{"title":"Power Quality Evaluation of Electrical Distribution Networks","authors":"Mohamed Idris S. Abozaed, Suliman Mohamed Elrajoubi","volume":94,"journal":"International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering","pagesStart":1587,"pagesEnd":1592,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/9999532","abstract":"<p>Researches and concerns in power quality gained<br \/>\r\nsignificant momentum in the field of power electronics systems over<br \/>\r\nthe last two decades globally. This sudden increase in the number of<br \/>\r\nconcerns over power quality problems is a result of the huge increase<br \/>\r\nin the use of non-linear loads. In this paper, power quality evaluation<br \/>\r\nof some distribution networks at Misurata - Libya has been done<br \/>\r\nusing a power quality and energy analyzer (Fluke 437 Series II). The<br \/>\r\nresults of this evaluation are used to minimize the problems of power<br \/>\r\nquality. The analysis shows the main power quality problems that<br \/>\r\nexist and the level of awareness of power quality issues with the aim<br \/>\r\nof generating a start point which can be used as guidelines for<br \/>\r\nresearchers and end users in the field of power systems.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] A. Moussa, M.El-Gammal, E. Abdallah, and A. El-SLoud, \"Hardware -\r\nsoftware structure for on-line power quality assessment\u201d, in Proc of the\r\n2004 ASME\/IEEE Joint, 2004, April 6-8, pp.147 \u2013 152.\r\n[2] R. G. Stockwell, L. Mansinha, and R. P. Lowe, \"Localization of the\r\nComplex spectrum: The S-Transform\u201d, IEEE Trans. On Signal\r\nProcessing, vol. 144, no. 4, pp. 998 \u2013 1001. 1996.\r\n[3] M. V. Chilukuri, and P. K. Dash, \"Multiresolution S-Transform-Based\r\nFuzzy Recognition System for Power Quality Events\u201d, IEEE\r\nTransactions on Power Delivery 19 1, pp. 323 \u2013 330. 2004.\r\n[4] M. E. Salem Abozaed, A. Mohamed and S. Abdul Samad, \"Rule based\r\nsystem for power quality disturbance classification incorporating Stransform\r\nfeatures\u201d Expert Systems with Applications Journal, Elsevier,\r\n37 (2010) 3229\u20133235.\r\n[5] S. S. Sultan, M. K. Darwish, \"Power Quality Evaluation in Libyan\r\nElectrical Distribuation Networks\", Brunel University, UK, 2012.\r\n[6] IEEE Power & Energy Society, \" IEEE Recommended Practice for\r\nMonitoring Electric Power Quality\" , IEEE Std 1159\u2122-2009.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 94, 2014"}