Bugs : Launchpad itself

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importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#585126</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">sendbranchmail with lp:~vcs-imports/linux/trunk is eating memory</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">32</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> <span alt="haspatch" title="Has a patch" class="sprite haspatch-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#598575</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">BugWatch updates on the Redhat Bugzilla are chronically broken</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">28</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#704698</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Scripts should run with a database transaction timeout</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#717205</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Cannot shut down ReactorNotRunning</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#720403</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">bzr server error: &quot;file exists&quot; while taking lock</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#724025</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">BugTask:+index timeout due to high cpu time rendering many bug tasks in bug 230350</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#736005</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">POFile:+translate timeouts</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">564</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#742916</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">BranchMergeProposal:+index timeouts - slow query plan</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">26</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#787611</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">translations-to-branch exports do not handle transient errors well</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">14</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#792185</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Error when attempting to push to a packaging branch: Unexpected Zope exception</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">14</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#806348</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">BzrCheckError: Internal check failed: Cannot add revision(s) to repository: missing chk node(s) for id_to_entry maps</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">72</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#812176</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Exceptions during commits are not handled by the publisher</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#869264</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Old upstream translations overwrite newer upstream translations in Ubuntu</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">38</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#899003</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">deadlock detected when importing .po file</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#904683</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Updating branch seems to last forever</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">28</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#907515</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">lp-serve (or bzr) should release connections that do not authenticate quickly</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">10</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#912287</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">test_sigint_exits_cleanly breaks</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">14</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#924865</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">PoolFileOverwriteError raised by</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#925937</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">maybeConfirmBugtasks times out on bugs with lots of subscribers</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">62</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#927688</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Sync page never gets out of &quot;synchronizing...&quot;</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#933402</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">IntegrityError generating incrementaldiff</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#961032</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">test suite run leaving stale rabbitmq processes</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#961347</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Excessive memory usage by scripts causes swapping</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">14</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#961867</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">imported bzr branch gets stuck</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">12</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#983766</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Error when uploading screenshot incl. a question mark in url</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">14</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#994777</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle"> fails rarely/intermittently in parallel tests</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1014580</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">MixedVisibility error in ProductSet:+all and Product:+index pages</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1015716</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">codebrowse is hanging/unresponsive</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">16</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1017591</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">timeout from a locked repo doing bzr push</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">14</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1018460</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Failure during initial branch scan increases scan time enormously</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">20</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1022334</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">The back behaviour is confusing when reporting a bug and launchpad has issues.</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">16</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1035112</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Librarian: psycopg2.OperationalError: could not send data to server: Connection timed out</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">20</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1060616</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">subunit stream corruption when python test processes segfault</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusINPROGRESS"> In Progress </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1062638</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Queue accepts occasionally time out due to huge non-SQL time in createMissingBuilds</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1074385</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">getMergeProposals(merged_revision=...) is very slow</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1076512</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">BugTask:+editstatus timeouts on bugs with many tasks</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">56</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1162192</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Partial pot-files destroy translations</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">14</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1186941</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">+activereviews times out showing hundreds of merge proposals</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">12</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1223852</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Branch scanner OOPSes when trying to link private person to a revision</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1231589</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">BranchHasPendingWrites: The source branch has pending writes.