New to Mac - Apple Store (U.S.)

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We answer some of the most common PC-to-Mac questions here. If you have more, call to talk to a knowledgeable Apple Specialist.</p> <img src="" width="18" height="23" class="telesales-icon" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <strong>Just ask. 1-800-MY-APPLE</strong> <h3>Frequently Answered Questions</h3> <div id="list"> <ul id="column1"> <li><a href="#recycle">What should I do with my old computer?</a></li> <li><a href="#edudiscount">How can I get an education discount on a new Mac?</a></li> <li><a href="#officemac">Is Microsoft Office available for the Mac?</a></li> <li><a href="#windowsmac">Can I run Windows on my Mac?</a></li> <li><a href="#existingdocs">Can I work with my existing documents, music files, and photos on my Mac?</a></li> <li><a href="#movefiles">How do I move my files to a Mac?</a></li> </ul> <ul id="column2"> <li><a href="#devices">Will my PC devices (cameras, printers, hard drives) work with a Mac?</a></li> <li><a href="#keyboardmouse">Will my keyboard and my &#147;right-click&#148; mouse work with a Mac?</a></li> <li><a href="#emailservice">Will my current email service work on a Mac?</a></li> <li><a href="#joinnetworks">Can I join Windows networks?</a></li> <li><a href="#wifi">What about Wi-Fi?</a></li> <li><a href="#instantmessage">Can I instant message on my Mac?</a></li> </ul> <ul id="column3"> <li><a href="#webbrowsers">Which web browsers will work on my Mac?</a></li> <li><a href="#software">What software is available for the Mac?</a></li> <li><a href="#reliable">Is a Mac reliable?</a></li> <li><a href="#secure">Are Mac computers secure?</a></li> <li><a href="#easytolearn">Is it easy to learn how to use a Mac?</a></li> <li><a href="#havequestions">I still have questions before I make my purchase. How can I get them answered?</a></li> <li><a href="#support">What kind of support can I expect?</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="answers"> <div id="recycle" class="answer"> <img src="" width="109" height="110" class="right" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h2><a name="recycle">What should I do with my old computer?</a></h2> <p>Send it to us. The Apple Recycling Program can help you do that, and it&rsquo;s free.<sup>1</sup> Even better, if it&rsquo;s determined that your computer qualifies for reuse &mdash; meaning it has monetary value &mdash; we&rsquo;ll apply that amount to an Apple Gift Card.<sup>2</sup> Use the gift card to shop online at the Apple Online Store or in person at any Apple Retail Store.<sup>3</sup> If your computer doesn&rsquo;t qualify for reuse, we&rsquo;ll recycle it responsibly for you.</p> <p class="visit-recycle"><a href="" onclick="s_objectID='6f18dda8cfde51a0220d0b23144ac7ed';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 0 |" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">Visit the Apple Recycling Program website for more information.</a></p> </div> <div id="edudiscount" class="answer"> <h2><a name="edudiscount">How can I get an education discount on a new Mac?</a></h2> <p>If you are a student in college or a teacher, administrator, or staff member at any grade level, you qualify for special pricing on Apple computers and software and select third-party products. Visit the Apple Online Store for Education to place your order. Quantity limits apply. See <a href="/web/20121028003525/" target="_blank" onclick="s_objectID='cb388a4d20a69a38ba19f4cb9f12f7bc';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 1 | /us/browse/open/salespolicies/edu" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">terms and conditions</a>.</p> </div> <div id="officemac" class="answer"> <img src="" width="217" height="146" class="right" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h2><a name="officemac">Is Microsoft Office available for the Mac?</a></h2> <p>Yes. <a href="/web/20121028003525/" onclick="s_objectID='d5e30171e6785e9bca5e262eb76c5406';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 2 | Microsoft Office for Mac Home and Student 2011 Family Pack | MS_OFFICE" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">Microsoft Office for Mac</a> is available, and it works like the Windows version. Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files created on a Mac are compatible with Windows. You can also open Office documents created on a Windows PC.</p> </div> <div id="windowsmac" class="answer"> <img src="" width="284" height="314" class="right" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h2><a name="windowsmac">Can I run Windows on my Mac?</a></h2> <p>Yes. In addition to Microsoft Office, most popular applications are available for the Mac, too. But if you want to use a particular Windows-only application and you have a copy of Windows Vista or Windows 7, you have a few options: </p> <ul> <li>If you want to run Windows natively &mdash; as if your Mac were a PC &mdash; you can use Boot Camp, which is included with <a href="" target="_blank">Mac OS X Lion&nbsp;</a> on every new Mac.