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You can view the status of current and past review requests here.","moderation-outdated":"Outdated","moderation-approved-by":"Approved by {{handledBy}} on {{handledAt}} ({{handledAtRel}})","moderation-rejected-by":"Rejected by {{handledBy}} on {{handledAt}} ({{handledAtRel}})","moderation-build-id":"Build ID","categories":"Categories","linked-accounts":"Linked Accounts","link-more-accounts":"Link More Accounts","audio-and-video":"Audio \u0026 Video","developer-tools":"Developer Tools","games":"Games","graphics-and-photography":"Graphics \u0026 Photography","networking":"Networking","productivity":"Productivity","utilities":"Utilities","frequently-asked-questions":"Frequently Asked Questions","manual-install-instructions":"Make sure you follow the \u003c2\u003esetup guide for your Linux distribution\u003c/2\u003e before installing","popular-apps":"Popular Apps","updated-apps":"Updated Apps","delete-account":"Delete Account","delete-account-prompt":"Delete your account?","delete-account-entry":"I wish to delete my account","entry-confirmation-prompt":"Enter \"{{text}}\" to continue.","login-with-provider":"Log in with {{provider}}","by":"by {{developer}}","install":"Install","screenshot":"Screenshot","donate":"Donate","donate-to":"Donate to {{project}}","purchase-apps-title":"Purchase apps","thank-you-for-your-purchase":"Thank you for your purchase!","safe-to-close-page":"It is safe to close this page.","app-install-error-try-again":"Could not install the app. Try going back to the app store and installing again.","other-apps-by-developer":"Other apps by {{developer}}","more-apps-by-developer":"More apps by {{developer}}","loading":"Loading…","date":"Date","get-apps":"Get apps","about-claim":"\u003c0\u003eWhether you're a user looking for apps or a developer looking to reach more users, \u003c2\u003eFlathub is the best choice for apps on Linux.\u003c/2\u003e\u003c/0\u003e","all-the-apps-you-want":"\u003c0\u003eAll the apps you want\u003c/0\u003e — From big names you'd expect to fresh indie developers, Flathub has thousands of apps to meet your needs.","transparent-safety":"\u003c0\u003eTransparent safety\u003c/0\u003e — Clearly see when an app is \u003c3\u003everified\u003c/3\u003e as coming from its developer, what permissions it requires, and whether or not it's open source and auditable","tastefully-curated":"\u003c0\u003eTastefully curated\u003c/0\u003e — Discover interesting, quality apps across Flathub with our staff curation that showcases the best on offer","apps-for-you-where-you-are":"\u003c0\u003eApps for you where you are\u003c/0\u003e — Whether you're on a Steam Deck, a powerful Linux workstation, a Raspberry Pi, or the rare Linux phone; Flathub has apps for you","millions-users":"\u003c0\u003eReach millions of users\u003c/0\u003e — Flathub comes out of the box on multiple Linux distros, is \u003c2\u003eeasily installable\u003c/2\u003e on the rest, and has over a million active users","transparent":"\u003c0\u003eIndependent \u0026 transparent\u003c/0\u003e — We're a grassroots open source community stewarding the best of what the ecosystem has to offer","docs-guidance":"\u003c0\u003eClear docs \u0026 guidance\u003c/0\u003e — Extensive \u003c2\u003edocumentation\u003c/2\u003e, thousands of public \u003c5\u003eapp manifests\u003c/5\u003e, and a large community means you're always able to get help","integration":"\u003c0\u003eNative app store integration\u003c/0\u003e — Forget web downloads; Flathub delivers apps and \u003c3\u003eautomatic updates\u003c/3\u003e to users in their native app store client where they'd expect","could-not-find-match-for-search":"Could not find any apps matching your search.","request-new-app":"If you're searching for a specific app, let the community know you want it on Flathub \u003c1\u003ehere\u003c/1\u003e.","manifest":"Manifest","languages":"Languages","languages-summary":"Choose the language you want to see the website in.","languages-description":"Select a language to switch to it:","switch-language":"Switch Language","expiry":"Expiry","checkout":"Checkout","confirm-selection":"Confirm selection","kind-donation":"Donation","kind-purchase":"Purchase","action-donate":"Donate","action-purchase":"Purchase","kind-purchase-app":"Purchase {{appName}}","kind-donate-app":"Donate to {{appName}}","payment":"Payment","zoom":"Zoom","make-donation":"Make donation","no-saved-payment-methods":"No saved payment methods to show.","no-transactions":"No transactions","remove-saved-card":"Remove saved card","retry-checkout":"Retry checkout","save-card-for-reuse":"Save card for reuse","saved-cards":"Saved Cards","select-donation-amount":"Select an amount to donate","status":"Status","status-cancelled":"Cancelled","status-new":"New","status-pending":"Pending","status-retry":"Retry","status-success":"Success","stripe-receipt":"Stripe receipt","submit-payment":"Submit payment","positions":"Positions","transaction-cancel":"Cancel transaction","transaction-cancelled":"Transaction cancelled","transaction-history":"Transaction History","transaction-summary":"Transaction Summary","transaction-summary-created":"Date created:","transaction-summary-updated":"Last updated:","transaction-summary-status":"Status:","transaction-summary-type":"Type:","position-short":"Pos.","type":"Type","recipient":"Recipient","amount":"Amount","total":"Total","created":"Created","transaction-went-wrong":"Something went wrong with this transaction.","use-new-card":"Use a new card","use-saved-card":"Use a saved card","stripe-api-error":"The Stripe API encountered an error. Try again later.","stripe-declined-generic_decline":"The card was declined for an unknown reason.","stripe-declined-insufficient_funds":"The card has insufficient funds.","stripe-error-expired_card":"The card has expired. Check the expiration date or use a different card.","stripe-error-incorrect_cvc":"The card's security code is incorrect. Check the card's security code or use a different card.","stripe-error-incorrect_number":"The card number is incorrect. Check the card's number or use a different card.","stripe-error-payment_intent_authentication_failure":"Failed to authenticate your payment method. Please choose a different payment method and try again.","stripe-error-processing_error":"An error occurred while processing the card. Try again later or with a different payment method.","stripe-validation-error":"An invalid card detail was entered.","view-wallet":"View Wallet","no-more-transactions":"No more transactions to show.","previous-page":"Previous Page","next-page":"Next Page","less":"Less","accepting-payment":"Accepting Payment","vending-dashboard":"Go to your Stripe Express account","vending-onboard":"Create a Stripe Express account","requires-attention":"Requires attention","cancel":"Cancel","delete":"Delete","account-deletion-token-mismatch":"The account deletion request failed to authenticate.","privacy-policy":"Privacy Policy","privacy-policy-description":"By using this website, you agree to the Privacy Policy.","terms-and-conditions":"Terms and Conditions","terms-and-conditions-description":"By using this website, you agree to the Terms and Conditions.","consultants":"Consultants","consultants-description":"Consulting services for submitting apps to Flathub.","continue":"Continue","purchase-terms-confirmation":"I confirm that I have read the Flathub Terms \u0026 Conditions and consent to waiving the 14-day cooling off period associated with this digital download.","contribute-languages":"All these translations have been contributed by the community. If you want to help translate Flathub, please \u003c1\u003ejoin the Flathub translation team\u003c/1\u003e.","new-apps":"New Apps","developer-settings":"Developer Settings","minimum-payment":"Minimum Payment","recommended-payment":"Recommended Payment","app-share":"App share","app-vending-settings-confirmed":"App vending settings confirmed","confirm-settings":"Confirm settings","select-purchase-amount":"Enter the amount you wish to pay","app-payment-information":"The app developer has set a minimum payment of {{minvalue}} and a preferred payment of {{recvalue}}.","value-at-least":"You must enter a value of at least {{value}}","value-at-most":"You must enter a value of at most {{value}}","unauthorized-to-view":"You are unauthorized to view this content.","payment-provider-error":"Our payment provider encountered an error. Try again later.","no-apps":"No apps to show.","science":"Science","education":"Education","system":"System","enable-app-vending":"Enable app vending","require-payment":"Require Payment","permission-denied":"You don't have permission to do that.","ownership-tokens":"Ownership Tokens","redeem-token":"Redeem Token","status-redeemed":"Redeemed","status-unredeemed":"Unredeemed","token-cancelled":"Token successfully cancelled","create-tokens":"Create tokens","submit":"Submit","token-creation-placeholder":"Enter a list of names on separate lines, each will identify a new ownership token.","token-redeemed":"Token successfully redeemed","token-failed":"Failed to redeem token","token-redeem-placeholder":"Enter an ownership token","open-menu":"Open Menu","open-user-menu":"Open User Menu","favorite":"Favorite","favorite-apps":"Favorites","show-more":"Show More","show-less":"Show Less","more-trending":"More Trending","more-popular":"More Popular","more-new":"More New","more-updated":"More Updated","more-office":"More Productivity","more-graphics":"More Graphics \u0026 Photography","more-audiovideo":"More Audio \u0026 Video","more-education":"More Education","more-game":"More Games","more-network":"More Networking","more-development":"More Developer Tools","more-science":"More Science","more-system":"More System","more-utility":"More Utilities","verified":"Verified","app-is-verified":"This app is verified","verification-instructions":"Verify your app ID to indicate that your Flathub upload is approved by the app developer. You'll need to prove that you have control of the app via a website on the app's domain or by checking access to the app's account on a source code hosting site. The verified badge will be shown alongside the app name, publisher name, and the way that the app ID was verified.","verification-warning":"The Flathub team may remove the verification badge from any app at our sole discretion, for example, if it could mislead people about the app's official status or cause confusion regarding a trademark.","website-validation-instruction":"Create a page at \u003c2\u003e{{ webpage }}\u003c/2\u003e containing the following token: \u003c5\u003e{{token}}\u003c/5\u003e If the page already exists, add the token to it.","verified-login-provider":"@{{login_name}} on {{login_provider}}","verified-manually-tooltip":"The ownership of the \u003c1\u003e{{app_id}}\u003c/1\u003e app ID has been manually verified by the Flathub team","verified-website-tooltip":"The ownership of the \u003c1\u003e{{app_id}}\u003c/1\u003e app ID has been verified using \u003c4\u003e{{website}}\u003c/4\u003e","verified-login-provider-tooltip":"The ownership of the \u003c1\u003e{{app_id}}\u003c/1\u003e app ID has been verified by \u003c4\u003e{{login_name}}\u003c/4\u003e on \u003c8\u003e{{login_provider}}\u003c/8\u003e","x-downloads":"{{x}} downloads","website-verification-instruction":"Create a page at \u003c1\u003e{{webpage}}\u003c/1\u003e containing the following token: \u003c3\u003e{{token}}\u003c/3\u003e If the page already exists, add the token to it.","website-verification-main-instruction":"Verify your right to use the app ID \u003c1\u003e{{id}}\u003c/1\u003e by placing a token at a specific page on \u003c3\u003e{{domain}}\u003c/3\u003e.","login-provider-verification-main-instruction":"Verify your right to use the app ID \u003c1\u003e{{id}}\u003c/1\u003e by logging into the account \u003c3\u003e{{login_name}}\u003c/3\u003e on \u003c5\u003e{{login_provider}}\u003c/5\u003e.","login-provider-verification-main-instruction-organization":"Verify your right to use the app ID \u003c1\u003e{{id}}\u003c/1\u003e by logging into an account with admin rights to the \u003c3\u003e{{login_name}}\u003c/3\u003e organization on \u003c5\u003e{{login_provider}}\u003c/5\u003e.","login-provider-verification-main-instruction-unknown-is-organization":"Verify your right to use the app ID \u003c1\u003e{{id}}\u003c/1\u003e by logging into the account \u003c3\u003e{{login_name}}\u003c/3\u003e (or, if \u003c5\u003e{{login_name}}\u003c/5\u003e is an organization, an account with access to it) on \u003c7\u003e{{login_provider}}\u003c/7\u003e.","login-provider-verification-enable-github-app":"To continue verification, Flathub needs permission to read your membership level in the \u003c1\u003e{{organization}}\u003c/1\u003e organization. You can grant this permission \u003c3\u003ein your GitHub settings\u003c/3\u003e.","login-provider-verification-switch-account":"You are currently logged in to \u003c1\u003e{{login_provider}}\u003c/1\u003e as \u003c3\u003e{{current_name}}\u003c/3\u003e. Log in as \u003c5\u003e{{required_name}}\u003c/5\u003e to verify \u003c7\u003e{{appId}}\u003c/7\u003e by login provider, or choose another method if one is available.","login-provider-verification-not-org-admin":"You are currently logged in to \u003c1\u003e{{login_provider}}\u003c/1\u003e as \u003c3\u003e{{current_name}}\u003c/3\u003e. This account is not an admin of the \u003c5\u003e{{organization}}\u003c/5\u003e organization. To verify this app, you must request admin privileges in the organization or sign into an account that already has them.","login-provider-verification-not-org-member":"You are currently logged in to \u003c1\u003e{{login_provider}}\u003c/1\u003e as \u003c3\u003e{{current_name}}\u003c/3\u003e. This account is not a member of the \u003c5\u003e{{organization}}\u003c/5\u003e organization. To verify this app, you must request admin privileges in the organization or sign into an account that already has them.","login-provider-verification-failed":"The verification requirements were not met.","login-provider-verification-user-does-not-exist":"The account \u003c1\u003e{{required_name}}\u003c/1\u003e does not exist on \u003c3\u003e{{login_provider}}\u003c/3\u003e. You must claim this account name and use it to verify your app, or ideally, choose an app ID that you have control over. See \u003c5\u003ethe Flatpak documentation\u003c/5\u003e for information about good app IDs.","developer-invited":"You have been invited to become a developer","invites":"Invites","accept":"Accept","accept-invite":"Accept Invite","decline":"Decline","invite-not-found":"Invite not found","invite-not-found-description":"The invite you are trying to accept or decline does not exist. It might have been cancelled or declined.","invited-apps":"Invitations","invite":"Invite","invite-code":"Your invite code is:","invite-code-hint":"Give this code to another developer to allow them to invite you to their app.","invite-pending":"Invite pending","primary-developer":"Primary developer","invite-developer":"Invite developer","invite-developer-description":"Enter the developer's invite code to invite them to become a developer of this app. They can find the code on the {{developersTab}} tab of their account page.","remove":"Remove","remove-developer":"Remove developer","remove-developer-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to remove {{developer}} from {{app}}?","leave-confirmation":"Are you sure you want to leave {{app}}?","leave":"Leave","try-again":"Try Again","server-returned-status-code":"The server returned HTTP {{code}}.","verification-failed-to-connect":"Failed to connect to {{domain}}.","verifying":"Verifying","website-verification":"Website verification","login-provider-verification":"Login provider verification","login-provider-verification-instruction":"We'll try to verify your access to the app with your login \u003c1\u003e{{login_name}}\u003c/1\u003e with your account on \u003c3\u003e{{login_provider}}\u003c/3\u003e","error-code":"Error code: {{code}}","error":"Error","app-is-currently-not-verified":"Your app is currently not verified","app-is-currently-verified-by-login-provider":"Your app is currently verified by your login \u003c1\u003e{{login_name}}\u003c/1\u003e with your account on \u003c3\u003e{{login_provider}}\u003c/3\u003e","app-is-currently-verified-by-website":"Your app is currently verified by your website \u003c1\u003e{{website}}\u003c/1\u003e","app-is-currently-verified-manually":"Your app is currently verified by the Flathub team","verify-app":"Verify app","unverify":"Unverify","unverify-app-prompt":"Unverify {{appId}}?","begin":"Begin","failed-to-find-token":"Failed to find token in response from {{domain}}.","upload-tokens":"Upload Tokens","no-tokens-to-show":"No tokens to show.","new-beta-token":"New beta token","new-stable-token":"New stable token","create-token":"Create Token","token-name":"Token name","scopes":"Scopes","scope-build":"Create and access builds and jobs","scope-upload":"Upload files to the build","scope-publish":"Publish the build","token-created":"Copy this token and store it in a secure location, such as the secrets store of your CI pipeline. It grants read and write access to your app's builds.","id":"ID","name":"Name","issued":"Issued","issued-to":"Issued to","expires":"Expires","revoked":"Revoked","revoke":"Revoke","revoke-token":"Revoke Token","revoke-token-description":"Are you sure you want to revoke the token '{{name}}'?","repo":"Repo","show-expired-tokens":"Show expired tokens","category-distribution":"Category Distribution","chat":"Chat","verified-apps":"Verified Apps","mobile-apps":"Mobile Apps","on-the-go":"On the go","more-mobile-apps":"More mobile apps","mobile-apps-description":"Apps for your Linux phones and tablets","verification":"Verification","my-flathub":"My Flathub","settings":"Settings","action":"Action","adventure":"Adventure","arcade":"Arcade","blocks":"Blocks","board":"Board","card":"Card","kids":"Kids","logic":"Logic","role-playing":"Role Playing","shooter":"Shooter","simulation":"Simulation","sports":"Sports","strategy":"Strategy","emulators":"Emulators","midi":"Midi","mixer":"Mixer","sequencer":"Sequencer","tuner":"Tuner","tv":"TV","audio-video-editing":"Audio \u0026 Video Editing","player":"Player","recorder":"Recorder","music":"Music","browse":"Browse","setup-flathub":"Set Up Flathub","setup-flathub-description":"Set up Flathub to install and update apps on your system.","tags-colon":"Tags:","flos":"Free/Libre Open Source","not-verified":"Not verified","filters":"Filters","runtime-distribution":"Runtime Distribution","flathub-the-linux-app-store":"Flathub is the App Store for Linux","flathub-index-description":"Get the latest versions of all your favorite apps, for any Linux distribution","app-eol":"This application is no longer available on Flathub","distribution-flathub-setup":"{{distribution}} Flathub Setup","find-your-distribution":"Find your distribution","no-results-found":"No results found","desktop-application":"Desktop App","console-application":"Command-line App","app-type":"App Type","new-app":"New app","community-repository":"Community Repository","community-repository-description":"Upload your app to Flathub by uploading your Flatpak manifest and supporting files to a repository in our GitHub organization. Flathub's buildbot will build the app and publish it to Flathub.","new-community-repository":"New Community Repository App","direct-upload":"Direct Upload","direct-upload-description":"Build your app in your own continuous integration environment and upload it directly to Flathub.","new-direct-upload":"New Direct Upload App","verify-app-id":"Verify App ID","app-id":"App ID","app-id-instructions":"App IDs use reverse domain name notation (RDNN). For example, GNOME Maps uses 'org.gnome.Maps'. Pick a domain you have control over, such as the project's website (or, if you're uploading as an individual, your own website). If no website is available, you can also use a domain associated with a source code hosting account, such as 'io.github.\u003cyour_username\u003e.