</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1314569</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">PCJ race between and celery can generate OOPS</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">36</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1317382</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">ProductSeries:+index times out with lots of milestones</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">18</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1429358</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Bugs with large numbers of linked branches time out</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1450357</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">BugTask:+subscribe times out with lots of duplicates</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1454465</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Series deletion can time out unlinking artifacts from milestones</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1460527</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Librarian has outage sized Swift and Keystone connection timeouts</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">18</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1475358</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Racing package copies crash when trying to create duplicate PackageDiffs</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">12</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1508278</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Very large Bazaar pushes can trigger unlimited volumes of email</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1560889</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Accepting multiple identical syncs from unapproved creates SPR with duplicate BPBs</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1575903</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">AJAX bug listing sort redirects to ++model++/+login when logged out, which OOPSes</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">28</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1607242</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Logging into a placeholder person OOPSes if email address already on another person</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">24</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1657292</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Bug task changes are sometimes locked for about ten minutes with no obvious cause</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">38</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1688026</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Deleting git repository with many MPs times out</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1688522</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">CommercialProjectsVocabulary calls Person.getOwnedProjects which can apparently return projects where the user doesn&#x27;t have LimitedView</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1695031</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">apport retracing service regularly encountering timeouts</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1714902</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Bug creation failing with timeout</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1780035</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Looking up CVE-2018-3639 invariably produces TIMEOUT ERROR</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">20</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1783315</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">celery hung after long git repository scan</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">24</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> <span alt="branch" title="Branch exists" class="sprite branch"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1797532</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">GitRefScanJob fails to back off and retry when hosting backend returns 502/503</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1820619</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Unable to rename a project due to timeout</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusINPROGRESS"> In Progress </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#1885298</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Package upload process fails to extract control file from ddeb package, raising a SystemError</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2043704</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">ftpmaster death row is getting OOM killed</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">6</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceCRITICAL"> Critical </div> <div class="status statusCONFIRMED"> Confirmed </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#2098106</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Launchpad OCI builds are failing after the SRU update to 26.x on Focal</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">34</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#3165</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Launchpad sends (unencrypted) mail notifications about private assets</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">314</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#29694</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Can only run one soyuz uploader at a time</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">4</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#31479</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">OOPS reports on retried exceptions should include information about the original query</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">20</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#39630</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Older packages are removed when newer versions FTBFS</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">30</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#46577</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Zope error logs contain far too much noise</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">2</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#48621</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">BrowserNotifications are not transactional (retries generate multiple notifications, oops still generate notifications)</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">0</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#57418</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Publish debtags in Packages file</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">48</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#62976</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Soyuz should not allow duplicated packages in NEW/UNAPPROVED queue</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">34</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#66974</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Older binary versions are accepted after a package is deleted in the same suite</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">8</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#70709</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">Can&#x27;t search for bugs with no assigned milestone</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">104</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#76744</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">filebug duplicate finder finds &#x27;invalid&#x27; bugs</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">12</span> </span> <span class="bug-related-icons"> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-row"> <div class="buglisting-col1"> <div class="importance importanceHIGH"> High </div> <div class="status statusTRIAGED"> Triaged </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> </div> </div> <div class="buglisting-col2"> <div class="buginfo"> <span class="bugnumber">#82718</span> <a href="" class="bugtitle">&lt;email address hidden&gt; interacts poorly with</a> </div> <div class="buginfo-extra"> <span class="sprite product field"> Launchpad itself </span> <span class="bug-heat-icons"> <span class="sprite flame">2</span> </span> <span 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"value": null}}, "administratedTeams": [], "importances": ["Unknown", "Undecided", "Critical", "High", "Medium", "Low", "Wishlist"], "statuses": ["New", "Incomplete", "Opinion", "Invalid", "Won't Fix", "Expired", "Confirmed", "Triaged", "In Progress", "Fix Committed", "Fix Released", "Does Not Exist", "Unknown"], "information_types": ["Public", "Public Security", "Private Security", "Private", "Proprietary", "Embargoed"], "target_info": {"title": "Launchpad itself", "url": ""}, "view_name": "+bugs", "mustache_model": {"items": [{"age": "14 