</li> <li>If you want to run Mac OS X and Windows side by side, you can purchase <a href="null" onclick="s_objectID='8b584122d8d1c8b66f009dd966aba56f';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 3 | PARALLELS_SW-102458" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">Parallels Desktop for Mac</a> or <a href="null" onclick="s_objectID='15f34c9300088e37c7c8e3585ea43cf4';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 4 | H6894" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">VMware Fusion</a>. Install one of these applications, and you can use Windows programs right next to your Mac applications, without having to restart.</li> </ul> <p>Want more details? Read <a href="/web/20121028003525/" onclick="s_objectID='0be0fda1440057d499be63b697b0561d';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 5 | /us/browse/guide/windows" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">Good to Know: Windows on a Mac</a>.</p> <div class="tutorial"> <a href="" target="popup-w800-h600" onclick="s_objectID='203a33e491514b20919f242d0babdb04';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 6 |" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1"><img src="" width="98" height="78" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "></a> <p class="next">Watch video tutorial: <a href="" target="popup-w800-h600" class="learn-more" onclick="s_objectID='049a1e7701a34441c3c506fe327d4554';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 7 |" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">Windows on a Mac</a></p> </div> </div> <div id="existingdocs" class="answer"> <h2><a name="existingdocs">Can I work with my existing documents, music files, and photos on my Mac?</a></h2> <p>Yes. Your Mac can open most files from your PC, including Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), PDFs, MP3s, iTunes songs, WAV files, JPEGs, GIFs, and more.</p> </div> <div id="movefiles" class="answer"> <h2><a name="movefiles">How do I move my files to a Mac?</a></h2> <p>It&#146;s easy to transfer your photos, music, documents, and other files. Here are two ways to do it:</p> <ul> <li>Copy files from your PC to an external hard drive, connect the drive to your Mac, and move the files over.</li> <li>Use a local network to move files directly from your PC to your Mac.</li> </ul> <p>For detailed information on moving your files to a Mac, read <a href="" target="_blank">Switch 101: Migrate Your Files or Your Windows System</a>.</p> <div class="tutorial"> <a href="" target="popup-w800-h600" onclick="s_objectID='4eeadf8a35a5764d0ee4c2a5b65e91a4';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 8 |" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1"><img src="" width="98" height="78" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "></a> <p class="next">Watch video tutorial: <a href="" target="popup-w800-h600" class="learn-more" onclick="s_objectID='62c073578235f6e50ac66e2aae85fd86';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 9 |" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">Move to Mac</a></p> </div> </div> <div id="devices" class="answer"> <img src="" width="274" height="129" class="right" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h2><a name="devices">Will my PC devices (cameras, printers, hard drives, speakers, Bluetooth devices) work with a Mac?</a></h2> <p>Almost any device that connects to a computer via USB, audio cable, or Bluetooth will work with a Mac. For example, the Mac includes support for over 2000 of the most popular printers from Canon, Epson, HP, Lexmark, and others. And a Mac is smart enough to know what to do when you plug in your digital camera: It opens iPhoto and asks if you want to import your recent photos.</p> <p>If you have questions about a specific peripheral or accessory, visit the manufacturer&#146;s website to find out about Mac compatibility.</p> <p class="next">Read Switch 101: <a href="" target="_blank">Connect Your Peripherals</a></p> </div> <div id="keyboardmouse" class="answer"> <h2><a name="keyboardmouse">Will my keyboard and my &#147;right-click&#148; mouse work with a Mac?</a></h2> <p>Yes. The Mac is compatible with virtually any keyboard and multibutton mouse, even the ones you use with your PC. Just plug them into the USB port on your Mac and start working. You can also use the multibutton Mighty Mouse, which comes with every iMac and Mac Pro. And the trackpad on MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air offers “right-click” capability — just press the control key when you click.</p> </div> <div id="emailservice" class="answer"> <h2><a name="emailservice">Will my current email service work on a Mac?</a></h2> <p>Yes. You can access your current email in two ways:</p> <ul> <li>View web-based email &mdash; such as Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, and MobileMe mail &mdash; in the Safari web browser.</li> <li>Use the Mail application in Mac OS X Lion. Simply enter your email account information and you&#146;re good to go. If you have email messages in Microsoft Outlook on your PC, you can transfer them to your Mac using inexpensive <a href="" target="_blank">third-party software</a>.