% Encoding: UTF-8 @COMMENT{BibTeX export based on data in FAU CRIS:} @COMMENT{For any questions please write to} @article{faucris.228780402, author = {Bohn, Miriam and Vollmann, Erik and Zumbrägel, Tobias}, doi = {10.3224/gwp.v67i2.01}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Gegenwartskunde: Zeitschrift für Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik und Bildung}, pages = {167-172}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Abenteuer} am {Golf}: {Saudi}-{Arabiens} {Wandel} unter den {Salmans}}, volume = {67}, year = {2018} } @misc{faucris.111669404, author = {Schnelzer, Nadine}, faupublication = {no}, keywords = {Israel; Palästina; Besatzung; Nahostkonflikt;}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{About} an occupation}, url = {}, year = {2012} } @article{faucris.248096532, abstract = {The Kingdom of Morocco decisively increased trade and diplomatic interaction with countries of Western and Sub-Saharan Africa since the mid-2000s, supplementing Morocco's long-standing foreign policy orientation toward the 'West'. Under the guidance of King Mohammed VI, the country gradually sought regional political rapprochement after several decades of relative isolation. The push for regional integration is taking place across multiple policy fields and goes hand in hand with a more assertive demeanour on the stage of international diplomacy. Environmental sustainability - encompassing renewable energy production and environmental protection measures - is a policy sector on which the autocratic Moroccan regime places special emphasis. This paper traces Morocco's 'green turn', the development of environmental sustainability policy under King Mohammed VI in context of Morocco's general foreign policy realignment. It analyses Morocco's environmental engagement at the foreign policy level in terms of soft power activity and gives tentative insight on Morocco's path of becoming an influential regional player in Western and Sub-Saharan Africa.}, author = {Nicolai, Katharina}, doi = {10.1080/13629387.2020.1865931}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Journal of North African Studies}, note = {CRIS-Team WoS Importer:2021-01-22}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{A} {Green} {Gambit}: {The} {Development} of {Environmental} {Foreign} {Policy} in {Morocco}}, year = {2020} } @article{faucris.110039204, author = {Roll, Stephan and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Informationen zur politischen Bildung}, pages = {8-10}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Ägypten}: {Herrschaftssicherung} durch {Reformen}}, year = {2009} } @article{faucris.110037664, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Der Bürger im Staat}, pages = {26-33}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Ägypten} nach {Mubarak}: zum {Militär} und „{Monopoly} der {Macht}"}, volume = {62}, year = {2012} } @misc{faucris.122584924, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Ägyptens} {Weg} in die {Demokratie}: {Panzer} zu {Pflugscharen}? {Ägypten} ein {Jahr} nach {Machtübernahme} des {Militärs}}, url = {}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.113379024, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Ägypten} und die {Revolution} seit 2011: {Ein} {Vorbild} für die {Region}?}, year = {2013} } @misc{faucris.107984184, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Ägypten} und {Iran} vor einer neuen {Eiszeit}? ({Länderbericht} für {Konrad}-{Adenauer}-{Stiftung} e.{V}.)}, url = {}, year = {2008} } @book{faucris.123114024, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Paul, Axel and Reinkowski, Maurus}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {978-3-8487-3255-5}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, publisher = {Nomos}, series = {Leviathan Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft}, title = {{Arabellion}: {Vom} {Aufbruch} zum {Zerfall} einer {Region}?}, volume = {31}, year = {2017} } @book{faucris.112918124, abstract = {Im Mittelpunkt des Bandes steht die interdisziplin&auml;re Analyse der arabischen Auf- und Umbr&uuml;che 2011/2012 sowie deren Bedeutung f&uuml;r die jeweiligen Gesellschaften. Die Bandbreite der disziplin&auml;ren Betrachtungen reicht hierbei von Wirtschaft und Politik, &uuml;ber Religion, Kunst und Kultur bis hin zur Rechtswissenschaft und Philosophie. Dabei wird an bisherige Forschung angekn&uuml;pft, jedoch auf Themen fokussiert, denen bislang wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wurde.</p> <p> Neben einem originellen Blick auf einzelne L&auml;nder bietet der Band auch komparative Betrachtungen sowie Beschreibungen soziokultureller Auswirkungen jenseits der Politik. Zudem enth&auml;lt er Beitr&auml;ge, die versuchen, die Ereignisse aus einer &uuml;bergreifenden Perspektive historisch, theoretisch, aber auch kritisch einzuordnen. Allen Beitr&auml;gen gemein ist ihre mehr oder weniger direkte Auseinandersetzung mit der eminenten Frage, welche (und wessen) Hoffnungen durch den Arabischen Fr&uuml;hling erf&uuml;llt wurden und welche Erwartungen mindestens noch ausstehen.}, address = {Baden-Baden}, edition = {1}, editor = {Tamer, Georges and Lintl, Peter and Röbbelen, Hanna}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {978-3-8487-1386-8}, keywords = {Arabischer Frühling; Islam; Arabische Welt}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, publisher = {Nomos}, series = {Nahoststuiden. Middle Eastern Studies}, title = {{Arabischer} {Aufbruch}. {Interdisziplinäre} {Studien} zur {Einordnung} eines zeitgeschichtlichen {Phänomens}}, url = {}, volume = {1}, year = {2015} } @article{faucris.230761888, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte}, pages = {57-70}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Ausnahmezustand} als {Herrschaftstechnik}? {Ägypten} und die politischen {Umbrüche} seit 2011}, volume = {13}, year = {2019} } @book{faucris.240522356, address = {London/New York}, doi = {10.1080/13510347.2021.1993827}, editor = {Kneuer, Marianne and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {9780367442842}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, publisher = {Routledge, Taylor & Francis}, title = {{Authoritarian} {Gravity} {Centers}: {A} {Cross}-{Regional} {Study} of {Authoritarian} {Promotion} and {Diffusion}}, year = {2020} } @article{faucris.289298171, abstract = {The scholarly debate on the durability of autocracies is vivid. It has explored a broad spectrum of regime types and respective sources and mechanisms of regime survival. A bias towards the strong effect of material means of regime survival, for example repression, cooptation or output-legitimation, is striking. In resource-rich Middle East and North African (MENA) countries, this has been deeply rooted in the logic of rent economies. Only recently have nonmaterial factors of authoritarian power such as emotional engagement or affective behaviour of the populace gained more prominence in the literature, since autocrats are, for example, increasingly trying to strengthen societal bonds by referring to the past. In order to deconstruct this phenomenon in twenty-first-century autocracies, this article introduces sentimentality as a conceptual approach that allows a more fine-grained analysis of contemporary meaning-making attempts on a national level for the sake of regime survival. We assume three dimensions in which forms and functions of sentimentality can be seen–actors, spaces and media–and provide empirical evidence from the Gulf monarchies.