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e32\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch exists\" class=\"sprite branch\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e \u003cspan alt=\"haspatch\" title=\"Has a patch\" class=\"sprite haspatch-icon\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 585126, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2024-12-10", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Steve McInerney", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "bzr"}, {"url": "", "tag": "canonical-losa-lp"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-code"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "patch"}, {"url": "", "tag": "qa-ok"}], "title": "sendbranchmail with lp:~vcs-imports/linux/trunk is eating memory", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "14 years old", "assignee": "Steve Kowalik", "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e28\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 598575, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-11-21", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Graham Binns", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "bugwatch"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "story-reliable-bug-syncing"}], "title": "BugWatch updates on the Redhat Bugzilla are chronically broken", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "14 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 704698, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2011-05-17", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Stuart Bishop", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "Scripts should run with a database transaction timeout", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "14 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan 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"tag": "codehosting-ssh"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}], "title": "bzr server error: \"file exists\" while taking lock", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e10\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch exists\" class=\"sprite branch\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 724025, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2011-09-03", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Robert Collins", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "qa-ok"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "BugTask:+index timeout due to high cpu time rendering many bug tasks in bug 230350", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e564\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch exists\" class=\"sprite branch\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 736005, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2023-08-09", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Robert Collins", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "lp-translations"}, {"url": "", "tag": "qa-ok"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "POFile:+translate timeouts", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e26\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 742916, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-11-29", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Robert Collins", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "branches"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "BranchMergeProposal:+index timeouts - slow query plan", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e14\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 787611, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-12-16", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Aaron Bentley", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "lp-translations"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "translations-branch"}], "title": "translations-to-branch exports do not handle transient errors well", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e14\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 792185, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-12-17", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Luke Yelavich", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "codehosting-ssh"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}], "title": "Error when attempting to push to a packaging branch: Unexpected Zope exception", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e72\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch exists\" class=\"sprite branch\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 806348, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": 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[{"url": "", "tag": "critical-analysis"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "regression"}, {"url": "", "tag": "webapp-infrastructure"}], "title": "Exceptions during commits are not handled by the publisher", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e38\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 869264, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2016-05-04", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "\u0414\u0430\u043d\u0438\u043b\u043e \u0428\u0435\u0433\u0430\u043d", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "lp-translations"}, {"url": "", "tag": "message-sharing"}, {"url": "", "tag": "regression"}], "title": "Old upstream translations overwrite newer upstream translations in Ubuntu", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 899003, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-10-22", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "zoff99", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "lp-translations"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "rosetta-imports"}], "title": "deadlock detected when importing .po file", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e28\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 904683, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-12-04", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Raphael Collet (OpenERP)", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "branch-scanner"}], "title": "Updating branch seems to last forever", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e10\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 907515, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-10-19", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Gary Poster", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "codehosting-ssh"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-code"}], "title": "lp-serve (or bzr) should release connections that do not authenticate quickly", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e14\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch exists\" class=\"sprite branch\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 912287, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-12-06", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Gavin Panella", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "qa-untestable"}, {"url": "", "tag": "spurious-test-failure"}], "title": "test_sigint_exits_cleanly breaks", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e8\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 924865, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2024-11-12", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Diogo Matsubara", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "soyuz-publish"}], "title": "PoolFileOverwriteError raised by", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e62\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 925937, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2018-12-28", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Mario Moder", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "regression"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "maybeConfirmBugtasks times out on bugs with lots of subscribers", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "13 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad 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"status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "code-review"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}], "title": "IntegrityError generating incrementaldiff", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e8\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 961032, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-12-05", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Tom Haddon", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "build-infrastructure"}, {"url": "", "tag": "canonical-losa-lp"}, {"url": "", "tag": "spurious-test-failure"}, {"url": "", "tag": "test-system"}], "title": "test