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report </h2> <p>More and more pesticides are being sprayed worldwide with deadly consequences for humans and nature, a report finds. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Aerial shot of dead sheep scattered across a dry landscape" alt="Aerial shot of dead sheep scattered across a dry landscape"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> What to expect from the world's sixth mass extinction </h2> <p>What can we expect as we descend into the first mass extinction in 65 million years? </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Fishermen tend to their nets" alt="Fishermen tend to their nets"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Can fishing in Indonesia be sustainable? </h2> <p>Food security, subsidies and lack of data could make Indonesia's goal a challenging target. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A man standing in front of a patch of snow " alt="A man standing in front of a patch of snow "/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Meet the snow hunters tracking melt in Scotland </h2> <p>Each year, a small group of volunteers survey Scotland's mountains to measure the UK's last patches of snow. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="French President Emmanuel Macron speaks in front of a sign that reads nuclear in French" alt="French President Emmanuel Macron speaks in front of a sign that reads nuclear in French"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Going nuclear: Should nations unilaterally decide? </h2> <p>As nations extend the life of ageing nuclear energy infrastructure, bordering countries have little say. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">OUR CLIMATE</div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Fridays For Future | Rostock" alt="Fridays For Future | Rostock"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Should I feel guilty about my carbon footprint? </h2> <p>Can new year's resolutions to go vegan and fly less help stop climate change — or are lifestyle changes a distraction? </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="The Hirska coal mine, located in the city of Hirkse, Luhansk oblast." alt="The Hirska coal mine, located in the city of Hirkse, Luhansk oblast."/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Toxic waters: How not to phase out coal </h2> <p>In war-torn Ukraine, shuttered mines in the Donbas region threaten to unleash an ecological disaster. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Accordion Teaser --> <div class="col2 accordionTeaser"> <div class="group accordion" id="accordion_55519479" role="tablist" data-fsid="55519479"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Kenya: Using theater to put the spotlight on climate change </h2> <div class="newsWrapper" data-id="55519479_60083691" data-title="Kenya: Using theater to put the spotlight on climate change " data-date="20211216"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Locals on stage in Kenya" alt="Locals on stage in Kenya"/> </div> <p>Poverty, limited access to education and increasingly frequent drought make life difficult for some Kenyans. Could bringing these issues to the stage have an impact? <span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="news closed"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> CO2 tax at Europe's border: Revolution or protectionism? </h2> <div class="newsWrapper" data-id="55519479_59987093" data-title="CO2 tax at Europe's border: Revolution or protectionism? " data-date="20211207" style="display: none;"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Smoke billows from chimney stacks, with wind turbines in the background" alt="Smoke billows from chimney stacks, with wind turbines in the background"/> </div> <p>The EU is picking up speed with climate protection regulations. For imports from abroad, a carbon tax will soon be introduced. But poorer countries could be unfairly disadvantaged by this. </p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="news closed"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Corporate CO2 targets: Greenwashing or genuine climate action? </h2> <div class="newsWrapper" data-id="55519479_59861619" data-title="Corporate CO2 targets: Greenwashing or genuine climate action?" data-date="20211123" style="display: none;"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Campaigners holding signs, two of them are wearing Joe Biden and Boris Johnson masks" alt="Campaigners holding signs, two of them are wearing Joe Biden and Boris Johnson masks"/> </div> <p>From Big Oil to Big Tech, major companies are promising to go net zero and wash away their carbon sins. But critics say the corporate climate pledges are a smokescreen. </p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">LAND, FOOD AND WATER</div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Aerial shot of the Kaneshi market in Accra" alt="Aerial shot of the Kaneshi market in Accra"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Used clothes choke Ghana's markets, ecosystem </h2> <p>Each week, Ghana receives 15 million items of used clothing from the West. But half of the products end up in landfills. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Conflict and climate change drive water crisis in Syria </h2> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title=" A man in a long robe stands in a gently rolling field in Syria full of withered olive trees" alt=" A man in a long robe stands in a gently rolling field in Syria full of withered olive trees"/> </div> <p>Northeastern Syria is experiencing its worst drought in nearly 70 years, with rising temperatures and erratic weather exacerbated by tensions with Turkey. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="hands in soil" alt="hands in soil"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Soil — dull and dirty? Think again … </h2> <p>To mark World Soil Day, we’re taking a look at the humble resource beneath our feet. