AGU Members Save on Journal Subscriptions!

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For this reason, AGU members receive discounted rates on subscriptions to AGU's highly respected, peer-reviewed journals. AGU even offers a free online subscription to Space Weather Quarterly! Sign up <a href="/web/20120126171023/">here</a>.</p> <p>Check out the different ways you can access AGU's growing collection of scientific research.</p> <h2>Subscribe to AGU Journals in Print, Online&#8212;or Both!</h2> <p>Available both online and in print, AGU journals are ranked among the top 10 most highly cited research publications on climate change.</p> <ul> <li>Access 15 years of content in a "current" online subscription, with articles dating back to 1996.</li> <li>For a full list of journals, click <a href="/web/20120126171023/">here</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>Choose Articles, Not Journals, Through Virtual Choice<sup>SM</sup></h2> <p>Satisfy all your interests without the cost of multiple subscriptions!</p> <ul> <li><strong>Multichoice</strong> yearly subscriptions allow members to select online articles from any journal regardless of publication year. Just search and download! Subscriptions are offered in packs of 20 and 40 articles.</li> <li>Select articles based on their categories. With <strong>Personal Choice</strong> you can subscribe to articles that fall under index terms uniquely tailored to meet your specific interests. This option includes articles published from 2002 forward.</li> </ul> <h2>Explore the AGU Digital Library</h2> <p>Dig through nearly 100 years of Earth and space sciences research from AGU's popular journals. The Digital Library offers online access to primary research from 1896 through 1995, providing a rich historical foundation for current work across the geosciences.</p> <ul> <li>More than 66,325 articles spanning a century of knowledge.</li> <li>Includes <em>Journal of Geophysical Research, Reviews of Geophysics, Water Resources Research, Radio Science, Geophysical Research Letters, Tectonics, Paleoceanography</em>, and <em>Global Biogeochemical Cycles</em>.</li> <li>Search with EASI (Earth and Space Index Search).</li> </ul> <h2>Stay Updated With E-Alerts!</h2> <p>Get notifications on the latest AGU journal articles through weekly e-mail alerts. Articles are published daily with links to the full abstract. For more information and to sign up, click <a href="">here</a>!</p> <br/> <p><a href=""><img src="/web/20120126171023im_/" alt="Join AGU" style="vertical-align:middle"/></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;and choose the best subscription option for you!</p> <h3>Subscription Terms and Conditions</h3> <p>Member print and online subscriptions are for individual use only. In accepting journals at membership rates, subscribers agree to these terms. For <strong>online journals</strong>, use of a subscriber's password by anyone other than the subscriber is not permitted. Activity that appears to violate these usage guidelines may result in suspension of service. AGU membership and subscriptions are on a calendar year basis (1 January&#8211;31 December). Applications received after 1 October will be effective as of 1 January of the following year unless otherwise requested. <em>Earth Interactions</em> and <em>Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics</em> are currently not available through Virtual Choice.</p> <!--<p>Online subscriptions include access to articles published during the current and five previous years.</p> <p>AGU membership and subscriptions are on a calendar year basis (1 January&#8211;31 December). Applications received after 1 October will be effective as of 1 January of the following year unless otherwise requested.</p> <h2>Use of AGU journals in print and online</h2> <p>In accepting journals (see complete list) at the member rates, member subscribers are agreeing that print and online subscriptions are for their own use only.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Print journals</strong> will not be used in libraries or reading rooms for at least 2 years after publication.</li> <li>For <strong>online journals</strong>, use of a subscriber's password by anyone other than the subscriber is not permitted.</li> </ul> <p>Activity that appears to violate these usage guidelines may result in suspension of service.</p> <h2>Virtual Choice<sup>SM</sup></h2> <p>This collection of online only virtual journals lets you choose the articles that interest you! This series enables you to receive articles from across AGU's journal collection without the cost of multiple subscriptions. (Earth Interactions and Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics currently are not available.)</p> <h2>Personal Choice</h2> <p>Includes access to all articles that fall under the chosen index term. Includes articles from 2002 forward. Log in is required to see list of articles selected.</p> <h2>Member Journal Library</h2> <p>Provides access to back titles of all AGU journals (Earth Interactions not included) from volume 1, issue 1 through articles published the previous year and almost all books older than 5 years. The library includes over 90,000 articles. Access to articles from the previous year is available only in July of the current year.</p> <h2>MultiChoice</h2> <p>Download any online article you wish from any year up to the limit of your article pack MultiChoice subscriptions are sold in packs of 20, or 40 articles. All MultiChoice subscriptions expire on 31 December, whether article downloads are left in the pack or not.</p> <h2>E-alerts</h2> <p>Weekly e-mail notification of newly published articles. <a href="">Sign up</a> <img src="/images/icons/arrowOrangecircle.gif" height="13" width="13" alt="" /></p>--> <!--********************** DO NOT EDIT THE CODE BELOW ****************************--> <!--********************** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****************************--> <!--********************** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****************************--> </div><!--CENTER COLUMN end--> <!--start footer--> <div id="footer"><p class="copyright">&copy;<script type="text/javascript"> D = new Date(); year = D.getFullYear(); document.write(year); </script>. 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