suite run leaving stale rabbitmq processes", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad 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"", "tag": "branch-scanner"}, {"url": "", "tag": "bzr"}, {"url": "", "tag": "canonical-losa-lp"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-code"}], "title": "imported bzr branch gets stuck", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e14\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 983766, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-10-05", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Laura Czajkowski", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "404"}, {"url": "", "tag": "bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "webapp-infrastructure"}], "title": "Error when uploading screenshot incl. a question mark in url", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 994777, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-08-10", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Gary Poster", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "spurious-test-failure"}], "title": " fails rarely/intermittently in parallel tests", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1014580, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-12-14", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Diogo Matsubara", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "privacy"}, {"url": "", "tag": "teams"}], "title": "MixedVisibility error in ProductSet:+all and Product:+index pages", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e16\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1015716, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-06-22", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Matthew Wedgwood", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "canonical-losa-lp"}, {"url": "", "tag": "codebrowse"}], "title": "codebrowse is hanging/unresponsive", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e14\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1017591, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-11-29", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "ilogue", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "bzr"}, {"url": "", "tag": "codehosting-ssh"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-code"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "timeout from a locked repo doing bzr push", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e20\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1018460, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-10-11", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Aaron Bentley", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "branch-scanner"}], "title": "Failure during initial branch scan increases scan time enormously", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e16\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1022334, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2012-11-30", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "ill", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "javascript"}, {"url": "", "tag": "ui"}], "title": "The back behaviour is confusing when reporting a bug and launchpad has issues.", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e20\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch 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"tag": "test-system"}], "title": "subunit stream corruption when python test processes segfault", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": "Colin Watson", "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e8\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch exists\" class=\"sprite branch\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 1062638, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2018-03-14", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "William Grant", "status": "In Progress", "status_class": "statusINPROGRESS", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "qa-ok"}, {"url": "", "tag": "queue-page"}, {"url": "", "tag": "soyuz-core"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "Queue accepts occasionally time out due to huge non-SQL time in createMissingBuilds", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1074385, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-09-29", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Aaron Bentley", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "api"}, {"url": "", "tag": "branches"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "getMergeProposals(merged_revision=...) is very slow", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "12 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e56\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1076512, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2013-10-09", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Marc Deslauriers", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "subscribers"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "BugTask:+editstatus timeouts on bugs with many tasks", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "11 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e14\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1162192, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2013-04-08", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Dirk St\u00f6cker", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "lp-translations"}, {"url": "", "tag": "regression"}], "title": "Partial pot-files destroy translations", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "11 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e12\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1186941, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2013-06-03", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "William Grant", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "code-review"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "+activereviews times out showing hundreds of merge proposals", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "11 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1223852, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2013-11-29", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Graham Binns", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "branch-scanner"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "privacy"}, {"url": "", "tag": "teams"}], "title": "Branch scanner OOPSes when trying to link private person to a revision", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "11 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1231589, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2013-09-27", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Lo\u00efc Minier", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "code-review"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}], "title": "BranchHasPendingWrites: The source branch has pending writes.", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "10 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e36\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1314569, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-07-29", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Colin Watson", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [], "title": "PCJ race between and celery can generate OOPS", "has_tags": false}, {"age": "10 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e18\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1317382, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2014-05-08", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Kent Lin", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "milestones"}, {"url": "", "tag": "series"}, {"url": 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"importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-04-30", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "William Grant", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "easy"}, {"url": "", "tag": "subscribers"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "BugTask:+subscribe times out with lots of duplicates", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "9 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1454465, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-09-29", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Alberto Salvia Novella", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "performance"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "Series deletion can time out unlinking artifacts from milestones", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "9 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e18\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1460527, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-07-10", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Stuart