Regional investment standart 2.0
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65.5864 190.224 80.7241 183.389 92.563L168.521 118.315C168.409 118.538 168.284 118.754 168.147 118.962L141.104 165.802C134.269 177.64 119.131 181.696 107.293 174.861L102.433 172.055C102.34 172.005 102.248 171.952 102.157 171.896ZM150.141 125.398L130.386 159.614C126.969 165.533 119.4 167.561 113.481 164.143L110.701 162.539L104.058 137.746L150.141 125.398ZM158.892 110.24L100.855 125.792L84.6725 65.399C84.6618 65.3556 84.6507 65.3122 84.6391 65.2688C84.6275 65.2254 84.6154 65.1823 84.6029 65.1394L70.8402 13.7761C71.8616 14.0505 72.8644 14.4614 73.8239 15.0154L116.009 39.3712C111.533 50.3373 111.099 62.7161 111.72 72.3548C112.093 78.1337 112.865 83.2021 113.544 86.8294C113.885 88.6473 114.203 90.1142 114.441 91.1402C114.56 91.6535 114.658 92.0572 114.729 92.3402C114.764 92.4817 114.793 92.5932 114.814 92.6731L114.839 92.7691L114.847 92.7991L114.851 92.8136C114.851 92.8154 114.851 92.8169 120.829 91.2154C122.43 97.1925 122.432 97.192 122.433 97.1916L122.448 97.1877L122.478 97.1796L122.574 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67.7086 77.9134C67.657 77.698 67.5947 77.5114 67.5325 77.3248L67.5324 77.3245C67.518 77.2812 67.5041 77.2363 67.49 77.1908C67.4435 77.0403 67.3949 76.8832 67.3168 76.7539C67.266 76.6697 67.2177 76.5782 67.1695 76.4868C67.1213 76.3953 67.0731 76.3039 67.0223 76.2197C66.9206 76.0512 66.8188 75.8828 66.6883 75.7037C66.5577 75.5246 66.4454 75.385 66.3042 75.2347C66.2336 75.1596 66.1604 75.0917 66.0871 75.0238C66.0139 74.9559 65.9406 74.888 65.87 74.8129C65.7289 74.6627 65.5771 74.5413 65.4254 74.4199L65.4252 74.4198C65.2734 74.2984 65.0928 74.1664 64.9304 74.0739C64.8492 74.0276 64.7607 73.9786 64.6723 73.9297C64.6129 73.8968 64.5535 73.864 64.4963 73.8319C64.4684 73.8162 64.4409 73.8007 64.4143 73.7856C64.05 73.6187 63.6751 73.4806 63.2895 73.3714C63.1977 73.3539 63.0986 73.3338 62.9996 73.3137C62.9006 73.2937 62.8015 73.2736 62.7097 73.2561C62.526 73.2212 62.3029 73.2046 62.1086 73.1985C62.0116 73.1955 61.9119 73.1997 61.8122 73.2039L61.8119 73.2039C61.7121 73.2081 61.6123 73.2123 61.5152 73.2093C61.3209 73.2032 61.1161 73.226 60.9113 73.2488L60.9111 73.2488C60.7062 73.2716 60.5013 73.2944 60.3146 73.3567C60.0991 73.4083 59.9125 73.4706 59.7258 73.5328L59.7257 73.5329C59.7018 73.5408 59.6774 73.5486 59.6527 73.5564C59.6328 73.5626 59.6127 73.5689 59.5925 73.5751L59.592 73.5753C59.4415 73.6218 59.2844 73.6704 59.1551 73.7485C59.0709 73.7993 58.9795 73.8475 58.8881 73.8957L58.8879 73.8958L58.8877 73.8959C58.7963 73.9441 58.705 73.9922 58.6209 74.043C58.5367 74.0938 58.4499 74.1519 58.3631 74.2099L58.3629 74.21L58.3627 74.2102C58.2759 74.2682 58.189 74.3262 58.1049 74.377C57.9258 74.5076 57.7862 74.6199 57.6359 