}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Thies, Antonia}, doi = {10.1080/01436597.2023.2171392}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Third World Quarterly}, keywords = {Autocracies; Gulf monarchies; national identity; regime survival; sentimentality}, note = {CRIS-Team Scopus Importer:2023-02-17}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Autocracies} and the temptation of sentimentality: repertoires of the past and contemporary meaning-making in the {Gulf} monarchies}, year = {2023} } @article{faucris.113376384, author = {Badr, Hanan and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen}, pages = {143-160}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Autoritäre} {Regime}, {Neue} {Medien} und das {Regimedilemma}: eine {Fallstudie} zu {Ägypten}}, volume = {21}, year = {2014} } @article{faucris.123136904, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Der Bürger im Staat}, pages = {206-211}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Befreiungstechnologie} {Internet}: {Social} {Media} und die {Diktatoren}}, year = {2014} } @misc{faucris.113397944, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Book} review of "{The} {EU}'s democracy promotion and the {Mediterranean} neighbors", by {Ann}-{Kristin} {Jonasson}, erschienen in {Mediterranean} {Politics} 19, 3 (2014)}, year = {2014} } @incollection{faucris.121830764, address = {London}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy}, editor = {Prof. Dr. Tobias Schumacher, Dr. Andreas Marchetti, Prof. Dr. Thomas Demmelhuber}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {{Challenges} of a southern neighbourhood}, year = {2018} } @article{faucris.270684589, abstract = {During the reign of King Mohammed VI, Morocco experienced a rapid expansion in regional economic and military ties that have given a gradual impetus to a shift in regional power constellations. But in the shadow of this hard power trajectory, the Moroccan regime is increasingly capitalizing on its soft power resources as well. In this paper, we demonstrate how the kingdom’s considerable cultural capital–arising from religion, historicity, and tradition–has become a political instrument to improve the country’s outward image. The regime inter alia employs cultural politics and public diplomacy measures in Islamic and Jewish religious policy, through the commercialization of material and immaterial cultural heritage and through the massive investment into cultural infrastructure to construct a new nation brand and subsequentially solidify Morocco’s regional and international soft power standing. This, in turn, has enabled Morocco to more successfully pursue its foreign policy goals, first and foremost its quest to gain sovereignty over the Western Sahara. The research is based on media analysis and original data from semi-structured interviews conducted between February 2020 and February 2021.}, author = {Wuest, Andreas and Nicolai, Katharina}, doi = {10.1080/13629395.2022.2033513}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Mediterranean Politics}, keywords = {authoritarianism; Cultural diplomacy; foreign policy; Morocco; regional power; soft power}, note = {CRIS-Team Scopus Importer:2022-03-11}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Cultural} diplomacy and the reconfiguration of soft power: {Evidence} from {Morocco}}, year = {2022} } @misc{faucris.113378364, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Das} ägyptische {Militär} im arabischen {Frühling}. {Machterhalt} in {Zeiten} des politischen {Wandels}}, year = {2014} } @incollection{faucris.119401964, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Autoritarismus Reloaded: Neuere Ansätze und Erkenntnisse der Autokratieforschung}, editor = {Albrecht Holger Frankenberg Rolf}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {139-156}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Nomos}, title = {{Das} {Familienunternehmen} {Ägypten}: autoritäre {Herrschaftsmechanismen} auf dem {Prüfstand}}, year = {2010} } @article{faucris.110250404, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Der Bürger im Staat}, pages = {59-64}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Das} {Familienunternehmen} {Ägypten}}, volume = {60}, year = {2010} } @incollection{faucris.110250184, address = {Schwalbach}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Autoritäre Regime: Herrschaftsmechanismen, Legitimationsstrategien, Persistenz und Wandel}, editor = {Albrecht Holger Frankenberger Rolf Frech Siegfried}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {176-196}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Wochenschau Verlag}, title = {{Das} {Familienunternehmen} {Ägypten}}, year = {2011} } @article{faucris.240521447, abstract = {A vivid regional and international debate on the significance of local politics and the respective actors came back to life after the Arab uprisings in 2011, which initiated decentralisation reforms in several MENA countries. Decentralisation advocates expect the reforms to foster democratisation, local autonomy and the overall socioeconomic situation, but Middle Eastern regimes also engage in decentralisation reforms for the sake of their own durability. This article assesses the potential of decentralisation reforms to develop mechanisms that contribute to authoritarian upgrading. We systematically include subnational politics and dynamics, as they are essential for deepening our understanding of the potential for reforms to uphold non-democratic regimes. Decentralisation is a promising test case, as the delegation of power away from the centre towards subnational actors and institutions affects the regime’s ability to control the polity. In our analysis, we focus on three salient aspects that influence the outcome of a decentralisation reform: (1) the legal outline of decentralisation, (2) its financial organisation as well as (3) the management of central, regional, and local elite networks. Subnational authoritarian upgrading via decentralisation reforms in Jordan and Morocco seem to focus on the satisfaction and containment of civil society as well as on the management and control of elites and oppositional actors.<br}, author = {Vollmann, Erik and Bohn, Miriam and Sturm, Roland and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, doi = {10.1080/13629387.2020.1787837}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Journal of North African Studies}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Decentralisation} as {Authoritarian} {Upgrading}? {Evidence} from {Jordan} and {Morocco}}, year = {2020} } @article{faucris.208991503, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Sturm, Roland and Vollmann, Erik}, doi = {10.1080/13629395.2018.1559391}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Mediterranean Politics}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Decentralization} in the {Arab} world: {Conceptualizing} the role of neopatrimonial networks}, year = {2018} } @article{faucris.209608287, author = {Sturm, Roland and Demmelhuber, Thomas and Vollmann, Erik}, doi = {10.1080/13629395.2018.1559391}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Mediterranean Politics}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Decentralization} in the {Arab} world: {Conceptualizing} the role of neopatrimonial networks}, year = {2018} } @incollection{faucris.108039844, abstract = {Der Beitrag untersucht das Verh&auml;ltnis von Demokratie und Revolution bzw. Milit&auml;rputsch. Ausgehend von einem strukturgeschichtlich informierten Demokratiebegriff wird aufgezeigt, wie sowohl der ehemalige &auml;gyptische Pr&auml;sident Mursi von der Muslimbruderschaft als auch sein Gegenspieler, Armeechef Abd al-Fattah as-Sisi, sich jeweils auf eine demokratische Normativit&auml;t der Volkssouver&auml;nit&auml;t beriefen, gleichzeitig jedoch bestimmte Elemente ihres Verst&auml;ndnisses als &quot;unverf&uuml;gbar&quot; aus dem allgemeinen Diskussionsprozess ausschlossen. Es wird argumentiert, dass sie hiermit an das grundlegende Paradoxon des Gesellschaftsvertrages ankn&uuml;pften, der zwar einerseits die F&auml;higkeit jedes &quot;demos&quot; betont, Ordnung zu setzen, gleichzeitig jedoch diese Entscheidungsfreiheit einschr&auml;nken muss. Der Beitrag stellt fest, dass insbesondere im Falle as-Sisis diese Einschr&auml;nkungen eine demokratische Willens&auml;u&szlig;erung solange unn&ouml;tig machen, bis ein als richtig geglaubter Standard der Nation erreicht wurde.}, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Thuselt, Christian and Lintl, Peter and Wolff, Christian}, booktitle = {Arabischer Aufbruch. Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Einordnung eines zeitgeschichtlichen Phänomens}, editor = {Georges Tamer, Hanna Röbbelen, Peter Lintl}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {978-3-8487-1386-8}, keywords = {Ägypten, Militärputsch, Muslimbruderschaft, Armee, Demokratie, Demokratietheorie}, pages = {293-329}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Nomos}, series = {Nahoststudien/Middle Eastern Studies}, title = {{Demokratische} {Paradoxien}: {Volkssouveränität} in {Ägypten} zwischen {Aufstand} und {Autokratie}.}, volume = {1}, year = {2014} } @incollection{faucris.122439284, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Demokratie und Islam: Theoretische und empirische Studien}, editor = {Hidalgo Oliver, Zapf Holger, Cavuldak Ahmad, Hildmann Oliver W.}, faupublication = {no}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {VS}, title = {{Der} {Arabische} {Frühling} seit 2011: {Pluralität} der {Veränderung} und die {Suche} nach {Erklärungsansätzen}}, year = {2014} } @article{faucris.110037224, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten}, pages = {4-62}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Der} {Emir} und das {Internet}: {Zur} {Modernisierung} der {Tradition} in den arabischen {Golfmonarchien}}, volume = {18}, year = {2012} } @article{faucris.120890924, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Damals}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Der} {König}, das {Militär} und die {Briten}}, year = {2012} } @incollection{faucris.202629764, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik - Nordafrika und Nahost}, editor = {Peter-Christian Müller-Graff}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {978-3-8487-4763-4}, pages = {9-19}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Nomos}, series = {Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V.}, title = {{Der} {Nahe} {Osten} im {Lichte} der arabischen {Umbrüche}: {Autokraten} und ihre politische {Halbwertszeit}}, volume = {102}, year = {2017} } @misc{faucris.111199924, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Der} {Nahe} {Osten} - oder {Region} aus den {Fugen}}, year = {2017} } @article{faucris.113376824, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Der} {Nahe} {Osten} und der {Einfluss} externer {Mächte}: {Kontinuität} und {Brüche} im {Lichte} der {Protestbewegungen} seit 2011}, year = {2014} } @incollection{faucris.113376164, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Arabischer Aufbruch}, editor = {Tamer Georges Röbbelen Hanna Lintl Peter}, faupublication = {no}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Nomos}, series = {Nahoststudien/Middle Eastern Studies}, title = {{Der} {Nahe} {Osten} und die internationale {Politik}: {Dynamiken} der {Veränderung} und {Kontinuität} seit 2011}, volume = {1}, year = {2014} } @incollection{faucris.114640284, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Revolution und Regimewandel in Ägypten}, editor = {Albrecht Holger Demmelhuber Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {43-61}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Nomos}, title = {{Der} {Pharao}, das {Regime} und der {Staat}: {Regime}- und {Elitenwandel} nach {Mubarak}}, year = {2013} } @incollection{faucris.206844132, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Bohn, Miriam and Demmelhuber, Thomas and Sturm, Roland and Vollmann, Erik}, booktitle = {Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2018}, editor = {Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {157-171}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Nomos}, title = {{Dezentralisierung} in der arabischen {Welt}: ein konzeptioneller {Zugang}}, volume = {19}, year = {2018} } @incollection{faucris.113380564, address = {Wien u.a.}, author = {Kneuer, Marianne and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Informationen zur politischen Bildung, Österreich}, faupublication = {no}, pages = {30-38}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, title = {{Die} {Bedeutung} {Neuer} {Medien} für die {Demokratieentwicklung}. {Überlegungen} am {Beispiel} des {Arabischen} {Frühlings}}, volume = {35}, year = {2012} } @article{faucris.209100858, author = {Zumbrägel, Tobias and Vollmann, Erik}, doi = {10.5771/0044-3360-2018-3-265}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Politik}, pages = {265-282}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Die} {Erfindung} des {Wir}: {Ideelles} {Identitätsmanagement} als {Legitimationsstrategie} {Saudi}-{Arabiens}}, volume = {65}, year = {2018} } @incollection{faucris.119728004, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Europa und die Welt 2020 : Entwicklungen und Tendenzen}, editor = {Marchetti Andreas Clouet Louis-Marie}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {163-170}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Nomos}, title = {{Die} {EU} und der {Nahe} {Osten}: {Kontinuität} und {Wandel} in {Europas} {Nachbarschaft}}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.208991943, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Die} politische {Ordnung} in {Tunesien} und die {Beziehungen} mit der {EU} seit 2011: {Dezentralisierung} als {Blaupause}?}, url = {}, year = {2018} } @article{faucris.121456984, author = {Aksoy, Hürcan Asli}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Der Bürger im Staat}, keywords = {Außenpolitik, Türkei im Nahen Osten}, pages = {80-87}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Die} {Türkei} im {Nahen} {Osten}: {Neujustierung} der türkischen {Außenpolitik}}, url = {{\_}2{\_}12/proteste{\_}potentaten.htm}, year = {2012} } @misc{faucris.119757044, author = {Aksoy, Hürcan Asli}, faupublication = {no}, keywords = {Geschichte der Frauenbewegungen;Frauenrechte;Türkei;Gewalt gegen Frauen}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Die} türkische {Frauenrechtsbewegung}}, url = {}, year = {2014} } @article{faucris.114639184, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Marchetti, Andreas and Marchetti, Andreas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Integration}, pages = {132-147}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Die} {Union} für das {Mittelmeer}; {Ambitionen} und {Realität} ; eine ernüchternde {Zwischenbilanz} der französisch-ägyptischen {Präsidentschaft}}, volume = {34}, year = {2011} } @incollection{faucris.110573804, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Europa und der Arabische Frühling. Frankreich, Deutschland und die Umbrüche der EU-Mittelmeerpolitik}, editor = {Ruß-Satter Sabine, Bender Peter, Walter Georg}, faupublication = {no}, pages = {55-66}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Nomos}, series = {Schriften zur europäischen Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur}, title = {{Dilemma} von {Demokratisierung} und {Stabilitätspolitik} im {Mittelmeerraum}: {Herausforderungen} für die {EU} und {Ägypten} nach dem {Rücktritt} {Hosni} {Mubaraks}}, volume = {21}, year = {2013} } @article{faucris.110111804, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Drittmittelfinanzierte} {Militärputsche}. {Wer} bezahlt die {Rechnung} in {Ägypten}?