Bishop", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "librarian"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}], "title": "Librarian has outage sized Swift and Keystone connection timeouts", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "9 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e12\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "\u003cspan alt=\"branch\" title=\"Branch exists\" class=\"sprite branch\"\u003e\u003c/span\u003e", "id": 1475358, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2016-05-06", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Colin Watson", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "package-diff"}, {"url": "", "tag": "qa-ok"}], "title": "Racing package copies crash when trying to create duplicate PackageDiffs", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "9 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1508278, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-10-21", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "William Grant", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "branch-scanner"}, {"url": "", "tag": "branches"}, {"url": "", "tag": "email"}], "title": "Very large Bazaar pushes can trigger unlimited volumes of email", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "8 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1560889, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2016-03-23", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Colin Watson", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "lp-soyuz"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "soyuz-core"}], "title": "Accepting multiple identical syncs from unapproved creates SPR with duplicate BPBs", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "8 years old", "assignee": "Kevin bush", "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e28\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1575903, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2023-12-22", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Erik Lovlie", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "internal-api"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}], "title": "AJAX bug listing sort redirects to ++model++/+login when logged out, which OOPSes", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "8 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e24\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1607242, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2018-03-23", "milestone_name": 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"importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2017-05-05", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Colin Watson", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "disclosure"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-registry"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}], "title": "CommercialProjectsVocabulary calls Person.getOwnedProjects which can apparently return projects where the user doesn't have LimitedView", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "7 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e8\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1695031, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2017-06-01", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Brian Murray", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "lp-bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "timeout"}], "title": "apport retracing service regularly encountering timeouts", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "7 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1714902, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2018-04-01", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Dr. Jens Harbott", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "lp-bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "performance"}, {"url": "", "tag": "search"}], "title": "Bug creation failing with timeout", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "6 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan 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"last_updated": "on 2018-10-11", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Colin Watson", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "git"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-code"}, {"url": "", "tag": "regression"}], "title": "celery hung after long git repository scan", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "6 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e8\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1797532, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2018-10-12", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Tom Haddon", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "git"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-code"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}], "title": "GitRefScanJob fails to back off and retry when hosting backend returns 502/503", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "5 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 1820619, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2019-03-18", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Tom Haddon", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "lp-registry"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops"}], "title": "Unable to rename a project due to timeout", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "4 years old", "assignee": "Thiago F. 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Pappacena", "status": "In Progress", "status_class": "statusINPROGRESS", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "packages"}, {"url": "", "tag": "soyuz-build"}, {"url": "", "tag": "soyuz-upload"}], "title": "Package upload process fails to extract control file from ddeb package, raising a SystemError", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "1 year old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e6\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 2043704, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2023-12-01", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Benjamin Allot", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "oops"}, {"url": "", "tag": "soyuz-publish"}], "title": "ftpmaster death row is getting OOM killed", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "8 days old", "assignee": "Tushar Gupta", "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e34\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 2098106, "importance": "Critical", "importance_class": "importanceCRITICAL", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2025-02-19", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Tushar Gupta", "status": "Confirmed", "status_class": "statusCONFIRMED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "regression-update"}, {"url": "", "tag": "server-todo"}], "title": "Launchpad OCI builds are failing after the SRU update to 26.x on Focal", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "19 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e314\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 3165, "importance": "High", "importance_class": "importanceHIGH", "information_type": "Public Security", "last_updated": "on 2019-09-16", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Jeff Bailey", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "email"}, {"url": "", "tag": "feature"}, {"url": "", "tag": "notifications"}, {"url": "", "tag": "privacy"}], "title": "Launchpad sends (unencrypted) mail notifications about private assets", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "19 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e4\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 29694, "importance": "High", "importance_class": "importanceHIGH", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2011-09-20", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Christian Reis", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "infrastructure"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-soyuz"}, {"url": "", "tag": "nodowntime"}, {"url": "", "tag": "ppa"}, {"url": "", "tag": "soyuz-upload"}], "title": "Can only run one soyuz uploader at a time", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "19 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e20\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 31479, "importance": "High", "importance_class": "importanceHIGH", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2011-12-12", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Dafydd