margin-bottom-b2 mds-border-bottom"><dt class="mds-display-inline mds-margin-right-b3 mds-font-s-2 uppercase text-neutral">Job openings trend</dt><span class="font-bold mds-font-s0"> Growing </span> </div> <div class="italic mds-font-s-1">Growth trend for job openings on ACCA Careers </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mds-padding-y-b8 mx-auto mds-border-bottom"> <div class="lg:flex"> <div class="flex-none lg:w-full"> <h2 class="mb-1 mds-font-s4 font-bold">Career path</h2> <div class="mb-8"> <div class="mb-2.5 mds-font-s0"> <p class="mb-2">Real world examples of career paths taken by those in the Finance Manager role</p> <div class="flex"> <span class="w-5 h-5 mds-margin-right-b3"> <svg style="width:100%; height:100%" viewBox="0 0 18 19" fill="none" aria-hidden="true" xmlns=""> <path d="M4.35465 11.3398H0.474727C0.197935 11.3398 0 11.5516 0 11.8008V17.8168C0 18.0856 0.218045 18.2778 0.474727 18.2778H4.35465C4.63144 18.2778 4.82938 18.0661 4.82938 17.8168V11.8204C4.82938 11.5509 4.6121 11.3399 4.35465 11.3399V11.3398Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path d="M17.4182 6.51189H13.5382C13.2614 6.51189 13.0635 6.72362 13.0635 6.97286V17.8125C13.0635 18.0812 13.2815 18.2734 13.5382 18.2734H17.4182C17.6949 18.2734 17.8929 18.0617 17.8929 17.8125V6.97344C17.8929 6.72343 17.6756 6.51172 17.4182 6.51172V6.51189Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path d="M10.8869 9.79883H7.00696C6.73016 9.79883 6.53223 10.0106 6.53223 10.2598V17.8134C6.53223 18.0822 6.75027 18.2744 7.00696 18.2744H10.8869C11.1637 18.2744 11.3616 18.0626 11.3616 17.8134V10.2598C11.3616 10.0098 11.1444 9.79883 10.8869 9.79883Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path d="M2.41461 9.45501C3.64165 9.45501 4.65148 8.5323 4.75044 7.34083L6.94792 6.82205C7.3639 7.47521 8.09611 7.89867 8.94747 7.89867C10.234 7.89867 11.3025 6.87986 11.3025 5.61189C11.3025 5.4775 11.2824 5.36188 11.2631 5.22749L13.8362 3.92039C14.2522 4.32431 14.846 4.57355 15.4793 4.57355C16.7859 4.57355 17.8343 3.55475 17.8343 2.28678C17.8343 1.01796 16.7851 0 15.4793 0C14.1726 0 13.1242 1.01881 13.1242 2.28678C13.1242 2.42117 13.1443 2.53679 13.1637 2.67117L10.5905 3.97828C10.1745 3.57435 9.5807 3.32511 8.94747 3.32511C7.72042 3.32511 6.7106 4.26658 6.61163 5.43929L4.41415 5.95808C3.99817 5.30491 3.26597 4.8627 2.41461 4.8627C1.10792 4.8627 0.0595703 5.8815 0.0595703 7.14948C0.0595703 8.41745 1.10801 9.45509 2.41461 9.45509V9.45501ZM15.4783 1.44053C15.9732 1.44053 16.3691 1.82492 16.3691 2.30542C16.3691 2.78592 15.9732 3.17031 15.4783 3.17031C14.9835 3.17031 14.5876 2.78592 14.5876 2.30542C14.5876 1.8437 14.9835 1.44053 15.4783 1.44053ZM8.94648 4.76575C9.44131 4.76575 9.83719 5.15015 9.83719 5.63065C9.83719 6.11114 9.44131 6.49554 8.94648 6.49554C8.45164 6.49554 8.05577 6.11114 8.05577 5.63065C8.05577 5.15015 8.45164 4.76575 8.94648 4.76575ZM2.41461 6.30334C2.90945 6.30334 3.30532 6.68774 3.30532 7.16823C3.30532 7.64873 2.90945 8.03313 2.41461 8.03313C1.91977 8.03313 1.5239 7.64873 1.5239 7.16823C1.5239 6.68774 1.91977 6.30334 2.41461 6.30334Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </svg> </span> <p>Data recently sourced from Finance Manager CVs</p> </div> </div> <div class=" mds-font-s-1"></div> </div> <div class="overflow-hidden overflow-x-auto lg:overflow-x-hidden pb-3 lg:pb-0"> <ol class="flex lg:flex-col relative"> <li class="flex lg:flex-col"> <ol class="grid grid-flow-col grid-rows-5 lg:grid-flow-row lg:grid-rows-none lg:grid-cols-careerpath mds-margin-bottom-b0 mds-padding-x-b8 mds-border-right mds-border-lg-bottom mds-border-lg-right-none lg:border-r-0 mds-padding-x-lg-b0 mds-padding-y-lg-b8"> <li class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row "> <div class="relative p-3 w-40 min-h-24 overflow-hidden mds-border mds-border-radius flex flex-col border-neutral bg-white"> <div class="flex-1 flex items-center mds-font-s0 text-neutral-darker font-bold line-clamp-3 mds-width-full mds-margin-bottom-b0"> Assistant Accountant </div> <p 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