\u003capp_name\u003e'.","app-already-exists":"An app with this ID already exists.","malformed-app-id":"The app ID is malformed. App IDs must contain at least three segments, and no segment may be empty. Each segment must start with a letter or underscore and may only contain letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.","publisher-agreement":"Publisher Submission Agreement","publisher-agreement-accept":"I accept the Publisher Submission Agreement","arch":"Arch","release-link-no-changelog":"Release notes","safe":"Safe","probably-safe":"Probably safe","unsafe":"Unsafe","potentially-unsafe":"Potentially unsafe","no-permissions":"No permissions","has-network-access":"Has network access","uses-system-services":"Uses system services","uses-session-services":"Uses session services","can-access-hardware-devices":"Can access hardware devices such as webcams or gaming controllers","can-access-input-devices":"Can access input devices such as keyboards, mice or gaming controllers","can-access-system-devices":"Can access system devices which require elevated permissions","can-read-all-data-on-file-system":"Can read all data on the file system","can-read-home-folder":"Can read all data in your home folder","can-read-write-all-data-on-file-system":"Can read and write all data on the file system","can-read-write-your-downloads":"Can read and write all data in your downloads folder","can-access-some-specific-files":"Can access some specific files","uses-eol-runtime":"Uses an end-of-life runtime","can-access-and-change-user-settings":"Can access and change user settings","legacy-windowing-system":"Legacy windowing system","can-acquire-arbitrary-permissions":"Can acquire arbitrary permissions","proprietary-code":"Proprietary code","auditable-code":"Auditable code","appname-is-safety-rating-1":"{{appName}} is safe","appname-is-safety-rating-2":"{{appName}} is probably safe","appname-is-safety-rating-3":"{{appName}} is potentially unsafe","appname-is-safety-rating-4":"{{appName}} is unsafe","software-developer-verified":"Software developer is verified","no-file-system-access":"No file system access","no-user-device-access":"No user device access","user-not-found":"User not found","add-ons":"Add-ons","addon-install-info":"How to install add-ons","addon-install-info-text":"Please use the flatpak manager supplied by your distribution to install add-ons.","information":"Information","proprietary-explanation":"This app is not developed in the open, so only its developers know how it works. It may be insecure in ways that are hard to detect, and it may change without oversight.","community-built":"Community built","community-built-explanation":"This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the \u003c1\u003e{{ license }}\u003c/1\u003e.","learn-more":"Learn more","get-involved":"Get involved","links":"Links","no-network-access":"No network access","system-folder-x":"System folder {{folder}}","home-subfolder-x":"Home subfolder {{folder}}","host-system-folders":"Host system folders","host-system-configuration-from-etc":"Host system configuration from /etc","desktop-folder":"Desktop folder","desktop-subfolder-x":"Desktop subfolder {{folder}}","documents-folder":"Documents folder","documents-subfolder-x":"Documents subfolder {{folder}}","music-folder":"Music folder","music-subfolder-x":"Music subfolder {{folder}}","pictures-folder":"Pictures folder","pictures-subfolder-x":"Pictures subfolder {{folder}}","public-share-folder":"Public share folder","public-share-subfolder-x":"Public share subfolder {{folder}}","videos-folder":"Videos folder","videos-subfolder-x":"Videos subfolder {{folder}}","templates-folder":"Templates folder","templates-subfolder-x":"Templates subfolder {{folder}}","cache-folder":"Cache folder","cache-subfolder-x":"Cache subfolder {{folder}}","user-configuration-folder":"User configuration folder","user-configuration-subfolder-x":"User configuration subfolder {{folder}}","user-data-folder":"User data folder","user-data-subfolder-x":"User data subfolder {{folder}}","user-runtime-folder":"User runtime folder","user-runtime-subfolder-x":"User runtime subfolder {{folder}}","network-access":"Network access","auditable-code-description":"The source code is public and can be independently audited, which makes the app more likely to be safe","software-developer-verified-description":"The software developer has verified their identity, which makes the app more likely to be safe","arbitrary-permissions":"Arbitrary permissions","can-read-all-data":"Can read all data in the directory","user-device-access":"User device access","system-device-access":"System device access","no-user-device-access-description":"The app cannot access any user devices such as webcams or gaming controllers","proprietary-code-description":"The source code is not public, so it cannot be independently audited and might be unsafe","no-file-system-access-description":"Cannot access the file system at all","legacy-windowing-system-description":"Uses a legacy windowing system","full-file-system-read-access":"Full file system read access","home-folder-read-access":"Home folder read access","uses-eol-runtime-description":"The runtime used by this app is no longer receiving security updates","home-folder-read-write-access":"Home folder read/write access","full-file-system-read-write-access":"Full file system read/write access","can-read-write-home-folder":"Can read and write all data in your home folder","can-read-write-all-data":"Can read and write all data in the directory","download-folder-read-write-access":"Download folder read/write access","download-folder-read-access":"Download folder read access","can-read-all-data-in-your-download-folder":"Can read all data in your downloads folder","cannot-access-the-internet":"Cannot access the internet","no-permissions-description":"App is fully sandboxed","microphone-access":"Microphone access and audio playback","can-listen-using-microphones-without-asking-permission":"Can listen using microphones and play audio without asking permission","screen-contents-access":"Screen contents access","can-access-the-contents-of-the-screen-or-other-windows":"Can access the contents of the screen or other windows","user-settings":"User settings","can-request-data-from-session-services":"Can request data from session services","can-request-data-from-system-services":"Can request data from system services","app-listing-quality":"App Listing Quality","flathub-apps-for-linux":"Flathub - Apps for Linux","build-x":"Built {{build-ago}}","get-it-on":"Get it on","app-of-the-day":"App of the Day","cannot-abandon-app":"Cannot abandon app","invalid-appid":"Invalid app id","not-onboarded":"Please onboard first","not-logged-in":"You are not logged in","danger-zone":"Danger zone","switch-to-direct-upload":"Switch app to direct upload","confirm":"Confirm","do-you-really-want-to-switch-to-direct-upload":"Are you sure? Once you switch an application to direct uploading, there is no going back.","archive-app":"Archive this app","do-you-really-want-to-archive-app":"Are you sure? This will invalidate upload tokens and archive the application.","archive":"Archive","enter-end-of-life-message":"Enter end-of-life message","rebase-onto-other-app":"Enter app ID your application will be rebased into","manage-x":"Manage {{app-name}}","install-x":"Install {{app-name}} on Linux","press":"Press","nothing-to-do":"Nothing to do","unverified":"Unverified","new":"New","updated":"Updated","trending":"Trending","trending-apps":"Trending Apps","scope-jobs":"View jobs status","organizations-and-infrastructure":"Organizations \u0026 Infrastructure","individual-contributors":"Individual Contributors","get-in-touch":"Get in touch","developers-and-users":"Developers \u0026 Users","developers-and-users-block":"Connect with the team and other members of the community to ask questions and share your expertise","join-discourse-forum":"Join Discourse forum","chat-on-matrix":"Chat on Matrix","press-description":"We're always happy to answer questions from and arrange interviews with journalists and tech writers","read-announcements":"Read announcements","download-press-kit":"Download Press Kit","contact-for-press-inquiries":"Contact for press inquiries","special-license":"Special License","special-license-explanation":"This app is developed under the special license \u003c1\u003e{{ license }}\u003c/1\u003e.","you-may-or-may-not-be-able-to-contribute":"You may or may not be able to contribute to this app.","we-love-games":"We ♥ Games","game-section-description":"Games and apps to run your favorite retro games","emulator":"Emulators","gameemulator":"Emulators","more-emulator":"More Emulators","launcher":"Launchers","gamelauncher":"Game Launchers","more-gamelauncher":"More Game Launchers","tool":"Tools","gametool":"Game Tools","more-gametool":"More Game Tools","quality":{"missing-brand-colors":"Missing brand colors","banner-preview":"Banner preview","banner-preview-description":"To easily experiment with your banner, use \u003c2\u003ethe banner preview\u003c/2\u003e"},"platform":{"org-kde-platform":"KDE Platform","org-gnome-platform":"GNOME Platform","org-freedesktop-platform":"Freedesktop Platform"},"quality-guideline":{"problems":"If you would like to ask us about specific quality guideline problems, feel free to open \u003c2\u003ean issue\u003c/2\u003e.","general":"General","general-no-trademark-violations":"No trademark violations (name or icon)","branding":"Branding","branding-has-primary-brand-colors":"Has primary brand colors","branding-good-primary-brand-colors":"Good primary brand colors","app-icon":"App Icon","app-icon-size":"SVG or PNG of at least 256px","app-icon-footprint":"Doesn't fill too much or too little of the canvas","app-icon-contrast":"Good contrast on dark backgrounds","app-icon-detail":"Not too much or too little detail","app-icon-no-baked-in-shadows":"No baked-in shadows","app-icon-in-line-with-contemporary-styles":"In line with contemporary styles","app-name":"App Name","app-name-not-too-long":"Shorter than 20 characters","app-name-just-the-name":"Just the name","app-no-weird-formatting":"No weird formatting, punctuation, lowercase, etc.","app-summary":"Summary","app-summary-not-too-long":"Shorter than 35 characters","app-summary-not-technical":"Understandable for a non-technical person","app-summary-no-weird-formatting":"No weird formatting or punctuation","app-summary-dont-repeat-app-name":"Doesn't repeat the app name","app-summary-dont-start-with-an-article":"Doesn't start with an article","show-icon":"Show icon","hide-icon":"Hide icon","screenshots":"Screenshots","screenshots-at-least-one-screenshot":"At least one screenshot","screenshots-just-the-app-window":"Just the app window","screenshots-take-screenshots-on-linux":"Screenshots taken on Linux","screenshots-default-settings":"Default settings","screenshots-include-window-shadow-and-rounded-corners":"Include window shadow and rounded corners","screenshots-reasonable-window-size":"Reasonable window size","screenshots-good-content":"Good content","screenshots-up-to-date":"Up to date","screenshots-tag-screenshots-with-correct-language":"Tag screenshots with correct language","pending":"Pending","passed":"Passed","not-passed":"Not passed","needed-to-pass-x":"Needed to pass {{x}}","request-review":"Request Review","request-a-review-question":"Do you want to request a review?","request-review-description":"Our team will review your app for quality problems. Please check back in a few days.","review-requested":"Review Requested","details":"Details","high-quality-app-data":"High quality app data","app-data-review-pending":"App data review pending","failing-x-checks_one":"Failing {{count}} check","failing-x-checks_other":"Failing {{count}} checks","hide-branding-preview":"Hide branding preview","show-branding-preview":"Show branding preview"}}}},"initialLocale":"en","ns":["common"],"userConfig":{"i18n":{"defaultLocale":"en","locales":["en-GB","en","de","fr","nb-NO","tr","fi","id","it","pl","pt-BR","ru","si","vi","ar","es","ja","cs","zh-Hans","bg","uk","et","ca","el","ta","fa","hi","bn","eo","lt","hr","be","hu","nl","pt","zh-Hant","oc","da","az","he","ro","hy","ko","sv","pa","sq","ia","ckb","ga","kab","fil"]},"default":{"i18n":{"defaultLocale":"en","locales":["en-GB","en","de","fr","nb-NO","tr","fi","id","it","pl","pt-BR","ru","si","vi","ar","es","ja","cs","zh-Hans","bg","uk","et","ca","el","ta","fa","hi","bn","eo","lt","hr","be","hu","nl","pt","zh-Hant","oc","da","az","he","ro","hy","ko","sv","pa","sq","ia","ckb","ga","kab","fil"]}}}},"applications":{"hits":[{"name":"Iconic","keywords":["icon","create","folder icon","svg","png","gnome","icon create","icon creator","folder icon creator","Iconic"],"summary":"Easily add icons on top of folders","description":"This program allows an easy and intuitive way to add an icon on top of a folder to help you differentiate it better.\n This program works best in combination with the app \"Icon library\" found on flathub and \"Adwaita Colors\" found on github\n This program is written in Rust and Libadwaita and is my first attempt at creating an application\n ","id":"nl_emphisia_icon","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"nl":{"description":"Dit programma biedt een makkelijke en intiutive manier om iconen toe te voegen aan folders om deze beter te differentiëren.\n Dit programma werkt het beste in combinatie met de app \"Pictogrambibliotheek\" te vinden op flathub en \"Adwaita Colors\" te vinden op github\n Dit programma is geschreven in Rust en Libadwaita en dit is mijn eerste poging om een programma te schrijven\n ","name":"Iconic","summary":"Voeg gemakkelijk iconen toe aan folders"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Este programa permite uma maneira fácil e intuitiva de adicionar um ícone no topo de uma pasta para ajudar você a diferenciá-la melhor.\n Este programa funciona melhor em combinação com o aplicativo \"Icon library\" encontrado no flathub e \"Adwaita Colors\" encontrado no github\n Este programa foi escrito em Rust e Libadwaita e é minha primeira tentativa de criar um aplicativo\n ","name":"Icônico","summary":"Adicione ícones facilmente em cima das pastas"},"hi":{"name":"आइकोनिक"},"it":{"name":"Iconic","summary":"Aggiungi facilmente icone sopra le cartelle"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"nl.emphisia.icon","icon":"","main_categories":"graphics","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Youpie","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1721478597","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1740584628,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1721461266,"trending":29.56850268465579,"installs_last_month":1458,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"LightkeeperRM","keywords":null,"summary":"Linux server management tool","description":"\n LightkeeperRM is a standalone and customizable server management and monitoring tool.\n It works as a drop-in replacement for maintaining servers over SSH with shell commands.\n\n Beta version. There will be some bugs and features missing.\n \n ","id":"io_github_kalaksi_Lightkeeper","type":"desktop-application","translations":{},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.github.kalaksi.Lightkeeper","icon":"","main_categories":"network","sub_categories":["RemoteAccess"],"developer_name":"Kalaksi","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"kalaksi","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1698836198","runtime":"org.kde.Platform/x86_64/6.8","updated_at":1740863567,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1689189653,"trending":28.920794695529644,"installs_last_month":208,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Coulomb","keywords":null,"summary":"Electronic circuit simulator","description":"\n Coulomb is a simple and elegant circuit simulator.\n \n Features:\n \n Draw arbitrary circuits\n Plot voltage and current of devices against time\n Save/Load circuits\n Dark Mode support\n Beautiful UI\n \n Available Devices:\n \n Resistor\n Battery\n Current Source\n AC Voltage Source\n Inductor\n Capacitor\n Diode\n Zener Diode\n \n Problems:\n \n Circuits containing non-linear devices will most probably not be solvable, because\n the current backend is not good at dealing with non-linear systems, that's\n going to change though.\n Due to the way inductors and capacitors are modeled you can't put two inductors\n in series, or two capacitors in parallel, that's also going to be fixed.\n \n ","id":"io_github_hamza_algohary_Coulomb","type":"desktop-application","translations":{},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.github.hamza_algohary.Coulomb","icon":"","main_categories":"science","sub_categories":["Education"],"developer_name":"Hamza Algohary","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"hamza-algohary","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1738706880","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1739725985,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1738688703,"trending":22.461861816429582,"installs_last_month":1076,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Time Tracker","keywords":null,"summary":"Track and sync time, local-first","description":"A simple but powerful time-tracker program, built on GNOME technologies.\n Instead of using online-first options like Toggl and Clockify, use a lightning-fast, local-first option. Time Tracker can sync with multiple computers by using cloud or network storage.\n Time Tracker allows you to track different projects, see how much time you’ve spent on each project, and sync with a local file or a file in your own cloud storage. You can also open your sync file in spreadsheet software (since it's a CSV file).\n ","id":"com_lynnmichaelmartin_TimeTracker","type":"desktop-application","translations":{},"project_license":"MIT-0","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"com.lynnmichaelmartin.TimeTracker","icon":"","main_categories":"office","sub_categories":["Calendar"],"developer_name":"Lynn Martin","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1720024545","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1736478004,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1719937942,"trending":21.526735455807973,"installs_last_month":505,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Newelle","keywords":["chat","ai","gpt","chatgpt","assistant"],"summary":"AI chatbot","description":"Train Newelle to do more with custom extensions and new AI modules, giving your chatbot endless possibilities.\n ","id":"io_github_qwersyk_Newelle","type":"desktop-application","translations":{},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.github.qwersyk.Newelle","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Qwersyk","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"qwersyk","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1687978214","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1738878177,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1687971464,"trending":20.86938629073196,"installs_last_month":1133,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Android Studio","keywords":["android","kotlin","java","compose","apk","development","ide"],"summary":"IDE for Android app development","description":"Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android app development. Based on the powerful code editor and developer tools from IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio offers even more features that enhance your productivity when building Android apps, such as:\n \n A flexible Gradle-based build system\n A fast and feature-rich emulator\n A unified environment where you can develop for all Android devices\n Live Edit to update composables in emulators and physical devices in real time\n Code templates and GitHub integration to help you build common app features and import sample code\n Extensive testing tools and frameworks\n Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility, and other problems\n C++ and NDK support\n Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform, making it easy to integrate Google Cloud Messaging and App Engine\n \n ","id":"com_google_AndroidStudio","type":"desktop-application","translations":{},"project_license":"LicenseRef-proprietary","is_free_license":false,"app_id":"","icon":"","main_categories":"development","sub_categories":["IDE"],"developer_name":"Android Open Source Project","verification_verified":false,"verification_method":"none","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":null,"verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":null,"runtime":"org.freedesktop.Sdk/x86_64/24.08","updated_at":1740600517,"arches":["x86_64"],"added_at":1515761933,"trending":19.71262973414569,"installs_last_month":11058,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Space Launch","keywords":null,"summary":"Rocket launches tracker","description":"\n With Space Launch you can keep track of upcoming launches.\n \n \n Data on the launches are provided by\n \n \n Space Launch is currently in alpha release. Some crashes due to problems of communication with server can remain. More features will be added later.\n \n \n Compatible with GNOME Mobile (PinePhone, Librem 5).\n \n ","id":"io_gitlab_elescoute_spacelaunch","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"be":{"name":"Space Launch"},"fr":{"name":"Space Launch"},"it":{"name":"Space Launch"},"nl":{"name":"Raketlancering"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.gitlab.elescoute.spacelaunch","icon":"","main_categories":"science","sub_categories":["Education"],"developer_name":"Emilien Lescoute","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"elescoute","verification_login_provider":"gitlab","verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1717590554","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/46","updated_at":1718095689,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1717580040,"trending":19.213437275811884,"installs_last_month":237,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Flare","keywords":["messaging","chat","signal"],"summary":"Chat with your friends on Signal","description":"\n Flare is an unofficial app for Signal. It is still in development and doesn't include all the features that the official Signal apps do. More information can be found on its feature roadmap.\n \n \n Please note that using this application will probably worsen your security compared to using official Signal applications.\n Use with care when handling sensitive data.\n Look at the projects README for more information about security.\n \n ","id":"de_schmidhuberj_Flare","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"de":{"description":"Flare ist eine inoffizielle Anwendung für Signal. Sie befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung und bietet nicht alle Funktionen der offiziellen Signal-Anwendungen.\n Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Verwendung dieser Anwendung Ihre Sicherheit im Vergleich zur Verwendung offizieller Signal-Anwendungen wahrscheinlich verschlechtert. Seien Sie vorsichtig im Umgang mit sensiblen Daten. In der README des Projekts finden Sie weitere Informationen zur Sicherheit.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Chatte mit deinen Freunden auf Signal"},"es":{"description":"Flare es una aplicación no oficial para Signal. Aún está en desarrollo y no incluye todas las funciones de las aplicaciones oficiales de Signal. Puedes encontrar más información en su hoja de ruta de funciones.\n Ten en cuenta que el uso de esta aplicación probablemente empeorará tu seguridad en comparación con el uso de las aplicaciones oficiales de Signal. Utilízala con cuidado cuando manejes datos sensibles. Mira el README del proyecto para más información sobre seguridad.