</li> </ul> <p>No matter which method you choose, you can continue using your current email address.</p> </div> <div id="joinnetworks" class="answer"> <img src="" width="245" height="166" class="right" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h2><a name="joinnetworks">Will my Mac work on campus?</a></h2> <p>Yes. No matter what kind of network you want to use, whether wired or wireless, a Mac will fit right in. You can share files with any computer on your network, browse the web, access school servers and files, and get all your email. You can also access secure networks with the built-in VPN support.</p> </div> <div id="wifi" class="answer"> <h2><a name="wifi">What about Wi-Fi?</a></h2> <p>All new Mac computers are Wi-Fi capable and work with standard wireless routers. Whether you’re on campus or in a cafe, available wireless networks appear automatically. Just select the network you want to join, enter a password if necessary, and you’re connected. The Mac supports industry standards such as 802.11 and WPA/WPA2.</p> <div class="tutorial"> <a href="" target="popup-w800-h600" onclick="s_objectID='e7021f9327002f444b6c06b1f8aadc4b';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 10 |" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1"><img src="" width="98" height="78" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "></a> <p class="next">Watch video tutorial: <a href="" target="popup-w800-h600" class="learn-more" onclick="s_objectID='81fa676b081834d9f124e25fe8e596d2';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 11 |" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">Wireless Basics</a></p> </div> </div> <div id="instantmessage" class="answer"> <img src="" width="226" height="156" class="right" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h2><a name="instantmessage">Can I instant message on my Mac?</a></h2> <p>Yes. Your Mac comes with iChat, Apple&rsquo;s instant messaging application. iChat supports AIM, Google Talk, and MobileMe. In addition to text messaging, iChat allows you to video chat with friends and family on campus or around the world.<sup>4</sup> Microsoft and Yahoo! offer Mac versions of their instant messaging applications, too.</p> </div> <div id="webbrowsers" class="answer"> <h2><a name="webbrowsers">Which web browsers will work on my Mac?</a></h2> <p>Every Mac includes Safari, the fastest web browser in the world. You can also use Mac versions of Firefox, Opera, and others.</p> </div> <div id="software" class="answer"> <img src="" width="254" height="118" class="right" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h2><a name="software">What software is available for the Mac?</a></h2> <p>Thousands of titles, including the most popular applications you need for school, are available for the Mac. You’ll find everything from Microsoft Office and Rosetta Stone to Adobe Photoshop Elements and Adobe Creative Suite.</p> <p>A huge collection of games covering every genre is available for the Mac, including top sellers such as Age of Empires III, The Sims 2, Guitar Hero III, and many more.</p> <p><a href="/web/20121028003525/" onclick="s_objectID='3d18c9b23b7d2d6a9fc2dea2e67d589f';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 12 | /us/browse/home/shop_mac/software" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">Shop Mac software</a> </div> <div id="reliable" class="answer"> <h2><a name="reliable">Is a Mac reliable?</a></h2> <p>When you buy a PC, you&#146;re buying hardware from one company and an operating system and software from other companies. Not so with a Mac. Because Apple builds both the computer and the software that comes with it, they&#146;re literally made for each other. So a Mac rarely freezes or crashes. And Mac OS X resists most viruses, so you can do almost anything &mdash; without worrying about losing everything.</p> </div> <div id="secure" class="answer"> <h2><a name="secure">Are Mac computers secure?</a></h2> <p>Yes. While no computer connected to the Internet is 100 percent immune to viruses and spyware, the Mac is built on a solid UNIX foundation and designed with security in mind. The Apple web browser, Safari, alerts you whenever you’re downloading an application — even if it’s disguised as a picture or movie file. And Apple continually makes free security updates available to Mac owners. You can even have them download automatically.</p> </div> <div id="easytolearn" class="answer"> <h2><a name="easytolearn">Is it easy to learn how to use a Mac?</a></h2> <p>Yes. If you’ve never owned a Mac, you may need a little time to get used to it. But within a week or two, chances are you’ll get along like old friends. And because Mac applications are designed to work in the same intuitive way, once you learn one application — iTunes, for example — you’ll quickly pick up iPhoto, Mail, and the other software that comes with your Mac.