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below nohover"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Global Ideas | Kaffeeanbau in Mexiko" alt="Global Ideas | Kaffeeanbau in Mexiko"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Mexico's Indigenous sustainable coffee farmers </h2> <p>In the mountains of Veracruz, farmers belonging to the Nahua people grow high quality organic coffee.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Accordion Teaser --> <div class="col2 accordionTeaser"> <div class="group accordion" id="accordion_59201932" role="tablist" data-fsid="59201932"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Living and working on Georgia's largest garbage dump </h2> <div class="newsWrapper" data-id="59201932_59570389" data-title="Living and working on Georgia's largest garbage dump" data-date="20211027"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A worker collecting rubbish on the Gonio landfill " alt="A worker collecting rubbish on the Gonio landfill "/> </div> <p>Environmentalists fear pollution from the Gonio landfill is seeping into the air, soil and waters of the Black Sea. But government plans to close it have left many waste pickers worrying about an uncertain future. </p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="news closed"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Conflict being driven by ecological damage, report finds </h2> <div class="newsWrapper" data-id="59201932_59426714" data-title="Conflict being driven by ecological damage, report finds " data-date="20211007" style="display: none;"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="French President Emmanuel Macron (up) flies over Gao inside a military helicopter during a visit to France's Barkhane counter-terrorism operation in Africa's Sahel region, northern Mali, 19 May 2017." alt="French President Emmanuel Macron (up) flies over Gao inside a military helicopter during a visit to France's Barkhane counter-terrorism operation in Africa's Sahel region, northern Mali, 19 May 2017."/> </div> <p>Countries hit by ecological damage and conflict are trapped in a vicious cycle where one problem reinforces the other. And climate change is expected to make things worse. </p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">ALL SPECIES GREAT AND SMALL</div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below nohover"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Global 3000" alt="Global 3000"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Namibia: New safe zones for wildlife </h2> <p>Namibia is opening more and more protected zones and wildlife reserves where brown hyenas can live in safety.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Accordion Teaser --> <div class="col2 accordionTeaser"> <div class="group accordion" id="accordion_59098387" role="tablist" data-fsid="59098387"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Saving precious seagrass meadows in the Maldives </h2> <div class="newsWrapper" data-id="59098387_59682874" data-title="Saving precious seagrass meadows in the Maldives " data-date="20211102"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A diver examines the underwater seagrass in the Maldives " alt="A diver examines the underwater seagrass in the Maldives "/> </div> <p>Vital marine ecosystems, seagrass meadows have for years been threatened by tourism and overdevelopment. Now conservationists are fighting to protect them for the future. <span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="news closed"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> China: Over 100 nations to adopt 'Kunming Declaration' to boost biodiversity </h2> <div class="newsWrapper" data-id="59098387_59489697" data-title="China: Over 100 nations to adopt 'Kunming Declaration' to boost biodiversity" data-date="20211013" style="display: none;"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A billboard to the UN climate conference in Kunming" alt="A billboard to the UN climate conference in Kunming"/> </div> <p>Amid an unprecedented extinction event, scientists have warned that protecting biodiversity is essential to protecting human life. However, experts are unsure whether China has the experience to lead a global effort. </p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">OUR RESOURCES AND ENERGY SOURCES</div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Nord Stream 2 pipeline infrastructure" alt="Nord Stream 2 pipeline infrastructure"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Gas: What's the big deal? </h2> <p>It's being talked up as the "bridge" to a clean energy future. But can gas actually be green? </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Protesters play guitar amid a demonstration outside the Brokdorf power plant" alt="Protesters play guitar amid a demonstration outside the Brokdorf power plant"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Germany's long anti-nuclear protest ends </h2> <p>Activists have been protesting in front of the nuclear plant in Brokdorf for 35 years. Now, their vigil is finally over. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Accordion Teaser --> <div class="col2 accordionTeaser"> <div class="group accordion" id="accordion_57307688" role="tablist" data-fsid="57307688"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> How sustainable is wind power? </h2> <div class="newsWrapper" data-id="57307688_60268971" data-title="How sustainable is wind power?" data-date="20211227"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A series of offshore wind turbines in the German North Sea" alt="A series of offshore wind turbines in the German North Sea"/> </div> <p>Wind power is essential to fighting climate change, yet building the turbines is energy-intensive and the blades are made from plastics. So how eco-friendly is wind power really? </p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="news closed"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Wind power expansion creates millions of new jobs </h2> <div class="newsWrapper" data-id="57307688_60172954" data-title="Wind power expansion creates millions of new jobs" data-date="20211223" style="display: none;"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Two technicians stand on the top of a wind turbine" alt="Two technicians stand on the top of a wind