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Chatea con tus amigos en Signal"},"fi":{"description":"Flare on epävirallinen Signal-sovellus. Se on vielä kehityksessä ja siinä ei ole yhtä paljon ominaisuuksia kuin virallisissa Signal sovelluksissa. Lisätietoja löydät projektin suunnitelmasta.\n Huomaa, että tämän sovelluksen käyttäminen todennäköisesti huonontaa turvallisuutta verrattuna viralliseen Signal sovellukseen. Ole varovainen arkaluontoisen tiedon kanssa. Tarkista projektit README:stä saadaksesi lisää tietoa turvallisuudesta.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Chattaa kavereidesi kanssa Signalissa"},"fr":{"description":"Flare est une application non officielle pour Signal. Elle est encore en cours de développement et n’inclut pas toutes les fonctionnalités des applications Signal officielles. Pour plus d’informations référez-vous à sa feuille de route de fonctionnalités.\n Veuillez noter que l’utilisation de cette application appauvrira sans doute votre sécurité en comparaison avec l’application Signal officielle. Soyez prudent lorsque vous manipulez des données sensibles. Lisez le fichier README du projet pour plus d’informations sur la sécurité.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Discutez avec vos amis sur Signal"},"hr":{"description":"Flare je neslužbena aplikacija za Signal. Još uvijek se nalazi u stanju razvoja i ne uključuje sve značajke koje imaju službene Signal aplikacije. Više informacija se mogu pronaći na stranici plana razvoja.\n Korištenje ove aplikacije će vjerojatno pogoršati tvoju sigurnost u usporedbi s korištenjem službenih Signal aplikacija. Koristi je s oprezom pri rukovanju osjetljivim podacima. Pogledaj README datoteku projekta za više informacija o sigurnosti.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Koristi uslugu Signal za razgovor s prijateljima"},"ja":{"description":"Flare は Signal の非公式アプリです。開発中なので公式アプリの機能のすべてまでは揃っていません。詳細は機能の開発計画をご覧ください。\n 本アプリは、Signal の公式アプリに比べおそらく安全性が低いのでご注意ください。機密データを扱う際は気をつけてください。セキュリティに関する詳細はプロジェクトのREADMEをご覧ください。\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Signal で友達とチャット"},"nb-NO":{"description":"Flare er en uoffisiell app for Signal. Den blir fortsatt aktivt utviklet og inneholder ikke alle funksjonene som de offisielle Signal-appene har. Flere opplysninger kan finnes på Flares fremtidskart over funksjoner.\n NB: Å bruke denne applikasjonen, skal nok forverre sikkerheten din sammenlignet med å bare bruke offisielle Signal-apper. Bruk forsiktig når du behandler sensitive opplysninger. Jamfør README-en til prosjekten for flere sikkerhetsopplysninger.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Snakke med vennene dine på Signal"},"nl":{"description":"Flare is een onofficiële app voor Signal. Het is nog in ontwikkeling en bevat niet alle functies die de officiële Signal-apps bieden. Meer informatie is te vinden op de functieroutekaart.\n Houd er rekening mee dat het gebruik van deze app waarschijnlijk uw veiligheid zal verslechteren in vergelijking met het gebruik van officiële Signal-apps. Wees voorzichtig bij het omgaan met gevoelige gegevens. Bekijk de README van het project voor meer informatie over beveiliging.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Voer gesprekken met uw Signal-vrienden"},"pl":{"description":"Flare jest nieoficjalną aplikacją Signala. Jest wciąż w fazie rozwoju i nie zawiera wszystkich funkcji, które oferują oficjalne aplikacje Signala. Więcej informacji można znaleźć w jej planie rozwoju funkcji.\n Należy pamiętać, że korzystanie z tej aplikacji prawdopodobnie pogorszy twoje bezpieczeństwo w porównaniu do korzystania z oficjalnych aplikacji Signala. Używaj jej ostrożnie, zwłaszcza przy przetwarzaniu wrażliwych danych. Zapoznaj się z plikiem README projektu, aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat bezpieczeństwa.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Pisz ze swoimi przyjaciółmi na Signalu"},"pt":{"description":"Flare é uma aplicação não oficial do Signal. Ainda está a ser desenvolvida e não inclui todas as funções das apps oficiais do Signal. Pode encontrar mais informações na sua roadmap de funções.\n Lembre-se que utilizar esta aplicação provavelmente reduzirá a sua segurança em comparação a utilizar as aplicações oficiais do Signal. Use com cuidado ao lidar com dados sensíveis. Confira o README do projeto para mais informações sobre segurança.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Converse com os seus amigos no Signal"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Flare é um aplicativo não oficial do Signal. Ele ainda está em desenvolvimento e não inclui todas as funções dos aplicativos oficiais do Signal. Você pode encontrar mais informações no roadmap de funções do aplicativo.\n Lembre-se de que utilizar este aplicativo provavelmente reduzirá a sua segurança em comparação a utilizar os aplicativos oficiais do Signal. Use com cuidado ao lidar com dados sensíveis. Confira o README do projeto para mais informações sobre segurança.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Converse com seus amigos no Signal"},"ru":{"description":"Flare - неофициальное приложение, позволяющее общаться с друзьями в Signal на Linux. Оно всё ещё находится в разработке и не включает в себя все функции официального приложения Signal. Больше информации можно найти на дорожной карте.\n Обратите внимание, что использование этого приложения, вероятно, ухудшит вашу безопасность по сравнению с использованием официальных приложений Signal. Используйте его с осторожностью при работе с конфиденциальными данными. Дополнительную информацию о безопасности можно найти в README проекта.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Общайтесь с друзьями в Signal"},"sv":{"description":"Flare är en inofficiell app för Signal. Den är fortfarande under utveckling och innehåller inte alla funktioner som de officiella Signal-apparna gör. Mer information finns på framtida roadmap.\n Observera att användningen av denna applikation förmodligen kommer att försämra din säkerhet jämfört med att använda det officiella Signal-applikationer. Var försiktig när du hanterar känsliga uppgifter. Titta på projektens README för mer information om säkerhet.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Chatta med dina vänner på Signal"},"uk":{"description":"Flare - це неофіційний додаток для Signal. Він все ще перебуває в розробці і не включає всіх функцій, які є в офіційних додатках Signal. Більше інформації можна знайти на його дорожній карті функцій.\n Зверніть увагу, що використання цього додатку, ймовірно, погіршить вашу безпеку в порівнянні з використанням офіційних додатків Signal. Будьте обережні при роботі з конфіденційними даними. Подивіться README проєкту для отримання додаткової інформації про безпеку.\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"Спілкуйтеся з друзями в Signal"},"zh-Hans":{"description":"Flare 是非官方的 Signal 应用,仍在开发中且不包含官方 Signal 应用程序的所有功能。更多信息请查看其功能开发计划。\n 请注意,与官方 Signal 应用程序相比,使用此应用可能会降低安全性。在处理敏感数据时请谨慎使用。有关安全性的更多信息,请参阅项目 README。\n ","name":"Flare","summary":"和朋友在 Signal 上聊天"},"ar":{"name":"شرارة","summary":"دردِش مع أصدقائك على سيجنال"},"el":{"name":"Flare","summary":"Συνομιλήστε με τους φίλους σας στο Signal"},"tr":{"name":"Flare","summary":"Signal üstünden arkadaşlarınla sohbet et"},"bn":{"name":"ফ্লেয়ার","summary":"বন্ধুদের সাথে সিগনাল এ আলাপ করুন"},"ca":{"name":"Flare"},"cs":{"name":"Flare"},"it":{"name":"Flare"},"ro":{"name":"Flare"}},"project_license":"AGPL-3.0","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"de.schmidhuberj.Flare","icon":"","main_categories":"network","sub_categories":["Chat"],"developer_name":"Julian Schmidhuber","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1691601814","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1740757079,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1656789845,"trending":19.19497852698632,"installs_last_month":901,"isMobileFriendly":true},{"name":"Apostrophe","keywords":["uberwriter","UberWriter","apostrophe","markdown","editor","text","write"],"summary":"Edit Markdown in style","description":"Focus on your writing with a clean, distraction-free markdown editor.\n Features:\n \n An UI tailored to comfortable writing\n A distraction-free mode\n Dark, light and sepia themes\n Everything you expect from a text editor, such as spellchecking or document statistics\n Live preview of what you write\n Export to all kind of formats: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX, or even HTML slideshows\n \n ","id":"org_gnome_gitlab_somas_Apostrophe","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"bg":{"description":"Съсредоточете се върху писането с редактор на Markdown, който не отвлича вниманието.\n Функции:\n \n Потребителски интерфейс за удобно писане\n Режим, който не отвлича вниманието\n Тъмна и светла теми, както и сепия\n Всичко, което очаквате от един текстов редактор, като проверка на правописа или статистика на документа\n Предварителен преглед по време на писане\n Изнасяне в най-различни формати: PDF, Word/LibreOffice, LaTeX и дори презентация на HTML\n \n ","name":"Апостроф","summary":"Редактиране на Markdown със стил"},"ca":{"description":"Centreu-vos en l'escriptura amb un editor net i lliure de distraccions.\n Característiques:\n \n Una interfície d'usuari creada per a una escriptura còmoda\n Un editor sense distraccions\n Temes foscos, clars i sèpia\n Tot el que espereu d'un editor de text, com ara verificació ortogràfica o estadístiques del document\n Vista prèvia en viu d'allò que escriviu\n Exporta a tots els tipus de formats: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX, o fins i tot presentacions HTML\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Edita el Markdown amb l'estil"},"cs":{"description":"Funkce:\n \n Tmavý, světlý a sépiový vzhled\n Všechno, co očekáváte od textového editoru, včetně kontroly pravopisu nebo statistiky dokumentu\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe"},"da":{"description":"Fokusér på dit skrivearbejde med en ryddelig markdownredigering uden distraktioner.\n Funktioner:\n \n Brugerflade skræddersyet til behagelig skrivning\n En tilstand uden distraktioner\n Mørkt, lyst og sepiatema\n Alt hvad du forventer fra en tekstredigering sâsom stavekontrol og dokumentstatistik\n Dynamisk forhåndsvisning af det du skriver\n Eksportér til alle mulige formater: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX eller endda HTML-præsentationer\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Stil for redigering af markdown"},"de":{"description":"Auf den Text fokussierter, übersichtlicher und ablenkungsfreier Markdown-Editor.\n Funktionen:\n \n Eine auf bequemes Schreiben zugeschnittene Benutzeroberfläche\n Ein ablenkungsfreier Modus\n Dunkles, helles und sepiafarbenes Thema\n Alles, was von einem Texteditor erwartet werden kann, wie zum Beispiel eine Rechtschreibprüfung oder eine Dokumentenstatistik\n Echtzeit-Vorschau auf das Geschriebene\n Export in alle möglichen Formate: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX oder sogar HTML-Diashows\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Markdown mit Stil bearbeiten"},"el":{"description":"Εστιάστε στην γραφή σας με έναν καθαρό επεξεργαστή Markdown χωρίς διακοπές.\n Χαρακτηριστικά:\n \n Ένα UI που προσαρμόζεται για άνετη γραφή\n Λειτουργία χωρίς διακοπές\n Θέματα σκοτεινού, φωτεινού και καστανού χρώματος\n Όλα όσα αναμένετε από έναν επεξεργαστή κειμένου, όπως ο έλεγχος ορθογραφίας ή στατιστικά εγγράφων\n Ζωντανή προεπισκόπηση του κειμένου που γράφετε\n Εξαγωγή σε όλα τα είδη μορφών: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX ή ακόμη και σε παρουσιάσεις HTML\n \n ","name":"Απόστροφος","summary":"Επεξεργασία Markdown με στυλ"},"en-GB":{"description":"Focus on your writing with a clean, distraction-free markdown editor.\n Features:\n \n An UI tailored to comfortable writing\n A distraction-free mode\n Dark, light and sepia themes\n Everything you expect from a text editor, such as spellchecking or document statistics\n Live preview of what you write\n Export to all kind of formats: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX, or even HTML slideshows\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Edit Markdown in style"},"es":{"description":"Enfóquese en su escritura con un editor de Markdown claro y libre de distracciones.\n Características:\n \n Una interfaz de usuario diseñada para la escritura cómoda\n Un modo libre de distracciones\n Tema oscuro, claro y sepia\n Todo lo que espera de un editor de texto, como corrector ortográfico o estadísticas del documento\n Vista previa de lo que escribe\n Exporta a todo tipo de formatos: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX o incluso diapositivas HTML\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Edita markdown con estilo"},"fa":{"description":"با ویرایشگر مارکدونی تمیز و بدون حواسپرتی، روی نوشتنتان تمرکز کنید.\n ویژگیها:\n \n رابط کاربریای طراحی شده برای نوشتن راحت\n حالتی بدون حواسپرتی\n پوستههای تاریک، روشن و سوبیایی\n هر آنچه از یک ویرایشگر متن انتظار دارید، همچون بررسی املایی یا آمارهای سند\n پیشنمایش زنده از آنچه مینویسید\n به تمامی قالبها برونریزی کنید: PDF، لیبرهآفیس/ورد، لاتک، یا حتی نمابرگهای HTML\n \n ","name":"آپاستروف","summary":"ویرایش مارکدون در سبک"},"fi":{"description":"Keskity kirjoittamiseen selkeällä, häiriötekijät minimoivalla markdown-muokkaimella.\n Ominaisuudet:\n \n Kirjoitusta varten suunniteltu käyttöliittymä\n Häiriötön tila\n Eri väriteemoja: tumma, vaalea ja seepia\n Kaikki mitä tekstimuokkaimelta voi odottaa, kuten oikoluku ja asiakirjan tilastot\n Reaaliaikainen esikatselu\n Vie eri tiedostomuotoihin: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX tai jopa HTML-diaesitys\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Muokkaa Markdownia tyylillä"},"fr":{"description":"Se concentrer sur son écriture avec un éditeur markdown élégant et sans distraction.\n Fonctionnalités :\n \n Une interface pensée pour une écriture confortable\n Un mode sans distraction\n Thèmes sombre, clair et sépia\n Tout ce que vous attendez d’un éditeur de texte, comme la correction orthographique ou les statistiques des documents\n Aperçu direct de ce que vous écrivez\n Exportation vers toutes sortes de formats : PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX, ou même des diaporamas HTML\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Éditer du Markdown avec style"},"he":{"description":"מאפשר להתמקד בכתיבה בעורך Markdown פשוט ונקי מהפרעות.\n יכולות:\n \n מנשק משתמש שמותאם לכתיבה נוחה\n מצב נקי מהפרעות\n ערכות צבע כהות, בהירות ובגוונים חמים\n כל מה שאפשר לצפות לו מעורך טקסט כגון בדיקת איות או סטטיסטיקת מסמך\n תצוגה מקדימה חיה של מה שנכתב\n ייצוא לכל סוגי הקבצים: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX או אפילו מצגות HTML\n \n ","name":"אפוסטרוף","summary":"עריכת Markdown בסטייל"},"hi":{"description":"एक स्वच्छ, विकर्षण-मुक्त मार्कडाउन संपादक के साथ अपने लेखन पर ध्यान केंद्रित करें।\n विशेषताएं:\n \n आरामदायक लेखन के लिए तैयार एक UI\n एक विकर्षण-मुक्त मोड\n गहरी, हल्की और सेपिया थीम\n वह सब कुछ जो आप एक पाठ संपादक से अपेक्षा करते हैं, जैसे वर्तनी जांच या दस्तावेज़ आंकड़े\n आप जो लिखते हैं उसका सीधा पूर्वावलोकन\n सभी प्रकार के प्रारूपों में निर्यात करें: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX, या यहां तक कि HTML स्लाइड शो\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"मार्कडाउन को अंदाज़ में संपादित करें"},"hr":{"description":"Usredotočite se na pisanje pomoću jednostavnog markdown uređivača bez ometanja.\n Značajke:\n \n Korisničko sučelje prilagođeno za ugodno pisanje\n Način rada bez ometanja\n Tamna, svijetla i crvenkasto-smeđa tema\n Sve što očekujete od uređivača teksta, poput provjere pravopisa ili statistike dokumenata\n Trenutni pregled onoga što pišete\n Izvoz u sve vrste formata: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX, pa čak i HTML prezentacije\n \n ","name":"Apostrof","summary":"Uredite Markdown elegantno"},"hu":{"description":"Koncentráljon az írásra egy letisztult, zavartalan Markdown-szerkesztővel.\n Funkciók:\n \n Kényelmes íráshoz szabott felhasználói felület\n Zavaró elemektől mentes mód\n Sötét, világos és szépia témák\n Minden, amit elvárhat egy szövegszerkesztőtől, mint például helyesírás-ellenőrzés vagy dokumentumstatisztika\n Élő előnézet ahhoz, amit ír\n Exportálás mindenféle formátumba: PDF-be, Wordbe/LibreOffice-ba, LaTeX-be vagy akár HTML diavetítésekbe\n \n ","name":"Aposztróf","summary":"Markdown szerkesztése a stílusban"},"id":{"description":"Fokus pada tulisan Anda dengan penyunting markdown yang bersih dan bebas gangguan.\n Fitur:\n \n UI yang disesuaikan dengan tulisan yang nyaman\n Mode bebas gangguan\n Tema gelap, terang dan sepia\n Semua yang Anda harapkan dari penyunting teks, seperti pemeriksaan ejaan atau statistik dokumen\n Pratinjau langsung dari apa yang Anda tulis\n Ekspor ke semua jenis format: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX, atau bahkan tayangan salindia HTML\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Sunting Markdown dalam gaya"},"it":{"description":"Un editor markdown elegante e senza distrazioni.\n Funzionalità:\n \n Interfaccia utente su misura per una scrittura confortevole\n Una modalità senza distrazioni\n Tema scuro, chiaro e seppia\n Tutto quello che ci si aspetta da un editor di testo, come un correttore ortografico o le statistiche sul documento\n Anteprima in diretta di quanto si è scritto\n Esportazione in svariati formati: PDF, Word/LibreOffice, LaTeX, o anche presentazioni HTML\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Modificare file Markdown con stile"},"nb":{"description":"Apostrophe er et smart skriveverktøy. Det minimalistiske Markdown-formatet lar deg fokusere på teksten du jobber med, uten overdreven sysling med oppsett og utseende.\n Til tross for sin enkle utforming, har Apostrophe alt du trenger:\n \n Spesialtilpasset grensesnitt for komfortabel skriving\n Egen fokusmodus for helt distraksjonsfritt arbeid\n Flere stiler: mørk, lys og sepia\n Visning av statistikk som antall ord, antall tegn og beregnet lesetid\n Forhåndsvisning av Markdown-tekst\n Eksporteringsmuligheter til et stort utvalg filtyper, som PDF, Word-dokument, LaTeX og HTML\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Skriv Markdown med stil"},"nl":{"description":"Focus op uw schrijven met een eenvoudige, afleidingsvrije Markdownbewerker.\n Functies:\n \n Een interface om comfortabel te schrijven\n Een afleidingsvrije modus\n Donkere, lichte en sepia thema’s\n Alles wat u verwacht van een tekstverwerker, zoals spellingscontrole of documentstatistieken\n Live voorvertoning van wat u schrijft\n Exporteer naar alle soorten formaten: PDF, LibreOffice/Word, LaTeX, of zelfs HTML-diavoorstellingen\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Bewerk Markdown in stijl"},"pl":{"description":"Skup się na pisaniu dzięki prostemu, nierozpraszającemu edytorowi formatu Markdown.\n Funkcje:\n \n Interfejs przygotowany do wygodnego pisania\n Tryb bez rozproszeń\n Motyw ciemny, jasny i w kolorach sepii\n Wszystkie funkcje edytora tekstu, takie jak sprawdzanie pisowni i statystyki dokumentu\n Podgląd pisanego tekstu na żywo\n Eksport do wszelkich rodzajów formatów: PDF, Word/LibreOffice, LaTeX czy nawet pokazu slajdów HTML\n \n ","name":"Apostrof","summary":"Elegancki edytor Markdown"},"pt":{"description":"Foque no seu texto com um editor markdown limpo e sem distrações.\n Funcionalidades:\n \n Uma UI desenhada para uma leitura confortável\n Um modo sem distrações\n Temas escuro, claro e sépia\n Tudo que espera dum editor de texto, como verificação ortográfica ou estatísticas do documento\n Antever em direto aquilo que escreve\n Exportar para todos os formatos: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX, ou até apresentações HTML\n \n ","name":"Apóstrofe","summary":"Editar Markdown em estilo"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Foque na sua escrita com um editor markdown elegante e livre de distrações.\n Recursos:\n \n Uma UI projetada para escrita confortável\n Um modo livre de distrações\n Temas claro, escuro e sépia\n Tudo que você espera de um editor de texto, como verificação ortográfica ou estatísticas do documento\n Visão dinâmica do que você escreve\n Exporte para todos os tipos de formatos: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX ou até mesmo apresentações de slides em HTML\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Editar Markdown em estilo"},"ro":{"description":"Concentrați-vă pe scris cu un editor markdown curat, fără distracții.\n Caracteristici:\n \n Un UI adaptat pentru o scriere confortabilă\n Un mod fără distracții\n Temele întunecat, luminos și sepia\n Tot ceea ce vă așteptați de la un editor de text, cum ar fi verificarea ortografiei sau statisticile documentelor\n Previzualizare live a ceea ce scrieți\n Exportați în tot felul de formate: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX sau chiar prezentări de diapozitive HTML\n \n ","name":"Apostrof","summary":"Editați Markdown cu stil"},"ru":{"description":"Сосредоточьтесь на написании текста с помощью простого, не отвлекающего внимание markdown редактора.\n Возможности:\n \n Пользовательский интерфейс, адаптированный для комфортного письма\n Режим, не отвлекающий от работы\n Тёмная, светлая и «сепия» темы\n Всё, что вы ожидаете от текстового редактора, например, проверка орфографии или статистика документов\n Предварительный просмотр написанного в режиме реального времени\n Экспорт во всевозможные форматы: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX или даже слайд-шоу HTML\n \n ","name":"Апостроф","summary":"Редактировать в стиле Markdown"},"sv":{"description":"Fokusera på ditt skrivande i en elegant, distraktionsfri markdown-redigerare.