}, year = {2014} } @incollection{faucris.110248864, address = {Palgrave Macmillan}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Globalisation, democratisation and radicalisation in the Arab world}, editor = {Harrigan Jane El-Said Hamed}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {145-164}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Basingstoke}, title = {{Economic} {Reform} and {Authoritarianism} in {Egypt}: {Politics}, {Power}, and {Patronage}}, year = {2011} } @article{faucris.123352944, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, doi = {10.1080/13510340802575874}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Democratization}, pages = {119-136}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Egypt}'s moment of reform and its reform actors: {The} variety-capability gap}, volume = {16}, year = {2009} } @incollection{faucris.113395304, address = {London}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {The European Union's Democratization Agenda in the Mediterranean}, editor = {Pace Michelle, Seeberg Peter}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {119-136}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {{Egypt}'s moment of reform and its reform actors: {The} variety-capability gap}, year = {2010} } @misc{faucris.113393324, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Egypt}'s uncertain journey to democracy: {Lessons} to learn from {Turkey} ({EU}-{Turkey} {Monitor}, vol.7, n°1)}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.120384924, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Ein} {Duell}, das keiner wollte. {Präsidentschaftswahlen} in {Ägypten} ({Kommentar} auf}, url = {}, year = {2012} } @incollection{faucris.113653804, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Albrecht, Holger}, booktitle = {Revolution und Regimewandel in Ägypten}, editor = {Holger Albrecht, Thomas Demmelhuber}, faupublication = {no}, pages = {9-18}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Nomos}, title = {{Einleitung}: {Revolution} und {Regimewandel} in {Ägypten}}, year = {2013} } @article{faucris.272194840, abstract = {Scholarly debates on Chinese foreign policy in the Middle East and the international dimension of authoritarianism have gained momentum since Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013. At the same time, the global pandemic provided a window of opportunity to autocrats worldwide to fine-tune their modes of surveillance for the sake of regime survival. This article deconstructs Sino-Emirati relations in the field of digital surveillance. Inspired by Social Network Theory, we explore three transregional public-private elite networks as multipliers for the traveling of authoritarian practices. We show that authoritarian diffusion under the umbrella of fighting the pandemic is not spatially bound to geopolitical proximity or other structural similarities but rather a global phenomenon that state and non-state actors reproduce.}, author = {Gurol, Julia and Zumbrägel, Tobias and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, doi = {10.1080/10670564.2022.2052444}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Journal of Contemporary China}, note = {CRIS-Team Scopus Importer:2022-04-01}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Elite} {Networks} and the {Transregional} {Dimension} of {Authoritarianism}: {Sino}-{Emirati} {Relations} in {Times} of a {Global} {Pandemic}}, year = {2022} } @book{faucris.109545524, address = {Tübingen}, author = {Aksoy, Hürcan Asli}, doi = {10.15496/publikation-16606}, faupublication = {no}, keywords = {Gender and Democratization; Participation and Inclusion; Civil Society; Turkey; Women's Civil Society Organizations}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {UB Tübingen}, title = {{Engendering} {Democracy} in {Turkey}. {Participation} and {Inclusion} of {Women}'s {Civil} {Society} {Organizations} under {AKP} {Rule}}, year = {2017} } @book{faucris.123005344, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, editor = {Prof. Dr. Ludger Kühnhardt}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {978-3-8329-4460-5}, pages = {343}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Nomos}, series = {Schriften des Zentrums für Europäische Integrationsforschung}, title = {{EU}-{Mittelmeerpolitik} und der {Reformprozess} in {Ägypten}. {Von} der {Partnerschaft} zur {Nachbarschaft}}, volume = {69}, year = {2009} } @misc{faucris.122646084, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Gegenwind} für die {Mittelmeerunion} ({Länderbericht} für {Konrad}-{Adenauer}-{Stiftung} e.{V}.)}, url = {}, year = {2008} } @article{faucris.203484576, author = {Aksoy, Hürcan Asli}, doi = {10.17645/pag.v6i3.1423}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Politics and Governance}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Gendered} {Strategies} between {Democratization} and {Democratic} {Reversal}: {The} {Curious} {Case} of {Turkey}}, url = {}, volume = {6}, year = {2018} } @incollection{faucris.300144963, address = {Leiden}, author = {Jaraba, Mahmoud and Nicolai, Katharina and Kühnel, Verena Margarete and Linke, Maximilian and Müssig, Stephanie and Nowar, Nina and Klingel, Julia}, booktitle = {Yearbook of Muslims in Europe}, editor = {Scharbrodt, Oliver; Akgönül, Samim; Alibašić, Ahmet; Nielsen, Jørgen S.; Racius Egdunas}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {288–310}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Brill}, title = {{Germany}}, volume = {11}, year = {2019} } @incollection{faucris.318595964, address = {Leiden}, author = {Nicolai, Katharina and Jaraba, Mahmoud and Klingel, Julia and Linke, Tibor and Müssig, Stephanie and Thielmann, Jörn and Weißert, Antonia}, booktitle = {Yearbook of Muslims in Europe}, editor = {Müssig, Stephanie; Racius, Egdunas; Akgönül, Samim; Alibasic, Ahmet; Nielsen, Jorgen S.; Scharbrodt, Oliver}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {278-299}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Brill}, title = {{Germany}}, volume = {13}, year = {2021} } @incollection{faucris.121956384, address = {Frankfurt a.Main}, author = {Aksoy, Hürcan Asli}, booktitle = {Patriarchat im Wandel. Frauen und Politik in der Türkei}, editor = {Hürcan Asli Aksoy}, faupublication = {yes}, keywords = {Frauenrechte, Geschlechterregime, Frauenpolitik, Türkei}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Campus Verlag}, series = {Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse}, title = {{Geschlechterregime} im {Wandel}. {Historische} {Entwicklung} der {Gleichberechtigung} in der {Türkei}}, year = {2018} } @article{faucris.107126404, author = {Kneuer, Marianne and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Democratization}, pages = {775-796}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Gravity} {Centers} of {Authoritarian} {Rule}: {A} {Conceptual} {Approach}}, volume = {23}, year = {2016} } @article{faucris.113374184, author = {Kneuer, Marianne and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, doi = {10.1080/13510347.2015.1018898}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Democratization}, pages = {775-796}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Gravity} centres of authoritarian rule: a conceptual approach}, volume = {23}, year = {2016} } @incollection{faucris.121828344, address = {Berlin}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Roll, Stephan}, booktitle = {SWP-Studie}, editor = {Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, title = {{Herrschaftssicherung} in {Ägypten}: {Zur} {Rolle} von {Reformen} und {Wirtschaftsoligarchen} ({SWP}-{Studie})}, volume = {20}, year = {2007} } @article{faucris.120618784, author = {Aksoy, Hürcan Asli}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Femina politica}, keywords = {Geschlechterpolitik, Autoritarismus, Türkei, Frauenbewegungen}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Im} {Schatten} des {Autoritarismus}: {Geschlechterverhältnisse} und {Geschlechterpolitik} in der {Türkei}}, year = {2017} } @article{faucris.123596924, author = {Aksoy, Hürcan Asli}, doi = {10.1017/S1743923X1500001X}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Politics & Gender}, keywords = {women;democratization;civil society;Turkey;Islamist women's movement;headscarf debate; abortion debate;}, pages = {146 - 170}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Invigorating} {Democracy} in {Turkey}: {The} {Agency} of {Organized} {Islamist} {Women}}, url = {}, volume = {11}, year = {2015} } @article{faucris.121542564, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Politik}, pages = {42-60}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Kann} ein {Putsch} demokratisch sein? {Normativer} {Etikettenschwindel} in {Ägypten}}, volume = {61}, year = {2014} } @misc{faucris.124052764, author = {Aksoy, Hürcan Asli}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Knowns} and {Unknowns} behind {Turkey}'s {Failed} {Coup}}, url = {}, year = {2016} } @article{faucris.115053224, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik}, pages = {63-72}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Konfliktherd} {Gazastreifen}: {Staatsbildung} in {Ägyptens} {Hinterhof}?}, volume = {60}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.122168024, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Lang} lebe der {Pharao}! {Der} {Westen} und das {Mubarak}-{Regime} ({Kommentar} auf}, url = {}, year = {2010} } @incollection{faucris.109948124, abstract = {In einem historischen Längsschnitt, beginnend mit dem »Arabischen Kalten Krieg« der 1950er und 1960er Jahre bis zu den Ereignissen der arabischen Umbrüche seit 2011, diskutiert dieser Beitrag Aspekte der Rechtmäßigkeit und Begründung von geltenden politischen Ordnungen als Erklärungsfaktor für Umbrüche und Kontinuität. Basierend auf dem Verständnis variierender Legitimitätsnarrative von den Idealtypen des Republikanismus und Monarchismus wird die Frage erörtert, warum zahlreiche Staaten der Region von den Massendemonstrationen 2011 erfasst wurden und andere Staaten, vor allem die Monarchien, verschont bliebe}, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Zumbrägel, Tobias}, booktitle = {Arabellion: vom Aufbruch zum Zerfall einer Region?}, editor = {Prof. Dr. Thomas Demmelhuber, Prof. Dr. Axel Paul, Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {978-3-8487-3255-5}, keywords = {Legitimität; Legitimation; arabische Republiken; arabische Monarchien; Arabischer Kalter Krieg; Arabischer Frühling}, pages = {47 - 65}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, publisher = {Nomos}, series = {Leviathan Sonderband}, title = {{Legitimität} und politische {Herrschaft}: ein historischer {Längsschnitt} im {Lichte} der arabischen {Umbrüche} seit 2011}, volume = {31}, year = {2017} } @book{faucris.112941224, abstract = {This book sketches the discourse about a new constitution in Libya since 2011. Applying a discourse analytical approach, the author identifies societal cleavages that have come to the fore in Libya&rsquo;s transitional period. The debate has focused on democracy, federalism, decentralisation and localisation, the role of religion, women in politics as well as ethnic minorities. The strategies followed to ensure representation in the constitutional process have included civil disobedience, affirmative action and force. The effects of raising demands in these ways have been changes in the constitutional process and institutional design of Libya&rsquo;s interim political institutions rather than promises that particular demands as to the content of the constitution would be met. The general prevention of a public discourse and competition along societal cleavages under Gaddafi&rsquo;s totalitarian ideology has resulted in an all-out resurgence of splits along ethnic, regional and other lines.The work was awarded the Christoph Schumann Memorial Prize of the University of Erlangen.}, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Schnelzer, Nadine}, faupublication = {no}, isbn = {9783658113810}, keywords = {Libyen; Arabischer Frühling; Verfassunggebung; Geschichte 2011-2015}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Springer VS}, title = {{Libya} in the {Arab} {Spring}. {The} constitutional discourse since the fall of {Gaddafi}}, url = {}, year = {2016} } @misc{faucris.113403004, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Machtzuwachs} des ägyptischen {Präsidenten}. {Mursi} kann nicht gegen sein {Volk} regieren ({Kommentar} auf}, url = {}, year = {2012} } @article{faucris.120519784, author = {Derichs, Claudia and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, doi = {10.1080/21534764.2014.974322}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Journal of Arabian Studies}, pages = {180-194}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Monarchies} and republics, state and regime, durability and fragility in view of the {Arab} spring}, year = {2014} } @article{faucris.110037004, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Informationsprojekt Naher und Mittlerer Osten}, pages = {4-36}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Mursi} auf {Reisen}: {Alte} {Seilschaften}, neue {Netzwerke}}, volume = {19}, year = {2013} } @incollection{faucris.114640064, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Das Internet: Bereicherung oder Stressfaktor für die Demokratie?}, editor = {Kneuer Marianne}, faupublication = {no}, pages = {227-247}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Nomos}, title = {{Neue} {Medien}, {Protest} und politische {Veränderung} im {Nahen} {Osten}: {Überlegungen} am {Beispiel} des {Arabischen} {Frühlings}}, year = {2013} } @article{faucris.121001804, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {ZEI Regional integration observer}, pages = {6}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Oil}, security, and trade in the {Gulf}: {Europe} in search of a strategy}, url = {}, volume = {3}, year = {2009} } @book{faucris.120956704, address = {Frankfurt}, doi = {10.3224/feminapolitica.v27i2.19}, editor = {Aksoy, Hürcan Asli}, faupublication = {yes}, keywords = {Geschlechterverhältnisse und Politik, Frauenpolitik, Türkei, AKP, Frauenbewegungen, Fürsorgeregime}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, publisher = {Campus Verlag}, series = {Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse}, title = {{Patriarchat} im {Wandel}. {Frauen} und {Politik} in der {Türkei}}, year = {2018} } @article{faucris.230058136, abstract = {Since the 2003 regime change in Iraq and the 2011 Arab uprisings, the political map of the Middle East has been in flux. Regional actors have taken advantage of emerging windows of opportunity, which have affected the outcome of this process. Saudi Arabia’s role as an aspiring regional hegemon in the region is salient: the country’s assertive course in shaping its neighbourhood coincides with a more independent foreign policy that goes beyond the traditional US alliance and seeks to diversify its international partners. This diversification of Saudi foreign policy since the ascension to the throne of King Salman in 2015 is explained by using the IR concept of hedging.