</p> <div class="tutorial"> <a href="" target="popup-w800-h600" onclick="s_objectID='891cd3edd078d10d68d12de923a960fb';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 13 |" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1"><img src="" width="98" height="78" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "></a> <p class="next">Watch video tutorial: <a href="" target="popup-w800-h600" class="learn-more" onclick="s_objectID='cc161590e3a63216af95825207a074fb';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 14 |" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">Anatomy of a Mac</a></p> </div> </div> <div id="havequestions" class="answer"> <h2><a name="havequestions">I still have questions before I make my purchase. How can I get them answered?</a></h2> <img src="" width="48" height="60" class="left" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <p>We have lots of ways to answer your questions. You can call our Mac experts toll-free at <strong>1-800-MY-APPLE</strong>, start an online chat, or visit a nearby Apple Retail Store and talk to our friendly staff.</p> </div> <div id="support"> <div id="support-topcap"></div> <div id="left"> <h2><a name="support">What kind of support can I expect?</a></h2> <p>Every Mac comes with service and support that&#146;s consistently rated the best in the business.</p> <ul> <li class="genius-bar"> <img src="" width="65" height="52" class="left" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h4>Hands on help.</h4> <p>When you have questions or need hands-on technical support, you can get friendly, expert advice at the Genius Bar in any Apple Retail Store.</p> </li> <li class="one-to-one"> <img src="" width="44" height="59" class="left" alt="One To One" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h4>Get One to One.</h4> <p>With a One to One membership at an Apple Retail Store, we&rsquo;ll get you set up, teach you all the basics, and help you with personal projects.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="learn-more">Find an Apple Retail Store</a></p> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="right"> <img src="" width="297" height="160" class="pngfix" alt="AppleCare and MacBook" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h4>Warranty and AppleCare Protection Plan</h4> <p>If you have a problem in the first year of owning your new Mac, you can take it to an Apple Retail Store or call our help line at <span>1-800-APL-CARE</span>. And if you purchase the AppleCare Protection Plan, you extend your service and support to three years from the purchase date of your Mac.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" class="learn-more">Learn more</a></p> </div> <div class="clearer"></div> <div id="bottom"> <img src="" width="76" height="64" class="left" alt="" data-evar1="AOS: "> <h4>Free online help</h4> <p>View hundreds of <a href="" target="blank">video and text-based tutorials</a> on everything from setting up a wireless network to creating a photo book using iPhoto. Or get help from a huge community of users in <a href="" target="_blank">Apple Support discussions</a>.</p> </div> <div id="support-bottomcap"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="module_btm"></div> <div class="footnotes"> <p>Mighty Mouse&trade; and &copy; 2008 CBS Operations Inc. All rights reserved.</p> <ol> <li>1. Only the following qualify for free recycling: any Mac computer; a PC being recycled as part of the purchase of a new Mac. You can recycle a PC without purchasing a new Mac for a fee of $30.</li> <li>2. Value to be determined by PowerON.</li> <li>3. Restrictions apply. Please review our <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="s_objectID='1221c4f3b3e58f256011e9fe036c1932';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | primary-content-1 | Astro Link | 15 |" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/primary-content-1">Apple Retail Store Purchase Policies</a> for more details. </li> <li>4. Broadband Internet access required. Fees may apply.</li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> <div id="navigation" class="rail"> <div role="navigation" aria-label="Apple Store" class="box store-navigation"> <div class="title-bar"> <h2> Departments </h2> </div> <div class="box-content clearfix"> <ul class="departments"> <li> <a href="/web/20121028003525/" onclick="s_objectID='037ba4c7fe60aac5f27b275421647eaf';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | | ShopNav | 0 | Shop Mac" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/ShopNav"> Shop Mac </a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20121028003525/" onclick="s_objectID='3b65352a176c7e73014d0a7436d52ed6';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | | ShopNav | 1 | Shop iPad" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/ShopNav"> Shop iPad </a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20121028003525/" onclick="s_objectID='81283927f242246588e1c10932e0e514';" data-evar1="AOS: campaigns/new_to_mac | | ShopNav | 2 | Shop iPhone" data-evar30="campaigns/new_to_mac/ShopNav"> Shop iPhone </a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20121028003525/" 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