\n Funktioner:\n \n Ett användargränssnitt skräddarsytt för bekvämt skrivande\n Ett distraktionsfritt läge\n Mörka, ljusa och sepiafärgade teman\n Allt du förväntar dig av en textredigerare, såsom stavningskontroll eller dokumentstatistik\n Direkt förhandsgranskning av vad du skriver\n Export till alla sorters format: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX eller till och med HTML-bildspel\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Redigera markdown med stil"},"tr":{"description":"Temiz, ilgi dağıtmayan markdown düzenleyiciyle yazınıza odaklanın.\n Özellikler:\n \n Rahat yazmaya uygun kullanıcı arayüzü\n İlgi dağıtmayan kip\n Karanlık, aydınlık ve sepya temalar\n Yazım denetimi veya belge istatistikleri gibi bir metin düzenleyiciden beklediğiniz her şey\n Yazdıklarınızın canlı ön izlemesi\n Her biçimde dışarıya aktarın: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX ve hatta HTML slayt gösterileri\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Markdown’ı şıkça düzenle"},"uk":{"description":"Зосередьтеся на написанні тексту, скориставшись охайним ненав'язливим редактором markdown.\n Можливості:\n \n Інтерфейс, який пристосовано до комфортного написання текстів\n Режим зосередженості\n Темна, світла теми та тема у кольорах сепії\n Усе, що ви могли очікувати від текстового редактора, зокрема перевірка правопису та показ статистики документа\n Інтерактивний перегляд результатів написання тексту\n Експорт до усіх типів форматів: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX, або навіть показів слайдів HTML\n \n ","name":"Апостроф","summary":"Редагувати Markdown у стилі"},"vi":{"description":"Chú tâm vào việc viết lách của bạn bằng một bộ biên soạn markdown sạch sẽ và không sao nhãng.\n Các tính năng:\n \n Giao diện người dùng được may đo để việc viết lách trở nên dễ chịu\n Một chế độ không sao nhãng\n Chủ đề tối, sáng và nâu\n Có mọi thứ bạn mong chờ từ trình soạn thảo văn bản, như là kiểm tra chính tả hay thống kê tài liệu\n Xem thử trực tiếp những gì bạn đang viết\n Xuất ra nhiều định dạng khác nhau: PDF, Word/Libreoffice, LaTeX, hay thậm chí là trình diễn định dạng HTML\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Sửa Markdown trong kiểu dáng"},"zh-Hans":{"description":"使用干净无干扰的 Markdown 编辑器来让您专注于写作。\n 特性:\n \n 用来舒适写作的特制用户界面\n 一个没有干扰元素的模式\n 暗色、亮色和深褐色主题\n 您在文本编辑器上期望的一切,比如拼写检查或文档统计\n 您编写内容的实时预览\n 导出为所有格式类型:PDF、Word/Libreoffice、LaTeX 或 HTML 幻灯片\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe","summary":"在样式中编辑 Markdown"},"zh-Hant":{"description":"在這個簡潔、不干擾你工作的 Markdown 編輯器裡專注於你的寫作。\n 功能:\n \n 專為舒適寫作而設計的界面\n 專注模式\n 淺色、深色和 Sepia 色調\n 所有你對文字編輯軟件的期望,例如串字檢查及文件數據\n 一邊寫作,一邊即時預覽內容\n 匯出文件至:PDF, Word/ LibreOffice, LaTeX, 甚或是 HTML 幻燈片\n \n ","name":"Apostrophe"},"oc":{"name":"Apostrophe","summary":"Editar de Markdown en estil"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0+","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"org.gnome.gitlab.somas.Apostrophe","icon":"","main_categories":"office","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Manuel Genovés","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"somas","verification_login_provider":"gnome","verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1711925133","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1727306463,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1587244038,"trending":18.732214369248876,"installs_last_month":3266,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Iotas","keywords":["notes","nextcloud","minimal","distraction","editor","focused","text","write","markdown","document","gnome","gtk"],"summary":"Simple note taking","description":"Iotas aims to provide distraction-free note taking via its mobile-first design.\n Featuring\n \n Optional speedy sync with Nextcloud Notes\n Offline note editing, syncing when back online\n Category editing and filtering\n Favorites\n Spell checking\n Search within the collection or individual notes\n Focus mode and optional hiding of the editor header and formatting bars\n In preview: export to PDF, ODT and HTML\n A convergent design, seeing Iotas as at home on desktop as mobile\n Search from GNOME Shell\n Note backup and restoration (from CLI, for using without sync)\n The ability to change font size and toggle monospace style\n \n Writing in markdown is supported but optional, providing\n \n Formatting via toolbar and shortcuts\n Syntax highlighting with themes\n A formatted view\n The ability to check off task lists from the formatted view\n \n Slightly more technical details, for those into that type of thing\n \n Nextcloud Notes sync is via the REST API, not WebDAV, which makes it snappy\n There's basic sync conflict detection\n Notes are constantly saved\n Large note collections are partially loaded to quicken startup\n Notes are stored in SQLite, providing for fast search (FTS) without reinventing the wheel. Plain files can be retrieved by making a backup (CLI).\n \n ","id":"org_gnome_World_Iotas","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"cs":{"description":"Cílem aplikace Iotas je vytváření poznámek bez rozptylování prostřednictvím designu zaměřeného na mobilní zařízení.\n Nabízí\n \n Volitelná rychlá synchronizace s Nextcloud Notes\n Upravování poznámky offline, synchronizování po připojení\n Upravování a filtrování kategorií\n Oblíbené\n Kontrola pravopisu\n Vyhledávání ve sbírce nebo jednotlivých poznámkách\n Technologická ukázka: export do PDF, ODT a HTML\n Konvergentní návrh, díky kterému je Iotas doma jak na desktopu, tak na mobilu\n Vyhledávání z GNOME Shellu\n Zálohování a obnova poznámek (z CLI, při používání bez synchronizace)\n Možnost měnit velikost písma a přepínat styl monospace\n \n Psaní v jazyce markdown je podporované, ale je není povinné, nabízí:\n \n Zvýraznění syntaxe s různými tématy\n Formátované zobrazení\n Možnost odškrtávat seznamy úkolů z formátovaného zobrazení\n \n Trochu více technických detailů pro ty, kteří tomu holdují:\n \n Synchronizace s Nextcloud Notes je skrze REST API, ne WebDAV, díky čemuž je rychlejší\n Je k dispozici základní detekce synchronizačních konfliktů\n Poznámky jsou neustále ukládány\n Velké sbírky poznámek jsou částečně načteny, aby se urychlilo spuštění\n Poznámky jsou uložené v SQLite, což poskytuje rychlé vyhledávání (FTS) bez znovuvynalézání kola. Prosté soubory můžete získat vytvořením zálohy (v CLI).\n \n ","summary":"Jednoduché pořizování poznámek"},"de":{"description":"Iotas möchte mit seinem für Mobilgeräte ausgerichteten Design ablenkungsfreie Notizen ermöglichen.\n Funktionen\n \n Optionale schnelle Synchronisierung mit Nextcloud Notes\n Notizen offline bearbeiten; werden synchronisiert, wenn wieder online\n Bearbeiten und Filtern von Kategorien\n Favoriten\n Rechtschreibprüfung\n Suchen innerhalb der Sammlung oder einzelner Notizen\n Fokusmodus und optionales Ausblenden der Kopf- und Formatierungsleisten des Editors\n In der Vorschau: nach PDF, ODT und HTML exportieren\n Durch ein einheitliches Design fühlt sich Iotas sowohl auf dem Desktop als auch auf Mobilgeräten zu Hause\n Suche aus der GNOME Shell\n Notiz-Datensicherung und -Wiederherstellung (von der Kommandozeile aus, für die Verwendung ohne Sync)\n Die Möglichkeit zur Änderung der Schriftgröße und zum Ein- und Ausschalten des Nichtproportional-Stils\n \n Schreiben in Markdown wird unterstützt, ist aber optional und bietet Folgendes\n \n Formatieren über Werkzeugleiste und Tastenkürzel\n Syntax-Hervorhebung mit Themen\n Eine formatierte Ansicht\n Die Möglichkeit, Aufgabenlisten aus der formatierten Ansicht abzuhaken\n \n Ein bisschen mehr technische Details für diejenigen, die auf so etwas stehen\n \n Nextcloud-Notes-Synchronisierung erfolgt über die REST API, nicht über WebDAV, was es sehr flott macht\n Es gibt eine grundlegende Sync-Konflikt-Erkennung\n Notizen werden laufend gespeichert\n Große Notizsammlungen werden teilweise geladen für beschleunigtes Starten\n Notizen sind in SQLite gespeichert, was eine schnelle Suche (FTS) ermöglicht, ohne das Rad neu zu erfinden. Einfache Dateien können durch Erstellen einer Sicherungskopie (CLI) abgerufen werden.\n \n ","summary":"Einfach Notizen machen"},"en-GB":{"description":"Iotas aims to provide distraction-free note taking via its mobile-first design.\n Featuring\n \n Optional speedy sync with Nextcloud Notes\n Offline note editing, syncing when back online\n Category editing and filtering\n Favourites\n Spell checking\n Search within the collection or individual notes\n Focus mode and optional hiding of the editor header and formatting bars\n In preview: export to PDF, ODT and HTML\n A convergent design, seeing Iotas as at home on desktop as mobile\n Search from GNOME Shell\n Note backup and restoration (from CLI, for using without sync)\n The ability to change font size and toggle monospace style\n \n Writing in markdown is supported but optional, providing\n \n Formatting via toolbar and shortcuts\n Syntax highlighting with themes\n A formatted view\n The ability to check off task lists from the formatted view\n \n Slightly more technical details, for those into that type of thing\n \n Nextcloud Notes sync is via the REST API, not WebDAV, which makes it snappy\n There's basic sync conflict detection\n Notes are constantly saved\n Large note collections are partially loaded to quicken startup\n Notes are stored in SQLite, providing for fast search (FTS) without reinventing the wheel. Plain files can be retrieved by making a backup (CLI).\n \n ","summary":"Simple note taking"},"es":{"description":"Iotas pretende ofrecer la posibilidad de tomar notas sin distracciones gracias a su diseño orientado al móvil.\n Destacando\n \n Sincronización rápida opcional con Nextcloud Notes\n Edición de notas sin conexión, sincronización cuando se vuelve a conectar\n Edición y filtrado de categorías\n Favoritos\n Comprobación ortográfica\n Búsqueda dentro de la colección o en notas individuales\n En vista previa: exportar a PDF, ODT y HTML\n Un diseño convergente, viendo a Iotas como en casa, tanto en el escritorio como en el móvil.\n Buscar desde GNOME Shell\n Copia de seguridad y restauración de notas (desde CLI, para usar sin sincronización)\n Posibilidad de cambiar el tamaño de letra y el estilo monoespaciado\n \n Escribir en markdown es compatible pero opcional, proporcionando\n \n Resaltado de sintaxis con temas\n Una vista formateada\n Posibilidad de marcar listas de tareas desde la vista formateada.\n \n Detalles un poco más técnicos, para los interesados en ese tipo de cosas\n \n La sincronización de Nextcloud Notes se realiza a través de la API REST, no de WebDAV, lo que la hace más rápida.\n Hay una detección básica de conflictos de sincronización\n Las notas se guardan constantemente\n Las grandes colecciones de notas se cargan parcialmente para acelerar el arranque\n Las notas se almacenan en SQLite, lo que permite una búsqueda rápida (FTS) sin reinventar la rueda. Los archivos sin formato pueden recuperarse haciendo una copia de seguridad (CLI).\n \n ","summary":"Toma de notas sencilla"},"fr":{"description":"Iotas vise à fournir une prise de notes sans distraction avec un design conçu pour un usage sur mobile.\n Fonctionnalités\n \n Synchronisation rapide optionnelle avec Nextcloud Notes\n Édition de notes hors ligne, synchronisation lors du retour en ligne\n Modification et filtrage des catégories\n Favoris\n Vérification orthographique\n Recherche dans vos collections de notes ou par fichier\n Mode focus et possibilité de masquer la barre supérieure de l’éditeur et les barres de formatage\n En prévisualisation : export en PDF, ODT et HTML\n Un design convergent, permettant à Iotas de s’insérer parfaitement dans votre environnement de bureau sur mobile ou ordinateur\n Recherche depuis GNOME Shell\n Sauvegarde et restauration des notes (en ligne de commande, pour une utilisation sans synchronisation)\n Possibilité de changer la taille de la police et de basculer en style monospace\n \n L’écriture en markdown est prise en charge mais optionnelle, fournissant\n \n Formatage avec une barre d’outils et des raccourcis\n Une coloration syntaxique avec des thèmes\n Une vue formatée\n La possibilité de cocher des listes de tâches depuis la vue formatée\n \n Quelques détails plus techniques, pour les plus initiés\n \n La synchronisation Nextcloud Notes se fait via l’API REST à la place de WebDAV, ce qui la rend plus rapide\n Il y a une détection basique des conflits de synchronisation\n Les notes sont constamment enregistrées\n Les grandes quantités de notes sont partiellement chargées pour accélérer le démarrage\n Les notes sont stockées dans SQLite, permettant une recherche rapide sans réinventer la roue. Les fichiers en texte clair peuvent être récupérés en faisant une sauvegarde (CLI).\n \n ","summary":"Simple prise de notes"},"it":{"description":"Iotas punta a fornire un modo di prendere appunti privo di distrazioni con il suo design incentrato sul mobile\n Caratteristiche\n \n Sincronizzazione veloce con Nextcloud Notes opzionale\n Modifica di note offline, sincronizzazione quando si torna online\n Modifica e filtraggio per categoria\n Preferiti\n Controllo dell'ortografia\n Cerca all'interno della collezione o delle singole note\n In preview: esportazione verso PDF, ODT e HTML\n Design convergente, Iotas è a suo agio sul pc desktop di casa come su mobile\n Ricerca da GNOME Shell\n Backup e ripristino delle note (da linea di comando, per l'uso senza sincronizzazione)\n Possibilità di cambiare dimensioni del font e usare font monospace\n \n La scrittura in markdown è supportata, seppur opzionale, e comprende\n \n Evidenziazione della sintassi con temi\n Una vista formattata\n Possibilità di marcare come completati task dalla vista formattata\n \n Alcuni dettagli più tecnici, per chi è interessato in questo tipo di cose\n \n Nextcloud Notes sincronizza tramite l'API REST, non WebDAV, il che lo rende veloce\n C'è un basilare riconoscimento dei confiltti in fase di sincronizzazione\n Le note sono salvate continuamente\n Le collezioni di note grandi sono caricate parzialmente per velocizzare l'avvio\n Le note sono salvate in SQLite, fornendo una ricerca veloce (FTS) senza reinventare la ruota. File di testo semplice possono essere recuperati facendo un backup (CLI).\n \n ","summary":"Semplice app per note"},"nl":{"description":"\n Offline-notitiebewerking en synchronisatie nadien\n Favorieten\n Spellingcontrole\n \n \n Nu volgen enkele technische gegevens, voor zij die dat op prijs stellen\n \n Notities worden voortdurend opgeslagen\n Grote verzamelingen worden slechts deels ingeladen om het opstarten sneller te maken\n \n ","summary":"Eenvoudige notitietoepassing"},"oc":{"description":"Iotas a per objectiu de facilitar la presa de nòtas sens distraccion a travèrs de son primièr dessenh mobil.\n Foncionalitats\n \n Sincro. rapida amb Nextcloud Notas opcionala\n Edicion de nòta fòra linha, sincro quand en linha de nòu\n Edicion e filtratge per categoria\n Marcapaginas\n Correccion ortografica\n Recercar dins la colleccion o dins las nòtas individualas\n Mòde concentracion e opcion per rescondre opcionalament las barras d’entèsta e de formatatge\n En apercebut : expòrt en PDF, ODT e HTML\n Una concepcion convergenta, per veire Iotas tant a l’ostal sul burèu coma sus mobil\n Cèrca a partir de GNOME Shell\n Salvagarda e restauracion de las nòtas (via linha de comanda, per usatge sens sincronizacion)\n La possibilitat de modificar la talha de la polissa e bascular entre estil sens chassa\n \n Escriure en markdown es suportat mas opcional, en ofrissent\n \n Formatatge via la barra d’aisinas e acorchis\n Coloracion sintaxica amb tèmas\n Una vista formatada\n La capacitat de verificar las listas de prètzfaches de la vista formatada\n \n Un pauc mai de detalhs tecnics, per aqueles los que lor agrada aquel tipe de causas\n \n La sincronizacion Nexcloud Notes es via REST API e non pas WebDAV, çò que l’accelèra\n I a una deteccion de conflictes de sincronizacion basica\n Las nòtas son enregistradas en permanéncia\n Las bravas colleccions de nòtas son cargadas en partida per accelerar l’aviada\n Las notas son gardadas dins SQLite, en fornissent una recèrca rapida (FTS) sens tornar inventar la ròda. Los fichièrs simples se pòdon recuperar en fasent una còpia de seguretat (CLI).\n \n ","summary":"Presa de nòtas facila"},"pt-BR":{"description":"O Iotas busca oferecer anotações livres de distrações por meio do seu design focado em dispositivos móveis.\n Funcionalidades\n \n Sincronização opcional veloz com Nextcloud Notes\n Edição offline de notas, sincronizando ao conectar-se novamente\n Edição e filtragem de categorias\n Favoritos\n Verificação ortográfica\n Busca dentro da coleção ou em notas individuais\n Modo de foco e opção de ocultar a barra superior do Editor e as barras de formatação\n Na pré-visualização: exportar para PDF, ODT e HTML\n Um design convergente, com o Iotas funcionando tão bem no desktop quanto nos dispositivos móveis\n Busca na pesquisa do GNOME\n Backup e restauração de notas (pela linha de comando, para o uso sem sincronização)\n Possibilidade de mudar o tamanho da fonte e ativar/desativar o estilo monoespaçado\n \n Há suporte para escrever em Markdown, mas é opcional, oferecendo\n \n Formatação via barra de ferramentas e atalhos de teclado\n Realce de sintaxe com temas\n Visualização formatada\n Possibilidade de marcar listas de tarefas a partir da visualização formatada\n \n Detalhes levemente mais técnicos, para quem curte esse tipo de coisa\n \n A sincronização do Nextcloud Notes é pela API REST, e não WebDAV, o que faz com que ela seja rápida\n Há detecção básica de conflito de sincronização\n As notas são constantemente salvas\n Coleções grandes de notas são parcialmente carregadas para acelerar a inicialização\n As notas são armazenadas em SQLite, oferecendo busca rápida (FTS) sem precisar reinventar a roda. Arquivos individuais podem ser obtidos fazendo um backup (via CLI).\n \n ","summary":"Anotações simples"},"ru":{"description":"\n Редактирование заметок в автономном режиме, синхронизация при подключении к сети\n Избранное\n Проверка орфографии\n \n \n \n Заметки постоянно сохраняются\n Большие коллекции заметок частично загружены для ускорения запуска\n \n ","summary":"Простое ведение заметок"},"tr":{"description":"Iotas, mobil öncelikli tasarımıyla dikkat dağıtmayan not alma imkanı sunmayı amaçlıyor.\n Öne çıkanlar\n \n Nextcloud Notes ile isteğe bağlı hızlı eşzamanlama\n Çevrim dışı not düzenleme, çevrim içi olunca eşzamanlama\n Kategori düzenleme ve süzme\n Gözdeler\n Yazım denetimi\n Derleme içinde ya da tek tek notlarda arama\n Ön izlemede: PDF, ODT ve HTML olarak dışa aktarma\n Masaüstünde olduğu kadar mobil aygıtlarda da güzel görünen yakınsak tasarım\n GNOME Shell'den Ara\n Not yedekleme ve geri yükleme (komut satırından, eşzamanlama olmadan kullanmak için)\n Yazı tipi boyutunu değiştirme ve eş aralıklı biçemi değiştirme yeteneği\n \n Markdown ile yazmak desteklenmektedir ancak isteğe bağlıdır\n \n Temalarla söz dizimi vurgulama\n Biçimlendirilmiş görünüm\n Biçimlendirilmiş görünümden görev listelerini işaretleme yeteneği\n \n Bu tür şeylere meraklı olanlar için biraz daha teknik detaylar\n \n Nextcloud Notlar eşzamanlaması WebDAV değil, REST API aracılığıyladır, bu da onu çok daha hızlı yapar\n Temel eşzamanlama çakışması algılandı\n Notlar düzenli kaydedilir\n Büyük not koleksiyonları başlatmayı hızlandırmak için parçalı yüklenir\n Notlar SQLite olarak saklanır ve hızlı arama sağlar. Düz dosyalar yedekleme (CLI) yapılarak geri alınabilir.\n \n ","summary":"Basit not alma"},"zh-Hans":{"description":"Iotas 通过其移动应用优先的设计来提供无干扰的笔记编写体验。\n 特性\n \n 可选的与 Nextcloud 笔记快速同步\n 离线笔记编辑,恢复在线时同步\n 编辑和筛选分类\n 最爱\n 拼写检查\n 在集合或单独笔记中搜索\n 预览中:导出为 PDF、ODT 和 HTML\n 趋同设计,在桌面应用中获得如同移动应用的家的体验\n 从 GNOME Shell 中搜索\n 笔记备份和恢复(来自命令行,用于不使用同步的情况)\n 可以更改字体大小和切换等宽样式\n \n 提供了对 Markdown 编写的可选支持\n \n 通过工具栏和快捷键格式化\n 带主题的语法高亮\n 格式化的视图\n 可从格式化视图核对任务列表\n \n 对专业人士有更多的技术细节\n \n Nextcloud 笔记同步是通过 REST 接口实现的而不是 WebDAV,这使其更加简洁\n 具有基本的同步冲突检测\n 笔记会时常保存\n 大型笔记集合会部分加载来加快启动速度\n 笔记存储在 SQLite 中,不需要重复造轮子即可提供快速搜索功能。纯文本文件可通过备份取回(命令行)。\n \n ","summary":"简单的笔记应用"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"org.gnome.World.Iotas","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":["TextEditor","TextTools"],"developer_name":"Chris Heywood","verification_verified":false,"verification_method":"none","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":null,"verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":null,"runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1740629314,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1705654617,"trending":18.61559436194493,"installs_last_month":2444,"isMobileFriendly":true},{"name":"Halftone","keywords":["image","compression","pixelart","dither","processing"],"summary":"Dither your images","description":"\n A simple Libadwaita app for lossy image compression using dithering technique.\n\n Give your images a pixel art-like style and reduce the file size in the process with Halftone.\n \n ","id":"io_github_tfuxu_Halftone","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"it":{"description":"Una semplice app Libadwaita per la compressione delle immagini con perdita utilizzando la tecnica della retinatura. Dai alle tue immagini uno stile pixel art e riduci le dimensioni del file in lavorazione con Halftone.\n "},"nl":{"description":"Een eenvoudige Libadwaita-toepassing voor het toepassen van compressie met behulp van spikkeltechniek. Maak pixelkunstwerken van je afbeeldingen en verklein tegelijkertijd de bestandsgrootte.\n "},"pl":{"description":"Prosta aplikacja Libadwaita do stratnej kompresji zdjęć przy użyciu techniki ditheringu. Nadaj swoim zdjęciom stylu pikselowego i zmniejsz rozmiar plików dzięki Halftone.\n "},"pt-BR":{"description":"Um aplicativo Libadwaita simples para compactação de imagens com perdas usando a técnica de pontilhamento (dithering). Dê às suas imagens um estilo de pixel art e reduza o tamanho do arquivo no processo com o Halftone.