74.7611C57.5609 74.8317 57.493 74.9048 57.4252 74.978L57.425 74.9782L57.4249 74.9783C57.357 75.0515 57.2891 75.1247 57.214 75.1953C57.0638 75.3365 56.9424 75.4883 56.821 75.6401C56.6996 75.7919 56.5676 75.9725 56.475 76.1349C56.4288 76.2161 56.3799 76.3044 56.331 76.3927L56.3309 76.393L56.3307 76.3932C56.2819 76.4816 56.233 76.5699 56.1867 76.651C56.0836 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11.2741 1.38737 10.4217 2.23987C10.2689 2.39262 10.1282 2.55513 10 2.72592C9.87184 2.55513 9.73108 2.39262 9.57832 2.23987C8.7259 1.38737 7.56963 0.908447 6.36403 0.908447H0.909147ZM10.9098 15.0322V5.45418C10.9098 5.43253 10.9096 5.41088 10.9093 5.38926C10.9259 4.68942 11.2112 4.02176 11.7074 3.52559C12.2189 3.0141 12.9127 2.72674 13.636 2.72674H18.1817V14.5457H12.7268C12.0834 14.5457 11.4576 14.7161 10.9098 15.0322ZM9.0907 5.38926C9.07405 4.68942 8.78877 4.02176 8.2926 3.52559C7.78113 3.0141 7.08739 2.72674 6.36403 2.72674H1.81829V14.5457H7.27318C7.91658 14.5457 8.54241 14.7161 9.09024 15.0322V5.45418C9.09024 5.43253 9.09039 5.41088 9.0907 5.38926Z" fill="#CBD1D8"></path> </svg></i> <span> Open </span> </a> <a href="/upload/iblock/c0c/r0fl2gaw7p1ub45d1u40ljhwiy164d06/9.Постановление_Правительства_РФ_от_11.07.2015__697_52bMlDI.doc" download="" class="presentation__controls-btn"> <i> <svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" 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18.1152V18.1822C9.09024 18.6844 9.49726 19.0914 9.99938 19.0914C9.99959 19.0914 9.99979 19.0914 10 19.0914C10.0002 19.0914 10.0004 19.0914 10.0006 19.0914C10.5027 19.0914 10.9098 18.6844 10.9098 18.1822V18.1152C10.9266 17.6573 11.1159 17.2217 11.4411 16.8965C11.7821 16.5555 12.2446 16.3639 12.7268 16.3639H19.0909C19.593 16.3639 20 15.9569 20 15.4548V1.81759C20 1.31549 19.593 0.908447 19.0909 0.908447H13.636C12.4304 0.908447 11.2741 1.38737 10.4217 2.23987C10.2689 2.39262 10.1282 2.55513 10 2.72592C9.87184 2.55513 9.73108 2.39262 9.57832 2.23987C8.7259 1.38737 7.56963 0.908447 6.36403 0.908447H0.909147ZM10.9098 15.0322V5.45418C10.9098 5.43253 10.9096 5.41088 10.9093 5.38926C10.9259 4.68942 11.2112 4.02176 11.7074 3.52559C12.2189 3.0141 12.9127 2.72674 13.636 2.72674H18.1817V14.5457H12.7268C12.0834 14.5457 11.4576 14.7161 10.9098 15.0322ZM9.0907 5.38926C9.07405 4.68942 8.78877 4.02176 8.2926 3.52559C7.78113 3.0141 7.08739 2.72674 6.36403 2.72674H1.81829V14.5457H7.27318C7.91658 14.5457 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id="bx_651765591_8034"> <div href="#" class="news-card d-block"> <span class="content d-flex flex-column"> <h3>Постановление Правительства РФ от 27.12.2004 № 861 «Об утверждении Правил недискриминационного доступа к услугам по передаче электрической энергии и оказания этих услуг, Правил недискриминационного доступа