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var arrItem; var treelayername = treenodelist[k].layername; var treelayertype = treenodelist[k].layertype; var treenodeid = treenodelist[k].id; $.each(layerarr, function (n, value) { //判断是否存在此图层 if ( == treenodeid) { treelay = value.layer; } }); //加载产能 if (treenodeid == 84163) { if (!isloadcn) { $.getScript("/js/qycn.js", function () { isloadcn = true; }); } } //随机点或面元素 if (treelayertype == "3" || treelayertype == "1") { //弹出 var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel( evt.pixel, function (feature, layer) { //alert(feature.get('ddate')); //alert(feature.get('unit')); //var keylist = layer.getSource().getFeatures(); //alert(keylist); ///判断点击的图层数据是否对应(多图层叠加时使用) if (layer == treelay) { if (feature) return feature; } }); if (feature) { var ddate = "", unit = "", chartid = "0", showhis = "0", datatype = "", product = "", dataperiod = "", calcunit = "", caltype = "", modules = ""; var featlist = treelay.getSource().getFeatures(); for (var i = 0; i < featlist.length; i++) { if (featlist[i].getId() == 0) { ddate = featlist[i].get("ddate"); unit = featlist[i].get("unit"); datatype = featlist[i].get("datatype"); product = featlist[i].get("product"); dataperiod = featlist[i].get("dataperiod"); //chartid = featlist[i].get("chart"); //是否显示历史数据 showhis = featlist[i].get("showhis"); //是否换算单位 calcunit = featlist[i].get("calcunit"); if (calcunit == "1") { caltype = featlist[i].get("calctype"); modules = featlist[i].get("modulus"); } break; } } //如果点击覆盖层的地图 if (isresethtml) { isresethtml = false; //重置显示信息 $("#infodetail").html(""); $("#lefttree").find("ul").html(""); } var showcss = "", firstactive = ""; if ($("#lefttree").find("ul").html() == "") { showcss = " style='display:block;'"; firstactive = " class='active'"; } //加载左侧树 $("#lefttree").find("ul").append("<li" + firstactive + "><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\">" + treenodelist[k].name + "</a></li>"); var rt_detail = ""; //点元素(项目数据库) if (treelayertype == "1") { if (feature.get('features')[0].get('info0')) { rt_detail = "<table class='show_tab' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1'>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_r'>" + feature.get('features')[0].get('info0') + "</td></tr>"; //rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_r'>" + feature.get('info0') + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "</table>"; }//企业数据库 else if (feature.get('features')[0].get('name')) { var qyid = feature.get('features')[0].get('id'); rt_detail = "<table class='show_tab' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' id='qy" + qyid + "'>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>名称</td><td class='td_r'>" + feature.get('features')[0].get('name') + "</td></tr>"; //rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_r' style='text-align:right;padding-right:20px;'><a href='" + feature.get('features')[0].get('name') + "' target='_blank'>查看详情</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "</table>"; loadqyonly(qyid); } }//面元素 else if (treelayertype == "3") { rt_detail = "<table class='show_tab' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1'>"; //rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>" + feature.get('name') + "(" + ddate + ")</td><td class='td_r'>" + feature.get('data') + "(" + unit + ")</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>地区</td><td class='td_r'>" + feature.get('name') + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>数据类型</td><td class='td_r'>" + datatype + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>产品</td><td class='td_r'>" + product + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>数值</td><td class='td_r'>" + feature.get('data') + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>单位</td><td class='td_r'>" + unit + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>日期</td><td class='td_r'>" + ddate + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>周期</td><td class='td_r'>" + dataperiod + "</td></tr>"; //显示历史走势图 if (showhis == "1") { var chart_fac = "fancybox", chart_link = "#popchart"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>走势图</td><td class='td_r'><a class='" + chart_fac + " trendico' href='" + chart_link + "' onclick=\"targchart(" + feature.get('valueid') + ",'" + caltype + "','" + modules + "','" + unit + "')\">查看走势图</a></td></tr>"; } rt_detail += "</table>"; } $("#infodetail").append("<div class='dti'" + showcss + ">" + rt_detail + "</div>"); } //如果未跳出循环,加载下一个选中项 if ((k + 1) < treenodelist.length) { loadsingleclick(treenodelist, k + 1, evt, viewResolution); } else { showTargetFrame(); } } else { //geoserver 图层 var url = treelay.getSource().getGetFeatureInfoUrl( evt.coordinate, viewResolution, 'EPSG:3857', { 'INFO_FORMAT': 'text/html' }); if (url) { $.ajax({ url: '/showurl.ashx', type: "post", data: "command=getUrlInfo&url=" + url.replace(/&/g, "&"), dataType: "text", success: function (result) { //找到显示的图层,循环获取图层源,获取信息 $("#info" + treenodeid).html(result).hide(); if (result != "") { //如果点击覆盖层的地图 if (isresethtml) { isresethtml = false; //重置显示信息 $("#infodetail").html(""); $("#lefttree").find("ul").html(""); } var showcss = "", firstactive = ""; if ($("#lefttree").find("ul").html() == "") { showcss = " style='display:block;'"; firstactive = " class='active'"; } //加载左侧树 $("#lefttree").find("ul").append("<li" + firstactive + "><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\">" + treenodelist[k].name + "</a></li>"); ////获取体现的列信息 //var collist = treenodelist[k].layshowcolumn.split(","); //var getcolinfo = ""; //for (var i = 0; i < collist.length; i++) { // //获取列信息 // var colname = $("#info" + treenodeid).find("tr").eq(0).find("th").eq(collist[i]).text(); // var colvalue = $("#info" + treenodeid).find("tr").eq(1).find("td").eq(collist[i]).text(); // getcolinfo += colname + ":" + colvalue + "<br>"; //} ///20151224体现所有列信息 var rt_detail = "<table class='show_tab' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1'>"; var trl = $("#info" + treenodeid).find("tr"); //根据左侧ID获取弹出信息内容 switch (treenodeid) { //中国分省煤炭资源分布(2011) case 36636: rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>省份</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(7).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>储量</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(9).text() + "</td></tr>"; break; //产能中国 case 84163: var qyid = trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(1).text(); if (qyid.indexOf(".") != -1) { qyid = qyid.split(".")[0]; } $.each(cnzg, function (n, value) { if (cnzg[n].id == qyid) { rt_detail += "<tr><td>" + cnzg[n].hy + "</td><td>" + cnzg[n].cp + "</td><td>" + cnzg[n].dw + "</td><td>" + cnzg[n].cn + "</td><td>" + cnzg[n].year + "</td><td><a href='javascript:;' onclick='loadchart(" + cnzg[n].chart + ")'>" + cnzg[n].chart + "</a></td></tr>"; } }); //rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>企业</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(4).text() + "</td></tr>"; //rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>所属行业</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(1).text() + "</td></tr>"; //rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>产品</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(3).text() + "</td></tr>"; //rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>产能</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(8).text() + "(" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(10).text() + ")(" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(9).text() + ")</td></tr>"; //if (trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(9).text()!="") // rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>走势图(链接)</td><td class='td_r'><a href='javascript:;' onclick='loadchart(" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(14).text() + ")'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(14).text() + "</a></td></tr>"; break; //煤矿 case 131792: rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>企业名称</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(1).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>所属集团</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(2).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>企业性质</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(3).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>当前状态</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(4).