\n "},"ru":{"description":"Простое приложение Libadwaita для сжатия изображений с потерями, используя технику дизеринга. Придайте своим изображениям стиль, напоминающий пиксель-арт, и уменьшите размер файла с помощью Halftone.\n "},"tr":{"description":"Titreme tekniğini kullanarak kayıplı görüntü sıkıştırma için basit bir Libadwaita uygulaması. Halftone ile görüntülerinize piksel sanatı benzeri stil verin ve bu süreçte dosya boyutunu azaltın.\n "},"uk":{"description":"Простий, побудований на Libadwaita, додаток для стискання зображень з втратами, завдяки технікам розмивання. Надайте вашим зображенням піксельної естетики і зменшіть розмір файлу у процесі завдяки Halftone.\n "}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.github.tfuxu.Halftone","icon":"","main_categories":"graphics","sub_categories":["ImageProcessing","Utility"],"developer_name":"tfuxu","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"tfuxu","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1685374460","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1726847039,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1685341357,"trending":18.505797718250527,"installs_last_month":780,"isMobileFriendly":true},{"name":"Ignition","keywords":["GTK","startup","autostart","login"],"summary":"Manage startup apps and scripts","description":"Ignition provides a simple UI to add, remove, and modify startup entries on your computer. Ignition can add apps, scripts, and arbitrary commands to run at login.\n ","id":"io_github_flattool_Ignition","type":"desktop-application","translations":{},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.github.flattool.Ignition","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Heliguy","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"flattool","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1734795086","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1738044013,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1734771618,"trending":18.329453158309583,"installs_last_month":2250,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Exhibit","keywords":["fbx","step","stl","dcm","ex2","gml","obj","3ds","gltf","pbr","rendering","3d-model"],"summary":"Preview your 3D models","description":"Based on the F3D library, it supports many file formats, from digital content to scientific datasets including glTF, STL, STEP, PLY, OBJ, FBX, USD, Alembic and many more.\nYou can drag and drop 3d models into the app and export an image of the rendered model.\nChange many settings like tone mapping, ambient occlusion, anti aliasing, material roughness, metallic, color and opacity to achieve the perfect render.\nYou can use an HDRI image or a custom color as a background.\n ","id":"io_github_nokse22_Exhibit","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"es":{"description":"Basada en la biblioteca F3D, admite muchos formatos de archivo, desde contenido digital hasta conjuntos de datos científicos, incluidos glTF, STL, STEP, PLY, OBJ, FBX, USD, Alembic y muchos más. Puedes arrastrar y soltar modelos 3D en la aplicación y exportar una imagen del modelo renderizado. Cambie muchos ajustes como mapeado de tonos, oclusión ambiental, anti aliasing, rugosidad del material, metálico, color y opacidad para conseguir el render perfecto. Puede utilizar una imagen HDRI o un color personalizado como fondo.\n ","name":"Exhibit","summary":"Previsualice sus modelos 3D"},"uk":{"description":"Ця програма базується на бібліотеці F3D яка підтримує багато форматів файлів, від цифрового вмісту до наукових даних, включаючи glTF, STL, STEP, PLY, OBJ, FBX, USD, Alembic та багато інших. Ви можете перетягнути і скинути 3D модель у вікно додатку і експортувати оброблену модель у зображення. Також можна змінити багато налаштувань, як тональне відображення, ambient occlusion, згладження, жорсткість матеріалу, металевість, колір та прозорість щоб досягти ідеального зображення. Ви можете використовувати HDRI зображення або колір у якості заднього фону.\n ","name":"Експонат","summary":"Переглядайте ваші 3D-моделі"},"hi":{"name":"एक्ज़िबिट","summary":"अपने 3डी मॉडल का पूर्वावलोकन करें"},"ru":{"name":"Exhibit","summary":"Предварительный просмотр ваших 3D-моделей"},"bg":{"name":"Изложба","summary":"Преглеждайте вашите 3D модели"},"fr":{"name":"Exhibit","summary":"Prévisualisez vos modèles 3D"},"it":{"name":"Exhibit","summary":"Visualizza l'anteprima dei tuoi modelli 3D"},"pt-BR":{"name":"Exhibit","summary":"Visualize seus modelos 3D"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.github.nokse22.Exhibit","icon":"","main_categories":"graphics","sub_categories":["3DGraphics","Viewer","Science"],"developer_name":"Nokse","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"nokse22","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1717590901","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1727571010,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1717581622,"trending":17.98015493647027,"installs_last_month":1633,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Tokodon","keywords":null,"summary":"Browse the Fediverse","description":"Tokodon is a Mastodon client. It allows you to interact with the Fediverse community.\n ","id":"org_kde_tokodon","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"ar":{"description":"توكودون هو عميل ماستودون. يسمح لك بالتفاعل مع مجتمع فيديفيرس.\n ","name":"توكودون","summary":"تصفح فيديفيرس"},"ca":{"description":"El Tokodon és un client de Mastodon. Permet que interactueu amb la comunitat Fedivers.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Navegueu pel Fedivers"},"de":{"description":"Tokodon ist ein Mastodon-Client. Er ermöglicht Ihnen die Interaktion mit der Fediverse-Gemeinschaft.\n ","name":"Tokodon"},"en-GB":{"description":"Tokodon is a Mastodon client. It allows you to interact with the Fediverse community.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Browse the Fediverse"},"eo":{"description":"Tokodon estas Mastodon-kliento. Ĝi permesas vin interagi kun la komunumo Fediverse.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Foliumi la Fediverson"},"es":{"description":"Tokodon es un cliente de Mastodon. Le permite interactuar con la comunidad del Fediverso.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Explorar el Fediverso"},"fi":{"description":"Tokodon on Mastodon-asiakas, jolla voit olla vuorovaikutuksessa Fediverse-yhteisöön.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Selaa fediversumia"},"fr":{"description":"Tokodon est un client Mastodon. Il vous permet d'interagir avec la communauté Fediverse.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Naviguer dans le Fediverse"},"he":{"description":"Tokodon הוא לקוח Mastodon. הוא מאפשר לתקשר בקהילת הפדיברס.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"מסע בפדיברס"},"hu":{"description":"A Tokodon egy Mastodon kliens. Lehetővé teszi a kapcsolattartást a Fediverse közösséggel.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"A Fediverse böngészése"},"id":{"description":"Tokodon adalah klien Mastodon. Ini memungkinkan kamu untuk berinteraksi dengan komunitas Fediverse.\n ","name":"Tokodon"},"it":{"description":"Tokodon è un cliente Mastodon. Ti consente di interagire con la comunità del Fediverso.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Naviga il Fediverso"},"ko":{"description":"Tokodon은 마스토돈 클라이언트입니다. Fediverse 커뮤니티를 사용할 수 있습니다.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"연합우주 탐색하기"},"nl":{"description":"Tokodon is een Mastodon-client. Het biedt u interactie met de Fediverse gemeenschap.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"In de Fediverse bladeren"},"pa":{"description":"ਟੂਕੂਡੂਨ ਮਸਟੂਡੂਨ ਕਲਾਈਂਟ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਫ਼ੇਡਾਈਵਰਸ ਸਮਾਜ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਵਿੱਚ ਰਹਿਣ ਲਈ ਮਦਦਗਾਰ ਹੈ।\n ","name":"ਟੂਕੂਡੂਨ"},"pl":{"description":"Tokodon to program do Mastodona. Umożliwia działanie w społeczności Fediverse.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Przejrzyj Fediverse"},"pt":{"description":"O Tokodon é um cliente de Mastodon. Permite-lhe interagir com a comunidade Fediverse.\n ","name":"Tokodon"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Tokodon é um cliente Mastodon. Ele permite a você interagir com a comunidade do Fediverse.\n ","name":"Tokodon"},"ru":{"description":"Tokodon — клиент Mastodon. Программа позволяет взаимодействовать с сообществом Fediverse.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Просмотр Fediverse"},"sv":{"description":"Tokodon är en Mastodon-klient. Den låter dig interagera med Fediverse-gemenskapen.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Bläddra på Fediverse"},"tr":{"description":"Tokodon, bir Mastodon istemcisidir. Fediverse topluluğu ile etkileşmenize izin verir.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Fediverse’i Tarayın"},"uk":{"description":"Tokodon — клієнт Mastodon. За його допомогою ви можете спілкуватися із учасниками спільноти Fediverse.\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"Навігація Fediverse"},"zh-Hans":{"description":"Tokodon 是一个 Mastodon 客户端。它允许您与 Fediverse 社区进行交互。\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"浏览Fediverse"},"zh-Hant":{"description":"Tokodon 是一個 Mastodon 用戶端。它讓您與聯邦宇宙社群進行互動。\n ","name":"Tokodon","summary":"瀏覽聯邦宇宙"},"cs":{"name":"Tokodon"},"ia":{"name":"Tokodon"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"org.kde.tokodon","icon":"","main_categories":"network","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"KDE","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"teams/flathub","verification_login_provider":"kde","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1681472639","runtime":"org.kde.Platform/x86_64/6.8","updated_at":1740744618,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1646581503,"trending":17.962269209491442,"installs_last_month":662,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Inspector","keywords":["System","Information","Disk","Memory","Devices","Network","CPU","Motherboard","BIOS","bios"],"summary":"View information about your system","description":"View information about: Usb devices, Disk, Memory, PCI devices, Network, CPU, Motherboard and bios, System and distro\n ","id":"io_github_nokse22_inspector","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"cs":{"description":"Zobrazte si informace o zařízeních USB, disku, paměti, zařízeních PCI, síti, procesoru, základní desce a BIOSu, systému a distribuci\n ","name":"Inspektor","summary":"Zobrazit informace o vašem systému"},"fr":{"description":"Afficher les informations sur: périphériques Usb, Disque, Mémoire, pérphériques PCI, Réseau, CPU, Carte mère et bios, Système et distribution\n ","name":"Inspecteur","summary":"Afficher les informations sur votre système"},"hi":{"description":"इनके बारे में जानकारी देखें: USB उपकरण, डिस्क, मेमोरी, PCI उपकरण, नेटवर्क, CPU, मदरबोर्ड और बायोस, सिस्टम और वितरण\n ","name":"Inspector","summary":"अपने सिस्टम के बारे में जानकारी देखें"},"it":{"description":"Visualizza informazioni su: Dispositivi USB, Dischi, Memoria, Dispositivi PCI, Rete, CPU, Scheda madre e BIOS, Sistema e distribuzione\n ","name":"Ispettore","summary":"Visualizza informazioni sul sistema"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Ver informação sobre: Dispositivos Usb, Disco, Memória, Dispositivos PCI, Rede, CPU, Placa Mãe e Bios, Sistema e Distro\n ","name":"Inspector","summary":"Ver informação sobre o seu sistema"},"tr":{"description":"USB aygıtlar, Disk, Bellek, RAM, PCI aygıtları, Ağ, İşlemci, Ana Kart ve BIOS, Sistem ve Dağıtım hakkında bilgileri görüntüle\n ","name":"İnceleyici","summary":"Sisteminiz hakkında bilgi edinin"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.github.nokse22.inspector","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Nokse","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"nokse22","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1691412191","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/46","updated_at":1716644675,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1691395181,"trending":17.601886188811942,"installs_last_month":1488,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Archives","keywords":["archive","singlefile","replayweb","flash","web"],"summary":"Create and view web archives","description":"\n Every day, countless of websites go offline for good. High server costs, government censorship, venture capitalism are some of the threats, many of your favorite websites are facing.\n \n \n Archives allows you to archive any website, including its assets, into a self-contained hybrid HTML/ZIP. These HTML files can be viewed in any browser (or in-app), be shared or be extracted like a regular ZIP file. Archives can additionally view WARC, WACZ, HAR, ZIM and SWF files.\n \n ","id":"dev_geopjr_Archives","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"tr":{"name":"Arşivler","summary":"Web arşivleri oluştur ve görüntüle"}},"project_license":"AGPL-3.0-only","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"dev.geopjr.Archives","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":["Archiving"],"developer_name":"Evangelos \"GeopJr\" Paterakis","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1723208850","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1740540057,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1723197944,"trending":17.271444713169434,"installs_last_month":923,"isMobileFriendly":true},{"name":"Carburetor","keywords":["Tor","Tractor"],"summary":"Browse anonymously","description":"\n Discover anonymous browsing with Carburetor on your phones and computers. Tailored for GNOME, it's your hidden superhero for online adventures, powered by TOR. Carburetor provides a local TOR proxy that hides your IP, ensuring your Internet activities remain encrypted, anonymized, and untraceable. Don't get your hands dirty with system files anymore – just tap into the app, keeping your online world safe and private. Customize settings if you want, but you don't have to. Carburetor is Free Software and puts you in control. No worries, just enjoy your anonymous browsing!\n \n ","id":"io_frama_tractor_carburetor","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"de":{"description":"Entdecke mit Carburetor anonymes Surfen auf deinen Telephonen und Computern. Von Tor möglich und für GNOME gemacht, ist Carburetor dein unscheinbarer Superheld für Onlineabenteuer. Carburetor bietet einen lokalen Torproxy, der deine IP verbirgt und so deine Internetaktivitäten verschlüsselt, anonym und unverfolgbar bleiben lässt. Mach dir die Hände nicht mit Systemdateien schmutzig - klicke einfach auf die Anwendung und halte so deine Onlinewelt sicher und privat. Passe Einstellungen an, wenn du willst - musst du aber nicht. Carburetor ist freie Software und du sitzt am Hebel. Keine Sorgen, genieße einfach dein anonymes Surfen!\n ","name":"Carburetor","summary":"Anonym browsen"},"es":{"description":"Descubra la navegación anónima con Carburetor en sus teléfonos y ordenadores. Diseñado para GNOME, es su superhéroe oculto para aventuras en línea, impulsado por TOR. Carburetor proporciona un proxy TOR local que oculta su IP, lo que garantiza que sus actividades en Internet permanezcan cifradas, anónimas e imposibles de rastrear. No se ensucie más las manos con los archivos del sistema: simplemente acceda a la aplicación y mantenga su mundo en línea seguro y privado. Personalice las configuraciones si lo desea, pero no es necesario. Carburetor es software libre y le da el control. ¡No se preocupe, simplemente disfrute de su navegación anónima!\n ","name":"Carburetor","summary":"Navegar anónimamente"},"et":{"description":"Kasuta anonüümset võrgus liikumist Carburetori abil nii oma telefonides kui ka arvutites. GNOME'i-põhisena on ta sinu varjatud superkangelane veebiseiklusteks, mille ühenduse privaatsuse tagab TOR. Carburetor loob kohalikku TOR-proksi, mis varjab sinu IP-aadressi, tagades, et sinu tegevus internetis jääb krüpteerituks, anonüümseks ja jälgimatuks. Sa ei pea enam seadistama süsteemifaile - rakenduse graafiline liides teeb kõik mugavaks ja samas hoides sinu võrguelu turvalisena ja privaatsena. Kui vajad, siis saad kohendada seadistusi, kuid sa ei pea seda tegema. Carburetor on avatud lähtekoodil põhinev vaba tarkvara ja annab kontrolli sinu kätte. Ei mingeid muresid, lihtsalt naudi anonüümset toimetamist võrgus!\n ","name":"Carburetor","summary":"Sirvi maailma anonüümselt"},"fa":{"description":"کشف مرور ناشناس روی تلفنها و رایانهها. کاربراتور که برای گنوم طرّاحی شده، ابرقهرمان پنهانتان برای ماجراجوییهای برخط است که از تور نیرو میگیرد. این برنامه پیشکاری محلی برای تور فراهم کرده که آیپیتان را نهفته و فعّالیتهای اینترنتیتان را رمز شده، ناشناس و غیر قابل ردیابی میکد. دیگر نیازی به سر و کله زدن با پروندههای سامانهای نیست – با یک اشاره در کاره، دنیای برخطتان امن و محرمانه خواهد شد. تنظیمات قابل شخصیسازی هستند، ولی اجباری وجود ندارد. کاربراتور نرمافزار آزاد بوده و شما را پشت فرمان قرار میدهد. بدون نگرانی، از مرور ناشناستان لذّت ببرید!\n ","name":"کاربراتور","summary":"مرور ناشناس"},"fi":{"description":"Tutustu anonyymiin selaamiseen puhelimissasi ja tietokoneissasi Carburetorilla. Räätälöity GNOMElle, se on piilotettu supersankarisi verkkoseikkailuihin TOR:n avulla. Kaasutin tarjoaa paikallisen TOR-välityspalvelimen, joka piilottaa IP-osoitteesi ja varmistaa, että Internet-toimintasi pysyvät salattuina, anonymisoituina ja jäljittämättöminä. Älä enää tahraa käsiäsi järjestelmätiedostoilla – napauta vain sovellusta ja pidä verkkomaailmasi turvassa ja yksityisenä. Mukauta asetuksia, jos haluat, mutta sinun ei tarvitse. Kaasutin on ilmainen ohjelmisto ja antaa sinulle hallinnan. Ei hätää, nauti vain anonyymisestä selaamisestasi!\n ","name":"Carburetor","summary":"Selaa anonyymisti"},"it":{"description":"Scopri la navigazione anonima con Carburetor sui tuoi telefoni e computer. Ideato per GNOME, è il tuo supereroe nascosto per avventure online, alimentato da TOR. Carburetor fornisce un proxy TOR locale, nascondendo la tua IP e garantendo, che le tue attività su Internet rimangano crittografate, anonime ed irrintracciabili. Non ti sporcare più le mani con i file di sistema: basta toccare l'applicazione e mantieni il tuo mondo online sicuro e privato. Personalizza le impostazioni, se vuoi, ma non devi. Carburetor è software libero e ti mette al comando. Non ti preoccupare, godati la tua navigazione anonima!\n ","name":"Carburetor","summary":"Navigare anonimamente"},"ja":{"description":"スマホやパソコン上で Carburetor を使って匿名にブラウジングしましょう。GNOME 向けに設計されており、TOR を使用した Carburetor は貴方のオンライン探索の影の立役者となります。Carburetor はあなたの IP を隠すローカルの TOR プロキシを提供し、インターネット活動が暗号化・匿名化され、追跡不可能な状態を確保します。システムファイルを触って手を汚す必要はもうありません — アプリの簡単操作で、オンラインを安全でプライベートに保つことが可能です。設定をカスタマイズすることはできますが、その必要はありません。Carburetor は自由ソフトウェアであり、あなたが Carburetor をコントロールできます。安心して匿名なブラウジングをお楽しみください!\n ","name":"Carburetor","summary":"匿名性と共にブラウズ"},"pt":{"description":"Descubra a navegação anônima com o Carburetor em seus telefones e computadores. Feito sob medida para o GNOME, é o seu super-herói oculto para aventuras online, desenvolvido com TOR. O Carburetor fornece um proxy TOR local que oculta seu IP, garantindo que suas atividades na Internet permaneçam criptografadas, anônimas e não rastreáveis. Não suje mais as mãos com arquivos do sistema – basta acessar o aplicativo, mantendo seu mundo on-line seguro e privado. Personalize as configurações se desejar, mas não é necessário. Carburador é Software Livre e coloca você no controle. Não se preocupe, apenas aproveite sua navegação anônima!\n ","name":"Carburetor","summary":"Navegue anonimamente"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Descubra navegação anônima com o Carburetor em seus telefones e computadores. Adaptado para GNOME, é o seu super-herói escondido para aventuras online, alimentado por TOR. O Carburetor fornece um proxy TOR local que esconde seu IP, garantindo que suas atividades na Internet permaneçam criptografadas, anonimizadas e não rastreáveis. Não fique com as mãos sujas com os arquivos do sistema – basta tocar no aplicativo, mantendo seu mundo online seguro e privado. Personalize as configurações se quiser, mas você não precisa. Carburetor é Software Livre e coloca você no controle. Não se preocupe, apenas aproveite sua navegação anônima!\n ","name":"Carburetor","summary":"Navegue anonimamente"},"ru":{"description":"Откройте для себя анонимный серфинг в интернете с Carburetor на ваших телефонах и компьютерах. Разработанный для GNOME, это ваш скрытый супергерой для онлайн-приключений, работающий на базе TOR. Carburetor предоставляет локальный прокси-сервер TOR, который скрывает ваш IP-адрес, гарантируя, что ваши действия в Интернете останутся зашифрованными, анонимными и неотслеживаемыми. Больше не нужно заморачиваться с системными файлами — просто запустите приложение, чтобы ваш онлайн-мир оставался безопасным и приватным. Настройте параметры, если хотите, но это не обязательно. Carburetor — это свободное программное обеспечение, которое дает вам контроль. Не беспокойтесь, просто наслаждайтесь анонимным серфингом в интернете!\n ","name":"Карбюратор","summary":"Анонимный серфинг в интернете"},"sv":{"description":"Upptäck anonym surfning med Carburetor på dina telefoner och datorer. Skräddarsydd för GNOME, det är din dolda superhjälte för onlineäventyr, drivna av TOR. Carburetor tillhandahåller en lokal TOR-proxy som döljer din IP, vilket säkerställer att dina internetaktiviteter förblir krypterade, anonymiserade och ospårbara. Smutsa inte ner händerna på systemfiler längre – klicka bara in i programmet/appen för att hålla din onlinevärld säker och privat. Anpassa inställningarna om du vill, men du behöver inte. Carburetor är fri programvara och ger dig kontroll. Inga bekymmer, bara njut av din anonyma surfning!