к услугам по оперативно-диспетчерскому управлению</h3> <div class="presentation__controls mt-auto"> <a href="/upload/iblock/df4/nj8c4yvqfdfmi749chtelvabltz88b1n/27_12_2004-n-861-_.rtf" target="_blank" class="presentation__controls-btn"> <i><svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0.909147 0.908447C0.407043 0.908447 0 1.31549 0 1.81759V15.4548C0 15.9569 0.407043 16.3639 0.909147 16.3639H7.27318C7.75541 16.3639 8.21787 16.5555 8.55889 16.8965C8.88408 17.2217 9.07336 17.6573 9.09024 18.1152V18.1822C9.09024 18.6844 9.49726 19.0914 9.99938 19.0914C9.99959 19.0914 9.99979 19.0914 10 19.0914C10.0002 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12.4475 18.4477 11.9998 19 11.9998C19.5523 11.9998 20 12.4475 20 12.9998V16.9998C20 17.7955 19.6839 18.5585 19.1213 19.1211C18.5587 19.6837 17.7957 19.9998 17 19.9998H3C2.20435 19.9998 1.44129 19.6837 0.87868 19.1211C0.31607 18.5585 0 17.7954 0 16.9998V12.9998C0 12.4475 0.44772 11.9998 1 11.9998Z" fill="#CBD1D8"></path> </svg> </i> <span> Download </span> </a> </div> </span> </div> </li> <li class="news-item" id="bx_651765591_8033"> <div href="#" class="news-card d-block"> <span class="content d-flex flex-column"> <h3>Постановление Правительства РФ от 30_11_2021 N 2115</h3> <div class="presentation__controls mt-auto"> <a href="/upload/iblock/036/pk8os2txrhzckn8f8fnf1f56aynlicis/30_11_2021-n-2115.rtf" target="_blank" class="presentation__controls-btn"> <i><svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M0.909147 0.908447C0.407043 0.908447 0 1.31549 0 1.81759V15.4548C0 15.9569 0.407043 16.3639 0.909147 16.3639H7.27318C7.75541 16.3639 8.21787 16.5555 8.55889 16.8965C8.88408 17.2217 9.07336 17.6573 9.09024 18.1152V18.1822C9.09024 18.6844 9.49726 19.0914 9.99938 19.0914C9.99959 19.0914 9.99979 19.0914 10 19.0914C10.0002 19.0914 10.0004 19.0914 10.0006 19.0914C10.5027 19.0914 10.9098 18.6844 10.9098 18.1822V18.1152C10.9266 17.6573 11.1159 17.2217 11.4411 16.8965C11.7821 16.5555 12.2446 16.3639 12.7268 16.3639H19.0909C19.593 16.3639 20 15.9569 20 15.4548V1.81759C20 1.31549 19.593 0.908447 19.0909 0.908447H13.636C12.4304 0.908447 11.2741 1.38737 10.4217 2.23987C10.2689 2.39262 10.1282 2.55513 10 2.72592C9.87184 2.55513 9.73108 2.39262 9.57832 2.23987C8.7259 1.38737 7.56963 0.908447 6.36403 0.908447H0.909147ZM10.9098 15.0322V5.45418C10.9098 5.43253 10.9096 5.41088 10.9093 5.38926C10.9259 4.68942 11.2112 4.02176 11.7074 3.52559C12.2189 3.0141 12.9127 2.72674 13.636 2.72674H18.1817V14.5457H12.7268C12.0834 14.5457 11.4576 14.7161 10.9098 15.0322ZM9.0907 5.38926C9.07405 4.68942 8.78877 4.02176 8.2926 3.52559C7.78113 3.0141 7.08739 2.72674 6.36403 2.72674H1.81829V14.5457H7.27318C7.91658 14.5457 8.54241 14.7161 9.09024 15.0322V5.45418C9.09024 5.43253 9.09039 5.41088 9.0907 