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>产能</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(5).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>主要产品</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(6).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>所在位置</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(7).text() + "</td></tr>"; break; //焦化厂 case 131793: rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>企业名称</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(1).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>总集团</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(2).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>所属公司</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(3).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>总产能/万吨</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(4).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>焦炉类型</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(5).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>熄焦方式</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(6).text() + "</td></tr>"; rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>地址</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(7).text() + "</td></tr>"; break; default: //获取所有列信息 for (var i = 0; i < trl.eq(0).find("th").length; i++) { rt_detail += "<tr><td class='td_l'>" + trl.eq(0).find("th").eq(i).text() + "</td><td class='td_r'>" + trl.eq(1).find("td").eq(i).text() + "</td></tr>"; } break; } rt_detail += "</table>"; $("#infodetail").append("<div class='dti'" + showcss + ">" + rt_detail + "</div>"); } //如果未跳出循环,加载下一个选中项 if ((k + 1) < treenodelist.length) { loadsingleclick(treenodelist, k + 1, evt, viewResolution); } else { showTargetFrame(); } }, error: onerror }); } else { //如果未跳出循环,加载下一个选中项 if ((k + 1) < treenodelist.length) { loadsingleclick(treenodelist, k + 1, evt, viewResolution); } else { showTargetFrame(); } } } } //加载一条企业信息 function loadqyonly(id) { $.ajax({ url: '/showurl.ashx', type: "post", data: "command=getqyinfo&id=" + id, dataType: "text", success: function (result) { if (result != "") $("#qy" + id).append(result); }, error: onerror }); } //窗口变化 $(window).resize(function () { loadwh(); map.updateSize(); }); //默认加载左侧树 $(document).ready(function () { $.fn.zTree.init($("#treeDemo"), setting, zNodes); treeMenulist = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("treeDemo"); treeMenulist.expandAll(true); if ("False" == "True") { map.on('singleclick', function (evt) { $.ajax({ url: '/showurl.ashx', type: "post", data: "command=getview_qx&title=锆GIS&id=35301&productid=10258&type=42608", dataType: "text", success: function (result) { if (result == "true") { ////点击没有覆盖层的地方,显示原有信息 //$("#infodetail").html(""); //$("#lefttree").find("ul").html(""); //获取选中节点列表 var treeObj = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("treeDemo"); var listcheckednode = treeObj.getCheckedNodes(true); //获得视图分辨率 var viewResolution = /** @type {number} */ (view.getResolution()); isresethtml = true; if (listcheckednode.length > 0) { loadsingleclick(listcheckednode, 0, evt, viewResolution); } } else { btndialog(this, true, "", "了解会员", "购买会员", "qxts", "您还没有查看图层信息的权限!", "shop_buy_once('10258', '31', false)"); return false; } }, error: onerror }); }); ////设置鼠标滑动效果(有问题:考虑一下Ztree展开节点的情况) //$("#treeDemo").find("li").each(function () { // $(this).hover(function () { // var nodesery = $(this).attr("id"); // var treeObj = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("treeDemo"); // var node = treeObj.getNodeByParam("layindex", nodesery.replace("treeDemo_", ""), null); // var offset = $(this).offset(); // if (node.laymemo != "") { // $(".showmemo").html(node.laymemo); // $(".showmemo").css("top", ( - 50)); // $(".showmemo").show(); // $(this).css("background", "#FFEBBF"); // } // }, function () { // $(".showmemo").hide(); // $(this).css("background", "#ffffff"); // }); //}); //右下角统计数据 $(".targ_dataimg_left").click(function () { $.ajax({ url: '/showurl.ashx', type: "post", data: "command=getview_qx&title=锆GIS&id=35301&productid=10258&type=42610", dataType: "text", success: function (result) { if (result == "true") { if ($(".targ_list_right").is(":hidden")) { $(this).css({ "left": "0", "right": "auto" }); 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$("#scrollztree").scrollTop( -; break; } } } //导出图片----------------------------------------------------------------- function ExportPNG() { map.once('postcompose', function (event) { var canvas = event.context.canvas; exportPNGElement.href = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); }); map.renderSync(); } var exportPNGElement = document.getElementById('export-png'); if ('download' in exportPNGElement) { exportPNGElement.addEventListener('click', function (e) { map.once('postcompose', function (event) { var canvas = event.context.canvas; exportPNGElement.href = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); }); map.renderSync(); }, false); } else { var info = document.getElementById('no-download'); /** * display error message */ = ''; } </script> <script> //测距,侧面 //var wgs84Sphere = new ol.Sphere(6378137); //var raster = new ol.layer.Tile({ // source: new ol.source.MapQuest({ layer: 'sat' }) //}); //var source = new ol.source.Vector(); //var vector = new ol.layer.Vector({ // source: source, // style: new{ // fill: new{ // color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)' // }), // stroke: new{ // color: '#ffcc33', // width: 2 // }), // image: new{ // radius: 7, // fill: new{ // color: '#ffcc33' // }) // }) // }) //}); /** * Currently drawn feature. * @type {ol.Feature} */ var sketch; /** * The help tooltip element. * @type {Element} */ var helpTooltipElement; /** * Overlay to show the help messages. * @type {ol.Overlay} */ var helpTooltip; /** * The measure tooltip element. * @type {Element} */ var measureTooltipElement; /** * Overlay to show the measurement. * @type {ol.Overlay} */ var measureTooltip; /** * Message to show when the user is drawing a polygon. * @type {string} */ var continuePolygonMsg = '单击确定地点,双击结束。'; /** * Message to show when the user is drawing a line. * @type {string} */ var continueLineMsg = '单击确定地点,双击结束。'; /** * Handle pointer move. 手柄指针移动。 * @param {ol.MapBrowserEvent} evt */ var pointerMoveHandler = function (evt) { if (evt.dragging) { return; } /** @type {string} */ //点击开始测量 var helpMsg = '点击确定起点'; if (sketch) { var geom = (sketch.getGeometry()); if (geom instanceof ol.geom.Polygon) { helpMsg = continuePolygonMsg; } else if (geom instanceof ol.geom.LineString) { helpMsg = continueLineMsg; } } helpTooltipElement.innerHTML = helpMsg; helpTooltip.setPosition(evt.coordinate); $(helpTooltipElement).removeClass('hidden'); }; //var map = new ol.Map({ // layers: [raster, vector], // target: 'map', // view: new ol.View({ // center: [-11000000, 4600000], // zoom: 15 // }) //}); //map.on('pointermove', pointerMoveHandler); $(map.getViewport()).on('mouseout', function () { $(helpTooltipElement).addClass('hidden'); }); var draw; // global so we can remove it later var drawtype = ''; function addInteraction() { //var type = (typeSelect.value == 'area' ? 'Polygon' : 'LineString'); draw = new ol.interaction.Draw({ source: source, //type: /** @type {ol.geom.GeometryType} */ (type), type: /** @type {ol.geom.GeometryType} */ (drawtype), style: new{ fill: new{ color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)' }), stroke: new{ color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', lineDash: [10, 10], width: 2 }), image: new{ radius: 5, stroke: new{ color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)' }), fill: new{ color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)' }) }) }) }); //张存文去掉默认加载 //map.addInteraction(draw); createMeasureTooltip(); createHelpTooltip(); var listener; draw.on('drawstart', function (evt) { // set sketch sketch = evt.feature; /** @type {ol.Coordinate|undefined} */ var tooltipCoord = evt.coordinate; listener = sketch.getGeometry().on('change', function (evt) { var geom =; var output; if (geom instanceof ol.geom.Polygon) { output = formatArea(/** @type {ol.geom.Polygon} */(geom)); tooltipCoord = geom.getInteriorPoint().getCoordinates(); } else if (geom instanceof ol.geom.LineString) { output = formatLength( /** @type {ol.geom.LineString} */(geom)); tooltipCoord = geom.getLastCoordinate(); } measureTooltipElement.innerHTML = output; measureTooltip.setPosition(tooltipCoord); }); }, this); draw.on('drawend', function (evt) { measureTooltipElement.className = 'tooltip tooltip-static'; measureTooltip.setOffset([0, -7]); // unset sketch sketch = null; // unset tooltip so that a new one can be created measureTooltipElement = null; //createMeasureTooltip(); //ol.Observable.unByKey(listener); alert("结束"); //张存文加,移除测距 map.removeInteraction(draw); //张存文加,缺少移除鼠标跟随效果 map.removeEventListener('pointermove', pointerMoveHandler); }, this); } /** * Creates a new help tooltip创建一个新的帮助提示 */ function createHelpTooltip() { if (helpTooltipElement) { helpTooltipElement.parentNode.removeChild(helpTooltipElement); } helpTooltipElement = document.createElement('div'); helpTooltipElement.className = 'tooltip hidden'; helpTooltip = new ol.Overlay({ element: helpTooltipElement, offset: [15, 0], positioning: 'center-left' }); map.addOverlay(helpTooltip); } /** * Creates a new measure tooltip 创建一个新的测量工具 */ function createMeasureTooltip() { if (measureTooltipElement) { measureTooltipElement.parentNode.removeChild(measureTooltipElement); } measureTooltipElement = document.createElement('div'); measureTooltipElement.className = 'tooltip tooltip-measure'; measureTooltip = new ol.Overlay({ element: measureTooltipElement, offset: [0, -15], positioning: 'bottom-center' }); map.addOverlay(measureTooltip); } /** * Let user change the geometry type. 切换类型 * @param {Event} e Change event. */ //typeSelect.onchange = function (e) { // map.removeInteraction(draw); // addInteraction(); //}; /** * format length output 格式长度输出 * @param {ol.geom.LineString} line 几何线。 * @return {string}*返回{字符串} */ var formatLength = function (line) { var length; //张存文使用的输出格式,完了确定一种格式 if (false) { var coordinates = line.getCoordinates(); length = 0; var sourceProj = map.getView().getProjection(); for (var i = 0, ii = coordinates.length - 1; i < ii; ++i) { var c1 = ol.proj.transform(coordinates[i], sourceProj, 'EPSG:4326'); var c2 = ol.proj.transform(coordinates[i + 1], sourceProj, 'EPSG:4326'); length += wgs84Sphere.haversineDistance(c1, c2); } } else { length = Math.round(line.getLength() * 100) / 100; } var output; if (length > 100) { output = (Math.round(length / 1000 * 100) / 100) + ' ' + 'km'; } else { output = (Math.round(length * 100) / 100) + ' ' + 'm'; } return "总长:" + output; }; /** * format length output 格式长度输出 * @param {ol.geom.Polygon} polygon 面 * @return {string} */ var formatArea = function (polygon) { var area; //张存文使用的输出格式,完了确定一种格式 原始出处 use geodesic measures if (false) { var sourceProj = map.getView().getProjection(); var geom = /** @type {ol.geom.Polygon} */(polygon.clone().transform( sourceProj, 'EPSG:4326')); var coordinates = geom.getLinearRing(0).getCoordinates(); area = Math.abs(wgs84Sphere.geodesicArea(coordinates)); } else { area = polygon.getArea(); } var output; if (area > 10000) { output = (Math.round(area / 1000000 * 100) / 100) + ' ' + 'km<sup>2</sup>'; } else { output = (Math.round(area * 100) / 100) + ' ' + 'm<sup>2</sup>'; } return "面积:" + output; }; ///测距 function ceju() { //添加鼠标跟随事件 map.on('pointermove', pointerMoveHandler); drawtype = 'LineString'; addInteraction(); //测距事件 map.addInteraction(draw); } //侧面 function cemian() { //添加鼠标跟随事件 map.on('pointermove', pointerMoveHandler); drawtype = 'Polygon'; addInteraction(); //测面事件 map.addInteraction(draw); } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function targchart(id, calctype, modules, unit) { $.ajax({ url: '/showurl.ashx', type: "post", data: "command=getview_qx&title=锆GIS&id=35301&productid=10258&type=42607", dataType: "text", success: function (result) { if (result == "true") { $("#popchart").html("<div class='chartarea' id='gis" + id + "'></div><div class='downbs'></div>"); loadchart(id, "gis" + id, calctype, modules, unit); } else { btndialog(this, true, "", "了解会员", "购买会员", "qxts", "您还没有查看走势图的权限!", "shop_buy_once('10258', '31', false)"); return false; } }, error: onerror }); } var isloadcommon = true; //function getchartinfo(id,divid) //{ // $.getScript("" + id + ".js", function () { // var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById(divid)); // var option = eval("option_e_" + id); 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