\n ","name":"Carburetor","summary":"Surfa anonymt"},"ta":{"description":"உங்கள் தொலைபேசிகள் மற்றும் கணினிகளில் கார்பூரேட்டருடன் அநாமதேய உலாவலைக் கண்டறியவும். க்னோமுக்கு ஏற்றவாறு, இது நிகழ்நிலை சாகசங்களுக்கான உங்கள் மறைக்கப்பட்ட சூப்பர் ஈரோ, டோர் மூலம் இயக்கப்படுகிறது. கார்பூரேட்டர் ஒரு உள்ளக டோர் ப்ராக்சியை வழங்குகிறது, இது உங்கள் ஐபி மறைக்கிறது, உங்கள் இணைய நடவடிக்கைகள் குறியாக்கம், அநாமதேயப்படுத்தப்பட்ட மற்றும் கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியாததாக இருப்பதை உறுதி செய்கிறது. கணினி கோப்புகளுடன் உங்கள் கைகளை அழுக்காகப் பெற வேண்டாம் - உங்கள் நிகழ்நிலை உலகத்தை பாதுகாப்பாகவும் தனிப்பட்டதாகவும் வைத்திருக்கும் பயன்பாட்டைத் தட்டவும். நீங்கள் விரும்பினால் அமைப்புகளைத் தனிப்பயனாக்குங்கள், ஆனால் நீங்கள் செய்ய வேண்டியதில்லை. கார்பூரேட்டர் இலவச மென்பொருள் மற்றும் உங்களை கட்டுப்பாட்டில் வைக்கிறது. எந்த கவலையும் இல்லை, உங்கள் அநாமதேய உலாவலை அனுபவிக்கவும்!\n ","name":"கார்பூரேட்டர்","summary":"அநாமதேயமாக உலாவுக"},"tr":{"description":"Telefonlarınızda ve bilgisayarlarınızda Carburetor ile gizli gezinmeyi keşfedin. GNOME için özel olarak tasarlanan bu ürün, çevrim içi maceralar için TOR tarafından desteklenen gizli süper kahramanınızdır. Carburetor, IP adresinizi gizleyen yerel bir TOR vekili sağlayarak internet hareketlerinizin şifreli, gizli ve izlenemez kalmasını sağlar. Artık sistem dosyalarıyla ellerinizi kirletmeyin - yalnızca uygulamaya dokunun, çevrim içi dünyanızı güvenli ve gizli tutun. İsterseniz ayarları özelleştirin, ancak yapmak zorunda değilsiniz. Carburetor Özgür Yazılımdır ve denetimi size verir. Endişelenmeyin, yalnızca gizli gezintinizin tadını çıkarın!\n ","name":"Carburetor","summary":"Gizli şekilde gezinin"},"ar":{"name":"المكربن","summary":"تصفَّح بمجهولية"},"hr":{"name":"Carburetor","summary":"Pregledavaj anonimno"},"bg":{"name":"Carburetor"},"el":{"name":"Carburetor"},"fr":{"name":"Carburetor"},"hi":{"name":"Carburetor"},"nb-NO":{"name":"Carburetor"},"nl":{"name":"Carburetor"},"pl":{"name":"Carburetor"},"zh-Hans":{"name":"Carburetor"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.frama.tractor.carburetor","icon":"","main_categories":"network","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Tractor Team","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1704197904","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1737382649,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1700924002,"trending":17.075855096564663,"installs_last_month":1971,"isMobileFriendly":true},{"name":"Webfont Kit Generator","keywords":["font","font-face"],"summary":"Create @font-face kits easily","description":"\n Webfont Kit Generator is a simple utility that allows you to generate woff, woff2 and the necessary CSS boilerplate from non-web font formats (otf and ttf).\n \n \n Webfont Kit Generator also includes a tool to Download fonts from Google Fonts for self-hosting.\n \n ","id":"com_rafaelmardojai_WebfontKitGenerator","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"es":{"description":"Webfont Kit Generator es una simple utilidad que te permite generar woff, woff2 y el CSS necesario desde formatos de tipografías no web (otf y ttf).\n Webfont Kit Generator también incluye una herramienta para descargar fuentes de Google Fonts su autoalojamiento.\n ","name":"Webfont Kit Generator","summary":"Cree fácilmente los kits @font-face"},"hr":{"description":"Webfont Kit Generator je jednostavan uslužni program za izradu woff i woff2 fontova zajedno s potrebnim CSS podacima iz otf i ttf fontova.\n Webfont Kit Generator također uključuje alat za preuzimanje fontova sa stranice Google Fonts za vlastiti hosting fontova.\n ","name":"Webfont Kit Generator","summary":"Stvori @font-face pakete jednostavno"},"nl":{"description":"Met Webfont Kit Generator kunt u eenvoudig woff-, woff2- en css-boilerplatebestanden creëren uit reguliere lettertypebestanden (otf en ttf).\n Webfont Kit Generator bevat tevens de mogelijkheid om lettertypen te downloaden van Google Fonts.\n ","name":"Webfont Kit Generator","summary":"Creëer eenvoudig kits voor @font-face"},"ru":{"description":"Webfont Kit Generator - это простая утилита, которая позволяет генерировать woff, woff2 и необходимый CSS-шаблон из шрифтов не веб форматов (otf и ttf).\n Webfont Kit Generator также входит инструмент для загрузки шрифтов из Google Fonts для собственного хостинга.\n ","name":"Генератор набора веб-шрифтов","summary":"Легко создавайте наборы @font-face"},"sv":{"description":"Webfont Kit Generator är ett enkelt verktyg som låterdig generera woff, woff2 och det nödvändiga CSS boilerplate från icke-web-font-format (otf och ttf).\n Webfont Kit Generator inkluderar också ett verktyg för att ladda ner teckensnitt från Google Fonts för själv-hosting.\n ","name":"Webfont Kit Generator","summary":"Skapa @font-face-kit enkelt"},"tr":{"description":"Webfont Kit Oluşturucu web standartı olmayan yazı tipi biçimlerinden (otf ve ttf) woff, woff2 ve gerekli CSS kodlarını oluşturmanıza izin veren kolay bir araçtır.\n Webfont Kit Generator ayrıca kendi kendine barındırma için Google Fonts'tan yazı tiplerini indirmek için bir araç içerir.\n ","name":"Webfont Kit Oluşturucu","summary":"@font-face kitlerini kolaylıkla oluşturun"},"cs":{"name":"Generátor webových sad písem","summary":"Vytvářejte sady @font-face jednoduše"},"de":{"name":"Webfont Kit Generator","summary":"Einfaches Erstellen von @font-face Paketen"},"fr":{"name":"Genérateur de Kit Webfont","summary":"Créez des kits @font-face facilement"},"oc":{"name":"Generador de kits de poliças","summary":"Crear de kits @font-face facilament"},"pt-BR":{"name":"Webfont Kit Generator","summary":"Crie facilmente kits @font-face"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"com.rafaelmardojai.WebfontKitGenerator","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Rafael Mardojai CM","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1675743919","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1728307062,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1590477452,"trending":17.033378378242162,"installs_last_month":431,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Door Knocker","keywords":["portal"],"summary":"Check the availability of portals","description":"Door Knocker allows you to check availability of all portals provided by xdg-desktop-portal.\n ","id":"xyz_tytanium_DoorKnocker","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"de":{"description":"Mit Door Knocker kannst du die Verfügbarkeit von durch xdg-desktop-portal bereitgestellten Portalen überprüfen.\n ","name":"Door Knocker","summary":"Überprüft die Verfügbarkeit von Portalen"},"es":{"description":"Door Knocker le permite comprobar la disponibilidad de todos los portales proporcionados por xdg-desktop-portal.\n ","name":"Door Knocker","summary":"Comprobar la disponibilidad de los portales"},"fi":{"description":"Door Knockerin avulla voit tarkistaa kaikkien xdg-desktop-portalin tarjoamien portaalien saatavuuden.\n ","summary":"Tarkista portaalien saatavuus"},"it":{"description":"Door Knocker ti consente di verificare la disponibilità di tutti i portali forniti da xdg-desktop-portal.\n ","name":"Door Knocker","summary":"Verifica la disponibilità dei portali"},"ja":{"description":"Door Knocker を使うことで、xdg-desktop-portal によって提供されるすべてのポータルの可用性をチェックできます。\n ","name":"Door Knocker","summary":"ポータルの可用性を確認"},"nl":{"description":"Met Deurklopper kunt u controleren welke portalen van xdg-desktop-portal beschikbaar zijn.\n ","name":"Deurklopper","summary":"Controleer de beschikbaarheid van portalen"},"pl":{"description":"Door Knocker pozwala na sprawdzenie dostępności wszystkich portali dostarczonych przez xdg-desktop-portal.\n ","name":"Door Knocker","summary":"Sprawdź dostępność portali"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Door Knocker permite que verifique a disponibilidade de todos os portais fornecidos pelo xdg-desktop-portal.\n ","name":"Door Knocker","summary":"Verifique a disponibilidade dos portais"},"ru":{"description":"Door Knocker позволяет вам проверить доступность всех порталов, предоставленных xdg-desktop-portal.\n ","summary":"Проверить доступность порталов"},"sv":{"description":"Dörrknackare tillåter dig att kolla tillgängligheten för alla portaler som förses av xdg-desktop-portal.\n ","name":"Dörrknackare","summary":"Kolla tillgängligheten för portaler"},"tr":{"description":"Door Knocker, xdg-desktop-portal tarafından sağlanan tüm portalların kullanılabilirliğini denetlemenizi sağlar.\n ","name":"Door Knocker","summary":"Portalların kullanılabilirliğini denetle"},"fr":{"name":"Door Knocker"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"xyz.tytanium.DoorKnocker","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"tytan652","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1693218733","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1726832072,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1693155665,"trending":16.972023260045937,"installs_last_month":406,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Errands","keywords":["errands","tasks","list","todo","todos","caldav","nextcloud","sync"],"summary":"Manage your tasks","description":"Todo application for those who prefer simplicity.\n Features:\n \n Multiple task lists support\n Add, remove, edit tasks and sub-tasks\n Mark task and sub-tasks as completed\n Add accent color for each task\n Sync tasks with Nextcloud or other CalDAV providers\n Drag and Drop support\n Import .ics files\n \n ","id":"io_github_mrvladus_List","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"ar":{"description":"تطبيق لإدارة المهام لمحبي البساطة.\n المميزات:\n \n دعم قوائم مهمات عدَّة\n إضافة,حذف,تعديل المهام الرئيسية والفرعية\n عُدَّ المهمة الرئيسية ومهماتها الفرعية مكمَّلة\n ميز كل مهمة بلون\n زامن المهمات عن طريق نكست كلاود أو موفري خدمة كال داف الآخرين\n دعم السحب والإسقاط\n استيراد ملف .ics\n \n ","name":"إيراندس","summary":"أدر مهامك"},"ca":{"description":"Aplicació de gestió de tasques per a aquells que prefereixen la simplicitat.\n Característiques:\n \n Afegeix, esborra, edita tasques i subtasques\n Marca com a completades tasques i subtasques\n Afegeix un accent de color per a cada tasca\n Sincronitza les tasques amb Nexcloud o altres proveïdors CalDAV\n Suport Drag and Drop\n \n ","name":"Tasques","summary":"Gestiona les teves tasques"},"cs":{"description":"Aplikace pro ty, kteří preferují jednoduchost.\n Funkce:\n \n Podpora více listů\n Přidávat, odebírat, upravovat úkoly a podúkoly\n Označit úkol a podúkoly jako dokončené\n Přidání zvýrazňující barvy pro každý úkol\n Synchronizace úloh s Nextcloud nebo jinými poskytovateli CalDAV\n Podpora drag and drop\n Importovat .ics soubor\n \n ","name":"Pochůzky","summary":"Spravujte své úkoly"},"de":{"description":"Todo-Anwendung für alle, die es lieber einfach haben.\n Funktionen:\n \n Unterstützung mehrerer Aufgabenlisten\n Aufgaben und Unteraufgaben hinzufügen, entfernen und bearbeiten\n Aufgaben und Unteraufgaben als abgeschlossen markieren\n Akzentfarbe für jede Aufgabe hinzufügen\n Aufgaben mit Nextcloud oder anderen CalDAV-Anbietern synchronisieren\n Unterstützung von Drag and Drop\n .ics-Dateien importieren\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"Verwalten Sie Ihre Aufgaben"},"el":{"description":"Εφαρμογή to-do για εκείνους που προτιμούν την απλότητα.\n Χαρακτηριστικά:\n \n Υποστήριξη για πολλαπλές λίστες από δουλείες\n Προσθήκη, Αφαίρεση και επεξεργασία δουλειών και υπο-δουλειών\n Σημείωση δουλειών και υπο-δουλειών σαν ολοκληρωμένα\n Προσθήκη χρώματος έμφασης για κάθε δουλειά\n Συγχρονισμός δουλειών με Nextcloud ή άλλους παροχείς CalDAV\n Υποστήριξη για Τράβηγμα και Απόθεση\n Εισαγωγή αρχείων .ics\n \n ","name":"Εrrands","summary":"Διαχειριστείτε τις δουλειές σας"},"en-GB":{"description":"Todo application for those who prefer simplicity.\n Features:\n \n Multiple task lists support\n Add, remove, edit tasks and sub-tasks\n Mark task and sub-tasks as completed\n Add accent colour for each task\n Sync tasks with Nextcloud or other CalDAV providers\n Drag and Drop support\n Import .ics files\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"Manage your tasks"},"es":{"description":"Una aplicación de listas de tareas, para los que prefieren la sencillez.\n Características:\n \n Soporte de múltiples listas de tareas\n Añadir, eliminar, editar tareas y subtareas\n Marcar la tarea y las subtareas como completadas\n Añadir un color de acento para cada tarea\n Sincronización de tareas con Nextcloud u otros proveedores de CalDAV\n Compatibilidad con la opción de arrastrar y soltar\n Importar tareas desde archivo .ics\n \n ","name":"Recados","summary":"Administrar tareas"},"et":{"description":"To-do-nimekirja rakendus neile, kes eelistavad lihtsust.\n Funktsioonid:\n \n Mitme nimekirja tugi\n Lisa, eemalda ja muuda ülesandeid ja samme\n Märgi ülesanded ja sammud tehtuks\n Lisa igale ülesandele taustavärv\n Sünkrooni ülesandeid Nextcloud'i ja teiste CalDAV teenusepakkujatega\n Hiirega lohistamise tugi\n Impordi .ics faile\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"Halda oma ülesandeid"},"fa":{"description":"برنامهٔ فهرست کارهای برای آنهایی که سادگی را میپسندند..\n ویژگیها:\n \n پشتیبانی از چندین سیاههٔ تکلیف\n افزودن، برداشتن و ویرایش تکلیفها و زیرتکلیفها\n علامت زدن تکلیفها و زیرتکلیفها به کامل شده\n افزودن لهجهٔ رنگی برای هر تکلیف\n همگامسازی تکلیفها با نکستکلود یا دیگر فراهمکنندگان CalDAV\n پشتیبانی از کشیدن و رها کردن\n درونریزی پروندههای .ics\n \n ","name":"مأموریتها","summary":"مدیریت تکلیفهایتان"},"fr":{"description":"Application de tâches pour ceux appréciant la simplicité.\n Fonctionnalités :\n \n Prise en charger des listes de tâches multiples\n Ajouter, supprimer, éditer des tâches et sous-tâches\n Marquer les tâches et sous-tâches comme terminées\n Thème de couleurs pour chaque tâche\n Synchronisation des tâches avec Nextcloud ou d’autres fournisseur CalDAV\n Prise en charge du glisser-déposer\n Import de fichiers .ics\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"Gérer vos tâches"},"hi":{"description":"जो लोग सादगी पसंद करते हैं उनके लिए कार्य सूची अनुप्रयोग।\n विशेषताएं:\n \n एकाधिक कार्य सूचियों का समर्थन\n कार्य और उप-कार्य जोड़ें, हटाएं, संपादित करें\n कार्य और उप-कार्यों को पूर्ण चिह्नित करें\n प्रत्येक कार्य के लिए रंग जोड़ें\n Nextcloud या अन्य CalDAV प्रदाताओं के साथ कार्यों को समन्वयित करें\n खींचने और छोड़ने का समर्थन\n .ics फाइलें आयात करें\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"अपने कार्यों का प्रबंधन करें"},"hr":{"description":"Aplikacija za zadatke za one koji vole jednostavnost.\n Značajke:\n \n Podrška za višestruke popise zadataka\n Dodaj, ukloni, uredi zadatke i podzadatke\n Označi zadatak i podzadatke kao završene\n Dodaj boju za svaki zadatak\n Sinkroniziraj zadatke s Nextcloudom ili s drugim pružateljima usluge za CalDAV\n Podrška za povuci i ispusti\n Uvezi .ics datoteke\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"Upravljaj svojim zadacima"},"hu":{"description":"Egy teendők alkalmazás az egyszerűséget kedvelőknek.\n Funkciók:\n \n Több feladatlista támogatása\n Feladatok és alfeladatok hozzáadása, eltávolítása, szerkesztése\n Feladatok és alfeladatok befejezettként jelölése\n Kiemelőszín hozzáadása minden egyes feladathoz\n Feladatok szinkronizálása Nextcloud vagy CalDAV szolgáltatókkal\n Húzd és ejtsd támogatás\n .ics fájlok importálása\n \n ","name":"Tennivalók","summary":"Kezelje a feladatait"},"it":{"description":"Applicazione Todo per chi preferisce la semplicità.\n Caratteristiche:\n \n Supporto per più elenchi di attività\n Aggiungere, rimuovere, modificare attività e attività secondarie\n Contrassegna l'attività e le attività secondarie come completate\n Aggiungi un colore in risalto per ogni attività\n Sincronizza le attività con Nextcloud o altri provider CalDAV\n Supporto trascina e rilascia\n Importa file .ics\n \n ","summary":"Gestisci le tue attività"},"ja":{"description":"シンプルを好む人のための To Do アプリケーション。\n 機能:\n \n 複数のタスクリストをサポート\n タスク/サブタスクを、追加、削除、編集\n タスク/サブタスクを完了済みにチェック\n タスクごとにアクセントカラーを追加\n Nextcloud 又は他の CalDAV プロバイダーとタスクを同期\n ドラッグアンドドロップをサポート\n .ics ファイルをインポート\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"タスクを管理"},"nb":{"description":"Drukner du i ting du skulle ha gjort? Dette er en gjøremålsapp som lar deg holde hodet over vann.\n Errands er mer enn bare en sjekkliste:\n \n Opprett flere forskjellige gjøremålslister\n Legg til, fjern og rediger gjøremål og undermål\n Merk gjøremål og undermål som fullførte\n Uthev spesielle gjøremål med farger\n Synkroniser med Nextcloud eller andre CalDAV-tjenester\n Endre rekkefølgen på gjøremål ved å dra dem rundt\n Importer ICS-filer\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"Fullfør gjøremålene dine"},"nl":{"description":"Een takentoepassing voor zij die eenvoud boven alles verkiezen.\n Kenmerken:\n \n Ondersteuning voor meerdere lijsten\n Voeg taken en bijkomende taken toe, bewerk ze of verwijder ze\n Markeer taken en bijkomende taken als afgerond\n Voorzie elke taak van een andere kleur\n Synchroniseer taken met Nextcloud of andere CalDAV-diensten\n Sleep taken naar het venster\n Importeer .ics-bestanden\n \n ","name":"Takenlijst","summary":"Beheer uw taken"},"oc":{"description":"Aplicacion de lista de prètzfaches pel monde qu'estima la simplicitat.\n Foncionalitats :\n \n Presa en carga de mantuna lista de prètzfaches\n Apondre, suprimir, modificar los prètzfaches e los jos prètzfaches\n Marcar lo prètzfach e jos prètzfaches coma acabats\n Apondre una color dominanta per cada prètzfach\n Sincronizar los prètzfaches amb Nextcloud o d'autres provesidor CalDAV\n Presa en carga del lisar e depausar\n Importar fichièrs .ics\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"Gerir vòstres prètzfaches"},"pl":{"description":"Aplikacja TODO dla tych, którzy preferują prostotę.\n Funkcionalności:\n \n Obsługa wielu list zadań\n Dodawanie, usuwanie i edytowanie zadań i podzadań\n Oznaczanie zadań i podzadań jako ukończone\n Dodawanie akcentów kolorystycznych dla każdego zadania\n Synchronizacja zadań z Nextcloud lub innymi dostawcami CalDAV\n Obsługa funkcji przeciągnij i upuść\n Import zadań z plików .ics\n \n ","summary":"Zarządzaj swoimi zadaniami"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Aplicativo Todo para quem prefere simplicidade.\n Funcionalidades:\n \n Suporte para múltiplas listas de tarefas\n Adicione, remova, edite tarefas e subtarefas\n Marcar tarefas e subtarefas como concluídas\n Adicione cores de destaque para cada tarefa\n Sincronize tarefas com Nextcloud ou outros provedores CalDAV\n Suporte para arrastar e soltar\n Importar arquivo .ics\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"Gerencie suas tarefas"},"ru":{"description":"Список задач для тех, кто предпочитает простоту.\n Главные функции:\n \n Поддержка нескольких списков\n Добавляйте, удаляйте, редактируйте задачи и подзадачи\n Помечайте задачи как выполненные\n Добавляйте цвета к задачам\n Синхронизируйте задачи с Nextcloud или другими CalDAV провайдерами\n Поддержка Drag and Drop\n Импорт .ics файлов\n \n ","name":"Дела","summary":"Управляйте своими задачами"},"tr":{"description":"Sadeliği tercih edenler için yapılacaklar uygulaması.\n Özellikler:\n \n Çoklu görev listesi desteği\n Görev ve alt görev ekleme, kaldırma, düzenleme\n Görev ve alt görevleri tamamlandı olarak imleme\n Her görev için vurgu rengi ekleme\n Nextcloud ya da diğer CalDAV sağlayıcıları ile görevleri eşzamanlama\n Sürükle ve Bırak desteği\n .ics dosyalarını içe aktarma\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"Görevlerinizi yönetin"},"uk":{"description":"Додаток для керуваннями списками справ для тих хто віддає перевагу простоті.\n Можливості:\n \n Підтримка кількох списків задач\n Додавання, видалення і редагування для задач і підзадач\n Позначити задачу і підзадачу як завершену\n Додавання акцентованих кольорів для кожної задачі\n Синхронізація з Nextcloud та іншими постачальниками CalDAV\n Підтримка перетягування до вікна\n Імпортуват .ics файлів\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"Керуйте вашими задачами"},"zh-Hans":{"description":"适合喜欢简洁的人的待办事项应用。\n \n 支持多任务列表\n 添加、移除、编辑任务和子任务\n 将任务和子任务标记为完成\n 为每个任务添加强调色\n 与 Nextcloud 或其他 CalDAV 提供者同步任务\n 支持拖放操作\n 导入 .ics 文件\n \n ","name":"Errands","summary":"管理您的任务"},"zh-Hant":{"description":"為簡潔而生的待辦事項軟體\n 功能:\n \n 新增、移除、編輯待辦事項和子項目\n 把待辦事項和子項目標記爲已完成\n 為每個待辦事項新增強調色\n 透過 Nextcloud 或其他 CalDAV 服務同步待辦事項\n 支援拖拉\n \n ","summary":"管理待辦事項"}},"project_license":"MIT","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.github.mrvladus.List","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Vlad Krupinskii","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"mrvladus","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1680766799","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1733564944,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1680698569,"trending":16.903903271414666,"installs_last_month":2168,"isMobileFriendly":true},{"name":"Warble","keywords":["Game","Word","Puzzle","wordle"],"summary":"The word-guessing game","description":"Figure out the word before your guesses run out!\n \n Three difficulty levels\n Almost 5k possible answers\n Need a break? Close the game and automatically pick back up where you left off\n \n ","id":"com_github_avojak_warble","type":"desktop-application","translations":{},"project_license":"GPL-3.0+","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"com.github.avojak.warble","icon":"","main_categories":"game","sub_categories":["LogicGame"],"developer_name":"Andrew Vojak","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"avojak","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1724092820","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1730791157,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1650371629,"trending":16.867342599565575,"installs_last_month":372,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Clapgrep","keywords":["grep","ripgrep","search","pdf"],"summary":"Search through all your files","description":"Ever had a folder full of PDF files, where you knew, somewhere in there, is what you're looking for. But you did not know in which file. So you had to search each of them at a time...