}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, doi = {10.1080/03932729.2019.1678862}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {International Spectator}, keywords = {Arab uprisings; foreign policy; hedging; regime survival; Saudi Arabia}, note = {CRIS-Team Scopus Importer:2019-12-03}, pages = {109-124}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, title = {{Playing} the {Diversity} {Card}: {Saudi} {Arabia}’s {Foreign} {Policy} under the {Salmans}}, volume = {54}, year = {2019} } @article{faucris.202627970, author = {Kneuer, Marianne and Demmelhuber, Thomas and Peresson, Raphael and Zumbrägel, Tobias}, doi = {10.1080/01436597.2018.1474713}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Third World Quarterly}, keywords = {Authoritarian gravity centres; regionalism; promotion and diffusion of autocracy; GCC; ALBA-TCP}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Playing} the regional card: why and how authoritarian gravity centre exploit regional organisations}, year = {2018} } @article{faucris.209101153, author = {Kneuer, Marianne and Demmelhuber, Thomas and Peresson, Raphael and Zumbrägel, Tobias}, doi = {10.1080/01436597.2018.1474713}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Third World Quarterly}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Playing} the regional card: why and how authoritarian gravity centres exploit regional organizations}, year = {2018} } @article{faucris.110038984, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Orient - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur des Orients}, pages = {6-10}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Political} reform in the {Gulf} monarchies: {Making} family dynasties ready for the 21st century}, volume = {52}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.120492064, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Politischer} {Umbruch} in {Ägypten}: {Mubaraksystem} ohne {Mubarak}? ({Kommentar} auf}, url = {}, year = {2011} } @incollection{faucris.110247984, address = {Villeneuve d'Ascq}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {L' Europe et le monde en 2020: essai de prospective franco-allemande}, editor = {Clouet Louis-Marie}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {173-182}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Presses Univ. du Septentrion}, title = {{Proche}-{Orient}: une relation stratégique à développer}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.121981904, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Putsch} 2.0: {Staatszerfall} in {Ägypten}? ({Kommentar} auf}, url = {}, year = {2013} } @book{faucris.117983844, abstract = {Der Sammelband versucht einen &Uuml;berblick &uuml;ber die Spannbreite des Ph&auml;nomens politisierter Religion im gegenw&auml;rtigen Nahen Osten zu bieten. Er behandelt dabei sowohl Entwicklungslinien des muslimischen Salafismus, eine Analyse des Staatskonzepts des sog. &quot;Islamischen Staates&quot;, wie auch Beitr&auml;ge zum Verst&auml;ndnis konkreter politischer Mobilisierung unter religi&ouml;sen Vorzeichen in &Auml;gypten, Israel, im Libanon und in der T&uuml;rkei. Der Band durchbricht dabei die &uuml;bliche Fokussierung auf den islamischen Fundamentalismus indem er auch ein s&auml;kulares, aber religi&ouml;s infomiertes muslimisches Verst&auml;ndnis, christliche und j&uuml;dische Akteure analysiert.}, address = {Baden-Baden}, editor = {Lintl, Peter and Thuselt, Christian and Wolff, Christian}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {978-3-8487-1472-8}, keywords = {Religion, Politik, Naher Osten, Fundamentalismus, politische Religion, Islam, Judentum, Christentum}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, publisher = {Nomos}, series = {Nahoststudien/Middle Eastern Studies}, title = {{Religiöse} {Bewegungen} als politische {Akteure} im {Nahen} {Osten}}, volume = {2}, year = {2016} } @misc{faucris.113651824, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Repression} und {Legitimation} in {Ägypten}: {Die} {Welt}, wie sie al-{Sisi} gefällt ({Kommentar} auf}, url = {}, year = {2015} } @article{faucris.107979564, author = {Lucas, Russell and Demmelhuber, Thomas and Derichs, Claudia}, doi = {10.1080/21534764.2014.974324}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Journal of Arabian Studies}, pages = {161-162}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Rethinking} the {Monarchy}-{Republic} {Gap} in the {Middle} {East}}, volume = {4}, year = {2014} } @book{faucris.118880564, address = {Baden-Baden}, editor = {Albrecht, Holger and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, pages = {282}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Nomos}, title = {{Revolution} und {Regimewandel} in {Ägypten}}, year = {2013} } @misc{faucris.113400144, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Abu} {Dhabi}: {Oil} and {Beyond}", by {Christopher} {Davidson}, erschienen auf {H}-{Soz}-u-{Kult}, 21. {Oktober} 2009}, year = {2009} } @misc{faucris.122878404, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Autoritäre} {Herrschaft}, materielle {Ressourcen} und {Außenwirtschaftsreformen}. {Marokko}, {Tunesien}, {Ägypten} und {Jordanien} im {Vergleich}" von {Thomas} {Richter}, erschienen in der {ZfVP} 6, 2 (2012)}, year = {2012} } @misc{faucris.110066484, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Contentious} {Politics} in the {Middle} {East}: {Political} {Opposition} under {Authoritarianism}", by {Holger} {Albrecht} (ed.)}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.113400584, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Dubai}: {The} {Vulnerability} of {Success}", by {Christopher} {Davidson}, erschienen auf {H}-{Soz}-u-{Kult}, 18. {Juli} 2009}, year = {2009} } @misc{faucris.111955844, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Europe}, the {USA} and {Political} {Islam}", by {Michelle} {Pace}, erschienen im {Journal} of {North} {African} {Studies}, 1-3, 2011}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.113399704, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Political} {Liberalization} in the {Persian} {Gulf}", by {Joshua} {Teitelbaum} ({Hg}.), erschienen auf {H}-{Soz}-u-{Kult}, 21. {Oktober} 2009}, year = {2009} } @misc{faucris.113399264, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Political} {Succession} in the {Arab} {World}. {Constitutions}, {Family} {Loyalties} and {Islam}", by {Anthony} {Billingsley}, erschienen auf {H}-{Soz}-u-{Kult}, 26. {April} 2010}, year = {2010} } @misc{faucris.119095504, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Politische} {Opposition} in {Bahrain}: {Stabilität} und {Wandel} in einem autoritären {Regime}" von {Michael} {Schmidmayr}, erschienen auf {H}-{Soz}-u-{Kult}, 2. {Dezember} 2011}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.113399044, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Princes}, {Brokers}, and {Bureaucrats}: {Oil} and the {State} in {Saudi} {Arabia}", by {Steffen} {Hertog}, erschienen auf {H}-{Soz}-u-{Kult}, 2. {August} 2010}, year = {2010} } @misc{faucris.113398604, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Regimelegitimität} und regionale {Kooperation} im {Golf}-{Kooperationsrat} ({Gulf} {Cooperation} {Council})", von {Leonie} {Holthaus}, erschienen in: {Orientalische} {Literaturzeitung} 106/2 (2011)}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.123158024, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Saudi}-{Arabien}: {Ein} {Königreich} im {Wandel}?", {Ulrike} {Freitag} ({Hg}.), erschienen auf {H}-{Soz}-u-{Kult}, 13. {Mai} 2010}, year = {2010} } @misc{faucris.113401684, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Rezension} zu "{Stabilität}, {Friede} und {Demokratie} im {Nahen} {Osten}? 