Dillman Karate | About George Dillman

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Dillman, 10th Degree Black Belt</B> in Ryukyu Kempo Tomari-te, honored by <B><I>Black Belt Magazine</I></B> as "1997 -- Instructor of the Year" is one of the USA's best-known and well-established martial arts personalities. Dillman came to the attention of the martial arts press when he began competing in the early 1960's. By the middle of that decade, he had started running his own tournament, called the Northeast Open Karate Championships. This competition was held annually -- the first kicking off in Palmer Park, Maryland in 1966. The site was moved to Suitland, Maryland in 1967, and moved again to Reading, Pennsylvania in 1968 where it was held until 1996.</P> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" ALIGN="LEFT"> <TR> <TD><IMG SRC="art/smg2.jpg" WIDTH="124" HEIGHT="154" BORDER="1"><BR> <IMG SRC="art/pixeltrans.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="9" BORDER="0"></TD> <TD><IMG SRC="art/pixeltrans.gif" WIDTH="9" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P><B><I>Official Karate</I></B> magazine (Nov. 1982) described Dillman as "one of the winningest competitors karate has ever known." Dillman was four-times National Karate Champion (1969-1972) and during this period was consistently ranked among the top ten competitors in the nation by major karate magazines. During his nine-year competitive career, Dillman won a total of 327 trophies in fighting, forms, breaking and weapons.</P> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" ALIGN="RIGHT"> <TR> <TD><IMG SRC="art/pixeltrans.gif" WIDTH="9" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0"></TD> <TD><IMG SRC="art/smg7.jpg" WIDTH="97" HEIGHT="153" BORDER="1"><BR> <IMG SRC="art/pixeltrans.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="9" BORDER="0"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P>Dillman began serious martial arts training in 1961 with Harry G. Smith. He went on to study with Daniel K. Pai, Robert Trias and Seiyu Oyata. Dillman has always considered himself a student, never a master of the martial arts. To this end he and his students have traveled throughout the United States to meet and train with various martial arts experts.</P> <P>Because of his perseverance, Dillman's martial arts talents have earned him widespread U.S. media coverage. He has appeared on 35 national TV shows, including: <B><I>Real People</I></B>, <B><I>Mike Douglas</I></B>, <B><I>PM Magazine</I></B>, <B><I>Evening Magazine</I></B>, and <B><I>NBC's Sports Machine</I></B>. Dillman has also been featured five times in <I>Ripley's Believe It or Not</I>, and has been the subject of over 300 newspaper and magazine articles. Dillman, who was a professional boxer for three and one half years, is the only person known to have trained with both Bruce Lee and Muhammad Ali. In May of 1988, Dillman was inducted into the Berks County Sports Hall of Fame. He was the first martial artist to be included. In 2003 he was inducted into the Schuylkill County Sports Hall of Fame.</P> <img style="float:right;margin:0 0 1em 2em;" src="art/ph_changed-the-world.jpg" /> <P>Dillman traveled the world teaching seminars on pressure points and tuite (grappling) hidden within the traditional movements of the old martial arts forms. It is his research and scientific dissection of the old forms that is earning him his most notoriety. Never one to shy away from controversy, Dillman has rediscovered a formerly secret level of meaning for kata movements, and has made that interpretation understandable to all. He has produced a DVD instructional series on the pressure points, and has written seven books with Chris Thomas. <B><I>Kyusho-Jitsu: The Dillman Method of Pressure Point Fighting</I></B>; <B><I>Advanced Pressure Point fighting of Ryukyu Kempo</I></B>; <B><I>Advanced Pressure Point Grappling: Tuite</I></B>; <B><I>Pressure Point Karate Made Easy</I></B>; <B><I>Little Jay Learns Karate</I></B>; <B><I>Humane Pressure Point Self-Defense</I></B>; and <i><b>Pressure Point Fighting Secrets of Ryukyu Kempo</b></i>. The books have been said to be, "the definitive martial arts books of the century," and "unparalleled among current martial arts literature."</P> <p style="font-size:1.8em;"><strong>7 Ways George Dillman Changed the World<br /> (And Why It matters)</strong></p> <ul> <li>Pressure Points</li> <li>Real Form Breakdown</li> </ul> <a href="" target="_blank">BLACK BELT MAGAZINE</a> (World鈥檚 Largest Magazine on Martial Arts)<br /> October/November, 2019 Issue</p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <hr /> <P>"George Dillman has probably done more for the traditional martial arts than any other person alive" <br> <B><I>BLACK BELT MAGAZINE</I></B><br> September 2003</p> <p>"George Dillman has changed the way the martial arts are practiced in dojo across the United States and in 30 foreign countries."<br /> <b><i>BLACK BELT MAGAZINE</i></b> <br /> November 2012 </p> <div style="text-align: center"><P><a href="http://WWW.DILLMAN.COM">WWW.DILLMAN.COM</a>&nbsp; (Copyright 1992) </P></div> <center><p><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="art/social_fb.png" width="26" height="26" border="0" /></a><img src="art/px_trans.gif" width="9" height="1" border="0" alt="" /><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="art/social_twitter.png" alt="Twitter" width="26" height="26" border="0" /></a><img src="art/px_trans.gif" width="9" height="1" border="0" alt="" /><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="art/social_youtube.jpg" alt="YouTube" width="26" height="26" border="0" /></a></p></center> </TD> <TD WIDTH="18"> <IMG SRC="art/pixeltrans.gif" WIDTH="18" HEIGHT="1" BORDER="0"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> </P> </BODY> </HTML>

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