\n With Clapgrep this is no longer necessary! Simply open the folder with Clapgrep, enter the search term, and Clapgrep will do all the hard work of finding out on which page / line in which file the information is that you are looking for!\n Clapgrep can currently search all sorts of text files, PDFs and Office documents, with more to come.\n ","id":"de_leopoldluley_Clapgrep","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"cs":{"name":"Clapgrep"},"de":{"name":"Clapgrep"},"it":{"name":"Clapgrep"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"de.leopoldluley.Clapgrep","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":["FileTools"],"developer_name":"Leopold 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vice-versa\n CRON expressions parser\n GZip compressor and decompressor\n Formatters for common programming languages\n Hash generators\n Regex tester\n Markdown Previewer\n Image converters\n Much more...\n \n ","id":"me_iepure_devtoolbox","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"ar":{"description":"إذا كنت تعبت من البحث المستمر عبر الإنترنت عن الأداة المناسبة، أو البحث عن موقع ويب لا تتذكر اسمه فقط من أجل التحويل من شيئ لآخر سريعاً فهذا هو التطبيق المناسب لك.\n هذه مجموعة من الأدوات القوية وسهلة الإستخدام لحل مشكلات البرمجة اليومية الأكثر شيوعًا.\n يتضمن:\n \n محول JSON إلى YAML والعكس\n محلل تعبيرات CRON\n ضاغط وفك ضغط GZip\n مُنسيقات للغات البرمجة الشائعة\n مولدات الهاش (البصمة)\n تجربة Regex\n معاينة Markdown\n تحويل الصور\n والمزيد المزيد...\n \n "},"cs":{"description":"Pokud vás nebaví donekonečna hledat na internetu ten správný nástroj nebo znovu najít web, jehož název si nepamatujete jen pro rychlou konverzi,toto je ta pravá aplikace pro vás.\n Jedná se o sbírku výkonných, ale snadno použitelných nástrojů k řešení nejběžnějších každodenních problémů s vývojem.\n Zahrnuje:\n \n Převaděč JSON na YAML a naopak\n Parser výrazů CRON\n Kompresor a dekompresor GZip\n Formátovače pro běžné programovací jazyky\n Hash generátory\n Testování regulárního výrazu\n Náhledy Markdown souborů\n Převaděče obrázků\n Mnohem více...\n \n ","summary":"Vývojové nástroje na dosah ruky"},"de":{"description":"Wenn Sie es leid sind nach dem richtigen Werkzeug oder für eine schnelle Konvertierung nach der richtigen Webseite zu suchen, dann ist diese Anwendung genau richtig für Sie.\n Dies ist eine Sammlung von leistungsstarken aber einfachen Werkzeugen zur Lösung täglicher Probleme bei der Entwicklung.\n Enthält:\n \n Konvertiere JSON zu YAML und umgekehrt\n Parser für CRON-Ausdrücke\n GZIP Komprimierung und Dekomprimierung\n Formatierer für gängige Programmiersprachen\n Hash-Generatoren\n Regex-Tester\n Markdown-Vorschau\n Bildkonverter\n Weiteres...\n \n ","summary":"Entwicklungswerkzeuge auf Knopfdruck"},"es":{"description":"Si está cansado de buscar eternamente en Internet la herramienta adecuada, o de volver a encontrar ese sitio web del que no recuerda el nombre sólo para una conversión rápida, ésta es la aplicación adecuada.\n Se trata de una colección de herramientas potentes pero fáciles de usar para resolver los problemas de desarrollo cotidianos más comunes.\n Incluye:\n \n Conversor de JSON a YAML y viceversa\n Analizador de expresiones CRON\n Compresor y descompresor GZip\n Formateadores para lenguajes de programación habituales\n Generadores hash\n Comprobador de expresiones regulares\n Vista previa de Markdown\n Conversores de imágenes\n Mucho más...\n \n ","summary":"Herramientas de desarrollo a tu alcance"},"fi":{"description":"Jos olet väsynyt etsimään verkosta soveltuvaa työkalua tarpeisiisi, tai et muista juuri sen tietyn verkkosivuston nimeä esimerkiksi nopeaa muunnosta varten, tämä sovellus on sinua varten.\n Tämä on kokoelma tehokkaita, mutta yksinkertaisia työkaluja, joiden avulla selätät yleisimmät arkipäiväiset kehityshaasteet.\n Sisältää:\n \n Muunna JSON YAML:iksi ja päinvastoin\n CRON-lausekkeiden jäsennin\n GZip-pakkaus ja -purku\n Muotoilijat yleisille ohjelmointikielille\n Tiivistegeneraattorit\n Säännöllisten lausekkeiden testaus\n Markdown-esikatselu\n Kuvamuuntimet\n Ja paljon enemmän...\n \n ","summary":"Kehitystyökalut lähelläsi"},"fr":{"description":"Si vous êtes fatigué de chercher sans cesse en ligne le bon outil ou de retrouver ce site Web dont vous ne vous souvenez pas du nom juste pour une conversion rapide, c'est la bonne application pour vous.\n Il s'agit d'une collection d'outils puissants mais simples à utiliser pour résoudre les problèmes de développement quotidiens les plus courants.\n Comprend :\n \n Convertisseur JSON vers YAML et vice-versa\n Analyseur d'expressions CRON\n Compresseur et décompresseur GZip\n Formateurs pour les langages de programmation courants\n Générateurs de hachage\n Testeur de regex\n Prévisualisation Markdown\n Convertisseurs d'images\n Beaucoup plus...\n \n "},"it":{"description":"Se sei stanco di cercare all'infinito online lo strumento giusto o di trovare di nuovo quel sito web di cui non ricordi il nome solo per fare una rapida conversione, questa è l'app giusta per te.\n Questa è una collezione di strumenti potenti ma semplici da usare per risolvere i più comuni problemi quotidiani durante lo sviluppo di codice.\n Include:\n \n Convertitore da JSON a YAML e viceversa\n Parser di espressioni CRON\n Compressore e De-compressore GZip\n Formattatori per linguaggi di programmazione comuni\n Generatori di hash\n Tester di Espressioni Regolari\n Visualizzatore Markdown\n Convertitori di immagini\n Molto altro...\n \n ","summary":"Strumenti di sviluppo a portata di mano"},"nb-NO":{"description":"Inkluderer:\n \n JSON til YAML-konverterer og motsatt\n Sjekksumsgeneratorer\n Bildekonverterere\n Mye mer …\n \n "},"pt":{"description":"Se está cansado de procurar infinitamente online pela ferramenta certa ou de encontrar novamente aquele site cujo nome não se lembra do nome apenas para uma conversão rápida, este é a app certa para si.\n Esta é uma coleção de ferramentas poderosas e simples de usar para resolver os problemas de desenvolvimento diários mais comuns.\n Inclui:\n \n Conversor JSON para YAML e vice-versa\n Analisador de expressões CRON\n Compressor e descompactador GZip\n Formatadores para linguagens de programação comuns\n Geradores de hash\n Testador de regex\n Visualizador de Markdown\n Conversores de imagens\n Muito mais...\n \n "},"pt-BR":{"description":"Se você está cansado de procurar infinitamente online pela ferramenta certa, ou de encontrar novamente aquele site cujo nome você não lembra o nome apenas para uma conversão rápida, este é o aplicativo certo para você.\n Esta é uma coleção de ferramentas poderosas e simples de usar para resolver os problemas de desenvolvimento diários mais comuns.\n Inclui:\n \n Conversor JSON para YAML e vice-versa\n Analisador de expressões CRON\n Compressor e descompactador GZip\n Formatadores para linguagens de programação comuns\n Geradores de hash\n Testador de Regex\n Visualizador de Markdown\n Conversores de imagens\n Muito mais...\n \n ","summary":"Ferramentas de desenvolvimento ao seu alcance"},"ru":{"description":"Если вам надоело бесконечно искать в Интернете нужный инструмент или снова искать тот сайт, название которого вы не помните, только для быстрого преобразования, это приложение для вас.\n Это коллекция мощных и в то же время простых в использовании инструментов для решения наиболее распространенных повседневных проблем разработки.\n Включает:\n \n Конвертатор из JSON в YAML и наоборот\n Парсер выражений CRON\n Компрессор и декомпрессор GZip\n Форматеры для распространенных языков программирования\n Хэш генераторы\n Проверка регулярных выражений\n Предпросмотр Markdown файлов\n Конвертеры изображений\n Многое другое...\n \n "},"ta":{"description":"சரியான கருவிக்காக ஆன்லைனில் முடிவில்லாமல் பார்ப்பதில் நீங்கள் சோர்வாக இருந்தால், அல்லது விரைவான மாற்றத்திற்கான பெயரை நீங்கள் நினைவுபடுத்தாத அந்த வலைத்தளத்தை மீண்டும் கண்டுபிடிக்க, இது உங்களுக்கு சரியான பயன்பாடாகும்.\n இது மிகவும் பொதுவான அன்றாட மேம்பாட்டு சிக்கல்களைத் தீர்க்க சக்திவாய்ந்த மற்றும் எளிமையான பயன்படுத்தக்கூடிய கருவிகளின் தொகுப்பாகும்.\n உள்ளடக்கியது:\n \n சாதொபொகு பெறுநர் YAML மாற்றி மற்றும் நேர்மாறாக\n க்ரோன் எக்ச்பிரசன்ச் பார்சர்\n GZIP அமுக்கி மற்றும் டிகம்பிரசர்\n பொதுவான நிரலாக்க மொழிகளுக்கான வடிவங்கள்\n ஆச் செனரேட்டர்கள்\n ரீசெக்ச் சோதனையாளர்\n மார்க் பேரூர் முன்னோட்டம்\n பட மாற்றிகள்\n இன்னும் ...\n \n ","summary":"உங்கள் விரல் நுனியில் தேவ் கருவிகள்"},"tr":{"description":"Doğru araç için durmadan çevrim içi arama yapmaktan ya da hızlı bir dönüşüm için adını hatırlamadığınız web sitesini tekrar bulmaktan sıkıldıysanız, bu uygulama tam sizin için.\n Bu, en yaygın günlük geliştirme sorunlarını çözmek için güçlü ancak kullanımı kolay araçlardan oluşan bir koleksiyondur.\n İçerir:\n \n JSON belgelerini YAML biçimine, veya tam tersine dönüştürücü\n CRON ifadeleri ayrıştırıcı\n GZip sıkıştırıcı ve açıcı\n Yaygın programlama dilleri için biçimlendiriciler\n Özet oluşturucular\n Düzenli ifade sınayıcı\n Markdown Ön İzleyici\n Resim dönüştürücüler\n Ve daha çoğu…\n \n ","summary":"Geliştirme araçları parmaklarınızın ucunda"},"zh-Hans":{"description":"如果您厌倦了没完没了地在网上寻找合适的工具,或者为了快速转换而再次查找您不记得其名称的网站,那么这就是适合您的应用程序。\n 这是一组功能强大但易于使用的工具,用于解决最常见的日常开发问题。\n 包括:\n \n JSON和YAML的互相转换\n CRON表达式解析\n GZip压缩和解压\n 常用编程语言格式器\n 哈希生成器\n 正则表达式测试\n Markdown预览\n 图片转换\n 还有更多...\n \n ","summary":"触手可及的开发工具箱"},"zh-Hant":{"description":"如果你厭倦了無休止境地在網絡上尋找合適的工具,或者只是為了快速轉換而再次查找你不記得名稱的網站,那麼這就是適合你的應用程式。\n 這是一組功能強大但易於使用的工具,用於解決最常見的日常開發問題。\n 包括:\n \n JSON、YAML 互相轉換器\n CRON 表達式解析器\n GZip 壓縮器與解壓縮器\n 常用程式語言的格式器\n 雜湊值產生器\n 正規表達式測試器\n Markdown 預覽器\n 圖片轉換器\n 還有更多…\n \n "}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"me.iepure.devtoolbox","icon":"","main_categories":"development","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Alessandro Iepure","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1678979827","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1739015438,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1677844683,"trending":16.823838392478383,"installs_last_month":3123,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Mahjongg","keywords":["game","strategy","puzzle","board"],"summary":"Match tiles and clear the board","description":"\n Single-player tile-matching game, commonly known as Mahjong solitaire.\n Tiles are stacked on the board at the start of the game. The goal is to\n remove all the tiles in as little time as possible.\n Select two matching tiles and they will disappear from the board, but\n you can only select a tile if there is an empty space to its left or\n right at the same level. Be careful: tiles that look alike may actually\n be slightly different.\n \n \n You can choose from a variety of starting layouts, some easy and some\n difficult. If you get stuck, you can ask for a hint, but this adds a\n large time penalty.\n \n ","id":"org_gnome_Mahjongg","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"be":{"description":"Адзіночная гульня з пошукам аднолькавых касцей, шырокавядомая як Маджонг. У пачатку гульні косці раскладваюцца на дошцы, мэта - як мага хутчэй прыбраць усе косці. Вылучайце пары аднолькавых касцей, каб яны знікалі з дошкі. Вылучаць можна толькі косці, справа або злева ад якіх, на адным узроўні, нічога не ляжыць. Будзьце ўважлівы: косці якія падаюцца аднолькавымі, могуць мець нязначныя адрозненні.\n Вы можаце выбіраць сярод некалькіх пачатковых раскладак, нейкія з іх простыя, нейкія складаныя. Калі вам цяжка зрабіць наступны ход, можаце скарыстацца падказкай, але за гэта налічваецца істотны часавы штраф.\n ","name":"Маджонг","summary":"Вылучайце аднолькавыя косці, каб ачысціць дошку"},"bg":{"description":"Версия на популярната азиатска игра за сам играч, известна като пасианс Маджонг. В началото на играта всички плочки са подредени на дъската. Целта е за възможно най-малко време да махнете всички плочки. Изберете две плочки с еднакви фигури, за да ги махнете. Внимавайте — понякога плочките много си приличат, но са различни. Можете да махате само плочки, които са свободни — на същото ниво, отляво или отдясно, да няма друга плочка.\n Може да избирате измежду много подредби — някои по-лесни, някои по-трудни. В краен случай може да поискате подсказка, но това води до наказание чрез завишаване на времето.\n ","name":"Маджонг","summary":"Намерете съответстващите си плочки и изчистете дъската"},"cs":{"description":"Hra pro jednoho hráče s kameny, běžně známá jako Mahjong solitér. Hrací kameny jsou na začátku hry navršeny na hrací desce. Cílem je všechny v co nejkratším čase odebrat. Když vyberete dva stejné kameny, tak z hrací desky zmizí. Vybírat můžete ale jen ty, které mají po své levé nebo pravé straně ve svojí vrstvě volné místo. A buďte všímaví: některé kameny vypadají podobně, ale jsou mezi nimi drobné rozdíly.\n Můžete si vybrat z různých variant počátečního rozložení kamenů, některých snadných, jiných obtížných. Když budete v koncích, můžete požádat o radu, ale k ní obdržíte také časovou penalizaci.\n ","name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Najděte stejné kameny a vyčistěte tak herní desku"},"de":{"description":"Ein Einzelspieler-Spiel mit Spielsteinen, allgemein als Mahjongg-Solitaire bekannt. Die Spielsteine sind zu Beginn des Spiels auf dem Brett in Stapeln ausgelegt. Ziel des Spiels ist es, in möglichst kurzer Zeit alle Steine zu entfernen. Sobald zwei gleiche Steine ausgewählt werden, verschwinden sie vom Spielfeld. Aber Vorsicht, ein Stein kann nur gewählt werden, wenn unmittelbar daneben ein freies Feld ist. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass sich einige Steine sehr ähnlich sehen.\n Sie können aus einer Vielzahl verschiedener Ausgangspositionen wählen. Einige davon sehr leicht, andere eher schwierig. Kommen Sie einmal nicht weiter, können Sie sich helfen lassen. Dafür gibt es dann allerdings eine größere Zeitstrafe.\n ","name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Finden Sie übereinstimmende Spielsteine und leeren Sie das Brett"},"es":{"description":"Juego de combinación de fichas para un jugador, comúnmente conocido como solitario Mahjong. Las fichas se apilan en el tablero al comienzo del juego. El objetivo es eliminar todas las fichas en el menor tiempo posible. Seleccione dos fichas iguales y desaparecerán del tablero, pero solo puede seleccionar una ficha si hay un espacio vacío a su izquierda o derecha en el mismo nivel. Tenga cuidado: los mosaicos que parecen iguales pueden en realidad ser ligeramente diferentes.\n Puede elegir entre una variedad de diseños iniciales, algunos fáciles y otros difíciles. Si se queda atascado, puede pedir una pista, pero esto añade una gran penalización de tiempo.\n ","name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Emparejar fichas iguales y limpiar el tablero"},"fa":{"description":"بازی تطبیق کاشی تکنفره که به نام ماهجونگ شناخته میشود. کاشیها در آغاز بازی روی صفحه چیده شدهاند. هدف برداشتن همهٔ کاشیها در کمترین زمان ممکن است. دو کاشی مطابق را گزیده تا از صفحه برداشته شوند. تنها میتوانید کاشیای که چپ یا راستش در همان سطح خالی است را بردارید. مراقب باشید: شاید کاشیهایی که شبیه هم به نظر میرسند کمی متفاوت باشند.\n میتوانید چینشهای آغازین متفاوتی را بگزینید. برخی ساده و برخی دشوارند. اگر گیر کردید میتوانید راهنمایی بگیرید؛ ولی تاوان زمانی زیادی خواهد داشت.\n ","name":"ماهجونگ","summary":"تظبیق کاشیها و پاک کردن تخته"},"fi":{"description":"Yksinpeliversio klassisesta aasialaisesta laattapelistä, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Mahjong. Laatat pinotaan pelilaudalle pelin alkaessa. Tavoitteena on poistaa kaikki laatat mahdollisimman nopeasti. Valitse kaksi toisiaan vastaavaa laattaa, jolloin ne katoavat pelilaudalta. Voit valita laatan vain, jos laatan vasemmalla tai oikealla puolella on tilaa samalla tasolla. Ota huomioon, että toisiaan muistuttavat laatat saattavat olla kuitenkin hieman erilaisia.\n Voit valita lukuisista eri aloitusasetteluista, joista osa on helppoja ja toiset haastavia. Jos jäät jumiin, voit pyytää vinkkiä, mutta siitä aiheutuu aikasakko.\n ","name":"Mahjong","summary":"Sovita laatat ja tyhjennä pelialusta"},"he":{"description":"גרסה יחידנית של משחק התאמת אריחים, משחק מזרחי קלסי הידוע בשם מא-ג׳ונג. האריחים מסודרים על הלוח בתחילת המשחק. מטרת המשחק היא להסיר את כל האריחים תוך כמה שפחות צעדים. ניתן לבחור בשני אריחים והם ייעלמו מהלוח, אך ניתן לבחור באריח רק אם יש מקום פנוי מימינו או משמאלו. אזהרה: אריחים דומים עשויים בפועל להיות שונים במקצת.\n ניתן לבחור מבין מגוון של פריסות התחלה, חלקן פשוטות וחלקן מסובכות. אם נתקעת, ניתן לבקש רמז, אך פעולה זו תוסיף לך זמן ענישה.\n ","name":"מא-ג׳ונג","summary":"התאמת אריחים וריקון הלוח"},"hi":{"description":"एकल-खिलाड़ी टाइल-मिलाने का खेल, जिसे आमतौर पर माहजोंग सॉलिटेयर के रूप में जाना जाता है। खेल की शुरुआत में बोर्ड पर टाइलें लगाई जाती हैं। लक्ष्य यथासंभव कम समय में सभी टाइलें हटाना है। दो मिलती-जुलती टाइलें चुनें और वे बोर्ड से गायब हो जाएंगी, लेकिन आप केवल एक टाइल का चयन कर सकते हैं यदि उसके बाईं या दाईं ओर समान स्तर पर खाली जगह हो। सावधान रहें: एक जैसी दिखने वाली टाइलें वास्तव में थोड़ी भिन्न हो सकती हैं।\n महाजोंग में विभिन्न प्रकार के शुरुआती अभिन्यास शामिल हैं, कुछ आसान और कुछ कठिन। यदि आप फंस जाते हैं, तो आप संकेत मांग सकते हैं, लेकिन इससे बड़ा समय जुर्माना जुड़ता है।\n ","name":"माहजोंग","summary":"टाइलें मिलायें और बोर्ड को साफ करें"},"hu":{"description":"Egyjátékos kőpárosító játék, közismert nevén Mahjong pasziánsz. A kövek a táblára vannak helyezve a játék kezdetén. A cél az összes kő eltávolítása a lehető leggyorsabban. Válasszon ki két egyező követ, és azok eltűnnek a tábláról, de egy kő csak akkor választható ki, ha ugyanazon a szinten jobbra vagy balra van mellette egy üres hely. Legyen óvatos: a hasonlóan kinéző kövek valójában kissé eltérőek lehetnek.\n Többféle kezdő elrendezés közül választhat, némelyik könnyű, némelyik nehéz. Ha elakad, kérhet tippet, de ez nagy időbüntetéssel jár.\n ","name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Párosítsa a köveket és tisztítsa meg a táblát"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Uma versão do jogo de paciência do clássico jogo oriental de peças. As peças são empilhadas em um tabuleiro no começo do jogo. O objetivo é remover todas as peças no menor espaço de tempo possível. Selecione duas peças correspondentes e elas vão desaparecer do tabuleiro, mas você pode selecionar apenas uma peça se houver um espaço vazio à sua esquerda ou direita no mesmo nível. Tenha cuidado: peças parecidas podem, na verdade, ser levemente diferentes.\n Você pode escolher de uma variedade de leiautes de início, alguns fáceis e alguns difíceis. Se você ficar sem saída, você pode pedir uma dica, mas isso adiciona uma grande penalidade de tempo.\n ","name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Combine peças e limpe o tabuleiro"},"ru":{"description":"Однопользовательская игра на подбор одинаковых костей, широко известная как пасьянс Маджонг. В начале игры кости расположены поверх друг друга на игровом столе. Цель игры — убрать все кости, затратив на это как можно меньше времени. Чтобы убрать кости, найдите и выделите две одинаковые, и они исчезнут с игрового стола. Можно выбирать только те кости, которые расположены на одном и том же уровне и у которых свободна левая или правая грань. Будьте внимательны: некоторые кости немного похожи друг на друга, но на самом деле являются разными.\n Вы можете выбрать один из множества предустановленных раскладов костей, некоторые расклады проще, некоторые сложнее. Если вы затрудняетесь сделать ход, то можете воспользоваться подсказкой, но в этом случае будет начислено штрафное время.\n ","name":"Маджонг","summary":"Очистите доску от костей, выбирая одинаковые"},"sv":{"description":"Brickmatchningsspel för en spelare, vanligen känt som mahjongpatiens. Brickor är staplade på brädet i början av spelet. Målet är att ta bort alla brickor på så lite tid som möjligt. Välj två matchande brickor så försvinner de från brädet, men du kan endast välja en bricka om det finns ett tomrum till vänster eller höger om brickan på samma nivå. Var uppmärksam: brickor som liknar varandra kan ändå skilja sig åt något.\n Du kan välja från ett antal startlayouter, några enkla och några svåra. Om du fastnar kan du be om ett tips, men detta ger ett stort tidstillägg.\n ","name":"Mahjong","summary":"Matcha brickor och töm brädet"},"tr":{"description":"Mahjong solitaire olarak bilinen tek oyunculu karo eşleştirme oyunu. Oyunun başında karolar tahtaya yığılır. Hedef olabildiğince kısa sürede tüm karoları kaldırmaktır. İki eşleşen karo seçtiğinizde panodan kaldırılacaklardır, ancak yalnızca aynı düzeyde solunda veya sağında boş alan varsa karo seçebilirsiniz. Dikkatli olun: birbirine benzeyen karolar azıcık başka olabilir.\n Bazıları kolay ve bazıları zor çeşitli başlangıç düzenlerinden seçim yapabilirsiniz. Eğer sıkışırsanız ipucu isteyebilirsiniz, ancak bu büyük bir zaman cezası ekler.\n ","name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Karoları eşleştir ve panoyu temizle"},"uk":{"description":"Гра для одного гравця у знаходження однакових плиток, яка відома під назвою маджонг-пасьянс. На початку гри плитки розташовано поверх одна одної на гральному столі. Мета гри — прибрати усі плитки, витративши на це як найменше часу. Щоб прибрати плитки, знайдіть і вберіть дві однакові плитки, й вони зникнуть з ігрового стола. Можна вибирати лише ті плитки, які розташовано на одному й тому ж рівні й у яких вільна ліва або права сторона. Будьте уважні: деякі плитки трохи схожі одна на одну, але насправді є різними.\n Ви можете вибрати різні початкові розташування плиток, деякі розташування простіші, деякі складніші. Якщо ви не можете вирішити який хід зробити, можете скористатися підказкою, але у цьому випадку буде нараховано штрафний час.