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It is designed to be used by as many people as possible. The text should be clear and simple to understand. You should be able to:</p><ul><li>Change colours, contrast levels and fonts using browser or device settings</li><li>Zoom in up to 400% without problems</li><li>Navigate most of the website using just a keyboard</li><li>Navigate most of the website using speech recognition software</li><li>Use most of the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver).</li></ul><p><a href="" aria-label="AbilityNet">AbilityNet</a> <!-- -->has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.</p><h2>How accessible is this website</h2><p>We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible:</p><ul><li>Not all content is readable via screen reader software</li><li>Not all elements are reachable via keyboard</li><li>Screen readers may not read some elements exactly as they appear</li><li>No error suggestion upon incorrect search</li><li>Some context changes do not alert the user.</li></ul><h2>Feedback and contact information</h2><p>If you are experiencing difficulty with any content on open policy finder or require assistance with any part of our site, please contact us as detailed below and we will be happy to assist. If you wish to report an accessibility issue, have any questions, or need assistance please contact <a class="underline | hover:no-underline" href=" policy finder Accessibilty Feedback" aria-label=""></a></p><h2>How to request content in an accessible format</h2><p>If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF, large print, easy read, audio recording or braille contact us:</p><ul><li>Email - <a class="underline | hover:no-underline" href=" policy finder Accessibilty Request" aria-label=""></a></li><li>Call - 0300 3002212</li><li>Or<!-- --> <a class="underline | hover:no-underline" href="" aria-label="speak to your relationship manager">speak to your relationship manager</a>.</li></ul><p>We will consider your request and get back to you.</p><h2>Enforcement procedure</h2><p>If you contact us with a complaint and you are not happy with our response <a class="underline | hover:no-underline" href="" aria-label="contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS)">contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS)</a>.</p><p>The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the "accessibility regulations").</p><h2>Technical information about our accessibility</h2><p>Jisc is committed to making its websites accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.</p><h2>Compliance status</h2><p>This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances listed under Non-accessible content.</p><h2>Non-accessible content</h2><p>Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations:</p><ul><li>[1.1.1 Non-text Content]: Missing alt tags for decorative icons. No placeholder text will be shown in an event where the icon does not render.</li><li>[2.1.1 Keyboard]: Dropdown component missing focusable attribute. Filtering by “rows per page” drop down not navigable via keyboard on Search open policy finder's results page and on the Publisher record.</li><li>[2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap]: Dropdown component missing focusable attribute. Filtering by “rows per page” drop down not navigable via keyboard on Search open policy finder results page and on the Publisher record.</li><li>[2.5.3 Label in Name]: Label and Name attribute mismatch for the Search open policy finder form, Transitional Agreement Lookup Tool form and Compliance Checker Form. Assistive technologies may not be able to infer which component a user is referencing.</li><li>[3.3.2 Labels or Instructions]: Empty aria form labels in the feedback box. Assistive technologies may not recognise it.</li><li>[4.1.2 Name, Role, Value]: Not all user interface components have a name, role and value. Assistive technology may not understand the component.</li><li>[1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose]: Missing attribute on forms. Purpose of input fields may not be determinable via assistive technology.</li><li>[2.4.5 Multiple Ways]: Two ways of navigating the site (via header and footer) however both offer the same method. Some pages may be more difficult to navigate to.</li><li>[2.4.6 Headings and Labels]: Empty aria form labels in the feedback box. Assistive technologies may not be able to recognise elements.</li><li>[3.2.4 Consistent Identification]: All icons have missing attributes. Assistive technology may use different descriptions or names when referencing the same icon.</li><li>[3.3.3 Error Suggestion]: Search open policy finder does not provide suggestions upon incorrect query.</li><li>[4.1.1 Parsing]: There is a bug leading to two items sharing the same ID.</li><li>[4.1.3 Status Messages]: Missing aria role for loading modals. Website may not alert users to context changes.</li></ul><p>Remediation date to address the above non-compliance issues is planned for the end of August 2024.</p><h2>Non-compliance: third-party tools</h2><b><p>Hotjar</p></b><p>We use Hotjar to better understand our users’ needs and optimise the experience of this website. We do not have a suitable alternative and, as we do not control the platform, are unable to make the changes required to improve it. We are aware of a number of accessibility issues and Jisc is looking to retest its accessibility during December 2023. This statement will be updated to show the results of that testing.</p><h2>How we tested this website</h2><p>Evaluation of the website’s compliance was carried out via self assessment on 20 November 2023. Using a combination of manual testing and automated testing (Axe, Lighthouse, SiteImprove and Wave).</p><h2>What we are doing to improve accessibility</h2><p>Evaluation of the website’s compliance was carried out as a self assessment.</p><p>Whenever new features are released they go through our internal quality assurance checks and must meet WCAG 2.1 AA. We are also committed to working on the issues above.</p><h2>Preparation of this accessibility statement</h2><p>This statement was prepared on 15 November 2023. It was last updated on 20 November 2023.</p><p>Content modified from the <a class="underline | hover:no-underline" href="" aria-label="GOV.UK accessibility statement">GOV.UK accessibility statement</a> - used through the <a class="underline | hover:no-underline" href="" aria-label="GOV.UK accessibility statement v3.0">GOV.UK accessibility statement v3.0</a></p></div></section></main><footer class=" text-white bg-theme-neutral-dove-grey mt-20 "><section class="grid grid-cols-12 max-w-grid-xl gap-x-6 mx-auto"><div class=" col-span-10 col-start-2 "><h1 class=" text-s-heading leading-7 pt-10 pb-5">Open policy finder</h1><div class=" flex flex-col md:flex-row pb-120 flex-wrap"><div class=" mr-20 last:mr-0 "><h2 id="Tools" class=" text-xl-text leading-6 py-5 font-bold ">Tools</h2><div><ul class=" flex flex-col text-s-text leading-snug " aria-labelledby="Tools"><li class=" mb-2.5 leading-6"><a class="text-s-text mb-2 underline-offset-2 no-underline hover:underline" href="/search">Search</a></li><li class=" mb-2.5 leading-6"><a class="text-s-text mb-2 underline-offset-2 no-underline hover:underline" href="/oa-compliance">Open access compliance</a></li><li class=" mb-2.5 leading-6"><a class="text-s-text mb-2 underline-offset-2 no-underline hover:underline" href="/ta-lookup">Transitional agreement look up</a></li></ul></div></div><div class=" mr-20 last:mr-0 "><h2 id="Data" class=" text-xl-text leading-6 py-5 font-bold ">Data</h2><div><ul class=" flex flex-col text-s-text leading-snug " aria-labelledby="Data"><li class=" mb-2.5 leading-6"><a class="text-s-text mb-2 underline-offset-2 no-underline hover:underline" href="/oa-books">Books</a></li><li class=" mb-2.5 leading-6"><a class="text-s-text mb-2 underline-offset-2 no-underline hover:underline" href="/tj-list">Transformative journals list</a></li><li class=" mb-2.5 leading-6"><a class="text-s-text mb-2 underline-offset-2 no-underline hover:underline" href="/help/developers/use-our-api">Our API</a></li></ul></div></div><div class=" mr-20 last:mr-0 "><h2 id="Information" class=" text-xl-text leading-6 py-5 font-bold ">Information</h2><div><ul class=" flex flex-col text-s-text leading-snug " aria-labelledby="Information"><li class=" mb-2.5"><a class=" text-s-text mb-2 underline underline-offset-2 no-underline hover:underline" aria-label="Privacy. 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