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The two-time Australian World Cup-winning captain shared his vision for the team while reflecting on his strategy f</p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/iyer-arshdeep-and-chahal-were-non-negotiables-for-me-pbks-head-coach-ricky-ponting-on-team-set-up-for-ipl-202520250206170118"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/sports/cricket/zaheer-khan-trying-to-help-mayank-yadav-play-longer-without-breaks20250205111429"> <h6 class="title">Zaheer Khan trying to help Mayank Yadav play longer without breaks</h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">3 weeks, 3 days ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small"><p>Mayank had an injury-ridden 2024. After rising to fame with two 'Player of the Match' performances in his first three Indian Premier League (IPL) games during which he troubled plenty of sports stars with his consistent 150 kmph-plus pace, accurate and controlled line-and-length, he faced</p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/zaheer-khan-trying-to-help-mayank-yadav-play-longer-without-breaks20250205111429"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/sports/cricket/mi-junior-shardashram-vidyamandir-come-out-trumps-to-continue-winning-run20250204235452"> <h6 class="title">MI Junior: Shardashram Vidyamandir come out trumps to continue winning run</h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">3 weeks, 3 days ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small">Shardashram Vidyamandir dominated proceedings as they bossed Chatrabhuj Narsee Memorial School, winning by a margin of 364 runs in a league match of the MI Junior Interschool Cricket Tournament in Mumbai on Tuesday</p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/mi-junior-shardashram-vidyamandir-come-out-trumps-to-continue-winning-run20250204235452"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/sports/cricket/jayawardene-hails-bumrah-calls-him-coachs-dream-to-work-with20250204144715"> <h6 class="title">Jayawardene hails Bumrah, calls him "coach's dream to work with"</h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">3 weeks, 4 days ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small">Jayawardene spoke to Wisden Cricket Monthly as MI gears up for next season of the Indian Premier League (IPL) after a bottom-placed finish last year. </p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/jayawardene-hails-bumrah-calls-him-coachs-dream-to-work-with20250204144715"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/sports/cricket/my-father-didnt-like-it-at-all-punjab-kings-new-addition-kuldeep-sen-recalls-secretly-playing-cricket20250203154236"> <h6 class="title">'My father didn't like it at all,' Punjab Kings' new addition Kuldeep Sen </h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">3 weeks, 5 days ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small"> Punjab Kings' new addition to the squad father didn't like it at all: Kuldeep recalled, Kuldeep Sen, who joined the franchise in the IPL 2025 auction, is excited by the challenge and wants to make the season memorable for himself and the team. </p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/my-father-didnt-like-it-at-all-punjab-kings-new-addition-kuldeep-sen-recalls-secretly-playing-cricket20250203154236"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/entertainment/bollywood/anil-kapoor-pens-heartfelt-birthday-message-for-preity-zinta-wishes-her-luck-for-ipl-202520250131143551"> <h6 class="title">Anil Kapoor pens heartfelt birthday message for Preity Zinta, wishes her l</h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">4 weeks, 1 day ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small"><p>Actress Preity Zinta is celebrating her 50th birthday today. On this occasion, actor Anil Kapoor penned a heartfelt message for his co-actress and also wished her luck for IPL 2025.</p></p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/entertainment/bollywood/anil-kapoor-pens-heartfelt-birthday-message-for-preity-zinta-wishes-her-luck-for-ipl-202520250131143551"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/sports/cricket/rajasthan-royals-unveil-jersey-for-ipl-202520250129201747"> <h6 class="title">Rajasthan Royals unveil jersey for IPL 2025</h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">1 month ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small">Designed by the talented students of the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Jodhpur, this year's jersey exemplifies the franchise's commitment to developing young homegrown talent and celebrating the cultural legacy of Rajasthan.</p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/rajasthan-royals-unveil-jersey-for-ipl-202520250129201747"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/sports/cricket/shreyas-bhais-presence-will-make-it-easier-mumbai-domestic-star-suryansh-shedge-ready-for-punjab-kings-exploits20250129140645"> <h6 class="title">"Shreyas bhai's presence will make it easier": Mumbai domestic star Suryan</h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">1 month ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small">Punjab Kings (PBKS) youngster Suryansh Shedge will display his talent in the upcoming season of the Indian Premier League (IPL). Shedge, added by the franchise at the auction last year in November, grabbed the headlines with his unbeaten 36-run innings in 15 balls in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Tro</p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/shreyas-bhais-presence-will-make-it-easier-mumbai-domestic-star-suryansh-shedge-ready-for-punjab-kings-exploits20250129140645"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/sports/cricket/adam-griffith-named-cricket-australias-national-pace-bowling-coach20250124225640"> <h6 class="title">Adam Griffith named Cricket Australia's National Pace Bowling Coach</h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">1 month ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small"><p>Developing the next generation of fast bowlers in Australia will be a central priority for Adam Griffith, who has been appointed as Cricket Australia's new National Pace Bowling Coach.