turbine"/> </div> <p>Some 1.3 million people worldwide already work in the wind sector, but five times as many will be needed as the shift to renewable energy gathers pace. Job prospects are increasing as the sector picks up worldwide. </p> </div> </a> </div> <div class="news closed"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2 class="linkable"> Wind power critics: What's the truth about their claims? </h2> <div class="newsWrapper" data-id="57307688_60048961" data-title="Wind power critics: What's the truth about their claims?" data-date="20211215" style="display: none;"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="La Muela windpark near Zaragoza, Aragon" alt="La Muela windpark near Zaragoza, Aragon"/> </div> <p>Wind power forms a crucial part of the transition to renewable energy. But it faces fierce criticism from some parts of society. Is it justified? </p> </div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col2"> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">On the Green Fence podcast - NEW season</div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below nohover"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A man looks upwards with binoculars next to the On the Green Fence logo" alt="A man looks upwards with binoculars next to the On the Green Fence logo"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> A green alternative to the family home? </h2> <p>Buying a family home is a major life milestone in many countries. But a lack of affordable housing and a desire to curb carbon footprints has led to the rise of alternative forms of accommodation, including "co-housing." Just how does this model work? And how difficult is it to get people to share their living space? <span class="icon audio"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- ContentList Teaser --> <div class="col2 contentListTeaser"> <h4 class="meta"></h4> <div class="group"> <div class="linkList plain"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2> Housing: rethinking our living space <span class="icon audio"></span> </h2> </a> </div> <div class="linkList plain"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2> Reducing the carbon footprint of houses <span class="icon audio"></span> </h2> </a> </div> <div class="linkList plain"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2> Living in a flood zone: rebuild or relocate? <span class="icon audio"></span> </h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END ContentList Teaser --> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">WEBSPECIALS</div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="DW Global Ideas Webspecial Kreislaufwirtschaft Key Visual" alt="DW Global Ideas Webspecial Kreislaufwirtschaft Key Visual"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> <span class="label">In Focus</span> In Focus: Circular Economy </h2> <p>From textiles and plastic to electrical waste: the world is drowning in rubbish. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- GoogleDfP_Medium_rect --> <div id="DW_D_Start-Sections_Rectangle-label" class="bannerAd"> <div id="div--Medium_rect"> <div class="adHeadline">Advertisement</div> <div id="DW_D_Start-Sections_Rectangle"></div> </div> </div> <!-- End/GoogleDfP_Medium_rect --> <!-- Picture Teaser --> <div class="col2 pictureTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="imgTeaserM top black" id="pictureteaser_58135812"> <div class="teaserImg"> <a href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Woman in a shop surrounded by plastic" alt="Woman in a shop surrounded by plastic"/> </a> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <a href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"> <h2>Plastics: A lifeline for the fossil fuel industry? <span class="date">02.07.2021</span> </h2> <p id="text_58135812" class="hide">Plastic has become a pollution nightmare. DW explores why billions are being invested in making more.</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below nohover"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Global Ideas Lernpaket Logo" alt="Global Ideas Lernpaket Logo"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Planting the seeds of green knowledge </h2> <p> Want to inspire young people to protect the environment? Use our digital learning packs!<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Picture Teaser --> <div class="col2 pictureTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="imgTeaserM below pinkmagenta" id="pictureteaser_55893105"> <div class="teaserImg"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A picture of a boy and a picture of a girl against a yellow and blue background" alt="A picture of a boy and a picture of a girl against a yellow and blue background"/> </a> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <h2>The climate crisis and our health <span class="date">10.12.2020</span> </h2> <p id="text_55893105">Two children, two continents, one major health crisis. A look at how communities are coping with water problems. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="DW Planet A Trailer Thumbnail Kiyo" alt="DW Planet A Trailer Thumbnail Kiyo"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Planet A: DW's new YouTube channel </h2> <p>We still have time to slow down climate change! Every Friday, we'll show you how to get out of this mess.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <div class="col2"> <!