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Do you see any risk in adopting additional regulation in times of economic uncertainty? </a> </div> <div class="col-12 pb-3"> <a href="" class="h5 link-primary" rel="bookmark" title="Do you think national competition authorities are equipped to enforce DMA-like legislation?"> Do you think national competition authorities are equipped to enforce DMA-like legislation? </a> </div> <div class="col-12 pb-3"> <a href="" class="h5 link-primary" rel="bookmark" title="Open Network for Digital Commerce: The Multiverse of Platforms"> Open Network for Digital Commerce: The Multiverse of Platforms </a> </div> <div class="col-12 pb-3"> <a href="" class="h5 link-primary" rel="bookmark" title="Hub-and-Spoke Agreements: What to Expect in China After AML Amendments"> Hub-and-Spoke Agreements: What to Expect in China After AML Amendments </a> </div> <div class="col-12 pb-3"> <a href="" class="h5 link-primary" rel="bookmark" title="Antitrust Chronicle® – Right to Repair"> Antitrust Chronicle® – Right to Repair </a> </div> <div class="col-12 pb-3"> <a href="" class="h5 link-primary" rel="bookmark" title="States Do-it-Themselves: Amid Spotty Federal Enforcement, State Legislatures are Revamping Right-to-Repair Laws at an Unprecedented Pace"> States Do-it-Themselves: Amid Spotty Federal Enforcement, State Legislatures are Revamping Right-to-Repair Laws at an Unprecedented Pace </a> </div> <div class="col-12 pb-3"> <a href="" class="h5 link-primary" rel="bookmark" title="All Tied Up? 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