5.38926Z" fill="#CBD1D8"></path> </svg></i> <span> Open </span> </a> <a href="/upload/iblock/036/pk8os2txrhzckn8f8fnf1f56aynlicis/30_11_2021-n-2115.rtf" download="" class="presentation__controls-btn"> <i> <svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.0014 1C11.0014 0.44772 10.5537 0 10.0014 0C9.44906 0 9.00136 0.44772 9.00136 1V10.589L5.70507 7.29272C5.31454 6.9022 4.68138 6.9022 4.29085 7.29272C3.90033 7.68325 3.90033 8.31643 4.29085 8.70693L9.29086 13.7069C9.4701 13.8862 9.70048 13.9831 9.93504 13.9978C9.95696 13.9993 9.97908 14 10.0014 14C10.3032 14 10.5738 13.8663 10.7572 13.6548L15.7051 8.70693C16.0956 8.31643 16.0956 7.68325 15.7051 7.29272C15.3146 6.9022 14.6814 6.9022 14.2909 7.29272L11.0014 10.5822V1ZM1 11.9998C1.55228 11.9998 2 12.4475 2 12.9998V16.9998C2 17.265 2.10536 17.5194 2.29289 17.7069C2.48043 17.8944 2.73478 17.9998 3 17.9998H17C17.2652 17.9998 17.5196 17.8944 17.7071 17.7069C17.8946 17.5194 18 17.265 18 16.9998V12.9998C18 12.4475 18.4477 11.9998 19 11.9998C19.5523 11.9998 20 12.4475 20 12.9998V16.9998C20 17.7955 19.6839 18.5585 19.1213 19.1211C18.5587 19.6837 17.7957 19.9998 17 19.9998H3C2.20435 19.9998 1.44129 19.6837 0.87868 19.1211C0.31607 18.5585 0 17.7954 0 16.9998V12.9998C0 12.4475 0.44772 11.9998 1 11.9998Z" fill="#CBD1D8"></path> </svg> </i> <span> Download </span> </a> </div> </span> </div> </li> <li class="news-item" id="bx_651765591_8032"> <div href="#" class="news-card d-block"> <span class="content d-flex flex-column"> <h3>Постановление Правительства РФ от 13.09.2021 № 1547 «Об утверждении Правил подключения (технологического присоединения) газоиспользующего оборудования и объектов капитального строительства к сетям газораспределения</h3> <div class="presentation__controls 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2.39262 9.57832 2.23987C8.7259 1.38737 7.56963 0.908447 6.36403 0.908447H0.909147ZM10.9098 15.0322V5.45418C10.9098 5.43253 10.9096 5.41088 10.9093 5.38926C10.9259 4.68942 11.2112 4.02176 11.7074 3.52559C12.2189 3.0141 12.9127 2.72674 13.636 2.72674H18.1817V14.5457H12.7268C12.0834 14.5457 11.4576 14.7161 10.9098 15.0322ZM9.0907 5.38926C9.07405 4.68942 8.78877 4.02176 8.2926 3.52559C7.78113 3.0141 7.08739 2.72674 6.36403 2.72674H1.81829V14.5457H7.27318C7.91658 14.5457 8.54241 14.7161 9.09024 15.0322V5.45418C9.09024 5.43253 9.09039 5.41088 9.0907 5.38926Z" fill="#CBD1D8"></path> </svg></i> <span> Open </span> </a> <a href="/upload/iblock/ec1/jamjbbk9bzc3heh4pofnni8pmffq3x4j/13_09_2021-n-1547.rtf" download="" class="presentation__controls-btn"> <i> <svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.0014 1C11.0014 0.44772 10.5537 0 10.0014 0C9.44906 0 9.00136 0.44772 9.00136 1V10.589L5.70507 7.29272C5.31454 6.9022 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