-- Picture Teaser --> <div class="col1 pictureTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="imgTeaserS bottom bluedw" id="pictureteaser_39561646"> <div class="teaserImg"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Twitter" alt="Twitter"/> </a> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"> <h2>DW Environment on Twitter <span class="date">05.07.2017</span> </h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Picture Teaser --> <div class="col1 pictureTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="imgTeaserS bottom bluedw" id="pictureteaser_48819116"> <div class="teaserImg"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Facebook Symbol" alt="Facebook Symbol"/> </a> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"> <h2>DW Environment on Facebook <span class="date">21.05.2019</span> </h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">OUR ENVIRONMENT IN PICTURES</div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below nohover"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="A woman wears 2021 numeral glasses in advance of New Year's eve" alt="A woman wears 2021 numeral glasses in advance of New Year's eve"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> 2021's biggest climate moments </h2> <p>Another year of record temperatures and catastrophic weather contrasted with landmark court rulings to cut emissions. <span class="icon pics"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- ContentList Teaser --> <div class="col2 contentListTeaser"> <h4 class="meta"></h4> <div class="group"> <div class="linkList plain"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2> Antarctica: Mighty Thwaites Glacier threatens to melt <span class="icon pics"></span> </h2> </a> </div> <div class="linkList plain"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2> The future of wind power <span class="icon pics"></span> </h2> </a> </div> <div class="linkList plain"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2> Climate change is threatening the world's mountain regions <span class="icon pics"></span> </h2> </a> </div> <div class="linkList plain"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <h2> Senegal: Historic city and livelihoods lost to rising sea <span class="icon pics"></span> </h2> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END ContentList Teaser --> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">LISTEN TO LIVING PLANET</div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below nohover"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Living Planet 210318 Podcast Picture Teaser" alt="Living Planet 210318 Podcast Picture Teaser"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> The future of water </h2> <p>This week, we hear from communities trying to push back the seas and others suffering from diminishing water supplies.<span class="icon audio"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">WATCH ECO AFRICA</div> <!-- Picture Teaser --> <div class="col2 pictureTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="imgTeaserM cinemaM below greengrass" id="pictureteaser_35854564"> <div class="teaserImg"> <a href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="DW's Eco Africa" alt="DW's Eco Africa"/> </a> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <a href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"> <p id="text_35854564">A DW, Channels and NTV Uganda showcase of innovative and effective environmental concepts from Africa and Europe.</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col2"> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col1 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Eco Africa's Chris Ilems" alt="Eco Africa's Chris Ilems"/> </div> <h2 class="linkable"> Meet Eco Africa's Chris Ilems </h2> <p>Based in Lagos, Nigeria's largest city, Chris Ilems presents environmental issues and solutions from West Africa. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> <!-- Base-Teaser --> <div class="col1 basicTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="news"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Eco Africa's Sandrah Twinoburyo" alt="Eco Africa's Sandrah Twinoburyo"/> </div> <h2 class="linkable"> Meet Eco Africa's Sandrah Twinoburyo </h2> <p>Based in Uganda's capital, Kampala, Sandrah presents environmental issues and solutions from East Africa. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Base-Teaser --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below nohover"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="DW Sendung Eco Africa | Eve Bazaiba" alt="DW Sendung Eco Africa | Eve Bazaiba"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Protecting forests in exchange for energy </h2> <p>The DRC's environment minister say access to clean energy is the only way to motivate people to protect forests.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Sub Header Teaser --> <div class="subHeader subHeaderTeaser">WATCH ECO INDIA</div> <!-- Picture Teaser --> <div class="col2 pictureTeaser"> <div class="group"> <div class="imgTeaserM cinemaM below greengrass" id="pictureteaser_46456568"> <div class="teaserImg"> <a href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="DW Eco India logo" alt="DW Eco India logo"/> </a> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <a href="" target="_self" rel="noopener"> <p id="text_46456568">Be inspired and find constructive solutions for the environmental challenges of today with this DW and collaboration.</p> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Eco India, Sannuta Raghu, Moderatorin" alt="Eco India, Sannuta Raghu, Moderatorin"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Meet Eco India's Sannuta Raghu </h2> <p>Based in Mumbai, Sannuta Raghu presents stories of innovation and the people behind them, who are finding solutions to the most pressing issues affecting the environment. </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> <!-- Basic-Teaser imageOriented --> <div class="col2 basicTeaser"> <div class="imgTeaserM white below nohover"> <a href="/web/20220113060847/"> <div class="teaserImg"> <img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" title="Eco India CE Food" alt="Eco India CE Food"/> </div> <div class="teaserContentWrap"> <h2> Growing appetite for vegan products </h2> <p>Vegan cheese and sausages developed by German startups are a sustainable and tasty alternative to animal products.<span class="icon tv"></span> </p> </div> </a> </div><!-- / M-Teaser below --> </div> </div> <!--[if lt IE 8 ]></div><![endif]--> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> <!-- Footer --> <div id="footerSection" style="clear:both;"> <div id="footerBody"> <ul class="footer"> <li><a style="font-weight: bold;" href="/web/20220113060847/" title="News and current affairs from Germany and around the world">TOP STORIES</a> </li> <li><a href="/web/20220113060847/" 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