</p></p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/adam-griffith-named-cricket-australias-national-pace-bowling-coach20250124225640"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/sports/cricket/he-allows-players-to-express-themselves-suryakumar-yadav-on-gautam-gambhirs-leadership20250121202517"> <h6 class="title">"He allows players to express themselves": Suryakumar Yadav on Gautam Gamb</h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">1 month, 1 week ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small">Indian batter Suryakumar Yadav has credited Gautam Gambhir's leadership for fostering a positive and player-friendly atmosphere in the team on Tuesday in Kolkata. Speaking at the pre-match press conference, Suryakumar highlighted the former Indian opener's unique approach to mentoring and m</p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/he-allows-players-to-express-themselves-suryakumar-yadav-on-gautam-gambhirs-leadership20250121202517"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/sports/cricket/beautiful-memory-suryakumar-yadav-recalls-his-time-at-eden-gardens-ahead-of-england-t20i-series20250121123952"> <h6 class="title">"Beautiful memory": Suryakumar Yadav recalls his time at Eden Gardens ahea</h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">1 month, 1 week ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small">Ahead of the first T20I of the five-match series against England, India skipper Suryakumar Yadav recalled the time when he used to play at the Eden Gardens in Kolkata during the time of the Indian Premier League (IPL).</p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/beautiful-memory-suryakumar-yadav-recalls-his-time-at-eden-gardens-ahead-of-england-t20i-series20250121123952"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class="card"> <figure class="bottom"> <div class="img-container"> <img data-src="" alt="" class="img-responsive lazy"/> </div> <figcaption> <a href="/news/sports/cricket/too-many-left-handed-batters-in-lsg-team-mentor-zaheer-khan-sees-it-as-tactical-edge20250120205129"> <h6 class="title">Too many left-handed batters in LSG? Team Mentor Zaheer Khan sees it as "t</h6> </a> <p class="time small"><span class="time-gray">Updated : </span><span class="time-red">1 month, 1 week ago</span><span class="first red-ist"> IST</span> </p> <p class="text small">Lucknow Super Giants team mentor Zaheer Khan is seeing the surplus of left-handed batting options as a "tactical edge" ahead of the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2025. </p> <a class="read-more full-story" href="/news/sports/cricket/too-many-left-handed-batters-in-lsg-team-mentor-zaheer-khan-sees-it-as-tactical-edge20250120205129"> Read More </a> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="pageination-block section-gap"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 page-wrap-root card"> <ul class="pageination-list-wrap"> <li class="page-elem-wrap page-prev"> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/3"></a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap "> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/1">1</a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap "> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/2">2</a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap "> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/3">3</a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap active"> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/4">4</a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap "> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/5">5</a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap "> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/6">6</a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap "> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/7">7</a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap "> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/8">8</a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap dot"> <span>.........</span> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap"> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/776">776</a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap page-next"> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/5"></a> </li> <li class="page-elem-wrap"> <a href="/topic/ipl/page/776">Last</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </main> <footer class="footer pt-0" data-footer> <div class="container"> <div class="row footer-main-block pt-4"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3 text-center col-xs-12"> <div class="footer-logo"> <a href="/" aria-label="ani"> <img src="" alt="footer-brand-icon"> </a> </div> <div class="social-share-block"> <ul class="social-share"> <li class="facebook"><a href="" aria-label="facebook_ani" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></li> <li class="google-plus"><a href="" aria-label="google_ani" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></li> <li class="twitter"><a href="" aria-label="twitter_ani" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-12 col-xs-12 text-center footer-menu"> <ul class="footer-menu"> <li class="elem"><a target="_blank" aria-label="ani_home" href="/">Home</a></li> <li class="elem"><a target="_blank" aria-label="ani_about" href="/about-us/">About Us</a></li> <li class="elem"><a target="_blank" aria-label="ani_products" href="/products/">Our Products</a> </li> <li class="elem"><a target="_blank" aria-label="ani_advertise" href="/advertise/">Advertise</a> </li> <li class="elem"><a target="_blank" aria-label="ani_contact" href="/contact-us/">Contact Us</a> </li> <li class="elem"><a target="_blank" aria-label="ani_privacy_policy" href="/privacy-policy/">Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li class="elem"><a target="_blank" aria-label="ani_term_conditon" href="/term-condition/">Terms & Condition</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="row bottom-footer-block"> <div class="col-xs-12 text-center"> <p class="text small">copyrights © | All rights Reserved</p> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <!-- back to top --> <div> <a id="backToTop" class="back-to-top"></a> </div> </div> <div id="gif"> <img src="" alt="iocl" class="img-responsive" /> </div> <script> if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { window.addEventListener('load', function () { //navigator.serviceWorker.register('/sw.js'); 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