Harries", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "infrastructure"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-foundations"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oops-infrastructure"}], "title": "OOPS reports on retried exceptions should include information about the original query", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "18 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e30\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 39630, "importance": "High", "importance_class": "importanceHIGH", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2014-11-25", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Dennis Kaarsemaker", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "boobytrap"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-soyuz"}, {"url": "", "tag": "soyuz-publish"}], "title": "Older packages are removed when newer versions FTBFS", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "18 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e2\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 46577, "importance": "High", "importance_class": "importanceHIGH", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2011-10-23", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Stuart Bishop", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "infrastructure"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-foundations"}], "title": "Zope error logs contain far too 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"tag": "soyuz-upload"}], "title": "Soyuz should not allow duplicated packages in NEW/UNAPPROVED queue", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "18 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e8\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 66974, "importance": "High", "importance_class": "importanceHIGH", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2011-12-19", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Malcolm Cleaton", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "boobytrap"}, {"url": "", "tag": "canonical-losa-lp"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-soyuz"}, {"url": "", "tag": "soyuz-upload"}], "title": "Older binary versions are accepted after a package is deleted in the same suite", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "18 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e104\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 70709, "importance": "High", "importance_class": "importanceHIGH", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2016-09-09", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": "Stuart Langridge", "status": "Triaged", "status_class": "statusTRIAGED", "tags": [{"url": "", "tag": "bug-search"}, {"url": "", "tag": "bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "linaro"}, {"url": "", "tag": "lp-bugs"}, {"url": "", "tag": "oem-services"}, {"url": "", "tag": "search"}], "title": "Can't search for bugs with no assigned milestone", "has_tags": true}, {"age": "18 years old", "assignee": null, "bug_url": "", "bugtarget": "Launchpad itself", "bugtarget_css": "sprite product", "bug_heat_html": "\u003cspan class=\"sprite flame\"\u003e12\u003c/span\u003e", "badges": "", "id": 76744, "importance": "High", "importance_class": "importanceHIGH", "information_type": "Public", "last_updated": "on 2015-09-11", "milestone_name": null, "reporter": 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Please include the exact URL of a page where you had the problem, along with information on how to reproduce it. If the bug you found generated an OOPS id, please include it here as well.\n\nAlso see\n\nIf you're reporting a bug about Ubuntu, you're in the wrong place. Try \u003c\u003e.\n", "content_templates": null, "bug_reported_acknowledgement": "Thank you for reporting a bug in Launchpad. Launchpad is open source software. If you want to you can help fix the bug you are reporting. See \u003c\u003e for more information.\n\nWe will triage your bug soon: we need to make sure we can reproduce it as well as determining where it fits in the project's priorities.", "official_bug_tags": ["403", "404", "answer-contacts", "api", "apocalypse", "boobytrap", "branch-puller", "branch-scanner", "branch-stacking", "branches", "branding", "bug-branch-links", "bug-columns", "bug-nomination", "bug-relationships", "bug-search", "bughistory", "bugs", "bugtag", "bugtrackers", "bugwatch", "build-infrastructure", "buildd-manager", "buildfarm", "canonical-losa-lp", "chr", "code-import", "code-integration", "code-review", "codebrowse", "codehosting-ssh", "codeofconduct", "comments", "confusing-ui", "contact-via-web", "contribution", "css", "cves", "derivation", "disclosure", "distributions", "docs", "dupefinder", "easy", "email", "entitlement", "escalated", "fallout", "faqs", "feature", "feature-flags", "feeds", "form-focus", "gina", "git", "gpg", "help", "hwdb", "i18n", "icons", "ie", "import-queue", "infrastructure", "inline-comments", "internal-api", "jabber", "javascript", "karma", "librarian", "linaro", "lp-answers", "lp-blueprints", "lp-bugs", "lp-code", "lp-foundations", "lp-registry", "lp-snappy", "lp-soyuz", "lp-translations", "lp-web", "mailing-lists", "markup", "merge-deactivate", "message-sharing", "microformats", "milestones", "mirror", "ml-archive-sucks", "motu", "oci", "oem-services", "oops", "oops-infrastructure", "openid", "p3a", "package-branches", "package-copies", "package-diff", "package-link", "package-overrides", "packages", "packagesets", "partner", "patch-tracking", "performance", "person-picker", "planning", "poppy", "ppa", "priority-inheritance", "privacy", "private-projects", "product-release-finder", "project-announcements", "projectgroups", "projects", "python-upgrade", "qa-bad", "qa-needstesting", "qa-ok", "qa-untestable", "questions", "queue-page", "quickly", "recipe", "regression", "related-projects-packages", "releases", "rosetta-imports", "search", "series", "sharing", "soyuz-build", "soyuz-core", "soyuz-ftpmaster-tools", "soyuz-publish", "soyuz-security", "soyuz-upload", "specifications", "sprints", "spurious-test-failure", "ssh", "story-better-bug-notification", "structural-navigation", "subscribers", "tales", "teams", "tech-debt", "template-generation", "test-system", "timeline", "timeout", "tour", "translations-branch", "trivial", "ubuntu-platform", "ubuntu-qa", "ubuntu-upstream-relations", "udd", "ui", "ui-debt", "upgrade", "upstream-translations-sharing", "users", "wcag", "webapp-infrastructure", "wiki", "work-item-tracker"], "recipes_collection_link": "", "webhooks_collection_link": "", "bug_supervisor_link": "", "active_milestones_collection_link": "", "all_milestones_collection_link": "", "translationgroup_link": null, "translationpermission": "Open", "qualifies_for_free_hosting": true, "reviewer_whiteboard": "", "is_permitted": "", "project_reviewed": "", "license_approved": "", "private": false, "display_name": "Launchpad itself", "icon_link": "", "logo_link": "", "name": "launchpad", "owner_link": "", "project_group_link": "", "title": "Launchpad itself", "registrant_link": "", "driver_link": null, "summary": "Launchpad is a set of Web services to help software developers collaborate.", "description": "Visit to learn about building and developing Launchpad. Join us on IRC in the #launchpad-dev channel on or mail the mailing list to discuss fixing bugs.\n\nSee for details on the other components that make up the project.", "date_created": "2008-08-05T17:20:34.829311+00:00", "homepage_url": null, "wiki_url": "", "screenshots_url": null, "download_url": null, "programming_language": "python, javascript", "sourceforge_project": null, "freshmeat_project": null, "brand_link": "", "branch_sharing_policy": "Public, can be proprietary", "bug_sharing_policy": "Public", "specification_sharing_policy": "Public", "licenses": ["GNU Affero GPL v3"], "license_info": "AGPLv3", "bug_tracker_link": null, "series_collection_link": "", "development_focus_link": "", "releases_collection_link": "", "translation_focus_link": null, "commercial_subscription_link": "", "commercial_subscription_is_due": false, "remote_product": null, "vcs": "Git", "http_etag": "\"1a0448e4c8019ef65b80c8329fb4921668129a7c-d731a1dd581fb498005b593f0788fda76915257f\""}};</script> </body> <!-- Facet name: bugs Page type: main_side Has global search: True Has application tabs: True Has side portlets: True At least 32 queries/external actions issued in 1.04 seconds Features: {'profiling.enabled': None, 'bugs.dynamic_bug_listings.pre_fetch': None, 'hard_timeout': '5000', 'app.mainsite_only.canonical_url': None, 'js.yui_version': None, 'app.maintenance_message': None, 'ajax.batch_navigator.enabled': None, 'baselayout.careers_link.disabled': None, 'visible_render_time': None} r78860d9 --> </html>

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