25 {Jahre} {Ägypten} unter {Hosni} {Mubarak}", von {Edda} {Strohmayer}, erschienen in {Inamo} 55 (2008)}, year = {2008} } @misc{faucris.112989404, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {no}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Sammelrezension} zu "{After} the {Sheiks}" von {Christopher} {Davidson}, "{Regime} {Stability} in {Saudi} {Arabia}: {The} {Challenge} of {Succession}" von {Stig} {Stenslie} und "{Power} and {Politics} in the {Persian} {Gulf} {Monarchies}" von {Christopher} {Davidson}, veröffentlicht auf der {Plattform}: {H}-{Soz}-u-{Kult}, 9. {Mai} 2013}, year = {2013} } @article{faucris.123165944, author = {Zumbrägel, Tobias}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Mediterranes}, pages = {20-23}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {„{Schein} oder oder nicht {Schein} – {Vom} {Umweltsünder} zum {Klimavorreiter}: {Meinen} es die {Golfmonarchien} mit ihrer {Nachhaltigkeits}-{Agenda} ernst?“}, volume = {1}, year = {2016} } @book{faucris.208990520, address = {Wiesbaden}, editor = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {978-3-447-11158-4}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, publisher = {Harrassowitz}, series = {Schriften der Max Freiherr von Oppenheim Stiftung}, title = {{Stammesgesellschaften} auf der arabischen {Halbinsel}: {Überlegungen} zur {Rolle} vorstaatlicher {Herrschaftsbeziehungen} im modernen {Staat}}, volume = {19}, year = {2018} } @article{faucris.240521763, author = {Zumbrägel, Tobias and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, doi = {10.1080/21534764.2020.1788785}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Journal of Arabian Studies}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Temptations} of {Autocracy}: {How} {Saudi} {Arabia} {Influences} and {Attracts} its {Neighbourhood}}, year = {2020} } @misc{faucris.110121044, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{The} {Arab} {Democratic} {Wave} and the {Middle} {East}: {A} {Window} of {Opportunity}?}, url = {}, year = {2011} } @book{faucris.280838909, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Gurol, Julia and Zumbrägel, Tobias}, doi = {10.4324/9781003240044-3}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {9781000614626}, note = {CRIS-Team Scopus Importer:2022-08-19}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Taylor and Francis}, title = {{The} {COVID}-19 temptation?: {Sino}-{Gulf} relations and autocratic linkages in times of a global pandemic}, year = {2022} } @article{faucris.251923451, abstract = {This working paper is part of a two-year project on decentralization in the MENA, focusing on Oman. The broader project aims to make three main contributions. First, it seeks to promote policy-relevant, scholarly research on decentralization, and pave the way for further cross-national studies and analyses on the topic. Second, it will inform stakeholders in the Sultanate of Oman, focusing on how differences in community governance structures –i.e. the extent to which citizens turn to state institutions versus non-state actors for services and participate in decision processes –affect challenges todecentralization. Third, it aims to strengthen and expand networks of scholars and other decentralization-oriented stakeholders from around the world, whilst also engaging local voices.<br /><br />To achieve these objectives, the study employs a multi-method approach to explore how and when citizens turn to state and non-state institutions. The goal is not only to expand our understanding of decentralization in the contextof strong social institutions, but also to establish sustainable scholarly and policy-relevant networks and dialogues around these issues.<br /><br />In March 2020, we brought together decentralization scholars from around the MENA region at the University of Gothenburg. The discussions focused around the design of decentralization reforms, obstacles, progress and outcomes. It also highlighted the goals and design of upcoming research on decentralization in Oman. Furthermore, participants discussed project design and potential points of comparison with on-going research in other MENA countries. The following compendium is the result of that two-day workshop}, author = {Shalaby, Marwa and Weiss, Chagai and Lust, Ellen and Kao, Kristen and Vollmann, Erik and Bergh, Sylvia and Karmel, Ezra and Bohn, Miriam and Kherigi, Intissar and Kadirbeyoglu, Zeynep}, doi = {10.2139/ssrn.3741934}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Social Science Research Network}, keywords = {Decentralization; Tunisia; Jordan; Morocco; Turkey}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{The} {Dynamics} of {Decentralization} in the {MENA}: {Processes}, {Outcomes}, and {Obstacles}}, year = {2020} } @article{faucris.120522644, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Kaunert, Christian}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Cambridge Review of International Affairs}, pages = {574-592}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{The} {EU} and the {Gulf} monarchies: {Normative} power {Europe} in search of a strategy}, year = {2014} } @misc{faucris.113397724, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{The} {Euro}-{Mediterranean} space as a (geo-)political, economic and cultural entity}, year = {2006} } @misc{faucris.106256304, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{The} {European} {Neighborhood} {Policy} ({ENP}) and its implementation in the southern {Mediterranean}: {The} case of {Egypt}}, year = {2007} } @article{faucris.114644464, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {International journal of human rights}, pages = {813-826}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{The} {European} {Union} and illegal migration in the southern {Mediterranean}: {The} trap of competing policy concepts}, volume = {15}, year = {2011} } @incollection{faucris.113373084, address = {London}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {The Arab Uprisings. Transforming and Challenging State Power}, editor = {Kienle Eberhard Sika Nadine}, faupublication = {no}, pages = {95-113}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {I.B. Tauris}, title = {{The} {Gulf} {Monarchies}: {State}-{Building}, {Legitimacy} and {Social} {Order}}, year = {2015} } @incollection{faucris.324248362, abstract = {Within the vivid scholarly debate on autocratization, this chapter focuses on the international order. The contribution is guided by two assumptions: First, autocratization does not take place in an isolated way as a domestic development but is rather interwoven with regional and global dynamics interacting with norms, rules, and institutions that are part of the international order (IO). Second, autocratization is impacted by different international factors. We identify four main structural factors that impact autocratization dynamics: (1) external shocks, (2) the normative foundations and conjunctures of the IO (also reflected in the zeitgeist), (3) multipolarity and regional dynamics, (4) and diffusion. This allows us to present different pathways of autocratization on the domestic level.