\n ","name":"Магджонґ","summary":"Знайдіть однакові плитки і очистіть дошку"},"zh-Hans":{"description":"单人分块匹配游戏,通常称为单人麻将牌游戏。游戏开始时麻将牌摞在牌桌上。游戏的目标是以最快的速度移除所有的牌。选择花色相同的两张牌,它们就会从牌桌上消失,但只有在这张牌同层级左侧或右侧是空的才能选中它。请注意:有些牌面花色很像但并不一样。\n 您可以从多种不同的起始布局中选择开局,有些容易,有些困难。如果困住了,您可以寻求提示,但会受到时间上的严重惩罚。\n ","name":"对对碰","summary":"匹配麻将牌清空版面"},"ar":{"name":"مايونغ"},"az":{"name":"Mahjongg"},"bn":{"name":"মাহজং"},"ca":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Emparella les fitxes i neteja el tauler"},"ckb":{"name":"ماهجۆنگ","summary":"کاشیەکان یەکخەو تەختەکە پاکەرەوە"},"da":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Find par af ens brikker og ryd brættet"},"el":{"name":"Ματζόνγκ","summary":"Ταιριάξτε τα πλακίδια και καθαρίστε τον πίνακα"},"en-GB":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Match tiles and clear the board"},"eo":{"name":"Maĝango","summary":"Kongruu kahelojn kaj vakigu la tabulon"},"et":{"name":"Mahjongg"},"fr":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Faites correspondre des tuiles et videz le plateau"},"ga":{"name":"Mahjongg"},"hr":{"name":"Mahjong","summary":"Uparite iste pločice i očistite ploču"},"id":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Mencocokkan kartu dan membersihkan papan"},"it":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Abbina le tessere e ripulisci la tavola"},"ja":{"name":"GNOME 上海"},"ko":{"name":"그놈 마작","summary":"타일을 맞춰서 게임판을 비우십시오"},"lt":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Raskite atitinkančius koklius ir išvalykite lentą"},"nb":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Merk like fliser og tøm brettet"},"nl":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Vind dezelfde stenen en maak het bord leeg"},"oc":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Fasètz correspondre de teules e voidatz lo platèu"},"pa":{"name":"ਮਹਜੌਂਗ"},"pl":{"name":"Madżong","summary":"Wyszukiwanie par kostek"},"pt":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Junte peças iguais e limpe o tabuleiro"},"ro":{"name":"Mahjongg","summary":"Potrivește piese și curăță tabla"},"sq":{"name":"Mahjongg"},"ta":{"name":"மஹ்ஜொங்கு"},"vi":{"name":"Mạt chược"},"zh-Hant":{"name":"上海麻將","summary":"匹配麻將牌並清空牌桌"}},"project_license":"GPL-2.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"org.gnome.Mahjongg","icon":"","main_categories":"game","sub_categories":["BoardGame"],"developer_name":"The Mahjongg Team","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"mat","verification_login_provider":"gnome","verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1713529166","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1739112595,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1560613434,"trending":16.804041656307728,"installs_last_month":3369,"isMobileFriendly":true},{"name":"Share Preview","keywords":["Gnome","GTK","link","url","unfurl"],"summary":"Test social media cards locally","description":"Preview and debug websites metadata tags for social media share.\n ","id":"com_rafaelmardojai_SharePreview","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"cs":{"description":"Zobrazte a laďte tagy metadat webových stránek pro sdílení na sociálních sítích.\n ","name":"Náhled sdílení","summary":"Otestujte karty sociálních sítí lokálně"},"de":{"description":"Vorschau und Fehlersuche für Social-Media-Karten Websitetags.\n ","name":"Sharing-Vorschau","summary":"Teste Social-Media-Karten lokal"},"es":{"description":"Obtenga una vista previa y depure las etiquetas de metadatos de sitios web para compartir en redes sociales.\n ","name":"Share Preview","summary":"Pruebe las tarjetas de redes sociales a nivel local"},"fa":{"description":"پیشنمایش و اشکالزدایی برچسبهای فرادادهٔ وبگاهها برای اشتراکگذاری در شبکههای اجتماعی.\n ","name":"پیشنمایش اشتراکگذاری","summary":"بررسی کارتهای شبکههای مجازی بهصورت محلّی"},"fr":{"description":"Prévisualiser et déboguer les balises de métadonnées des sites web pour le partage sur les réseaux sociaux.\n ","name":"Aperçu du Partage","summary":"Tester les cartes des réseaux sociaux en local"},"hr":{"description":"Pregledaj i otkloni greške oznaka metapodataka web-stranice za dijeljenje na društvenim medijima.\n ","name":"Pregled dijeljenja","summary":"Testiraj kartice za društvene medije lokalno"},"id":{"description":"Pratinjau dan debug tag metadata situs web untuk dibagikan di media sosial.\n ","name":"Bagikan Pratinjau","summary":"Uji kartu media sosial secara lokal"},"it":{"description":"Visualizza in anteprima ed esegui il debug dei tag dei metadati dei siti Web per la condivisione sui social media.\n ","name":"Condividi Anteprima","summary":"Prova le schede dei social media localmente"},"nb-NO":{"description":"Skal du dele en lenke til nettstedet ditt? Share Preview lar deg passe på at det ser presentabelt ut når det deles på plattformer som Twitter, Facebook, Mastodon og LinkedIn.\n ","name":"Share Preview","summary":"Sjekk hvordan nettsteder forhåndsvises"},"nl":{"description":"Maak een voorvertoning van links op sociale media en spoor fouten van metagegevens-tags hiervan op.\n ","name":"Share Preview","summary":"Test voorbeeldkaarten van sociale media lokaal"},"oc":{"description":"Previsualizar e debugar las etiquetas de metadonadas de site web pels partiements de ligam.\n ","name":"Apercebut de partiment","summary":"Provar las cartas de malhums socials en local"},"pl":{"description":"Podejrzyj i debuguj tagi metadanych dla udostępnień w mediach społecznościowych.\n ","name":"Share Preview","summary":"Testuj lokalnie karty z mediów społecznościowych"},"pt":{"description":"Visualizar e depurar etiquetas de metadados de websites para partilha em rede social.\n ","name":"Share Preview","summary":"Testar cartões de redes sociais localmente"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Visualize e depure tags de metadados de sites para compartilhamento em rede social.\n ","name":"Share Preview","summary":"Teste cartões de redes sociais localmente"},"ru":{"description":"Предварительный просмотр и отладка тегов метаданных веб-сайтов для публикации в социальных сетях.\n ","name":"Поделиться превью","summary":"Тестируйте карточки социальных сетей на местах"},"tr":{"description":"Sosyal medya paylaşımı için web sitesi üst veri etiketlerini ön izle ve hatalarını ayıkla.\n ","name":"Paylaşım Ön İzle","summary":"Sosyal medya kartlarını yerel olarak sına"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0+","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"com.rafaelmardojai.SharePreview","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Rafael Mardojai CM","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1675743894","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/46","updated_at":1712203845,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1621889611,"trending":16.67883730994695,"installs_last_month":426,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Trivia Quiz","keywords":["GNOME","GTK","ArcadeGame","Game"],"summary":"Respond to endless questions","description":"This app let's you respond to an endless stream of questions.\nIt uses Open Trivia database.\n\nQuestions are only available in English.\n ","id":"io_github_nokse22_trivia-quiz","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"bg":{"name":"Тривия Тест"},"hi":{"name":"Trivia Quiz"},"it":{"name":"Trivia Quiz"},"nl":{"name":"Variaquiz"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.github.nokse22.trivia-quiz","icon":"","main_categories":"game","sub_categories":["ArcadeGame"],"developer_name":"Nokse","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"nokse22","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1693180619","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1726702042,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1693155547,"trending":16.59580577498116,"installs_last_month":461,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Fruit Credits","keywords":["accounting","hledger"],"summary":"Keep plaintext accounts","description":"Fruit Credits is a double-entry accounting app that provides a quick and friendly way to log transactions and track your finances. Based on the command-line tool hledger, it stores all your transactions in a readable, editable text file.\n \n Enter transactions with the help of autocomplete\n View balances and history of transactions\n Make useful queries, e.g. \u0026lt;code\u0026gt;Food date:2024-09\u0026lt;/code\u0026gt;, \u0026lt;code\u0026gt;Assets not:Loans\u0026lt;/code\u0026gt; \n \n Fruit Credits works perfectly on small screens, so it's perfect for recording purchases when you're out-and-about. (As long as you have a Linux phone).\n ","id":"com_dz4k_FruitCredits","type":"desktop-application","project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"com.dz4k.FruitCredits","icon":"","main_categories":"office","sub_categories":["Finance"],"developer_name":"Deniz Akşimşek","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1729727642","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1730772573,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1729673025,"trending":16.547017657424107,"installs_last_month":105,"isMobileFriendly":true},{"name":"ASCII Draw","keywords":["GNOME","GTK","Graphics","Art"],"summary":"Sketch anything using characters","description":"Draw diagrams, tables, tree view, art and more using only characters.\nThere are many tools and features available such as:\n \n Rectangle using multiple line styles\n Filled Rectangle using border and fill characters\n Cartesian, Freehand and Stepped line, also with arrows\n Freehand Brush\n Text with FIGlet fonts\n Table\n Tree View\n Eraser\n Character Picker\n Move and Rotate selection\n Flood Fill\n \n ","id":"io_github_nokse22_asciidraw","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"bg":{"description":"\n Свободна четка\n Текст с FIGlet шрифтове\n Таблица\n Дървовиден изглед\n Гума\n Избор на знаци\n \n ","name":"Рисуване с ASCII","summary":"Скицирайте каквото искате със знаци"},"hi":{"description":"\n मुक्तहस्त ब्रश\n FIGlet फॉन्ट के साथ पाठ\n तालिका\n वृक्ष दृश्य\n रबड़\n वर्ण चयनकर्ता\n \n ","name":"ASCII Draw","summary":"वर्णों का उपयोग करके रेखाचित्र बनाएं"},"it":{"description":"\n Pennello a mano libera\n Testo con font FIGlet\n Tabella\n Vista ad albero\n Gomma\n Selettore caratteri\n \n ","name":"ASCII Draw","summary":"Disegna qualsiasi cosa utilizzando i caratteri"},"nb":{"description":"\n Pensel\n Bannertekst\n Tabell\n Flytskjema\n Viskelær\n Tegnvelger\n \n ","name":"ASCII Draw","summary":"Lag tegninger med tekst"},"ru":{"description":"\n Кисть для свободного рисования\n Текст с FIGlet шрифтами\n Таблица\n Древовидная структура\n Ластик\n Средство выбора символа\n \n ","name":"Рисование ASCII","summary":"Нарисуйте что-нибудь используя символы"},"tr":{"description":"\n Serbest Fırça\n FIGlet yazı tipli metin\n Tablo\n Ağaç Görünümü\n Silgi\n Karakter Seçici\n \n ","name":"ASCII Çizim"}},"project_license":"GPL-3.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"io.github.nokse22.asciidraw","icon":"","main_categories":"graphics","sub_categories":["Art"],"developer_name":"Nokse","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"nokse22","verification_login_provider":"github","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1692548267","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1727112378,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1692545539,"trending":16.51285745868398,"installs_last_month":1940,"isMobileFriendly":false},{"name":"Key Rack","keywords":["passwords","key"],"summary":"View and edit passwords","description":"\n Key Rack allows you to view, create and edit secrets, such as passwords or tokens, stored by apps. It supports both Flatpak secrets and system-wide keyrings.\n \n ","id":"app_drey_KeyRack","type":"desktop-application","translations":{},"project_license":"GPL-3.0","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"app.drey.KeyRack","icon":"","main_categories":"utility","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"Felix Häcker, Sophie Herold","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"website","verification_login_name":null,"verification_login_provider":null,"verification_login_is_organization":"false","verification_website":"","verification_timestamp":"1675779966","runtime":"org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/47","updated_at":1729338227,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1664267609,"trending":16.395152990443755,"installs_last_month":423,"isMobileFriendly":true},{"name":"Marknote","keywords":["Markdown","Kirigami","Qt"],"summary":"Write down your thoughts","description":"Marknote lets you create rich text notes and easily organise them into notebooks. You can personalise your notebooks by choosing an icon and accent color for each one, making it easy to distinguish between them and keep your notes at your fingertips. Your notes are saved as Markdown files in your Documents folder, making it easy to use your notes outside of Marknote as well as inside the app.\n ","id":"org_kde_marknote","type":"desktop-application","translations":{"ca":{"description":"El Marknote us permet crear notes de text enriquit i organitzar-les fàcilment en quaderns. Podreu personalitzar els quaderns triant una icona i un color d'accent per a cadascun, fent que sigui fàcil distingir-los i mantenir les notes al vostre abast. Les notes es desen com a fitxers Markdown a la carpeta Documents, fent que sigui fàcil utilitzar les notes fora del Marknote, així com dins de l'aplicació.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"Ecriviu les vostres idees"},"en-GB":{"description":"Marknote lets you create rich text notes and easily organise them into notebooks. You can personalise your notebooks by choosing an icon and accent colour for each one, making it easy to distinguish between them and keep your notes at your fingertips. Your notes are saved as Markdown files in your Documents folder, making it easy to use your notes outside of Marknote as well as inside the app.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"Write down your thoughts"},"eo":{"description":"Marknote permesas krei riĉajn tekstajn notojn kaj facile organizi ilin en kajeroj. Vi povas personecigi viajn kajerojn elektante piktogramon kaj akcentkoloron por ĉiu, faciligante distingi inter ili kaj disponigi viajn notojn tuj alireble. Viaj notoj estas konservitaj kiel Markdown-dosieroj en via dosierujo de Dokumentoj, faciligante uzi viajn notojn ekster Marknote same kiel ene de la apo.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"Notu viajn pensojn"},"es":{"description":"Marknote le permite crear notas de texto enriquecido y organizarlas fácilmente en cuadernos. Puede personalizar los cuadernos eligiendo un icono y un color de acento para cada uno, lo que facilita distinguirlos y mantener las notas al alcance de la mano. Las notas se guardan como archivos Markdown en la carpeta Documentos, lo que facilita su uso fuera de Marknote así como dentro de la aplicación.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"Escriba sus pensamientos"},"fr":{"description":"MarkNote vous permet de créer des notes en texte enrichi et de les organiser facilement sous forme de bloc-notes. Vous pouvez personnaliser vos bloc-notes en sélectionnant une icône et une couleur d'accentuation pour chacun d'eux. Cela vous permet ainsi de les distinguer facilement et de conserver vos notes à portée de main. Vos notes sont enregistrées en tant que fichiers « Markdown » dans votre dossier « Documents ». Cela facilite l'utilisation de vos notes en dehors de MarkNote ainsi qu'à l'intérieur de l'application.\n ","name":"MarkNote","summary":"Écrivez vos idées ici."},"he":{"description":"Marknote מאפשר לך ליצור פתקיות עם טקסט עשיר ולסדר אותן בקלות למחברות. אפשר להתאים את המחברות שלך באופן אישי על ידי בחירת סמל וצבע משני לכל פתקית, כך שיהיה קל להבדיל ביניהן ולהשאיר את הפתקיות שלך במקום נגיש. הפתקיות שלך נשמרות כקובצי Markdown בתיקיית המסמכים/Documents שלך כדי להקל על השימוש בפתקיות גם מחוץ ל־Marknote וגם בפנים.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"לכתוב את המחשבות שלך"},"ia":{"description":"Marknote te permitte crear notas de ric texto e facilemente organisar los in quadernos. Tu pote personalisar tu quadernos per seliger un icone e color de accento per cata un, facente facile dinstinguer inter illos e mantener tu notas a tu extremitate de digito. Tu sotas es salveguardate como files de Markdown in tu dossier Documento, facente facile usar tu notas foras de Marknote tanto como intra le app.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"Annota tu pensamentos"},"it":{"description":"Marknote ti consente di creare note con testo formattato e di organizzarle facilmente in taccuini. Puoi personalizzare i tuoi taccuini scegliendo un'icona e un colore principale per ciascuno, rendendo più semplice distinguerli e tenere gli appunti a portata di mano. Le tue note vengono salvate come file Markdown nella cartella Documenti, semplificando l'utilizzo delle tue note all'esterno di Marknote e all'interno dell'applicazione.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"Scrivi i tuoi pensieri"},"nl":{"description":"Marknote laat u opgemaakte tekst notities maken en ze gemakkelijk organiseren in notitieboeken. U kunt uw notitieboeken personaliseren door een pictogram te kiezen en een accentueringskleur voor elkeen, waarmee het gemakkelijk is ze te onderscheiden en uw notities binnen handbereik te houden. Uw notities worden bewaard als Markdown-bestanden in uw map Documenten, waarmee het gemakkelijk is om uw notities buiten Marknote te gebruiken evenals in de toepassing.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"Schrijf uw gedachten op"},"pl":{"description":"Marknote umożliwia tworzenie sformatowanych notatek i łatwe zarządzanie nimi w notatnikach. Możesz dostosować swoje notatniki, wybierając im ikony i barwy akcentujące, co czyni je łatwo rozróżnialnymi, a notatki są wtedy zawsze pod ręką. Twoje notatki są zapisywane jako pliki Markdown w twoim katalogu dokumentów, czyniąc łatwym ich używanie poza Marknote, jak i w nim samym.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"Spisz swoje myśli"},"pt-BR":{"description":"Marknote permite criar notas de rich text e organizá-las facilmente em cadernos. Você pode personalizar seus cadernos escolhendo um ícone e uma cor de destaque para cada um, facilitando a distinção entre eles e mantendo suas anotações ao seu alcance. Suas notas são salvas como arquivos Markdown na pasta documentos, facilitando o uso de suas notas fora do Marknote e dentro do aplicativo.\n ","summary":"Anote o que vier à sua cabeça"},"sv":{"description":"Marknote låter dig skapa anteckningar med Rich text och enkelt organisera dem i anteckningsböcker. Du kan anpassa dina anteckningsböcker genom att välja en ikon och accentfärg för var och en, vilket gör det enkelt att skilja dem åt och ha anteckningarna till hands. Dina anteckningar sparas som Markdown-filer i katalogen Dokument, vilket gör det enkelt att använda anteckningarna utanför Marknote såväl som inuti programmet.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"Skriv ner dina tankar"},"tr":{"description":"Marknot zengin metin notlar oluşturmanıza ve onları defterlerde organize etmenize olanak tanır. Defterleriniz için bir simge ve vurgu rengi seçerek onları kişiselleştirebilir ve her birini kendi içinde öne çıkarabilirsiniz. Notlarınız, Belgeler klasörünüze Markdown dosyalarıı olarak kaydedilir; böylece hem Marknot içinden hem de dosya yöneticinizden onlara kolaylıkla erişebilirsiniz.\n ","name":"Marknot","summary":"Markdown İstamcisi"},"uk":{"description":"Marknote надає змогу створювати форматовані текстові нотатки та без проблем упорядковувати їх за нотатниками. Ви можете персоналізувати ваші нотатники, вибравши піктограму та колір позначення для кожного нотатника, спрощуючи пошук нотатників та роблячи доступ до ваших нотаток якомога простішим. Ваші нотатки буде збережено до файлів Markdown у вашій теці «Документи», щоб спрощує користування нотатками поза Marknote та у самій програмі.\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"Записуйте ваші думки"},"zh-Hans":{"description":"Marknote 让您创建富文本笔记并轻松地将它们组织成笔记本。您可以通过选择一个图标和强调色个性化您的笔记本,让它们更容易区分,您的笔记,就在指尖。 您的笔记将以 Markdown 文件的形式保存在您的文档文件夹中,让您在 Marknote 内外都可以轻松使用您的笔记。\n ","summary":"写下您的想法"},"zh-Hant":{"description":"Marknote 讓您建立豐富格式筆記,並放入筆記本內管理。您可以選擇各個筆記本的圖示與強調色,讓筆記本容易分辨,並幫助您利用您的筆記。您的筆記以 Markdown 格式儲存為文件資料夾內的檔案,讓您在 Marknote 外也能輕易地利用您的筆記。\n ","name":"Marknote","summary":"寫下您所想"},"cs":{"name":"Marknote","summary":"Zapište své myšlenky"}},"project_license":"GPL-2.0-or-later","is_free_license":true,"app_id":"org.kde.marknote","icon":"","main_categories":"office","sub_categories":[],"developer_name":"KDE","verification_verified":true,"verification_method":"login_provider","verification_login_name":"teams/flathub","verification_login_provider":"kde","verification_login_is_organization":"true","verification_website":null,"verification_timestamp":"1711975315","runtime":"org.kde.Platform/x86_64/6.8","updated_at":1738851437,"arches":["aarch64","x86_64"],"added_at":1711950313,"trending":16.30035789833518,"installs_last_month":864,"isMobileFriendly":false}],"query":"","processingTimeMs":9,"hitsPerPage":30,"page":1,"totalPages":34,"totalHits":1000},"locale":"en"},"__N_SSG":true},"page":"/apps/collection/trending/[page]","query":{"page":"1"},"buildId":"22baca41cb420629510dd1999085b7013dc2da28","isFallback":false,"isExperimentalCompile":false,"gsp":true,"locale":"en","locales":["en","en-GB","de","fr","nb-NO","tr","fi","id","it","pl","pt-BR","ru","si","vi","ar","es","ja","cs","zh-Hans","bg","uk","et","ca","el","ta","fa","hi","bn","eo","lt","hr","be","hu","nl","pt","zh-Hant","oc","da","az","he","ro","hy","ko","sv","pa","sq","ia","ckb","ga","kab","fil"],"defaultLocale":"en","scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>