}, address = {London}, author = {Kneuer, Marianne and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {The Routledge Handbook of Autocratization}, doi = {10.4324/9781003306900-19}, editor = {Aurel Croissant, Luca Tomini}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {9781040040188}, note = {CRIS-Team Scopus Importer:2024-06-14}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {{The} international order and autocratization}, year = {2024} } @article{faucris.123555784, abstract = {The Article seeks to explain the recent &lsquo;environmental enthusiasm&rsquo; in the hydrocarbon-rich Arab Gulf monarchies as an adaptive capacity of strengthening authoritarian rule. It shows that the political key players have integrated climate policy in close accordance to different sources of legitimation such as building imitative good governance structures, strengthening identity formation or sustaining the provision of welfare gains in order to secure a maximum degree of regime stability.}, author = {Zumbrägel, Tobias}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Orient - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur des Orients}, keywords = {Arab Gulf monarchies; environmentalism; legitimation}, month = {Jan}, pages = {54 - 59}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{The} {Quest} for {Green} {Legitimation}: {Reconsidering} the ‚environmental enthusiasm‘ of the {Arab} {Gulf} monarchies}, volume = {58}, year = {2017} } @book{faucris.123115564, abstract = {<em>The Routledge Handbook on the European Neighbourhood Policy</em> provides a comprehensive overview of the EU’s most important foreign policy instrument, provided by leading experts in the field. </p> <p> Coherently structured and adopting a multidisciplinary approach, this handbook covers the most important themes, developments and dynamics in the EU’s neighbourhood policy framework through a series of cutting-edge contributions. With chapters from a substantial number of scholars who have been influential in shaping the study of the ENP, this handbook serves to encourage debates which will hopefully produce more conceptual as well as neighbourhood-specific perspectives leading to enriching future studies on the EU’s policies towards its neighbourhood.</p> <p> It will be a key reference point both for advanced-level students, scholars and professionals developing knowledge in the fields of EU/European Studies, European Foreign Policy Analysis, Area studies, EU law, and more broadly in political economy, political science, comparative politics, and international relation}, address = {London}, doi = {10.4324/9781315691244}, editor = {Schumacher, Tobias and Marchetti, Andreas and Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {{The} {Routledge} {Handbook} on the {European} {Neighborhood} {Policy}}, year = {2018} } @book{faucris.324783348, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {9783839459737}, note = {CRIS-Team Scopus Importer:2024-06-28}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Transcript-Verlag}, title = {{The} {Yacoubian} {Building} ('{Imārat} {Ya}'qūbīān, 2006)}, year = {2022} } @article{faucris.107646924, author = {Aksoy, Hürcan Asli}, doi = {10.1080/13510347.2015.1069276}, faupublication = {no}, journal = {Democratization}, keywords = {Turkey; Democratization Process; citizenship in Turkey; political society in Turkey; civil society in Turkey; state apparatus in Turkey; economic arena in Turkey; rule of law in Turkey}, pages = {572 - 574}, peerreviewed = {No}, title = {{Turkey}'s {Democratization} {Process}}, url = {}, volume = {23}, year = {2016} } @incollection{faucris.119475664, address = {Hildesheim}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Weltgeschichtliche Zäsuren: 1989 - 2001 - 2011}, editor = {Michael Carsten, Michael Gehler, Marianne Kneuer}, faupublication = {yes}, isbn = {978-3-487-15379-7}, pages = {185-200}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Universitätsverlag Hildesheim/ Olms}, title = {{Umbruch} und {Kontinuität} in {Nahost} seit 2011. {Die} {Perspektivenfrage} einer welthistorischen {Zäsur}}, year = {2016} } @article{faucris.108644184, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik}, pages = {191-200}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Umbruch} und {Stagnation} im {Nahen} {Osten}: {Ist} der ‚{Herbst} der {Autokraten}‘ gekommen?}, volume = {60}, year = {2011} } @misc{faucris.113403224, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, faupublication = {yes}, month = {Jan}, peerreviewed = {automatic}, title = {{Von} der säkularen {Revolte} zur islamischen {Demokratie}? {Ägypten} ein {Jahr} nach {Machtübernahme} des {Militärs} ({Kommentar} auf}, url = {}, year = {2012} } @incollection{faucris.111918004, address = {Baden-Baden}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Sturm, Roland}, booktitle = {Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2016}, editor = {Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {165-178}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Nomos}, title = {{Warum} gibt es keinen {Föderalismus} in den arabischen {Ländern}? {Zur} {Dialektik} von {Autokratie} und dezentraler {Herrschaft}}, year = {2016} } @incollection{faucris.113396624, address = {München}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas}, booktitle = {Medienbildung - Medienalltag. Theologische, pädagogische und interkulturelle Perspektiven}, editor = {König Andrea, Inan Alev}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {241-258}, peerreviewed = {unknown}, publisher = {Kopaed}, title = {{Weblogs} als neues {Medienphänomen} in der arabischen {Welt}: {Der} {Fall} {Ägypten}}, year = {2008} } @incollection{faucris.119506244, address = {Hamburg}, author = {Demmelhuber, Thomas and Roll, Stephan}, booktitle = {"Sozio-regionale" Entwicklungsansätze in Nordafrika/Nahost: Ein erfolgversprechender Weg zur Stabilisierung der Staaten?}, editor = {Faath Sigrid}, faupublication = {yes}, pages = {15-48}, peerreviewed = {No}, publisher = {Institut für Nahost-Studien}, title = {{Zwischen} {Stabilisierung} und {Machterhalt}: {Ägyptens} {Regierungspolitik} zum {Abbau} regionaler und sozialer {Disparitäten}}, year = {2009} } @article{faucris.256384285, abstract = {The failure of the Arab Spring has frequently been explained by the inability of the rebels not only to formulate their grievances in a language other than their own but also to take over a political system and its institutions. This is usually contrasted with earlier revolutionary movements. However, this essay, contrary to this assumption, states that two of the most powerful revolutionary ideologies of the 20th century, Marxism and Baʿthism, did <i>not</i> have any precise ideas about these very institutions. Using the al-Baʿth-party as an example, it is demonstrated that this lack of institutions is to be understood as an expression of a romantic longing to charge a political entity with deeper contents of human search for meaning. This overburdening with meaning reflects institutions inadequately and is thus to be understood as an essential basis of authoritarian self-privilege with powe}, author = {Thuselt, Christian}, doi = {10.1080/13530194.2021.1919992}, faupublication = {yes}, journal = {British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies}, keywords = {Arabischer Frühling; Insitutionen; Revolution; Ba`ath-Partei; Saddam Hussein; Michel `Aflaq; Romantik}, peerreviewed = {Yes}, title = {{Revolutionary} {Utopia} in the {Middle} {East} as steely romanticism: the case of the al-{Baʿth} party}, url = {}, year = {2021} }